Contacts: Yinhua Zhou, Ph.D (Sun Yat-sen University): Schedule: April 15, deadline for application April 30, announcement of

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Medical Humanities in Asia: Medicine, Society and Culture A Junior Faculty Training Program June 21-27 2017, Sun Yat-sen University, China Co-organized with Harvard-Yenching Institute Health and Family Planning Commission of Shenzhen Municipality Medical Anthropology Program, Departments of Anthropology and Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard University Program Chairs: Arthur Kleinman: Rabb Professor of Medical Anthropology and Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard University Yu Cheng,Professor of Anthropology, School of Sociology and Anthropology, Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University Program Manager(s): Ruohong Li, Associate Director, Harvard-Yenching Institute Yinhua Zhou, Associate of Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University Instructors: Arthur Kleinman, Rabb Professor of Medical Anthropology and Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard University David Jones, A. Bernard Ackerman Professor of the Culture of Medicine, Harvard University Karen Thornber, Professor of Comparative Literature and of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and Victor and William Fung Director, Asia Center, Harvard University Yunxiang Yan, Professor of Anthropology, UCLA. Daqing Zhang, Professor of History, Dean of Institute of Medical Humanities, Peking University Jing Jun, Professor of Sociology, Director of Center for Public Health, Tsinghua University Jing-Bao Nie, Professor of Bioethics, Otago University, New Zealand Yu Cheng, Professor of Medical Anthropology, Director of Department of Medical Humanities of Zhongshan School of Medicine at Sun Yat-sen University 1

Contacts: Yinhua Zhou, Ph.D (Sun Yat-sen University): Schedule: April 15, deadline for application April 30, announcement of final trainee selection Jun 21-27, training camp Program Introduction Over the last 20 years, the medical humanities has emerged as an interdisciplinary subject primarily in Europe and North America, but also in Japan, China and Thailand. This development has aimed at rebalancing medical teaching and practice with humanities and interpretive social science teaching and research with the idea of improving the training of health professionals; increasing collaboration between humanists, social scientists, and health professionals; and improving patient care. There is a crisis today in the patient-doctor relationship in China and the U.S., which reflects failures in the areas of ethical, communicative, and relational practices. This program responds to that crisis, which is now widening in Asian societies. There are other reasons why the medical humanities has become an important framework for research and teaching around the world on biomedicine and bioscience. One of these is that social science studies of technology and bioscience have become a leading edge of social research in the area of health and medicine. These studies show that much of medicine and a great deal of healthcare is connected to bioscience assemblages that bring together politics, culture, and research with the commercialization of biotechnology and the development of biosecurity. Increasingly, social scientists and humanists are taking this critically-minded perspective on Chinese society and other Asian societies as well. This training program intends to bring together the perspectives from the humanities and social sciences to explore medicine, its practice in society, and its embodiment in the lived experiences of individuals. The program will provide trainees an opportunity to study medical humanities from the broadest angle of social and cultural studies and emphasize the value of medical humanities in community care and clinical treatment, which has the potential to improve medical care, encourage greater ties between medical school and faculties of arts and humanities, and develop a new cross-disciplinary field for research and teaching. 2

