貴夫人生機精華萃取機 它不是一般的果汁機或是果菜榨汁機它是一種能將果菜 食物調理成完全營養的調製機 現代的人都以精緻食物為主, 長期下來容易導致不均衡, 為了您的健康, 我們應該要 多食用 完全營養食物 所謂 完全營養食物 如全麥麵粉 全穀類食品 全水果果汁 全蔬菜泥或蔬菜汁及生機飲食所稱的精力湯等

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Download "貴夫人生機精華萃取機 它不是一般的果汁機或是果菜榨汁機它是一種能將果菜 食物調理成完全營養的調製機 現代的人都以精緻食物為主, 長期下來容易導致不均衡, 為了您的健康, 我們應該要 多食用 完全營養食物 所謂 完全營養食物 如全麥麵粉 全穀類食品 全水果果汁 全蔬菜泥或蔬菜汁及生機飲食所稱的精力湯等"


1 进口商 : 优觅美嘉公司台湾根盈公司版权所有

2 貴夫人生機精華萃取機 它不是一般的果汁機或是果菜榨汁機它是一種能將果菜 食物調理成完全營養的調製機 現代的人都以精緻食物為主, 長期下來容易導致不均衡, 為了您的健康, 我們應該要 多食用 完全營養食物 所謂 完全營養食物 如全麥麵粉 全穀類食品 全水果果汁 全蔬菜泥或蔬菜汁及生機飲食所稱的精力湯等 最可惜的是時下很多人都將蔬果具有抗癌成份之纖維素, 隨著果肉 菜渣丟棄實在可惜 如胡蘿蔔若能保留它的果渣, 它所含的胡蘿蔔素 鈣 鎂 鉀 維生素 C 纖維等有一般所謂原汁的數倍及數十倍 貴夫人生機精華萃取機, 能將水果 蔬菜完全調製成液體, 讓您能 100% 吸收蔬果的珍貴營養成份 抗氧化元素 酵素 纖維和其他養分, 對防止便秘 肥胖 降低膽固醇 防癌有其幫助的價值, 這就是完全營養的果菜汁 LadyShip Organic Essence Extractor It is not just a regular juicer/blender or fruit/vegetable extractor. It is a processor capable of preparing fruits and vegetables into total nutrition foods. In modern times, people have over indulged in fast food, restraunt prepared food and processed foods resulting in an unbalanced diet, which in the long run can lead to serious health issues. It makes sense that if we are to stay healthy, we should consume more total nutrition foods. The so-called total nutrition foods includes whole wheat flour, whole grain food, whole fruit juice, whole vegetable smoothies or vegetable juice and energy soups in a balanced, whole food, organic and raw diet. Unfortunately, with traditional juicing machines and commercially manufactured juice, fibers present in fruit and vegetable flesh are frequently discarded and with them go valuable vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Also commercially made juice may include preservatives, colour enhancers, added sugar and emusifiers that put pressure on the natural digestive processes. On the other hand, fresh home made smoothies, juices, soups, shakes, broth's, dips, coffees and teas to name but a few, ensure that you have total control over what you are eating. Choosing whole foods over processed, organic non-gm modified over, chemically derived and fertilised produce ensures that you are giving yourself the best possible opportunity to create a healthy life for you and your family. LadyShip Organic Essence Extractor's are able to prepare fruits, vegetables, leafs, flowers, nuts and seeds in a liquid form that allows for maxmum absorbtion, retaining the precious nutrients, anti-oxidants, yeast, fiber, minerals, vitamins and enzymes present in organic, whole and raw foods... quickly, easily and with little clean up. Simply put... the LadyShip Organic Essence Extractors are a must have appliance for every kitchen. 經實驗報告 Experimental report 大量攝取膳食性纖維質, 對於所謂的 文明病 肥胖症 冠狀動脈心臟病 糖尿病 高血糖 高血壓 高血脂肪症 血管硬化症 便秘 大腸癌等有某些程度之防治效果 Large food fiber intake has certain preventive and curative effects on disease of civilization such as diabetes, coronary arterial disease, diabetes, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high blood fat, vascular sclerosis, constipation and colon cancer. 1

3 目錄 Contents 一號萃取網使用功能全營養西瓜原汁 5 全營養檸檬汁 6 天賜美食的牧草汁 7 小麥草汁 8 芭樂汁 9 苦瓜鳳梨蜜汁 10 提神洛神花汁 11 紅棗 黑棗 薑母茶 12 芝麻杏仁茶 13 黑豆芝麻咖啡茶 14 養生藥膳四物湯 15 養生藥膳五寶湯 16 十全大補藥汁 17 養生減肥藥膳 18 保健原味豆漿 19 營養的豆花 20 健康雜糧奶漿 21 杏仁米奶 22 花生糙米奶漿 23 研磨糯米糰做湯圓 年糕 24 奇異果汁 25 甜菜根果菜汁 26 三號萃取網使用功能榨葡萄原汁 28 連皮帶籽蕃茄汁 29 蕃茄漿 30 南瓜濃湯 31 蔬菜濃湯 32 綠豆露 33 紅豆奶茶 34 本公司萃取機附有一號 三號萃取網共兩片 注意患有高血壓 糖尿病 肝功能異常等疾病者, 易引起電解值 ( 鉀 鈉 ) 異常, 故飲用食療性果菜汁時, 必須先經過醫生的檢查與指示, 再選擇適當的果汁飲用 完整數量生機飲食 ( 不須使用萃取網功能 ) 精力湯 37 草莓汁 38 高麗菜萵苣汁 39 杏鮑菇汁 40 彩椒蔬果汁 41 牛蒡果汁 42 牛蒡葡萄柚汁 43 男性山藥養生液 44 女性山藥養生液 45 紅蘿蔔汁 46 紅蘿蔔果菜汁 47 紅蘿蔔蕃茄奶汁 48 紅蘿蔔蘋果枇杷汁 49 紅蘿蔔柳橙汁 50 紅蘿蔔枇杷汁 51 紅蘿蔔蘋果汁 52 蕃茄葡萄汁 53 蕃茄蛋蜜汁 54 蕃茄草莓柳橙汁 55 蕃茄優格汁 56 蕃茄芹菜黃瓜汁 57 果菜豆漿 58 高麗菜鳳梨汁 59 高麗菜哈蜜瓜汁 60 小黃瓜汁 61 青椒蘋果汁 62 油菜鳳梨檸檬汁 63 鳳梨檸檬芹汁 64 檸檬柳橙汁 65 葡萄柚芒果汁 66 大白菜綜合果菜汁 67 火龍果冰沙 68 草莓蛋黃汁 69 奇異果精力汁 70 草莓牛奶汁 71 橘子草莓汁 72 鳳梨蘋果香瓜汁 73 哈蜜瓜果汁 74 葡萄柚鳳梨汁 75 鳳梨檸檬汁 76 檸檬蛋乳汁 77 柳橙香瓜汁 78 枇杷汁 79 木瓜牛奶汁 80 2

