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Love Actually 真 的 戀 愛 了!? 焦 點 主 題 2035 年 一 個 寒 冷 卻 又 放 晴 的 下 午, 爸 媽 一 大 清 早 已 上 班, 只 得 小 奈 獨 個 兒 待 在 家 中, 奢 侈 地 享 受 著 她 的 春 節 假 期 剛 度 過 了 期 考 的 艱 苦 歲



GMAT 单词独孤求败之旅 Day 1 1. 简单词 husband 词根 - band- ( 变形 : bound, bund, bon), 意味 联合 同词根则有以下 : 1 abandon, 放弃 ( 不在开始 ); 放纵记忆 :a( 不再 )+band( 联合 )+on( 动作持续发生 ) 不再继续联合因此放弃近义词 : Abort( 终止, 可能重新开始 ), give up, pause, abeyance( 暂时终止, see hard to memorize list), abandon 表示放弃不再开始因为 -on 表示放弃动作持续, indulgent ( 放纵的 ) 实例 : abandon oneself to despair ( 自暴自弃 ),abandon oneself to pleasure ( 花天酒地 ) 2bandage, 绷带记忆 :band( 连接 )+age( 名词后缀 ) 绷带实例 :We put some ointment and a bandage on his knee. 3boundary, 边界记忆 :bound( 连接处 边界 )+ary( 名词后缀 ) 边界实例 :Drug traffickers operate across national boundaries. 4abundant, 富裕的记忆 :a( 无 )+bund( 连接处 边界 )+ant( 形容词后缀 ) 多得无边无界 富裕的, 充足的近义词 : ample, plentiful, fruitful 实例 :There is an abundant supply of cheap labor. 5abound,v. 富于记忆 :a( 无 )+bound( 边界 ) 无边界 富于实例 :This book abounds with revealing stories. 6bountiful, 充足的记忆 :bount( 边界 )+ful(full 满 ) 装满直到边界 丰富的衍生 : bounty 慷慨, 赏金 ( 悬赏金 ) 实例 :They paid bounties for people to give up their weapons. 7 husbandry, 畜牧业记忆 :( 男主外 畜牧业 ) 实例 :The basin favors the development of farming and animal husbandry. 8 ribbon,n. 带 ; ( 打印机的 ) 色带记忆 :ri(=ring 环绕 )+bbon(=band 带 ) 可以环绕 扎起来的带子实例 :I covered the scroll in sealing wax, and affixed a red ribbon. 1

2. 简单词 abandon 词根 - on- 动作 状态的持续同词根则有以下 : 1 wanton, 肆无忌惮的, 放荡的记忆 :want( 欲望 )+on( 状态的持续 ) 无尽的欲望 肆无忌惮的, 放荡的实例 :Wanton violence is now becoming a common feature in urban life. 2don, 穿上记忆 :d(=dress)+ on( 状态的持续 ) 穿上是一种持续的状态近义词 : wear, put on 实例 :The women of Zurich donned armour, marched to the Lindenhof and manned the battlements. 3. 简单词 hamburger 词根 - burg- (ball, bow, bud,bub, bulb,bulg), 球状物 ; 城堡同词根则有以下 : 1bud, 芽, 花蕾, 发芽记忆 : 芽和花蕾都是球状物近义词 : sprout, burgeon 实例 :The leaves were budding on the trees below. 2 burgeon, 发芽记忆 :burge( 球状物 bud 芽 )+ on ( 动作持续 ) 近义词 : sprout, bud 实例 :Plants burgeon from every available space. 3bow, 弓, 鞠躬记忆 : 拉满的弓是球状 ( 圆弧 ) 实例 :He bowed slightly before taking her bag. 4rainbow, 彩虹记忆 :rain( 雨水 )+ bow ( 球状物 ) 雨水产生的球状物 5bulb, 灯泡记忆 : 灯泡是球状物 6balloon, 气球记忆 : 气球也是球状物 7 bulge, 膨胀记忆 :bulg( 球状物 )+e 像球状物一样膨胀实例 :He is 6ft with bulging muscles. 2

