圣经 【和合本(雅伟版)/ Lexham English Bible 汉英对照】

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1 圣经 和合本 ( 雅伟版 ) 申命記 漢英對照 和合本 ( 雅 )/ LexhamEnglish Bible 2017 試讀版

2 圣经 和合本 ( 雅伟版 ) 汉英对照和合本 ( 雅 )/ LEB Bilingual Bible Chinese Union Version (Yahweh edition) Chinese / English 2017 试读版 (Beta edition ) 和合本 ( 雅伟版 ) Copyright 2017 孙树民 ( 编 ) http//: yahwehdehua@gmail.com 英语圣经 English Scripture is from the Lexham English Bible (LEB). Copyright 2012 Logos Bible Software. Lexham is a registered trademark of Logos Bible Software.

3 圣经 和合本 ( 雅伟版 ) pdf 电子书 2017 试读版 (Beta edition ) 编者序 圣经是犹太人的文献, 成书前后历时一千五百多年 圣经是由四十位不同的作者, 在神的感动下, 以当时通用的文字 语法书写而成的 圣经包含两个部分 : 旧约和新约 旧约 (39 书卷 ) 主要是用希伯来语写的, 新约 (27 书卷 ) 则是用希腊语写的 圣经是基督徒信仰的依据, 我们需要认真 仔细地研读, 好使我们的信仰能有根有基地建立在圣经的基础上 随着华人教会的发展, 近数十年来已有许多圣经汉语译本诞生, 但至今最普及的仍然是和合本译本 为帮助信徒能更好地 更正确地明白圣经, 我们特意制作了一部附带原文编号的和合本电子版圣经 这部电子版圣经做了以下的修订 : 1 希伯来语圣经 ( 旧约 ) 中的神的名字是,( YHWH )יהוה 原文编号是 H3068( 例 : 创 2:4)(H3069 是同字的变化型 ) YHWH 的正确读音为 Yahweh( 雅伟 ) 和合本当年采用了错误的英语音译 Jehovah( 耶和华 ), 本修订版采用现今学者公认更正确的音译 : 雅伟

4 神的名字的缩写形式是, Yah )יה 原文编号 H3050), 也一律修订为 " 雅伟 "( 例 : 出 15:2) 2 原文含 " 雅伟 " 一字, 却在和合本中未被译出, 现以灰字及 [ ] 修正 例 : 我 [ 雅伟 ]( 原文含 " 雅伟 " 一字, 并无 " 我 " 字, 参看出 24:1) 3 新约年代的犹太人因为避讳直称神的名字, 就以 " 主 G2962 " 字来代替神的名字 但希腊语 " 主 " 字用途广泛, 除了指主雅伟神, 也可指主耶稣, 也可指奴隶主或位高权重的人 这就导致了信徒无法区分主 ( 耶稣 ) 和神 ( 雅伟 ), 甚至产生将两者混为一谈的乱象 故此, 本修订版做了以下的修正 : 凡以 " 主 " 意指雅伟的, 现修订为 " 主 [ 雅伟 ]"( 例 : 太 1:22) 以 " 主 " 称呼耶稣的, 除直接称 " 主耶稣 " 外 ( 例 : 可 16:19), 都一律修订为 " 主 *"( 例 : 太 7:21) 但凡指基督的 " 主 ", 都修订为 " 主 # "( 例 : 太 22:43, 44, 45) 若文意不明显, 无法明确区分, 可指主雅伟神或主耶稣, 则不加标示 ( 例 : 太 21:3) 无原文支持的 " 主 " 字, 则标示为灰字 " 主 "( 例 : 太 2:12, 22) 若指人 主人 财主等, 则不加标示 ( 例 : 太 6:24;10:24) 4 和合本 1919 年出版, 参考了 1885 出版的英语译本 Revised Version( 简称 RV, 或称 English Revised Version ERV ), 并以当时最新编辑的 Westcott-Hort 1881( 简称 WH) 作为翻译新约的希腊语文本 (text type) 英语钦译本 (King James Version,KJV 1611) 是采用了 " 公认

5 文本 "(Textus Receptus TR 1550 Beza 1588 等, 简称 TR) 作为翻译新约的希腊语文本 WH 和 TR 是属于不同体系的希腊语文本, 两者有出入和差异是在所难免的 简单地说,WH 与 TR 是文本编者根据不同的希腊语手抄本辑录而成的 ( 已知的希腊语手抄本共有 5800 本之多 ) WH 与 TR 的差异, 导致和合本与钦译本有诸多的出入 现今网上流传的附带原文编号的和合本新约, 都是直接把英语钦译本的编号导入和合本当中, 并没有经过全面校对, 结果导致多处的文字与编号并不吻合 所以网上流传的版本是不适合用来作严谨的词字查考 (word study) 的 WH 是当今最可靠的 Nestle-Aland(NA28)2012 文本的前身, 可说是已经功成身退, 但因为它跟和合本的关系密切, 应给与重视 我们现在提供的附带原文编号 文法编码的和合本, 就是参照 WH 修订的 希望这个修订版本能为大家提供一个可靠的原文和翻译的对照, 并借用原文编号作为词字查考的查经平台, 以补充汉语翻译上的欠缺 至于旧约, 我们是以 Westminster Leningrad Codex(LC) 作为修订的参考 原文编号是源自史特朗 (James Strong)1890 年出版的 史特朗经文汇编 史特朗按原文字根逐字排序, 并配上编号 : 希伯来语由 H1-H8674, 希腊语由 G1-G5624 之后有学者再附加 H8675-H8853 及 G5625-G5942 作为原文动词的文法分析 (Tense Voice & Mood TVM ) 的编码 5 凡指女性的, 及拟人化下的 " 他 " 一律改为 " 她 " 字 ( 例 : 太 1:19) 6 凡不是指人的, 一律采用 " 它 " 字 ( 例 : 太 5:13)

6 7 本 2007 修订发布两套电子书 (pdf): 纯文字 : 旧 新约汉英对照 : 和合本 ( 雅伟版 ) 对照英语 Lexham English Bible(LEB);LEB 经文中含原有翻译资料, 以 {Note: I} 显示 ; 使文意通顺而加上的词字, 则以 [ 显示 汉语方面没有 ] 对和合本进行删改, 唯对相关雅伟名字若需补充注明, 以灰字或 [ ] 显示 ( 例 : 代上 29:21) 附原文编号 : 新约汉语 / 希腊语对照 : 和合本 ( 雅伟版 ) 对照希腊语 Westcott-Hort (WH) 旧约汉语 / 希伯来语对照 : 和合本 ( 雅伟版 ) 对照希伯来语 Leningrad Codex(LC) 都附带原文编号 原文编码以作比较 若有反馈或发现错误, 请电邮 yahwehdehua@gmail.com 特此感谢 曾参与文字校对 提供计算机技术支持的弟兄姐妹及众同工 孙树民 2017 年 4 月 18 日 你的言语在我上膛何等甘美, 在我口中比蜜更甜! 我借着你的训词得以明白, 所以我恨一切的假道 你的话是我脚前的灯, 是我路上的光 诗 119:

7 申命记 第 1 章 1 以下所记的是摩西在约但河东的旷野 疏弗对面的亚拉巴 就是巴兰 陀弗 拉班 哈洗录 底撒哈中间 向以色列众人所说的话 2 从何烈山经过西珥山到加低斯巴尼亚有十一天的路程 3 出埃及第四十年十一月初一日, 摩西照雅伟藉着他所吩咐以色列人的话都晓谕他们 4 那时, 他已经击杀了住希实本的亚摩利王西宏和住以得来 亚斯他录的巴珊王噩 These [are] the words that Moses spoke to all [of] Israel on the other side of in the beyond [of] } the Jordan in the desert, {Note: Or the wilderness } in the desert {Note: Or desert plain ; others render this as a named location, plateau Arabah } opposite Suph, between Paran and between Tophel and Laban and Hazeroth and Dizahab. one and ten It is [a journey of] eleven days days } from Herob by the way of Mount Seir by the mountain of Seir } up to Kadesh Barnea. And it was and it happened or and then } in the fortieth year, on the eleventh month, on [the] first [day] of the month, Moses spoke to the Israelites sons/children of Israel } according to all that Yahweh had instructed him [to speak] to them. after he had [This happened] after defeating struck down } Sihon king of the Amorites, who [was] reigning {Note: Or dwelling, and in this context reigning } in Heshbon, and Og the king of Bashan, who [was] reigning {Note: Or dwelling, and in this context reigning } in Ashtaroth in Edrei. 5 摩西在约但河东的摩押地讲律法说 : On the other side of in the beyond [of] } the Jordan in the land of Moab Moses began to explain this law, {Note: Hebrew torah} to say } saying : 6 雅伟 我们的神在何烈山晓谕我们说 : 你们在这山上住的日子够了 ; 7 要起行转到亚摩利人的山地和靠近这山地的各处, 就是亚拉巴 山地 高原 南地, 沿海一带迦南人的地, 并利巴嫩山又到伯拉大河 8 如今我将这地摆在你们面前 ; 你们要进去得这地, 就是雅伟向你们列祖亚伯拉罕 以撒 雅各起誓应许赐给他们和他们后裔为业之地 9 那时, 我对你们说 : 管理你们的重任, 我独自担当不起 10 雅伟 你们的神使你们多起来 看哪, 你们今日像天上的星那样多 Yahweh our God spoke to us at Horeb, saying, to say } You have stayed long enough {Note: Literally much [time] } at this mountain. journey on with respect Turn [now] and move on, to yourselves or move yourselves out } and go [into] the hill of the Amorites {Note: Hebrew Amorite } and to all [of] the neighboring regions {Note: Or peoples } in the Jordan Valley Arabah, arid stretches of land.} in the hill country and in the Negev and in the coastal area along the sea, [into] the land of the Canaanites {Note: Hebrew Canaanite } and [into] the Lebanon, as far as the great river Euphrates. before Look, I have set the land before you ; your face } go and take possession of the land that Yahweh swore to your ancestors, {Note: Or fathers } to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give [it] to them and to their offspring after them. And I spoke to them at that time, saying, to say } I am not able to bear you alone. Yahweh your God has multiplied you, and look; you [are] today as the stars of the heaven in number. with respect to multitude/abundance } 申命记第 1 章 第 1 页

8 11 惟愿雅伟 你们列祖的神使你们比如今更多千倍, 照他所应许你们的话赐福与你们 12 但你们的麻烦, 和管理你们的重任, 并你们的争讼, 我独自一人怎能担当得起呢? 13 你们要按着各支派选举有智慧 有见识 为众人所认识的, 我立他们为你们的首领 {Note: Or fathers } Yahweh, the God of your ancestors, may he add to you as you are [now] a thousand times, and may he bless you just as he promised spoke to you } you. to me alone } How can I bear you by myself, your burden and your load and your strife? Choose for yourselves wise and discerning and knowledgeable men knowledgeable } for [each of] your tribes, and I will appoint them as your leaders. men wise and discerning and 14 你们回答我说 : 照你所说的行了为妙 And you answered me, and you said, The thing you have said to do is good. 15 我便将你们各支派的首领, 有智慧 为众人所认识的, 照你们的支派, 立他们为官长 千夫长 百夫长 五十夫长 十夫长, 管理你们 16 当时, 我嘱咐你们的审判官说 : 你们听讼, 无论是弟兄彼此争讼, 是与同居的外人争讼, 都要按公义判断 17 审判的时候, 不可看人的外貌 ; 听讼不可分贵贱, 不可惧怕人, 因为审判是属乎神的 若有难断的案件, 可以呈到我这里, 我就判断 18 那时, 我将你们所当行的事都吩咐你们了 19 我们照着雅伟 我们神所吩咐的从何烈山起行, 经过你们所看见那大而可怕的旷野, 往亚摩利人的山地去, 到了加低斯巴尼亚 20 我对你们说 : 你们已经到了雅伟 我们神所赐给我们的亚摩利人之山地 21 看哪, 雅伟 你的神已将那地摆在你面前, 你要照雅伟 你列祖的神所说的上去得那地为业 ; 不要惧怕, 也不要惊惶 22 你们都就近我来说 : 我们要先打发人去, 为我们窥探那地, 将我们上去该走何道, 必进何城, 都回报我们 And so I took the leaders of your tribes, wise and knowledgeable men, and [then] I appointed them as leaders over you [as] commanders of [groups of] thousands and commanders of [groups of] hundreds and commanders of [groups of] fifties and commanders of [groups of] tens [as] officials for your tribes. And at that time I instructed your judges, saying, hear between your hear out your fellow men, brothers, with the idea of listening carefully in this context} and [then] judge fairly {Note: Or righteously } between a man and between his brother and between his opponent who between his resident alien/nonis a resident alien. Israelite who dwells temporarily among Israel } You must not be partial recognize faces } in in the process of rendering a judgment } your judgment ; hear [out] the small [person] as [also] the great [person] ; do not be intimidated by any person, {Note: Literally do not fear before the faces of [any] man } because the judgment [is] God s; and the case that is too difficult {Note: Or hard } for you, bring [it] to me, and I will hear it [out]. And so I instructed you at that time [concerning] all [of] the things that you should do. Then we set out from Horeb, and we went [through] the whole [of] that great and terrible desert that you saw [on] the way [to] the hill country of the Amorites {Note: Hebrew Amorite } as Yahweh our God had commanded us, and [so] we came up to Kadesh Barnea. You have I said to you, You have reached come up to } {Note: Hebrew the hill country of the Amorites Amorite } that Yahweh our God [is] giving to us. See, Yahweh your God has set before you the land; go up and possess [it] as Yahweh the God of your ancestors {Note: Or fathers } said to you; do not fear and do not be dismayed. Then all of you approached me, and [you] said, Let us send men before us, ahead of us } and let them explore the land for us, and let them bring back a report a word } to us [concerning] the way that we should take we should go up by it } [and concerning] the cities that we shall come to. before our faces or 第 2 页 第 1 章申命记