4 Recipes - No. 1 Filter Water Melon Juice... 5 Whole Lemon Juice... 6 Mountain Grass Juice... 7 Wheat Grass Juice... 8 Guava Juice... 9 Bitter Gourd Pineapple Honey Juice Roselle Juice Date & Ginger Tea Sesame, Almond Tea Black Bean, Sesame, Coffee Tea Health Life Medicinal Diet Chinese Four-Articles Soup Chinese Five-Treasure Soup Chinese Ten Powerful Tonics Soup Chinese Herb Weight Loss Soup Soya Milk Tofu Pudding Healthy Mixed Grain Milk Almond Rice Milk Peanut Brown Rice Milk Grinded Glutinous Rice Dough for Glutinous Rice Ball and New Year Cake...24 Kiwifruit Juice Beetroot Fruit/Vegetable Juice Recipes - No. 3 Filter Extracted Grape Juice Tomato Juice with Skin and Seed Tomato Paste Pumpkin Soup Vegetable Soup Green Bean Smoothie / Desert Red Bean Milk Tea Complete Organic Diet (Filter not required) Energy Soup Strawberry Juice Cabbage, Lettuce Juice King Oyster Mushroom Smoothie Capsicum Fruit/Vegetable Juice Burdock Root Juice Burdock Root and Grapefruit Juice Chinese Yam Concentrate for Men Chinese Yam Concentrate for Women Carrot, Apple, Pineapple Juice Carrot Fruit/Vegetable Juice Carrot, Tomato Smoothie Carrot, Apple, Loquat Juice Carrot, Orange Juice Carrot, Loquat Juice Carrot, Apple Juice Tomato, Grape Juice Tomato Egg Honey Drink Tomato, Strawberry, Orange Smoothie Tomato Yogurt Smoothie Tomato, Celery, Cucumber Juice Fruit, Vegetable & Soya Bean Smoothie Cabbage Pineapple Juice Cabbage Melon Juice Cucumber & Orange Juice Green Capsicum & Apple Juice Edible Rape Pineapple Lemon Juice Pineapple, Lemon, Celery Juice Lemon and Orange Juice Grapefruit Mango Juice Chinese Cabbage Mixed Fruit/Vegetable Juices Dragon Fruit Shake Strawberry Egg Honey Drink Kiwifruit Energy Smoothie Strawberry Milk Juice Orange & Strawberry Smoothie Pineapple, Apple Cantaloupe Juice Cantaloupe Juice Grapefruit Pineapple Juice Pineapple Lemon Juice Lemon Egg Smoothie Orange Cantaloupe Juice Loquat Juice Papaya Smoothie *The LadyShip Organic Essence Extractors come with 2 filters only... No. 1 filter & No.3 filter. Important Notes & Warnings: Warnings 1. Some recipes contain nuts, seeds, peanuts, etc which may cause allergic reactions for some people. Please read each recipe carefully and DO NOT ingest or give to peole who are or maybe allergic to these foods. 2. Some recipes contain, bot processed and natural sugars that may cuase blood sugar levels to alter dramatically for diabetics or pre-diabetics. Please consult your registered health physician for advice. Medical Disclaimer LadyShip with this recipe provides a resource for health conscious people looking for healthy products, recipes, support, and information. The contents of this recipe book and all our online websites including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube are for informational/educational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please contact your physician or other qualified health care professional for medical advice. 3

5 一號萃取網使用功能 Recipes Using the Filter No.1

6 全營養西瓜原汁 Watermelon Juice 西瓜 ( 數量不限 ) 冰塊少許 Watermelon (preferably organic) Ice cubes 將西瓜皮的綠色外層刨掉即可, 全部西瓜肉也可, 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 連白色的西瓜皮和果肉一起萃取原汁, 或加冰塊口感更佳 If you want to you can leave the green outer peel on and gain the benefit of the the chlorophyll or you can shave the green outer peel of water melon retaining the white skin, seeds and red flesh. Cut the watermelon small enough to fit in the jar through No Spill Funnel opening if juicing a whole watermelon. Install the #1 or #3 filter into the jar. (if you want more of the watermelon use the #3 filter) Add the watermelon and ice to the jar. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press and release the Pulse button a couple of times to break up the contents then press the ON button. Wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the juice. Turn off the tap and machine once the juice has stopped running out of the tap. Tip: When juicing a whole watermelon place the funnel disc on the jar lid and prepare a container or several containers large enough to receive the juice. More information is available on the demonstration DVD. 預防及功效 /About Watermelon: 清涼止渴 補給天然維生素 B 群 Great in summer and is rich in Vitamin B. Also known for its alkalising effects. Recipes Using the Filter No.1 5

7 全營養檸檬汁 Whole Lemon Juice 檸檬一個不須去皮 蜂蜜適量 水 600CC 冰塊少許 1 x Whole (Organic) medium sized Lemon Honey or Agave Nectar Water 400ml / cc 600ml / cc Ice cubes 將檸檬洗淨, 果杯裝上一號萃取網 檸檬 蜂蜜 水 冰塊全部放入, 起動驅動機 ( 高速 )10 秒鐘打開水龍頭瞬間萃取全營養檸檬汁 Install the #1 filter in the jar. Wash the lemon and place in the jar with out removing the skin or rind. Add honey or agave nectar to suit you taste. The rind of the lemon is very bitter because of the citric acid, however the additional vitamins and minerals available make it worthwhile using the whole of the lemon including the skin and rind. Note: if you are diabetic honey may not be a suitable sweetener and another alternative may be required. Add the ice cubes and add the water to suit your taste. If you are not used to drinking whole lemon juice add more water which will assist in diluting the taste. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press and release the Pulse button a couple of times to break up the contents then press the ON button. Wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the juice. Turn off the tap and machine once the juice has stopped. 預防及功效 /About Lemons: 檸檬的皮有天然維他命 A 和 C, 檸檬的籽是植物性賀爾蒙 快速消除疲勞 養顏美容 調理體重 Lemon peel contains vitamin A and Vitamin C. Lemon seeds contain vitamins, minerals and enzymes that will asist in recovery from fatigue, elimination, skin care and weight loss. 6 一號萃取網使用功能

8 天賜美食的牧草汁 Mountain Grass Juice 牧草的軟梗及葉的前半節一至二支約 150 公克 鳳梨 1/6 個 蜂蜜 冰塊 水約 600cc 150g of mountain grass (1-2 branches of soft stem and leaves) 1/6 pineapple Honey Ice cube 600cc Water 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 將洗淨的牧草剪成細小節及鳳梨 蜂蜜 冰塊 水全部放入果杯, 起動驅動機 ( 高速 )10 秒鐘打開水龍頭, 汁流完即完成 Place No. 1 Filter on the fruit cup. Cut washed mountain grass into sections. Add pineapple, honey, ice and water in the fruit cup. Start high speed for 10sec. Open the tap till juice flow is complete. 預防及功效 /Prevention and effect: 牧草裡有多種的礦物質 蛋白質 葉酸及葉綠素是一般蔬菜的 5 10 倍, 俗稱生機草, 能保健肝臟 預防便秘 增進體能 抗老化等 古人說 : 人食牧草比牛還壯 Mountain grass has rich mineral, protein, folic acid and chlorophyll contents 5-10times higher than other vegetables. Commonly known as Organic Grass, it has liver protection, anti-constipation, physical fitness enhancement and antiaging functions. As the old saying goes, Eat mountain grass and be stronger than a cow. Recipes Using the Filter No.1 7

