弘光人文社會學報第 16 期 論未來世代的權利 : 原初位置的啟示 楊士奇 弘光科技大學文化創意產業系 摘 要 original position the Non-Identity Problem 關鍵詞 : 未來世代, 人格不同一問題, 權利, 原初位置 105

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Rights of Future Generations: An Extension of Original Position Abstract This article aims to explore those rights of future generations from the original position - John Rawls s theoretical setting of the theory of justice. Although future people have the Non-Identity Problem, they still have the morally relevant interests and moral rights no matter who they are. In thinking of original position, future generations and contemporary people have the same morally relevant interests and moral rights, no matter if they exist currently or not. Key words: Future Generations, the Non-Identity Problem, Rights, Original Position 127