9 23 这话我以为美, 就从你们中间选了十二个人, 每支派一人 24 于是他们起身上山地去, 到以实各谷, 窥探那地 25 他们手里拿着那地的果子下来, 到我们那里, 回报说 : 雅伟 我们的神所赐给我们的是美地 26 你们却不肯上去, 竟违背了雅伟 你们神的命令, 27 在帐棚内发怨言说 : 雅伟因为恨我们, 所以将我们从埃及地领出来, 要交在亚摩利人手中, 除灭我们 28 我们上那里去呢? 我们的弟兄使我们的心消化, 说那地的民比我们又大又高, 城邑又广大又坚固, 高得顶天, 并且我们在那里看见亚衲族的人 29 我就对你们说 : 不要惊恐, 也不要怕他们 30 在你们前面行的雅伟 你们的神必为你们争战, 正如他在埃及和旷野, 在你们眼前所行的一样 31 你们在旷野所行的路上, 也曾见雅伟 你们的神抚养你们, 如同人抚养儿子一般, 直等你们来到这地方 in my The plan was good in my opinion, eyes } and [so] I took from [among] you twelve men, man one from the tribe } one from each tribe. And they set out turned } and went up into went up toward the hill [country] the hill country, mountain } and they went up to the wadi dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season} of Eschol, and they spied out [the land]. {Note: A valley that is They took in their hands {Note: Hebrew hand } some of the fruit from the fruit } of the land, and they brought [it] down to us, and they brought to us back a report, a word } and they said, The land that Yahweh our God [is] giving to us [is] good. But you were not willing to go up, and you rebelled against the command mouth } of Yahweh your God. And you grumbled in your tents, and you said, Because of the hatred of Yahweh [toward] us he has brought us out from the land of Egypt to give us into the hand of the Amorites {Note: Hebrew Amorite } to destroy us. Where [can] we go up? Our brothers have made caused to melt our hearts } our hearts melt, saying, to say } The people are greater {Note: Or bigger } and taller than we are, {Note: Hebrew than us } [and there are] great fortified cities [reaching] up to heaven, and we saw the sons of the Anakites [living] there. And so I said to you, Do not be terrified, and do not fear them. Yahweh your God, who is going before you, {Note: Literally to your faces } {Note: The Hebrew pronoun indicates will himself emphasis} fight for you, just as like all that } he did for you in Egypt before your eyes, {Note: Or desert } and [just as he did] in the wilderness when {Note: Or where } you saw that {Note: Or how } Yahweh your God carried you, just as someone carries his son, all [along] the way [that] you traveled until you reached you came } this place. {Note: Or a man } 32 你们在这事上却不信雅伟 你们的神 But through all of this you did not trust in Yahweh your God, 33 他在路上, 在你们前面行, 为你们找安营的地方 ; 夜间在火柱里, 日间在云柱里, 指示你们所当行的路 who goes [is] the one going } before you {Note: Literally before your faces } on your {Note: Hebrew the } way, seeking a place for your encampment, in fire at night and in a cloud by day, to show you the way you should go in it } that you should go. 34 雅伟听见你们这话, 就发怒, 起誓说 : Then Yahweh heard the sound of your words, and he was angry, and he swore, saying, say } to 35 这恶世代的人, 连一个也不得见我起誓应许赐给你们列祖的美地 ; {Note: The beginning of an oath in Hebrew; the No one of these men text emphatically denies anyone of that evil generation the privilege of seeing the promised land} of this evil generation will see the good {Note: Or land that I swore to give to your ancestors, fathers } 申命记第 1 章 第 3 页

10 36 惟有耶孚尼的儿子迦勒必得看见, 并且我要将他所踏过的地赐给他和他的子孙, 因为他专心跟从我 [ 雅伟 ] 37 雅伟为你们的缘故也向我发怒, 说 : 你必不得进入那地 38 伺候你 嫩的儿子约书亚, 他必得进入那地 ; 你要勉励他, 因为他要使以色列人承受那地为业 39 并且你们的妇人孩子, 就是你们所说 必被掳掠的, 和今日不知善恶的儿女, 必进入那地 我要将那地赐给他们, 他们必得为业 40 至于你们, 要转回, 从红海的路往旷野去 41 那时, 你们回答我说 : 我们得罪了雅伟, 情愿照雅伟 我们神一切所吩咐的上去争战 于是你们各人带着兵器, 争先上山地去了 42 雅伟吩咐我说 : 你对他们说 : 不要上去, 也不要争战 ; 因我不在你们中间, 恐怕你们被仇敌杀败了 43 我就告诉了你们, 你们却不听从, 竟违背雅伟的命令, 擅自上山地去了 44 住那山地的亚摩利人就出来攻击你们, 追赶你们, 如蜂拥一般, 在西珥杀退你们, 直到何珥玛 45 你们便回来, 在雅伟面前哭号 ; 雅伟却不听你们的声音, 也不向你们侧耳 except Caleb, the son of Jephunneh; he himself {Note: Emphatic use of the pronoun} shall see it, and to him I will give the land upon which he has trodden and to his sons {Note: Or descendants } because he followed Yahweh he filled [his hands] after Yahweh } unreservedly. Even with me Yahweh was angry because of you, saying, Not even you shall enter there. Joshua, the son of Nun, your assistant, the one standing before you } will go there; encourage him because he will cause Israel to inherit it. And your little children, who you thought shall become plunder, and your sons, who do not today {Note: The Hebrew know good or bad, shall themselves pronoun is used for emphasis} go there, and I will give it to them, and they shall take possession of it. But you turn and set out [in the direction of] the wilderness by way of the Red Sea. reeds } sea of You replied and said to me, We have sinned against Yahweh, [and now] we will go up and fight according to all that Yahweh our God commanded us ; and [so] each man fastened on his battle gear, his vessels of battle } and you regarded [it] as easy to go up [into] the hill country. So Yahweh said to me, Say to them, You shall not go up, and you shall not fight because I am not in in your midst; you will be defeated before the faces of your enemies } your enemies. So I spoke to you, but you did not listen; you rebelled against the command of Yahweh ; {Note: Literally mouth of Yahweh } you behaved presumptuously, and you went up into the hill country. The Amorites living in the hill country went out to oppose you to meet you } and chased you as [a swarm of] wild honey bees do; and [so] they beat cut } you down in Seir as far as Hormah. So you returned and wept before Yahweh ; {Note: Literally before the faces of Yahweh } but Yahweh did not listen to your voice and did not pay [any] attention to you. 46 于是你们在加低斯住了许多日子 You stayed in Kadesh many days; such were the days that you stayed [there]. 第 2 章 1 此后, 我们转回, 从红海的路往旷野去, 是照雅伟所吩咐我的 我们在西珥山绕行了许多日子 [Then] we turned and set out [toward] the wilderness {Note: Or desert } in the direction of the Red Sea, sea of reeds } as Yahweh told me, and we went around Mount Seir [for] many days. to say } 2 雅伟对我说 : Yahweh spoke to me, saying, 第 4 页 第 2 章申命记

11 3 你们绕行这山的日子够了, 要转向北去 [Long] enough you have been skirting this mountain; turn yourselves north, 4 你吩咐百姓说 : 你们弟兄以扫的子孙住在西珥, 你们要经过他们的境界 他们必惧怕你们, 所以你们要分外谨慎 5 不可与他们争战 ; 他们的地, 连脚掌可踏之处, 我都不给你们, 因我已将西珥山赐给以扫为业 6 你们要用钱向他们买粮吃, 也要用钱向他们买水喝 7 因为雅伟 你的神在你手里所办的一切事上已赐福与你 你走这大旷野, 他都知道了 这四十年, 雅伟 你的神常与你同在, 故此你一无所缺 8 于是, 我们离了我们弟兄以扫子孙所住的西珥, 从亚拉巴的路, 经过以拉他 以旬迦别, 转向摩押旷野的路去 9 雅伟吩咐我说 : 不可扰害摩押人, 也不可与他们争战 他们的地, 我不赐给你为业, 因我已将亚珥赐给罗得的子孙为业 10 ( 先前, 有以米人住在那里, 民数众多, 身体高大, 像亚衲人一样 11 这以米人像亚衲人 ; 也算为利乏音人 ; 摩押人称他们为以米人 12 先前, 何利人也住在西珥, 但以扫的子孙将他们除灭, 得了他们的地, 接着居住, 就如以色列在雅伟赐给他为业之地所行的一样 ) 13 现在, 起来过撒烈溪! 于是我们过了撒烈溪 14 自从离开加低斯巴尼亚, 到过了撒烈溪的时候, 共有三十八年, 等那世代的兵丁都从营中灭尽, 正如雅伟向他们所起的誓 and instruct {Note: Or command } the people, saying, {Note: Literally to say } You[are] about to cross [through] the {Note: Or territory of your brothers, the descendants sons } of Esau, who are living in Seir; they will be afraid of you, and [so] be very careful. Do not get involved in battle {Note: Or provoke } with them, for I will not give you any of their land, not even a foot s breadth a sole s foot of space } [of it] ; since I have given Mount Seir [as] a possession for Esau. You shall buy food from them so that you may eat; and also you shall purchase water from them with money so that you may drink. The fact of the matter is, Yahweh your God has blessed you in all the work you have done ; {Note: Literally the work of your hand } he knows your travels {Note: Literally your journeying } [with respect to] this great wilderness; forty years Yahweh your God [has been] with you; you have not lacked a thing. And so we passed by our brothers, the descendants {Note: Or sons } of Esau, who live in Seir, {Note: Or Jordan Valley since the past the road of the Arabah, Arabah is an extension of it} from Elath and Ezion Geber, and we turned and traveled along the route of the desert {Note: Or wilderness } of Moab. And Yahweh said to me, You shall not attack {Note: Or battle } Moab, and you shall not engage in war with them, for I will not give you any of his land [as] a possession; I have given Ar to the descendants {Note: Or sons } of Lot [as] a possession. (The Emim previously lived in it, a people large, {Note: Or great in the sense of influential} numerous, and tall, like the Anakites. They were reckoned also [as] Rephaim as the Anakites [were] ; but the Moabites called them Emim. The Horites previously lived in Seir, but the descendants {Note: Or sons } of Esau dispossessed them and destroyed them from among themselves, from their presence } as Israel did with respect to the land of their its/his } possession that Yahweh gave to them.) {Note: A valley that So [now] arise and cross over the wadi is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season} of Zered yourselves; and [so] we crossed the wadi {Note: A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season} of Zered. Now the length of time days } that we had traveled from Kadesh Barnea until [the time when] {Note: A valley that is dry most of the year, but we crossed the wadi contains a stream during the rainy season} of Zered [was] thirtyeight years, until the perishing of all of that generation; [that is], the men of war from the midst of the camp as Yahweh had sworn to them. 申命记第 2 章 第 5 页