9 小麥草汁 Wheat Grass Juice 小麥草 ( 約 120 公克 ) 檸檬 1/4 個 ( 或鳳梨 1/6 個 ) 蜂蜜 冰塊少許 水 600cc 120g (approximately one good handful) wheat grass 1/4 Lime with skin and peel (organic) Honey or Agave nectar Ice cube 600ml / cc water 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 將洗淨的小麥草 檸檬或鳳梨 冰塊 水 全部放入果杯, 啟動高速 10 秒後打開水龍頭, 汁流完即完成 Install the # 1 filter into the jar. Wash all ingredients. Place the wheat grass or barley grass in the jar followed by the lime, ice cubes and honey or agave. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the juice. Turn off the tap and machine once the juice has stopped running out of the tap. Tips: Adding ice to wheat grass or barley grass juice is highly recommended as to retain the optimum nutritional benefit whilst processing. Also turning the tap on within 10 seconds will prevent over processing of ingredients further reducing the possibility of oxidation. Turn of the tap and machine once the juice has stopped running out of the tap. Drink immediately as the oxidation process will occur quickly after processing. 預防及功效 /About Wheat Grass: 小麥草俗稱仙丹草, 能預防高血壓 預防無名腫瘤的產生 Wheat grass is commonly known as Divine Pill Grass. It helps prevent high blood pressure and unknown tumors. Cancer sufferers have also been known to use Wheat Grass Juice to aid in boosting the immune system. 8 一號萃取網使用功能

10 芭樂汁 Guava Juice 土芭樂 2 3 粒 ( 如寶特瓶蓋的大小 ) 約 30 公克, 芭樂葉 3 5 葉 檸檬 1/4 個 ( 或鳳梨 1/6 個 ) 蜂蜜 冰塊少許 水 600cc 2-3 (30g) small guavas (PET bottle cap size), 3-5 guava leaves, 1/4 lemon (or 1/6 pineapple), Honey, Ice cube, 600ml / cc water 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 將洗淨的芭樂葉先放入果杯, 再將土芭樂放在芭樂葉上方 ( 因為土芭樂太硬了, 容易卡刀, 使馬達無法啟動 ), 再放檸檬 冰塊 水, 啟動高速,10 秒後打開水龍頭, 汁流完即完成 Place the # 1 Filter into the jar. Add washed guava leaves in to the jar. Place guavas on top of guava leaves (If the guavas are too hard the blades may jam, so you may wish to cut them first). Add lemons, ice cubes and water. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the juice. Turn off the tap and machine once the juice has stopped running out of the tap. 預防及功效 /About Guava: 血糖值過高及糖尿病者的飲料 Guava has been know to asisst those with high blood sugar and diabetes. Recipes Using the Filter No.1 9

11 苦瓜鳳梨蜜汁 Bitter Gourd Pineapple Honey Juice 苦瓜 150 公克 鳳梨 1/6 個 ( 去皮 ) 冰塊 蜂蜜 水 300cc 150g bitter gourd 1/6 pineapple (peel removed) Honey Ice cubes 300ml / cc water 將果杯裝上一號萃取網, 再將洗淨的苦瓜切成 4 大塊放入果杯 ( 連苦瓜籽一起放入 ), 鳳梨 冰塊 蜂蜜 水全部放入, 啟動高速,10 秒後打開水龍頭, 汁流完即完成 Install the # 1 into the jar. Wash bitter gourd and cut it into 4 pieces. Add bitter gourd pieces in the fruit cup (including bitter gourd seeds). Then, add pineapple, ice cubes, honey and water. Start high speed for 10sec. Open the tap till juice flow is complete. 預防及功效 /About Bitter Gourd: 能預防口臭口燥 喉嚨痛 能預防臉上生斑, 如黑斑 雀斑 青春痘等 Bitter gourd has been known to assist with reducing mouth odor, dry mouth and sore throat. It also been know to assist theskin with such things as pigmentations e.g. black pigmentation, freckle and acne. 10 一號萃取網使用功能

12 提神洛神花汁 Energy Drink Roselle Tea 洛神花 ( 乾的 )60 公克 砂糖 ( 適量 ) 熱開水約 300cc 60g Roselle (dry) Sugar 300ml / cc hot water 將果杯裝上一號萃取網, 放入洛神花 砂糖 熱開水, 啟動高速,10 秒後打開水龍頭, 汁流完即可 the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the tea. Turn of the tap and machine once the tea has stopped running out of the tap. 預防及功效 /About Roselle: 能提神 消除疲勞 養顏美容 Roselle has been known to support fatigue elimination and skin care functions. Install the # 1filter into the jar. Add the roselle, sugar and hot water in to the jar. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on Recipes Using the Filter No.1 11

13 紅棗 黑棗 薑母茶 Date & Ginger Tea (Filtered or Complete) 紅棗五粒 黑棗五粒 老薑約 30 公克, 黑糖適量 熱開水 300cc 5 pitted red dates (organic) 5 pitted black dates (organic) 30g ginger (organic) black, brown or red sugar 300ml / cc 500ml / cc hot water 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 放入紅棗 黑棗 老薑 黑糖 熱開水, 啟動高速 10 秒後, 打開水龍頭, 汁流完即完成 Filtered Option Using the filter is optional. Install the # 1 into the jar. Boil the water. Place the pitted dates, ginger and sugar in the jar. Pour the hot water into the jar. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the ON button and allow the machine to complete the full 60 second programmed cycle. Once the cycle is complete the machine will beep for 10 seconds which you can stop by pressing the OFF button.place your cup or suitable container under the tap as your ginger tea is ready to consume bearing in mind it will be hot. Complete (Unfiltered) Option Boil the water. Place the dates, ginger and sugar in the jar. Pour the hot water into the jar. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the AUTO button and wait for the machine to complete the full 60 second programmed cycle. Once the cycle is complete the machine will beep for 10 seconds which you can stop by pressing the OFF button. Place your cup or suitable container under the tap as your ginger tea is ready to consume bearing in mind it will be hot. 預防及功效 /About Ginger: 有排毒解毒的效果, 能除風祛濕 預防風寒 預防感冒 H a s b e e n k n o w n t o a s s i s t t h e b o d y w i t h detoxification functions. It also assists in preventing common colds. 12 一號萃取網使用功能

14 芝麻杏仁茶 Sesame Almond Tea 芝麻 10 公克 杏仁 20 公克 冰糖 ( 適量 ) 熱開水約 300cc 10g white sesame seeds (organic) 20g hulled almonds (organic) black, brown or red sugar 300ml / cc 500ml / cc hot water 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 將芝麻 杏仁 冰糖, 全部放入果杯內, 再加熱開水, 啟動高速 10 秒後打開水龍頭, 即有熱騰騰的芝麻杏仁茶可飲用 Install the #1 filter into the jar. Add the white sesame seeds, almonds and sugar in to the jar. Then add the boiling hot water. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the tea. Turn off the tap and machine once the tea has stopped running out of the tap. 預防及功效 /About Sesame Seeds: 有補充鈣質的效果及支氣管的保健效果 預防氣管炎 咳嗽 Sesame seeds are calcium rich and act as a great natural calcium supplement. Sesame seeds also assists the body with protecting the trachea against tracheitis and coughing. Warning: This recipe contains nuts do not ingest or give to person's allergic nuts or peanuts. Recipes Using the Filter No.1 13

