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1 Introduction to Warehouse Management 郭幸民 國立高雄第一科技大學 1 Warehouse Management 介紹各類型倉儲設施的功能 介紹倉儲所使用的硬體設備 分析其用途與效益 介紹倉儲的各項作業內容 分析如何減少錯誤並提高效率 不同於存貨管理 不討論如何決定適當的存貨量 不討論 如何以更低的存貨達到更高的服務水準 不同於物流管理 不討論供應商 不涉及運輸配送 2 1

2 教科書 Gwynne Richards Warehouse Management, 2nd Edition 參考書籍 Edward Frazelle 高效能倉儲物流管理出版社 : 麥格羅 希爾 McGraw Hill 3 授課大綱 Week 1 Chapter 1 課程簡介倉儲功能 Week 2 Chapter 3 進貨與入庫 Week 3 Chapter 10 儲存與搬運設備 Week 5~6 Chapter 4 5 揀貨作業與設備 Week 7 Chapter 6 揀貨作業改善 Week 8 Chapter 7 補貨與出貨 Week 9 Midterm 4 2

3 授課大綱 Week 10 Week 11~12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 補充教材 : 低溫倉儲 Chapter 9 動線與空間規劃 Chapter 12 倉儲成本與營收 Project 倉儲設計報告 Chapter 8 WMS 與資訊應用 Chapter 13 績效衡量 Chapter 15~16 安全與環保 Final Exam 5 成績計算 Report/Project 20% Tests 20% Midterm 30% Final Exam 30% 助教 : 陳晰 報告抄襲者全組成績以零分計算考試作弊者依學務規章處理, 學期成績並以壹分記錄 加分以參與課堂討論為依據, 與出席聽課無關 6 3

4 Chapter 1 The Role of the Warehouse To better match supply with demand 住家也需要儲存日常需求用品 To consolidate product 集散貨物以節省運費 To postpone product differentiation 工廠與夜市小吃都需要延遲生產 Pricing and Labeling 進口大宗貨物需要分裝與貼標 7 Introduction 過去 vs. 現在 過去 1. Cost centres and rarely adding value. 沒有產值 過去 2. As land and buildings were relatively cheap, the cost of holding significant quantities of raw materials and finished stock was seen as the norm and totally acceptable. 成本低 過去 3. Stock visibility along the supply chain was limited and information flow was very slow 庫存可見度低 companies holding more stock than necessary. 8 4

5 歷史小典故 舊約聖經記載埃及王接受約瑟夫的建議而興建糧倉, 儲放連續七年豐收的過剩糧食, 安然度過緊接而來的七年歉收 洛陽的含嘉倉, 歷經隋 唐 北宋, 沿用 500 多年 倉城東西長 612 米, 南北寬 710 米, 已探出倉窖 287 座 隋朝選擇在洛陽儲備大量的糧食, 取決於地理位置和交通便利 倉窖為大口小底缸形窖, 口徑 10 至 18 米, 深 7 至 12 米, 窖底用火烘乾, 周壁和窯底鋪設草 木板 糠 席等, 然後儲糧, 糧上面鋪席, 堆糠和墊草, 最後用土密封 以刻字磚記載倉窖位置 儲糧來源 入窖年月以及授領官員的職務 姓名等 9 Introduction 過去 vs. 現在 ( 續 ) 現在 1. Avital link within today s supply chains. 供應鏈的關鍵連結 2. Expensive land, buildings, labour and energy costs. 營運成本上升 11 5

6 Introduction 過去 vs. 現在 續 3. Competitive differentiation, profitable growth 競爭優勢 (greater volatility, constrained capacity, evolving regulations, major shifts in customer demographics and buying patterns, and increasingly demanding customer and supplier requirements) 4. 倉儲的複雜功能 Delivering the right product in the right quantity warehouse picking and despatching products accurately. Delivering to the right customer at the right place, on time requires the product to be labelled correctly and loaded onto the right vehicle with sufficient time. 12 Introduction 過去 vs. 現在 續 5. just in time (JIT), efficient consumer response (ECR) and quick response (QR) 快速反應 more warehouses and postponement 6. retailers took partial control of their supply chains and began to build national and regional distribution centres. 經銷商主導 warehouses moving towards larger, multi temperature sites 13 6

