阳煤集团化工产业 规划项目报告

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1 煤炭清洁利用展望 Prospect of Clean Utilization of Coal 阳泉煤业 ( 集团 ) 有限责任公司 Yangquan Coal Industry Group

2 1. 阳泉煤业集团 1.Yangquan Coal Industry Group 阳泉煤业集团经过六十余年的发展, 现已成为一个以煤为基 多元化发展的现代企业集团, 产业涉及煤炭 化工 装备制造 物流贸易 地产 铝电 现代服务业等方向 By more than 60-years growth-up, Yangquan coal industry group has become a multiple enterprise group depend upon coal industry now, industries involved in coal, chemicals, equipment manufacturing, logistics, trade, real estate, Aluminum electrolysis industry, Modern service, and so on.

3 1. 阳泉煤业集团 1.Yangquan Coal Industry Group 阳煤 2016 年煤炭产量 7086 万吨, 总资产合计 2150 亿元, 营业 收入 1794 亿元, 拥有中国最大的化工设备制造公司和中国第三大 煤化工公司 Yangquan coal industry group produces million coal tons, has 2150 billion Yuan total assets, billion Yuan revenue in 2016.Yangquan has the largest chemical industry machinery manufacturing equipment company and third largest coal chemical company in China.

4 1. 阳泉煤业集团 1.Yangquan Coal Industry Group 集团拥有 567 个分子公司, 其中包括 4 个上市公司 The Group is made up with 567 sub-companies including 4 listed companies 总职工 17.6 万人 Total employees:176, 年世界 500 强企业第 374 位 The 374th in the Fortune 500 Enterprises list for 中国企业 500 强第 90 位 The 90th of Chinese 500 Top Enterprises. 中国煤炭企业 100 强第 7 位 The 7th of Chinese 100 Top Coal Enterprises 中国最大的无烟煤生产基地 The largest anthracite coal production company in China

5 1. 阳泉煤业集团 1.Yangquan Coal Industry Group 化工产业已发展成为阳煤集团近年来增长最快 增量最多 增幅最大的产业板块 Chemical industry has developed into the fastest-growing, most incremental, the largest increase industrial sector of Yangquan in recent years. 化工chemical industry 44.7 billion Yuan 煤炭Coal 26.8 billion Yuan 贸易物流 Trading logistics 75.4 billion Yuan 铝电 Aluminum electrolysis 25.9 billion Yuan Industrial Distribution of Group Company 地产real estate 11.7 billion Yuan 中小企业 Modern service industry 96 billion Yuan 装备制造 Assembling machinofacture 6.3 billion Yuan

6 化工产业 Chemical Industry

7 2. 化工产业 2.Chemical Industry 2005 年重组山西三维华邦集团有限公司, 建立化工产业 Establish the chemical industry in 年成立阳煤集团化工产业管理局负责经营管理化工产业 Founded Yangquan Coal Chemical Industry Authority responsible for the management of chemical industry in 年阳煤集团化工产业管理局下属 26 个企业, 化工产品产量 880 万吨, 营业收入 463 亿元 Yangquan Coal Chemical Industry Authority owned 26 companies, chemical products 8.8 million tons, operating income of 46.3 billion Yuan in 2016.

8 2. 化工产业 2.Chemical Industry 化工产业六大板块 The six formations of chemical industry 农用化工 Agricultural chemical industry 基础化工 Basic chemical industry 装备制造 Basic chemical inassembling machinofact- -uredustry 新型煤化工 Newly-type coal chemical industry 化工新材料 New chemical materials 精细化工 Fine chemical industry

9 化工产业规模 Scale of chemical industry 2. 化工产业 2.Chemical Industry 现有化工产品 80 余种, 实物产能 880 万吨 主要产品生产规模为 : There are more than 80 kinds of chemical products and actual output of 880 million ton every year now. The main products and production scales are being shown as following: 520 万吨 5,200,000 ton BDO PVA 装备制造产能位居全国第一 The BDO, PVA and assembling machinofacture production capacity occupies the first place in China 三聚氰胺产能位居全国第三位 The melamine production capacity occupies the third place in China 尿素产能全国前三名 The production capacity of urea occupies the third place in China 63 万吨 630,000 ton 60 万吨 600,000 ton 81 万吨 810,000 ton 15 万吨 150,000 ton 尿素 Urea 离子膜烧碱 Ionic caustic soda 甲醇 carbinol 精细化工 Fine chemical industry 化工装备制造 Chemical assembling machinofacture

