202 J HBUM /Meta QUADAS QUA DAS Agency for Health Research and 2 QUADAS-2 Quality Cochrane Collaboration U. K. National In

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. QUADAS-2 201 doi 10. 7543 /j. issn. 1006-9674. 2013. 03. 004 殏 檪 殏. QUADAS-2 J. 2013 32 3 201-208. QUADAS-2 殏檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪檪 殏 邬兰 1,2, 张永 3,4 1,2,4, 曾宪涛 1 2 3 4 442000 QUADAS Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies 2003 QUADAS 2011 QUADAS-2 QUADAS QUADAS-2 QUADAS-2 Rev- Man 5. 2 QUADAS-2 RevMan 5. 2 QUADAS QUADAS-2 RevMan 5. 2 Meta The QUADAS-2 Tool for the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Study an Introduction WU Lan 1 2 ZHANG Yong 3 4 ZENG Xian-tao 1 2 4 1 Department of Stomatology Taihe Hospital 2 School of Stomatology 3 Department of Scientific Research Taihe Hospital 4 Evidence-Based Medicine Center Taihe Hospital Hubei University of Medicine Shiyan Hubei 442000 China Abstract Since the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies QUADAS tool was officially launched for assessing the quality of diagnosis accuracy study in 2003 it has been widely used all over the world. In practice some experiences reports feedbacks from users or academic organizations suggested the potential for improving this tool. Therefore in order to improve this tool the QUADAS Group revised it and then launched QUADAS-2 in 2011. Compared with QUADAS QUADAS-2 deleted and improved some items which were easily confused divided the assessment items into the risk of bias and the applicability and provided signaling questions which could help judgment. Currently QUADAS-2 has been integrated to RevMan 5. 2 software. This article makes a briefly introduction of QUADAS-2 and show how we use it in RevMan 5. 2 software. Key words QUADAS QUADAS-2 RevMan 5. 2 software Diagnostic accuracy study Systematic review Meta-analysis /Meta Cochrane 1 2-5 QUA- QUADAS DAS 2011 Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies QUADAS-2 6 2012 Cochrane RevMan 5. 2 5 7 Co- QUADAS-2 2012 chrane 2012A050 2011 2013 1 2011CZX01 2010 Reiview Manager 5 2010017 Meta 5 1991 - QUADAS-2 6 1984-1 QUADAS-2 Meta E-mail zengxiantao1128@ 163. com QUADAS Penny Whiting Delphi 2003

202 J HBUM 2013 6 32 3 /Meta QUADAS QUA- 2 8 2003 DAS-2 4 6 Agency for Health Research and 2 QUADAS-2 Quality Cochrane Collaboration U. K. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence QUADAS-2 4 /Meta 6 QUADAS 4 2011 1 - Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects QUADAS 3 200 500 6 2. 1 QUADAS 14 QUADAS-2 Moher 4 9 QUADAS-2 QUADAS Meta http / /www. bris. ac. uk /quadas / www. annals. org 6 2 QUADAS QUADAS-2 4 1 3 QUADAS / QUADAS-2 1 Meta 1 6 QUADAS-2

. QUADAS-2 203 2. 2 1 QUADAS-2 4 2 ⑴ QUADAS-2 ⑵ ⑶ ⑷ 2-2 QUADAS-2 2. 2. 1 QUADAS-2 4 20% ~ 30% 20% 2 2 1 3 10 1 1

204 J 2 / 4 4 3 1 2. 2. 2 3 2 4 1 2 2 HBUM 2013 6 32 3 1 6 2 1 2 3 4 2 ~ 3 low risk high risk unclear risk 2

. QUADAS-2 205 ⑵ QUADAS-2 3 ⑶ QUADAS-2 ⑷ / QUADAS-2 ⑸ QUADAS 2. 3 QUDAS-2 QUADAS-2 2 3 QUA- 3 QUADAS 6 QUADAS QUADAS-2 ⑹QUADAS-2 DAS-2 QUADAS-2 QUADAS-2 QUADAS QUA- 3 DAS http / /www. bris. ac. uk /quadas / QUADAS QUADAS-2 2 Access Excel Word Cochrane QUADAS QUADAS-2 Cochrane QUADAS-2 Cochrane Handbook for Diagnostic Test Accuracy Reviews QUA- QUADAS-2 6 DAS-2 12 QUADS-2 11 ⑴ QUADAS-2 3 4 RevMan 5. 2 QUDAS-2 Reiview Manager 5 Man 5. 2 QUADAS-2 Meta 5 RevMan 5 5. 2 7 5. 2 QUADAS-2 Preoperative vascular evaluation with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging for pancreatic cancer a meta-analysis 13 Rev- QUADAS-2 4 Reiview Manager 5 Meta 5 13 4

