關於我們 About Us 雅蘭高清腸胃內視鏡中心 The Grand HD Endoscopy Centre 本中心於 2016 年由一隊熱心的專業醫生團隊成立, 在合理收費下為大眾提供一個專業可靠, 安全, 舒適, 高科技的內視鏡檢查服務 Founded in 2016, by a group

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雅蘭高清腸胃內視鏡中心 The Grand HD Endoscopy Centre 預約專線 Booking : 5282 0293 醫護人員專線 Medical Professionals : 5282 0294 2618 0227 / 2618 1872 2618 1177 5282 0293 The Grand HD Endoscopy Centre 雅蘭高清腸胃內視鏡中心 info@endoscopy.hk www.endoscopy.hk 九龍旺角彌敦道 639 號雅蘭中心一期 11 樓 1136-37 室 Room 1136-37, 11/F, Office Tower One, Grand Plaza, 639 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon.

關於我們 About Us 雅蘭高清腸胃內視鏡中心 The Grand HD Endoscopy Centre 本中心於 2016 年由一隊熱心的專業醫生團隊成立, 在合理收費下為大眾提供一個專業可靠, 安全, 舒適, 高科技的內視鏡檢查服務 Founded in 2016, by a group of enthusiastic medical practitioners, the endoscopy centre was established to provide a safe, comfortable and high tech endoscopy centre to the public with an affordable payment. 本中心所有檢查均由專科醫生進行, 確保病人的安全 The centre, as run by professionals, adopts the highest standard of operations to ensure patient safety while endoscopists would securely perform the procedures. 同行好評, 深受病人信賴 Praised by Peers, Trusted by Patients

內容 Contents 01 設施和儀器 Equipment and Facilities... p. 2-5 02 服務範圍 Services... p. 6-7 03 感染控制 Infection Control... p. 8 04 聯絡我們 Contact Us... p. 9

01 設施和儀器 Equipment and Facilities 我們關心病人健康, 為了優化內視鏡檢查和治療 ; 我們採用嶄新先進的奧林巴斯 GIF-HQ290 胃鏡和結腸鏡, 幫助醫生更有效地觀察和操作, 輕易找到隱藏瘜肉, 進行更準確有效的內視鏡手術 We care about patients, in order to optimize the endoscopic examinations and treatment; we adopt the latest advanced Olympus GIF-HQ290 gastroscope and colonoscope for better visualization and manipulation, this in fact can help surgeons in picking up the hidden polyps easily and perform procedures more accurately and effectively. 奧林巴斯 GIF-HQ290 Olympus GIF-HQ290 2

主要優勢包括 Key special superiorities include : 更明亮, 功能更強大的窄帶成像 (NBI) 窄帶成像提供顯著增加的亮度和對比度, 改進後的亮度可能為病變檢測打開新的可能性 白光 White Light Brighter, more powerful Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) Narrow Band Imaging delivers significantly increased brightness and contrast. The improved brightness may open new possibilities for lesion detection. 窄帶成像 NBI 突破性雙聚焦為先進的診斷而設只須觸摸一個按鈕, 雙焦點使粘膜病變檢查更詳細, 徹底改變常規內視鏡檢查 Ground-breaking Dual Focus for advanced diagnostics Dual Focus enables detailed examination of the mucosal changes at the touch of a button. This helps revolutionizing the routine endoscopy. 普通對焦模式 Normal focus mode 近對焦模式 Near focus mode 優秀, 逼真的高清圖像極高清晰度, 逼真高清的內視鏡圖像使診斷更準確 Outstanding, true-to-life HD image quality True-to-life HD endoscopic images of breath-taking clarity deliver the optimal support for accurate diagnosis. 3

噴水令視野更清晰綜合水射流通道有助醫生在止血或複雜的治療手術中保持清晰的視野 Water Jet for a clearer view Integrated water jet channel helps surgeons to keep a clearer view during haemostasis or complex therapeutic procedures. 高質素的視頻處理器和報告系統 High Standard Video Processor and Report System 我們採用高標準的視頻處理器來捕捉和顯示高清 (HD) 圖像 We adopt a high standard video processor to capture and display images with High- Definition (HD) image resolution. 奧林巴斯內視鏡自動再處理器 Olympus Automated Endoscope Reprocessor 本中心採用奧林巴斯內視鏡自動清洗機, 確保設備儀器得到有質素及恰當的清洗和消毒 此外, 我們的醫護人員皆曾受醫院級標準的感染控制訓練, 能妥善地處理設備儀器, 避免交叉感染 Olympus endoscope washers are used to ensure quality proper cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of our equipment. Besides, staff members are trained with hospital standard infection control protocol to avoid cross-infection of the equipment. 4