15 黑豆芝麻咖啡茶 Black Bean Sesame Coffee 先將黑豆炒熟或買炒熟的現成品 最好黑芝麻適量 ( 白芝麻亦可 ), 咖啡豆 20 公克 黑豆 20 公克 冰糖適量 熱開水 300cc 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 將黑豆 芝麻 咖啡豆及冰糖 熱開水, 啟動高速 10 秒後打開水龍頭, 汁流完即可 20g or 1 heaped tablespoon organic roasted coffee beans ½ tablespoon roasted black sesame seeds ½ tablespoon roasted black (turtle) bean Coffee sugar 300ml / cc boiling hot water Tip: If you want to save money and time looking for pre-roasted sesame seeds and black beans you can roast the black sesame seeds and black beans yourself... heres how. Place the black sesame seeds or the black bean on a flat tray for minutes in a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees celsius. Open the oven after 5 7 minutes and check. Install the # 1 into the jar. Place all the ingredients in to the jar, then add the boiling hot water. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the coffee. Turn off the tap and machine once the coffee has stopped running out of the tap. 預防及功效 /Prevention and effect: 補充鈣質 補充荷爾蒙 提振精神 消除疲勞 預防肥胖症 降低體重 It is a calcium and hormone supplement. It performs refreshing and fatigue elimination functions. It also helps prevent obesity and weight loss. 14 一號萃取網使用功能

16 養生藥膳四物湯 Chinese Four- Articles (Ladies) Soup 中藥四物湯處方, 四物加減亦可 熱開水 ( 依藥方大小帖酌量 ) 四物湯藥方 : 當歸 川芎 白芍 熟地 C h i n e s e m e d i c i n a l F o u r- A r t i c l e S o u p prescription, Four Articles (select articles preferred), Hot water (in proportional ratio to the Herbalists prescribed recipe), Four-Article Soup prescription: Tang Kuei, Chuan Chyong, Bai Shao and Shu Di Huang, boiling hot water 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 將一帖的四物湯中藥放入果杯, 加約 3 碗的熱開水後啟動高速, 10 秒後打開水龍頭即有熱騰騰的兩碗四物湯, 可先喝一碗, 晚上再將另一碗加溫喝, 或是將萃取的藥汁再燉雞肉 Install the # 1 into the jar. Add the four articles in to the jar. Add 3 bowls of boiling water. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the soup. Turn off the tap and machine once the soup has stopped flowing out of the tap. Two bowls of hot and steamy Four- Article Soup is ready to serve. Drink 1 bowl first. Reheat the other bowl to drink at night. 預防及功效 /About the Four Articles Soup: 自古內經記載四物湯是婦女的聖品, 能調經理帶 滋陰養血, 婦女們每個月服用一 二帖能永保青春美麗 男仕們適合服用六味湯, 也如同以上做法 According to Ancient Chinese Medicine, Four- Article Soup is an excellent dish for women. It said to alleviate menstrual discomfort and enhance blood circulation. 1-2 prescriptions of Four-Soup Article will is also said to assist in slowing the ageing process. Men are advised to eat the Six-Spirit Soup. The preparation method is the same as above. Recipes Using the Filter No.1 15

17 紅棗五粒 黑棗五粒 黃耆 30 公克 麥門冬 10 公克 人參鬚 10 公克 冰糖少許 熱開水 300cc 5 red dates 5 black dates 30g Huang Qi 10g Mai Men Dong 10g ginseng root 1 2 teaspoons raw sugar 300ml / cc boiling hot water 果杯裝上一號萃取網然後將紅棗 黑棗 黃耆 麥門冬 人參鬚全部放入果杯, 先用熱開水將中藥浸泡一分鐘 ( 主要是清潔藥材的作用 ), 然後將熱開水倒掉, 再加入冰糖及熱開水, 啟動高速 10 秒後打開水龍頭藥汁流完即可 Install the #1 filter in to the jar. Add red dates, black dates, Huang Qi, Mai Men Dong and fibrous ginseng root in the jar. Cover the ingredients with hot water for 1 minute. Drain off the water, using the jar tap will make this process simple easy and quick, make sure you close the tap then add the raw sugar and fresh hot water. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the soup. Turn off the tap and machine once the soup has stopped running out of the tap. 預防及功效 /About The Five Treasures Soup: 能養氣補血醒腦, 增強免疫功能, 不寒不燥很適合全家大小飲食 The Five Treasures Soup assists in replenishing the Chi, promotes blood circulation and enhances brain and immune functions. It is neither too cold not too hot for the entire family. 養生藥膳五寶湯 Chinese Five Treasure Soup 16 一號萃取網使用功能

18 十全大補藥汁 Chinese Ten Powerful Tonics Soup 十全大補藥方一帖 熱開水 ( 依藥方大小帖酌量 ) 十全大補藥方 : 當歸 川芎 白芍 熟地 黨參 白朮 茯苓 甘草 黃耆 肉桂 Ten powerful tonics prescription, hot water (in proportional ratio to the Herbalists prescribed recipe), Ten powerful tonics prescription, Tang Kuei, Chuan Chyong, Bai Shao and Shu Di Huang, Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Gan Cao, Huang Qi and Cinnamon, boiling hot water 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 然後將十全大補一帖全部倒入果杯內加熱開水 ( 水量依你需要而定 ), 啟動高速 10 秒後打開水龍頭萃取十全大補的濃汁 Install the #1 filter into the jar. Add ingredients in to the jar then add the hot water. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the soup. Turn off the tap and machine once the soup has stopped running out of the tap. 預防及功效 /About the Ten Powerful Tonics Soup: 萃取的十全大補濃汁可燉雞 鴨或燉素食, 藥效成份高 口感特佳 Extracted ten powerful tonics thick soup can be used to stew chicken, duck or vegetarian food. The Chinese believe the Ten Powerful Tonics Soup has a high medicinal content. It also has a unique culinary taste. Recipes Using the Filter No.1 17

19 養生減肥藥膳 Chinese Herb Weight Loss Soup 白朮 枳實 仙楂 人參鬚各半兩 熱開水 ( 依個人的口感定水量 ) 25g Bai Zhu, Ji Shi, Shan Zha, fibrous ginseng root, boiling hot water 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 然後將以上所備好的藥材全部倒入, 加熱水 ( 可多些水不須喝太濃汁 ),10 秒後打開水龍頭, 藥汁流完即可 Install the # 1 into the jar. Add all the ingredients into the jar. Add the hot water. (Add more water to dilute the soup as preferred) Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the soup. Turn off the tap and machine once the soup has stopped running out of the tap. 預防及功效 /About the Chinese Herb Weight Loss Soup : 幫助排便 能降低脂肪 預防肥胖 Many Asian culinary dishes have also been created to assist in supporting correct bodily function. This is also the case with the Chinese Herb Weight Loss Soup which supports the body's excretion process, aids in fat reduction and obesity prevention. 18 一號萃取網使用功能

