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1 Hema - The Pathfinder of Alibaba s New Retail HOU Yi, CEO of Hema

2 CONTENTS 01 Hema - Pathfinder of 02 Alibaba s New Retail The New Retail 03 Model Driving Retail Revolution Through Technology and Data 目录 盒 马是阿 里里新零售的探路路者 盒 马的新零售模式 技术 + 数据驱动零售变 革 2

3 FMCG 快消商超 Electronics & Home Appliance 家电数码 Brands Digital Transformation 品牌数字升级主阵地 Local Services 本地 生活服务 Digital Bridges between City and Village 城市乡村双通路路 Apparel & General Merchandise 服饰百货 Home Furniture & Decoration 家居家装 Mom-and-pop Store Transformation 社区 小店升级 Hema - Pathfinder of Alibaba s New Retail Suning JV 猫宁 盒 马是阿 里里巴巴新零售的探路路者 Note: *RT-Mart, Koubei, and Easyhome are non-consolidated businesses of Alibaba Group. 注 :* 大润发 口碑碑 居然之家是阿 里里巴巴集团的 非合并报表业务 3

4 New Retail Experience and New Business Model Store + Logistics Center Supermarket + Restaurant 全新的消费者体验和商业模式 Online + Offline 线上+线下 门店+物流 超市+餐饮 4

5 The New Retail Model mn+ Stores* Cites* Customers** 全国 门店数量量 覆盖城市数量量 服务消费者数量量 盒 马的新零售模式 Notes: *As of July 31, 2018, there were 18 stores in Shanghai, 12 in Beijing, 6 in Chengdu, 4 in Shenzhen, 4 in Hangzhou, 3 in Guangzhou, 3 in Xi'an, 3 in Suzhou, 2 in Fuzhou, 2 in Wuhan, 2 in Nanjing, 2 in Ningbo, 2 in Guiyang, 1 in Kunshan. Franchise stores included. **As of July 31, Included customers who shopped at Hema or downloaded Hema App. 注 :* 截 止 2018 年年 7 月 31 日, 其中在上海海 18 家 北北京 12 成都 6 深圳 4 杭州 4 广州 3 西安 3 苏州 3 福州 2 武汉 2 南京 2 宁波 2 贵阳 2 昆 山 1 家 包括联营店铺,** 截 止 2018 年年 7 月 31 日, 包括在盒 马购物和下载盒 马 App 的消费者 5

6 Robust & Profitable 增 长强劲且盈利利 RMB800K+ RMB50K+ 60%+ Daily Avg. Sales Per Mature Annualized Avg. Sales Per Sqm Avg. % of Online Sales Store* of Mature Stores* of Mature Stores* 成熟店单店 日均销售额成熟店单店坪效成熟店线上销售占 比 Note:* Mature store is defined as Hema store operated >1.5 years by July 31, There were seven such stores as of July 31, All data on this page is based on sales of those stores occurred in the month of July 注 :* 成熟店定义为截 止 2018 年年 7 月 31 日运营 1.5 年年以上的盒 马鲜 生店, 此 页的数据根据这些店在 2018 年年 7 月份的销售数字得出 6

7 Two Growth Trajectories (Online Orders Exceeded Offline Orders in Less Than 4 Months) 两条增 长曲线 ( 不不到四个 月, 线上订单数超过线下订单数 ) Avg. Monthly Orders Per Store* Increasing Basket Size 笔单价稳定上升 Avg. Basket Size Per Store* Growing Wallet Share 会员 月度消费额不不断增 长 Avg. Monthly Customer Spending Per Store** RMB online & offline 线下 & 线下 pure online 纯线上 pure offline 纯线下 Jan.2016 Jan.2017 Jan.2018 Jul.2018 Notes:* All the data on this page is from Hema stores operated >1.5 years by July 31, **Pure online stands for customer who only shop online. Pure offline stands for customer who only shop offline. Online & Offline stands for customer who shop both online and offline. 注 :* 本 页所有数字取 自截 止 2018 年年 7 月 31 日运营 1.5 年年以上的盒 马鲜 生店 ** 纯线上指当 月仅在线上消费的会员 ; 纯线下指当 月仅在线下消费的会员 ; 线上 & 线下指当 月在线上和线下都消费过的会员 7

8 Rapid Customer Penetration in Neighborhood Markets* 消费者渗透率快速增 长 Jan. 2016, 1st Store 2016 年年 1 月, 首店 金金桥店 Note:* Data from Hema stores operated >1.5 years by July 31, Colored areas represent neighborhoods with the most retailer traffic. Blue color represents Hema and the other colors represent other retailers. Each of the seven Hema stores shown has 384,000 members on average as of July 31, 2018 注 :* 数字取 自截 止 2018 年年 7 月 31 日运营 1.5 年年以上的盒 马鲜 生店 色块颜 色代表该 小区去对应超市的客流 人次最多, 其中蓝 色 色块代表盒 马, 其他 色块代表其他超市 截 止 2018 年年 7 月 31 日, 地图上显示的这 几家店铺平均每家有累计成交会员 38.4 万 人 8

