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MACAU Time # Event Buy-In Entry Fee Thursday, Sep 20 1:00 p.m. 1 PKC Opening Event - No Limit Hold'em (Event 1) 2,700 300 3:00 p.m. 2 PKC High Roller (Event 2) 76,000 4,000 6:00 p.m. Main Event Satellite 1,800 200 Friday, Sep 21 1:00 p.m. PKC Main Event Day 1A 15,000 1,500 2:00 p.m. 2 PKC High Roller Final Day (Event 2) 76,000 4,000 3:00 p.m. 3 No Limit Hold em 1 (Event 3) 3,600 400 6:00 p.m. Main Event Satellite 1,800 200 Saturday, Sep 22 1:00 p.m. PKC Main Event Day 1B 15,000 1,500 6:00 p.m. PKC Main Event Day 1C (Turbo) 15,000 1,500 Sunday, Sep 23 1:00 p.m. PKC Main Event Day 2 N/A N/A 2:00 p.m. 4 No Limit Hold em 2 (Event 4) 4,500 500 5:00 p.m. 5 NLH Turbo 1 (Event 5) 1,800 200 7:00 p.m. PKC Super High Roller Satellite 23,000 2,000 Currency : HKD

MACAU Time # Event Buy-In Entry Fee Monday, Sep 24 1:00 p.m. PKC Main Event Day 3 N/A N/A 1:30 p.m. 6 Deep Stack Day 1 (Event 6) 6,300 700 2:00 p.m. 7 PKC Super High Roller Day 1 (Event 7) 190,000 10,000 5:00 p.m. 8 NLH Turbo 2 (Event 8) 1,800 200 Tuesday, Sep 25 1:00 p.m. PKC Main Event Final Day N/A N/A 1:30 p.m. 6 Deep Stack Final Day (Event 6) N/A N/A 2:00 p.m. 7 PKC Super High Roller Final Day (Event 7) 190,000 10,000 2:30 p.m. 9 NLH Hyper Turbo (Event 9) 1,800 200 Currency : HKD

MACAU TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Participants must be 21 years or older in order to join any or all events. 2. Participants must have been neither barred nor sanctioned and must be in good standing with Venetian Macau Ltd. 3. All events are open for the public. 4. Participants must go through the registration process before participating in any event. 5. Multiple re-entries are allowed as stated on the event notes and to be paid by Cash through PKC Cage. 6. A maximum of 10 participants only will be allowed per tournament table. 7. Seats will be assigned to participants randomly prior to joining any event. 8. Only tournament chips with no cash value will be used for all events. a. Gaming officials will distribute a designated amount of tournament chips to each participant prior to joining any events. b. Tournament chip s are to be used within the tournament premises only and cannot be converted to cash nor any form of rewards. c. A designated set of tournament chips will be used for each specific event and for that event only. d. Participants are not allowed to transfer, borrow, or loan tournament chips to other participants. e. All tournament chips must be returned to gaming officials each and every time a tournament closes. f. Participants are not allowed to retain any chips. g. Participants are required to display their tournament chips clearly to other participants and gaming officials under all circumstances during tournament play. h. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in disqualification. 9. All participants are required to become a member of the Sands Rewards Club. 10. The event shall follow the game rules of Texas Hold em Poker as required by DICJ,( and follow the TDA tournament rules attached. 11. The event shall follow the game rules of No Commission Tournament game. 12. All decisions to be made by the Tournament Director on the tournament floor is deemed final. 13. Participants shall grant Poker King Club permission and rights to use their name, image, and likeness for promotional purposes without any form of compensation, monetary or others. 14. Poker King Club s Management Team shall have full and exclusive authority to interpret all terms and conditions related to this tournament and resolve any disputes that may arise. 15. Poker King Club reserves the right to cancel and/or amend the event, the tournament schedule, and/or the Terms and Conditions set herein at its sole discretion. 16. Failure to comply with the Terms and Conditions set herein will result in disqualification. 17. Where there may be discrepancy between the English and the Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail. 18. All tournaments are subject to regulatory approval 1. 参赛者须年满 21 周岁才可参加赛事 2. 参赛者须拥有良好信誉, 并从没被澳门威尼斯人禁止进入或惩罚 3. 所有赛事均开放至公众 4. 参赛者须经过注册程序才可参加任一项赛事 5. 赛事备注已标明允许重进, 并且只能通过扑克王账房 6. 每张比赛桌最多为十位玩家 7. 在参加每个赛事之前, 参赛者都将被随机分配座位 8. 所有赛事只允许使用比赛筹码, 并不设任何现金价值 a. 比赛前工作人员会分发指定的筹码数量给参赛者 b. 比赛筹码只允许在赛事中使用, 并不能转换成现金或以任何方式换取奖励 c. 每组指定筹码只允许在指定的赛事中使用 d. 参赛者不允许从其他参赛者中转换 借用或借贷比赛筹码 e. 所有比赛筹码必须在每场赛事结束后归还博彩工作人员 f. 参赛者不允许保留任何筹码 g. 比赛期间在任何情况下, 参赛者必须为其他参赛人员和工作人员清晰展示其比赛筹码 h. 不遵守此赛事规则将被取消参费资格 9. 所有参赛者需注册成为金沙会会员 10. 赛事将根据澳门博彩监察局之 " 德州扑克 " 的规则 (, 和按照 TDA 的比赛规则运作 11. 赛事将遵循 无佣金赛 的比赛规则 12. 所有赛事总监在场面上作出的决定将被视为最终决定 13. 参赛者将同意扑克王使用其姓名 形象和肖像用于宣传, 而无需以任何形式或货币补偿. 14. 扑克王的管理团队具有所有权解释此条款和解决可能出现的任何争议 15. 扑克王保留赛事取消或修改的权利, 包括赛程或此条款 16. 不遵守此条款者将被取消参赛资格 17. 若款条的中文及英文版本出现分歧, 皆以中文版本为准 18. 所有賽事須經主管部門核准