10 2. 化工产业 2.Chemical Industry 化工产业科技研发 The technical power of chemical industry DR 甲醇合成技术 DR-methyl alcohol synthetic technique DN2400 氨合成系统 DN 2400 ammonia synthesis 准零汽耗变换工艺 Quasi-zero steam consumption transformation technology 炔醛法和顺酐法两种 BDO 生产技术 Two kinds of BDO production technology: alkyne-aldehyde and cis-anhydride 水冷壁水煤浆气化炉技术 Technology of water cooled wall gasification furnace 丁辛醇生产专利技术 Butanol production patent technology 居于国内领先水平的核心技术优势 The key technique is at the top in China 科技实力位列同行业先进水平 The technical power is at the top of the industry 总共拥有 144 项专利技术 Having 144 kinds of patent technologies

11 阳煤集团化工机械有限公司 Yangquan Coal Group Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd.

12 3. 阳煤集团化工机械有限公司 Yangquan Coal Group Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd. 阳煤集团化工机械有限公司是中国最大的化工设备加工制造企业, 总投资 17.5 亿元, 占地 55 万平方米, 设太原 永济 新疆三个化机制造基地, 加工制造能力 15 万吨, 年产值 30 亿元 Yangquan coal industry group chemical machinery Co., Ltd is the largest chemical industry equipment manufacturing enterprises in China, with a total investment of 1.75 billion Yuan, covers an area of 550,000 square meters, and processing capacity of 150,000 tons, the output value of 3 billion Yuan.

13 3. 阳煤集团化工机械有限公司 Yangquan Coal Group Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd. CK5280 数控双柱立式车床 FB260/200X60 数控落地铣镗床 DD40E/2 卧式双主轴数控深孔钻床 PL4040 数控 4 轴钻床

14 3. 阳煤集团化工机械有限公司 Yangquan Coal Group Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd 年 8 月, 与清华大学教授 中国工程院院士岳光溪团队签署了协议, 建立山西省煤气化装备技术院士工作站 The company signed an agreement with Yue Guangxi in August He is the Professor of Tsinghua University, the Chinese Academy of engineering. We establish academician workstation of coal gasification technology. academician workstation Professor Yue

15 3. 阳煤集团化工机械有限公司 Yangquan Coal Group Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd. 世界上第一套水煤浆水冷壁气化炉 ; The world's first water-wall in coal-water slurry Gasifier 阳煤化机与清华大学共同研发 ; This Gasifier was researched and developed by Yangquan Coal Group and Tsinghua University together

16 阳煤集团太原化工新材料有限公司 Yangquan Coal Group Taiyuan New chemical Material Co., Ltd.

17 4. 阳煤集团太原化工新材料有限公司 -Yangquan Coal Group Taiyuan New chemical Material Co., Ltd. 阳煤集团太原化工新材料有限公司总投资 143 亿元, 占地 3000 亩, 是山西省建设国家新型能源和工业基地示范性工程, 是首批省级转型综改标杆项目, 是山西省最大的煤化工产品深加工项目 Yangquan coal industry group Taiyuan new chemical material Co., Ltd. with total investment of 14.3 billion Yuan, covers an area of 3000 hectares, is the key engineering of provincial enterprise for transformation and overall reformation. And it is the biggest coal chemical products deep processing projects in Shanxi province.

