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2 CIP / C ISBN Ⅰ. Ⅱ.1 2 Ⅲ. Ⅳ. C912.4 CIP Translation Copyright 2005 by Peking University Press Copyright Robert C. Ulin C. ISBN /G http / /cbs. pku. edu. cn zpup@pup. pku. edu. cn mm 1240mm A


4 UNDERSTANDING CULTURES Perspectives in Anthropology and Social Theory English Translation by Guoqiang He Second Edition Published 2001 Blackwell Publishers Inc 2001

5 I. C

6 20 -

7 2-1 1 Zande Azande Zande Azande Zande Azande Azande Zande

8 3


10 5

11 20 Robert Charles Ulin Whittier College

12 2 Quaker New School for Social Research Bob Scholte Stantley Diamond Middlesex Community College Ramapo College Allegheny College

13 3 Centre D Etudes et de Recherches D Histoire Institutionelle et Regionale

14 F

15 J

16 6 Siglo Veintiuno Editores 2001 John Conaroff C. John Gledhill F. Allan F. Hanson

17 E. Husserl L. Wittgenstein P. Winch -

18 8 I. C. Jarvie R. Horton / S. Lukes A. Macityre H. G. Gadamer P. Recoeur W. Dilthey

19 9 / / G. Lukács A. Gramsci L. Althusser W. Raymond E. P. Thompson B. Hindess P. Hirst M. Goldelier C. Meillassoux

20 10 other J. Habermas J. F. Lyotard G. E. Marcus M. M. J. Fischer

21 11 / S. Freud - Lévi-Strauss C. Geertz V. Turner M. Weber E. Durkheimian Louis Althusser Balibar

22 12 - F. de Saussure P. Bourdieu I. Wallerstein 20 60

23 M. Scheler E. Cassirer

24 14 1. M. Heidegger 2. A. Korzybsky

25 15 / 4. dialogical understanding

26 16 / F. Schleiermacher

27 17 2 / 3

28 18 70

29 19

30 Bob Scholte Stantley Diamond William Roseberry Shirley Lindenbaum Rayna Rapp Jermey Nowak Helen Berger

31 2 David Miller John Jean Comaroff Michael Herzfeld 15 Andy Lass Allan Hanson Sage

32 3 C Kalamazoo


34 2 2

35 Edmund Husserl David Hume 20 1

36 6 4 Hannah Arendt JÜrgen Habermas

37 5 Evans-Pritchard Wilhelm Dilthey Bronislaw Malinowski - Radcliffe-Brown - - Lucien Lévy-Bruhl

38 Franz Boas Peter Winch Ludwig Wittgenstein

39 7 - Lévi-Strauss

40 social world

41 9 Pierre Bourdieu Michel Foucault Jean Baudrillard de Certeau

42 I. C. Jarvie Karl Popper

43 11 - Emile Durkheimian 9 Robin Horton - 100

44 12 Steven Lukes Carlos Castenada Yaqui Don Juan Sapir Benjamin Lee Wholf Alasdair Macityre

45 10 13 瑏 瑡 Paul Rabinow 1973 Renato Rosaldo Hans-Georg Gadamer Paul Ricoer

46 瑏 瑢 14 grand theory metatheory 2

47 瑏 瑣 15 symbolic density


49 瑏 瑤

50 18 Eric Wolf 瑏 瑥 1999 Kwakiutl Aztec Louis Althusser

51 19 Barry Hindess Paul Hirst Maurice Goldelier Terray Claude Meillassoux 1976 Marshall Sahlins 1972 E. P. Thompson Williams Raymond

52 20 Intersubjectivity 瑏 瑦 1 Sidney Mintz Sidney Mintz

53 21 Lawrence Kohlbery 瑏 瑧 1983 Johannes Fabian

54 22 disciplinary gaze 瑏 瑨 1962 C. B. MacPherson Thomas Hobbes 1981 Agnes Heller