12 15 雅伟的手也攻击他们, 将他们从营中除灭, 直到灭尽 The hand of Yahweh was against them to root them out from the midst of the camp until they perished completely. 16 兵丁从民中都灭尽死亡以后, And then And it happened } when all the men had of war {Note: Or battle } had died finished/completed to die } from among the people, to say } 17 雅伟吩咐我说 : Yahweh spoke to me, saying, 18 你今天要从摩押的境界亚珥经过, You [are] about to cross over the boundary of Moab today the day } at Ar. 19 走近亚扪人之地, 不可扰害他们, 也不可与他们争战 亚扪人的地, 我不赐给你们为业, 因我已将那地赐给罗得的子孙为业 20 ( 那地也算为利乏音人之地, 先前利乏音人住在那里, 亚扪人称他们为散送冥 21 那民众多, 身体高大, 像亚衲人一样, 但雅伟从亚扪人面前除灭他们, 亚扪人就得了他们的地, 接着居住 22 正如雅伟从前为住西珥的以扫子孙将何利人从他们面前除灭 他们得了何利人的地 接着居住一样, 直到今日 23 从迦斐托出来的迦斐托人将先前住在乡村直到迦萨的亚卫人除灭, 接着居住 ) 24 你们起来前往, 过亚嫩谷 ; 我已将亚摩利人希实本王西宏和他的地交在你手中, 你要与他争战, 得他的地为业 25 从今日起, 我要使天下万民听见你的名声都惊恐惧怕, 且因你发颤伤恸 26 我从基底莫的旷野差遣使者去见希实本王西宏, 用和睦的话说 : 27 求你容我从你的地经过, 只走大道, 不偏左右 28 你可以卖粮给我吃, 也可以卖水给我喝, 只要容我步行过去, opposite } When you approach the border of the Ammonites, the sons/children of Ammon } you shall not harass them, and you shall not get involved in battle with them, for I have not given the the sons/children of Ammon } land of the Ammonites to you as a possession; because I have given it to the descendants {Note: Or sons } of Lot [as] a possession. (It is also considered the land of Rephaim; Rephaim lived in it previously, before } and the Ammonites called them Zamzummim, a people great and numerous and as tall as the Anakites; Yahweh destroyed them from before them, {Note: That is, the Ammonites} and they dispossessed them and settled in place of them, just as he did for the descendants {Note: Or sons } of Esau, who live in Seir, when he destroyed the from the face/presence of Horites from before them them } and dispossessed them, and [then] they settled in their {Note: Hebrew them } place up to this day. And [also] the Avvites, who lived in villages as far as Gaza, [and the] Caphtorim, who came out from Caphtor, destroyed them and [then] settled in their place. Arise, {Note: Or Get up } set out and cross [over] the wadi {Note: A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season} of Arnon. Look! I have given Sihon the Amorite, the king of Heshbon, and his land into your hand; begin to take possession of [it], and engage with him in battle. This day I will begin to place the dread of you {Note: Literally your dread } and the fear of you before upon the faces of } the peoples under all the heavens. your [They] will hear the report about you, report } and [so] they will shake and tremble because from before you } of you. {Note: Or So I sent messengers from the wilderness desert } of Kedemoth to Sihon king of Heshbon; [I to say } sent] terms of peace, saying, Let me cross through your land [and] only along the road in the road, in the road } I will go; I will not turn aside to the right or [to the] left. Food for money you shall sell me, so that I may eat, and water for money you will give to me, so that I may drink; just let me cross on foot. 第 6 页 第 2 章申命记

13 29 就如住西珥的以扫子孙和住亚珥的摩押人待我一样, 等我过了约但河, 好进入雅伟 我们神所赐给我们的地 30 但希实本王西宏不容我们从他那里经过 ; 因为雅伟 你的神使他心中刚硬, 性情顽梗, 为要将他交在你手中, 像今日一样 31 雅伟对我说 : 从此起首, 我要将西宏和他的地交给你 ; 你要得他的地为业 32 那时, 西宏和他的众民出来攻击我们, 在雅杂与我们交战 33 雅伟 我们的神将他交给我们, 我们就把他和他的儿子, 并他的众民, 都击杀了 34 我们夺了他的一切城邑, 将有人烟的各城, 连女人带孩子, 尽都毁灭, 没有留下一个 35 惟有牲畜和所夺的各城, 并其中的财物, 都取为自己的掠物 36 从亚嫩谷边的亚罗珥和谷中的城, 直到基列, 雅伟 我们的神都交给我们了, 没有一座城高得使我们不能攻取的 37 惟有亚扪人之地, 凡靠近雅博河的地, 并山地的城邑, 与雅伟 我们神所禁止我们去的地方, 都没有挨近 [Just as] the descendants {Note: Or the children/sons of } of Esau did for me, who live in Seir, and the Moabites, who live in Ar, until I cross the Jordan into the land that Yahweh our God is giving to us. But Sihon king of Heshbon was not willing to let us cross through his [territory] because Yahweh your God hardened his spirit and made him obstinate made firm his heart } in order to give him {Note: Literally to give him, indicating purpose} into your hand, just as he as [it is] this day } has now done. Yahweh said to me, Look! I have begun to give over to you to the face of you } Sihon and his land; begin to take possession of his land. {Note: Literally, take possession in order to possess his land } Then Sihon and all his people came out to meet us for battle at Jahaz. And so Yahweh our God gave him over to us, {Note: Literally before us } and we struck him down, and his sons {Note: Or descendants } and all of his people. So we captured all of his cities at that time, and we destroyed each town [of] males and the women and the children; we did not leave behind a survivor. We took only the livestock as spoil for ourselves, {Note: Hebrew us } and [also] the booty of the cities that we had captured. From Aroer, which [is] on the edge of the wadi {Note: A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season} of Arnon and the city that [was] in the wadi {Note: A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season} on up to Gilead, [there] was not a city that was inaccessible to us; Yahweh our God gave everything the whole } to us. us } before children/sons Only the land of the Ammonites of Ammon } you did not approach, [all along] the whole wadi, which upper region of the Jabbok River here refers to a flowing river} and the towns of the hill country, [according to all] that Yahweh our God had instructed. 第 3 章 1 以后, 我们转回, 向巴珊去 巴珊王噩和他的众民都出来, 在以得来与我们交战 2 雅伟对我说 : 不要怕他! 因我已将他和他的众民, 并他的地, 都交在你手中 ; 你要待他像从前待住希实本的亚摩利王西宏一样 Then we turned, and we went up the road to Bashan, and Og the king of Bashan came out to meet us, he and all [of] his army for the battle [at] Edrei. And Yahweh said to me, You should not fear him, {Note: Or for I have given him and all [of] his army people } and his land into your hand. And [so] you will do to him as you did to Sihon the king of the Amorites, {Note: Hebrew Amorite } who [was] reigning in Heshbon. 申命记第 3 章 第 7 页