A bulge bracket bank 8burglar, 盗贼记忆 :burg( 球状物, 衍生为城堡 )+lar( 人 ) 进入城堡 ( 盗窃 ) 的人 盗贼, 在电影 Hobbit 中也多次出现这个词衍生 : burglary 盗窃行为实例 :He's been arrested for burglary. 4. 简单词 battle 词根 - bat-, 打同词根则有以下 : 1bate, 减少, 减弱记忆 :bat( 打 )+e 在打击下减少 减弱实例 :The cruel landlord would bate him no rent. 2abate, 减少,( 法令 ) 废止记忆 :a+vt 一般变为 vi, 表状态,a+bate( 打, 压制 ) 被打压的状态 减轻近义词 : reduce, wane, abolish, lessen, decrease 实例 :The medicine abates her pain. 3rebate, 现金返还记忆 :re( 返回 )+bate( 打 ) 打回来的钱实例 :You can claim a rebate on your tax. 4combative 好斗的记忆 :com( 一起 )+bat( 打 ) 好斗的近义词 : belligerent, bellicose, pugnacious 实例 :He conducted the meeting in his usual combative style, refusing to admit any mistakes. 5. 简单词 acid 词根 - acid- ( 变形 : acer, acri ), 酸同词根则有以下 : 1 exacerbate, 使加重记忆 :ex( 动词前缀 )+acer( 酸 )+bate( 打 ) 打得发酸 加重实例 :Longstanding poverty has been exacerbated by racial division. 2acerbic 尖酸的记忆 :acer( 酸 )+bic 尖酸的实例 :His comments are as acerbic as they have always been. 3acidify 使酸化 3

记忆 :acid+ fy( 化 ) 使酸化实例 : One long- term experiment found that both crab species grew slower in acidified waters and survival decreased. 4acrid 尖刻的, 刺鼻的记忆 :acri+d 酸的 尖刻的实例 :Her acrid remarks make her many enemies. Traffic was snarled, and whiffs of acrid air stung the eyes. 5acrimonious 尖酸的记忆 :acri( 酸 )+moni=money( 钱 )+ious ( 为了钱 ) 而产生的尖酸的争吵 尖酸的实例 :His parents went through an acrimonious divorce. 6. 简单词 brief 词根 - brief- ( 变形 : brief, brev, bridg, 来源于 bridge, 桥 本就是为缩短距离而建,bridg 缩短 ) 同词根则有以下 : 1abbreviate 缩写, 简化记忆 :ab(to) + brev( 简短 ) + iate( 表动词 ) 简化近义词 : simplify, abridge, condense 实例 :Alexandre abbreviated his name to Alex. 2abridge 缩短, 删节记忆 :ab(=to, b 由于重复省略 ) + bridg( 简短 ) 简化近义词 : simplify, abbreviate, condense 实例 :This book is an abridged edition. 3debrief 简述, 汇报记忆 :de( 加强动作 ) + brief ( 简短 ) 简述, 汇报实例 :She prepared an operation re- engineering after her subordinate debriefed her. 7. 简单词 error 词根 - err- 漫游 因而走错, 错误同根词 : 1 erratic, 反复无常的记忆方法 :err( 漫游 )+atic( 形容词后缀 ) 漫游即无规则的走来走去 行为, 动作的无规则, 反复无常近义词 :irregular, abnormal, capricious, mercurial 实例 : He got arrested due to his erratic driving mode. 4

2aberrant, 异常的, 非典型的, 越轨的记忆方法 :ab(=to) + err( 错误 )+ant( 形容词后缀 ) 导致错误的 异常的近义词 : anomalous, abnormal, irregular 实例 :It reflects the aberrant personality of some American politicians towards China's continuous development and increasing power. 3erroneous, 错误的记忆方法 :err( 错误 )+oneous( 形容词后缀 ) 近义词 : incorrect, untrue, false, wrong 实例 :They have arrived at some erroneous conclusions. 4unerring, 准确无误的 ; 无偏差的记忆方法 :un( 不 )+erring( 犯错误 ) 不犯错误的近义词 : infallible 实例 :Mary had an unerring instinct for when people were lying to her. 8. 简单词 bet 词根 - bet- 打赌, 相信 ( 因为相信才敢打赌 ) 同根词 : 1abet 教唆, 煽动记忆方法 :ab(=to)+bet( 相信 ) 一再使人相信 教唆, 煽动近义词 : agitate, demagogue, sedition, instigate 实例 :We shall strike hard, without flinching, at terrorists and those who abet them. 9. 简单词 pedal 词根 - ped- 足, 孩子 ( 同一词根的两个意思起源不同因而关联性不大, 须分别记忆同根词 : 1pedestrian, 行人记忆方法 :ped( 足 )+ estrian( 名词后缀 ), 这也是一个简单词 实例 : If you're driving, you might fight the urge to run over those annoying pedestrians! 2 biped, 两足的, 两足动物记忆方法 :bi( 二 )+ped( 足 ) 两足动物衍生 : 类似的词还有 uniped(=soliped) 独脚的, quadruped ( 四足的 ),centipede( 蜈蚣 ), multiped( 多足的 ) 实例 :Human beings are one example of bipeds. 3expedition 远征 5