55 23 Nietzsche

56 24 Habitus

57 Edward Said 1979 Jean Fran ois Lyotard

58 瑏 瑩 Clifford James E. George E. Marcus 1986 Hayden White 1978

59 27 瑐 瑠 瑐 瑡

60 瑐 瑢 28

61 瑐 瑣 瑐 瑤

62 瑐 瑥 1 2

63 Alfred Schutz Maurice Natanson Bernie Cohen Marilyn Strathern 1988 Donna Haraway 9 10 瑏 瑡 Mikhail Bakhtin 瑏 瑢 1970 Freud 20 瑏 瑣

64 32 瑏 瑤 瑏 瑥 瑏 瑦 George Lukács Antonio Gramsci 瑏 瑧 瑏 瑨 瑏 瑩 瑐 瑠 瑐 瑡 瑐 瑢 Immanuel Wallerstein 瑐 瑣

65 瑐 瑤 瑐 瑥

66 - - Lewis Henry Morgan 19 Baffin Land

67 - 35 George Stocking Wilhelm Schmidt



70 Immanuel kant / / Adolf Bastian 19 1

71 - 39 / Hegel / 1970b


73 /


75 / /

76 44 / 1971 Tro- 1 briand Argonauts of the Western Pacific. Argonaut




80 Paul Ricoeur


82 Geisteswissenschaften human sciences

83 Talal Asad 1973

84 C. K. Meek S. F. Nadel -

85 - 53

86 54-1 1

87 - 55 Igbo Afigbo 1972

88 56 1 C. B guiding interests 5 6 E. Richard E. Palmer R. C. Collingwood




92 Karl-Otto Apel

93 61 chair

94 62 chair chair

95 3 63 -



98 4 66 5


100 Kwoth




104 Mbomu Valley Casati Schweinfuith

105 73 Avongara 瑏 瑡 瑏 瑢 - 瑏 瑣 瑏 瑤

106 瑏 瑥 74 - Benge 瑏 瑦 - -

107 75 瑏 瑧

108 Stanley Diamond

109 77 瑏 瑡 1971 瑏 瑢 1971 瑏 瑣 瑏 瑤 Barbara Ehrenreich Deirdre 1973 瑏 瑥 1971 瑏 瑦 benge 瑏 瑧 William Leisse 1974

110 I. C. I. C

111 I. C


113 I. C. 81

114 82 -

115 I. C. 83


117 I. C. 85 4

118 Hebert Marcuse William Leiss

119 I. C I. C a

120 a 262

121 I. C Jean Piaget

122 90 given

123 I. C


125 I. C


127 I. C


129 I. C. 97 Thomas Sammal Kuhn 1970 瑏 瑡 1 1

130 98

131 I. C

132 100 瑏 瑢 / 瑏 瑣

133 I. C W. Theodor W. Adorno 1976b 1976 Auguste Comte Moritz Schlick 20 30

134 102 von Wright

135 I. C. 103

136 metareflection self-reflecting ego

137 I. C

138 106 individual moments 1976b 107

139 I. C a

140 瑏 瑡 Imre Lakatos Alan Musgrave 瑏 瑢 瑏 瑣

141 1 Edmund Leech J. H. M. Beattie






147 115 5 George Lukács Feuerbachian

148 G 2 G G

149 E. P.

150 118 -

151 a 68

152 120


154 b

155 b 117 Erving Goffman


157 125

158 126 Goldschmidt 9

159 瑏 瑡

160 128

161 Stanley Diamond a J. H. M. Beattie

162 瑏 瑡


164 132 -

165 L. Alfred L. Kroeber Rousseau 2




169 - 137

170 horizon

171 fusion of horizon 6 1 trace difference dissemination differ defer

172 140 John Hogan G R.



