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Aromatherapy Theory Examination Paper 1 本中心不提供参考答案, 请学员自行设法解答 IFA, Tammy Liu Institute 金老师研究中心 1

1. 在下列各精油中选出十种, 并完成下表 (10 分 ) Select ten of the essential oils from the list below and complete the chart (10 marks) Basil 罗勒 Black Pepper 黑胡椒 Chamomile (German) 甘菊 ( 德国 ) Clary Sage 鼠尾草 Fennel (Sweet) 茴香 Frankincense 乳香 Geranium 天竺葵 Grapefruit 葡萄柚 Hyssop 牛膝草 Jasmine 茉莉 Juniper Berry 杜松 Lavender 薰衣草 Mandarin 橘 Niaouli 耐奥利 Peppermint 欧薄荷 Pine 松木 Rosemary 迷迭香 Tea Tree 茶树 俗名 拉丁学名 植物科属 Botanical 萃取部位 萃取方法 Common Name Latin Name Family Part of Plant Used Method of Extraction a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) IFA, Tammy Liu Institute 金老师研究中心 2

2. 列出下列精油的俗名及其用途两种 (10 分 ) Give the common name for each of the following essential oils and give two conditions for each oil that it may usefully treat (10 marks) 拉丁学名 俗名 用途 1 用途 2 Latin Name Common Name Condition 1 Condition 2 a) Cupressus sempervirens b) Rosa damascene c) Santalum album d) Eucalyptus globulus e) Styrax benzion f) Citrus bergamia g) Origanum marjorana h) Zingiber officinale i) Anthemis nobile j) Cymbopogon citratus 3. 试解释下列各词的意思, 并举出两种具此特性的精油 表内所列之精油不得重复 (10 分 ) Describe what is meant by the following terms and give two essential oils that demonstrate these qualities/characteristics. Please ensure that you give different oils each time. (10 marks) IFA, Tammy Liu Institute 金老师研究中心 3

词 Term 意义 Meaning 精油 1 Oil 1 Common Name 精油 2 Oil 2 Common Name 01 袪痰剂 Expectorant 02 降血压药 Hypotensive 03 利尿剂 Diuretic 04 利肝剂 Hepatic 05 发红药 Rubefacient 06 止痛剂 Analgesic 07 结瘢药 Cicatrisant 08 发汗剂 Sudorific 09 驱风药 Carminative 10 通经药 Emmenagogue 4. a) 什么是 有机化学? (1 分 ) What is meant by the term Organic Chemistry? (1 mark) b) 试举一例并解释何谓 化学形态 (2 分 ) What is meant by a chemotype? Give an example of a chemotype (2 marks) c) 列举两种醛类的特性 (2 分 ) Give two characteristics of an Aldehyde (2 marks) d) 列出两种含有大量奥菊环烃的精油 (2 分 ) Give the names of two essential oils that have a high content of azulene (2 marks) e) 列出四种影响精油的化学结构之环境条件 (4 分 ) Name four environmental conditions that can affect the chemical composition of an essential oil IFA, Tammy Liu Institute 金老师研究中心 4

f) 举出两种精油, 其化学成分会增加感光过敏反应 (2 分 ) Give two essential oils whose constituents increase photosensitivity (2 marks) g) 列出 4 种不应该用于芳香疗法的精油并解释其理由 (4 分 ) Give four essential oils that should never be used in Aromatherapy, and explain why. h) 那一类的精油是以挤压法萃取? Which group of essential oils is obtained by expression? (1 mark) i) 描述 蒸气蒸溜法 的过程怎样萃取精油 注 : 你可以用图解辅助你解释 (2 分 ) Describe briefly the process of steam distillation as a method of extracting essential oils (2 marks) Note: You may include drawings to help illustrate your answer. 5. 你怎样治疗下列状况? 列出你选用的精油配方及应用方法, 你可以假设没有任何使用禁忌 (15 分 ) How would you treat the following conditions? State the essential oils and the methods of usage. You may assume there are no contraindications to the use of any of these oils. (15 marks) i A chest infection 胸部感染 ii Eczema 湿疹 iii Constipation 便袐 iv Insomnia 失眠 v. Neck and shoulder stiffness 肩颈僵硬 6. 列出在下列状况时, 精油溶解于媒介油中的正确稀释百分比 (5 分 ) Give the percentage of essential oils to carrier oil that would be appropriate in the following cases (5 marks) i A baby of two years 一两岁大的婴儿用 ii An athlete before a marathon 一运动员在马拉松比赛前用 iii A woman in the seventh month of pregnancy with backache 一怀胎七个月的孕妇背痛时用 iv An older person requiring a face massage 一位长者进行面部按摩用 v An adult suffering from depression 一位成年人受着抑郁之苦时用 IFA, Tammy Liu Institute 金老师研究中心 5

7. 描述五种媒介油的质地和特性, 并说明何时适合选用 (10 分 ) Describe briefly the qualities of five carrier oils and when it might be appropriate to choose to use them (10 marks) 8. 阿雁是六十八岁的妇人 她的丈夫两年前去世 他们以前是一对恩爱夫妻 现时阿雁发觉很难去适应孤独的生活 她有一个女儿和两个孙女儿, 她们都很支持她, 但都住得远 阿雁来见你时, 有以下状况 : 腹痛 失眠和整体上觉得不舒服 她曾经见过医生, 对腹痛已作出了全面彻底的检查, 但没有甚么不良的问题 你认为你可以怎样帮她?( 请留意你要以一位专业芳香疗法治疗师的身份去回答这条问题 ; 你应考虑到你如何进行咨询 护理计划 列出身体用和面部用的精油配方 并解释选取这些精油的原因 对当事人做出生活上 营养和家居护理的建议 请以拉丁植物学名表示精油 ) (20 分 ) Ann is sixty-eight. Her husband died two years ago. They were a devoted couple. Ann is finding it very difficult to cope alone. She has a daughter and two grand daughters who are very supportive but live some distance away from her. She comes to see you presenting the following conditions; abdominal pain, insomnia and a general feeling of being unwell. She has visited her doctor and has had extensive investigations for her abdominal pain but the results were all negative. How do you think you might be able to help Ann? Please note that you are answering this question as a professional Aromatherapist and you should take into consideration how you conduct the consultation, treatment plan, blend for body and face giving the reasons for selecting the essential oils, advice on lifestyle, nutrition, and homecare. Please indicate the Latin name of the essential oils you select. (20 marks) IFA, Tammy Liu Institute 金老师研究中心 6