目錄 自 序 戚黛黛... 2 推薦序 蔡國威... 7 自 序 蒙順意... 4 Kelvin Tang... 8 推薦序 楊洛婷... 6 姜皓文... 8 李施嬅... 7 朱慧敏... 9 一 踏上 Cupcake 之旅 Are You Ready? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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2 目錄 自 序 戚黛黛... 2 推薦序 蔡國威... 7 自 序 蒙順意... 4 Kelvin Tang... 8 推薦序 楊洛婷... 6 姜皓文... 8 李施嬅... 7 朱慧敏... 9 一 踏上 Cupcake 之旅 Are You Ready? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 常用工具 Basic Equipments...14 基本蛋糕製作方法 Basic Cupcake Recipes..21 常用食材 Basic Ingredients...17 基本糖霜製作方法 Basic Icing Recipes...23 單位及溫度換算 Conversion Chart & Oven Temperature...20 基本裝飾技巧 Basic Decoration Tips...28 二 上路 把全世界的甜蜜裝進 Cupcake! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 香港 / 澳門 H.K/MACAU 台灣 TAIWAN 41 芝麻蛋糕 Sesame Cupcakes 44 菠蘿包蛋糕 Pineapple Bun Cupcakes 46 杏仁餅蛋糕 Almond Cookies Cupcakes 48 木糠布甸蛋糕 Serrandura Cupcakes 51 鳳梨蛋糕 Pineapple Cupcakes 54 珍珠奶茶蛋糕 Bubble Tea Cupcakes 56 黑糖薑母茶蛋糕 Ginger Cupcakes 58 紫薯蛋糕 Sweet Potato Cupcakes

3 日本 JAPAN 意大利 ITALY 61 綠茶蛋糕 Green Tea Cupcakes 64 蜂蜜蛋糕 Honey Cupcakes 66 紅豆蛋糕 Red Bean Cupcakes 68 巨峰提子蛋糕 Grape Cupcakes 101 提拉米蘇蛋糕 Tiramisu Cupcakes 104 聖誕蛋糕 Panettone Cupcakes 106 栗子蛋糕 Mont Blanc Cupcakes 108 金莎朱古力蛋糕 Ferrero Rocher Cupcakes 新加坡 / 泰國 SINGAPORE/T.H 比利時 BELGIUM 71 芒果蛋糕 Mango Cupcakes 74 椰子蛋糕 Coconut Cupcakes 76 咖椰蛋糕 Kaya Cupcakes 78 班蘭蛋糕 Pandan Cupcakes 111 比利時窩夫蛋糕 Belgium Waffle Cupcakes 114 比利時曲奇蛋糕 Speculoos Cookies Cupcakes 黑朱古力蛋糕 116 Dark Chocolate Cupcakes 白朱古力蛋糕 118 White Chocolate Cupcake 英國 UNITED KINGDOM 美國 UNITED STATES 81 檸檬批蛋糕 Lemon Meringue Pie Cupcakes 84 麵包布甸蛋糕 Bread Pudding Cupcakes 86 格雷伯爵茶蛋糕 Earl Grey Tea Cupcakes 88 香橙朱古力蛋糕 Jaffa Cake Cupcakes 121 紅蘿蔔蛋糕 Carrot Cupcakes 124 香蕉蛋糕 Banana Cupcakes 126 草莓芝士蛋糕 Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes 128 青檸批蛋糕 Key Lime Pie Cupcakes 法國 FRANCE 加拿大 CANADA 91 薰衣草蛋糕 Lavender Cupcakes 94 洋梨夏洛蒂蛋糕 Pear Charlotte Cupcakes 96 焦糖布甸蛋糕 Creme Brulee Cupcakes 98 玫瑰蛋糕 Rose Cupcakes 131 楓樹糖漿蛋糕 Maple Syrup Cupcakes 134 加拿大果仁朱古力蛋糕 Nanaimo Bar Cupcakes 136 薄荷朱古力蛋糕 Mint Chocolate Cupcakes 138 蘋果金寶蛋糕 Apple Crumble Cupcakes 11