175 - 143 Hymes Herder - 1

176 144 -



179 Fortes - - to be



182 150 Mary Douglas 1973 Basil Bernstein libido


184 152 Uchendu 1965 Carl Lowith homo faber Ferdinand de Saussure 1966

185 - 153




189 - 157 瑏 瑡 瑏 瑢 - 1


191 - 159 Roland Barthes Jacques Derrida Hjelmslev -

192 瑏 瑣 1 1

193 - 161

194 162 瑏 瑤

195 - 163 John Searle 1967 瑏 瑥 1 瑏 瑦 1

196 Les Eyzies

197 - 165 瑏 瑧 / /

198 166 1 E a

199 瑏 瑡 Noema 1973 瑏 瑢 - - 瑏 瑣 Michel Foucault 瑏 瑤 瑏 瑥 1953 瑏 瑦 - 瑏 瑧 1958

200 -

201 169 Antonio Gramsci P.

202 Balibar 1970 Darstellung



205 173 Barry Hindess Paul Hirst Pierre-Philippe Rey Dupré Georges 2 3 4

206 5 174 Spinoza


208 Guoro 1964

209 177


211 8 179 Rod Aya

212 180 Talal Asad & Harold Wolpe a

213 181 Emmanuel Terray

214 182 I. C.

215 瑏 瑡 瑏 瑢




219 a Kula

220 188 / Jean Baudrillard 瑏 瑣 1971


222 /

223 /

224 / 瑏 瑤

225 193 瑏 瑥 Vico 1 Collingwood

226 瑏 瑦

227 瑏 瑧 瑏 瑨

228 196 瑏 瑩 瑐 瑠

229 197 Michael Jackson


231 199 Weber

232 200 瑐 瑡 瑐 瑢 1977

233 201 瑐 瑣

234 瑐 瑤 202 瑐 瑥 瑐 瑦


236 Herder 瑐 瑧 20 E. P.


238 206 E. P E. P. 1

239 207 E. P. 瑐 瑨

240 208 瑐 瑩

241 209

242 210

243 a

244 E. P.

245 213

246 214

247 Harold Wolpe 1976 Maurice Dobb 瑏 瑡 Melville Herskovits Robbins

248 216 Samuelson Karl Polanyi 瑏 瑢 Leopold Pospisil capital cattle 瑏 瑣 瑏 瑤 Perry Anderson 1980 瑏 瑥 瑏 瑦 瑏 瑧 瑏 瑨 瑏 瑩 C. B. MacPherson

249 217 瑐 瑠 瑐 瑡 瑐 瑢 瑐 瑣 瑐 瑤 Max Horkheimer W Heodor W. Adorno Max Weber 1964 N Robert N. Bellah 1975 瑐 瑥 瑐 瑦 瑐 瑧 瑐 瑨 瑐 瑩 1957

250 Dell Hymes dialogical 1 metanarrative small narrative

251 219 Michael Fischer M. J

252 Andrean Huyssen



255 1 223 engaged relativism 瑏 瑡 textual turn 1

256 224 瑏 瑢 1979 otherness

257 瑏 瑣 1978 瑏 瑤

258 226 1 Gananath Obeyeseker 1981 瑏 瑥 Marjorie Shostak 1981 Marcel Griaule distance near 2 1 Medusa

259 227 Michael Taussig 1980 Tio 1 1 Pachamama Tio

260 228 Eric Hobsbawn Terence Ranger Trevor-Roper 1983 Linnekin Jocelyn 1992 Allan Hanson

261 Io Percy Smith Io Hera

262 瑏 瑦 瑏 瑧


264 瑏 瑨

265 a 177 瑏 瑩

266 234 瑐 瑠 瑐 瑡 瑐 瑢

267 235 瑐 瑣 瑐 瑤 Food and Foodways History as Commodity in Some Recent American Anthropological Literature

268 瑐 瑥 236 瑐 瑦 瑐 瑧 1971

269 237 瑐 瑨

270 瑐 瑩 a 178


272 瑑 瑠 240 瑑 瑡

273 241

274 242 Huyssen Bob Scholtr 2

275 foundationism B. John B. Thompson David Held 瑏 瑡 P. P. Sangren Steven / /2 瑏 瑢 Richard Mckay Rorty 1979