HKD 15,000 + 1,500 30,000 MAIN EVENT NO LIMIT HOLDEM 无限注德州扑克 Day1A&B: 40 MINS / 分钟 Day1C Turbo: 30 MINS / 分钟 Day2,3 & Final: 60 MINS / 分钟 1 50 100-2 75 150-3 100 200-4 100 200 25 5 150 300 25 6 200 400 50 7 250 500 50 8 300 600 75 60 MINS BREAK / Remove 25 chips 9 400 800 100 10 500 1,000 100 11 600 1,200 200 END OF DAY 1 / 第一轮结束 12 800 1,600 200 13 1,000 2,000 300 14 1,200 2,400 400 15 MINS BREAK / Remove 100 chips 15 1,500 3,000 500 16 2,000 4,000 500 17 2,500 5,000 500 15 MINS BREAK / Remove 500 chips 18 3,000 6,000 1,000 END OF DAY 2 / 第二轮结束 19 4,000 8,000 1,000 20 5,000 10,000 1,000

MAIN EVENT NO LIMIT HOLDEM 无限注德州扑克 HKD 13,500 + 1,500 30,000 Day1A&B: 40 MINS / 分钟 Day1C: 30 MINS / 分钟 Day2,3 & Final: 60 MINS / 分钟 21 6,000 12,000 2,000 22 8,000 16,000 2,000 23 10,000 20,000 3,000 24 12,000 24,000 4,000 15 MINS BREAK / Remove 1,000 chips 25 15,000 30,000 5,000 26 20,000 40,000 5,000 27 25,000 50,000 5,000 28 30,000 60,000 10,000 29 40,000 80,000 10,000 30 50,000 100,000 15,000 31 60,000 120,000 20,000 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 5,000 chips 32 75,000 150,000 25,000 33 100,000 200,000 25,000 34 125,000 250,000 25,000 35 150,000 300,000 50,000

