二 一 年五月. M a y 環球投資分析 Global Investment Update 環球市場展望美國 : 經濟數據利好市場氣氛歐洲 : 投資氣氛陰霾未定日本 : 主要受出口表現影響中國 : 宏調措施減輕泡沫化現象投資專題中國 / 香港投資策略 更多政策出台? 外匯市場速遞歐

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1 二 一 年五月. M a y 環球投資分析 Global Investment Update 環球市場展望美國 : 經濟數據利好市場氣氛歐洲 : 投資氣氛陰霾未定日本 : 主要受出口表現影響中國 : 宏調措施減輕泡沫化現象投資專題中國 / 香港投資策略 更多政策出台? 外匯市場速遞歐元 英鎊 日元及澳元回顧與展望

2 環球市場展望 Global Market Outlook 美國 耐用品報告反映美國製造業正復甦中 第一季耐用品訂單按年增長 11%, 為近四年來最大增幅 另一方面, 美國消費者開支的數據亦令人鼓舞, 輕型車輛銷售數字於 3 月達致按年率計 11,800,000 輛的水平, 為自 2008 年 9 月以來最大幅度的反彈 美國供應管理協會指數 (ISM index) 顯示製造業持續轉強, 而存貨及出口指數亦達 20 多年來的最高水平 職位增長趨於穩定, 並可能於未來數月保持趨勢 3 月份非農業新增職位增加 162,000 個, 與上月比較, 職位增長上調 62,000 個 家庭調查繼續顯示復甦跡象, 失業率於過去三個月下跌約 0.2%, 跌幅反映職位增長的步伐較同期平均增長 54,000 個為高 就業市場數據轉強, 有可能使聯邦公開市場委員會在下月的議息會議上, 至少考慮改變其 維持低息一段長時間 的論調 US The durable goods report highlighted the recovery of the goods sector. The household survey continued to give a signs of recovery with the unemployment rate falling about 0.2% over the past three months, a pace of decline that suggests a stronger pace of job growth than the 54k average gain in payrolls over this period. 歐洲 歐元區經濟的悲觀氣氛持續 主權債務危機 內部需求疲弱 投資前景黯淡, 都可能窒礙歐元區經濟復甦步伐 另一方面, 歐元區數據顯示, 疲弱的官方數據與較正面的調查指標存在分歧 官方數據反映下降的歐元區工業訂單 法國家庭製成品消耗及意大利零售銷售額均令人感到意外 另一方面, 商業信心調查 ( 即採購經理指數及 Ifo) 則上揚 儘管經濟數據顯示經濟前景向好, 但歐元區在經濟結構上仍然可能面對三大挑戰 : 一 ) 產品質素及價格的競爭力, 二 ) 私人企業 去槓桿化, 三 ) 政府償付能力 當歐元區國家努力應對這些挑戰, 可能導致同時出現名義本地生產總值增長疲弱及低利率環境的狀況 Europe Euro area data have highlighted the divergence between the relatively downbeat official data and the more positive survey indicators. Surprising data reported on declines in Euro area industrial orders, F r e n c h h o u s e h o l d c o n s u m p t i o n o f manufactured goods, and Italian retail sales. On the other hand, surveys of business confidence (ie. PMIs and Ifo) had trended higher. 日本 日本的國民消費物價指數 ( 核心 ) 於 1 月下跌 1.3% 後, 於 2 月按年續跌 1.2%, 跌幅與彭博的中位數預測相符 由此可見, 核心消費物價指數通縮於 2009 年 8 月跌至按年 % 的谷底後, 已持續紓緩 日本消費物價指數將繼續受三項主要因素影響 : 一 ) 產出缺口及通脹預期, 二 ) 日本貿易條件可能惡化, 及三 ) 2010 年的財政預算 Japan Japan core CPI deflation has continued to ease since hitting bottom at -2.4% YoY in August Three main factors remain affecting the CPI for Japan would be 1) the output gap and inflation expectations, 2) potential deterioration in Japan s terms of trade, and 3) 2010 s fiscal budget. 2 環球投資分析 資料來源 Sources: Bloomberg LP

3 投資專題 Investment Feature 中國 / 香港投資策略 更多政策出台? 