20 保健原味豆漿 Soya Milk 黃豆 Soya beans Hot water Optional: Raw sugar, Honey or Agave nectar There are two methods for making soya milk with a LadyShip Organic Essence Extractor. The Quick & Easy method and the Traditional method. The Traditional method, which is mainly made by asian people is quite a bit more work, but provides more flavour when completed, however most westerners and busy asian people prefer the Quick & Easy method, simply because of the time saving. Both methods can be consumed as high fibre (children) or low fibre (adults). We have included all three options in this recipe book. IMPORTANT NOTE: All soya beans must be cooked before consumption and using organic non-gm modified is preferred. Quick & Easy Method High Fibre (No Filter) or Low Fibre (#1 Filter): Wash the dry soya beans and then soak in water for 6-8 hours or over night. Once soaked, steam or boil until soft all the way through (approx minutes cooking time). Install the #1 filter into the jar. When making soya milk make it as a ratio of 3:1 e.g 3 cups of water to 1 cup of soaked soya bean. Add 1 cup of soaked and cooked soya bean. This will make 900ml of soya milk. Add the the soya bean to the jar with any flavoring or sweetener that you may wish to add (sugar, honey, agave nectar, vanilla essence, etc). Add the hot water straight from the kettle into the jar. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the soya milk. Turn off the tap and machine once the soya milk has stopped running out of the tap. 作法 /Traditional Method: 將黃豆洗淨, 以一般常溫的水浸泡 6 8 小時, 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 然後一次放入 3 5 杯浸泡好的黃豆 ( 以電鍋的量水杯為準 ) 然後再備好 3 4 倍的水, 將萃取機的上蓋組裝好, 放上置料盤, 放上水漏斗, 再將備好的水倒入水漏斗內, 等水流滿過黃豆 就可啟動高速, 立刻打開水龍頭, 原汁豆漿就流出來, 如果一分鐘到了水還沒有流完, 可再高速直到水流完為止 然後將萃取完成的豆漿再用火煮, 先用大火煮開 ( 煮豆漿必須不停的攪動否則豆漿容易燒焦 ) 大火煮開了, 再以小火滾 5 10 分鐘即可完成 Additonal Accessories & Equipment: Special LadyShip Water Funnel, large saucepan When you use this method you may wish to make more than 1 litre at a time so please take this into account when calculating the amount of soya bean you need to prepare. When making soya milk make it as a ratio of 3:1 e.g 3 cups of water to 1 cup of soaked soya bean. Step one in this process is to soak the soya bean for a minimum of 6 hours, the easiest is overnight or if your working, soak it in the morning before work and it will be done by the time you get home. Once the soaking is complete drain off the water. Install the # 1 filter in to the jar. Calcualte the soya bean and water ratio as required. Place soya bean into the jar. Place the jar lid on the jar without the cap and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Place the No Spill Funnel on top of the jar lid and then place the Special LadyShip Water Funnel on top of the No Spill Funnel. Next add water to the Special LadyShip Water Funnel. Wait a few seconds for the water to work its way in to the jar. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size (large) saucepan underneath the tap to collect the soya milk. Turn off the tap and machine once the soya milk has stopped running out of the tap. If your making more than 1 litre of soya milk you may want to use a large saucepan so you can repeat the process above. Once you have finished the processing in the LadyShip place the saucepan or saucepan's on the stove and bring to the boil and then simmer for 5 minutes, stirring along the way. Tip: Make sure you stay with the saucepan and maintain the stirring when cooking the milk as there tends to be a lot of foam when the boiling begins. You will find that you will be turning the temperature down as you reach the simmering stage. The main reason asian cultures use this method is to extract more flavour. 預防及功效 /About the Soya Milk :: 原味豆漿可當早點 飲料 能預防乳癌, 更年期的婦女喝無糖的原味豆漿能預防賀爾蒙的失調 Soya milk is commonly consumed in asian cultures and has recently become more popular in western cuture as a substitute for dairy milk, as it is lactose and gluten free.women have also been none to use soya milk to aid hormonal imbalances during pregnancy and during menopause. Recipes Using the Filter No.1 19

21 營養的豆花 Tofu Pudding 做完成的原味豆漿,10 人份電鍋一鍋 豆花粉 ( 或果酸 ) Traditional soya bean milk as per the recipe in this book.tofu pudding powder (or alpha hydroxyl acid, AHA) 先將豆花粉一包 ( 或果酸 5 克 ) 用一碗溶化, 剛煮好的熱豆漿快速沖倒入已溶化的豆花粉, 然後不要再攪動它,10 分鐘即成豆花 Make you soya milk as per the Traditional Method Dissolve the tofu pudding powder (or 5g alpha hydroxyl acid, AHA) in a bowl water as instructed on the packet in preparation and quickly pour it in to just cooked hot soya milk. Leave to stand for approximately 30 minutes or as directed on the packet. Tofu pudding is ready to serve. 20 一號萃取網使用功能

22 你喜歡的雜糧, 如燕麥 喬麥 大麥 糙薏仁 黑糯米 糙米等多種五款均可 Select your grains such as oats, buckwheat, hulled barley, black glutinous rice, brown rice, etc...the amount of grains you will use is determined by two factors. The first is how much you want to make and secondly how thick you want it to be. As a guide, 2 cups of blanched mixed grain will make approximately 1 ½ 2 litres of grain milk depending on your preference... creamy or light. Additonal Accessories & Equipment: Special LadyShip Water Funnel, large saucepan 一. 先將雜糧洗淨, 再用溫水浸泡 6 8 小時 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 將雜糧放入果杯, 上好杯蓋, 裝上置料盤, 放上水漏斗加水, 等水流滿過雜糧即可啟動高速, 立刻打開水龍頭, 直到雜糧研磨完即可 二. 煮雜糧奶漿必須先用白水煮開了, 然後將研磨完成的雜糧漿水如用芶芡般慢慢倒入熱開水, 然後依個人喜愛的濃稠度作調配, 很簡單的雜糧奶漿就完成了 This is a three step process. 1. Soak the grains. 2. Process the grains into the base milk liquid. 3. Cook 健康雜糧奶漿 Healthy Mixed Grain Milk the base milk liquid. 1. Mix your selection of mixed grains and soak in warm water for 6 8 hours. 2. Install the #1 filter into the jar. Drain off the blanching water from the mixed grains and place in the jar. Add 2 cups of mixed grains to the jar. DO NOT add any water as yet Place the jar lid on the jar without the cap and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Place the No Spill Funnel on top of the jar lid and then place the Special LadyShip Water Funnel on top of the No Spill Funnel. Next fill the Special LadyShip Water Funnel with water. Wait a few seconds for the water to start filling the jar. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the grain milk. As the machine continues to procees the grain add another 500ml 1000ml of water vis the Special LadyShip Water Funnel. Once the milk has finished coming out of the tap turn off the tap and machine. 3. Now take your large saucepan and add approximatley 2 cups of water. Once the water has boiled using a large spoon or ladel introduce the grain milk slowly and also cook slowly. Adjust the viscosity by adding more water to make it thinner or more grain milk to make it thicker. Allow to cool then its ready to serve. Recipes Using the Filter No.1 21

