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Chinese Checkpoint A Examination SAMPLE Contained in this booklet are Parts 2, 3, & 4. Part 1: Speaking has already been completed. When your teacher instructs you, complete the heading on the answer sheet. At the end of the test, you must sign the Declaration on the last page of the booklet. Your signature indicates that you have received no knowledge of the questions or answers before taking the test. Also, it indicates that you have not received or given assistance while taking the test. Your examination cannot be scored if you fail to sign this Declaration. Any use of an electronic or communications device is prohibited while taking this test. Use of any device or communication at any time will result in the invalidation of the test and no score will be assigned. DO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION BOOKLET PRIOR TO BEING INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. Copyright 2018 OHM BOCES, All Rights Reserved No part of this test may be reproduced and/or transmitted by any means without written permission. Chinese Checkpoint A 1

Chinese, Part 2 Answer all questions in Part 2 according to the directions for Parts 2a, 2b, and 2c. Part 2A Directions (1-10): There are 10 questions in this part. For each question, you will hear some background information in English. Then you will hear a passage in Chinese twice, followed by the question in English. Listen carefully. After you have heard the question, read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided on your answer sheet. 1. What is this TV Program about? 1. a travel program 2. a weather forecast 3. a sport program 4. a Beijing Opera show 2. Why is your friend upset? 1. His friend cannot come to his birthday party. 2. His mother cooks noodles for him every day. 3. He does not have enough money to buy a birthday gift. 4. His mother will not let him eat hamburgers on his birthday. 3. What did Xiǎo Lǐ say about movies in China? 1. Chinese movie tickets are cheaper than American movie tickets. 2. American movies are very popular only among young Chinese people. 3. More and more Chinese like to watch American movies at home. 4. More and more Chinese like to watch Chinese movies online. 4. What is the main reason that your host brother came home early? 1. He had a toothache. 2. He forgot something. 3. His class was canceled. 4. He was sick. 5. What color shoes does xiǎo hǎi wear to watch the soccer game today? 1. blue. 2. black. 3. red. 4. white. Chinese Checkpoint A 2

6. What are they going to do this Saturday? 1. go to the Gym 2. go to a Chinese class 3. go to my friend s house 4. watch a ping-pong game 7. Who is Tom? 1. a friend of Xiǎo Hǎi 2. a Chinese teacher 3. a sports coach 4. a Chinese actor 8 Where does the host mother plan to go? 1. library 2. bank 3. the grocery store 4. gym 9. What is her interest? 1. going to the library 2 reading books 3. traveling 4. studying Chinese 10. What did xiǎo lì and her father do? 1. They watched a Beijing Opera. 2. They saw a Chinese movie. 3. They played a Chinese game. 4. They ate lunch together. Chinese Checkpoint A 3

Part 2B Directions (10-15): There are 5 questions in this part. For each question, you will hear some background information in English. Then you will hear a passage in Chinese twice and a question in Chinese. After you have heard the question, read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the appropriate space on your answer sheet. 11. 爷爷奶奶喜欢去哪儿? 1. 我家 2. 公园 3. 电影院 4. 商店 12. 你朋友的妈妈给你看了什么房间? 1. 厨房 2. 卫生间 3. 教室 4. 卧室 13. 小红喜欢天天怎么去学校? 1. 坐爸爸的车去学校 2. 跟朋友走路去学校 3. 骑自行车去学校 4. 坐校车去学校 14. 奶奶要买什么? 1. 茶 2. 海鲜 3. 面包 4. 月饼 Chinese Checkpoint A 4

15. 今天小文做了什么? 1. 他去了学校 2. 他考试了 3. 他做了作业 4. 他看了医生 Chinese Checkpoint A 5

Part 2c Directions (16-20): There are 5 questions in this part. For each question, you will hear some background information in English. Then you will hear a passage in Chinese twice, followed by the question in English. Listen carefully. After you have heard the question, read the question and look at the four pictures in your test booklet. Choose the picture that best answers the question and write its number in the appropriate space on your answer sheet. 16. What does Wáng Jing want to become? (1) (2) (3) (4) 17. Which picture best descript the city in Guǎng Zhōu?. 1) (2) (3) (4) 18. What did Ming-Ming buy? (1) (2) (3) (4) Chinese Checkpoint A 6

19. What are they going to do tonight? (1) (2) (3) (4) 20. Where does Xiǎo Lì s father work? (1) (2) (3) (4) Chinese Checkpoint A 7

Part 3 Answer all questions in Part 3 according to the directions for Parts 3a and 3b. Directions (21-26): There are 6 questions in this part. For each, you must answer a question in English based on a reading selection in Chinese. Choose the best answer to each question and write the number in the appropriate space on your answer sheet. 21. 这个饭店很不错 厨房很大, 卫生间也很干净 交通方便, 离天安门 广场和火车站都很近, 走路五分钟就到了 饭店旁边有很多商店, 东 西很便宜 很喜欢住在这里 21. Who would be most interested in reading about this? 1. People who like to go shopping. 2. People who are looking for the train station. 3. People who are looking for a hotel room. 4. People who are looking for an apartment. Chinese Checkpoint A 8

22. 南京大学游泳馆游泳课程时间表 上课时间星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六 7:30-9:00 教师班 教师班 10:00-11:30 老人班 老人班 14:30- 儿童班儿童班儿童班儿童班儿童班教师班 16:00 17:30-19:00 学生班 学生班 学生班 22. What is this? 1. a daily study schedule 2. a game schedule 3. a swimming lesson schedule 4. a computer lab schedule Chinese Checkpoint A 9