记忆方法 :ex( 出 )+ped( 足 )+ition( 名词后缀 ) 走出去 远征实例 :Forty- three members of the expedition were killed. 4expedite 使加速, 促进记忆方法 :ex( 出 )+ped( 足 )+ite( 动词后缀 ) 把脚跨出去 加快近义词 : accelerate, precipitate 实例 :We will try our best to expedite your strategic plans. 5expedient, 方便的, 权宜之计的 记忆方法 : 来源于 expedite, 加速而来的解决方法只是权宜之计 权宜之计的实例 : The simple expedient solution for the moment is to cut costs by reducing the number of employees but this cannot help in the long run. 6expeditious, 迅速的记忆方法 : 同样来源于 expedite, 这里强调速度, 迅速的实例 :The manager's expeditious action only leads to simple expedient solution that is detrimental in the long term. 7 impede, 妨碍记忆方法 :im( 入 )+ped( 足 ) 插入脚 制造妨碍, 和 expedite 一起记忆实例 :One shouldn't impede other's progress. 8 pedagogue, 教师, 好为人师者记忆方法 :ped( 孩子 )+agog(=lead 引导 ) 引导孩子的人, 教师实例 :De Gaulle was a born pedagogue who used the public platform and the television screen to great effect. 9 pedagogics 教育学记忆方法 : ped( 孩子 )+agog(=lead 引导 ) +ics( 学科 ) 教育学实例 :The science of Pedagogics cannot be derived from a simple principle with such exactness as Logic and Ethics. 10pedant 迂腐的教师记忆方法 : ped( 孩子 )+ant( 表形容词, 的人 ) 教育孩子的人实例 :A man of talent is one thing, and a pedant another. ⑾pedology 儿科学记忆方法 : ped( 孩子 )+logy( 学科 ) 实例 : ⑿pediatrics, 儿科学记忆方法 : ped( 孩子 )+ iatrics( 医学 ) 儿科实例 : He received a Bachelor's drgee of Pediatrics. 6

10. 简单词 pedagogue 词根 - agog-, 引导同根词 : 1demagogue, 煽动人心者记忆方法 :dem( 人民, 参见 democracy) + agog( 引导 ) 引导人民者 煽动人心者近义词 : abet, sedition, instigation, agitation 实例 :The demagogue has won people's support. 2agog 兴奋的, 渴望的记忆方法 :agog( 引导 ) 之所以被引导, 是因为有令人渴望的东西 兴奋的, 渴望的实例 :The employees are agog with rumors that the company will start its IPO soon. 11. 简单词 agent 词根 - ag- ( 变形 : gent) 做, 代理做 (agent = ag ( 代理做 )+ent( 人 ) 帮忙做的人 代理人 ) 同根词 : 1 agile, 灵活的记忆方法 :ag( 做 )+ile( 形容词后缀 ) 什么都能做的 灵活的近义词 : nimble 实例 :Building an agile company adaptive to changing conditions is the key way to create competitive advantage. 2agitate 鼓动记忆方法 :ag( 做 )+it+ate ( 动词词缀 ) 反复做 鼓动近义词 : abet, demagogue, sedition, instigate 实例 :Raising his voice and growing agitated, he replied that there was no Russia issue. 3reagent 化学试剂记忆方法 :re( 反复 )+ag( 做 )+ent( 名词后缀 ) 用于反复作用, 反复试验的 试剂实例 :reagent paper, reagent bottle, etc. 4cogent 让人信服的记忆方法 :co( 共同 )+gent=agent( 做 ) 大家一起做, 提高成功率 让人信服的实例 :She put forward some cogent reasons for abandoning the plan. 5transigent 妥协的记忆方法 :transi( 转换 )+gent( 做 ) 换一种方法做 妥协衍生 : intransigent 7