Moreover, the trainees of this program are junior faculty members who are conducting research and are dedicated to education in both medicine and arts science. We believe that they will play important future roles in medical humanities education and research in Asia. In view of this, the Harvard-Yenching Institute, the School of Sociology and Anthropology and Zhongshan School of Medicine at Sun Yat-sen University, and the Medical Anthropology Program, Harvard University have co-organized a training program for junior faculty Medical Humanities in Asia: Medicine, Society and Culture. The aims of the training program are 1) to promote culturally appropriate research and education in medical humanities across Asia by collaborating with well-established medical humanities programs in the west; 2) to construct an interdisciplinary model of training medical professionals and young faculty members in medical humanities and social sciences in Asia. The program will invite scholars from Harvard University, UCLA, Otago University, Peking University, Tsinghua University and Sun Yat-sen University. The structure of training is flexible, which includes: lectures and seminars, group discussion, community/hospital based on-site teaching and one to one supervision. The training courses are in advanced theories and research methodologies in the field of medical anthropology, medical sociology, Science, Technology & Society (STS), literature for medicine and social medicine for global health. Through an open competitive admissions process, with a focus on the aforementioned research areas, we will carefully select no more than 20 junior faculty and 40 other general participants from universities and research institutions throughout China (and other Asian countries and regions) to participate in the program. Each student s research design will receive directed guidance from faculty instructors and will be put in interdisciplinary dialogue with work by their peers. Application and Admission The program will be open to junior scholars and doctoral students who are dedicated to the study and teaching of Medical Humanities. We are expecting 20 trainees and 40 other general participants depending on the applicants qualifications. All the trainees will be provided with food and accommodation but are financially responsible for their own international/inter-city transportation. The general participants must pay their own travel, board and lodging. 3

Requirements: 1. All applicants for trainee must be under 40 years of age (born after January 1, 1977). The successful candidates should have research experience in medical humanities or closely related subjects, or demonstrate particular interest in medical humanities. 2. Students must be proficient in both Chinese (Mandarin) and English and capable of understanding lectures and discussing academic issues in both languages. Applicants are expected to present evidence of their language proficiency, which can include language test results, overseas educational certificates, etc. Proof of ability for the applicant s native language is not required. Application and Admission Procedures: 1. Applicants should submit an application package including cover letter, CV and supporting documents (such as a list of Chinese and/or English publications, Chinese and/or English research plan, etc.) via email no later than April 15th, 2017. Two recommendation letters should be sent by referees (identical to the referees named in the CV) before the application deadline as well. The application package and recommendation letter should be sent to 2. The Harvard-Yenching Institute and the School of Sociology and Anthropology and Zhongshan School of Medicine at Sun Yat-sen University will review all applications and send out admission notices via email by April 30th, 2017. 3. Applicants are expected to reply with confirmation of attendance within 10 days of receiving the admission notice. Failure to confirm will be considered a decision not to attend and admission may be offered to alternate candidates. A confirmation of attendance will be taken as a promise to attend the entire program and follow all the rules and regulations of the program. Lectures: The lectures and workshop discussions will primarily focus on the following topics: 1) Passion for Society: How We Think about Social Suffering 2) Literature and Medicine 3) Literature and Patient-Centered Care 4) Making the Case for History in Medical Education 4

5) Choosing the Right Treatment: The History of Coronary Revascularization 6) Transcultural Methodology and Common Humanity 7) Beyond Medical Ethics: How Medical Humanities in China Can More Appropriately Deal with Values 8) Moral Transformation and the Politics of Rights and Dignity 9) The Remaking of the Self and Neo-Familism 10) Identity and Trust: the Dilemmas of Welfare Pluralism in Elderly Care of China 11) Searching the Value of Medical Humanities 12) Theories and Practices: Anthropology in Nursing Humanities 5

医学 社会与文化 亚洲医学人文菁英训练营 主办单位 : 中山大学哈佛燕京学社深圳市卫生和计划生育委员会哈佛大学人类学系 全球健康与社会医学系 2017 年 6 月 21-27 日中国. 深圳 组委会主席 : Arthur Kleinman, 哈佛大学医学人类学教授程瑜, 中山大学医学人类学教授邵豪, 深圳市人口与计划生育科学研究所所长 项目主管 : 李若虹周殷华张玲华 哈佛燕京学社副社长中山大学中山医学院医学人文中心深圳市人口与计划生育科学研究所 授课专家导师 : Arthur Kleinman 哈佛大学医学人类学讲座教授 精神病学教授 David Jones 哈佛大学医学历史学教授, 历史系讲座教授 Karen Thornber 哈佛大学比较文学教授, 哈佛大学亚洲中心主任 阎云翔 加州大学洛杉矶分校人类学教授, 中国研究中心主任 张大庆 北京大学医学历史学教授, 医学人文研究院院长 景军 清华大学社会学教授, 公共健康研究中心主任 Jing-Bao Nie 新西兰奥塔哥大学生命伦理学教授 程瑜 中山大学医学人类学教授, 医学人文中心主任 联系人 : 周殷华博士中山大学中山医学院医学人文中心 重要日期 : 申请截止 :2017 年 4 月 15 日申请结果公布 :2017 年 4 月 30 日训练营举行时间 :2017 年 6 月 21-27 日 6