18 4. 阳煤集团太原化工新材料有限公司 -Yangquan Coal Group Taiyuan New chemical Material Co., Ltd. 园区规划 20 万吨 / 年己内酰胺 14 万吨 / 年己二酸 12 万吨 / 年聚甲醛, 配套 24 万吨 / 氨醇 20 万吨 / 年硝酸 24 万吨 / 年硫酸等产品, 搬迁太化 20 万吨 / 年粗苯精制装置 The company plan 200,000 ton/year caprolactam, 140,000 ton/year of adipic acid, 120,000 ton/year of POM, supporting 240,000 ton/year of ammonia alcohol, 200,000 ton/year of nitric acid, 240,000 ton/year of sulfuric acid, 200,000 ton/year of crude benzene and other refined products.

19 4. 阳煤集团太原化工新材料有限公司 -Yangquan Coal Group Taiyuan New chemical Material Co., Ltd. 园区的煤气化部分已建成三套 750 吨 / 天航天炉, 其空分 水处理等公用工程符合 ARGT 气化炉工业示范装置的技术要求, 目前己在现场为 800 吨 / 天商业示范项目预留框架建设用地 It has been built three 750 ton/day HT-L Gasifiers. Its air separation, water treatment and others meet the technical requirements of ARGT demonstration plant. The demonstration plant can use that. And it already has reserved the place for 800 tons/day of commercial demonstration plant.

20 晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier

21 5. 晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier 2001 年, 清华大学和阳煤丰喜 阳煤化机合作开发第一代晋华炉 ( 水煤浆 + 耐火砖 + 激冷流程 ) 2006 年在阳煤丰喜公司一次开车成功, 该技术当时达到国际先进水平 In 2001, Tsinghua University and Yangquan Coal Industry Group developed the first generation Jinhua Gasifier (Slurry feed+ Refractory Brick + Quench process). In 2006, The first startup was successful in the Yang Coal Fengxi, this technology had reached the international leading level.

22 5. 晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier 2008 年, 清华大学和阳煤集团合作开发了具有划时代意义的第二代晋华炉 ( 水煤浆 + 膜式水冷壁 + 激冷流程 ),2011 年 8 月一次开车成功, 并连续 安全 稳定运行了 140 天 In 2008,Tsinghua University and Yangquan Coal Industry Group developed the second generation Jinhua Gasifier(Slurry feed+ Membrane wall +Quench process) which is landmark. The first startup was successful in August 2011 and it ran for 140 days in a continuous, safe and stable manner.

23 5. 晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier 第二代晋华炉特点 Advantages 成功使用 1580 灰熔点的原料煤, 褐煤 到无烟煤皆可使用 ; 水冷壁寿命长 投资低和维护成本低 ; 壳体温度更低, 安全性更高 Successful gasification of ash fusion point of coal with 1580, coal covers from lignite to anthracite; Long life membrane, low capital cost and maintenance cost; Lower shell temperature,higher security.

24 5. 晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier 2015 年, 清华大学和阳煤合作开发了第三代晋华炉 2016 年 4 月 1 日一次开车成功, 成功解决了高灰熔点煤气化能耗高的难题, 更好的回收了气化装置高温合成气的热量, 副产高压蒸汽, 提高了能源转化效率, 开煤气化技术领域先河, 领跑当今国际煤气化技术 In 2015,Tsinghua University and Yangquan Coal Industry Group developed the third generation Jinhua Gasifier. It had operated successfully for the first startup on April 1,2016 and successfully solved the problem of high energy consumption of coal gasification with high ash fusion point. It recoveries the heat of high temperature syngas in gasification device more efficient, produces high-pressure steam and increases the energy conversion efficiency. It has reached the international advanced level.

25 5.晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier 第三代晋华炉采用废锅组合 和激冷型气化 炉相比 晋华炉可以回收高压蒸汽 更适合 高灰熔点煤和低浓度水煤浆气化 Compared with quenching gasifier, the third generation Jinhua Gasifier utilizing RSC can recovery high pressure steam and is more suitable for high ash fusion point coal and low concentration of coal slurry gasification.