实例 :The teacher was intransigent about her most famous rule: no gum or candy in her classroom unless you d brought enough to share with everybody. 6intransigence 不妥协, 不让步记忆方法 :in( 不 )+transigence( 妥协 ) 不妥协实例 :He often appeared angry and frustrated by the intransigence of both sides. 7protagonist 主角, 提倡者记忆方法 :prot( 在前 )+agonist( 做的人 ) 在前面的演员 主角, 衍生为提倡者近义词 : proponent 实例 :1. The chief protagonists in the competition are Visa and MasterCard, the world's leading credit card brands. 2.They are the main protagonists of their countries' integration into the world market. 12. 简单词 horrible 词根 - hor- 害怕同根词 1abhor 极端厌恶记忆方法 :ab(to)+ hor 到恐惧的程度 极端厌恶近义词 : abhor>detest>hate>dislike, despise, loathe, scorn, resent, abominate, detest 实例 :He was a man who abhorred violence and was deeply committed to reconciliation. 13. 简单词 test 词根 - test- 测验, 证据同根词 1contest 竞赛记忆方法 :con( 共同 )+test( 比赛 ) 竞赛实例 :The latest opinion polls are predicting a very close contest. 2protest 抗议记忆方法 :pro( 向前 [ 提出 ])+test( 证据 ) 提出证据 抗议实例 :They were protesting soaring prices. 3detest 憎恨记忆方法 :de( 离开 )+test( 证据, 作证 ) 不愿作证 相当怨恨近义词 : abhor>detest>hate>dislike, despise, loathe, scorn, resent, abominate, detest 实例 :She detested being photographed. 4attest 证明, 为 作证 8

记忆 : at(to, 一直 )+test( 作证 ) 作证实例 : His beautifully illustrated book well attested his love of the university. 5testimony n.( 法庭上证人的 ) 证词 ; 证明, 证据记忆 : testi( 证据 )+mon( 训诫 )+y 证词实例 : His testimony was an important element of the Prosecution case. 6testimonial ( 通常由雇主出示的 ) 证明书, 纪念的记忆 : testi( 证据 )+mon( 训诫 )+ial( 表形容词 ) 证明书实例 : She could hardly expect her employer to provide her with testimonials to her character and ability. 7testy adj. 易怒的, 脾气急躁的记忆 : test( 证明 )+y( 表形容词 ) 在寻找证据证明的过程中总是急躁易怒的近义词 : impatient, irascible, irritable 实例 : Lily's getting a little testy in her old age. 14. 简单词 despite 词根 - spite- ( spic, spise, spect) 看 ( 衍生为恶意 ), despite=dis( 不 )+spite( 看 ) 不看 不管, 尽管同词根则有以下 : 1suspicious 可疑的记忆 :su( 下面 )+spic( 看 )+ious( 形容词后缀 ) 在下面看的 怀疑近义词 : doubtful, wary, questionable 实例 : The police inferred that they found her behavior rather suspicious. 2despise 轻视记忆 :de( 离开 )+spise( 看 ) 看不起, 轻视近义词 : (see abhor), 衍生 :despicable 实例 :Don't cheat at examination, or your classmates will despise you. 3perspicacious 明察秋毫的记忆 :per( 全部 )+spic( 看 )+acious( 形容词后缀 ) 全部看到的 明察秋毫的近义词 : discerning, 衍生 : perspicacity 实例 :It is very perspicacious of you to find the cause of the trouble so quickly. 4conspicuous 明显的, 出色的记忆 :con( 共同 )+spic( 看 )+uous( 形容词后缀 ) 大家都看得到的 明显的 出色的近义词 : apparent, obvious, outstanding, prominent 实例 :He made himself conspicuous for his great contributions to the various operational changes in Toyota. 9