276 244 瑏 瑣 瑏 瑤 瑏 瑥 瑏 瑦 瑏 瑧 瑏 瑨 瑏 瑩

277 245 瑐 瑠 1986 Arjun Appadurai Tatlin 瑐 瑡 power over power to 瑐 瑢 瑐 瑣 瑐 瑤 瑐 瑥 瑐 瑦

278 246 瑐 瑧 瑐 瑨 瑐 瑩 B 瑑 瑠 瑑 瑡

279 Stanley Tambiah 1990

280 / Agnes Heller

281 249 Arjun Appadurai ethnoscape 1 / 1983 bounded culture bounded self

282 Dordogne Bordeaux Médoc EU permeable boundary 2 3

283 251 Jean Marie Le Pen 4 Mary Pierce

284 Benedict Anderson 1983

285 253 Roger Kessing James Frazer Gupta & Ferguson

286 /

287 S. F. Nadel Nupe 瑏 瑡

288 256 1 John Cole synchronic Anthropology Comes Part-Way Home Community Studies in Europe

289 257 diachronic 瑏 瑢 Lewis Banfield



292 260 瑏 瑣

293 261 Arturo Escobar Morton Fried 1975

294 262 Heller MacPherson 1973 / 1 1 / /

295 Jameson & Miyoshi 1998

296 René Pijassou 1980 Roger Dion Perigord Toulouse A- gen Quercy La Rochelle 1224

297 265 tonneaux 1 tonneau 900 Gironde River

298 266 瑏 瑤 terrain Louis Althusser 1970


300 Lono Historical Metaphor and Mythical Realities

301 Andre Gunder Frank 1996

302 瑏 瑥 - Lila Abu-Lughod 1991

303 瑏 瑦

304 272 Susan Carol Rogers 1991 boundedness 瑏 瑧 20 80

305 Griaule 1965 Andrew Strathern 1979 Kevin Dwyer 1982

306 Bergerac


308 276 Gudeman and Rivera 1990

309 277 / 瑏 瑨 瑏 瑩

310 瑐 瑠

311 瑐 瑡

312 280


314 282 Joan Vincent

315 determining moments

316 284 / 1983

317 285 1 / Scott Lash and John Urry 1987 / 1

318 286 瑐 瑢


320 Roland Gartos Serb Sarajevo 7 John Comaroff & Jean Comaroff 瑏 瑡 -

321 289 瑏 瑢 瑏 瑣 瑏 瑤 Dordogne 瑏 瑥 瑏 瑦 瑏 瑧 瑏 瑨 瑏 瑩 瑐 瑠 1973 瑐 瑡 1973 contested meanings 瑐 瑢

322 1. Abu-Lughod Lila Writing Against Culture in Richard G. Fox ed. Recapturing Anthropology Working in the Present Sante Fe NM School of American Research Press. 2. Adorno Theodor W. 1976a. Introduction in The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology Theodor W. Adorno et al. pp New York Harper and Row b. On the Logic of the Social Sciences in The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology Theodor W. Adorno et al. pp New York Harper and Row. 4. Afigbo A. E The Warrant Chiefs Indirect Rule in Southeastern Nigeria New York Humanities Press. 5. Althusser Louis For Marx New York Vintage Book. 6. Althusser Louis and Balibar Etienne Reading Capital New York Pantheon Book. 7. Anderson Benedict Imagined Communities London and New York Verso. 8. Anderson Perry Argument within English Marxism New York Schocken Books. 9. Apel Karl-Otto Analytic Philosophy of Language and the Geisteswissenschaften Dordrecht D. Reidel The A Priori of Communication and the Foundation of the Humanities Man and World 5 February pp Types of Social Science in the Light of Human Interests of Knowledge

