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1 189 [ ]

2 [Abstract] The purport of the study is to discuss the death concept of Jesus and Paul in the New Testament, and find out its possible implication and application in the life-and-death education. First, I start from the attitudes of Jesus and Paul toward life and death and the life and death concepts they conveyed to bring up the possibility of re-understanding death. Further, from the embodiment of love by the martyrdom of Jesus, and from the manifestation of Jesus love by Paul, I try to link the contextual thinking of life love death. And to amply the study into the holistic education, therefore, I put forth the idea that the death concepts of Jesus and Paul in the New Testament may provide some inspiration and edification when the life-and-death education is putted into practice. In the first and last chapters, except the understanding and reflection of the research method, it talks about the reflection and exploration of the general concepts of death at present, and the reflection on death is at the core of the study. Chapter 2 is about the pre-understanding of the topic. On the one hand, it aims at explaining and understanding the preconception of my own that has been learned from my cultural tradition. On the other hand, it proceeds to understand the several important death concepts in the Western culture on a macro level through the evolution of history. Finally, I try to describe, as clearly as possible, the origin and difficulties of life and death depicted in the Old Testament as well as the life-and-death issues entailed by it. In chapter 3 and 4, the content is concerning the life-and-death attitudes

3 presented by Jesus and Paul and the life-and-death concepts they wanted to convey. As every one knows, Jesus was born in a humble manger and was crucified to death. Here his life and death is a process of embodying love. Exactly as he said for the purpose of his birth: it is not to be ministered unto and giveth his life for the sheep. A crucifix is the best emblem to show his unselfish love. Secondly, the life of Paul is a legend. He used to be an oppressor and turned out to be a brave warrior who preached the gospel of Jesus. Because of his efforts, the later generations can more easily understand the value and meaning of Jesus life. In short, because Paul clarified, through Jesus, the meaning of love and the way to practice love, Jesus love was glorified. And from the love manifested by the death of Jesus, we can maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love, and therefore settle down to life and death by love. According to the attitudes and concepts of Jesus and Paul toward life and death and the meaning and value of life and death introduced by them, Chapter 5 is to apply the study in the life-and-death education and brings up two possible practices. One is the highly valued Life Education in Taiwan today, and the other is the taboo and rejected Death Education. It s not my real intention to distinguish them, my intention is to start from the so called Life Education and then to explore the educational implication of Death. It is not possible to remove the death element from the life as a whole, for death is not only a part of life, but also is intrinsic in life. Therefore, the teaching tasks should start from human s fundamental problems, that is, the life-and-death lessons and issues.

4 I

5 Abstract The purport of the study is to discuss the death concept of Jesus and Paul in the New Testament, and find out its possible implication and application in the life-and-death education. First, I start from the attitudes of Jesus and Paul toward life and death and the life and death concepts they conveyed to bring up the possibility of re-understanding death Further, from the embodiment of love by the martyrdom of Jesus, and from the manifestation of Jesus love by Paul, I try to link the contextual thinking of life love death. And to amply the study into the holistic education, therefore, I put forth the idea that the death concepts of Jesus and Paul in the New Testament may provide some inspiration and edification when the life-and-death education is putted into practice. In the first and last chapters, except the understanding and reflection of the research method, it talks about the reflection and exploration of the general concepts of death at present, and the reflection on death is at the core of the study. Chapter 2 is about the pre-understanding of the topic. On the one hand, it aims at explaining and understanding the preconception of my own that has been learned from my cultural tradition. On the other hand, it proceeds to understand the several important death concepts in the Western culture on a macro level through the evolution of history. Finally, I try to describe, as clearly as possible, the origin and difficulties of life and death depicted in the Old Testament as well as the life-and-death issues entailed by it. In chapter 3 and 4, the content is concerning the life-and-death attitudes presented by Jesus and Paul and the life-and-death concepts they wanted to convey. As every one knows, Jesus was born in a humble manger and was crucified to death. Here his life and death is a process of embodying love. Exactly as he said for the purpose of his birth: it is not to be ministered unto and giveth his life for the sheep. A crucifix is the best emblem to show his unselfish love. Secondly, the life of Paul is a legend. He used to be an oppressor and turned out to be a brave warrior who preached the gospel of Jesus. Because of his efforts, the later generations can more easily understand the value and meaning of Jesus life. In short, because Paul clarified, through Jesus, the meaning of love and the way to practice love, Jesus love was glorified. And from the love manifested by the death of Jesus, we can maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love, and therefore settle down to life and death by love. According to the attit udes and concepts of Jesus and Paul toward life and death and the meaning and value of life and death introduced by them, Chapter 5 is to apply the study in the life-and-death education and brings up two possible practices. One is the highly valued Life Education in Taiwan today, and the other is the taboo and II

