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RATANA SUTTA Jewels Discourse 三宝经 1. Yānīdha Bhūtāni Samāgatāni 呀你他布他尼沙吗卡大尼 Whatever beings that are assembled here 任何在此聚集的众生 Bhummāni Vā Yāni Va Antalikkhe 布 吗尼哇呀尼哇安大力给 be they of the earth or sky 不论是在陆地或在空中 Sabbe Va Bhūtā Sumanā Bhavantu 沙别哇布大书吗拿巴完嘟 let all these creatures be happy 愿这一切众生快乐 Athopi Sakkacca Sunantu Bhāsitam 阿它必沙卡加书难嘟 and also listen closely to these words 亦专心地听这番话 巴西当 2. Tasmā Hi Bhūtā Nisāmetha Sabbe 大斯马嘻 Therefore all beings pay attention 所有众生且专心听着 布他尼沙灭他沙别 Mettam Karotha Mānusiyā Pajāya 灭汤卡罗他马奴西亚巴加呀 show loving-kindness to humans 散发慈悲予人类 Divā Ca Ratto Ca Haranti Ye Balim 地哇加拉拖加哈兰地椰巴林 who by day and by night bring offerings 那些日夜给你们供奉者 14

Tasmā Hi Ne Rakkhatha Appamattā 大斯马嘻内腊卡他阿巴吗大 therefore protect them well and heedfully 因此且好好地保护他们 3. Yamkiñci Vittam Idha Vā Huram Vā 央 今 奇危当义他哇呼朗哇 Whatever treasure here and beyond 任何宝物, 在此或在彼 Saggesu Vā Yam Ratanam Panītam 沙给书哇央拉大难巴尼当 or precious jewel found in heavens 或天界的珍贵宝石 Na No Samam Atthi Tathāgatena 拿诺沙芒阿提他他卡爹拿 none is there equal to the Thus-gone 无一可以比拟如来 ( 宝 ) Idampi Buddhe Ratanam Panītam 义挡必布爹 in the Buddha is this precious jewels 佛身上乃见此宝 拉大难巴尼当 4. Khayam Virāgam Amatam Panītam 卡阳危拉刚阿马当巴尼当 The extinction, dispassion, deathless, sublime 灭尽, 离欲, 无死, 胜妙 Yadajjhagā Sakyamunī Samāhito 呀他加卡沙咖亚木尼沙马依多 such the Sakyan Sage in concentration found 释迦贤哲在定中得证 15

Na Tena Dhammena Samatthi Kiñci 拿爹拿堂 these is none comparable to that Dhamma 此法无上 美拿沙马提 今 奇 Idampi Dhamme Ratanam Panītam 义挡必堂美拉大难巴尼当 in the Dhamma is this precious jewels 佛法中得见此宝 5. Yam Buddhasettho Parivannayī Sucim 阳布他些多巴利完那依书今 The Supreme Buddha praised that purity 无上的佛陀赞那清净 Samādhimānantarikaññamāhu 沙吗提吗难大里看娘吗呼 call concentration without interruption 那无间定 Samādhinā Tena Samo Na Vijjati 沙马提拿爹拿沙摩拿危加第 no equal is there to such concentration 此定无上 Idampi Dhamme Ratanam Panītam 义挡必堂美拉大难巴尼当 in the Dhamma is this precious jewel 佛法中得见此宝 16

6. Ye Puggalā Attha Satam Pasatthā 也布卡拉阿他沙当巴沙他 Whom the good praise the 8 persons 善行者称颂的八辈 Cattāri Etāni Yugāni Honti 加他利嘿他你又卡你哄地 these 4 pairsā 四双 Te Dakhineyyā Sugatassa Sāvaka 爹达 奇 捏呀书卡达沙 are worthy of gifts, disciples of the Well-gone 是值得供养的善逝的弟子 Etesu Dinnāni Mahapphalāni 嘿爹书地那你马哈巴拉尼 gifts given yield great fruit 供养将带来大福报 沙哇卡 义挡必桑给拉大难 巴尼当 7. Ye Suppayuttā Manasā Dalhena 也书巴又他马拿沙达嘿拿 Who with strong minds practicing 怀着坚定心修持 Nikkāmino Gotama Sāsanamhi 尼卡米诺郭打吗沙沙南嘻 in the Gotama s dispensation 依随佛陀的传承的 17