323 291 pp Social Research 44 Autumn 12. Appadurai Arjun ed The Social Life of Things Cambridge Cambridge University Press Global Ethnoscapes Notes and Queries for a Transnational Anthropology in Richard G. Fox ed. Recapturing Anthropology Working in the Present Sante Fe NM School of American Research Press. 14. Arendt Hannah The Human Condition Chicago University of Chicago Press. 15. Asad Talal ed Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter New York Humanities Press. 16. Asad Talal and Wolpe Harold Concepts of Modes of Production Economy and Society 5 /4 pp Aya Rod Review of Barry Hindess and Paul Q. Hist Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production Economy and Society 3 /4 pp Bakhtin Mikhail Speech Genres and Other Late Essays translated by V. W. McGee. Austin University of Texas Press. 19. Banji Jairus Description Meaning and Social Science Journal of Anthropological Society Oxford 1 /3 pp Barthes Roland Elements of Semiology New York Hill and Wang The Pleasure of the Text New York Hill and Wang. 22. Baudrillard Jean The Mirror of Production St. Louis Telos Press. 23. Bauman Zygmunt Hermeneutics and Social Science New York Columbia University Press. 24. Beattie J. H. M On Understanding Ritual in Bryan R. Wilson ed. Rationality pp New York Harper and Row. 25. Bellah Robert N The Broken Covenant American Civil Religion in Time of Trial New York Seabury Press.

324 Bernstein Basil Class Code and Control London Routledge and Kegan Paul. 27. Bernstein Richar J The Restructuring of Social and Political Theory Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press Beyond Objectivisim and Relativism Science Hermeneutics and Praxis Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press. 29. Boas Franz On Alternating Sounds American Anthropologist 2 pp Race Language and Culture New York Macmillan. 31. Bourdieu Pierre Outline of a Theory of Practice Cambridge Cambridge University Press Distinction A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste Cambridge MA Harvard University Press. 33. Bowden Ross Winch and the Social Determination of Truth Journal of Anthropological Society Oxford 1 /3 pp Clifford James The Predicament of Culture Twentieth-Century Ethnography Literature and Art 20 Cambridge MA Harvard University Press. 35. Coates Peter Problem of Paradigm Discrimination Journal of Anthropological Society Oxford 2 /3 pp Cohen Bernard S Anthropologist among the Historians and Other Essays New Delhi Oxford University Press. 37. Cole John W Anthropology Comes Part-Way Home Community Studies in Europe Annual Review of Anthropology 6 pp Colletti Lucio Marxism and the Dialectic New Left Review 93 pp Collingwood R. G The Idea of History Oxford Claren-

325 293 don Press. 40. Comaroff John and Comaroff Jean Ethnography and the Historical Imagination Boulder CO Westview Press. 41. Crick Malcolm Anthropology and the Philosophy of Science Journal of Anthropological Society Oxford 1 pp Two Styles in the Study of Witchcraft Journal of Anthropological Society Oxford 1 pp Culler Jonathan Structural Poetics Structuralism Linguistics and the Study of Literature Ithaca Cornell University Press. 44. Derksen A. A On an Unnoticed Key to Reality Philosophy of Social Sciences 8 pp Derrida Jacques Of Grammatology Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press Writing and Difference Chicago University of Chicago Press. 47. Diamond Stanley In Search of the Primitive A Critique of Civilization New Brunswick NJ Trannsaction Books. 48. Dion Roger Histoire de la vigne et du vin en France Paris Flammarion. 49. Dobb Maurice Review of Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production History 61 /201 p Douglas Mary Purity and Danger An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo London Routledge and Kegan Paul Natural Symbols New York Random House. 52. Dupré Georges and Rey Pierre-Philippe Reflections on the Pertinence of a Theory of the History of Exchange Economy and Society 2 / Durkheim Emile The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life New York Free Press. 54. Dwyer Kevin Moroccan Dialogues Anthropology in Question

