% 60% 40% 80% 54 40% Devandra Kaushik Perspectives on Security in I

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Amardeep Athwal 1 2 John W. Garver 3 India s Strategy on Indian Ocean and the Development of Sino - India Relations Tao Liang ABSTRACT To achieve and safeguard its future interests in the Indian Ocean China will have to cooperate with India on regional issues. The effective cooperation between the two countries will be of benefit to deal with the so - called Security Dilemma and to promote mutual trust. There are optimistic allusions about future cooperation on the issues in the Indian Ocean region. KEY WORDS Sino - India relations the Indian Ocean security cooperation 1 Amardeep Athwal China - India Relations Contemporary Dynamics London Routledge 2008 p. 129. 2 Amardeep Athwal China - India Relations Contemporary Dynamics p. 3. 3 John W. Garver The Security Dilemma in Sino - India Relations India Review Vol. 1 No. 4 Oct. 2002 pp. 1-38. 65