自年初以來, 中國當局收緊政策, 但毋損經濟增長勢頭 由於即將公布的數據將進一步為收緊政策帶來支持, 我們認為中國政府會繼續進行調控政策, 但預期政策對投資者情緒影響將會減輕 中國 : 市場緊張氣氛或開始放緩中國宣布今年首季 GDP 增長達 11.9%(2009 年第四季增長 10.7%), 增幅令分析員感到意外 隨企業盈利前景改善, 加上中國逐步收緊政策, 反映中國經濟的增長步伐仍然強勁 為壓抑市場的放貸活動, 中國當局於第一季落實兩次調高法定儲備金率, 而並沒有加息, 以達致將銀行貸款額由 2009 年的人民幣 9.6 萬億元, 降至 2010 年的人民幣 7.5 萬億元的目標 此外, 當局可能會落實利民政策, 主要分兩方面 : 一 ) 訂立提高國民福利的目標, 特別是有關改善農村地區財富分配的政策 二 ) 保持農業的高度生產力, 長遠紓緩食品價格上漲的風險 中國 面對貨幣操控的指責, 中國面臨重估人民幣的重大壓力, 但公布的數據反映並無重估人民幣的迫切需要 中國人民銀行表示, 中國的內外經濟及財政狀況正處於極端複雜的情況 由於問題顯著, 或須調整現時的增長模式以減少依賴出口 有關的正反數據參半, 利好因素包括刺激採購經理指數上升 使外匯儲備創紀錄等, 而負面因素則包括出現貿易赤字及導致外國直接投資放緩 中國的貿易順差已持續收窄, 由 2009 年 10 月的 240 億美元下跌至今年 2 月的 76 億美元, 其後貿易差額再下跌至 億美元, 達到逆差水平 隨著貿易順差由 2008 年的 2,970 億美元下跌至 2009 年的 1,960 億美元, 經常帳盈餘已顯著減少, 由 2007 年及 2008 年分別佔本地生產總值的 11% 及 9.4%, 收窄至 2009 年的 5.8% China Amid heightened pressure on China being named a currency manipulator on CNY s revaluation need, reported data suggested revaluation may not be imperious. China s economy is facing some prominent problems and may need to transform the current growth model to reduce reliance on exports. 香港 : 大量流動資金帶動經濟復甦經歷 2008 年金融海嘯, 香港 GDP 已於 2009 年第四季回復按季正增長, 增幅為 2.8%, 更值得令人鼓舞的是失業率連續 7 個月下跌, 回落至今年 3 月的 4.4% 資金成本( 香港銀行同業隔夜拆息率 ) 創下歷史低位 流動資金 (M2) 充裕, 加上財政儲備增加, 均利好股市 行業股概況按過去 3 個月平均計算, 中國零售業銷售額增長強勁, 達 18% 以上 與去年同期比較, 增幅為 3.1%, 令市場感到意外 利率低企 就業市場改善, 加上通脹預期溫和, 消費行業的強勁增長或會持續至 2010 年整年 隨著全球經濟持續改善, 在消費市場前景向好及有機會提價下, 高消費品行業可望於 2010 年第二季可望造好 然而, 邊際利潤萎縮 投資需求減弱, 加上產能過剩, 均利淡基建類股份 China / HK Investment Strategy More Policies Ahead? Since the start of the year, China s economic continues to point higher together with policies tightening. We believe policy controls will remain while it should affect less on investor sentiment as up coming data would provide supports for further tightening needs. China: Cautious of market sentiment may start to see relief During 1Q, China s GDP growth had surprised market analysts by announcing growth rate at 11.9% (as compared to Q at 10.7%). Improving corporate earnings outlook and policy tightening progressively suggest China s economic growth remains above pace. Instead of raising interest rates, China had increased required reserve ratio (RRR) twice during 1Q in attempt to reduce lending in the market. This aimed to reduce bank lending from RMB 9.6 trillion in 2009 to RMB 7.5 trillion in Furthermore, public-welfare-supportive policies may be seen in 2 areas. 1) Targeting to uplift public welfare may start to be seen, especially in the potential support to facilitate better distribution of wealth in the rural area. 2) Maintaining a high productivity in the agricultural industry which could lower the risk of food price inflation problem in the long term. HK: recovery under way with massive liquidity After the financial tsunami in 2008, HK s GDP (QoQ) growth is back at a positive growth of 2.8% as reported for Q while more encouragement is shown from the consecutive 7 months fall of unemployment rate to 4.4% reported in March this year. The combination of historically low cost of fund (overnight HIBOR), abundant liquidity (illustrated by M2 value) and an increasing fiscal