23 杏仁米奶 Almond Rice Milk 杏仁一碗 白米 1/4 碗 ( 或糙米 ) 糖 1 cups of blanched almond 1/4 cup white or brown rice, sugar Additonal Accessories & Equipment: Special LadyShip Water Funnel, large saucepan 一. 先將白米或糙米洗淨, 用溫水浸泡 6 8 小時 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 然後將杏仁倒入果杯, 米是杏仁的 1/3 量也倒入果杯, 上好杯蓋, 放上置料盤, 再放上水漏斗, 待水流滿杏仁, 啟動高速, 立刻打開水龍頭, 待杏仁漿流完即可 二. 煮杏仁米奶也如同煮雜糧奶漿, 最後放糖即完成 This is a three step process. 1. Soak the almonds & rice. 2. Process the almonds & rice into the base milk liquid. 3. Cook the base milk liquid. 1. Blanch almonds for 12 hours. Wash the rice thoroughly and then soak in warm water for 6 8 hours.. 2. Install the #1 filter into the jar. Drain off the blanching water from the almonds and rice and place in the jar. Add almonds and rice to the jar. DO NOT add any water as yet. Place the jar lid on the jar without the cap and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Place the No Spill Funnel on top of the jar lid and then place the Special LadyShip Water Funnel on top of the No Spill Funnel. Next fill the Special LadyShip Water Funnel with water. Wait a few seconds for the water to start filling the jar. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the grain milk. As the machine continues to process the grain add another 500ml 1000ml of water via the Special LadyShip Water Funnel. Once the milk has finished coming out of the tap turn off the tap and machine. 3. Now take your large saucepan and add approximatley 2 cups of water. Once the water has boiled using a large spoon or ladel introduce the grain milk slowly and also cook slowly. Adjust the viscosity by adding more water to make it thinner or more grain milk to make it thicker. Allow to cool then its ready to serve. Warning: This recipe contains nuts do not ingest or give to person's allergic nuts or peanuts. 22 一號萃取網使用功能

24 花生糙米奶漿 Peanut Brown rice milk 糙米一碗 炒熟的去皮花生半碗 糖 1 cups of brown rice: ½ cup of peanuts with shells removed, Sugar Additonal Accessories & Equipment: Special LadyShip Water Funnel, large saucepan 一. 先將糙米洗淨用溫水浸泡 6 8 小時 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 倒入糙米和炒熟的去皮花生 ( 等量 ), 上好果蓋, 放上置料盤, 放上水漏斗, 待水流滿糙米, 啟動高速, 立刻打開水龍頭, 米漿流完即可 二. 煮花生糙米奶漿如同煮雜糧奶漿, 最後放糖即完成 This is a three step process. 1. Soak the almonds & rice. 2. Process the almonds & rice into the base milk liquid. 3. Cook the base milk liquid. 1. Blanch almonds for 12 hours. Wash the rice thoroughly and then soak in warm water for 6 8 hours.. 2. Install the #1 filter into the jar. Drain off the blanching water from the almonds and rice and place in the jar. Add almonds and rice to the jar. DO NOT add any water as yet Place the jar lid on the jar without the cap and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Place the No Spill Funnel on top of the jar lid and then place the Special LadyShip Water Funnel on top of the No Spill Funnel. Next fill the Special LadyShip Water Funnel with water. Wait a few seconds for the water to start filling the jar. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the grain milk. As the machine continues to process the grain add another 500ml 1000ml of water via the Special LadyShip Water Funnel. Once the milk has finished coming out of the tap turn off the tap and machine. 3. Now take your large saucepan and add approximatley 2 cups of water. Once the water has boiled using a large spoon or ladel introduce the grain milk slowly and also cook slowly. Adjust the viscosity by adding more water to make it thinner or more grain milk to make it thicker. Allow to cool then its ready to serve. Warning: This recipe contains peanuts do not ingest or give to person's allergic to peanuts or nuts. Recipes Using the Filter No.1 23

25 研磨糯米團做湯圓 年糕 Ground Glutinous Rice Dough for Glutinous Rice Ball and Chinese New Year Cake 糯米 Glutinous rice, Water Additonal Accessories & Equipment: Special LadyShip Water Funnel, large container, nut/rice milk bag 一. 先將糯米洗淨用溫水浸泡 6 8 小時, 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 倒入糯米 ( 每次限研磨果杯的半杯 ), 上好杯蓋, 放上置料盤, 放上水漏斗, 待水流滿糯米, 啟動高速, 立刻打開水龍頭, 待米漿流完即可 ( 可再連續加米加水研磨到你所須要的數量 ) 二. 然後將研磨完成的糯米漿倒入米袋, 綁好袋口, 用石頭壓出米漿的水份 ( 不可太重的石頭 ), 即成了可蒸年糕或湯圓的糯米糰 Wash the glutinous rice thoroughly. Soak in water for 6 8 hours. Place the rice milk bag in a large bowl with the opening of the bag under the tap. Install the #1 filter into the jar. When processing add a ½ cup of glutinous rice at a time to the jar. Do not add any water as yet. Place the jar lid on the jar without the cap and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Place the No Spill Funnel on top of the the jar lid and then place the Special LadyShip Water Funnel on top of the No Spill Funnel. Next fill the Special LadyShip Water Funnel with water. Wait a few seconds for the water to start filling the jar. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the grain milk. As the machine continues to process the rice, add more water via the Special LadyShip Water Funnel. You may need to drain the water off the bowl from time to time depending on how much dough you are making. Once the milk has finished coming out of the tap turn off the tap and machine. Now you need to take the rice milk bag tie of the opening and squeeze out the excess liquid. The traditional method is to use a heavy stone or weight and is left to stand for aperiod until the right consistency is obtained. The glutinous rice dough now ready make the glutinous rice balls or New Year Cake. 24 一號萃取網使用功能

26 奇異果汁 Kiwifruit 奇異果 2 個, 蜂蜜 1 大匙, 冷開水 150CC 2 Kiwifruit, 1 tablespoon honey, 150 ml/cc cold water 果杯裝上一號萃取網, 將奇異果削皮後切片, 和蜂蜜 冷開水一起放入萃取機攪拌打成原汁 Install the # 1 into the jar. Peel the Kiwifruits. Place the Kiwifruit, honey and cold water into the extractor. Install the # 1 into the jar. Add all the ingredients into the jar. Add the cold water. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the juice. Turn off the tap and machine once the juice has stopped running out of the tap. 預防及功效 /About Kiwifruit: 奇異果的維生素 C 含量豐富, 對美肌有效, 預防動脈硬化 The Kiwifruit is rich in vitamins, which assists in beautifying the skin and aids in prevention of arterial sclerosis. Recipes Using the Filter No.1 25

27 甜菜根果菜汁 Beetroot Fruit/Vegetable Juice 26 一號萃取網使用功能 甜菜根 30 克 鳳梨 1/4 片 蘋果 1/2 個 白開水 500cc 蜂蜜適量 奶粉一大匙 30g beet root, 1/4 pineapple,1/2 apple, 500 ml/cc water, Honey, 1 spoon of milk powder 裝上一號萃取網, 甜菜根洗淨去皮, 連同白開水 蜂蜜 ( 加少許冰塊口感更好 ) 放入萃取機, 啟動高速 10 秒, 打開水龍頭汁流完即可 Install the # 1 into the jar. Wash the beet root. Add beetroot, water and honey (some ice cubes for better taste) into the jar. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the ON button, wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the juice. Turn off the tap and machine once the juice has stopped running out of the tap. 預防及功效 /About Beetroot: 甜菜汁含有大量的鈣 磷 鈉 鉀 鐵及鎂等礦物質, 對於抗腫瘤 癌症化療 高血壓 糖尿病 尿蛋白 紅斑性狼蒼 地中海貧血 高尿酸 素食者 長期服用類固醇及短期斷食 ( 減肥者 ) 的人, 更是極有助益的健康無上妙品 Beetroot rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron and manganese. It assist in the prevention of cancer and has known to be beneficial for individuals who undergo treatments such as chemotherapy. It Also assits the body concerning blood pressure, diabetes, uric protein, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, SLE, Thalassaemia, high uric acid, vegetarians, longterm steroid abuse, or for short-term fasting (dieting).