5 Are You Ready?

6 常用工具 Basic Equipments 7 電動打蛋器 手提烘焙攪拌器 可用於打蛋 或打麵糰 可根據不同工序調整速度快慢 9 馬芬蛋糕烤盤 市 場有多種不同材質 可選 如傳统金屬 烤盤 免粘烤盤或 硅膠烤盤等 1 量 杯 烹 飪 用 的 量 杯 1 杯 =250 毫升 - 裱花唧嘴 用於蛋糕裝飾 可使用不 同花型唧嘴做出不同形狀效果 8 馬芬杯蛋糕紙托 一次 性烘焙油紙蛋糕托 可 配合派對主題選擇不同 顏色和形狀 = 剪刀 用於剪 裁裱花袋 0 一次性裱花袋 用於蛋 糕裝飾 可用來唧牛油 糖霜 忌廉芝士等 5 不 銹 鋼 抹 刀 適合一般需要 用手攪拌的烘 焙 工 序 或 用 於塗抹忌廉 4 硅膠刮刀 耐高溫 防粘 適用於一般需要用手攪拌的 烘焙工序 14

7 > > >> >>> Basic Equipments 6 1 Measuring cups: Standard one cup = 250ml in a glass measuring cup. 2 Electric kitchen scale: For measuring dry or wet ingredients for baking in unit grams. 3 Sifter / strainers: For sifting dry ingredients, icing sugar, cocoa powder. 4 Rubber spatula: For folding or scraping mixture from bowls and stirring hot liquid. 5 Metal spatula: For normal mixing or cake frosting. 6 Mixing bowls: Stainless steel or glass, need a variety of sizes for hand mixing. 7 Electric hand mixer: Hand-held mixer with whisk attachment is most portable for mixing ingredients. 2 8 Cupcake liners: For baking and part of decorating tool. Can buy in variety of colors and shapes. 9 Cupcake baking tray (muffin baking tray): Comes in traditional stainless steel baking tray, non-stick aluminum baking tray, or silicone muffi n baking tray. 0 Disposable piping bags: A tool to apply frosting or piping on cupcakes for decoration purpose. - Piping tips: Tools to create different designs for cake decorating. = Scissors: For cutting the piping bags. 3 15

8 Baking Cups 1 1 Paper liners: A part of cake decorating process with the use of paper liners to match party & color themes. You can fi nd it in local supermarkets or bakery stores and are available in different sizes, shapes, solid colors or special printed designs that are suitable for standard muffi n pans or cupcakes pans Silicone liners: A good re-usable and environmental friendly choice for cake baking. They are durable, heat resistant and non-sticky when baking. Silicone is an excellent insulator that never gets hot while baking unlike traditional metal pans that will get very hot while in the oven.

9 > 常 用 食 > >> 材 >>> Ba sic Ingred ients 常用食材 Basic Ingredients 3 發酵粉 蛋糕用發粉 膨脹 劑 在烘焙加熱時會膨脹 產生鬆軟效果 4 蘇打粉 蛋糕用膨 脹 劑 的 一 種 多 用於較帶酸性的蛋 糕 與果汁 酸乳 酪 朱古力等材料 搭配 有中和和鬆 軟的效果 1 普 通 麵 粉 低 筋 至 中 筋 無發酵粉的麵粉 蛋白質 含量低 筋度黏度較低 適用範圍廣 5 忌廉芝士 用淡忌廉製作的新 鮮軟質乾酪 具有濃郁的芝士 味和特殊酸味 通常用於製作 芝士類糕點 2 自 發 粉 在 麵 粉 中 加 入 發 粉 膨 脹 劑 每 110 克加入 1 茶匙發粉 便成自發粉 6 可可粉 又名谷 咕粉 原味沒有 添加糖粉 味道 甘苦 可作蛋糕 面裝飾 7 淡 忌 廉 較 厚 身的糖流質忌 廉 含 脂 肪 最 少 3 5% 或 以 上 打 發 後 可 作柔軟如雪糕 般的唧花裝飾 1 Plain Flour: also known as all-purpose flour made from wheat. 5 Cream Cheese: a type of soft white smooth cheese, mild tasting with a high fat content. 2 Self-Raising Flour: plain flour sifted with baking powder in the ratio of 1 cup flour to 10g baking powder. 6 Cocoa powder: dried, unsweetened also known as cocoa. 3 Baking Powder: a raising agent used mostly in cake baking and helps lighten the cake texture in baking. 7 Whipping cream: thickened cream with minimum fat content of 35%, good for making a soft unsweetened light whipped cream frosting for cupcakes. 4 Baking Soda: also named bicarbonate of soda, a raising agent used in recipes with acidic ingredients such as lemon, chocolate, buttermilk, yogurt. 17