reserve creates an environment which may be supportive of the equity market. Sector watch Over the past 3 months average, China s retail sales growth is growing at a strong momentum of above 18%. It has surprised the market by its growth rate of 3.1% as compared to the same period in Strong consumption growth may extend throughout 2010 with a combination of low interest rate, improving employment market, and moderate inflation expectation. With the global economy continuous to improve, the consumer discretionary sector may outperform in 2Q10 foster by progressing outlook in consumer sentiment and opportunity to raise prices. However, in the infrastructure sector, dwindling of profit margin, decreasing investment demand, and excessive capacity may be unfavorable for the sector. 3 G l o b a l I n v e s t m e n t U p d a t e

4 基金指南 Mutual Funds Guide 環球債券 股票及均衡基金 Global Bond, Equity & Balanced Funds 貨幣 美元百萬 1 年 3 年 5 年 3 年 3 年 整體 基金名稱 / 類別 Fund Name/ Sector Currency million 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 3 Years 3 Years Overall 環球債券 Global Bond 鄧普頓環球總收益基金 Templeton Global Total Return $1, Leader Leader 天達環球策略基金 - 環球策略收益基金 $ Leader Leader Investec GSF Global Strategic Income 鄧普頓環球債券基金 Templeton Global Bond $6, Leader Leader $ 環球高息債券 Global High Yield Bond 聯博 - 環球高收益基金 $11, Leader Leader AllianceBernstein - Global High Yield Portfolio 景順策略債券基金 Invesco Global High Income $ Leader 4 $1, 環球股票 Global Equity 天達環球策略基金 - 環球動力基金 Investec GSF Global Dynamic $ 匯豐增長管理基金 HSBC Managed Growth Fund HKD $ Leader Leader $ 環球股票 小型公司 Global Equity Smaller Companies 景順環球企業基金 Invesco Global Small Cap Equity $ 貝萊德全球基金 - 環球小型企業基金 BGF Global SmallCap Fund $ Leader Leader $ 環球均衡 Global Balanced 首域亞洲鐵橋基金 First State Asian Bridge $ 德盛東方入息基金 Allianz RCM Oriental Income $ 貝萊德全球基金 - 環球資產配置基金 BGF Global Allocation Fund $6, Leader Leader $ 地區債券基金 Reg 貨幣基金名稱 / 類別 Fund Name/ Sector Currency 美元債券 Bond 聯博 - 美元收益基金 AllianceBernstein - American Income Portfolio PIMCO 總回報債券基金 PIMCO GIS Total Return Bond 美元高息債券 High Yield Bond 富達基金 - 美元高收益基金 Fidelity Funds - US High Yield 貝萊德全球基金 - 美國高孳息 / 收益債券基金 BGF US Dollar High Yield Bond Fund 歐洲債券 European Bond 聯博 歐洲收益基金 AllianceBernstein - European Income Portfolio 景順歐洲債券基金 Invesco European Bond 亞太債券 Asia Pacific Bond 富達亞洲高收益基金 Fidelity Funds - Asian High Yield 貝萊德全球基金 - 亞洲老虎債券基金 BGF Asian Tiger Bond Fund 鄧普頓亞洲債券基 Templeton Asian Bond 金 新興市場債券 Emerging Market Bond 鄧普頓新興市場債券基金 Templeton Emerging Markets Bond 匯豐環球投資基金 - 新興市場債券基金 HSBC GIF Global Emerging Markets Bond 4 環球投資分析 地區股票基金 Regional Equity Funds 貨幣 美元百萬 1 年 3 年 5 年 3 年 3 年 整體 基金名稱 / 類別 Fund Name/ Sector Currency million 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 3 Years 3 