The Theme of the World Youth Meeting 2017 国際社会と私 My Identity as a Member of the International Community World Youth Meeting Dates :

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The Theme of the World Youth Meeting 2017 国際社会と私 My Identity as a Member of the International Community World Youth Meeting Dates : 3 rd (Thu) and 4 th (Fri) of August 2017 Venue : Nihon Fukushi University Tokai Campus

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プログラム 2017 年 8 月 3 日 ( 木 ) 時間 C201 教室プレゼンテーション総合司会 : 日本福祉大学 C202 教室プレゼンテーション総合司会 : 福井商業 12:50 実行委員会挨拶開会 実行委員会挨拶開会 13:00 1. 東海市立上野中学 1. 名古屋商業高等学校 高雄高級商業職業學校 13:10 2. 日本福祉大学 フィリピン大学 2. 日本福祉大学付属高等学校 シライ高等学校 13:20 3. 東京国際大学 3. 日本福祉大学 マレーシア科学大学 13:30 4. 日本福祉大学 王立プノンペン大学 4. 立命館守山高等学校 中学校 中正高級中學 13:40 5. 丸岡高等学校 福誠高級中学 5. 福井商業高等学校 新興高級中学 13:50 6. 奈良育英高等学校 明誠高級中学 6. 神戸大学附属中等教育学校 高雄師範大学附属高校 14:00 休憩 休憩 14:10 7. 立命館中学校 高等学校 高雄女子高級中學 7. ラ サール大学 14:20 8. 日本福祉大学 カンボジア工科大学 8. 福井商業高等学校 高雄高級商業職業學校 14:30 9. 東高等学校 瑞祥高級中學 9. 立命館宇治中学校 高等学校 三信高級家商学校 立志高級中學 14:40 10. 南山国際高等学校 中学校 鳳新高級中學 10. 関西大学 輔英科技大学 14:50 11. 立命館中学校 高等学校 高雄高級中學 11. 日本福祉大学付属高等学校 ミンダナオ国際大学付属高等学校 15:00 12. 日本福祉大学 全南大学 12. 立命館守山高等学校 中学校 高雄高級工業職業學校 15:10 休憩 休憩 15:20 13. 東高等学校 前鎮高級中学 13. 日本福祉大学 ミンダナオ国際大学 15:30 14. 早稲田大学本庄高等学院 ジョグジャカルタ第 2 14 福井商業高等学校 鼓山高級中学 高校 15:40 15. 奈良育英高等学校 三民高級家事商業職業學校 16:00 参加者交流会 17:00 審査結果アナウンス ( 掲示を予定 ) 2017 年 8 月 4 日 ( 金 ) 時間 S301~S303 教室プレゼンテーション 総合司会 : 日本福祉大学 9:00 開会式 9:30 選抜校によるプレゼンテーション 3 件プレゼン 8 分 質疑 5 分 10:15 休憩 10:30 選抜校によるプレゼンテーション 5 件プレゼン 8 分 質疑 5 分 11:45 昼休み 13:00~ 4 階アクティブ ラーニング教室アクティブ ラーニングセッションプレゼン 質疑計 15 分 移動 S301~S303 教室へ 14:30 閉会式

3 rd Aug. 2017 Time Room C201, Presentation MC: Nihon Fukushi University 12:50 WYM Student Executive Committee Welcome Message Room C202, Presentation MC: Fukui Commercial High School WYM Student Executive Committee Welcome Message 13:00 1. Ueno Junior High School 1. Nagoya Commercial High School, Kaohsiung Commercial High School 13:10 2. Nihon Fukushi University, University of the Philippines 2. Nihon Fukushi University Affiliated High School 13:20 3. Tokyo Kokusai University 3. Nihon Fukushi University, University Sains Malaysia 13:30 4. Nihon Fukushi University, Royal University of Phnom Penh 4. Ritsumeikan Moriyama Senior & Junior High school, Kaohsiung Municipal Johong Jheng Senior High School 13:40 5. Maruoka High School, Fucheng Senior High School 13:50 6. Nara Ikuei Senior High School, Kaohsiung st. Paul s High School 5. Fukui Commercial High School, Hsin Hsing Senior High School 6. Kobe University Secondary School, The affiliated Senior High School of National 14:00 Intermission Kaohsiung Normal University 14:10 7. Ritsumeikan Junior & Senior High 7. De La Salle University School, Kaohsiung Girl s senior High School 14:20 8. Nihon Fukushi University, Institute of Technology of Cambodia 14:30 9. Higashi Senior High School, Ruei-Siang Senior High School 8. Fukui Commercial High School, Kaohsiung Commercial High School 9. Ritsumeikan Uji Junior & Senior High School, San-Sin High School of Commerce and Home Economics, LI-Chin Valuable School 14:40 10. Nanzan Kokusai Junior & Senior High 10. Kansai University, Fooyin University School, Feng-Hsin Senior High School 14:50 11. Ritsumeikan Junior & senior High School, Kaohsiung Senior High School 11. Nihon Fukushi University Affiliated High School, Nikkei Jin Kai International School Senior high School Department

