第 2 頁 外科專業中心手術前應避免服用的藥物 按照醫囑, 在手術前後應避免使用以下産品 含有阿司匹林或其他水楊酸鹽成分的處方産品 : Amigesic 含有 codeine 的 Ascomp Alor Carisoprodol Compound Darvon Compound 65 difluni

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Medicines to Avoid Before Surgery Chinese 病人教育外科專業中心 手術前應避免服用的藥物 醫生告訴你在手術前應避免服用某些藥物或補充劑, 以防止出血問題 在做手術或治療的準備, 醫生會要求你避免服用某些藥物, 包括阿司匹林和類似阿司匹林的藥物, 以及其他藥物或補充劑 本册子列出了為防止出血問題而應當避免服用的藥物和補充劑 ( 按通用名稱和商品名稱分類 ) 請與醫生一其檢查你服用的所有藥物 為手術做準備 你的醫生會要求你停止服用阿司匹林 類似阿司匹林的産品, 或非甾體抗炎藥 本材料列出了在手術或治療前後應當避免服用的具體藥物和補充劑 在治療前 天停止服用這些産品 治療後 天可以恢復服用這些産品 你可根據需要服用 acetaminofeno (Tylenol) 以消除輕微疼痛 與醫生一起檢查你服用的所有藥物和補充劑 本册子中的列表幷不完全 其他産品或補充劑也可能造成出血問題 對在過去一年中植入了心臟支架或接受過其他心臟手術的病人的重要提示 : 在停止服用任何阿司匹林藥物或 clopidogrel (Plavix) 之前, 應向你的心臟病醫生咨詢 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center UW Medicine Seattle Children's

第 2 頁 外科專業中心手術前應避免服用的藥物 按照醫囑, 在手術前後應避免使用以下産品 含有阿司匹林或其他水楊酸鹽成分的處方産品 : Amigesic 含有 codeine 的 Ascomp Alor Carisoprodol Compound Darvon Compound 65 diflunisal Dolobid 含有 codeine 的 Empirin Fiornal Lobac Lortab ASA Magan Magsal Mobidin Monogesic Norgesic Novasal Orphengesic Panasol Percodan 産品 Roxiprin Salflex salsalate 産品 Salsitab Soma 藥物 Synalgos-DC Talwin Compound Trilisate Trisalicylate 産品 Zorprin 含有下列非甾體抗炎劑 ( 商標名稱在括弧裡 ) 的處方産品 : diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam) etodolac (Lodine) fenoprofen (Nalfon) flurbiprofen (Ansaid) ibuprofen (Motrin) indomethacin (Indocin) ketoprofen (Orudis, Oruvail) ketorolac (Toradol) meclofenamate (Meclomen) mefenamic acid (Ponstel) nabumetone (Relafen) oxaprozin (Daypro) piroxicam (Feldene) sulindac (Clinoril) tolmetin (Tolectin) naproxen (Naprosyn, Anaprox) 其他處方藥物 : celecoxib (Celebrex) cilastozol (Pletal) clopidogrel (Plavix) dipyridamole (Persantine) dipyridamole/aspirin (Aggrenox) valdecoxib (Bextra) ticlopidine (Ticlid)

第 3 頁 外科專業中心手術前應避免服用的藥物 含有阿司匹林或水楊酸鹽的非處方產品 : Alka-Seltzer 産品 Anacin Arthropan Ascriptin Aspergum Asprimox Bayer 産品 Bufferin Doans Ecotrin Empirin Excedrin 産品 Halfprin Mobigesic Pepto-Bismol Saleto Vanquish 含有非甾體抗炎劑非處方產品 : Advil 産品 Aleve 産品 Dristan Sinus Haltran ibuprofen 産品 Menadol Midol Extra Strength Motrin naproxen Coumadin (Warfarin) 諮詢你的醫生 : 手術前多少天停止服用此藥物? 你是否需要透過血管注射抗凝劑 ( 血液稀釋劑 ) 進行過渡性 ( 短期 ) 治療, 例如肝磷脂, 或低分子重量肝磷脂, 如肝素鈉 ( 低分子肝素 ) 草藥產品和其他天然補充劑 手術前 7 天停止服用所有天然產品 草藥 維生素和其他補充劑, 在醫生同意後方可恢復服用 下一頁列出了在你接受手術的情况下特別有害的草藥和其他補充劑, 因其能够造成更多出血