326 294 Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press. 55. Eco Umberto A Theory of Semiotics Bloomington Indiana University Press. 56. Ehrenreich Barbara and English Deirdre Witches Midwives and Nurses A History of Women Healers Old Westbury NY Feminist Press. 57. Emmer Dorothy How Far Can Structural Studies Take Account of the Individual Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 90 pp Escobar Arturo Encountering Development The Making and Unmaking of the Third World Princeton Princeton University Press. 59. Evans-Pritchard E. E Witchcraft Oracles and Magic Among the Azande Oxford Clarendon Press Nuer Religion New York and Oxford Oxford University Press Social Anthropology and Other Essay New York Free Press Theories of Primitive Religion Oxford Clarendon Press. 63. Fabian Johannes Language History and Anthropology Journal for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences 1 /1 pp Time and the Other How Anthropology Makes its Object New York Columbia University Press. 65. Firth Raymond ed Man and Culture New York Humanities Press. 66. Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary New York New American Library. 67. Foucault Michel The Order of Things An Archaeology of the Human Sciences New York Random House.

327 The Birth of the Clinic An Archaeology of Medical Perception London Tavistock Publications Discipline and Punish The Birth of the Prison translated by Alan Sheridan New York Pautheon. 70. Fox Richard G. ed Recapturing Anthropology Working in the Present Sante Fe NM School of American Research Press. 71. Frank Andre Gunder Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America New York Monthly Review Press. 72. Fried Morton H The Nation of Tribe Menlo Park CA Cummings Publishing Company. 73. Gadamer Hans Georg Truth and Method New York Seabury Press Philosophical Hermeneutics Berkeley University of California Press. 75. Gay Peter The Enlightenment An Interpretation New York Random House From the Native s Point of View On the Nature of Anthropological Understanding Keith Basso and Henry Selby eds. Meaning and Anthropology pp Albuquerque University of New York Mexico Press Negara The Theatre State in Nineteenth Century Bali 19 Princeton Princeton University Press Local Knowledge Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology New York Basic Books. 79. Geras Norman Althusser s Marxism An Account and Assessment in New Left Review 71 pp Glucksman Andre A Ventriloquist Structuralism in New Left Review 72 pp Godelier Maurice Rationality and Irrationality in Economics New York Monthly Review Press Structure and Contradiction in Capital

328 296 in Robin Blackburn ed. Ideology in Social Science pp New York Vintage Books Perspective in Marxist Anthropology Cambridge Cambridge University Press The Enigma of the Gift translated by Nora Scott Chicago University of Chicago Press. 85. Goffiman Erving Asylums Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates Garden City NY Doubleday. 86. Gramsci Antonio The Modern Prince and Other Writings New York International Publishers. 87. Griaule Marcel Conversations with Ogotemmeli London Oxford University Press. 88. Gudeman Stephen and Rivera Alberto Conversations in Colombia The Domestic Economy in Life and Text Cambridge Cambridge University Press. 89. Gupta Akhil and Ferguson James eds Anthropological Locations Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science Berkeley University of California Press. 90. Habermas JÜrgen. 1970a. Toward a Rational Society Student Protest Science and Politics Boston Beacon Press b. Towards a Theory of Communicative Competence Inquiry 13 pp Knowledge and Human Interests Boston Beacon Press Theory and Practice Boston Beacon Press Towards a Reconstruction of Historical Materialism Theory and Society 2 fall pp The Analytical Theory of Science and Dialectics in The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology Theodor W. Adorno et al. pp New York Harper and Row A Review of Gadamer s Truth and Method