培训介绍 本次培训由中山大学 哈佛燕京学社 深圳市卫生与计划生育委员会合作承办, 旨在通过将世界领先的医学人文教育与研究体系与亚洲地区进行对接, 提升亚洲地区医学人文水平, 并期望以此为亚洲地区的医学教育 社会科学及人文教育探索一个跨学科交流的模式 同时为亚洲地区的医学人文青年菁英提供与世界知名医学人文大师学习与交流的机会, 帮助其从社会和文化的视角探索医学教育和医学实践 授课专家由世界医学人文泰斗哈佛大学凯博文 (Arthur Kleinman) 教授领衔, 包括了来自哈佛大学 加州大学洛杉矶分校 新西兰奥塔哥大学 北京大学 清华大学和中山大学的医学人文专家, 代表了国际医学人文领域的先进水平 培训课程设置灵活, 具体方式包括 : 授课 小组讨论 社区 / 医院现场教学以及大师一对一指导 培训科目有医学人类学理论与研究方法 医学社会学 科学技术社会研究 (STS) 医学文学 医学历史和全球健康理论 授课老师与专家将会与每名学员进行一对一的指导, 帮助其提升医学人文研究水平和构建学术网络 申请程序 本次培训申请对亚洲地区所有有志投身于医学人文研究与教育的青年学者 以及博士生开放 招生方式将采取公开竞争的方式, 评选专家将从来自中国以及 亚洲其他国家与地区的大学和研究机构中遴选出不超过 20 名正式学员和 40 名旁 听学员 ( 可以参与讨论 ) 参加本次培训 培训主办单位为所有正式学员提供食宿, 学员自行担负交通费 旁听学员需要自行担负食宿与交通费 申请要求 : (1) 接受 40 岁以下 (1977 年 1 月 1 日后出生 ), 在医学人文或相关领域 有研究和教学经验 或对医学人文有兴趣者申请 (2) 熟练掌握中文和英语, 要求申请者具有使用双语授课和讨论学术问题 的能力 请提供有关英语考试成绩或海外文凭等资料 申请处理程序 : (1) 将申请信 个人简历 语言成绩, 研究计划等相关材料在 4 月 15 日前通过邮件发送到, 邮件标题名为 亚洲医学人文菁英训练营 + 申请者姓名 个人简历中应包括两名推荐人信息与联系方式 (2) 两封专家推荐信 在 4 月 15 日前由推荐人亲自通过电子邮件直接发送到 (3) 收到完整的申请材料后, 由主办方遴选出学员, 并在 4 月 30 日通过电子邮件统一发放录取通知 (4) 申请人必须在收到录取通知后 10 天内给予确认, 否则将会视为放弃本次培训机会 7

授课内容 本次培训的授课与讨论主要围绕在以下几个议题 : 13) 对社会的热情 : 我们如何看待社会苦难? 14) 医学与文学 15) 文学和以病人为中心的照护 16) 医学教育中的历史案例 17) 正确治疗的选择 : 冠状动脉重建术的历史 18) 跨文化方法学与人道主义 19) 跨过医学伦理学 : 中国的医学人文如何更好地看待价值 20) 道德转换与权利和尊严 21) 重建自我与新家庭主义 22) 认同与信任 : 中国老年人照护中福利多元主义的困境 23) 探寻医学人文的价值 24) 理论与实践 : 护理人文中的人类学 8