MAIN EVENT NO LIMIT HOLDEM 无限注德州扑克 Event Notes * Late registration closes before the start of level 11 * Same Day re-entry is allowed until the end of the registration * Day 1B & Day 1C allows players qualifying to Day 2 to re-enter * Players qualifying to Day 2 with 2 stacks will play greater stack and lesser stack will be removed from play. * Redraws will be conducted at the end of Days 1, 2 and 3 * Play will be 10 handed if necessary, moving to 9 handed as soon as possible * 7 tables or more balancing of tables will be within 2 players * 6 tables or less balancing of tables will be within 1 player * Final Table will be 10 handed * Day 2 will play until level 18 and must be in the money * Day 3 will play to the final 8 players * There is a 40 big blind ratio to average stack to final 8 players if required * 3% staff charge * Guarantees are not applicable during Typhoon Level 8 or higher * There will not be a dinner break for Day 1C. Extended breaks will be at the discretion of the Tournament Director STARTING DATE AND TIME 开始日期及时间 DAY 1A - 21/SEP, 01:00 PM DAY 1B - 22/SEP, 01:00 PM DAY 1C TURBO - 22/SEP, 06:00 PM DAY 2-23/SEP, 01:00 PM DAY 3 PLAY DOWN TO FINAL 8-24/SEP, 01:00 PM FINAL - 25/SEP, 01:00 PM 备注 : * 第十一个等级开始前停止登记 * 于停止登记前允许同日多次重进 * 已进入第二轮的玩家允许再次参加首轮 B 组及 C 组的赛事 * 持有两组及以上筹码的玩家将保留较高的一组筹码进入第二轮赛事, 而相对较低的一 / 几组筹码将被移除 * 座位重抽会于赛事第一, 第二及第三日赛事完结后进行 * 如现场需要, 每 10 名玩家一桌, 之后尽可能 9 人一桌 * 7 张或以上桌子时的人数调整移桌在差距大于 2 人时进行 * 6 张或以下桌子时的人数调整移桌在差距大于 1 人时进行 * 决胜桌为十人桌 * 第二轮比赛会赛至第 18 等级, 并且必须确保已进入奖励圈 * 第三轮比赛会赛至剩下 8 位玩家 * 进入最后 8 名玩家决战时, 可视乎情况将大盲注调整为玩家平均筹码的 1/40 * 由总奖池提拨 3% 作为工作人员费用 * 如遇 8 级以上台风, 保底奖池或奖项取消 * 首轮 1C 赛事不设晚餐休息时间 延长休息时间将由赛事总监决定

#1 PKC OPENING EVENT NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) HKD 2,700 + 300 8,000 30 MINUTES / 分钟 1 50 100-2 75 150-3 100 200-4 100 200 25 5 150 300 50 6 200 400 75 40 MINS DINNER BREAK / Remove 25 chips 7 300 600 100 8 400 800 100 9 500 1,000 100 10 600 1,200 200 11 800 1,600 200 12 1,000 2,000 300 13 1,200 2,400 400 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 100 chips 14 1,500 3,000 500 15 2,000 4,000 500 16 2,500 5,000 500 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 500 chips 17 3,000 6,000 1,000 18 4,000 8,000 1,000 19 5,000 10,000 1,000 20 6,000 12,000 2,000

#1 PKC OPENING EVENT NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) HKD 2,700 + 300 8,000 30 MINUTES / 分钟 21 8,000 16,000 2,000 22 10,000 20,000 3,000 23 24 12,000 24,000 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 1000 chips 4,000 15,000 30,000 5,000 25 20,000 40,000 5,000 26 25,000 50,000 5,000 27 30,000 60,000 10,000 REMARK: * Late registration closes before the start of level 7 * Multiple re-entry per day is allowed until the end of the registration * 3% staff charge STARTING DATE AND TIME 开始日期及时间 20/SEP, 01:00 PM 备注 : * 第七个级别开始前停止登记 * 赛事于停止登记前允许重进 * 由总奖池提拨 3% 作工作人员费用

