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30500350 1

Code Chinese Name Common Name Scientific Name Subculture time 1 Valencia Orange C.sinensis Valencia 15 2 (2x) Jincheng Orange (2x) C. sinensis Jincheng 20 3 (4x) Jincheng Orange (4x) C. sinensis Jincheng 8 4 Anliucheng Orange C. sinensis Anliucheng 8 5 Newhall Navel Orange C. sinensis.newhall 13 6 Bonanza Navel C. sinensis Bonanza 11 Orange 7 Frost Navel orange C. sinensis Frost 8 8 Cara Cara Navel C. sinensis Cara Cara 12 orange 9 Guoqing No.4 C.reticulata Guoqing No.4 8 Satsuma 10 Guoqing No.5 C.reticulata Guoqing No.5 8 Satsuma 11 Goutou sour Orange C. aurantium Goutou 10 12 A Hongju Tangerine C. reticulata Hongju 10 13 B Hongju Tangerine C. reticulata Hongju 14 14 Bendizao Tangerine C. reticulata Bendizao 8 15 Ponkan Mandarin C. reticulata Ponkan 8 16 Red Ruby Grapefruit C. paradisi Red Ruby 10 17 Murcott tangor 17 18 Page tangelo 15 19 Mexican Lime C.aurantifolia Mexican 14 2

20 Meiwa kumquat F. crassifolia Meiwa 11 21 Microcitrus M. papauwana 10 22 + Valencia + Meiwa 14 23 Calamonidn C. reticulata Calamonidn 11 (UVP, Inc., Upland, CA, USA) 3



Fig. 1 Mitochondrial genetic variation of Citrus calli via long-term subculture revealed by RFLPs with restriction endonuclease/probe combinations of A: Hind/atpA and B: PstI/atp6. Lanes, M: λdna Hind/marker, 1: Valencia orange (C), 2: Valencia orange (L), 3: Jincheng orange (C), 4: Jincheng orange (L), 5: Jincheng orange (4X) (C), 6: Jincheng orange (4X) (L), 7: Anliucheng orange (C), 8: Anliucheng orange (L), 9: Newhall navel orange (C), 10: Newhall navel orange (L), 11: Skagg s Bonanza navel orange (C), 12: Skagg s Bonanza navel orange (L), 13 and 14: Frost navel orange (C), 15: Frost navel orange (L), 16: Cara Cara navel orange (C), 17: Cara Cara navel orange (L), 18: Guoqing No. 4 mandarin (C), 19: Guoqing No. 4 mandarin (L), 20: Guoqing No. 5 mandarin (C), 21: Guoqing No. 5 mandarin (L), 22: Goutoucheng sour orange (C), 23: Goutoucheng sour orange (L), 25 and 26: Hongju tangerine (C), 27: Hongju tangerine (L), 28: Beidizaoju tangerine (C), 29: Beidizaoju tangerine (L), 30: Ponkan mandarin (C), 31: Ponkan mandarin (L), 32: Red Ruby grapefruit (C), 33: Red Ruby grapefruit (L), 34: Murcott tangor (C), 35: Murcott tangor (L), 36: Page tangelo (C), 37: Page tangelo (L), 38: Key lime (C), 39: Key lime (L), 40: Meiwa kumquat (C), 41: Meiwa kumquat (L), 42: Microcitrus (C), 43: Microcitrus (L), 44: Somatic hybrid of Valencia orange + Meiwa kumquat (C), 45: Somatic hybrid of Valencia orange + Meiwa kumquat (L), 46: Calamonidn (C), 47: 46: Calamonidn (L). Note, C: Callus; L: Leaves (UVP, Inc., Upland, CA, USA) 6

2 1 UVP mtdna 22 18 mtdna 1.2 1.4 Figure 2 Rate of callus mtdna abundance increase or decrease compared with that in the control leaves based on the hybridization signal intensive (Hind / atpa in Figure 1) measured by UVP software. mtdna in 18 out of the 22 examined genotypes increased ranged from 1.2 to 6.4 times. 7

Fig.3 Organelle distributions in Newhall orange calluses and mesophyll observed by fluorescence microscopy of Technovit 7100 sections stained with DAPI, thick:. Less numbers and higher DNA contents in callus mitochondria compared with the leaf, and organellea no equal segregation in postmitotic callus cell observed. A: Callus cells; B, Tender leaf cells; C, Postmitotic callus cells. 8

4 A DAPI 40 B DNA 0.8%M λdna/hind marker12 3 4 C DNA N DNAT DNA NcNL Pt Fig. 4 A Intact nuclei of Newhall navel orange callus stained by DAPI and photographed under Olympus microscope with 40 X objective lens. B Nuclear DNA tested on 0.8% agarose gellanes, M: λdna/hind marker, 1: Newhall navel orange callus, 2: Newhall navel orange leaves, 3: Page tangelo callus, 4: Trifoliate orange leaves. CNuclear DNA dot blotting hybridized by mixed mitochondrial probes. Samples, N (up row): nuclear DNA, T: (down row), total DNA, Nc: Newhall navel orange callus, NL: Newhall navel orange leaves; Pt, Trifoliate orange 9

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