Years Overall 歐洲股票 European Equity 富達基金 - 歐洲動力增長基金 $ Leader Leader Fidelity Funds - European Dynamic Growth 貝萊德全球基金 - 歐洲增長型基金 BGF European Growth Fund $ Leader Leader 貝萊德全球基金 - 歐洲基金 BGF European Fund $2, Leader Leader $ 歐洲股票 小型公司 European Equity Smaller Companies 景順歐洲大陸企業基金 $ Invesco Continental European Small Cap Equity 富達歐洲小型公司基金 $ Fidelity Funds - European Smaller Companies $ 亞太股票 Asia Pacific Equity 景順太平洋基金 Invesco Pacific Equity $ Leader 4 JF 太平洋證券基金 JF Pacific Securities Fund $ Leader Leader $ 亞太股票 ( 不包括日本 ) Asia Pacific Equity (Excl. Japan) 惠理高息股票基金 Value Partners High-Dividend Stocks Fund $ Leader Leader 鄧普頓亞洲增長基金 Templeton Asian Growth $2, Leader Leader 富達基金 - 東協基金 Fidelity Funds - ASEAN $ $ 亞太股票 小型公司 Asia Pacific Equity Smaller Companies 匯豐環球投資基金 - 亞洲小型公司股票基金 ( 日本除外 ) $ HSBC GIF Asia ex Japan Equity Smaller Companies 德盛小龍基金 Allianz RCM Little Dragons $ $ 環球新興市場股票 Global Emerging Market Equity 貝萊德全球基金 - 新興市場基金 BGF Emerging Markets Fund $ 霸菱全球新興市場基金 Baring Global Emerging Markets $1, Leader Leader $ 資料來源 :Lipper, 截至 2010 年 4 月 30 日, 以期內每股買入價折合美元計算, 收益再作投資 Sources: Lipper, as of 2/26/2010, percentage return, bid to bid, gross income reinvested. 於同一組別中, 一年最佳表現基金 The best one year performance fund, relative to peer. 主題及對沖基金 Them 貨幣基金名稱 / 類別 Fund Name/ Sector Currency 資訊科技 Information Technology JF 太平洋科技基金 JF Pacific Technology Fund 富達基金 - 科技基金 Fidelity Funds - Global Technology 天然資源 Natural Resources 貝萊德全球基金 - 世界礦業基金 BGF World Mining Fund 摩根富林明環球天然資源基金 JPM Global Natural Resources Fund 健康護理 Healthcare 富達基金 - 環球健康護理基金 Fidelity Funds - Global Health Care 貝萊德全球基金 - 世界健康科學基金 BGF World Healthscience Fund 金融服務 Financial Services 富達基金 - 環球金融服務基金 Fidelity Funds - Global Financial Services 貝萊德全球基金 - 世界金融基金 BGF World Financials Fund 其他 Others 貝萊德全球基金 - 世界黃金基金 BGF World Gold Fund No Ranking 對沖及管理期貨基金 Hedge and Managed Futures Man AHL Diversified Futures Ltd No Ranking 風險 : 低度 Risk Level: Low

5 ional Bond Funds 美元百萬 1 年 3 年 5 年 3 年 3 年 整體 million 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 3 Years 3 Years Overall $4, $3, Leader Leader $ $1, Leader Leader $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Leader Leader $ $1, Leader Leader $ $ e & Hedge Funds 美元百萬 1 年 3 年 5 年 3 年 3 年 整體 million 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 3 Years 3 Years Overall $ Leader Leader $ $ $12, Leader Leader $ $ $ $ Leader Leader $ $ Leader $ $ 單一國家基金 Single Country Funds 貨幣 美元百萬 1 年 3 年 5 年 3 年 3 年 整體 基金名稱 / 類別 Fund Name/ Sector Currency million 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 3 Years 3 Years Overall 美國股票 American Equity 富達基金 - 美國基金 Fidelity Funds - America $1, Leader 富蘭克林美國機會基金 Franklin US Opportunities $ Leader Leader $ 美國股票 小型公司 