5auspicious 有前途的, 吉兆的记忆 :au=eu( 好的 )+spic( 看 )+ious 看出好兆头的 有前途的, 好的实例 :His career as a professional trader has an auspicious start. 6prospect 希望记忆 :pro( 向前 )+spect( 看 ) 希望衍生 : prospective 预期的, prospectus 计划书实例 :Unfortunately, there is little prospect of seeing these big questions answered. 7circumspect 谨慎的记忆 :circum( 环绕 )+spect( 看 )+ution 环绕着看 全部看透 谨慎的近义词 : cautious, prudent 实例 :The banks should have been more circumspect in their dealings. 8speculation 推测, 投机记忆 :spec( 看 )+ulation 推测近义词 : conjecture 实例 :There is speculation that the attack was retribution for Russia's air raids on Islamist militants in Syria. 9retrospect 回顾记忆 :retro( 回 )+spect( 看 ) 回顾实例 :In retrospect, I wish that I had thought about alternative courses of action. ⑽spectrum 光谱, 系列记忆 :spect( 看 )+trum 光谱 ( 可见光, 不可见光 ) 实例 :Politicians across the political spectrum have denounced the act. ⑾inspect 检查记忆 :in( 向内 )+spect( 看 ) 检查实例 :The captain wants to inspect your kit. ⑿spectacle 眼镜 ; 奇观记忆 : spect( 看 )+ acle 看 1. 用来看的 眼镜 2. 景象 奇观衍生 : spectacular 实例 :1. thick spectacle frames 2. It was a spectacle not to be missed. ⒀spiteful 恶意的记忆 :spite( 恶意, 一直凶狠的看着 恶意 )+ful( 表形容词 ) 恶意的实例 :We crept into our little sister's bedroom and spitefully defaced her pop posters. ⒁respite n. 休息期间 ; 缓解, 暂缓 ; 延期 ; ( 刑罚的 ) 缓期执行 10

记忆 : re( 回, 反 )+spite( 恶意, 一直凶狠的看着 恶意 ) 将不好的事返回去 缓期 缓解实例 : 1. The drug brought a brief respite from the pain. 2.The judge granted the condemned man a respite to enable his attorneys to file an appeal. 15. 简单词 project 词根 - ject- 投掷同词根则有以下 : 1inject 注射, 注入记忆 :in( 入 )+ject( 投掷 ) 放入 注射实例 :When they injected the animals with a virus that killed only those cells, the mice stopped sighing, the researchers discovered. 2reject 拒绝, 不同意记忆 :re( 反复 )+ject( 投掷 ) 反复把问题丢来丢去不解决 拒绝近义词 : decline, dispose, refuse, dissent 实例 :Industry groups rejected that argument and said the delaying of such standards is by no means the basis for a lawsuit. 3abject 可怜的 (situation or quality), 卑贱的 (people) 记忆 :ab(to)+ject( 扔 ) 扔到一边 可怜的实例 :The abject poverty was caused by lack of courage. 4eject 投出记忆 :e( 出 )+ject( 投掷 ) 投出实例 :Keona J. Johnson, a passenger, was ejected from the vehicle and pronounced dead at the scene. 5deject 使灰心记忆 :de( 离开 )+ject( 投掷 ) 被扔开 使人沮丧近义词 : discourage, demoralize, demotivate 实例 :The news dejects me. 6conjecture 推测记忆 :con( 共同 )+ject( 投掷 )+ure( 名词后缀 ) 大家一起扔出 ( 思想 ) 推测近义词 : guess, speculation 实例 :That was a conjecture, not a fact. 7projectile 抛射物记忆 :pro( 向前 )+ject( 投掷 )+ile 从武器里面抛出来的东西 抛射物实例 :The vertical and horizontal motions of a projectile can be treated independently. 11

8trajactory n.[ 物 ] 弹道, 轨道 ;[ 几 ] 轨线记忆 :tra( 穿过, 越过 )+ject( 扔, 投, 掷 )+ory( 表名词, 物, 场所 ) 物体扔出去后的越过的路径实例 :The missile deflected from its trajectory. 16. 简单词 corrupt 词根 - rupt- 断 (corrupt=cor( 一起 )+rupt( 断 ) 一起断, 全断 腐败 ) 同词根则有以下 : 1rupture, ( 内脏器官 ) 折断记忆 :rupt( 断 )+ure 折断实例 :His stomach might rupture from all the acid. 2 erupt, 爆发记忆方法 :e( 出 )+rupt( 断 ) 断后喷出 爆发实例 :A rash, a volcano, applause, violence, all of these are things that are prone to erupt, meaning they suddenly become active. 3abrupt 突然的记忆方法 :ab(to)+rupt 一下子就断了 突然的实例 :The recession brought an abrupt halt to this happiness. 17. 简单词 scissors 剪刀词根 - sciss- ( 变形 sciss, scind, cide), 来源于 decide = de( 加强 )+cide( 剪断 ) 一刀两断 下决心 ), cise 同根词 1scission 切割, 分裂记忆方法 :sciss( 剪开 )+ion( 名词后缀 ) 近义词 : accelerate, precipitate 实例 :We will try our best to expedite your strategic plans. ⑵ abscission 切断, 脱掉记忆方法 :ab(to, 一直 )+scission ( 切断 ) 切断实例 :Students worked with collaborative teams to develop innovative methods for quantifying leaf color change and abscission in campus trees. ⑶ rescind 废除 ; 撤销记忆方法 :re( 一再 )+scind( 切 ) 一再地切 废除实例 :Trade Union leaders have demanded the government rescind the price rise. ⑷ suicide 自杀 12

