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2016 6 1881 2 1881 1901 1922 1925 1928 1931 1931 1932 1932 1932 1936 1939 1939 1940 1942 1886 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 1918 1919 1924 1923 1924 1929 1932 1932 1932 1932 1933 1934 1934 1934 1937 1937 1940 1920 1 1977 57 92

1919 10 60 1 2 3 4 5 1 1929 20 60 2. 1927 ~ 1937 634 12 2 20 30 179 50 1947 1948 1946 1951 1 1991 382 93

2016 6 41. 6% 11. 5% 5. 5% 4. 2% 70 20 70 1972 3 YP Y P 70 1972 1979 6 94

50 63% 100 15% 1 5 1973 ~ 1981 12 1992 6 840 12. 5 50 2 2000 5 900 10 1945 8 15 95

2016 6 80 1 1976 1986 8 15 1972 5 1978 8 1988 6 1996 7 420 1520 430 1981 10 27 1 2010 9 7 22 96

70 1997 97

2016 6 1 50 50 60 80 21 1960 1 2008 133 98

50 80 GDP1% 1981 10 21 280 1982 5 11 1983 1 1985 11 90 PKO 99

2016 6 1 21 2 3 2. 5 2016 09 19 2016 10 20 1 2 2013 10 2006 10 18 100

2016 6 building regional values and security norms. Keywords East Asia security the South China Sea modernity post-modernity Author Wei Ling professor of International Studies Director of the Institute of Asian Studies China Foreign Affairs University The Synchronic Study on the Discourse Energy of China and the Western Countries in the South China Sea Arbitration Case Shen Rong Wang Jianting Abstract The paper analyzes the discourse energy of the western forces led by the United States in the South China Sea arbitration case and finds that they rely on the logically wrong absolute synchronic discourse and interpret China's South China Sea claims in the translationese way. While the dotted lines is an adaptation to specific time and space by China in the meantime of maintaining the purpose and the value of the U- nited Nations Convention on the law of the sea which presents the difference seeking in comparative synchronie. The paper concludes that the ruling by the arbitration tribunal is not only logically defensible but also weak and feeble in expressing the values of e- quality and freedom. Keywords synchronie discourse energy monism difference South China Sea arbitration Authors Shen Rong postgraduate student of School of Marxism Guangdong O- cean University Wang Jianting professor and master's instructor of School of Law and Political Science Guangdong Ocean University How to Differentiate Japan's Right-Wing Wang Ping Abstract To study Japanese politics and to graspe the trend of development of Sino-Japanese relations it is better to deeply study Japan's right-wing. In recent years the right-wing constantly hinders the development of Sino-Japanese relations. Thus we especially should strengthen the study of Japan's right-wing. Compared with the western right-wings Japan's right-wing is more complexly constituted and various belief-held. The inner organization of Japan's right-wing includes the quintessence faction innovation faction and knight-errant faction before the world war Ⅱ and is divided into action faction new faction and religious faction after the war. More importantly be- 126

ABSTRACTS sides the right-wing groups there arises a group of right-leaning literati and right-wing statesmen including right-wing politicians who exerts bigger influence on Japan's society politics and diplomacy than right-wing groups and even directly drives the development direction of Japan. We should handle its political thoughts and governing philosophy well in a timely manner whether it is reasonable national appeal or extreme nationalism. Based on the scientific analysis of Japanese right-wing organization constitutions and characteristics the paper objectively defines the concept connotation and denotation of the Japan's right-wing. Keywords right-wing groups right-leaning literati right-wing statesmen rightleaning of Postwar Japan politics for three times Author Wang Ping Ph. D. and professor of Japan Politics Research Subdivision in Japanese Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences The Evolution and Characteristics of Japan's Maritime Nations Alliance Strategy Qu Caiyun Abstract Since the modern times to ally the maritime nations has become an important component of Japan's foreign strategy. Japan not only has a history of diplomatic trajectory of the Japanese-Anglo Alliance but also has the reality of diplomatic base axis of the Japan-US Alliance. After development and evolution of Japan's maritime nations alliance strategy for more than a century it presents very distinct characteristics. Firstly the objects and partners of the Japan s alliance focus on the world hegemony and power-oriented as the key and the dominant and gradually expand to the regional powers and nations sharing the common values. Secondly China has become the main target of Japan's maritime nation alliance strategy containment. Thirdly to expand sea power is the ultimate goal of Japan's maritime nation alliance strategy pursuing. Fourthly to build a alliance system of maritime and democracy nations which is based and centered on the Japan-US alliance is the pattern of Japan's maritime nation alliance strategy. Keywords Japan maritime nations alliance Japanese-Anglo Alliance Japan-US Alliance sea power Author Dr. Qu Caiyun assistant research fellow of Institute of Asia-Pacific and Global Strategic Research Chinese Academy of Social Sciences CASS 127