23. 国同的星期天上午八点起床八点四十五分吃早饭十点去朋友家玩 下午 一点 两点 吃午饭 和朋友去看电影 晚上六点八点九点半 吃晚饭 上网 睡觉 23. What did Guó Tóng do after lunch? 1. He went to see a movie with friends. 2. He went to swim with a friend. 3. He went to play tennis with friends. 4. He stayed home and watched TV. Chinese Checkpoint A 10

24. No.1 大娘饭馆菜单 No. 2 老北京风味饭馆菜单 猪肉饺子 30 元 / 斤 牛肉面 18 元 / 碗 蔬菜饭 10 元 / 斤 果汁 10 元 / 瓶 可乐 5 元 / 瓶 No.3 香香面馆菜单 炸酱面 15 元 / 碗 牛肉饺子 35 元 / 斤 豆浆 5 元 / 碗 点心 3 元 / 个 绿茶 2.5 元 / 个 绿豆汤 3.5 元 / 碗 No. 4 上海饭馆菜单 鸡肉面. 15 元 / 碗 鱼 25 元 / 条 海鲜面 20 元 / 碗 海鲜面 16 元 / 碗 牛肉面 18 元 / 碗 牛肉饺子 35 元 / 斤 啤酒 10 元 / 瓶 可乐 5 元 / 瓶 苹果汁 8 元 / 盒 绿茶 3 元 / 杯 水 3 元 / 瓶 24. If Xiǎo Hǎi wants to eat seafood and tea for lunch, which restaurant or restaurants could he go to? 1. No.1 and No. 2 2. No. 3 and No. 1 3. No. 4 only 4. No. 3 only Chinese Checkpoint A 11

25. 25. What does the above image tell you? 1. There is a sale on cell phones. 2. There is a special event at the aquarium. 3. You can buy your train ticket online. 4. You can check in here with your train ticket. 26. 大明 : 你好! 明天天气很好, 不冷也不热, 没有风, 也不下雨 我和小海要去公园玩 我们早上六点起床, 吃早饭后, 坐车去公园 上午我们爬山, 中午在公园吃饭, 小海会带点心, 我会带水果和饮料 下午我们在公园打羽毛球 游泳, 划船 你和我们一起去吧! 我们早上坐 6:50 的车去公园 明天见! 丽丽 26. Why did 丽丽 write the note to Dà Míng? It is to 1. inform him of the weather. 2. invite him to join tomorrow s excursion. 3. tell him about her favorite activities. 4. give him a shopping list. Chinese Checkpoint A 12

Part 3b Directions (27-30): There are 4 questions in this part. For each, you must answer a question in Chinese based on a reading selection in Chinese. Choose the best answer to each question and write its number in the appropriate space on your answer sheet. 27. 水果面包 材料 : 面包粉 300 克 糖一杯 鸡蛋两个 牛奶一杯半 油一杯 苹果一个 其他水果丁一杯 做法 : 1 将所有材料混合均匀, 放入烤盘 2 将烤箱预热至 190 C 3 将烤盘放入烤箱, 烤三十分钟 27. 这是什么? 1. 怎么做雪人 2. 怎么做面包 3. 怎么做果汁 4. 怎么做面条 Chinese Checkpoint A 13

28. 香港店饮料价格表 冷饮 热饮 珍珠奶茶 八元四角 红茶 四元八角 可口可乐 四元五角 绿茶 四元两角 蓝莓汁 九元七角 咖啡 五元六角 苹果汁 七元九角 热巧克力 四元三角 28. 这个店什么东西最便宜? 1. 蓝莓汁 2. 可口可乐 3. 红茶 4. 绿茶 Chinese Checkpoint A 14

29. 欢迎大家都来参加比赛! 2016 年广州大学学生流行音乐歌唱比赛 参赛人 : 广州大学学生 比赛内容 : 中国流行音乐和外国流行音乐 比赛时间 :3 月 16 日下午 4 点 -7 点 比赛地点 : 学校大礼堂 想去比赛的同学请在 3 月 4 号以前去 102 教室找王老师 29. 这是什么广告? 1. 广州音乐会 2. 流行音乐比赛 3. 大学音乐课 4. 音乐礼堂 Chinese Checkpoint A 15

30. 30. 体育馆在哪儿? 1. 在运动场西边 2. 在运动场东边 3. 在图书馆南边 4. 在教学楼的北边 Chinese Checkpoint A 16

Part 4 Directions (31-33): Choose two of the three writing tasks provided below. Your answer to each of the two questions you have chosen should be written entirely in Chinese and should contain a minimum of 50 characters. Your answers must be written in your own words; no credit will be given for a response that is copied or substaintially the same as material from other parts of this examination. Salutations and closings, as well as commonly used abbreviations are included in the word count. Numbers, unless written as Chinese characters are not counted as words. Be sure that you have satisfied the purpose of the task. The sentence structure and/or expressions used should be connected logically and demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary with minimal repetition. [10] 31. Your Chinese speaking Facebook friend is interested in studying at a school in the United States and you want him/her to study in your school. Reply to his/her message, describing your school. You MAY wish to include: name of school location of school description of school and teachers courses available to study school supplies needed the school day schedule after-school activities 32. You have just moved into a new home because of a change in your parent s job. Write an email to your friend in China sharing your thoughts about your new home. You MAY wish to include: the location of your new your home (city, town, countryside) what rooms there are in the house tell what your favorite room is and why it is your favorite room description of your favorite room and its furnishings description of the outside local attractions businesses, restaurants, shops leisure activities available close by

33. In a paragraph of at least 30 (thirty) characters, write about the picture below in Chinese: The following are suggestions for what to write. You may use as many of these suggestions as you wish. You MAY wish to include: where they are spending the day why they are there who is in the picture what they are doing what season it is what the weather is on this particular day what clothing items they are wearing what they are going to do next