Shredded Meat with Vegetables Main Ingredients: Chicken from soup (Or other meat) Leftover carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, mixed bell peppers (Or other l

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1 七彩肉絲 主要材料 : 雞肉湯渣 ( 或其他剩肉 ) 剩菜紅蘿蔔 青瓜 番茄 三色椒 ( 或其他剩菜 番茄皮可切成條狀, 卷成玫瑰花形狀作伴碟之用 ) 其他材料 : 蒜頭 薑 洋蔥 油 米酒 鹽 糖 芡汁 : 生粉 鹽 糖 生抽 ( 以上材料按人數及喜好自行分配 ) 1. 將雞肉切絲, 備用 2. 將所有剩菜切片, 備用 3. 將生粉 鹽 糖 生抽混合, 調成 1 個芡汁, 備用 4. 將鍋預熱放油, 加入蒜頭 薑及雞絲爆香, 盛在盤裡 5. 將鍋預熱放油, 加入洋蔥及紅蘿蔔爆香,1 分鐘後, 再放入雞絲及其他剩菜, 繼續炒 6. 加入米酒 鹽 糖及芡汁 炒約 1 分鐘即成

2 Shredded Meat with Vegetables Main Ingredients: Chicken from soup (Or other meat) Leftover carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, mixed bell peppers (Or other leftover vegetables. Also you may make a rose flower with tomato skin for garnish.) Other Ingredients: Garlic, ginger, onion, oil, rice wine, salt, sugar Sauce: Corn flour, salt, sugar, soy sauce (The ingredients above can be adjusted according to preference and number of diners.) Method: 1. Cut the chicken into fine shreds for later use. 2. Slice all the leftover vegetables for later use. 3. Mix corn flour, salt, sugar and soy sauce to make a thick sauce for later use. 4. Heat up wok with oil, add garlic, ginger and shredded meat. Set aside. 5. Heat up wok with oil, stir fry the onions and carrots for 1 minute, and then add shredded meat and remaining vegetables. 6. Add rice wine, salt and sugar, and then pour in the sauce. Stir fry for another minute.

3 心心相印 主要材料 : 油雞心 ( 廚餘 ) 洋蔥條 ( 廚餘 ) 蒜蓉 ( 廚餘 ) 薑蓉 ( 廚餘 ) 蛋白 ( 廚餘 ) 蔥花 ( 廚餘 ) 牛肉火鍋汁 10cc 200g 30g 5g 5g 2 隻 2g 40cc 1. 將中華鑊燒熱, 加入油 2. 加入雞心, 炒至全熟 3. 再加入洋蔥條 蒜蓉 薑蓉爆香 4. 淋上牛肉火鍋汁, 炒至均匀 5. 淋上已拂匀蛋白, 煮 15 秒 6. 上碟, 灑上蔥花即成

4 五香豬肉鬆 主要材料 : 煲湯剩餘瘦肉 400 克 其他材料 : 熟白芝麻 海苔絲 少許 少許 調味料 : 五香粉米酒生抽蠔油麻油魚露黃糖鹽 2 茶匙 ¾ 湯匙 1 湯匙 2 茶匙 1 茶匙 2 茶匙 2 茶匙少許 1. 把煲湯剩餘的瘦肉切塊 ( 約 2 厘米厚 ) 2. 將豬肉塊放入保鮮袋, 稍微拍鬆再壓扁 3. 取出豬肉塊, 用手撕成幼絲 4. 把所有調味料和豬肉絲拌勻, 醃一晚 5. 把醃好的豬肉絲放入炒鍋中 ( 不需加油 ), 用中小火不斷翻炒, 直至豬肉絲變乾和呈現金黃色 6. 收火前, 根據個人口味加入熟白芝麻或海苔絲拌勻即可

5 5-spiced Pork Floss Main Ingredient: Pork from Soup 400g Other Ingredients: Cooked White Sesame Seeds Seaweed Strips Small amount Small amount Seasonings: 5-spice Powder Rice Wine Soy Sauce Oyster Sauce Sesame Oil Fish Sauce Brown Sugar Salt 2 tsps ¾ tbsp 1 tbsp 2 tsps 1 tsp 2 tsps 2 tsps a pinch Method: 1. Slice the pork into pieces to 2cm thickness. 2. Place the pork slices into a storage bag and pound it with the back of a chopper. 3. Take out the pork from the storage bag and tear it finely. 4. Mix all seasoning ingredients into the pork and marinate overnight. 5. Place the marinated pork into a frying pan without oil. With low-to-medium heat, keep tossing the pork strips until they turned dry and golden. 6. Add sesame seeds and seaweed strips. Stir it before turning heat off.