记忆方法 :sui( 自己 )+cide( 切断 ) 自杀实例 :commit suicide ⑸ excise 消费税 ; 切除记忆方法 :ex( 出 )+cide/cise( 切断 ) 切除实例 :1. They are pressing the Chancellor to reduce excise duty on beer. 2. He launched a personal crusade to excise racist and sexist references in newspapers. ⑹ incise 雕刻记忆方法 :in( 入 )+cise( 切断 ) 雕刻实例 :After the surface is polished, a design is incised or painted. ⑺ incisive 锋利的, 尖刻的 ( 指犀利深入 ) 记忆方法 :incis(=incise 雕刻 )+ ive( 表形容词 ) 像雕刻一样刻进去 尖刻的实例 :His report on the operational fallacies is incisive and revealing. 18. 简单词 condiment 调味品词根 :- cond-, 隐藏 = - hid-, 调味品正是用于隐藏坏味道的同根词 : ⑴ abscond 潜逃记忆方法 :ab(to, 一直 )+cond( 隐藏 ) 潜逃实例 :He absconded with all the money stolen from the bank. ⑵ recondite 深奥的记忆方法 :re( 一再 )+cond( 隐藏 )+ ite( 形容词后缀 ) 一再隐藏的 深奥的, 难懂的近义词 : abstruse, complicated, elusive 实例 :We hear from mathematicians that bees have practically solved a recondite problem. 19. 简单词 intrusive 不请自来的, 唐突的词根 :- trus- ( 变形 trud) 推 = push (intrusive = in( 入 )+trus( 推 )+ive( 形容词 ) 推入的 不请自来的, 唐突的 ) 简单词 : ⑴ abstruse 深奥的记忆方法 :ab(to, 一直 )+trus( 推, 衍生为推理 ) 需要一直推理的 深奥的近义词 : recondite, complicated, elusive 实例 :Einstein's theory of relativity is very abstruse. ⑵ protrusion 伸出, 突出记忆方法 :pro( 向前 )+trus( 推 )+ion( 名词后缀 ) 推出部分 突出 13

衍生 : protrude 实例 :He grabbed at a protrusion of rock with his right hand. ⑶ obtrusive 突出的, 冒失的记忆方法 :ob( 加强 )+trus( 推 )+ive 突出的, 冒失的近义词 : impertinent 实例 :These heaters are less obtrusive and are easy to store away in the summer. 20. 简单词 contain 包含词根 :- tain- ( 变形 tain, tin, ten) 拿住 =hold 同根词 : ⑴ attain 获得记忆方法 :at(to, 一直 )+tain( 拿到 ) 获得实例 :On that day, China expected to be unshackled from its legal label as a non- market economy and attain market- economy status. ⑵ detain 拘留记忆方法 :de( 加强动作 )+tain( 拿住 ) ) 把人拿住实例 :The lawsuit alleges that detained immigrants awaiting court dates were forced to work for $1 per day or for free, on threat of solitary confinement. ⑶ retain 保留记忆方法 :re( 反复 )+tain( 拿住 ) 保留实例 :The consistently low level indicates that employers are retaining workers and possibly looking to hire. ⑷ sustain 维系, 支持记忆方法 :sus( 在下 )+tain( 稳住 ) 支持, 维系衍生 : sustenance 实例 :With evidence of sustained growth, the Federal Reserve is all but certain to raise interest rates at the Federal Open Market Committee meeting next week. ⑸ abstain 戒绝 ( 烟酒等 ), 弃权记忆方法 :abs( 不再 )+tain( 拿住 ) 放弃衍生 : abstinence, abstemious 实例 :Do you drink, smoke, or abstain?/three members of the party abstained in the vote. ⑹ pertain 是关于 (pertain to = is about) pertinent 相关的记忆方法 :per( 全部 )+tain( 拿住 ) 全部拿住 是相关的衍生 : pertinent 实例 :His remarks did no pertain to the purpose of the meeting at all. 14