外科專業中心手術前應避免服用的藥物 有任何問題嗎? 你的問題非常重要 如果你有任何問題或擔憂, 請致電你的醫生或醫療提供機構 UWMC 和 SCCA 診所醫務人員亦可隨時提供幫助 UWMC 門診藥房電話 : 206-598-4363 SCCA 藥房電話 :206-288-6500 可能造成出血問題的天然補充劑和草藥 : agrimony ( 龍芽草 ) alfalfa ( 苜蓿 ) aniseed ( 八角 ) arnica ( 山金車 ) artemesia ( 蒿芝 ) asa foetica bishop s weed bladderwrack ( 墨角藻 ) bochu bogbean ( 睡菜 ) boldo bromelains ( 菠蘿脢 ) burdock ( 牛旁 ) capsicum ( 辣椒 ) cassio celery seed ( 芹菜籽 ) chamomile ( 甘菊 ) Chinese wolfberry ( 枸杞 ) chondroitin ( 軟骨素 ) Clove ( 丁香 ) cod liver oil ( 魚肝油 ) coltsfoot ( 款冬 ) dandelion ( 蒲公英 ) danshen ( 丹參 ) (salvia ( 鼠尾草 )) devil s claw ( 鈎麻 ) dihydroepiandrosteroe (DHEA) dong quai ( 當歸 ) (angelica ( 白芷 )) fenugreek ( 葫蘆巴 ) feverfew ( 小白菊 ) fish oil ( 魚油 ) flax seed ( 亞麻籽 ) gamma linoleic acid ( 麻油酸 ) garlic ( 大蒜 ) ginger ( 薑 ) ginkgo ( 銀杏 ) ginseng ( 人參 ) glucosamine ( 葡萄糖胺 ) horse chestnut ( 七葉樹 ) horseradish ( 辣根 ) licorice ( 甘草 ) meadowsweet ( 繡線菊 ) melatonin ( 褪黑素 ) melilot ( 草木犀 ) nattokinase ( 納豆激脢 ) onion ( 洋蔥 ) pantethine ( 泛硫乙胺 ) papain ( 木瓜蛋白脢 ) (papaya extract ( 木瓜提取物 )) parsley ( 荷蘭芹 ) passionflower ( 西番蓮 ) policosanol ( 甘蔗原素 ) poplar ( 白楊 ) prickly ash ( 花椒 ) quassia ( 苦木 ) red clover ( 紅三草葉 ) resveratrol ( 白藜蘆醇 ) sea buckthorn ( 沙棘 ) sweet clover ( 草木樨 ) sweet woodruff ( 香車草葉 ) tonka beans ( 黑香豆 ) turmeric ( 薑黃 ) vinpocetine ( 長春西汀 ) vitamin E ( 維生素 E) wild carrot ( 野生胡蘿蔔 ) wild lettuce ( 野生萵筍 ) willow bark ( 柳樹皮 ) Seattle Cancer Care Alliance is a collaboration of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, UW Medicine and Seattle Children s. UWMC Surgical Specialties Center Box 356165 1959 N.E. Pacific St. Seattle, WA 98195 University of Washington Medical Center Medicines to Avoid Before Surgery Chinese 06/2003 Rev. 03/2010 Reprints on Health Online: http://healthonline.washington.edu

Patient Education Surgical Specialties Center Medicines to Avoid Before Surgery When your doctor tells you to avoid certain medicines or supplements before surgery, to prevent bleeding problems To prepare for your surgery or procedure, your doctor has asked you to avoid certain medicines, including aspirin and aspirin-like products, and other medicines or supplements. This handout lists medicines and supplements (by generic and trade names) that you should avoid to prevent bleeding problems. Please review with your doctor all medicines that you are taking. Preparing for Surgery Your doctor wants you to stop taking aspirin, aspirin-like products, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. This handout lists specific medicines and supplements to avoid before and after your surgery or procedure. Stop taking these products days before your procedure. You may resume taking these products days after your procedure. You may take acetaminophen (Tylenol) as needed for minor aches and pains. Review with your doctor all medicines and supplements that you are taking. The lists in this handout are not complete. Other products or supplements may also cause bleeding problems. Important note for patients who have had cardiac stents or other heart surgery in the past year: Talk with your cardiologist (heart doctor) before you stop taking any aspirin product or clopidogrel (Plavix).