26 5.晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier 晋华炉的煤种适应性 Adaptability of Coal in Jinhua Gasifier 目前晋华炉使用过的煤种有褐煤 烟煤 半焦 无烟煤 煤种的灰熔点最低到1120 最高到 1580 煤种的灰分最低为5% 最高为28% So far The running coal of Jinhua Gasifier are lignite bituminous coal semi-coke anthracite The ash fusion point of coal is between 1120 and 1580 The coal ash is between 5% and 28%

27 5.晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier 晋华炉采用的点火方式不同 可以使用挥发分低 的煤作为原料 晋华炉采用水冷壁结构 可以使用高灰熔点的煤 作为原料 晋华炉采用废锅结构 可以使用成浆浓度低的煤 作为原料 Jinhua Gasifier applies special ignition methods, and low-volatile of coal can be used as raw materials; Jinhua Gasifier applies membrane wall, and high ash melting point of coal can be used as raw materials; Jinhua Gasifier applies RSC, and low concentration of coal slurry can be used as raw materials.

28 5. 晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier 应用案例 Applications 高灰熔点气化数据 Gasification data of high ash fusion point 项目 /Item 单位 /Unit 无烟煤 /anthracite 水煤浆浓度 /Concentration of coal slurry % 63 气化炉出口温度 /Outlet temperature of gasifier 干合成气组成 /Composition of dry synthesis gas 1630 CO % H2 % CO2 % CH4 % 0.04 比氧耗 /Oxygen consumption Nm 3 /[km 3 (CO+H 2 )] 451 比煤耗 /Coal consumption kg/[km 3 (CO+H 2 )] 715 副产蒸汽 (10.0MPa) 饱和 /By-product saturated steam(10.0mpa) kg/[km 3 (CO+H 2 )] 1150

29 5. 晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier 应用案例 Applications 褐煤气化数据 Gasificaiton data of lignite 项目 /Item 单位 /Unit 褐煤 /Lignite 水煤浆浓度 /Concentration of coal slurry % 48 气化炉出口温度 /Outlet temperature of gasifier 干合成气组成 /Composition of dry synthesis gas 1250 CO % H2 % CO2 % CH4 % 0.83 比氧耗 /Oxygen consumption Nm 3 /[km 3 (CO+H 2 )] 574 比煤耗 /Coal consumption kg/[km 3 (CO+H 2 )] 972 副产蒸汽 (10.0MPa) 饱和 /By-product saturated steam(10.0mpa) kg/[km 3 (CO+H 2 )] 1010

30 5. 晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier 应用案例 Applications 从上述案例数据可以发现, 虽然用褐煤或者高灰熔点煤气化, 煤 耗 氧耗均较高, 但能副产 1.0~1.1 吨 /KNm 3 (CO+H 2 )10.0MPa 蒸汽, 装置的效率并没有因为煤质的变差而降低 From the cases, with lignite or high ash fusion point coal, coal consumption and oxygen consumption are high, but can by-product 1.0 ~ 1.1t 10.0MPa steam /KNm 3 (CO + H 2 ), the gasification efficiency is not decrease when using poor coal quality.

31 5. 晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier 针对 IGCC 全热回收对比 Comparison with IGCC total heat recovery

32 5. 晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier 针对 IGCC 全热回收对比 Comparison with IGCC total heat recovery 虽然干粉气化的煤耗和氧耗低于水煤浆气化, 但是干粉气化过程中的煤粉制备 输送环节的能耗高, 而且这部分能量无法回收 ; 如果采用废锅流程回收热量, 相同产气量的工况下, 晋华炉产蒸汽多于干粉气化流程 Although coal consumption and oxygen consumption of dry powder gasification are lower than the coal slurry gasification, but power consumption of dry pulverized coal preparation, transport links in the process of dry powder gasification is higher, and this energy can not be recovered. If the waste heat boiler process is used to recover heat, the production steam of Jinhua Gasifieris is more than the dry powder gasification process under the same conditions.

33 5.晋华炉煤气化技术 Gasification Technology of Jinhua Gasifier 晋华炉煤气化技术是一种煤种适应性强 效率高 运行成 本低的新型气化技术 Jinghua Gasifier is a new type of coal gasification technology with higher efficiency and low operating cost.



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