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1 (A Reading on Michael Friedman s Dynamics of Reason) (Esther C. Su) (research fellow, FSCPC) 189, (Michael Friedman, Dynamics of Reason, CSLI Publications, 2001) (Stanford Kant Lectures) (Kant and the Exact Sciences, Harvard University Press, 1992) 1

2 (logic, mathematics, mathematical physics) (Reconsidering Logical Positivism, Cambridge University Press, 1999) (A Parting of the Ways, Open Court, 2000) (Carnap) (Quine) (Cassirer) (Heidegger) (scientific philosophy) (German Idealism) (Herman von Helmholtz) ( Back to Kant ) (psyco-physiology) (perception) 2

3 (empirical natural science) (cognitive psychology) (transcendental) (empirical) (a priori knowledge) (a priori) (Henri Poincaré) (conventions) (free choices) (Science and Hypothesis) (Moritz Schlick) (a priori fixed features of human mind) (paradigm) 3

4 (ultimate principles) (Ernst Mach) (Ludwig Boltzmann) (the Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences) (Gottlob Frege) (Bertrand Russell) (Ludwig Wittgenstein) (Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus) (doctrine) (activity) 4.11, 4.111, (meaningful) (Rudolf Carnap) (University of Jena) 4

5 (David Hilbert) (derivability) (definability) (consistency) (completeness) (Wissenschaftslogik) (meta-logical investigation) (meta-science) (meta-physics) 踪 (American pragmatism) (common-sense empiricism) (Thomas Kuln) (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions) (mature sciences) (paradigm) (pre-paradigm) (transformation) (Lorentz-Fitzgerald) (aether) 5

6 (paradigm shifts) (rules) (normal sciences) (mathematical physics) (agenda) (German Idealism) (Scientific Philosophy) (Neo-Kantianism) (Logical Positivism) (Descartes) (Scholasticism) 6

7 (holistically as a vast web of interconnected beliefs) (quantum mechanics) (law of excluded middle) (a priori) (relativized a priori) (Hans Reichenbach) ( The Theory of Relativity and A Priori Knowledge) (constitutive a priori principles) (a conception of dynamic or relativized a priori principles of mathematical physics) 7

8 (philosophy of formal language) (linguistic frameworks) analytic sentences synthetic sentences (Logical Syntax) (logical rules/l-rules) (physical rules/p-rules) (Maxwell s equations of electromagnetism) (axioms of coordination) constitutive principles (axioms of connections) properly empirical laws (internal questions) (external questions) (a priori and a posteriori) (logical and factual) (analytic and synthetic) (Two Dogmas of Empiricism) (epistemological holism) 8

9 (naturalistic epistemological holism) (a priori) (tensor calculus) (principle of equivalence) (equations for the gravitational field) (F=ma) (a single conjunction) (experience tribunal) (Bernhard Riemann) 9

10 (field equations) (a priori constitutive) (Thomas S. Kuhn) (The Structure of Scientific Revolution) (incommensurable) (non-intertranslatable) 10

11 (the hierarchically and teleologically organized spherical universe) (special relativity) (law of inertia) (three-plus-one dimensional) (four dimensional spatio-temporal structure) (general relativity) (Jürgen Habermas) (intrumental rationality) (communicative rationality) (modified Kantian) (a conception of dynamic or relativized a 11

12 priori principles) (scientific epistemology) (contemporary neo-kantianism) (regulative principle) (inter-paradigm) (transhistorical) (an educated guess) (a relativized conception of a priori principles) (abosolutely a priori) (relativized) 12

13 (constitutive a priori) (meta-framework) (objectivity) (modified Kantian conception) (logical idealist) (scientific philosophy) (philosophy of science) 13

14 (p.25) (P.64) 77 (A179/B221) (dynamical, A160/B190) (mathematical, A160/B190) (Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science) (metaphysics of experience) 14

15 (Béatrice Longunesse) (Kant and the Capacity to Judge) 31 (p.183) (Causal Law and Natural Science, The Cambridge Companion of Kant, Cambridge U., 1992) (Kepler s Laws) 27 (p.180) (empirical judgments) (mere empirical associations of imagination) (Vermögen zu urteilen) capacity for discursive thought (Urteilskraft) (constitutive a priori) 15

16 (Davos) (p.193) (judgment of perception) (Prolegomena) (a posteriori) (modified Kantian) (a priori fixed features of human mind) 16

17 (Béatrice Longunesse) (Kant and the Capacity to Judge)



-李淳玲(作者已校稿).doc--1 1 (1909-1995) 2006 2 3 1 Ü ä 2 3 1 827-828 爲 4 5 (A158/B197) 150 4 5 2 6 152-156 (A. N. Whitehead, 1861-1947) 699-704 234-263 33 (David Hilbert, 1862-1943) (L. E. J. Brouwer, 1881-1966) 240 (duality) 6

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