14 3 于是雅伟 我们的神也将巴珊王噩和他的众民都交在我们手中 ; 我们杀了他们, 没有留下一个 4 那时, 我们夺了他所有的城, 共有六十座, 没有一座城不被我们所夺 这为亚珥歌伯的全境, 就是巴珊地噩王的国 5 这些城都有坚固的高墙, 有门有闩 此外还有许多无城墙的乡村 6 我们将这些都毁灭了, 像从前待希实本王西宏一样, 把有人烟的各城, 连女人带孩子, 尽都毁灭 ; 7 惟有一切牲畜和城中的财物都取为自己的掠物 8 那时, 我们从约但河东两个亚摩利王的手将亚嫩谷直到黑门山之地夺过来 9 ( 这黑门山, 西顿人称为西连, 亚摩利人称为示尼珥 ), 10 就是夺了平原的各城 基列全地 巴珊全地, 直到撒迦和以得来, 都是巴珊王噩国内的城邑 11 ( 利乏音人所剩下的只有巴珊王噩 他的床是铁的, 长九肘, 宽四肘, 都是以人肘为度 现今岂不是在亚扪人的拉巴么?) 12 那时, 我们得了这地 从亚嫩谷边的亚罗珥起, 我将基列山地的一半, 并其中的城邑, 都给了流便人和迦得人 13 其余的基列地和巴珊全地, 就是噩王的国, 我给了玛拿西半支派 亚珥歌伯全地乃是巴珊全地 ; 这叫做利乏音人之地 14 玛拿西的子孙睚珥占了亚珥歌伯全境, 直到基述人和玛迦人的交界, 就按自己的名称这巴珊地为哈倭特睚珥, 直到今日 And [so] Yahweh our God also gave Og the king of Bashan, and all of his army {Note: Or people } into our hand, and we struck him down until not a survivor remained to {Note: Or for } him. {Note: Or villages/cities And we captured all [of] his towns [small] } at that time; [there] was not a city that we did not take from them. All of these [were] fortified towns with high walls, gates, and bars, {Note: Hebrew bar } apart from alone from } very many [of] the villages of the open country. And [so] we destroyed them just as we had done to Sihon the king of Heshbon; [we destroyed] utterly each town of males, the women, and the little children. But all [of] the livestock and the booty of the towns {Note: Hebrew us } we kept as spoil for ourselves. And so we took at that time the land from the control of the hand of } [the] two kings of the Amorites {Note: Hebrew Amorite } who [were] on the other in the beyond of the Jordan } side of the Jordan, {Note: A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a from the wadi stream during the rainy season} of Arnon up to Mount Hermon. the mountain of Hermon } (The Sidonians called Hermon Sirion, and the Amorites called it Senir. ) All of the towns of the plateau and the whole of Gilead and all of Bashan up to Salecah and Edrei, the towns of the kingdom of Og in Bashan. (For only Og, king of Bashan, was left from the remnant of the Rephaim. Indeed, his bedstead it [was] a bedstead of iron. It is in Rabbah of the Ammonites. sons/children of Ammon } Nine cubits [is] its length, and four cubits [is] its width according to the cubit of a man.) And [so] we took possession of this land at that time, from Aroer, which [is] on the [edge of the] wadi the rainy season} of Arnon, and [also] half of the hill country of Gilead and its towns I gave to the Reubenites {Note: Hebrew Reubenite } and to the Gadites. {Note: Hebrew Gadite } {Note: A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during And the remainder of Gilead and all of Bashan, the kingdom of Og, I gave to the half-tribe of Manasseh, the whole region of Argo. All of that [area of] Bashan was called [the] land of the Rephaim. Jair the descendant {Note: Or son } of Manasseh acquired the whole region of Argob, up to the boundary of the Geshurites and the Maacathites, and he called it, {Note: Hebrew them } [that is] Bashan, after his [own] name, Havvoth Jair, as it still is up to this day } today. 第 8 页 第 3 章申命记

15 15 我又将基列给了玛吉 And [also] I gave Gilead to Makir. 16 从基列到亚嫩谷, 以谷中为界, 直到亚扪人交界的雅博河, 我给了流便人和迦得人, 17 又将亚拉巴和靠近约但河之地, 从基尼烈直到亚拉巴海, 就是盐海, 并毗斯迦山根东边之地, 都给了他们 18 那时, 我吩咐你们说 : 雅伟 你们的神已将这地赐给你们为业 ; 你们所有的勇士都要带着兵器, 在你们的弟兄以色列人前面过去 19 但你们的妻子 孩子 牲畜 ( 我知道你们有许多的牲畜 ) 可以住在我所赐给你们的各城里 20 等到你们弟兄在约但河那边, 也得雅伟 你们神所赐给他们的地,[ 雅伟 ] 又使他们得享平安, 与你们一样, 你们才可以回到我所赐给你们为业之地 21 那时我吩咐约书亚说 : 你亲眼看见了雅伟 你神向这二王所行的 ; 雅伟也必向你所要去的各国照样行 22 你不要怕他们, 因那为你争战的是雅伟 你的神 And to the Reubenites {Note: Hebrew Reubenite } and to the Gadites {Note: Hebrew Gadite } I gave, from Gilead up to {Note: A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream the wadi during the rainy season} of Arnon, the middle of the wadi {Note: A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season} [as a] boundary and up to the Jabbok River, wadi, which here refers to a flowing river} the boundary sons/children of Ammon } of the Ammonites. And the Jordan Valley Arabah } [with] the Jordan [River as its] boundary, from Kinnereth {Note: Or Chinnereth, the Sea of Galilee} up to the Sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, {Note: Or the Dead Sea} [with] the slopes of Pisgah toward the east. And I charged you [all] at that time [when I] said, Yahweh has given you to [all of] you this land to possess. All the warriors men of valor } shall cross over, ready to fight, before your brothers, the sons/children of Israel } Israelites. Only your wives and your little children and your livestock (I know that you have much livestock ) livestock much [there is] to you } must stay in your towns that I have given you, until Yahweh shall give rest to your brothers as [he did] to you, and also they take possession [of] the land that Yahweh your God [is] giving to them beyond the Jordan; then they may return, each [one] to his possession that I have given to them. And I commanded Joshua at that time, saying, Your eyes see all that Yahweh your God has done to these two kings; so Yahweh will do to all [of] the kingdoms where you are about to cross over to. You shall not fear them, for Yahweh your God is the [one] fighting for you. 23 那时, 我恳求雅伟说 : And I pleaded with Yahweh at that time, saying, 24 主雅伟阿, 你已将你的大力大能显给仆人看 在天上, 在地下, 有什么神能像你行事 像你有大能的作为呢? 25 求你容我过去, 看约但河那边的美地, 就是那佳美的山地和利巴嫩 26 但雅伟因你们的缘故向我发怒, 不应允我,[ 雅伟 ] 对我说 : 罢了! 你不要向我再题这事 27 你且上毗斯迦山顶去, 向东 西 南 北举目观望, 因为你必不能过这约但河 Lord Yahweh, you have begun to show your servant your greatness and your strong hand, for what {Note: Hebrew who } god [is there] in the heaven or on the earth who can do according to your works and according to your mighty deeds? Let me cross over, please, and let me see the good in the beyond land that is beyond the Jordan, of the Jordan } this good hill country and Lebanon. But Yahweh was very angry with me because of you, and he would not listen to me, and Yahweh said, Enough of that from you! You shall not speak to me [any] longer about this matter! Much to you } Go up [to] the top of Pisgah and look around you lift up your eyes } toward the west, toward the look } north, and toward the east, and view [the land] with your eyes, for you will not cross this Jordan. 申命记第 3 章 第 9 页