329 297 in F. Dallmayr and T. A. McCarthy. Understanding and Social Inquiry South Bend Notre Dame Press a. History and Evolution Telos 39 Spring pp b. Communication and the Evolution of Society Boston Beacon Press Modernity versus Postmodernity New German Critique 22 Winter pp The Theory of Communicative Action vol. 1 Reason and the Rationalization of Society Boston Beacon Press Hanson F. Allan Understanding in Philosophical Anthropology Journal of Anthropological Society Oxford 1 /2 pp The Making of the Maori Cultural Invention and Its Logic American Anthropologist 91 pp Haraway Donna Primate Vistions Gender Race and Nature in the World of Modern Science New York Routledge Harris Marvin Cultural Materialism New York Random House Hegel Ceorg W. F Renaissance Man New York Schocken Books Henry Jules Culture against Man New York Random House Herder Johann Gottfried Essay on the Origin of Language in On the Origin of Language Two Essays by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Johann Cottfried Herder - translated by John H. Moran and Alexander Gode pp New York Frederick Ungar Herskovits M. J Economic Anthropology New York Alfred A. Knopf.

330 Herzfeld Michael Anthropology through the Looking-Glass Critical Ethnography in the Margins of Europe Cambridge Cambridge University Press Hilton Rodney ed The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism London Verso Hindess Barry and Hirst Paul Q Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production London Routledge and Kegan Paul Mode of Production and Social Formation in PCMP A Reply to John Taylor Critique of Anthropology 2 /8 pp Mode of Production and Social Formation An Auto-Critique of Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production Atlantic Highlands NJ Humanities Press Hjelmslev Louis Prolegomena to a Theory of Language Madison University of Wisconsin Press Le Language une introduction Paris Editions de Minuit Hobsbawm E. J Karl Marx s Contribution to Historiography in Robin Blackburn ed. Ideology in Social Science pp New York Vintage Books Hobsbawm Eric and Ranger Terence The Invention of Tradition Cambridge Cambridge University Press Hodge Joanna Hermeneutics in Anthropology Journal of Anthropological Society Oxford 8 /2 pp Hogan John Gadamer and the Hermeneutical Experience Philosophy Today Spring pp Hollis Martin The Limits of Irrationality Archives Européennes de Sociologie 82 pp Witchcraft and Witchcraft Philosophy of Social Sciences 22 pp Hookway Christopher and Pettit Philip eds Action and Interpretation

331 299 Studies in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences Cambridge Cambridge University Press Horkheimer Max Critical Theory New York Seabury Press Horkheimer Max and Adorno Theodor W Dialectic of Enlightenment New York Seabury Press Horton Robin African Traditional Thought and Western Science in Bryan R. Wilson ed. Rationality pp New York Harper and Row a. Lévy-Bruhl Durkheim and the Scientific Revolution - in Robin Horton and Ruth Finnegan eds. Modes of Thought pp London Faber and Faber b. Paradox and Explanation A Reply to Mr. Skorupski I Philosophy of the Social Sciences 3 /3 pp c. Paradox and Explanation A Reply to Mr. Skorupski II Philosophy of the Social Sciences 3 /4 pp Horton Robin and Finnegan Ruth eds Modes of Thought Essays on Thinking in Western and Non-Western Societies London Faber and Faber Husserl Edmund The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology An Introduction to Phenomenological Philosophy 1977 translated with an introduction by David Carr. Evanston IL Northwestern University Press Cartesian Meditations An Introduction to Phenomenology The Hague Martinus Nijhoff Huyssen Andreas The Search for Tradition Avant-Garde and Postmodernism in the 1970s New German Critique 22 Winter pp Mapping the Postmodern New German Critique 22 Fall pp.5-52.

332 Foundation in Socialinguistics An Ethnographic Approach Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press Idhe Don Hermeneutic Phenomenology The Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur Evanston IL Northwestern University Press Jackson Michael Minima Ethnographic Intersubjectivity and the Anthropological Project Chicago University of Chicago Press Jameson Fredric and Miyoshi Masso eds The Cultures of Globalization Durham NC and London Duke University Press Jarvie I. C The Revolution in Anthropology Chicago Henry Regnery Company On Theories of Field Work and the Scientific Character of Anthropology Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34 /3 pp Concepts and Society London Routledge and Kegan Paul Jauss Hans Robert The Idealist Embarrassment Observations on Marxist Aesthetics New Literary History 7 /1 pp Jules-Rosette Bermetta The Veil of Objectivity Prophecy Divination and Social Inquiry American Anthropologist 80 September pp Keesing Roger Custom and Confrontation The Kwaio Struggle for Identity Chicago University of Chicago Press Kekes John Towards a Theory of Rationality Philosophy of the Social Sciences 3 /4 pp Kolakowski Leszek Althusser s Marx Socialist Register pp Kortian Garbis Metacritique The Philosophical Argument of JÜrgen Habermas Cambridge Cambridge University Press.

