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1 (12 ) (9 )1793 (Johann Friedrich Hartknoch) Halle)Jacob Sigismund Beck) Ernst Cassirer) 1914 Meredith, 1911) Bernard, 1892)Pluhar, 1987) Berlin: Koniglich PreuBische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Gerhard Lehmann)20 James Haden) (1965, The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc.) Kant's Life and Thought) 1 Ernst Cassirer, Kant's Life and Thought, trans. by James Haden, Yale University, 1981, p The Genesis of Kant's Critique of Judgement, Chap. 13, The Ethical Turn in Kant's Critique of Judgment, P , John H. Zammito, 1992, University of Chicago Press 1

2 1996 (Hackett Publising Co., Indianapolis, Cambridge, 1996) Kemp Smith) Immanuel Kant, On Philosophy in General (Trans. Humayun Kabir, Calcutta: The University Press, 1935) Manuel Kant, La Filosofia como Sistema, (Trans, Pedro Von Haselberg, Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1948) Paul Guyer, Allen W. Wood) Cambridge University Press) ( ) 2

3 2008Paul Guyer, Allen W. Wood) Cambridge University Press) (Vernunft-) (system) (Vernunft) (theoretical)(practical) (practical philosophy) (practical) (Inbegriff) (enthalten) 3

4 (freedom) (willkurlich) Willkur (representation) 4

5 (werden unterschieden) (ist unterschieden) agrimensoria) (Kenntnis) * (tool) (circinus et regula) 5

6 (unmittelbar) technical) (sein)(art) (technique) (Gegenstande) (objektiv) * (problematic) (technical) pragmatic) (actual) 6

7 Vermogen (general) () 7

8 (doch) (Begriff) (begriffen) (an sich) (assume) * (als) (ziehen) (Prinzipien) (Grundsatze) 8

9 (besonder)(technique) (maxim) (heuristic principle) 9

10 (aggregate) (allererst) (eigentumlich) 10

11 (the subject) (Bestimmung) (bestimmen) (fassen) 11

12 (Inbegriff)Begriff) (Ungleichartigkeit) (Heterogeneitat) (experience) (empirical system) 够 continuum formarum 12

13 uberlegen (Urteil) (Beurteilung) (facultas diiudicandi) * (tautological) 13

14 (besonder) (besonder) (wiederum) (specific) (economy) (technically) (schematically) (artistically) 浃 14

15 (technique of nature) (for the logical use of power of judgment) (classification) (specification) (roh) (roh) (Materien) 15

16 (nomothetic) (geltend machen) (in concreto) * (specific difference) * (Linnaeus) 16

17 (einzeln) (an ihnen selbst) (geschehen lassen) 17

18 (purposiveness of nature) (purposiveness of the natural forms) 18

19 (be perceived) 爲 (apprehensio)(2) (apperceptio comprehensiva)(3) (exhibitio) f (Kiesewetter) 19

20 (natural forms) aesthetic (transcendental aesthetic) (aesthetic) sense 20

21 (sensible) by a vitium subreptionis (sensitive) (Empfindung) (sinnlich) (sensibility) 21

22 (uberhaupt) (sensation) (aesthetic judgment) (aesthetic judgment) (als) 22

23 (aus) (heautonomy) 23

24 (Bestimmung) (bestimmt) (senses) * (himmelweit) 24

25 intuitive understanding) (completeness of the many) (one) Totalitat, Allheit) (gerade) 25

26 (perfection) (agreeableness)(sense) (mere reflection) (Sinnesempfindung) * 26

27 (aesthetic-pathological) (aesthetic-practical) (16) (wishes) () (ablenken) 绝 (schmachten) 27

28 (apprehension) (erfindet) (form of intuition) (ends of nature) 28

29 (natural forms) 爲 (purposiveness of forms) (figurative purposiveness) (technica speciosa) (plastic) (organic technique) (final causes) (natural intention) (vernunftelnd, sophistical) 29

30 forma finalis naturae spontanea (forma finalis naturae intentionalis) 30

31 (transcendent) (immanent) 31

32 (Lehre) (honor, Ehrbegierde) (Affektion) (wit) (necessity) 32

33 33

34 (bestimmt) 34

35 (Einleitung)(Lehre) (principia domestica) (principia peregrina) (Verband) 35

36 aesthetic judgment (judgment of taste) 36

37 37

38 38

39 (aesthetics (critique of aesthetic judgment) (aesthetic) (sensible, aesthetic ) (mechanically) (scientifically) 39

40 (feeling) (sensation) (aesthetic judgment)(receptivity) (technical) 40

41 (beauty) (taste) (theory of taste) (theory of physical ends) (internal) (relative) (the form of an object) inner 41

42 (perfection) (usefulness) (des Geistesgefühls, feeling of spirit) (regulative concept) plastically (unintentional) (the beautiful) 42

43 (analytic) (dialectic) (exposition) (deduction)


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