American Equity Smaller Companies 貝萊德全球基金 - 美國中小型企業特別時機基金 $ BGF US Small & MidCap Opportunities Fund 施羅德環球基金系列 - 美國小型公司基金 $ Schroder ISF US Smaller Companies $ 日本股票 Japan Equity 景順日本動力基金 Invesco Japanese Equity Core $ Leader Leader 富達基金 - 日本領先基金 Fidelity Funds - Japan Advantage JPY $ Leader Leader $ 大中華股票 Greater China Equity 惠理價值基金 Value Partners Classic Fund $ Leader Leader 首域大中華增長基金 First State Greater China Growth $ Leader Leader 霸菱香港中國基金 Baring Hong Kong China $4, Leader $ 中國股票 China Equity 首域中國增長基金 First State China Growth $3, Leader Leader 惠理中華匯聚基金 $ Leader Leader Value Partners Intelligent - China Convergence $ 香港股票 Hong Kong Equity 首域香港增長基金 First State Hong Kong Growth $ 施羅德環球基金系列 - 香港股票基金 HKD $ Schroder ISF Hong Kong Equity 德盛香港基金 Allianz RCM Hong Kong $ Leader 4 $ 台灣股票 Taiwan Equity 施羅德環球基金系列 - 台灣股票基金 $ Schroder ISF Taiwanese Equity 富達基金 - 台灣基金 Fidelity Funds - Taiwan $ $ 韓國股票 Korea Equity 景順韓國基金 Invesco Korean Equity $ Leader 4 JF 南韓基金 JF Korea Fund $ Leader Leader $ 泰國股票 Thailand Equity JF 泰國基金 JF Thailand Fund $ Leader Leader 富達基金 - 泰國基金 Fidelity Funds - Thailand $ Leader 4 $ 印度股票 India Equity 匯豐環球投資基金 - 印度股票基金 HSBC GIF Indian Equity $6, Leader 首域印度次大陸基金 First State Indian Subcontinent $ Leader 4 $ 新加坡股票 Singapore Equity JF 新加坡基金 JF Singapore Fund $ 富達基金 - 新加坡基金 Fidelity Funds - Singapore $ Leader Leader $ $5, $1, 風險 : 中度 Risk Level: Medium 風險 : 高度 Risk Level: High Lipper 基金評級 :Lipper 基金評級每月更新一次, 並根據三年的穩定回報 保本能力及總回報所得的數值計算每隻基金等權平均數, 繼而將同類基金以百分位數排名 於同一組別中, 領先的 20% 基金在總體回報上被授予 Lipper Leaders 稱號, 之後的 20% 為 2 級 中間的 20% 為 3 級, 再之後的 20% 為 4 級, 最後的 20% 為 5 級 Lipper 基金評級不可預測基金表現, 而且 Lipper 並不保證資訊的準確性 查詢詳情, 請瀏覽 Lipper Ratings: The Lipper ratings are subject to change every month and are based on an equal-weighted average of percentile ranks for Consistent Return, Preservation, and Total Return metrics over three-year periods. The highest 20% of funds in each peer group are named Lipper Leaders, the next 20% receive a score of 2, the middle 20% are scored 3, the next 20% are scored 4, and the lowest 20% are scored 5. Lipper ratings are not intended to predict future results, and Lipper does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. More information is available at 夏普比率是用來衡量基金調整風險後的表現之比率 它以標準差及超額回報率計算每一分風險所得到的報酬補償 夏普比率愈高, 代表基金在歷史風險調整後的回報表現愈高 Sharpe ratio is a ratio to measure mutual fund s risk-adjusted performance. It is calculated using standard deviation and excess return to determine reward per unit of risk. The higher the Sharpe ratio, the better the fund s historical risk-adjusted performance. 5 G l o b a l I n v e s t m e n t U p d a t e