Page 2 Surgical Specialties Center Medicines to Avoid Before Surgery Avoid these Products in the Days Before and After Surgery as Indicated by Your Doctor Prescription products with aspirin or other salicylates: Amigesic Ascomp with codeine Alor Carisoprodol Compound Darvon Compound 65 diflunisal Dolobid Empirin with codeine Fiornal Lobac Lortab ASA Magan Magsal Mobidin Monogesic Norgesic Novasal Orphengesic Panasol Percodan products Roxiprin Salflex salsalate products Salsitab Soma products Synalgos-DC Talwin Compound Trilisate trisalicylate products Zorprin Prescription products with these nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (brand name in parentheses): diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam) etodolac (Lodine) fenoprofen (Nalfon) flurbiprofen (Ansaid) ibuprofen (Motrin) indomethacin (Indocin) ketoprofen (Orudis, Oruvail) ketorolac (Toradol) meclofenamate (Meclomen) mefenamic acid (Ponstel) nabumetone (Relafen) naproxen (Naprosyn, Anaprox) oxaprozin (Daypro) piroxicam (Feldene) sulindac (Clinoril) tolmetin (Tolectin) Other prescription drugs: celecoxib (Celebrex) cilastozol (Pletal) clopidogrel (Plavix) dipyridamole (Persantine) dipyridamole/aspirin (Aggrenox) valdecoxib (Bextra) ticlopidine (Ticlid)

Page 3 Surgical Specialties Medicines to Avoid Before Surgery Nonprescription products with aspirin or salicylates: Alka-Seltzer products Anacin Arthropan Ascriptin Aspergum Asprimox Bayer products Bufferin Doans Ecotrin Empirin Excedrin products Halfprin Mobigesic Pepto-Bismol Saleto Vanquish Nonprescription products with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents: Advil products Aleve products Dristan Sinus Haltran ibuprofen products Menadol Midol Extra Strength Motrin naproxen Coumadin (Warfarin) Ask your doctor: How many days BEFORE your surgery to stop taking this drug. If you need bridge (short-term) therapy with an injectable anticoagulant (blood-thinner) such as heparin, or a low molecular weight heparin such as enoxaparin (Lovenox). Herbal Products and Other Natural Supplements Stop taking ALL natural products, herbal medicines, vitamins, and other supplements 7 days before your surgery. They may be resumed when your doctor says it is OK. On the next page are herbs and other supplements that are especially harmful to take if you are having surgery because they can cause extra bleeding.

Surgical Specialties Center Medicines to Avoid Before Surgery Questions? Your questions are important. Call your doctor or health care provider if you have questions or concerns. UWMC and SCCA clinic staff are also available to help. UWMC Outpatient Pharmacy: 206-598-4363 SCCA Pharmacy: 206-288-6500 Natural supplements and herbs that may cause bleeding problems: agrimony alfalfa aniseed arnica artemesia asa foetica bishop s weed bladderwrack bochu bogbean boldo bromelains burdock capsicum cassio celery seed chamomile Chinese wolfberry chondroitin clove cod liver oil coltsfoot dandelion danshen (salvia) devil s claw dihydroepiandrosteroe (DHEA) dong quai (angelica) fenugreek feverfew fish oil flax seed gamma linoleic acid garlic ginger ginkgo ginseng glucosamine horse chestnut horseradish licorice meadowsweet melatonin melilot nattokinase onion pantethine papain (papaya extract) parsley passionflower policosanol poplar prickly ash quassia red clover resveratrol sea buckthorn sweet clover sweet woodruff tonka beans turmeric vinpocetine vitamin E wild carrot wild lettuce willow bark UWMC Surgical Specialties Center Seattle Cancer Care Alliance is a collaboration of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, UW Medicine and Seattle Children s. Box 356165 University of Washington Medical Center 1959 N.E. Pacific St. Seattle, WA 98195 06/2003 Rev. 03/2010 Reprints on Health Online: http://healthonline.washington.edu