7 Types of Warehouse Operation 1. Raw materials storage : Ex. plastics, precious metals, sand, aggregates 2. Finished goods storage : ready for sale, they provide a buffer or safety stock for companies, enabling them to build up stock in preparation for new product launches, expected increases in demand and to deal with seasonality Types of Warehouse Operation( 續 ) 3. Intermediate, postponement, customization or sub assembly facilities store products temporarily at different stages in production. 在製品 customize products before final delivery to the customer. 待客製化 specific packaging or labelling being changed or added. 需包裝或貼標 computer assembly to include different graphics cards, memory chips, software, etc. 電腦規格客製化 product bundling for promotional activity. 促銷包裝或贈品 country specific items being added such as electrical plugs. 地域化 15 7

8 Types of Warehouse Operation( 續 ) 4. Consolidation centres and transit warehouses : These differ from cross dock centres in that product can remain in the centre for a period of time awaiting call off from the final destination. 物流中心 5. Transhipment or break bulk centres : large quan es manageable quantities 大宗貨物分裝 16 Types of Warehouse Operation( 續 ) 6. Cross dock centres: 越庫作業 適用商品 perishable items, fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, which need to be moved quickly through the supply chain. 限制條件 Cross docking requires deliveries into these centres to be already labelled and ready for onward delivery. consolidated with other deliveries, ready for despatch. 目標 Items should remain in the warehouse for as short a time as possible. Same day receipt and despatch is the target. 執行障礙 WMS support, quality control systems, reliability & cooperation of suppliers and carriers, warehouse design and uncertain demand. 17 8

9 Types of Warehouse Operation( 續 ) 7. Sortation centres : letter, parcel and pallet distribution companies 分類 轉運 8. Fulfilment centres : 服務個別消費者的訂單履行中心 lativ 9. Reverse logistics centres : Either repaired, recycled, repackaged or disposed of. 逆物流 10. Public sector warehousing 公共倉 18 這些企業需要哪種倉儲服務? 19 9

10 Why do we hold stock? 1. Uncertain and erratic demand patterns 應付需求變化 2. Trade off between transport and shipping costs, justifying larger shipments 節省運費 The ability to move product in large quantities tends to attract lower costs per unit. The trade off here is between the cost of storing additional units compared with the higher cost of transport for smaller, groupage type deliveries. 3. Discounts via bulk buying 量大折扣 The possibility of reducing the unit rate through buying in greater quantities 4. Distance between manufacturer and the end consumer 距離考量 20 Why do we hold stock? ( 續 ) 5. Cover for production shutdowns 提前生產 shut down for vacations, machine maintenance and stock counts 6. Ability to increase production runs 生產成本考量 Changing or adjusting production lines in order to accommodate changes in models, colour, design features, etc is expensive. The longer the production run, the lower the cost per unit to produce. 7. To manage seasonal production 供應的季節性 21 10

11 Why do we hold stock? 續 8. High seasonality 需求的季節性 22 Why do we hold stock? 續 9. Spare parts storage 備用零件 To ensure an uninterrupted production line operation, manufacturers need to hold stock of spare parts just in case an item becomes defective. 10. Work in progress storage (WIP) 在製品 part build products in anticipation of orders 11. Investment stocks 投資用途 A number of products can increase in value the longer they are held in storage. Ex. fine wines and spirits, cigars, precious metals and stones, antiques and fine art. 12. Document storage 文件保存 Ex. correspondence, invoices, accounts, evidence storage and patient records by the emergency services, etc

12 倉儲基層作業項目 物流中心 訂單履行中心 進貨 (receiving): 驗收規格 品質 數量 ( 退貨作業 ) 預先包裝 (kitting): 重新分裝組合以利儲存或後續使用 入庫 (putaway): 儲位確認 物料搬運 儲存 (storage): 庫存盤點 (counting) 揀貨 (picking): 儲位確認 物料搬運 Movie: lativ 重新包裝 (repackaging) 與定價 : 附加價值服務倉庫 分類 (sortation) 與集中 ( 組合 assembly): 合併揀取的品項依訂單分類 分區揀取的品項依訂單集中 單位包裝與出貨 (shipping): 以個別客戶為單位進行包裝以免散落 確認出貨清單與相關文件 24 Warehouse Location Factors that need to be taken into account : cost of land, rent and rates 土地成本 access to transport networks 運輸 availability of affordable skilled labour 人力 transport links for staff 交通 availability of funding, grants, etc 貸款 優惠 availability of existing buildings 現成設施 availability and cost of utilities including telecoms 水電 availability of finance and resources 資金 goods traffic flows 交通狀況 proximity to ports and airports 機場 海港 location of suppliers and manufacturing points 供應商地點 the potential neighbours (eg proximity to oil storage depots can be a negative factor). 周圍環境 25 12