16 28 你却要嘱咐约书亚, 勉励他, 使他胆壮 ; 因为他必在这百姓前面过去, 使他们承受你所要观看之地 Now instruct Joshua and support him and encourage him because he himself the pronoun} will cross [over] before this people and enable them to inherit the land that you will see. {Note: Emphatic use of 29 于是我们住在伯毗珥对面的谷中 So we remained in the valley opposite Beth Peor. 第 4 章 1 以色列人哪, 现在我所教训你们的律例典章, 你们要听从遵行, 好叫你们存活, 得以进入雅伟 你们列祖之神所赐给你们的地, 承受为业 2 所吩咐你们的话, 你们不可加添, 也不可删减, 好叫你们遵守我所吩咐的, 就是雅伟 你们神的命令 3 雅伟因巴力毗珥的事所行的, 你们亲眼看见了 凡随从巴力毗珥的人, 雅伟 你们的神都从你们中间除灭了 4 惟有你们专靠雅伟 你们神的人, 今日全都存活 5 我照着雅伟 我神所吩咐的将律例典章教训你们, 使你们在所要进去得为业的地上遵行 6 所以你们要谨守遵行 ; 这就是你们在万民眼前的智慧 聪明 他们听见这一切律例, 必说 : 这大国的人真是有智慧, 有聪明! 7 那一大国的人有神与他们相近, 像雅伟 我们的神 在我们求告他的时候与我们相近呢? 8 又那一大国有这样公义的律例典章 像我今日在你们面前所陈明的这一切律法呢? 9 你只要谨慎, 殷勤保守你的心灵, 免得忘记你亲眼所看见的事, 又免得你一生这事离开你的心 ; 总要传给你的子子孙孙 Now, Israel, listen to the rules and to the regulations that I [am] teaching you to do, in order that you may live and you may go [in] and you may take possession of the land that Yahweh, the God of your ancestors, {Note: Or fathers } [is] giving to you. You must not add to the word that I [am] commanding you, and you shall not take away from it [in order] to keep {Note: Or observe } the commands of Yahweh your God that I [am] commanding you [to observe]. your eyes the seeing what } Your eyes have seen what Yahweh did with {Note: Or in } [the case of] Baal Peor, for each every one [of] } man that followed after Baal Peor Yahweh your God destroyed from your midst. But you, the [ones] holding fast to Yahweh your the day } God, [are] all alive today. {Note: Or I have taught (compare NASB, NEB)} See, I now teach you rules and regulations [just] as Yahweh my God has commanded me, to observe [them][just] so in the midst of the land where you [are] going, to take possession of it. you And you must observe them diligently, must observe and you must do } for that [is] your wisdom and your insight before the eyes of the people, who will hear all [of] these rules, and they will say, Surely this great nation [is] a wise and discerning people. For what great nation [has] for it a god near to it as in every Yahweh our God, whenever matter/every time we call } we call [upon] him? And what [other] great nation has for it which/that [is] for him [it] } just rules and regulations just like as } this whole all [of] } law that I [am] setting before to the face of } you today? the day } However, take care watch } for yourself and watch your inner self {Note: Or soul } closely, so that you do not forget the things that your eyes have seen, so that they do not slip from your mind all the days of your life; and you shall make them known to your the children and to your grandchildren. children of your children } 第 10 页 第 4 章申命记

17 10 你在何烈山站在雅伟 你神面前的那日, 雅伟对我说 : 你为我招聚百姓, 我要叫他们听见我的话, 使他们存活在世的日子, 可以学习敬畏我, 又可以教训儿女这样行 11 那时你们近前来, 站在山下 ; 山上有火焰冲天, 并有昏黑 密云 幽暗 12 雅伟从火焰中对你们说话, 你们只听见声音, 却没有看见形像 13 他将所吩咐你们当守的约指示你们, 就是十条诫, 并将这诫写在两块石版上 14 那时雅伟又吩咐我将律例典章教训你们, 使你们在所要过去得为业的地上遵行 15 所以, 你们要分外谨慎 ; 因为雅伟在何烈山 从火中对你们说话的那日, 你们没有看见什么形像 16 惟恐你们败坏自己, 雕刻偶像, 仿佛什么男像女像, [Remember] the day that you stood before {Note: Literally to the face of } Yahweh your God at Horeb when when to say Yahweh } Yahweh said to me, Summon for me the people so that I can tell them my words, that they may learn to fear me all [of] the days they [are] alive on the earth and so [that] they may teach their children. And [so] you came near, and you stood under the mountain, and the mountain [was] burning with fire up to the heart of the heaven, dark with a very thick darkness, cloud, and very thick darkness } cloud. And Yahweh spoke to you from the midst of the fire; you heard you [were] hearing } a sound of words, but you did not see a form only a voice. you were not seeing } And he declared to you his covenant, the Ten Commandments, the ten words } which he charged you to observe, to do } and he wrote them on [the] two tablets of stone. And Yahweh charged me at that time to teach you rules and regulations for your observation of them for your doing them } in the land that you [are] about to cross into about to cross into there } to take possession of it. So you must be very careful for yourselves, {Note: Literally watch yourselves diligently with respect to your souls } because you did not see {Note: Or have not seen } any form on the day Yahweh spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of the fire, corrupt so that you [do] not ruin yourselves yourselves } and make for yourselves a divine image [in] a form of any image, a replica of male or female, 17 或地上走兽的像, 或空中飞鸟的像, a replica of any animal that [is] upon the earth, a replica of any winged bird that flies in the air, 18 或地上爬物的像, 或地底下水中鱼的像 a replica of any creeping thing on the ground, a replica of any fish that [is] in the water below {Note: Literally under } the earth. 19 又恐怕你向天举目观看, 见雅伟 你的神为天下万民所摆列的日月星, 就是天上的万象, 自己便被勾引敬拜事奉它 20 雅伟将你们从埃及领出来, 脱离铁炉, 要特作自己产业的子民, 像今日一样 21 雅伟又因你们的缘故向我发怒, 起誓必不容我过约但河, 也不容我进入雅伟 你神所赐你为业的那美地 And lest you And do this so that you do not lift lift up } your eyes [toward] heaven and observe {Note: Literally see } the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of the heaven, and be led astray and bow down to them and serve them, things that Yahweh your God has allotted to all [of] the peoples under all [of] the heaven. But Yahweh has taken you and brought you out from the furnace of iron, from Egypt, to be a people {Note: Or for ; a people of inheritance = a people who of inheritance to is his very own possession} as him, as it is this day. the day the this = as you are now} And Yahweh was angry with me because of you, because of your matter } and he swore that I not I to cross the would not cross the Jordan Jordan } and that I would not go to the good land {Note: Literally not [I] going to the land } that Yahweh your God is giving you as an inheritance. 申命记第 4 章 第 11 页

