カテゴリー Ⅱ 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 80 巻第 714 号, ,2015 年 8 月 J. Archit. Plann., AIJ, Vol. 80 No. 714, , Aug., 2015 回復期リハビリテーション病棟の空間構成と患者の生活行動に関する研

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カテゴリー Ⅱ 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 80 巻第 714 号,1745-1751,2015 年 8 月 J. Archit. Plann., AIJ, Vol. 80 No. 714, 1745-1751, Aug., 2015 回復期リハビリテーション病棟の空間構成と患者の生活行動に関する研究 長野県内の 2 病院を対象として A STUDY ON BEHAVIOR OF INPATIENTS AND SPATIAL CHARACTERISTIC IN CONVALESCENCE REHABILITATION WARDS A case study of two hospitals in Nagano Prefecture 山本朋子 * **, 柳瀬亮太 Tomoko YAMAMOTO and Ryota YANASE The purpose of this study is to investigate about effect of space composition on convalescence rehabilitation patients in wards. In particular, this study focuses on the difference in positional relationship between two wards in Nagano Prefecture. First, we observe the line (2 days) of convalescence rehabilitation patients at each ward in 7am to 7pm. And then, we interview them with a questionnaire. The results of the analysis are as follows; 1. In case, a sickroom is near the room for rehabilitation training, the inpatients work on rehabilitation. On the other hand, they spend a long time in the cafeteria and do not work on rehabilitation in the opposite circumstances. They adjust the amount of exercise. 2. The inpatients outofbed behavior is classied by a oor plan of ward. Therefore, a designer should be conscious of positional relationship between sickroom and the room for rehabilitation training. Keywords : onan ataton tayn a a onaton momnt aoa oaton * ゆう建築設計事務所修士 ( 工学 ) 信州大学工学部建築学科准教授 博士 ( 人間科学 ) ** Eu Sekkei Architects Co., Ltd., M. Eng. Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University, Ph. D. 1745

EV EV 1746

8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 1747

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A STUDY ON BEHAVIOR OF INPATIENTS AND SPATIAL CHARACTERISTIC IN CONVALESCENCE REHABILITATION WARDS A case study of two hospitals in Nagano Prefecture Tomoko YAMAMOTO * and Ryota YANASE ** * Eu Sekkei Architects Co., Ltd., M. Eng. ** Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University, Ph. D. The completion of rehabilitation is major issue for the elderly people in Japan, especially in a health-care setting. The wards for convalescence rehabilitation are organized and existing from 2000. The aim of convalescence rehabilitation is supportive push of returning to the working world and home, and that is very important for increasing the certainty of medical care. Needless to say, the public administration should promotes not only setting up the room for rehabilitation training in the area of health-care, but also afterthoughts of adequate rehabilitation training. In particular, the reinforcement of self-motivation is critical to succeeding in general rehabilitation for the elderly people. The purpose of this study is to investigate about effect of space composition on convalescence rehabilitation patients in wards. First, we focused attention on the patient s behavior, the preference of place for a break, and the amount of traffic line. Second, we captured the feature of positional relationship between the sickroom and the room for rehabilitation training, then analyzed about the changing patient s behavior. The characteristics of hospitals are as follows; 1) Hospital N has the sickroom, the room for rehabilitation training, the cafeteria, two shared bathrooms, and 3 toilets on the same floor, the 5th floor. The storage spaces for the several types of equipment and fixtures were distinguished clearly from walk space with line on the corridor. 2) Hospital S has the room for rehabilitation training at another building, ground floor. The each inpatient move from the sickroom (3rd floor) with staff each and every time. The storage spaces for the several types of equipment and fixtures were left vague. The methods for investigation are 1) behavior observation and 2) interview at the 2 hospitals. In the former case, we observe the traffic line (2 days) of convalescence rehabilitation patients at each ward from 7am to 7pm. And in the latter case, we interviewed them with a questionnaire, elicited cooperation from 17 patients. In this study, the 2 hospitals in Nagano Prefecture we selected were different conformation, positional relationship between the sickroom and the room for rehabilitation training. The results of the analysis are as follows; 1) In case, a sickroom is near the room for rehabilitation training, the inpatients work on rehabilitation for a longer period by themselves. On the other hand, they spend a long time in the cafeteria and do not work on rehabilitation in the opposite circumstances. They may adjust the amount of exercise. 2) The inpatient s out-of-bed behavior is classified by a floor plan of ward. At Hospital N, daily life had codependent relationships with training in general. At Hospital S, the almost inpatient s out-of-bed behavior was centered at the cafeteria. Therefore, a designer should be conscious of positional relationship between sickroom and the room for rehabilitation training. In conclusion, the space composition of hospital, especially the positional relationship between sickroom and the room for rehabilitation training, effects on inpatient s rehabilitation training. Furthermore, that effects on inpatient s out-of-bed behavior. This study contributes an important perspective on the inpatient s out-of-bed behavior. In the future, we will steadily carry out analysis to understand the cues of changing patient s behavior at the wards for convalescence rehabilitation. We keep on considering about the architectural environment that prefer for the convalescence rehabilitation patients in wards. (2014 年 6 月 10 日原稿受理,2015 年 5 月 8 日採用決定 ) 1751