急救設備 Emergency Situation 為確保病人的安全 所有醫護人員都持有效認證的 基本心肺復甦術證書 BLS +/- ACLS 本中心亦備有完善的急救醫療用品可以應對各種突 發情況 To ensure patient safety, all staff members are holders of valid accredited Basic Life Support (BLS) +/- ACLS And just in case it is needed, our well-equipped emergency trolley can deal with all kinds of unexpected situations. 麻醉後護理 Post Anesthetic Care 我們為手術後病人提供一個舒適安靜的復甦室 在 此期間 病人會由我們的醫護人員監測維生指數 以確保穩定的臨床狀況 Our recovery room provides a silent and comfort area for patients after the procedure. During this period, they will also be regularly monitored by our medical staff to ensure stable clinical conditions. 5

02 服務範圍 Services 內視鏡服務胃內視鏡檢查大腸內視鏡檢查乙狀結腸內視鏡檢查 特別內視鏡服務胃內視鏡檢查 / 大腸內視鏡檢查 ( 放大成像 ) 窄帶成像研究 (NBI) 痔結紮 / 條帶 幽門螺旋桿菌尿素呼氣測試 Endoscopy Procedures Gastroscopy Colonoscopy Sigmoidoscopy Special Endoscopy Procedures Gastroscopy / Colonoscopy (magnified imaging) Narrow-band Imaging Study (NBI) Hemorrhoid Ligation / Banding Urea Breath Test for Helicobacter Pylori 本中心在內視鏡檢查中使用靜脈鎮靜劑或 MAC 鎮靜 ( 需根據要求特別預約安排 ), 以確保病人舒適和滿意, 病人更快復原和更安全 To ensure patient comfort, our Centre utilizes IV sedation or MAC sedation (upon pre-procedural request with extra charges) during endoscopic procedure to ensure patient comfort and satisfaction, faster patient recovery and increased patient safety. 為病人著想, 醫生在進行大腸鏡瘜肉切除手術時會使用電圈套器和熱活檢鉗 使用鹽水注射,endoloop, 金屬鈦夾或熱探頭以預防瘜肉切除後出血 For the sake of patients, the techniques and devices which our centre adopts include electrosurgical snare and hot biopsy forceps for polypectomy, as well as with the aid of saline injection after application of detachable snare. We also use endoloop, hemoclip or heater probe for hemostasis. 6


03 感染控制 Infection Control 為避免設備儀器交叉感染, 以及確保在安全和衛生的環境下進行有質素的內視鏡檢查, 本中心使用即棄儀器, 如即棄活檢鉗, 即棄瘜肉圈套等 To avoid cross-infection of the equipment and ensure a safe and sanitary environment for performing quality endoscopy, disposable equipment is used such as biopsy forceps and polypectomy snare, etc. 本中心採用奧林巴斯內視鏡自動再處理器, 保證設備儀器得到有質素及適當的清洗和消毒 Besides, our Centre utilizes Olympus Automated Endoscope Reprocessor to ensure quality proper cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of our endoscopes. 我們的醫護人員皆遵守嚴格的感染控制守則, 確保所有儀器可安全使用 Finally, our medical and nursing staff will comply with stringent infection control practices to make sure the equipment is disinfected properly and safe to use. 8

04 聯絡我們 Contact Us 雅蘭高清腸胃內視鏡中心 The Grand HD Endoscopy Centre 應診時間 ( 敬請預約 ): Consultation Hours (by appointment) : 星期一至星期六 : 星期日及公眾假期 : Monday to Saturday : Sunday & Public Holidays : 上午 9 時 - 下午 7 時休息 9am 7pm Closed 預約專線 Booking : 5282 0293 醫護人員專線 Medical Professionals : 5282 0294 2618 0227 / 2618 1872 2618 1177 5282 0293 The Grand HD Endoscopy Centre 雅蘭高清腸胃內視鏡中心 info@endoscopy.hk www.endoscopy.hk 九龍旺角彌敦道 639 號雅蘭中心一期 11 樓 1136-37 室 Room 1136-37, 11/F, Office Tower One, Grand Plaza, 639 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon. 9 港鐵旺角站 E1 出口 MTR Mongkok Station Exit E1

Copyright @ 2016 The Grand HD Endoscopy Centre All Rights Reserved.