333 Kosik Karel The Concrete Totality Telos 4 Fall pp Kuhn Thomas The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Chicago University of Chicago Press Lakatos Imre and Musgrave Alan eds Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge London and New York Cambridge U- niversity Press Lash Scott and Urry John The End of Organized Capitalism Madison University of Wisconsin Press Lefort Claude Marx from One Vision of History to Another Social Research 45 Winter pp Leiss William The Domination of Nature Boston Beacon Press Lenhardt Christian K Rise and Fall of Transcendental Anthropology Philosophy of the Social Sciences 2 /2 pp Lévy-Strauss Claude Structural Anthropology New York Basic Books Tristes Tropiques New York A- theneum Lévy-Bruhl Lucien The Soul of the Primitive London George Allen and Unwin Linnekin Jocelyn Defining Tradition Variations on the Hawaiian Identity American Ethnologist 10 pp Cultural Invention and the Dilemma of Authenticity American Anthropologist 93 pp On the Theory and Politics of Cultural Construction in the Pacific Oceania 62 pp Llobera Josep R Epistemology The End of an Illusion

334 302 Critique of Anthropology 3 /12 pp Löwith Karl Meaning in History Chicago University of Chicago Press Lukács Georg History and Class Consciousness Cambridge MA MIT Press The Theory of the Novel Cambridge MA MIT Press Lukes Steven Methodological Individualism Reconsidered in Dorothy Emmer and Alasdair Maclntyre eds. Social Theory and Philosophical Analysis New York Macmillan Some Problems about Rationality in Bryan R. Wilson ed. Rationality pp New York Harper and Row On the Social Determination of Truth in Robin Horton and Ruth Finnegan eds. Modes of Thought pp London Faber and Faber Lyotard Jean-Fran ois The Postmodern Condition A Report on Knowledge 1992 Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press MacIntyre Alasdair. 1971a. Is Understanding Religion Compatible with Believing in Bryan R. Wilson ed. Rationality pp New York Harper and Row b. The Idea of a Social Science in Bryan R. Wilson ed. Rationaloty pp New York Harper and Row MacPherson C. B The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism Hobbes to Locke London and New York Oxford University Press Malinowski Bronislaw Argonauts of the Western Pacific New York E. P. Dutton Marcus George E Ethnography through Thick and Thin Princeton Princeton University Press Marcus George E. and Fischer Michael M. J Anthropology as Cultural Critique Chicago University of Chica-

335 303 go Press Marcuse Herbert One Dimensional Man Boston Beacon Press Marwick M. G How Real is the Charmed Circle in African and Western Thought Africa 42 /1 pp Marx Karl The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 New York International Publishers Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations New York International Publishers a. Capital vol 1. New York International Publishers b. On the Jewish Question in Lloyd D. Easton and Kurt H. Cuddat eds. Writings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and Society pp New York Anchor Books Grundrisse New York Ran- dom House Marx Karl and Engels Frederick The German Ideology New York International Publishers Masterman Margaret The Nature of a Paradigm in Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrave eds. Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge pp London and New York Cambridge University Press Mead Margaret Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies New York New American Library Meillassoux Claude Essai d interpretation du phénomène économique dans les sociétés traditionelles Cahiers d études Africanes Anthropologie économique dés Gouro de Côte d Ivoire The Hague Mouton Introduction in Clasude Meillassoux ed. Development of Indigenous Trade and Markets in West Africa

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