#2 PKC HIGH ROLLER NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) HKD 76,000 + 4,000 50,000 40 MINUTES / 分钟 1 100 200-2 100 200 3 4 150 300 200 400 50 5 250 500 50 6 300 600 75 40 MINS DINNER BREAK / Remove 25 chips 7 400 800 100 8 500 1,000 100 9 600 1,200 200 END OF DAY 1 / 第一轮结束 10 800 1,600 200 11 1,000 2,000 300 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 100 chips 12 1,200 2,400 400 13 1,500 3,000 500 14 2,000 4,000 500 15 2,500 5,000 500 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 500 chips 16 3,000 6,000 1,000 17 4,000 8,000 1,000 18 5,000 10,000 1,000 19 6,000 12,000 2,000 20 8,000 16,000 2,000 25 25

#2 PKC HIGH ROLLER NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) HKD 76,000 + 4,000 50,000 40 MINUTES / 分钟 21 10,000 20,000 3,000 22 12,000 24,000 4,000 23 15,000 30,000 24 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 1000 chips 5,000 20,000 40,000 5,000 25 25,000 50,000 5,000 26 30,000 60,000 10,000 27 40,000 80,000 10,000 REMARK: * Late registration closes before the start of level 13 * Multiple re-entry per day is allowed until the end of the registration * 2% staff charge STARTING DATE AND TIME 开始日期及时间 DAY 1-20/SEP, 03:00 PM FINAL - 21/SEP, 02:00 PM 备注 : * 第 13 个等级开始前停止登记 * 赛事停止登记前允许多次重进 * 由总奖池提拨 2% 作工作人员费用

#3 NO LIMIT HOLD EM 1 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) HKD 3,600 + 400 10,000 30 MINUTES / 分钟 1 50 100-2 75 150-3 100 200-4 100 200 25 5 150 300 50 6 200 400 75 40 MINS BREAK / Remove 25 chips 7 300 600 100 8 400 800 100 9 500 1,000 100 10 600 1,200 200 11 800 1,600 200 12 1,000 2,000 300 13 1,200 2,400 400 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 100 chips 14 1,500 3,000 500 15 2,000 4,000 500 16 2,500 5,000 500 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 500 chips 17 3,000 6,000 1,000 18 4,000 8,000 1,000 19 5,000 10,000 1,000 20 6,000 12,000 2,000

#3 NO LIMIT HOLD EM 1 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) HKD 3,600 + 400 10,000 30 MINUTES / 分钟 21 8,000 16,000 2,000 22 10,000 20,000 3,000 23 24 12,000 24,000 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 1000 chips 4,000 15,000 30,000 5,000 25 20,000 40,000 5,000 26 25,000 50,000 5,000 27 30,000 60,000 10,000 REMARK: * Late registration closes before the start of level 7 * Multiple re-entry per day is allowed until the end of the registration * 3% staff charge STARTING DATE AND TIME 开始日期及时间 21/SEP, 03:00 PM 备注 : * 第七个级别开始前停止登记 * 赛事于停止登记前允许重进 * 由总奖池提拨 3% 作工作人员费用

#4 NO LIMIT HOLD EM 2 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) HKD 4,500 + 500 10,000 30 MINUTES / 分钟 1 50 100-2 75 150-3 100 200-4 100 200 25 5 150 300 50 6 200 400 75 40 MINS BREAK / Remove 25 chips 7 300 600 100 8 400 800 100 9 500 1,000 100 10 600 1,200 200 11 800 1,600 200 12 1,000 2,000 300 13 1,200 2,400 400 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 100 chips 14 1,500 3,000 500 15 2,000 4,000 500 16 2,500 5,000 500 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 500 chips 17 3,000 6,000 1,000 18 4,000 8,000 1,000 19 5,000 10,000 1,000 20 6,000 12,000 2,000