28 三號萃取網使用功能 Recipes Using the Filter No.3 Functional Use of Filter No.1 27

29 榨葡萄原汁 Extracted Grape Juice 葡萄 Grapes, Ice cubes, Water 葡萄去梗洗淨數量不限, 果杯裝上三號萃取網, 將葡萄倒入果杯, 上好果蓋, 啟動高速, 立刻打開水龍頭, 葡萄原汁就立即流出來, 可加少許蜂蜜 再加水將葡萄的果泥攪稀釋, 口感會更佳 Throughly wash the grapes. (Any amount) Install the #3 filter into the jar. Add the grapes and ice to the jar. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press and release the Pulse button a couple of times to break up the contents then press the ON button. Wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the juice. Turn off the tap and machine once the juice has stopped running out of the tap. Add a little honey and water to mix and dilute grape mash for better taste. 預防及功效 /About Grapes: 如此的萃取功能可吃到葡萄籽的核仁, 有預防癌症 補血 美白的效果 This extraction process also allows for the grape seeds to be retained. Grapes and grape seeds are high in antioxidants and they contain the vitamins A, B and C, as well as thirteen minerals essential to human life. 28 三號萃取網使用功能

30 連皮帶籽蕃茄汁 Tomato Juice with Skin and Seed 蕃茄 ( 大小蕃茄均可, 必須是紅色的 ) ½ kg Tomato (large or small red tomato), Water 用一斤的蕃茄加一斤的水煮熟 ( 水煮開即可, 大蕃茄須先切塊再煮 ), 果杯裝上三號萃取網, 倒入蕃茄及煮的蕃茄水, 上好果蓋, 啟動高速, 立刻打開水龍頭 ( 也可以放上置料盤, 連續的加蕃茄 ), 很方便調理出原汁原味的蕃茄汁 ( 蕃茄汁依個人喜愛的口感可添加鹽 糖或梅乾粉 ) Boil ½ kg of tomatoes and 500ml/cc of water (Cut large tomatoes first before boiling). Install the #3 filter into the jar. Pour the cooked tomatoes into the jar. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press and release the Pulse button a couple of times to break up the contents then press the ON button. Wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the soup. Turn off the tap and machine once the soup has stopped running out of the tap. Add salt, sugar or dried prune powder as desired. 預防及功效 /Prevention and effect: 能預防男仕攝護腺腫大 攝護腺腫瘤及尿失禁症 The lycopene in tomato's is said be advantageous in preventing prostate gland enlargement in men, prostate cancer and urine incontinence. Recipes Using the Filter No.3 29

31 蕃茄漿 Tomato Paste 蕃茄汁 先研磨在來米漿待用 醋 鹽 糖 Tomato juice, Rice milk powder, Vinegar, Salt, Sugar 將做完成的蕃茄汁再用火煮開, 加適量的醋 鹽 糖, 然後將在來米漿慢慢的芶芡到適當的濃稠度, 即成風味特佳的蕃茄漿 Using the tomato juice from the previous recipe. Bring the tomato juice to the boil, then add vinegar, salt and sugar to suit your taste. Slowly thicken with rice milk powder until the preferred consistency is achieved. The great tasting tomate paste is great served with pasta, meat or vegie. 30 三號萃取網使用功能

32 南瓜濃湯 Pumpkin Soup 南瓜 150 公克 山藥 50 公克 地瓜 50 公克 鹽或糖 ( 適量 ) 150g pumpkin, 50g Chinese yam, 50g yam. Salt, pepper or sugar, boiling water (Sweet potato can also be used instead of the Chinese yam) Tip: Leave the skin on the potatos and yams. The skin of most fruits and vegies contain additional vitamins and minerals infact with some fruits and vegies there are as many vitamins and minerals in the skin as there is in the body. 將南瓜 山藥 地瓜洗淨不須去皮去籽, 蒸熟 果杯裝上三號萃取網, 將 蒸熟的南瓜連皮帶籽 山藥 地瓜, 放入果杯, 加鹽或糖依你個人的口感而定, 倒入熱開水 啟動高速,10 秒後打開水龍頭, 濃湯即完成 Wash the pumpkin, Chinese yam and yam without removing peel and seeds. Steam and set aside. Install the #3 filter into the jar. The add steamed pumpkin (with peel and seeds), Chinese yam and yam into jar Add salt, pepper and sugar as preferred. Pour in boiling hot water to suit the desired viscosity. If you not sure start with a smaller amount of water. You always add more as your processing. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press and release the Pulse button a couple of times to break up the contents then press the ON button. Wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the soup. Turn off the tap and machine once the soup has stopped running out of the tap. The soup will be ready to serve immediately. 預防及功效 /About Pumpkins & Yams: 增進腸道健康 增進食慾 延年益壽 With the skin and seeds pumkins and yams are a great way to enhance intestinal condition and appetite. Recipes Using the Filter No.3 31

33 蔬菜濃湯 Thickened Vegetable Soup 青花菜 綠色葉菜類也可 馬鈴薯 山藥 調味料或高湯 ( 份量依個人所需濃稠度而定 ) Broccoli (or green leafy vegetable), Potato, Chinese Yam, Seasoning or soup base (depending on personal preference for thickening consistency) Tip: Leave the skin on the potatos and yams. The skin of most fruits and vegies contain additional vitamins and minerals infact with some fruits and vegies there are as many vitamins and minerals in the skin as there is in the body. 馬鈴薯 山藥去皮和青花菜蒸熟待用, 果杯裝上三號萃取網, 將蒸熟的馬鈴薯 山藥 青花菜放入果杯, 加調味料, 上好杯蓋, 加熱開水或熱高湯, 啟動高速,10 秒後打開水龍頭, 濃湯即完成 Chinese yams and broccoli and set aside. Install the #3 filter into the jar. Add the all the ingredients into the jar. Add salt, peper and sugar as preferred. Pour in boiling hot water to suit the desired viscosity. If your not sure start with a smaller amount of water, you can always add more as your processing. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press and release the Pulse button a couple of times to break up the contents then press the ON button. Wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the soup. Turn off the tap and machine once the soup has stopped running out of the tap. The soup will be ready to serve immediately. Wash all the ingredients. Steam the potatoes, 32 三號萃取網使用功能