15:00 12. Nihon Fukushi University, Chonnam National University 12. Ritsumeikan Moriyama Senior & Junior High School, Kaohsiung 15:10 Intermission Commercial High School 15:20 13. Higashi Senior High School, Chianjhen Senior High School 15:30 14. Waseda University Honjo Senior High School, SMA Negerei 2 Yogyakarta 13. Nihon Fukushi University, Mindanao Kokusai University 14. Fukui Commercial High School, Gushan Senior High School 15:40 15. Nara Ikuei senior High School, San-Min Home Economics & Commerce Vocational High School 16:00 Participant Exchange Meeting 17:00 Examination Result Announcement 4th Aug.2017 Room S301~S303, Presentation MC: Nihon Fukushi Unviversity 09:00 Opening Ceremony 09:30 Three Presentations by Nominated Teams Presentation 5min, Q&A 5min. 10:15 Intermission 10:30 Five Presentations by Nominated Teams Presentation 5min, Q&A 5min. 11:45 Lunch Break 4F Active Learning Lab. Active Leaning Sessions 15 min. for Presentation and Discussion 13:00 Active Learning Sessions 1 13:20 Active Learning Sessions 2 13:40 Active Learning Sessions 3 14:00 Active Learning Sessions 4 Move to 3 rd floor, S301~S303 14:30 Closing celemony

アクティブ ラーニングセッションプログラム 2017 年 8 月 4 日 ( 金 ) 13:00 13:20 C401 名古屋商業高等学校 高雄高級商業職業 福井商業高等学校 新興高級中学 學校 C402 日本福祉大学 フィリピン大学 奈良育英高等学校 明誠高級中学 C404 日本福祉大学付属高等学校 シライ高等学校 立命館宇治中学校 高等学校 三信高級家商学校 立志高級中學 C405 東京国際大学 立命館中学校 高等学校 高雄女子高級中學 C406 日本福祉大学 マレーシア科学大学 立命館守山高等学校 中学校 中正高級中學 C407 日本福祉大学 王立プノンペン大学 東高等学校 瑞祥高級中學 C408 関西大学 輔英科技大学 日本福祉大学 ミンダナオ国際大学 13:40 14:00 C401 福井商業高等学校 高雄高級商業職業學 福井商業高等学校 鼓山高級中学 校 C402 南山国際高等学校 中学校 鳳新高級中 奈良育英高等学校 三民高級家事商業職業學校 學 C404 日本福祉大学付属高等学校 ミンダナオ国際大学付属高等学校 C405 神戸大学附属中等教育学校 高雄師範大 立命館中学校 高等学校 高雄高級中學 学附属高校 C406 日本福祉大学 カンボジア工科大学 立命館守山高等学校 中学校 高雄高級工業職業學校 C407 日本福祉大学 全南大学 東高等学校 前鎮高級中学 C408 丸岡高等学校 福誠高級中学 早稲田大学本庄高等学院 ジョグジャカルタ第 2 高校

Active Learning Session Program August,4 th (Fri) 2017 13:00 13:20 C401 Nagoya Commercial High School, Kaohsiung Commercial High School Fukui Commercial HighSchool, Hsin Hsing Senior High School C402 NihonFukushiUniversity, University of the Philippines Nara Ikuei senior High School, Kaohsing st. Paul s High School C404 Nihon Fukushi University Affiliated High School, Silay Institute Ritsumeikan Uji Junior&Senjor High School, San-Sin High School of Commerce and Home Economics, Li-Chin Valuable School C405 Tokyo Kokusai University Ritsumeikan Junior&Senior High School, Kaohsiung Girls Senior High School C406 Nihon Fukushi University, University Sains Malaysia Ritsumeikan Moriyama Senior&Junior High School, Rachsiug Municipal Johong Jheng Senior High School C407 Nihon Fukushi University, Royal University of Phnom Penh Higashi Senior High School, Ruei-Siang Senior High School C408 Kansai University, Fooin University Nihon Fukushi University, Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai International School 13:40 14:00 C401 Fukui Commercial High School, Kaohsiung Commercial High School C402 Nanzan Kokusai Junior&Senior High School, Feng-Hsin Senior High School Fukui Commercial High School, Gusan Senior High School Nara Ikuei senior High School, San-Min Home Economics&Commerce Vocational High School C404 Nihon Fukushi University Affiliated High School, Mindanao Kokusai Affiliated High School C405 Kobe University Secondary School, The affiliated Senior High School of National Ritsumeikan Junior&Senior High School, Kaohsiung Senior High School Kachsiung Normal University