Te Pattipattā Amatam Vigayha 爹巴第巴他阿马当 they reach the goal, encountering the deathless 他们达到目标, 体证无死 危卡呀 Laddhā Muddhā Nibbutim Bhuñjamānā 腊他木他尼布丁布加吗那 they savour the peace having gained without loss (of any kind) 他们体验不会失去的安宁 义挡必桑给拉大难 巴尼当 8. Yathindakhīlo Pathavim Sito Siyā 呀听达 奇 罗巴他危音西陀西呀 Just as firm-post deeply planted 恰如深置的强杆 Catubbhi Vātebhi Asampakampiyo 加杜比 unshaken by the four winds 不被四风所动 哇爹比阿桑巴甘比哟 Tathūpamam Sappurisam Vadāmi 大土巴芒沙布利桑哇达米 just so is the superior man I declare 如此乃是卓越的人, 我宣告 Yo Ariyasaccāni Avecca Passati 哟阿利亚沙加你阿维加巴沙地 who having seen the Four Noble Truths 是已见证了四圣谛者 18

义挡必桑给拉大难巴尼当 9. Ye Ariyasaccāni Vibhāvayanti 也阿利呀沙加你危巴哇央地 Those who comprehend the noble truths 那些领悟了圣谛者 Gambhīra Paññna Sudesitāni 甘 皮拉般捏拿书爹西大尼 well taught by Him of deep wisdom 乃由大智的他所教 Kiñcāpi Te Honti Bhusappamattā 今 加必爹哄地布沙巴吗他 although they may be negligent 他们虽有疏忽的可能 Na Te Bhavam Atthamamādiyanti 拿爹巴汪 they do not take an eighth existence 却不会再有第八世 阿他麻吗第央地 义挡必桑给 拉大难巴尼当 19

10. Sahāvassa Dassana Sampadāya 沙哈哇沙大沙拿桑巴达呀 Together with his excellence in vision 随着卓越的洞察力 Tayasu Dhammā Jahitā Bhavanti 大呀书堂 he comes to have abandoned three states 他舍下了三法 吗加嘻大巴完地 Sakkāya Ditthi Vicikicchitañca 沙卡呀第提危济 奇 济担加 wrong views of self, sceptical doubts 邪见, 疑惑 Sīlabbatam Vāpi Yadatthi Kiñci 西拉巴当 clinging to wrong practices (as true) 对邪道的执着 哇比呀达提 今 济 Catūhapāyehi Ca Vippamutto 加嘟哈巴也嘻 and freed from the four woeful states 因而脱离四苦道 加危巴木多 Cha Cābhithānāni Abhabbo Kātum 察 加比大拿你阿巴波卡吨 he cannot do the major wrong doings 他不会再犯大错 义挡必桑给 拉大难巴尼当 20

11. Kiñcapi So Kammam Karoti Pāpaka 今 加比嗦卡 芒 卡罗地巴巴刚 Though he can still perform evil act 虽然他乃会造恶业 Kāyena Vācā Uda Cetasā Vā 加也拿 by body, speech or mind 于身, 口, 意 哇加乌他皆大沙哇 Abhabbho So Tassa Paticchādāya 阿巴波 he cannot conceal it 他却不会隐瞒 嗦大沙巴第加大呀 Abhabbatā Dittha Padassa Vuttā 阿巴巴大第他巴大沙乌大 Such is impossible for one who has seen the Path 对于见道来说这是不可能的 义挡必桑给拉大难巴尼当 12. Vanappagumbe Yathā Phussitagge 哇拿巴滚别呀他不习达给 Just as a fully blossomed woodland tree 恰如一株开满了花的森林树 Gimhānamāse Pthamasmim Gimhe 今 哈拿马些巴他马斯敏 今 嘿 in the early heat of the warm summer months 在焰热夏月初升的热流中 21