⑺ pertinacious 坚定不移的, 固执的记忆方法 : per( 彻底 )+tin( 拿住 )+ acious( 多... 的 ) 拿了很多而且拿了不放的 坚定不移的实例 : I can affirm that he is tenacious and pertinacious as are few. ⑻ retinue n. 一批随员记忆方法 : re( 一再 )+ tin( 拿, 支撑 )+ue 一直拿着我东西的人 随从人员实例 : Mind trainers are now part of a tennis star's retinue. ⑼ tenacious 顽强的 ; 黏着力强的记忆方法 :ten( 拿住, 支撑 )+ acious( 表形容词," 有 特征的, 多 的, 易 的 ") 近义词 : assiduous, sedulous, studious, persevering, industrious, persistent 实例 :She is very tenacious and will work hard and long to achieve objectives. ⑽tenet 原则 ; 信条 ; 教义记忆方法 :ten( 拿住, 支撑 )+ et 原则, 信条就是一个人一直坚持拿住的信念或者支撑他决策的理念实例 :The judge's ruling was based on the simple commonsense tenet that no man is above the law. ⑾tenure n. 占有 ( 职位, 不动产等 ); 占有期 ; 终身职位记忆方法 : ten( 拿住, 支撑 )+ure( 表抽象名词, 行为, 状态及其结果, 情况等 ) 占有就是对职位, 房产等拿着一直不放的状态或是行为实例 : 1.He was in the middle of his tenure as Oxford Professor of Poetry and at the height of his fame. 2.Junior staff have only a slim chance of getting tenure. 21. 简单词 taint 污点词根 :- taint- 污点, 污迹简单词 ⑴ untainted 无污点的记忆方法 :un( 不, 非 )+taint( 使变质, 使污染 )+ed( 过去分词作形容词 ) 无污点的实例 :My conscience stays untainted in spite of rumors and slanders from the outside. 22. 简单词 accelerate 加速词根 :- celer- 快, 速度简单词 : ⑴ decelerate ( 使 ) 减速记忆方法 :de( 向下 )+celer( 速度 )+ate ( 使 ) 减速 15

实例 :The company's losses widened last year, and it is experiencing decelerating user growth in the face of intense competition from larger rivals such as Facebook. ⑵ celerity 迅速记忆方法 : celer( 快 )+ity( 表名词 ) 快速近义词 : swiftness, rapidity, quickness, fleetness 实例 :Celerity is the soul of warfare. 23. 简单词 accept 接受词根 :- cept- ( 变形 cept, ceiv, ceit, capt) 拿 =hold=- tain- 同根词 : ⑴ conceive 构思, 想, 怀孕记忆方法 :con( 一起 )+ceive( 拿 ) 拿到一起来 ( 想 ) 构思实例 :When the project was conceived, the United States was struggling to lift domestic oil supplies and push down prices. ⑵ conceit 自大, 巧妙的比喻 ( 由 conceive 衍生 ) 记忆方法 :con( 一起 )+ceit( 拿 ) ( 自认为 ) 全部都可以拿得到 自大近义词 : boastfulness, arrogance 实例 :He knew, without conceit, that his work was awesome and extremely beneficial for the company. ⑶ deceive 欺骗记忆方法 :de( 向下, 坏 )+ceive( 拿 ) 拿不好的东西给人 欺骗衍生 :deceitful 实例 :A group of academics published research last week that showed how to deceive this system by injecting images into videos. ⑷ precept 准则, 戒律记忆方法 :pre( 在前 )+cept( 拿 ) 在加入之前就接受的 戒律, 准则实例 :the precepts of Buddhism ⑸susceptible 易受影响的 ; 易受感染的 ; 善感的记忆方法 :sus( 在 下面 )+cept( 拿 )+ible( 可以 的, 容易... 的 ) 易被拿下的 = 易受影响的 ; 易受感染的 ; 善感的实例 :1.Walking with weights makes the shoulders very susceptible to injury. 2.He was, she believes, unusually susceptible to women. ⑹ receptive 善于接受的 ; 能容纳的记忆方法 :re( 一再 )+cept( 拿 )+ive( 表形容词 ) 不停的拿 善于接受的, 能容纳的实例 :The voters had seemed receptive to his ideas. 16