#4 NO LIMIT HOLD EM 2 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) HKD 4,500 + 500 10,000 30 MINUTES / 分钟 21 8,000 16,000 2,000 22 10,000 20,000 3,000 23 24 12,000 24,000 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 1000 chips 4,000 15,000 30,000 5,000 25 20,000 40,000 5,000 26 25,000 50,000 5,000 27 30,000 60,000 10,000 REMARK: * Late registration closes before the start of level 7 * Multiple re-entry per day is allowed until the end of the registration * 3% staff charge STARTING DATE AND TIME 开始日期及时间 23/SEP, 02:00 PM 备注 : * 第七个级别开始前停止登记 * 赛事于停止登记前允许重进 * 由总奖池提拨 3% 作工作人员费用

#5 NO LIMIT HOLDEM TURBO 1 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) HKD 1,800 + 200 10,000 20 MINUTES / 分钟 1 25 50-2 50 100-3 75 150-4 100 200-5 150 300-6 200 400-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 25 chips 7 300 600-8 400 800-9 600 1,200-10 800 1,600-11 1,000 2,000-12 1,200 2,400-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 100 chips 13 1,500 3,000-14 2,000 4,000-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 500 chips 15 3,000 6,000-16 4,000 8,000-17 6,000 12,000-18 8,000 16,000-19 10,000 20,000-20 12,000 24,000-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 1000 chips

#5 NO LIMIT HOLDEM TURBO 1 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) HKD 1,800 + 200 10,000 20 MINUTES / 分钟 21 15,000 30,000-22 20,000 40,000-23 30,000 60,000-24 40,000 80,000 - REMARK: * Late registration closes before the start of level 7 * Multiple re-entry per day is allowed until the end of the registration * 3% staff charge STARTING DATE AND TIME 开始日期及时间 23/SEP, 05:00 PM 备注 : * 第七个级别开始前停止登记 * 赛事于停止登记前允许重进 * 由总奖池提拨 3% 作工作人员费用

#6 DEEP STACK NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) 无限注德州扑克锦标赛 ( 多次重进 ) HKD 6,300 + 700 30,000 Day1: 30 MINS / 分钟 Final Day: 40 MINS / 分钟 1 50 100-2 75 150-3 4 100 200 100 200 25 5 150 300 25 6 200 400 50 7 250 500 50 8 300 600 75 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 25 chips 9 400 800 100 10 500 1,000 100 11 600 1,200 200 40 MINS BREAK / 40 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 500 chips 12 800 1,600 200 13 1,000 2,000 300 14 1,200 2,400 400 END OF DAY 1 / Remove 100 chips 第一轮结束 15 1,500 3,000 500 16 2,000 4,000 500 17 2,500 5,000 500 18 3,000 6,000 1,000 19 4,000 8,000 1,000 20 5,000 10,000 1,000 -

#6 DEEP STACK 无限注德州扑克锦标赛 ( 多次重进 ) NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) HKD 6,300 + 700 30,000 Day1: 30 MINS / 分钟 Final Day: 40 MINS / 分钟 21 6,000 12,000 2,000 22 8,000 16,000 2,000 23 10,000 20,000 24 3,000 12,000 24,000 4,000 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 1000 chips 25 15,000 30,000 5,000 26 20,000 40,000 5,000 27 25,000 50,000 5,000 28 30,000 60,000 10,000 29 40,000 80,000 10,000 REMARK: * Late registration closes before the start of level 12 * Day 1 will play 14 levels * Same Day re-entry is allowed until the end of the registration * Redraws will be conducted at the end of Day 1 * Play will be 10 handed if necessary, moving to 9 handed as soon as possible * 7 tables or more balancing of tables will be within 2 players * 6 tables or less balancing of tables will be within 1 player * Final Table will be 10 handed * 3% staff charge STARTING DATE AND TIME 开始日期及时间 DAY 1-24/SEP, 01:30 PM FINAL - 25/SEP, 01:30 PM 备注 : * 第十二个等级开始前停止登记 * 首轮赛事将赛至第十四个级别 * 同天赛事停止登记前允许重进 * 座位重抽将于首轮赛事完结后进行 * 如有需要, 每 10 个玩家为一桌, 之后尽可能 9 人一桌座位 * 7 张或以上桌子时的人数调整移桌在差距大于 2 人时进行 * 6 张或以下桌子时的人数调整移桌在差距大于 1 人时进行 * 决胜桌为 10 人桌 * 由总奖池提拨 3% 作工作人员费用