6 外匯市場速遞 Foreign Currency Snapshot 歐元 O 希臘已正式向歐盟和國際貨幣基金組織尋求財政援助, 但形勢仍未見明朗, 而市場預期若情況持續, 歐元表現將持續受壓 市場認為希臘可望於 5 月 19 日前獲得首批貸款 歐盟何時同意向希臘伸出援手, 將部分取決於德國總理默克爾能否迅速獲得德國國會通過貸款方案 希臘債務評級已被信貸評級機構調低 雖然啟動財政援助方案將有助稍為回穩希臘的財政狀況, 但希臘仍然需要國際社會數以千億歐元計的資金 此外, 由於希臘的財務問題極有可能蔓延至其他深受債務問題困擾的歐洲國家, 故歐元在未來數月仍會繼續下試多月新低 歐元區 2 月的工業訂單按月升 1.5%, 按年升 12.2%, 而德國 4 月的 Ifo 商業景氣指數 (Ifo Business Climate Index) 則由 98.2 升至 101.6, 而法國 3 月的消費開支, 按月升 1.2%, 按年升 2.5% Greece officially requested financial assistance from European Union and the International Monetary Fund while situation remains ambiguous, market speculates that this enduring environment could continue to suppress the performance of the currency. Greece debt ratings were downgraded by credit rating agencies. The activation of the financial assistance package for Greece will provide the country with a little bit of financial stability but Greece will require well in excess of 100 billion in aid from the international community. Euro zone s February Industrial New Orders were up 1.5% MoM and 12.2% YoY together with German s April Ifo Business Climate Index had risen from 98.2 to French s March consumer spending was up 1.2% MoM and 2.5% YoY. 英磅 GBP 英國大選及新首相能否籌組有效政府等不明朗因素, 將左右英鎊走勢, 其影響可能打擊英國進行財政措施的方向, 並對英國信貸評級前景構成負面影響 另一方面, 英國公布第一季本地生產總值 (GDP) 按季升 0.2%, 稍遜預期 ; 按年則下跌 0.3%, 較預期為佳 英國央行於 3 月 4 日及 4 月 8 日繼續將政策利率維持在 0.5% 的低位, 符合市場預期 在 5 月 6 日舉行的大選中, 首相白高敦很有可能會指上述數據顯示英國經濟正在復甦, 但反對黨卻很可能將之解讀成經濟增長仍然疲弱及易受影響 不少政治學者認為, 大選會帶來一個沒有多數黨的國會 Election risks and the possibility to form a workable government are the focus for GBP. The result of these threats are the potential of jeopardizing fiscal adjustment needs and post hazard to the UK s credit rating outlook. BoE continue to maintain a low policy rate at 0.5% as decided on March 4 and April 8. Many political pundits believe the contest will result in a hung Parliament. 日元 JPY 6 環球投資分析 資料來源 Sources: Bloomberg LP 與主要貨幣比較, 日元匯價續創新低 另一方面, 過去三個月的美元兌日元匯價徘徊在 88 至 94 之間 美國經濟復甦的跡象日益明顯, 美元兌日元匯率不斷攀升 鑑於通脹持續低企, 日本央行於 3 月 17 日及 4 月 7 日決定維持息率不變 政府官員再次強調, 他們將以保持平穩通脹而使經濟得以穩步增長為主要目標 同時, 日本央行行長白川方明表示, 貿易問題不應以匯率控制來解決 日本 2 月的工業生產指數按月跌 2.3%, 扭轉 1 月份的 3.4% 修訂升幅 The Japanese Yen continued to set new lows against key counterparts. On the other side, the /JPY had been trading between 88 to 94 in the past 3 months against the U.S. dollar. The JPY & pair continued to rise as there are increasing signs the U.S. economic recovery is taking root. Government officials had emphasized again that a steady inflation shall be their key target to achieve in order to accommodate a stable economic growth. Also, the Bank of Japan Governor Shirakawa said exchange rates should not be utilized to resolve trade issues. Data released in Japan that the February All-Industry Activity Index declined 2.3% MoM, a reversal from the upwardly revised +3.4% climb in January.

