(1) (2) (IVI) (2001) (IVI) 50% ~8% 1~30cm (IVI) Study on the Plant Succession of Slopeland Landslide Areas Following H

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(1) (2) 921 7-200120022006 2008 (IVI)(2001) (IVI) 50% 2008 7~8% 1~30cm (IVI) Study on the Plant Succession of Slopeland Landslide Areas Following Hydroseeding Process Chiao-Shu Feng Graduate Student, Department of Soil and Water conservation National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan, R.O.C. Yu-Chen Chien Lecturer, Department of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C. 1

ABSTRACT 921 Earthquake caused serious debris flow in Taiwan, where a lot of vegetation on slopeland disappeared in this disaster. Through 7 years management, man-made planting has covered bare areas by vegetation engineering. In the paper, study samples are selected from two local areas Xia-Xin-Li and Yue-Tao-Xiang in 2001, 2002, 2006, and 2008. The result shows, the Importance Value Index (IVI) of herbaceous plants is over 50% in 2001,but arborous plants have been reached to 7~8% until 2008. During a disturbing period, herbaceous plants could change the soil structure to adapt the needs of arborous plants through a nature evolutionary. The investigation in two sample areas tells that Trema orientalis is has occupied the most quantity and the Distribution of Diameter Class is 1 to 3 centimeter. The IVI of Trema orientalis is on top 10 of arborous plants. The study proves that Trema orientalis is a dominant and initial specious in the early stage of landslides. Herbaceous plants are the advantageous specious in all directions of slopeland. Arborous plants will appear in the top of the slope priority. (Keywords: Hydroseeding, plant succession, IVI, structures of diameter classes) ( 2001) ph (Normaniza OsmanS.S.Barakbah 2006) 2

(2008) 100% 2006 IVI (2008) 1. 40 1 (1) TWD67 E2322902685140N 90 20 25~30 50 0.5 (2006) (DBH) (2) TWD67 E227799 2649308N 89 2. 2001200220062008 1~7 5~6 1. Figure 1. Location of study areas. 25m 1m 2. Figure 2. The schematic diagram of line intercept method 3. Wisconsin 3

(Importance value index, IVI) - (1983) 3~10 =(%)+(%) IVI = R.F.+ R.C.( 200) = = IVI IVI IVI IVI 4. 100% 100% ( 1992 J - L - J 50% S - - J - 7 5. 20062008 () 1. (IVI) (1) (2001 2002 2008 IVI (2006 ) IVI (2002 ) 2008 1 4

(2) 2006 IVI 2002 2008 2 - (IVI) (2006) (IVI) 34 (IVI) ( 2008) 2. (DBH) 20062008 (1) 2006 J 20 DBH 11~30 2008 DBH 21~35 2008 DBH 2008 J 5 (2) J 2008 J 2008 J 6 3. (1) DBH DBH 2008 (2) 2006 DBH 2008 DBH 2008 7 5

5~6 30~50 4. (1) 2006 2008 8 (2) 2008 9 1. Table 6. Plant species grow type and IVI accumulated values in Yue-Tao-Xiang area(four times average). 6

2. Table 6. Plant species grow type and IVI accumulated values in Xia-Xin-Li area (four times average). 3. Table 3. IVI values top 10 of plants in Yue-Tao-Xiang area by four times. 2001 2002 2006 2008 7

4. Table 4. IVI values top 10 of plants in Xia-Xin-Li area by four times. 2001 2002 2006 2008 23.04 37.87 32.26 46.72 19.07 35.81 19.61 30.58 17.64 13.03 14.23 24.40 17.22 10.52 13.39 23.34 14.30 10.02 13.04 17.53 11.48 8.32 11.79 11.62 11.00 7.74 10.62 7.31 10.31 7.34 7.26 4.14 10.11 6.42 6.55 4.03 7.63 6.16 5.96 3.08 5. Table 5. The structures of diameter classes on top 3 dominant plants in Yue-Tao-Xiang 2006 2008 X DBH(cm) Y X DBH(cm) Y 8

6. Table 6. The structures of diameter classes on top 3 dominant plants in Xia-Xin-Li 2006 2008 X DBH(cm) X DBH(cm) Y Y 7. Table 7. Extreme value of DBH in all study areas by two times. (cm) 2006 2008 2006 2008 30 0.8 34 1 10 0.5 30 1 9

8. Table 8. Population location of hillside in Yue-Tao-Xiang by two times. 9. Table 9. Population location of hillside in Xia-Xin-Li by two times. 1. (1) 2001~2008 IVI (2001 ) 10

(2006 ) (Catherine Keever1950) (2) DBH J (3) 2006 2008 2. (1) (1) (2) (3) 1. (2000) 2. (2006 ) 3. (2002) 4. (2004) 36(1)35-56 5. (2001) 6. (1992 28(1):2-10 7. (2001 8. (2008) 9. (1983) 10. Manuel C.Molles,Jr (1948) Ecology : oncepts & applications. 11. Normaniza Osman S.S.Barakbah (2006) Parameters to predict slope stabilitysoilwater and root profiles. Ecologica Engineering 28:90-95. 11