#7 PKC SUPER HIGH ROLLER 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) HKD 190,000 + 10,000 250,000 50 MINUTES / 分钟 1 500 1,000 100 2 600 1,200 3 4 800 1,600 1,000 2,000 300 5 1,200 2,400 400 6 1,500 3,000 500 60 MINS BREAK / Remove 100 chips 7 2,000 4,000 500 8 4,000 5,000 500 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 500 chips 9 3,000 6,000 1,000 END OF DAY 1 / 第一轮结束 10 4,000 8,000 1,000 11 5,000 10,000 1,000 13 8,000 16,000 2,000 12 6,000 12,000 2,000 14 10,000 20,000 3,000 15 12,000 24,000 4,000 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 1000 chips 16 15,000 30,000 5,000 17 20,000 40,000 5,000 18 25,000 50,000 5,000 19 30,000 60,000 10,000 20 40,000 80,000 10,000 200 200

#7 PKC SUPER HIGH ROLLER 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) HKD 190,000 + 10,000 250,000 50 MINUTES / 分钟 21 50,000 100,000 15,000 22 60,000 120,000 20,000 23 75,000 150,000 24 10 MINS BREAK / Remove 1000 chips 25,000 100,000 200,000 25,000 25 125,000 250,000 25,000 26 150,000 300,000 50,000 27 200,000 400,000 50,000 REMARK: * Late registration closes before the start of level 12 * Multiple re-entry per day is allowed until the end of the registration * 2% staff charge STARTING DATE AND TIME 开始日期及时间 DAY 1-24/SEP, 02:00 PM FINAL - 25/SEP, 02:00 PM 备注 : * 第 12 个等级开始前停止登记 * 赛事停止登记前允许多次重进 * 由总奖池提拨 2% 作工作人员费用

#8 NO LIMIT HOLDEM TURBO 2 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) HKD 1,800 + 200 10,000 20 MINUTES / 分钟 1 25 50-2 50 100-3 75 150-4 100 200-5 150 300-6 200 400-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 25 chips 7 300 600-8 400 800-9 600 1,200-10 800 1,600-11 1,000 2,000-12 1,200 2,400-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 100 chips 13 1,500 3,000-14 2,000 4,000-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 500 chips 15 3,000 6,000-16 4,000 8,000-17 6,000 12,000-18 8,000 16,000-19 10,000 20,000-20 12,000 24,000-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 1000 chips

#8 NO LIMIT HOLDEM TURBO 2 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) HKD 1,800 + 200 10,000 20 MINUTES / 分钟 21 15,000 30,000-22 20,000 40,000-23 30,000 60,000-24 40,000 80,000 - REMARK: * Late registration closes before the start of level 7 * Multiple re-entry per day is allowed until the end of the registration * 3% staff charge STARTING DATE AND TIME 开始日期及时间 24/SEP, 05:00 PM 备注 : * 第七个级别开始前停止登记 * 赛事于停止登记前允许重进 * 由总奖池提拨 3% 作工作人员费用

#9 NO LIMIT HOLDEM HYPER TURBO 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) HKD 1,800 + 200 10,000 15 MINUTES / 分钟 1 25 50-2 50 100-3 75 150-4 100 200-5 150 300-6 200 400-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 25 chips 7 300 600-8 400 800-9 600 1,200-10 800 1,600-11 1,000 2,000-12 1,200 2,400-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 100 chips 13 1,500 3,000-14 2,000 4,000-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 500 chips 15 3,000 6,000-16 4,000 8,000-17 6,000 12,000-18 8,000 16,000-19 10,000 20,000-20 12,000 24,000-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 1000 chips