7 澳元澳洲央行收緊利率政策, 將利率調高 0.5%( 於 3 月 2 日及 4 月 6 日各自調高 0.25%), 由 3.75% 提高至 4.25%, 使澳元受到支持上升 儘管最近公布的數據反映市道輕微回軟, 在加息聲明中, 澳洲央行表示繼續看好全球經濟復甦有利國內商業活動維持增長 現時政府利率及市場貸款息率同時仍低於長期平均水平, 未來利率仍有空間作進一步正常化調整 於 4 月 6 日, 根據市場分析員的中位數預測, 澳洲央行有機會於年底前將利率調高至 5.00% AUD AUD has jumped following the interest rate tightening by the RBA, in which they raised the key policy rate by 0.5% (0.25% raise on both March 2 and April 6) from 3.75% to 4.25%. In the accompanying statement, the RBA expressed continued optimism on the global recovery and offered a firm assessment of domestic activity despite recent slowdown in reported data such as the weaker-than anticipated retail sales. With both policy and market interest rates still below long term averages, further normalization maybe in store. As of April 6, median market analyst forecasts suggested RBA could potentially raise rate to 5.00% by the end of this year.

8 客戶聯絡 CONTACT US 電話銀行 服務 Tel: (852) Bank By Phone 網址 WEB SITE 分行 BRANCHES 港島 HONG KONG 中環 Central Tel: (852) 中環德輔道中 Tel: (852) Central Des Voeux Road 西環 Sai Wan Tel: (852) 西營盤 Sai Ying Pun Tel: (852) 銅鑼灣渣甸街 Tel: (852) Causeway Bay Jardine s Bazaar 銅鑼灣廣場 Tel: (852) Causeway Bay Plaza 跑馬地 Happy Valley Tel: (852) 灣仔軒尼詩道 Tel: (852) Wanchai Hennessy Road 灣仔皇后大道東 Tel: (852) Wanchai Queen s Road East 灣仔鷹君中心 Tel: (852) Wanchai Great Eagle Centre 北角 North Point Tel: (852) 鰂魚涌 Quarry Bay Tel: (852) 香港仔 Aberdeen Tel: (852) 筲箕灣 Shau Kei Wan Tel: (852) 上環德輔道中 Tel: (852) Sheung Wan Des Voeux Road 九龍 KOWLOON 尖沙咀堪富利士道 Tel: (852) Tsimshatsui Humphreys Avenue 尖沙咀廣東道 Tel: (852) Tsimshatsui Canton Road 旺角彌敦道 Tel: (852) Mongkok Nathan Road 旺角聯合廣場 Tel: (852) Mongkok Allied Plaza 大角咀奧海城 Tel: (852) Tai Kok Tsui Olympian City 長沙灣 Cheung Sha Wan Tel: (852) 紅磡黄埔 Hunghom Whampoa Tel: (852) 紅磡馬頭圍道 Tel: (852) Hunghom Ma Tau Wai Road 油麻地 Yaumati Tel: (852) 觀塘 Kwun Tong Tel: (852) 美孚 Mei Foo Tel: (852) 佐敦 Jordan Tel: (852) 新界 NEW TERRITORIES 荃灣 Tsuen Wan Tel: (852) 沙田廣場 Shatin Plaza Tel: (852) 馬鞍山 Ma On Shan Tel: (852) 將軍澳 Tseung Kwan O Tel: (852) 屯門 Tuen Mun Tel: (852) 元朗 Yuen Long Tel: (852) 上水 Sheung Shui Tel: (852) 火炭 Fo Tan Tel: (852) 大埔 Tai Po Tel: (852) 本文所載之資料 ( 事實陳述除外 ) 全部取自中國建設銀行 ( 亞洲 )( 本行 ) 認為可靠之來源, 但本行並不保證資料乃準確及完整 本文所載之意見乃善意提供, 如有更改恕不另行通知 投資者不應以本文內容作為釐定個別市場是否適合投資的指引 本指南亦非投資要約 任何人士如有意投資於本文所載的市場, 應諮詢專業顧問意見 基金的過去表現, 並不一定反映或保証其將來的表現, 而基金投資價格可升可跌, 因此有可能令您損失部份或全部投資本金 基金並非銀行存款, 而本行或任何其附屬機構並不承擔或擔保該投資所構成的任何責任, 雖然本行並不會就上述基金投資服務收取任何費用, 惟於適當範圍內本行可從基金經理獲取佣金 投資者應參閱有關基金之銷售文件以進一步瞭解投資基金的風險 此乃涉及金融衍生工具的結構性產品 投資決定是由閣下自行作出的, 但閣下不應投資在該基金, 除非中介人於銷售該產品時已向閣下解釋經考慮閣下的財務情況 投資經驗及目標後, 該產品是適合閣下的 載本文之日, 本行可能以以下身份持有本行在本文中所推薦之基金或股票 :(1) 做為其客戶的代名人或托管人, 及 / 或 (2) 做為抵押權人, 持有為本行信貸而提供的基金或股票抵押品 外滙買賣的投資及存入保證金作槓桿式買賣牽涉重大風險 有關風險的描述, 請參閱本產品的特定文件 外匯掛鈎存款的回報限於應付的利息面值, 而該利息將在某程度上受若干指定貨幣的匯率的變動影響 雖然獲得的回報可能會比傳統定期存款為高, 但一般都承受較高的風險 當貨幣匯率的浮動與客戶的預期有所不同時, 客戶可能需承擔所帶來的損失 此產品不是受保障的存款及並不列入香港存款保障計劃的保障範圍 此乃投資產品 投資決定是由閣下自行作出的, 但閣下不應投資在該外幣掛鈎存款, 除非中介人於銷售該產品時已向閣下解釋經考慮閣下的財務情況 投資經驗及目標後, 該產品是適合閣下的 若您不願意被列入本行及 / 或本行關聯公司之郵寄名單內, 獲取本行及 / 或本行關聯公司之有關資料 