Tathūpamam Dhamavaram Adesayi 大土巴芒 such is the excellent teachings He taught 他的卓越教育是如此 堂马哇朗阿爹沙依 Nibbānagāmim Paramam Hitāya 逆巴拿加敏巴拉芒 leading to Nibbana, the supreme goal 导向涅盘, 至高的目标 嘻大呀 Idampi Buddhe Ratanam Panītam 义挡必布爹 in the Buddha is this precious jewel 佛身上得见此宝 拉大难巴尼当 13. Varo Varaññū Varado Varāharo 哇罗哇拉奴哇拉哆 The unrivalled Excellent One, the Knower, the Giver, the Bringer of the Excellent 他是无上优者, 知优者, 施优者, 予优者 哇拉哈罗 Anuttaro Dhammavaram Adesayī 阿奴大罗堂马哇朗阿爹沙依 taught the incomparable Dhamma 教育了无上佛法 Idampi Buddhe Ratanam Panītam 义挡必布爹拉大难巴尼当 in the Buddha is this precious jewel 佛身上得见此宝 22

14. Khīnam Purānam Navam Natthi Sambhavam 奇 难布拉难那汪 那提山 巴汪 The old exhausted, no new arising 旧的已耗尽, 亦不再有新的 Viratta Cittā Āyatike Bhavasmim 危腊他吉他阿呀第给巴哇斯敏 of lustful mind to future becoming 追求未来生命的欲念 Te Khīnabījā Avirūlhicchandā 爹 奇 拿鼻加阿危如嘻赞他 their seeds destroyed and have no more wish for growth 他们的欲种已灭, 亦不再有成长之欲 Nibbanti Dhīrā Yathā Yam Padīpo 逆般地提拉 呀他 阳 巴第波 the wise go out as did lamp 智者人灭如灯灭 义挡必桑给拉大难巴尼当 15. Yānīdha Bhūtāni Samāgatāni 呀尼他布大尼沙马卡大尼 Whatever beings there are assembled here 任何在此聚集的众生 Bhummāni Vā Yāni Va Antalikkhe 布 吗尼哇呀尼哇安大力给 whether on earth or in sky 不论是在陆地或在空中 23

Tathāgatam Devamanussapūjitam 大他卡当爹哇马奴沙不吉当 the Thus-Gone, revered by gods and men 如来, 天神与人类皆尊敬 Buddham Namassāma Suvatthi Hotu 布堂拿马沙马书哇提呵嘟 Let us salute (Him) the Buddha, so may there be well being 让我们敬礼 ( 他 ) 佛陀, 愿得一片吉祥 16. Yānīdha Bhūtāni Samāgatāni 呀尼他布大尼沙马卡大尼 Whatever beings there are assembled here 任何在此集的众生 Bhummāni Vā Yāni Va Antalikkhe 布 吗尼哇呀尼哇安大力给 whether on earth or in sky 不论是在陆地或在空中 Tathāgatam Devamanussapūjitam 大他卡当爹哇马奴沙不吉当 the Thus-Gone, revered by gods and men 如来, 天神与人类皆尊敬 Dhammam Namassāma Suvatthi Hotu 堂芒拿马沙马书哇提呵嘟 let us salute the Dhamma, so may there be well being 让我们敬礼法, 愿得一片吉祥 17. Yānīdha Bhūtāni Samāgatāni 呀尼他布大尼沙马卡大尼 Whatever beings there are assembled here 任何在此聚集的众生 Bhummāni Vā Yāni Va Antalikkhe 布 吗尼哇呀尼哇安大力给 whether on earth or in sky 不论是在陆地或在空中 24

Tathāgatam Devamanussapūjitam 大他卡当爹哇马奴沙不吉当 the Thus-Gone, revered by gods and men 如来, 天神与人类皆尊敬 Sangham Namassāma Suvatthi Hotu 桑康 拿马沙马书哇提呵嘟 let us salute the Sangha, so may there be well being 让我们敬礼僧, 愿得一片吉祥 25