6 rejected Death Education. It s not my real intention to distinguish them, my intention is to start from the so called Life Education and then to explore the educational implication of Death. It is not possible to remove the death element from the life as a whole, for death is not only a part of life, but also is intrinsic in life. Therefore, the teaching tasks should start from human s fundamental problems, that is, the life-and-death lessons and issues. III

7 IV

8 V

9 ... I Abstract...II... IV... VI VI

10 agape VII


12 (Martin Heidegger, ) (Being and Time) (existential analysis) 1 (Being-towards-death) Ecclesiastes 3 2 Ingmar Bergman The Seventh Seal : Sir Isaac Newton, memento mori


14 vs vs Thanatological psychiatry and psychotherapy thanatology psychiatry psychotherapy 4 5 Paul.Tillich,

15 6 Luke

16 8 Socrates, , B.C , B.C Luke /1/3 5

17 /11/

18 Barbara Bush Wellesley College



21 ~ a creative-dialogue

22 15 16 provisional II Peter 1 21 I Corinthians

23 doubt proposit ion view non-proposit ion view statement 19 Immanuel Kant, Hermeneutik Hermes 19 John Hick, Philosophy of Religion, New Jersey, Englewood Cliffs, 1973, pp

24 Flacius 20 Philo Origines Schule von Alexandrien St. Augustin 21 Friedrich Ernst Daniel Schleiermacher, grammatical psychological re-experience Hans-Georg Gadamer, pre-judice horizon

25 22 fusion of horizons 23, 24 Matthew Harvey G. Cox Rudolf Bultmann


27 John 5:39 Silent Period John 1 9 Matthew Luke

28 28 mission

29 The Bible The Holy Scripture the New Being) John Hick

30 3 Death Luke 7 22 John I Corinthians

31 (Romans 6 3-8) 4 Life and Death Education 20

32 33 34 a b c d 35 Galatians 6 6 word 5 Christianity Roman Catholic Church Reformed or Protestant Church Eastern Orthodox Church Christianity

33 Christianity 6 eros agape agape Romans 5 8 agape 36 John (Elizabeth Kübler-Ross)

34 : Georage Bernard Sgaw

35 Plato, , B.C 1 a 24

36 38 : /


38 40 b death dying ending of life the end of life the act, process, or fact of dying being killed killing murder 41 state of being dead the cause or occasion of loss of life 42 death destruction end 43 Death Merriam-Webster, Webster s Third New Internation Dictionary, Springfield.,U.S.A, 1986, p

39 schthe


41 Democritus, B.C

42 Karen Ann Quinlan Karen Karen

43 50 2 thanatology death studies

44 51 (Helen Nearing) (Loving and Leaving the Good Life)


46 Warren Warren, W.G, Death Education and Research: Critical Perspectives, NY, Haworth, 1988, pp. 35

47 Aristotle ,B.C Krisha Gotami 56 Psalms Genesis

48 37

49 (Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D.) Mettanando, V., Death: The ultimate challenge: A Buddhist perspective in medical care of dying patients, The paper for the second Chung-Hwa international Conference on Buddhist, /