#9 NO LIMIT HOLDEM HYPER TURBO 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) HKD 1,800 + 200 10,000 15 MINUTES / 分钟 21 15,000 30,000-22 20,000 40,000-23 30,000 60,000-24 40,000 80,000 - REMARK: * Late registration closes before the start of level 7 * Multiple re-entry per day is allowed until the end of the registration * 3% staff charge STARTING DATE AND TIME 开始日期及时间 25/SEP, 02:30 PM 备注 : * 第七个级别开始前停止登记 * 赛事于停止登记前允许重进 * 由总奖池提拨 3% 作工作人员费用

Satellite MAIN EVENT SATELLITE NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) HKD 1,800 + 200 3,000 20 MINUTES / 分钟 1 25 50-2 50 100-3 4 100 200 150 300-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 25 chips 5 200 400-6 300 600-7 400 800-8 600 1,200-10 MINS BREAK 10 / Remove MINS BREAK 25 chips / 10 9 800 1,600-10 1,000 2,000-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 100 chips 11 1,500 3,000-12 2,000 4,000-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 500 chips 13 14 3,000 1,200 6,000 2,400-14 4,000 8,000-15 6,000 12,000-16 8,000 16,000 - - - REMARK: * Late registration closes before the start of level 5 * Multiple re-entry per day is allowed until the end of the registration * All funds within the prize pool will go toward the price of the seat. * Excess funds falling short of the prize of the seat will go to the runner up of the last seat being awarded. * 3% staff charge STARTING DATE AND TIME 开始日期及时间 20/SEP, 06:00 PM 21/SEP, 06:00 PM 备注 : * 第五个等级开始前停止登记 * 赛事停止登记前允许多次重进 * 全数奖池将按等同于主赛席位价值之主赛资格发放 * 奖池余额多出但不足以换领主赛一席门票时, 余额将以现金方式发放给未能获得门票但名次最高的玩家 * 由总奖池提拨 3% 作工作人员费用

Satellite PKC SUPER HIGH ROLLER SATELLITE NO LIMIT HOLDEM(MULTIPLE RE-ENTRY) 无限注德州扑克 ( 多次重进 ) HKD 23,000 + 2,000 10,000 25 MINUTES / 分钟 1 25 50-2 50 100-3 100 200-4 150 300-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 25 chips 5 200 400-6 300 600-7 400 800-8 600 1,200-10 MINS BREAK 10 / Remove MINS BREAK 25 chips / 10 9 800 1,600-10 1,000 2,000-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 100 chips 11 1,500 3,000-12 2,000 4,000-10 MINS BREAK / Remove 500 chips - 13 14 3,000 1,200 6,000 2,400-14 4,000 8,000-15 6,000 12,000-16 8,000 16,000 - REMARK: * Late registration closes before the start of level 5 * Multiple re-entry per day is allowed until the end of the registration * All funds within the prize pool will go toward the price of the seat. * Excess funds falling short of the prize of the seat will go to the runner up of the last seat being awarded. * 3% staff charge STARTING DATE AND TIME 开始日期及时间 23/SEP, 07:00 PM 备注 : * 第五个等级开始前停止登记 * 赛事停止登记前允许多次重进 * 全数奖池将按等同于大師赛席位价值之大師赛资格发放 * 奖池余额多出但不足以换领大師赛一席门票时, 余额将以现金方式发放给未能获得门票但名次最高的玩家 * 由总奖池提拨 3% 作工作人员费用