C406 Nihon Fukushi University, Institute of Technology of Cambodia Ritsumeikan Moriyama Senior&Junior High School, Kachsiung Commercial High School C407 Nihon Fukushi University, Chonnam National University C408 Maruoka High School, Fu Cheng Senior High School Higashi Senior High School, Chianjhen Senior High School Waseda University Honjo Senior High School, SMA Negerei 2 Yogyakarta

Message for the Word Youth Meeting 2017 Yoshiro KODAMA, Dr. Eng. President, Nihon Fukushi University Good morning everyone. I am Yoshiro KODAMA. I became the president of Nihon Fukushi University this April. The President s term of office is 4 years, so I am very much looking forward to working with you from now on. On behalf of the host institution, I would like to warmly welcome all of you who have gathered here from various regions of the world Youth Meeting 2017. I am especially very happy and honored that Nihon Fukushi University is able to host Meeting at this Tokai Campus. the 19th World Youth I feel that this is a great achievement, and give my congratulations to all the high school and university faculty as well as all the dedicated supporters that have made it possible. I would like to thank the many institutions, organizations and individuals, beginning with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for their support to make this year s event possible. I would also like to thank our honorable guests for taking time out of their busy schedule in this hot weather to be with us here today. Presently, in our world we are facing many difficult problems, such as environment issues, economics recession, welfare for all, dangers of earthquakes, and World peace. Because of these present situation, I think it's important for various countries people to exchange ideas with each other directly. By not only relaying what we want to say, but also by listening to what others have to say, and trying to understand each other, we can find ways to solve our difficult problems. As such, I feel there is great significance in the World Youth Meeting, where young people from around the world exchange their opinions on the various issues that mankind is facing. I hope that through this experience, you become active players in the new global society and continue to be involved in further international activities in the future. In such meaning, I am very proud that students of Nihon Fukushi University and many other university or high school are actively taking part in the preparations and management of this event. I end my message with wishes that this World Youth Meeting 2017 is held in great success. Thank you once again for being here today and good luck with your presentation.

The WYM is not merely an event. Nor is it an English presentation competition! Makoto Kageto Ph.D WYM steering Committee Chair Professor, Nihon Fukushi University. Up to this year, judging from the data of how many students have joined the WYM, the number has risen to more than 10,000 students. They have all challenged themselves in making collaborative presentations, and now some are even studying abroad making use of their WYM experiences. They will have learned how to overcome conflicts, which may have arisen while they were completing their presentation. These conflicts are often caused by the differences in ways of communicating which are embedded each of our cultures. We are proud of having created new learning environments for our students to challenge themselves in the global educational environment while being involved in the move toward globalism. Most of these students are studying at schools according to the curriculum set by in their country. Some of these curriculums assume that students are supposed to be compliant and obedient. This is still the case of curriculum in Japan. Students here cannot create a new curriculum in which there is an opportunity to challenge global education even if it is urgently demanded. It s clearly the role of teachers and professors, who strongly wish for their students to grow as people, who can contribute to the world, to do this. We, teachers and professors, have to develop new learning environments that meet the urgent demands regarding world peace and globalism. Now the world is facing constant terror attacks, climate change, border issues, globalism and issues related to immigrant policy, so on. Each student has a responsibility to prepare over the next 10 years to become a more cosmopolitan person and address these many problems. We can no longer say our lives don t interact with others. Our lives are now affecting each other. Some students say, I m against President Trump because he has declared America would withdraw from the Paris accords or We welcome the President of France as he said they will not yield to fear and divide the EU. Students opinions are greatly influenced by the instant communication of the Internet. They are able to get information through it about recent events at once and this shows how our actions affect others. The WYM is the stage for everyone to start to think globally and find solutions while developing ones English communication skills. They should realize how English helps us overcome communication barriers. Asian students surely will need strong English communication abilities and presentation skills so that they can clearly communicate their ideas and opinions and help to make the world a better place for us all to share. We are very happy to work with you to achieve that.

協定校参加者 Overseas participants from partner schools of Nihon Fukushi University


仲間とともに絆を深め 心をひとつにみんな輝け! 近畿日本ツーリストは They から We となるワールドユースミーティングの皆さんを応援します

係メンバー 参加校情報など

19 th World Youth Meeting Host ワールドユースミーティング実行委員会日本福祉大学国際福祉開発学部 Supporters 文部科学省愛知県東海市美浜町愛知県教育委員会三重県教育委員会岐阜県教育委員会東海市教育委員会台湾高雄市政府教育局公益財団法人名古屋国際センター一般社団法人日本教育情報化振興会 (JAPET&CEC) New Educational Expo 実行委員会など Sponsors 内田洋行近畿日本ツーリスト ( 株 ) WYM 2017 Official HP NAME