50 Psalms

51 Ecclesiastes

52 /9/




56 /

57 Karl Jaspers Achsenzeit

58 Thomas Aquinas A.C, /

59 74 Epicurus, , B.C

60 Acts

61 78 Plato B.C

62 Hebrews 9 27 Matthew

63 Matthew Baruch de Spinoza,

64 Voltaire, Jean Jacques 81 Rousseau,

65 Karl Barth Sigmund Frued,


67 narrative Psalms 90 7 Job A History of God

68 Genesis Genesis 9 11 Deuteronomy Ezekiel Isaiah


70 Ecclesiastes 3 11 Ecclesiastes

71 88 Adam 89 Romans

72 90 Genesis 8 21 Confessiones 91 Psalms 51 5 Romans 7 11 Romans

73 93 Amos 93 62

74 Hosea Isaiah I Jeremiah Isaiah II

75 Isaiah 42 6 Job /7/

76 Job Job Job Job Job Job

77 Viktor E Frankl Viktor E.Frankl, Man s Search for Meaning, Washington, Square, 1984, p

78 Plato, , B.C. Genesis 2 7 Pascal 100 rabbi

79 Passover 101 Albert Schweitzer Quest for the Historical Jesus

80 Rudolf Bultmann Jesus and the Word 102 Luke Synopsis Herod Lower Galilee Nazarath Luke

81 Luke 1 79 John John

82 Matthew Matthew John Hick An Interpretation of Religion Human Responses to the Transcendent p

83 72 Luke 2 49 Silent Period Luke Luke 3 16 John 3 28 Luke 3 22

84 73 Mark Luke 4 6 Matthew 4 4 Soren Kierkegaard, John

85 74 Matthew 5 44 Matthew Deuteronomy

86 John John John Mark John Mark Mark

87 John John existential analysis Bultmann, Bultmann replies to his Critics, in Kerygma and Myth, ed. H.W. Bartsch, p

88 77 Luke Matthew Luke

89 Luke Matthew Mark Luke Matthew Matthew Matthew John 112 Pual Tillich, Systematic Theology, V2, New York, The University of Chicago press, 1957, p

90 Luke Luke

91 I Corinthians Genesis

92 1 Matthew Mark Luke Ephesians 4 4 Luke I Corinthians

93 John Mark Exodus Luke

94 Mark 2 27 John John Luke Luke Luke

95 Matthew 5 13 Matthew Luke 9 24 Luke

96 Acts 5 4 Ananias Acts 5 5 Matthew Matthew 8 20 Matthew Acts

97 Acts

98 Jesus, The Crucified People

99 123 John John 3 16 John Matthew

100 Mark Luke John Matthew Luke 9 24 Matthew 12 5 Mark 3 22 Matthew Matthew

101 124 John Matthew Matthew Matthew Joachim Jeremias

102 John John John Matthew Thomas Cahill Thomas Cahill

103 John John Matthew Mark Luke Luke John

104 127 Mark 5 40 John John 11 4 John John John John John Matthew 18 3 Mark Luke sleep

105 Mark 5 39 Luke Matthew Hebrews 12 2 Hebrews Luke cross Deuteronomy Matthew

106 Being-towards-death Deuteronomy Gennesaret Simon Peter James John Luke 5 11 Matthew 6 24 Luke

107 Luke Jericho Luke Isaiah 42 2 Matthew 6 1 Luke 9 58 Luke Paul Tillich

108 Epispocal Church John Keenan The Meaning of Christ: A Mahayana Theology Jesus as empty selfhood 130 Luke I Corinthians agape Matthew Matthew Deuteronomy 6 5 Matthew 5 18 love thy neighbour as thyself Matthew

109 131 I John Matthew 5 46 Matthew 5 46 Luke

110 132 Mark Matthew John John Exodus Matthew 5 44 Luke A.D Galatians

111 1 Rollo May encounter amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS 100

112 133 Matthew 7 14 a Ecclesiastes 8 8 Ecclesiastes

113 Matthew Matthew 7 25 Matthew 7 27 b Matthew Matthew

114 gigantesque 134 Matthew 7 28 Matthew 7 29 Luke 7 46 Matthew 5 3 Matthew 5 30 Matthew 5 44 Matthew 6 20 Matthew Matthew Matthew John 8 12 revolution Luke