18 22 我只得死在这地, 不能过约但河 ; 但你们必过去得那美地 23 你们要谨慎, 免得忘记雅伟 你们神与你们所立的约, 为自己雕刻偶像, 就是雅伟 你神所禁止你做的偶像 ; 24 因为雅伟 你的神乃是烈火, 是忌邪的神 25 你们在那地住久了, 生子生孙, 就雕刻偶像, 仿佛什么形像, 败坏自己, 行雅伟 你神眼中看为恶的事, 惹他发怒 26 我今日呼天唤地向你们作见证, 你们必在过约但河得为业的地上速速灭尽! 你们不能在那地上长久, 必尽行除灭 27 雅伟必使你们分散在万民中 ; 在他 [ 雅伟 ] 所领你们到的万国里, 你们剩下的人数稀少 28 在那里, 你们必事奉人手所造的神, 就是用木石造成 不能看 不能听 不能吃 不能闻的神 29 但你们在那里必寻求雅伟 你的神 你尽心尽性寻求他的时候, 就必寻见 30 日后你遭遇一切患难的时候, 你必归回雅伟 你的神, 听从他的话 31 雅伟 你神原是有怜悯的神 ; 他总不撇下你, 不灭绝你, 也不忘记他起誓与你列祖所立的约 32 你且考察在你以前的世代, 自神造人在世以来, 从天这边到天那边, 曾有何民听见神在火中说话的声音, 像你听见还能存活呢? For I [am] going to die in this land; I am not going to cross the Jordan, but you [are] going to cross, and you are going to take possession of this good land. Watch [out] for yourselves so that you do not forget the covenant of Yahweh your God that he had made cut } with you and make for yourselves a divine image [of] the form of anything has that Yahweh your God has forbidden, commanded you [about] } for Yahweh your God [is] a devouring fire, a jealous {Note: Or zealous or impassioned } God. When you have had children and grandchildren children of children } and you have grown old in the land and you act corruptly and you make a divine image [of] the form of anything and you do evil in the eyes of Yahweh your God, [thus] provoking him to anger, I call {Note: Or I shall call to witness } to witness against you today the heaven and the earth, that you will perish soon and completely from the land that you [are] crossing the Jordan into it to take possession of it; you will not extend you will not live long on it, days } but you will be completely destroyed. And Yahweh will scatter you among the peoples, people of and you will be left few in number number, as opposed to people without number} among the nations [he] will lead to where Yahweh will lead you. Yahweh you there } And you will there serve gods made by human hands, the work of the hands of human } [of] wood and stone, [gods] that cannot see and cannot hear and cannot eat and cannot smell. But from there you shall seek Yahweh your God and will find him, if you seek him with all your heart {Note: Or inner self } and with all your soul. In your distress In [the] distress for you } when {Note: Hebrew and } all these things have found you in the latter days, in the last of the days } {Note: Hebrew then and } you will return to Yahweh your God, and you will listen to his voice. For Yahweh your God is a compassionate God; he will not leave you alone } will not abandon you, and he will not destroy you, and he will not forget the covenant of your ancestors {Note: Or fathers } that he swore to them. Yes, ask, please, about former days that preceded you that [they] were to the face of you } from the day that God created humankind on the earth; [ask even] from [one] end of the heaven up to the [other] end of heaven whether anything ever happened was it [ever] } like this great thing or whether was it [ever] anything like it was ever heard. heard as it } 33 这样的大事何曾有 何曾听见呢? Has a people [ever] heard the voice of God speaking from the midst of the fire, [just] as you heard [it], and lived? 第 12 页 第 4 章申命记

19 34 神何曾从别的国中将一国的人民领出来, 用试验 神迹 奇事 争战 大能的手, 和伸出来的膀臂, 并大可畏的事, 像雅伟 你们的神在埃及, 在你们眼前为你们所行的一切事呢? 35 这是显给你看, 要使你知道, 惟有雅伟 他是神, 除他以外, 再无别神 36 他从天上使你听见他的声音, 为要教训你, 又在地上使你看见他的烈火, 并且听见他从火中所说的话 37 因他爱你的列祖, 所以拣选他们的后裔, 用大能亲自领你出了埃及, 38 要将比你强大的国民从你面前赶出, 领你进去, 将他们的地赐你为业, 像今日一样 39 所以, 今日你要知道, 也要记在心上, 天上地下惟有雅伟他是神, 除他以外, 再无别神 40 我今日将他的律例诫命晓谕你, 你要遵守, 使你和你的子孙可以得福, 并使你的日子在雅伟 你神所赐的地上得以长久 41 那时, 摩西在约但河东, 向日出之地, 分定三座城, 42 使那素无仇恨 无心杀了人的, 可以逃到这三城之中的一座城, 就得存活 : 43 为流便人分定旷野平原的比悉 ; 为迦得人分定基列的拉末 ; 为玛拿西人分定巴珊的哥兰 Or has a god [ever] attempted to go to take for himself {Note: Hebrew for him } a nation from the midst of a nation, [using] trials and signs and wonders and war, with an outstretched arm and with great and awesome deeds, like all that Yahweh your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes? {Note: Emphatic use of pronoun; plural meaning You [yourselves] implied} were shown [this wonder] in order [for you] to {Note: The definite acknowledge that Yahweh [is] the God; article indicates that Israel s God is alone the true God and the one who revealed himself to them} there is no other [God] besides him. {Note: Literally except him or to him alone } From heaven he made you hear his voice to teach you, and on the earth he showed you his great fire, and you heard his words from the midst of the fire. {Note: Or fathers } And because he loved your ancestors he chose their descendants seed } after them. And he brought you forth from Egypt with his own presence, with his faces } by his great strength, to drive out nations greater and more numerous than you from before you, from your face } to bring you [and] to give to you their land [as] an inheritance, as [it is] this day. the day } So you shall acknowledge today, you shall bring back to and you must call to mind your heart } that Yahweh [is] God in heaven above and on the earth beneath. There is no other [God]. And you shall keep his rules and his commandments that I am commanding you today, the day } [so] that it may go well is good } {Note: Or descendants } for you and for your children after you, and so that you may remain a long time you may make long/prolong days } on the land that Yahweh your God [is] giving to you [during] all [of] those days. he/it Then Moses set apart three cities on the other side [in the] beyond [of] the Jordan } of the Jordan, toward rising of the sun } toward the east, [in order for] a manslayer a killer of a man } to flee there [who] has killed his neighbor without intent without [previous] knowledge } and was not [the] day before yesterday } hating him previously, and [so] he could flee to one of these cities and be and live } safe. {Note: Or desert } [He set apart] Bezer in the wilderness in the land of the plateau of the Reubenites; {Note: Hebrew Reubenite } Ramoth in Gilead of the Gadites, {Note: Hebrew Gadite } and Golan in Bashan of the Manassites. {Note: Hebrew Manassite } {Note: Hebrew the torah = teaching, instruction, 44 摩西在以色列人面前所陈明的律法 Now this [is] the law law} that Moses set before before the faces of } the sons/children of Israel } Israelites ; 申命记第 4 章 第 13 页

20 45 就是摩西在以色列人出埃及后所传给他们的法度 律例 典章 ; 46 在约但河东伯毗珥对面的谷中, 在住希实本 亚摩利王西宏之地 ; 这西宏是摩西和以色列人出埃及后所击杀的 47 他们得了他的地, 又得了巴珊王噩的地, 就是两个亚摩利王, 在约但河东向日出之地 48 从亚嫩谷边的亚罗珥, 直到西云山, 就是黑门山 49 还有约但河东的全亚拉巴, 直到亚拉巴海, 靠近毗斯迦山根 these are the legal provisions and the rules and the regulations that Moses spoke to the Israelites {Note: Literally sons/children of Israel } when they left Egypt, {Note: Literally at their going out from Egypt } beyond the Jordan in the valley opposite Beth Peor in the land of Sihon the king of the Amorites, {Note: Hebrew Amorite } who [was] reigning in Heshbon [and] sons/children of whom Moses and the Israelites Israel } defeated when they came out of Egypt. {Note: Literally at their going out from Egypt } And [so] they took possession of his land and the land of Og king of Bashan, the two kings of the Amorites {Note: Hebrew Amorite } who [were] beyond the toward the rising of the sun } Jordan, eastward, from Aroer, which [is] on the bank of the wadi {Note: A valley that is dry most of the year, but contains a stream during the rainy season} of Arnon and as far as Mount Sirion; that [is], Hermon, and all [of] the Arabah {Note: Or valley in this instance} beyond the Jordan, eastward, and as far as the Sea of the Arabah {Note: Commonly known today as the Dead Sea} under the slopes of Pisgah. 第 5 章 1 摩西将以色列众人召了来, 对他们说 : 以色列人哪, 我今日晓谕你们的律例典章, 你们要听, 可以学习, 谨守遵行 And [then] Moses summoned all [of] Israel and said to them, Hear, Israel, the rules and the regulations that I [am] speaking in your ears today, the day } and you shall learn them, and you must you shall observe them observe them diligently. carefully to do them } 2 雅伟 我们的神在何烈山与我们立约 Yahweh our God made a covenant with us at Horeb. 3 这约不是 [ 雅伟 ] 与我们列祖立的, 乃是与我们今日在这里存活之人立的 4 雅伟在山上, 从火中, 面对面与你们说话 5 那时我站在雅伟和你们中间, 要将雅伟的话传给你们 ; 因为你们惧怕那火, 没有上山 说 : 6 我是雅伟 你的神, 曾将你从埃及地为奴之家领出来 [It was] not with our ancestors {Note: Or fathers } [that] Yahweh made this covenant, [but with] these [of] us [who are] here alive today. Face to face Faces to faces } Yahweh spoke with you at the mountain from the midst of the fire. I was standing between Yahweh and you between Yahweh and between you } {Note: Or at that time to report declare } to you the word of Yahweh, for you were the faces afraid because of the presence of of } the fire, and [so] you [did] not go up the To say } mountain. He said, I [am] Yahweh your God, who brought you out from the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery. 7 除了我以外, 你不可有别的神 [There] shall not be for you other gods besides me. before my face } 8 不可为自己雕刻偶像, 也不可做什么形像, 仿佛上天 下地和地底下 水中的百物 You shall not make for yourself a divine image of any [type] of form that [is] in the heaven above or that [is] on the earth beneath or that [is] in the water under the earth. 第 14 页 第 5 章申命记