PAYOUT STRUCTURES MAIN EVENT & SIDE EVENTS (EXCEPT HIGH-ROLLER EVENTS) Ranking Entrants 2-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-87 88-112 113-137 138-162 163-187 188-212 213-362 263-337 338-412 413-487 488-562 563-637 100% 60% 48% 40% 36% 34% 30% 28.15% 26.8% 25.75% 24.87% 24.15% 23.53% 22.09% 21% 20.1% 19.43% 18.9% 40% 32% 28% 25% 23% 21% 19.71% 18.77% 18.03% 17.43% 16.93% 16.51% 15.5% 14.7% 14.09% 13.62% 13.25% 20% 18% 16% 15% 13.5% 12.67% 12.07% 11.6% 11.21% 10.88% 10.62% 9.97% 9.45% 9.06% 8.76% 8.52% 14% 13% 12% 10% 9.39% 8.94% 8.59% 8.3% 8.06% 7.86% 7.38% 7% 6.7% 6.48% 6.31% 10% 9% 7.5% 7.04% 6.7% 6.44% 6.23% 6.05% 5.9% 5.54% 5.25% 5.03% 4.86% 4.73% 7% 6% 5.63% 5.36% 5.15% 4.98% 4.84% 4.72% 4.43% 4.2% 4.03% 3.9% 3.79% 5% 4.69% 4.46% 4.28% 4.14% 4.02% 3.92% 3.68% 3.5% 3.36% 3.25% 3.16% 4% 3.75% 3.57% 3.43% 3.32% 3.22% 3.14% 2.95% 2.8% 2.68% 2.59% 2.52% 3% 2.82% 2.68% 2.57% 2.48% 2.41% 2.35% 2.21% 2.10% 2.01% 1.95% 1.89% 2.05% 1.95% 1.87% 1.81% 1.76% 1.72% 1.61% 1.53% 1.47% 1.43% 1.39% 1.60% 1.54% 1.49% 1.45% 1.41% 1.32% 1.25% 1.2% 1.16% 1.13% 1.31% 1.27% 1.23% 1.2% 1.13% 1.07% 1.03% 1% 0.97% 1.11% 1.08% 1.05% 0.99% 0.94% 0.9% 0.87% 0.85% 0.96% 0.94% 0.88% 0.84% 0.81% 0.78% 0.76% 0.83% 0.78% 0.74% 0.71% 0.69% 0.67% 0.68% 0.65% 0.62% 0.6% 0.58% 0.56% 0.54% 0.52% 0.5% 0.46% 0.44% 0.43% 0.37% 0.36% 0.31% REMARK: Player Field ranges that are not listed above will use payouts as per standard Poker King Club payouts. 备注 : 参赛人数不在上表所列范围之赛事, 将按扑克王俱乐部标准奖金奖池分布率分配奖金

PAYOUT STRUCTURES HIGH-ROLLER EVENTS Ranking Entrants 1 2-7 2 8-12 3 13-16 4 17-24 5 25-32 6 33-40 7 41-48 8 49-56 9 57-64 10 65-72 11 73-80 12 81-88 13 89-96 14 97-104 15 105-112 16 113-120 100% 65% 50% 44% 40% 37% 36% 34.5% 33.1% 31.2% 29.7% 28.7% 28% 27.6% 27.5% 27.4% 35% 30% 26% 25% 24% 23% 23% 22.3% 22% 21.5% 21% 20.5% 20% 19.5% 19.2% 20% 18% 16% 15% 14.5% 14% 13.5% 13.3% 13.25% 13% 12.7% 12.5% 12.3% 12% 12% 11% 10.5% 10% 9.5% 9.3% 9.2% 9.05% 8.9% 8.8% 8.6% 8.4% 8.3% 8% 7.5% 7% 6.5% 6.4% 6.2% 6.05% 5.9% 5.7% 5.6% 5.4% 5.3% 6% 5.5% 5% 4.8% 4.7% 4.55% 4.4% 4.3% 4.1% 4% 3.9% 4% 4% 3.9% 3.8% 3.7% 3.6% 3.5% 3.4% 3.3% 3.2% 3.5% 3.4% 3.3% 3.2% 3.1% 3% 2.9% 2.8% 2.7% 3.3% 3.2% 3.1% 3% 2.9% 2.8% 2.7% 2.6% 3.1% 3% 2.9% 2.8% 2.7% 2.6% 2.5% 2.9% 2.8% 2.7% 2.6% 2.5% 2.4% 2.7% 2.6% 2.5% 2.4% 2.3% 2.5% 2.4% 2.3% 2.2% 2.3% 2.2% 2.1% 2.1% 2% 1.9% REMARK: Player Field ranges that are not listed above will use payouts as per standard Poker King Club payouts. 备注 : 参赛人数不在上表所列范围之赛事, 将按扑克王俱乐部标准奖金奖池分布率分配奖金