115 2 135 Acts 3 2 John Matthew

116 Luke 8 52 Romans 7 24 Matthew recreation re William Paley, Philippians Luke Loving and Leaving the Good Life Helen Nearing 138 I Corinthians

117 John Matthew cross-shapped key I Peter 1 3 Romans 6 4 John John


119 Luke Saul Paul Colossians 1 1 Romans Acts I Corinthians I Corinthians

120 II Corinthians Luke Acts 8 3 I Corinthians

121 I Corinthians Pauline Epistles Luke Sual Paul Acts Geroge Eldon Ladd

122 Acts 9 1 Acts Acts Philippians 3 6 Acts 22 4 Luke Luke Galatians I Timothy 1 8 Titus

123 Acts 9 4 Acts apostle Acts Harold Dodd

124 Galatians 6 14 Galatians 2 20 Thomas Cahill 145 Romans 6 23 Romans 6 23 Romans Thomas Cahill

125 John 7 38 Acts Philippians 1 23 Ernst Kasemann 114

126 146 Romans 7 13 Romans 6 23 Ephesians 2 1 Romans

127 1 transgredior 148 Genesis 3 1 Genesis Romans 6 17 adam Paul Ricoeur, sin of first man 150 Romans 5 12 K.Rahner Geroge Eldon Ladd

128 situation Romans 7 8 Romans 6 16 I John 2 16 Galatians Romans

129 2 Romans 5 12 Romans 5 14 Romans 5 17 Romans Romans 6 16 Romans 6 16 Romans 7 5 Romans

130 Romans 7 9 Romans Romans 7 13 I Corinthians wages For the wages of sin is death Romans 6 23 Opsonia 119

131 1 John I Corinthians 5 7 II Corinthians 5 17 I Corinthians Philippians Romans

132 153 II Corinthians John Philippians 1 21 Hebrews

133 I John II Corinthians 5 6 Ephesians 1 7 Galatians 2 20 I Corinthians I Corinthians II Corinthians II Corinthians 4 10 Romans

134 Hebrews Galatians

135 155 I John 3 14 eros agape eros agape Amos Paul Tillich, Dynamics of Faith. New York Harper Row, 1957, p

136 agape 157 agape 158 agape eros agape Symposium eros Philia agape

137 I Corinthians I Corinthians Romans 8 39 Romans Galatians I Timothy 1 5 agape Matthew

138 613 mitzvot commandment 160 I John 4 8 Matthew I Corinthians agape I Corinthians Luke Acts

139 Matthew Romans 8 35 Philippians 2 26 Romans 8 10 Philippians

140 Acts

141 162 I Corinthians Geroge Eldon Ladd

142 1 II Corinthians 5 14 Ephesians 4 16 I Corinthians first of all 131

143 Ephesians Ephesians Philippians agape Psalms 46 1 I John 4 10 I Corinthians

144 163 Matthew Matthew

145 Romans I Corinthians 13 3 Romans Romans I John

146 Acts II Corinthians 8 9 II Corinthians 8 9 I Corinthians II Corinthians I Thessalonians 5 10 Philippians

147 Luke Luke I Corinthians

148 eros I Corinthians John John

149 I Corinthians Philippians II Corinthians 7 3 Irenaeus Romans Luke 6 28 John John

150 John 14 5 John 14 6 John I John 3 14 Romans

151 169 Romans 12 1 Romans 12 2 Romans

152 II Timothy I Corinthians

153 death education New York Times Magazine Herman Feifel 1959 The Meaning of Death