最新服務 產品 優惠及 / 或其他有用資料, 請以書面致函 ( 寄香港中央郵箱 133 號 ) 或傳真 ( 傳真號碼 : ) 通知本行 The information contained in this newsletter, other than statements of fact, was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy of completeness cannot be guaranteed. Any opinions expressed herein are given in good faith but are also subject to change without notice. Nothing contained in this newsletter should be constructed as guidance to the suitability of the markets mentioned, neither is it intended as an offer to invest, therefore you are encouraged to consult your own independent financial advisors before making any investment decision. The past performance of a fund is not a guide to its future performance and yields are not guaranteed. The value of an investment can go down as well as up and you could lose some or all of the principal amount invested. Funds are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by the Bank or any of its affiliates. Although the Bank does not charge a fee for providing the mutual funds advisory services described above, it will normally be paid a commission by the fund managers. For the risks involved in investing in mutual funds, investors should refer to the prospectus of the relevant funds. This is a structured product involving derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the Fund unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. As at the date of this document, the Bank may hold funds or securities that it recommends in this newsletter (1) as nominee or custodian for its customers, and/or (2) as chargee/security interest holder in relation to financial accomodations granted to its customers secured by such funds or securities. Investment in foreign exchange and the use of leverage for margin involves significant risk. For a description of these risks, please refer to the specific documentation for this product. The return on FX Linked Deposits is limited to the nominal interest payable, which will be dependent, to at least some extent, on movements in some specified currency exchange rate. Whilst the possible return may be higher than conventional time deposits, it is normally associated with higher risks. When the fluctuation of the currency exchange rates differs from what the Customer expected, the Customer may have to bear the consequential loss. Note that this product is not a protected deposit and is not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong. This is an investment product. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the FX Linked Deposit unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. If you do not wish to receive from us and/or our affiliates information in relation to ourselves and/or our affiliates, new services, products, special offers we and/or our affiliates provide and/or other useful information, please inform us in writing via mail (G.P.O. Box 133, Hong Kong) or fax (Fax no.: ). 05/10-SDHK

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