9 Rapid Customer Penetration in Neighborhood Markets* Jan. 2017, Seven Stores 2017 年年 1 月, 七店 大宁店 King88 店 宝地店 上海海湾 金金桥店 消费者渗透率快速增 长 虹桥店 杨 高南店 Notes:* Data from Hema stores operated >1.5 years by July 31, Colored areas represent neighborhoods with the most retailer traffic. Blue color represents Hema and the other colors represent other retailers. Each of the seven Hema stores shown has 384,000 members on average as of July 31, 2018 注 :* 数字取 自截 止 2018 年年 7 月 31 日运营 1.5 年年以上的盒 马鲜 生店 色块颜 色代表该 小区去对应超市的客流 人次最多, 其中蓝 色 色块代表盒 马, 其他 色块代表其他超市 截 止 2018 年年 7 月 31 日, 地图上显示的这 几家店铺平均每家有累计成交会员 38.4 万 人 8

10 Rapid Customer Penetration in Neighborhood Markets* Jul. 2018, Seven Stores 2018 年年 7 月, 七店 大宁店 King88 店 宝地店 上海海湾 金金桥店 消费者渗透率快速增 长 虹桥店 杨 高南店 Note:* Data from Hema stores operated >1.5 years by July 31, Colored areas represent neighborhoods with the most retailer traffic. Blue color represents Hema and the other colors represent other retailers. Each of the seven Hema stores shown has 384,000 members on average as of July 31, 2018 注 :* 数字取 自截 止 2018 年年 7 月 31 日运营 1.5 年年以上的盒 马鲜 生店 色块颜 色代表该 小区去对应超市的客流 人次最多, 其中蓝 色 色块代表盒 马, 其他 色块代表其他超市 截 止 2018 年年 7 月 31 日, 地图上显示的这 几家店铺平均每家有累计成交会员 38.4 万 人 8

11 Offering Unique Customer Value for Consumption Upgrade 迎接消费升级, 提供独特的消费者价值 More Selection 更更多选择 One-stop grocery shopping, esp. for fresh food Hundreds of 3R* items, making cooking easy and fun Rich assortment of restaurant dishes for both in-store dinning and online delivery Better Merchandise 更更好的商品 Global direct sourcing and farm-to-table supply chain guarantee fresh quality and competitive cost structure Private label brand Daily Fresh redefines fresh; Difresco redefines value Seasonal goods first-to-shelf, e.g. branchripened mango, sakura coke More Convenience 更更 方便便 Order online and get delivery within 30min Small pack, single-serving. Less waste 3km x 30min local service network, i.e. SOS service (e.g. batteries, medicine), household services (e.g. laundry) More Assurance 更更安全和放 心 Hassle-free return and refund Transparent and data-driven supply chain traceability from farm to consumer The country's first fresh grocery traceability platform that connects directly with consumers 1 Note:* 3R stands for Ready-to-cook, Ready-to-heat and Ready-to-eat products 注 :* 3R 代表 Ready-to-cook Ready-to-heat 和 Ready-to-eat 的即刻可 食 用的商品 9

12 Digital Operation & Management, Making Retailing more Efficient 数字化运营管理理, 让零售更更 高效 Accurate Customer Portrait 精准的消费者画像 Big Data Merchandising 大数据选品 Targeted Marketing 精准营销 Flexible Supply Chain 柔性供应链 Membership 会员 Store Ops. 门店作业 Merchandise & Inventory 商品 & 库存 Digitization 数字化 Price & Pricing 价格 & 定价 Marketing 营销 Mobile Internet 移动互联 网 Retail Cloud 零售云 GPS, Camera Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, ibeacon, NFC RF Guns Front-end: App, Cloud POS, Chatbot Middle-end: CRM, Payment, Fulfillment Back-end: ERP, Store Ops. System, Algorithm 2 Composite Work Mode 复合 工作模式 Intelligent Fulfillment and Rapid Delivery 智能履履约和极速配送 Payment 支付 Smart Hardware 智能硬件 AI-POS, Electronic Shelf Label (ESL), Access Point (AP) IoT-based Conveyor Belt Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV), Unmanned Vehicle 10