154 172 Galatians 6 6 Titus 2 3 logos word I Timothy 2 5 I Timothy Dharma 143

155 Genesis 3 9 Matthew John John John

156 I Corinthians Karl Rahner, Divine Pneuma Matthew truth

157 John Erik H. Erikson, 1902 psychosocial stages The Final Stage of Growth

158 I Corinthians Psalms Luke Matthew

159 John 15 6 Luke suicide 2 Acts

160 metanoia 176 II Corinthians 4 18 Luke

161 John 1 20 John 1 27 Luke 9 18 Luke 9 20 Dietrich Bonhoeffer,

162 Luke Luke 9 24 John 8 12 Romans 8 10 I John

163 Matthew John I Corinthians I John 3 18 Philippians

164 Matthew

165 180 Romans Matthew Luke

166 Romans Matthew 7 12 John Romans

167 John Acts I John Paul Tillich

168 Luke Galatians Acts

169 Acts 7 60 I Corinthians

170 Niebuhr I John 3 16 I Corinthians Romans Romans Danial Leviton T.S. Eliot 159



173 John Matthew 9 24 John John John

174 I Thessalonians 4 13 Psalms I Thessalonians 4 14 The Death of Ivan Ilych

175 189 I Corinthians II Timothy John Hick, An Interpretation of Religion Human Responses to the Transcendent, New Haven and London, Yale University, 1989, pp

176 191 I Corinthians Mark Mark John Hick, An Interpretation of Religion Human Responses to the Transcendent, New Haven and London, Yale University, 1989, p

177 Luke I Corinthians

178 192 possessive individualism Luke 9 25 Luke 9 24 I Corinthians I Corinthians

179 Romans enemy 168

180 II Timothy


182 I Corinthians

183 Paul Tillich, Dynamics of Faith, New York, Harper & Row, 1957, p

184 I Corinthians

185 Delphi

186 Romans I John 2 17 Matthew 6 25 Matthew

187 I Corinthians

188 1. Geroge Eldon Ladd Harold Dodd Joachim Jeremias Paul Tillich 5. Rudolf Bultmann Thomas Cahill

189 /1/

190 / / / /9/

191 Bultmann, Bultmann Rreplies to His Critics, in Kerygma and Myth, ed. H.W. Bartsch, p John Hick, Philosophy of Religion, New Jersey, Englewood Cliffs, 1973, pp John Hick, An Interpretation of Religion Human Responses to the Transcenden, New Havan and London, Yale University, 1989, p Mettanando, V, Death: The Ultimate Challenge: A Buddhist Perspective in Medical Care of Dying Patients, The paper for the second Chung-Hwa international Conference on Buddhist, Paul Tillich, Dynamics of Faith, New York, Harper Row, 1957, p Pual Tillich, Systematic Theology, V 2, New York. The University of Chicago press, 1957, p Viktor E. Frankl, Man s Search for Meaning, Washington, Square, 1984, p Warren, W. G, Death Education and Research: Critical Perspectives, NY, Haworth, 1988, pp Merriam-Webster, Webster s Third New Internation Dictionary, Springfield.,U.S.A.,p , p






197 Mark Matthew Luke Mark Matthew Luke Mark Matthew Luke Jesus, The Crucified People


199 188

200 1. Genesis 2. Exodus 3. Leviticus 4. Numbers 5. Deuteronomy 6. Joshua 7. Judges 8. Ruth 9. I Samuel 10. II Kings 11. I Kings 12. II Kings 13. I Chronicles 14. II Chronicles 15. Ezra 16. Nehemiah 17. Esther 18. Job 19. Psalms 20. Proverbs 1. Matthew 2. Mark 3. Luke 4. John 5. Acts 6. Romans 7. I Corinthians 8. II Corinthians 9. Galatians 10. Ephesians 11. Philippians 12. Colossia 21. Ecclesiastes 22. Song of Solomon 23. Isaiah 24. Jeremiah 25. Lamentation 26. Ezekiel 27. Daniel 28. Hosea 29. Joel 30. Amos 31. Obadiah 32. Jonah 33. Micah 34. Nahum 35. Habakkuk 36. Zephaniah 37. Haggai 38. Zechariah 39. Malachi 15. I Timothy 16. II Timothy 17. Titus 18. Philemon 19. Hebrews 20. James 21. I Peter 22. II Peter 23. I John 24. II John 25. III John 26. Jude Revelation 13. I Thessalonians II Thessalonians 189

201 190

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