206 J Figures 6 4 Add Figure 4 5 Risk of bias and applicability concerns 5 Risk of bias and applicability summary Next Finish concerns graph Next Finish 7 3 1-4 QUADAS QUADAS-2 QUADAS QUADAS-2 QUADAS-2 1. 2. * 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. * 9. * 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. * 1 Cochrane DTA 4 Arslan Irie Lee Nishiharu Ramsay Sariano Schwarz Trede 2001 2001 2010 1999 2004 2004 2001 1997 1 1 Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes 2 Yes Yes Unclear Yes Yes Unclear Yes Unclear 3 Yes Yes Unclear Yes Yes Unclear Yes Unclear LR UR UR LR UR UR UR UR LC HC UC LC HC UC HC UC 2 1 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes 2 No Yes No No Yes No No Yes UR LR HR UR LR HR UR LR UC LC HC UC LC HC UC LC 3 1 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes 2 Unclear Yes Yes Unclear Yes Yes Unclear Yes UR LR UR UR LR UR UR LR HC HC UC HC HC UC HC HC 4 1 No No Yes No No Yes No Yes HBUM 2013 6 32 3 2 ~ 3 Unclear No Yes Unclear No Yes No Yes 4 Unclear Yes Yes Unclear Yes Yes Yes Yes HR UR LR HR UR LR UR LR LR low risk HR high risk UR unclear risk LC low concern HC high concern UC unclear concern.

. QUADAS-2 207 4 5 5 7 6 QUADAS-2 QUADAS-2 QUADAS-2 RevMan 5. 2 5 7 Cochrane QUA- DAS-2 14 ⑴ 1. /Meta /Meta M. 2013 69 - ⑵ 90 449-458. 2 Whiting P Rutjes AW Reitsma JB et al. The development of QUADAS a tool for the quality assessment of ⑶ Meta ⑷ ⑸ studies of diagnostic accuracy included in systematic reviews J. BMC Med Res Methodol 2003 10 3 25. ⑹ QUADAS-2 3. Meta 4 J. 2012 4 6 496-499. 4 Reitsma JB Rutjes AW Whiting P et al. Chapter 9 Assessing methodological quality. In Deeks JJ Bossuyt PM Gatsonis C eds. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic QUADAS-2 Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy Version 1. 0. 1. CASP The Cochrane Collaboration 2009 M /OL. Available 3 from http / /srdta. cochrane. org /handbook-dta-reviews. Cochrane

208 J 5. Reiview Manager 5 Meta J. 2013 32 1 6-16. 6 Whiting PF Rutjes AW Westwood ME et al. QUA- DAS-2 a revised tool for the quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies J. Ann Intern Med 2011 155 8 529-536. 7 Review Manager RevMan Computer program. Version 5. 2. Copenhagen The Nordic Cochrane Centre The Cochrane Collaboration 2012. 8 Whiting P Rutjes AW Dinnes J et al. Development and validation of methods for assessing the quality of diagnostic accuracy studies J. Health Technol Assess 2004 8 25 1-234. 9 Moher D Schulz KF Simera I et al. Guidance for developers of health research reporting guidelines J. PLoS Med 2010 7 2 e1000217. 10 Whiting P Rutjes AW Reitsma JB et al. Sources of variation and bias in studies of diagnostic accuracy a systematic review J. Ann Intern Med 2004 140 3 189-202. HBUM 2013 6 32 3 11 Whiting P Rutjes A Westwood M et al. Evidence report prepared for QUADAS-2 face-to-face meeting. Updating QUADAS Evidence to inform the development of QUADAS-2 M /OL. Available from http / /www. bris. ac. uk / quadas / publications /. 12 Schueler S Schuetz GM Dewey M. The revised QUADAS- 2 tool J. Ann Intern Med 2012 156 4 323-324. 13 Zhang Y Huang J Chen M et al. Preoperative vascular evaluation with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging for pancreatic cancer a meta-analysis J. Pancreatology 2012 12 3 227-233. 14 Higgins JPT Green S editors. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 5. 1. 0 updated March 2011. The Cochrane Collaboration 2011. M /OL. Available from www. cochrane-handbook. org. 2013-04 - 20 ( 本文编辑 : 朱佩筠 ) ( 上接第 200 页 ) 1. M. 5. 2001 86. 2 Kean BH. Clinical Toxoplasmosis - 50 years J. Trans IgG R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1972 66 4 549-571. 3. M. 7. 2008 73. 4. 4-13. 97% 7 J. 2012 12 9 1 123-1 124. 5. J. 2001 14 2 135 IgG - 136. 6. 63% 8 3. 50% 6. J. 2008 3 5 390-391. 7. J. 2012 43 3 198-199. 8. 2 718 J. 1991 7 4 219-220. 2012-11 - 10 ( 本文编辑 : 邴云云 )