10 q = 8 Buttermilk: a slightly sour thickened milk similar to yogurt. It s low in fat compared to fresh milk. 9 Milk: use full cream fresh milk or skimmed milk, it comes in different fruity fl avors. 0 Butter: salted or unsalted. Use unsalted butter for regular cake baking. It contains all animal fats. - Vegetable oil: or salad oil, sourced from plant, it helps creates lighter sponge texture in cake baking. = Chocolate: available in milk, white, dark chocolate. Ideal for decorating or melt the chocolate into the cake batter for a luxury rich cocoa fl avor. q Food Colourings: edible substance used to give colors to food, available in liquid, powdered or gel form. 18

11 > > >> >>> Basic Ingredients w e r u t y i w Eggs: use large egg average weighting 50g each (standard US size L egg). e Extracts/Essence: non-alcoholic essences, which are available in different fruit fl avours widely used in cake baking. Common extract used is vanilla extract made from vanilla beans. r Spice: grounded spices in powdered form, available in most supermarkets in a variety of different spices. Cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg is common used in festive cake or cookies recipes. t Caster Sugar: a soft fi nely granulated white table sugar. y Brown Sugar: comes in brown or dark brown sugar, a moist sugar with a rich full fl avor & characteristic color. u Icing Sugar: confectioner sugar or powdered sugar, important base for buttercream or other frosting. i Golden Syrup: corn syrup, maple syrup or honey can be used as substitute. 19

12 單位及溫度換算 Conversion Chart & Oven Temperature 換算表 Conversion Chart 小貼示 將所有材料準確地用量杯或電子磅量好備用 材料如需用量 杯 茶匙 湯匙等量度 注意先用湯匙底輕手抹平多餘份量 Useful hints: all cup & spoon measurements need to be measured in level. The accurate way to measure all ingredients is to weigh them with a metric marked glass cup or electric kitchen scale. 乾材料 DRY ingredients 濕材料 LIQUID ingredients 公制計量 克 Metric 英制計量 安 Imperial 公制計量 升 Metric 英制計量 安士 Imperial 15g 1/2 oz 30 ml 1 oz 30g 1 oz 60 ml 2 oz 60g 2 oz 100 ml 3 oz 90g 3 oz 125 ml 4 oz 125g 4 oz 1/4 lb / 磅 150 ml 5 oz 250g 8 oz 1/2 lb / 磅 250 ml 8 oz 375g 12 oz 3/4 lb / 磅 300 ml 10 oz 500g 16 oz 1 lb / 磅 500 ml 16 oz 1 lb / 磅 750g 24 oz 1 1/2 lbs / 磅 600 ml 20 oz 1 pint) / 品脫 1 kg 32 oz 2 lbs / 磅 1000 ml 1 3/4 pint 1 litre) / 公升 焗爐溫度 Oven Temperature 小貼示 注意不同牌子的家用焗爐溫度計算有分別 請先参考焗爐說明書 較小型家用焗爐 可調較溫度低 10 度和烘焙時間縮短 5-7 分鐘左右 Useful hints: Guide to conventional ovens (for fan-forced oven, check manufacturer s menu). For small home use oven, you can adjust the baking temperature to 10 degrees lower and shorten the baking time by 5-7 minutes. 20 攝氏 C-Celsius 華氏 F-Fahrenheit 焗爐溫度指數對照 Gas mark /

13 >>> > 基 本 蛋 > >> 糕 製作方 法 基本蛋糕製作方法 Basic Cupcake Recipes 基本雲呢拿牛油蛋糕 Basic Vanilla Cupcakes 材料 Ingredients 45克無鹽牛油 室溫 70克白砂糖 1隻雞蛋 90克自發麵粉 40 毫升脫脂牛奶 20 克植物油 1/2 茶匙香草香油 步驟 1 2 準備 將焗爐預熱至攝氏 170 度 牛油在室溫中回軟 打發牛油 加入白砂糖 和牛油一起打 3 4 發 至顏色變淺 呈軟滑狀 45g unsalted butter, at room temperature 70g caster sugar 1 large egg 90g self-raising flour, sifted 40ml skimmed milk 20g vegetable oil 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence * 本書提供的食譜均為供製作6個蛋糕的份量 5 * All recipes in this book could be used to make 6 cupcakes. 加入雞蛋 加 入 打 散 的 蛋 液 混 合 攪 拌 直至和牛油融合 加入過篩的粉類 將自發麵粉篩過 然後分 3 次加入 用切拌法快速拌勻 6 加入其他材料 加入脫脂牛奶 攪拌均勻 再拌入植物油和香草香油 入爐烘焙 在馬芬杯裏放入紙膜 倒入 麵糊 約2/3滿 用170度烘 烤20~30分鐘至呈金黃色 Steps 1 Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius. 小貼士 Tips 2 Beat the butter and sugar until light yellow color and smooth. 3 Add in the egg and mix well. 4 Sift the self-raising flour. Add in the flour little by little to the batter. 5 Add in the milk little by little and then add in vegetable oil and the vanilla essence. 6 Pour into cupcake cups, 2/3 full. Bake for minutes or until golden brown. 如何判斷蛋糕是否 熟透了 在蛋糕中間插入牙 籤 取出後如果牙籤 有些濕濕的 代表蛋 糕還未完成 相反 如果牙籤是乾身且有 蛋糕碎黐住的話 表 明蛋糕已經熟透了 How to know if the cupcakes are ready? Insert a toothpick in the middle of the cupcake and pull it out. If there are some watery fluid cupcake batter stuck on the toothpick, it means it is not ready. However, if the toothpick is dry with some cupcake pieces on it, then it is ready! 21