34 綠豆露 Green Bean Smoothie or Desert 綠豆 砂糖 冰塊 ( 份量依個人所需濃稠度而定 ) Green bean, Sugar, Ice cubes, Water or Milk(depending on personal preference for thickening constituency) 將綠豆洗淨小炒, 然後用電鍋如同煮飯煮熟待用 ( 量多可放冰箱備用 ), 果杯裝上三號萃取網, 放入煮熟的綠豆 砂糖 冰塊及水均量 ( 若是要喝熱的可加熱開水 ), 啟動高速,10 秒後打開水龍頭汁流完即可 Wash the green beans thoroughly. The fry for 4 5 minutes in a frying pan. Then place them in a rice cooker and cook the same way you would cook rice. Once cooked allow to cool. (Place in the refrigerator if there is large quantity) Install the #3 filter into the jar. Add the all the ingredients into the jar. Pour in the water to suit the desired viscosity. If your not sure start with a smaller amount of water, you can always add more as your processing. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press and release the Pulse button a couple of times to break up the contents then press the ON button. Wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the smoothie. Turn off the tap and machine once the smoothie has stopped running out of the tap. If you are making this as a desert then it is unlikely that you will be able to use the tap. Instead use a soft spatula to assist in removing the contents from the jar. Recipes Using the Filter No.3 33

35 紅豆奶茶 Red Bean Milk Tea 紅豆 砂糖 牛奶 冰塊 ( 份量依個人所需濃稠度而定 ) Red bean, Sugar, Milk, Ice cube (depending on personal preference for thickening consistency) 將紅豆洗淨, 然後用電鍋如同煮飯煮熟待用 果杯裝上三號萃取網, 放入煮熟的紅豆 砂糖 冰塊及水均量 ( 若是要喝熱的可加熱開水 ), 啟動高速,10 秒後打開水龍頭, 待汁流完再加牛奶即成紅豆奶茶 Wash the red beans thoroughly. The fry for 4 5 minutes in a frying pan. Then place them in a rice cooker and cook the same way you would cook rice. Once cooked allow to cool. (Place in the refrigerator if there is large quantity) Install the #3 filter into the jar. Add the all the ingredients into the jar. Pour in the water to suit the desired viscosity. If your not sure start with a smaller amount of water, you can always add more as your processing. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press and release the Pulse button a couple of times to break up the contents then press the ON button.wait 10 seconds and turn on the tap, making sure you have placed a suitable size container underneath the tap to collect the smoothie. Turn off the tap and machine once the smoothie has stopped running out of the tap. If you are making this as a desert then it is unlikely that you will be able to use the tap. Instead use a soft spatula to assist in removing the contents from the jar. 34 三號萃取網使用功能

36 完整數量生機飲食 ( 不須使用萃取網功能 ) Complete Organic Diet (Recipes - No Filter Required)

37 36

38 精力湯 Energy Soup 生機療法中最完整的營養湯 Complete organic soup * 功效 /About the Energy Soup q 無病者經常飲用可排除體內毒素, 增強抵抗力, 較不易生病 r 有病者經常飲用可恢復體力 改善體質 對十二指腸潰瘍或皮膚過敏 癌症 中風 便秘 高血壓 心臟病 鼻子過敏等慢性病有幫助 q The Energy Soup will assist eliminating toxic build up in the body and enhance immunity for healthy individuals. It may also support the body in restoring stamina and body shape. r If your experiencing chronic disease such as duodenal ulcer, skin allergies, cancer, stroke, constipation, blood pressure, heart disease and nose allergies you also find the Energy Soup of assistance to you. * 材料 /Ingredients q 水果類 : 應時水果, 如香蕉 鳳梨 蘋果 芭樂 奇異果 木瓜 哈蜜瓜 等 ( 任選 1 2 種 ) r 野菜類 : 絕對無污染者, 如紅鳳菜 珍珠菜 萵苣 菊苣 皇宮菜 巴參菜 小牧草 地瓜菜 白鶴靈芝草 等 ( 任選 2 4 種 ) s 芽菜類 : 苜蓿芽 綠豆芽 豌豆芽 葵瓜子芽 蕎麥芽 等 ( 任選 1 2 種, 但以苜蓿芽為佳 ) t 堅果類 : 杏仁 核桃 腰果 南瓜子 葵瓜子 葡萄乾 松子 等 ( 任選 2 4 種 ) u 海藻類 : 海帶芽 紅海藻 ( 任選一種, 先以冷開水泡 2 分鐘 ) v 三寶粉 :1. 啤酒酵母粉 ( 片 ) 小麥胚芽粉 大豆卵磷脂各一小湯匙 2. 再酌量加入穀類粉或綠茶粉 q Fruit: fruits in season such as banana, pineapple, apple, guava, Kiwifruit, papaya and melon etc. (choose 1 or 2) r Wild Vegetable (Yetsai): organic vegetables such as edible gynura, striate loosestrife, lettuce, palace vegetable (Huang Ging Tsai), panax, small mountain grass, yam leaves, white crane flower, etc (choose 2-4) s Sprout: Alfafa sprout, Green bean sprout, pea sprout, sunflower sprout and buckwheat sprout etc. (Choose 1-2 ; preferably Alfafa sprout) t Nut: almond, chestnut, cashew nut, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, resin and pine nut etc. (Choose 2-4) Blanch nuts and seeds for 12 hours minimum u Seaweed: seaweed sprout, red seaweed (Choose 1; soak in cold water for 2 minutes) v Three-treasure powder: 1. 1tsp beer yeast powder (flake), 2. wheat germ powder and soy lecithin. * 配料 /Supplement 回春水 ( 使小麥發芽時, 浸泡其中的水為回春水 ), 如無則加冷開水 Water revitalizer (soak in water revitalizer during wheat germination) If unavailable, add cold water. * 步驟 /Step q 回春水放入果汁機內, 先打堅果類和海藻類 r 加入水果 野菜攪拌一分鐘 s 加入芽菜類及三寶粉, 瞬間攪拌均勻即可 q Place water revitalizer in the juice blender. Blend nuts and seaweed first. r Add fruits and wild vegetables and blend for 1 minute. s Add sprouts and three-treasure powder. Blend instantly. * 注意事項 /Note q 精力湯無一定配方, 只需使用 3 4 種水果加 3 4 種蔬菜即可, 但使用前要徹底洗淨 r 加入芽菜類時, 亦可加入一湯匙糖蜜, 糖蜜具鐵質 礦物質成份 s 要現打現喝, 至少 15 分鐘內飲用完畢, 以免營養素氧化流失 q Energy Soup is not a fixed formula. Use 3-4 fruits and 3-4 vegetables. Wash them thoroughly before use. r When adding sprouts, also add 1Tbs raw honey. Honey contains iron and minerals. s Drink immediately (within 15 minutes) to reduce the chance of oxidation. Warning: This recipe contains nuts do not ingest or give to person's allergic nuts or peanuts. 37

39 草莓汁 Strawberry Juice 草莓 250g, 檸檬 1/2 個, 蜂蜜 1 大匙, 冷開水適量 250g strawberry, 1/2 lemon, 1Tbs honey, Cold water 將草莓用鹽水洗淨後去蒂, 檸檬洗淨後去皮, 連蜂蜜 冷開水一起放入萃取機攪拌打成原汁 Wash the strawberries thoroughly with salt and remove the leafy parts. Wash the lemon and remove the peel. Add all ingredients into the jar. Place the jar lid and cap on the jar and lock the safety arm on the jar lid. The green power light should now be on. Press the AUTO button and wait for the 60 second cycle to finish. Dispense using the tap or unlock the safety remove the jar cap and dispense by pouring. 預防及功效 /About Strawberry Juice: 草莓含豐富的維生素 C, 可預防感冒 美肌, 預防便秘 Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C, which boosts the immune system against colds & flu's, as well as beautifing muscles and preventing constipation. 38

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