13 Age group ~28 Young Adventurer Age group ~33 Working Couple Age group ~36 Affluent Middle-class Age group ~43 Exquisite SoHoer Age group ~52 Fashionable Senior Accurate Customer Portrait 精准的消费者画像 年年轻尝鲜 Offline consumption triggered by sensational new retail offerings. Prefer products recommended by internet celebrities 受 网红新业态吸引, 触发线下 门店消费 偏好 网红商品 奋 斗夫妻 Looking for balance between health and convenience. Prefer Hema private label products 关注便便捷健康平衡, 偏好盒 马 PB 商品 宽裕 白领 Have strong influence on senior family member's consumption behavior towards fresh food. Prefer high quality consumer packaged goods 影响 长辈 生鲜消费, 解决优质标品需求 精致家居 First to embrace consumption upgrade. Prefer imported products 领先拥抱消费升级, 偏好进 口商品 潮流 长辈 High acceptance of novelty. Care about convenience and cost performance 对新事物接受度 高, 重视便便利利和性价 比 ~20% % of customer base ~10% % of customer base ~10% % of customer base ~35% % of customer base ~25% % of customer base Note: Based on analysis of Hema customers in Nov (2000+ sample) 注 : 数据来 自 2017 年年 11 月对盒 马 大盘 用户的分析和调研结果 (2000+ 样本 ) 11

14 Modular Solutions Empower Other Retailers to Succeed in This New Era Logistics Infrastructure and Network 物流设施和 网络 Business Model 商业模式 Technology (Smart Hardware + Retail Cloud) 技术 ( 智能硬件 + 零售云 ) Empowering New Retail Stores for Other Retailers* 赋能其他零售商的新零售升级店 1, %+ 20K+ 模块化输出, 赋能其他零售商在新时代获得成功 3 Operations Know-how 运营知识和经验 Algo. & Data Analytics Supply Chain & Merchandise 供应链和商品资源 Avg. Daily Online Orders Per Store 单店 日均线上订单 Avg. Monthly Sales Increase Per Store 单店 月度销售额提升 Avg. No. of Newly Added Young Customers Per Store** 单店累计新增年年轻顾客数 算法和数据分析 Notes:* Data from RT-Mart Taoxianda New Retail stores operated more than three months as of July 31, ** Young customer is defined as age 35 or below. 注 :* 数据取 自截 止到 2018 年年 7 月 31 日运营 3 个 月以上的 大润发淘鲜达店铺 ** 年年轻顾客指年年龄在 35 岁及以下的顾客 12

15 Logistics Center Minikitchen The New Retail Model 新零售模式 Hema App Logistics Center Minikitchen Super APP Logistics Center Minikitchen 4 Low Cost Traffic Better Customer Experience Community-level Service Infrastructure Network 低成本的流量量 更更好的客户体验 社区化的服务设施 网络 13

16 Driving Retail Revolution Through Technology and Data USD660bn China Fresh 11 Grocery Market* 2016 年年中国 生鲜零售市场规模 China Fresh Grocery Sales by Channel** Super/Hypermarket: 22% E-commerce: 3% Wet Market: 73% Others: 2% U.S. Fresh Grocery Sales by Channel** Super/Hypermarket: 90% Others: 10% 技术 + 数据驱动零售变 革 Notes:* Huatai Securities ** China Merchants Securities 2018 注 :* 华泰证券 ;** 招商证券 14

17 Technology & Data 丨 5G, AI, Quantum Computing 技术 + 数据 丨 5G, AI, 量量 子计算 Huge Opportunities Grower/Brand/Manufacturer R&D, Production 种养殖者 / 品牌商 / 生产商 丨研发 生产 collaborative supply chain 协同供应链 Retailer Sales, Marketing, Operations 零售商 丨销售 营销 运营管理理 customized offerings 个性化的商品和服务 Consumer Profile, Preference, Behavior 消费者 丨画像 兴趣 行行为 巨 大的机会 Logistics & Delivery 物流配送 Cloud 丨 Internet 丨 Device 云 丨 网 丨端 15

18 Integral Part of the Alibaba Digital Economy 与阿 里里数字经济体的其他业务协同发展 AI & Cloud Computing AI, 云计算等联合研究 Uni-marketing 全域营销 Traffic Sharing 流量量共享 Joint Procurement 联合采购 Payment 交易易 支付 Logistics & Delivery 物流配送 Note: *Alibaba Pictures, Koubei, Yiguo, Sanjiang, RT-Mart, Ant Financial, Dianwoda, Shenghuobanjin, and Easyhome are non-consolidated business of Alibaba Group. 注 :* 阿 里里影业, 口碑碑, 易易果 生鲜, 三江, 大润发 蚂蚁 金金服, 点我达和 生活半径都是阿 里里巴巴集团的 非合并报表业务 16


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