21 9 不可跪拜那些像, 也不可事奉它, 因为我雅伟 你的神是忌邪的神 恨我的, 我必追讨他的罪, 自父及子, 直到三 四代 ; 10 爱我 守我诫命的, 我必向他们发慈爱, 直到千代 11 不可妄称雅伟 你神的名 ; 因为妄称雅伟名的, 雅伟必不以他为无罪 12 当照雅伟 你神所吩咐的守安息日为圣日 You shall not bow down to them, and you shall not serve them, for I, Yahweh your God, [am] a jealous God, punishing the guilt of fathers upon [their] children and upon [the] third and upon [the] fourth generation of [those] hating me, but showing loyal love to thousands of [those who] love me and of [those who] keep my commandments. You shall not take up the name of Yahweh your God for [a] worthless purpose, for Yahweh will not leave unpunished [anyone] who uses his name for [a] worthless purpose. the day of the Observe the Sabbath day Sabbath } to make it holy, {Note: Or to sanctify it } [just] as Yahweh your God has commanded you. 13 六日要劳碌做你一切的工, Six days you shall work, and you shall do all [of] your work, 14 但第七日是向雅伟 你神当守的安息日 这一日, 你和你的儿女 仆婢 牛 驴 牲畜, 并在你城里寄居的客旅, 无论何工都不可做, 使你的仆婢可以和你一样安息 15 你也要记念你在埃及地作过奴仆 ; 雅伟 你神用大能的手和伸出来的膀臂将你从那里领出来 因此, 雅伟 你的神吩咐你守安息日 16 当照雅伟 你神所吩咐的孝敬父母, 使你得福, 并使你的日子在雅伟 你神所赐你的地上得以长久 but the seventh day [is] [a] Sabbath unto Yahweh your God; you shall not do any work, or your son, or your daughter, or your slave, or your slave woman, or your ox, or your donkey, or any of your domestic animals, or your [resident] alien who [is] in your towns, gates } so that your slave and your slave woman may rest as you [rest]. And you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and Yahweh your God brought you out with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm; therefore, Yahweh your God commanded you the day of the Sabbath } to keep the Sabbath. Honor your father and your mother, as Yahweh your God commanded you, so that it will be good for you {Note: Or it may go well for you } in the land the ground } that Yahweh your God [is] giving to you. on 17 不可杀人 You shall not murder. 18 不可奸淫 And you shall not commit adultery. 19 不可偷盗 And you shall not steal. 20 不可作假见证陷害人 And you shall not falsely bear evidence against your neighbor. 21 不可贪恋人的妻子 ; 也不可贪图人的房屋 田地 仆婢 牛 驴, 并他一切所有的 22 这些话是雅伟在山上, 从火中 云中 幽暗中, 大声晓谕你们全会众的 ; 此外并没有添别的话 他就把这话写在两块石版上, 交给我了 And you shall not covet the wife of your neighbor, and you shall not crave the house of your neighbor, his field or his slave or his slave woman or his ox and his donkey or anything that belongs to your that [is] for your neighbor } neighbor. These words Yahweh spoke to your whole assembly at the mountain from the midst of the fire and the very thick cloud [with] a loud voice, and he did not add anything, and not he added } and [then] he wrote them on two tablets of stone and gave them to me. 申命记第 5 章 第 15 页

22 23 那时, 火焰烧山, 你们听见从黑暗中出来的声音 ; 你们支派中所有的首领和长老都来就近我, 24 说 : 看哪, 雅伟 我们神将他的荣光和他的大能显给我们看, 我们又听见他的声音从火中出来 今日我们得见神与人说话, 人还存活 25 现在这大火将要烧灭我们, 我们何必冒死呢? 若再听见雅伟 我们神的声音就必死亡 26 凡属血气的, 曾有何人听见永生神的声音从火中出来, 像我们听见还能存活呢? 27 求你近前去, 听雅伟 我们神所要说的一切话, 将他 [ 雅伟我们神 ] 对你说的话都传给我们, 我们就听从遵行 28 你们对我说的话, 雅伟都听见了 雅伟对我说 : 这百姓的话, 我听见了 ; 他们所说的都是 29 惟愿他们存这样的心敬畏我, 常遵守我的一切诫命, 使他们和他们的子孙永远得福 And then And it happened } when you heard {Note: Literally and as/when you heard or [at] the moment of your hearing } the voice from the midst of the darkness, and [as] the mountain [was] burning with fire, and [and] all the heads of your tribes and your elders approached me, you said, Look, Yahweh our God has shown us his glory and his greatness, and we have heard his voice from the midst of the fire; this day we have seen {Note: Or saw } that God can speak with a human and [he] lives } being, yet he remains alive. And so then why shall we die, for this great fire will we do again to hear ; consume us if we continue or we are doing again to hear } to hear the voice of Yahweh our God [any] longer, and [so] we shall die? For who [is there of] all flesh who has heard the voice of the living God speaking from the midst of the fire as we [have heard it] and remained alive? and lives } all of [that] [You] go near and hear everything which } that Yahweh our God will say; and [then] you tell us all that Yahweh our God tells you, and we will listen, and we will do [it]. And Yahweh heard the sound of your words when you spoke to me, in/at you to speak to me } and Yahweh said to me, I have heard the sound of the words of this people that they have spoken to you; [they] are right [with respect to] all that they have spoken. If only Who gives/will give } they had such a mind ; [it] would be their heart this to them } [that is], to fear me and to keep all my commandments at all times, all the days } so that it will go well {Note: Literally he/it is good } for them and for their children to eternity } forever. 30 你去对他们说 : 你们回帐棚去罢! Go! Say to them, Return to your tents. 31 至于你, 可以站在我这里, 我要将一切诫命 律例 典章传给你 ; 你要教训他们, 使他们在我赐他们为业的地上遵行 32 所以, 你们要照雅伟 你们神所吩咐的谨守遵行, 不可偏离左右 33 雅伟 你们神所吩咐你们行的, 你们都要去行, 使你们可以存活得福, 并使你们的日子在所要承受的地上得以长久 But you stand here with me, and let me tell you all [of] the commandments and the rules and the regulations that you shall teach them, so that they may do [them] in the land that I [am] giving to them to take possession of it. [So] you must be careful to do [just] as Yahweh your God commanded you; you shall not turn [to the] right or [to the] left. In exactly the path In all the way/path } that Yahweh your God has commanded, you must go, and so that you may live and it will go well good [it is] } you for you and you may live long may make long } in the land that you will take possession of. 第 16 页 第 5 章申命记

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