14 Basic Chocolate Cupcakes Ingredients 55g unsalted butter, at room temperature 70g brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/8 baking powder 1 large egg 90g all purpose fl our, sifted 60 ml buttermilk 1 tbsp cocoa powder (melted in 1 tbsp of hot water) 30g dark chocolate chips melted and folded in batter Steps 1 Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius. 2 Beat the butter and sugar until light yellow in color and smooth. 3 Add in the egg and mix well. 4 Sift the fl our, baking soda and baking powder together. Add in the fl our little by little to the batter Add in the buttermilk and cocoa paste little by little. 6 Stir in the melted chocolate. 7 Pour into cupcake cups, 2/3 full. Bake for minutes or until golden brown.

15 >>> > 基 本 糖 > >> 霜 製作方 法 基本糖霜製作方法 Basic Icing Recipes 基本牛油糖霜 Basic Buttercream 材料 Ingredients 100克無鹽牛油 室溫 200克糖霜粉 已篩 2~3 茶匙食用凍水 / 脫脂牛奶 1 茶匙雲呢拿香油 步驟 1 打發牛油和糖粉 牛油在室溫中回軟 用攪拌 2 器 打 至 軟 滑 慢 慢 篩 入 糖 100g unsalted butter, at room temperature 200g icing sugar (sifted) 加入液體 慢慢加入飲用凍水或牛奶 teaspoons of skimmed milk or cold water 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 繼續打發 繼續打發至鬆軟滑身 再加入雲呢拿香油 粉 繼續攪拌 Steps 1 Beat the butter at medium high speed until soft and creamy. Add in the sifted icing sugar little by little, beat at high speed until all blend in. 2 Add in the milk or cold water one tablespoon at a time. 3 Beat at high speed until icing is smooth and fluffy. 小貼士 Tips 1 將牛油糖霜放入密封 容 器 可 於 雪 柜 冷 藏 格儲存4-5天 2 唧 花 前 應 先 將 牛 油 糖 霜 放 至 室 溫 才 開 始唧上蛋糕面 1 Store in air tight container inside fridge for 4-5 days. 2 Bring to room temp before frosting on cakes. 23

16 蛋白霜 Meringue Frosting 此食譜蛋白霜質感輕盈 入口感軟滑如雪糕般 材料 Ingredients 糖漿 165克白砂糖 15克 1湯匙 粟米糖漿 30克飲用凍水 蛋白霜 99克 3 隻大 Size 雞蛋 蛋白 15克 6茶匙 白砂糖 Syrup: 165g granulated sugar 15g (1 tbsp) corn syrup 30g water Meringue: 99g (3 large sz) egg white 15g (6tsp) granulated sugar 步驟 1 2 煮沸糖水 在小鍋中放入水 粟米糖漿 和白砂糖 煮沸至溫度 240 華氏 約攝氏 110度 3 繼續用中高速打發蛋白到 企身 混合 將煮沸糖水慢慢倒入蛋白 打發蛋白 霜內 繼續用高速打發蛋白 將蛋白放入另一打蛋盆中 霜至光亮 鬆軟順滑 待蛋 用攪拌器中速打發出糼泡 白霜降回室溫才可放入唧 沫 分多次逐少加入砂糖 袋開始唧花步驟 Steps 1 Bring icing sugar, corn syrup, water in a saucepan to broil at 240F (110 degrees Celsius). 2 In another bowl, beat egg whites & white sugar to firm peaks Pour in hot syrup in a slow stream down from side of bowl into egg white, and beat on high speed until meringue looks fluffy and glossy, cool down before frosting on cupcakes.



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