13 Warehouse Location 續 26 Number of Warehouses The increasing cost of fuel, a move towards near shoring and a requirement to be nearer the customer could see the number of warehouses and DCs increasing with cross dock operations being favoured by more companies. 成本與服務的取捨 27 13

14 亞馬遜 (Amazon) 正加速興建倉庫, 凸顯在來自 ebay 和沃爾瑪 (Wal Mart) 的競爭加劇之際, 把產品更快交到顧客手上的迫切性 彭博資訊報導, 亞馬遜 2010 年起已砸下近 139 億美元在美國興建 50 座新倉庫, 金額比該公司成立至今花在倉庫的費用總和還高 截至去年底亞馬遜在美國已有 89 座倉庫, 今年將再蓋五座 ebay 和沃爾瑪等業者正設法讓產品以最快的速度交貨, 使亞馬遜執行長貝佐斯承受巨大壓力 亞馬遜興建倉庫的策略有推升成本 壓縮利潤的風險, 配送支出已成為亞馬遜最大的營運支出, 每年以逾 40% 的速度增加 (2013) 2016: 全美 165, 全球 Supply chain trends affecting warehouses 1. 電子商務 B2B 與 B2C 蓬勃發展 2. 在競爭環境中, 零售商與製造商尋找降低成本, 倉儲作業往高效能與高成本效益目標前進 3. 零庫存倉庫 ( 不以倉庫儲存的形式存在, 而是處於周轉狀態 ) 轉運中心 集貨中心 越庫作業增加 4. 為了更靠近進出貨港口, 而增加以港口為中心的倉庫 5. 手機 DVD 撥放器 電腦的體積縮小, 由網路來獲取影音商品的蓬勃發展, 減少了對上述商品的儲存空間需求 6. 環保意識與法規, 倉庫使用再生能源 ( 如 : 太陽能或風力發電 ) 29 14

15 The growth of e-fulfilment and its effect on the warehouse According to Forrester (2013) online retail sales in the United States in 2013 will reach $262 billion representing 8 % of the total retail market and will reach $370 billion by 網路訂單履行中心 (e-fulfilment warehouse) 所面臨的挑戰 : 1. 訂單類型與數量易受季節性影響 2. 經常性處理低價值或單一品項的訂單內容, 但須付出與處理高價值品項相同的人力成本與設備, 在處理低價值品項所得到的邊際效益遠低於高價值品項 3. 須滿足顧客對於訂單的準確性與準時性 4. 商品種類增加造成揀貨空間不足, 尤其是流通性低的商品 5. 處理逆物流 30 The growth of e-fulfilment and its effect on the warehouse ( 續 ) Three types of fulfilment centre: 1. integrated fulfilment: 多通路並行 internet sales are carried out alongside existing retail operations. 2. dedicated fulfilment: 專屬的網購物流中心 carry out in a purpose built facility. 3. store fulfilment: 到店取貨 involve picking online orders from existing retail shelves for separate delivery ex store

16 Specialized Warehousing 1. Customs warehousing 同保稅倉庫 (bonded warehouse), 為海關核准存放保稅貨物的專用倉庫 根據國際通行的保稅制度, 入境存保稅倉的貨物可暫時免納進口稅 2. Refrigerated warehouses 為延長食品的新鮮度與保存期限, 對低溫倉庫的需求大增 使產品穩定維持在一定低溫環境下是關鍵因素 高密度的自動倉儲設備 防災與災害復原計畫為冷鏈核心要求 32 Fashion Logistics Fashion products are either boxed or travel as hanging garments. This mix of items requires different handling capabilities and ensuring that expensive items of clothing are not creased or crushed in transit. With large and fast changing product ranges, as well as dramatic seasonal fluctuations, the fashion industry has demanding logistics requirements. 流行期短 季節變化 33 16

17 法國 Provenance in Bond 保稅倉佔地 14,500 平方公尺, 可儲存 600 萬瓶葡萄酒 提供從溫度 濕度 紫外線 防震的存放管理, 以至於紅外線保全 保險 存取運送 轉售服務 客戶可透過網路查看存貨清單 溫濕度報表 發送存取貨指令, 運送全程的溫度變化狀況 34 Summary and Conclusion 1. 倉庫不再只是單純用來儲存, 更是用來進行轉運 越庫作業 執行延遲策略的場所 2. 控制供應鏈的權力從原本的製造商轉移到零售商, 零售商趨向將庫存管理的責任推給上游的供應商, 增加供應商對於預測準確性與獲取即時資訊能力的要求 3. 電子商務明顯改變了原本倉儲管理的作業形式 35 17

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