6 冬瓜水 (5 人份 ) 主要材料 : 栗米芯 冬瓜 ( 連皮 ) 1 串 2 斤 其他材料 : 生薏米 2 兩 龍眼肉 30 粒 果皮 1 塊 1. 把生薏米用水浸 2 小時 2. 冬瓜洗淨後, 連皮切大塊 3. 把所有其他材料放入煲中, 加大約 20 碗水, 開大火煲至沸騰 4. 轉小火煲 1 至 1.5 小時

7 西瓜皮泡菜 西瓜正是暑熱天氣的最佳消暑水果 但每次吃完西瓜肉之後便會把瓜皮掉棄 其實我們只要略為加工, 就可變成另一道美食! 以下就為大家介紹一道簡單不過的菜式! 其他材料:西瓜皮適量幼鹽適量蒜頭 2 粒 1. 西瓜皮切去深綠色部份, 只用白色瓜皮部份 切片或幼條備用 2. 先用小量幼鹽把西瓜皮拌匀約 5 分鐘, 瀝乾水備用 3. 白醋加入糖拌勻至糖溶解, 加入略拍好的蒜頭 4. 將西瓜皮放入醋中拌勻, 放入冰箱, 一小時後便可食用 5. 醃漬西瓜皮可存放在冰箱 1 至 2 星期

8 至惜壽司 主要材料 : 湯渣紅蘿蔔瑤柱蒸肉餅青瓜啤梨隔夜飯 數塊 ¼ 碗 ½ 條 ½ 個 1 碗 其他材料 : 壽司紫菜 壽司醋 2 片 適量 1. 將湯渣紅蘿蔔及瑤柱蒸肉餅擠乾水分 2. 將紅蘿蔔 青瓜 啤梨切條 ; 肉餅壓碎備用 3. 將隔夜飯加入醋拌勻成壽司飯備用 4. 將壽司飯平均鋪在紫菜上 5. 再把 (2) 的材料放在壽司飯上捲起, 邊捲邊壓 6. 切成適當大小即成

9 WasteNever Sushi Main Ingredients: Carrots from Soup Steamed Minced Pork with Dried Scallops Cucumbers Pear Overnight Rice Few slices ¼ bowl ½ stick ½ pc 1 bowl Other Ingredients: Sushi Laver Sushi Vinegar 2 sheets Moderate amount Method: 1. Squeeze out the excessive liquid from the carrots and steamed minced pork with dried scallops. 2. Cut carrots, cucumber and pear into strips. Mash up the steamed minced pork with dried scallops and set aside. 3. Add sushi vinegar to rice for later use. 4. Flatten a layer of rice onto the sushi laver. 5. Place (2) ingredients onto rice. Gently roll it over the ingredients, press lightly and roll it forward to make a complete roll. 6. Cut into pieces and serve.

10 百鳥歸巢 材料 : 菜頭雞肉魚餅豬腳粟米薑片鹽 適量適量適量適量適量幾片適量 1. 將所有菜頭 雞肉 魚餅及豬腳切絲, 粟米起粒 2. 先用薑片起鑊 3. 加入菜絲, 煮熟 4. 加入所有肉絲, 粟米粒及鹽炒勻便可

11 豆角乾 主要材料 : 將過保鮮期的豆角 1. 用開水沖洗豆角 2. 曬豆角 4-5 日至 8 成乾 3. 將豆角蒸 3-5 分鐘 4. 再曬至全乾, 放在玻璃罐中存放

12 豆角乾排骨湯 (5 人份量 ) 主要材料 : 將過保鮮期的豆角乾 3 兩 其他材料 : 排骨 1 斤 蜜棗 5 粒 1. 把所有其他材料放入煲中, 加大約 20 碗水, 開大火煲至沸騰 2. 轉小火煲 1 至 1.5 小時

13 豆渣波波 主要材料 : 豆漿渣滓 肉碎 適量 少許 其他材料 : 雞蛋 鷹粟粉 2 隻 適量 調味料..鹽適量胡椒粉適量泰式辣椒醬 ( 或茄汁 沙律醬 ) 適量 做法.. 1. 將一隻雞蛋加入豆漿渣滓後攪拌 2. 加入肉碎 * 鹽 胡椒粉及鷹粟粉攪拌 ( 可按各人口味加入其他配料, 例如蔥和芫茜 ) 3. 將豆渣搓成一個個小球 4. 蘸上蛋漿後, 再蘸鷹粟粉 5. 用中火炸至金黃色即成 * 可以把肉碎改為芝士粒, 豆渣搓成球狀後, 內加芝士粒

14 QQ Soybean Balls Main Ingredients: Soybean Residue Minced Meat Moderate amount Small amount Other Ingredients: Eggs Corn Flour 2 pcs Moderate amount Seasonings: Salt Moderate amount Ground Pepper Moderate amount Thai Chili Sauce (or tomato ketchup and mayonnaise) Moderate amount Method: 1. Mix soybean residue with an egg. 2. Add minced meat*, salt, ground pepper and corn flour. (Add other ingredients such as chopped spring onions and chopped corianders according to your preference.) 3. Mould into small balls. 4. Beat an egg in a bowl and dip the soybean balls into the beaten egg mixture and then corn flour. 5. Deep fry until golden brown. Serve. * You can replace the minced meat by stuffing cheese cubes into the soybean balls.

15 豆酥漬西瓜皮 主要材料 : 西瓜皮 ( 白色部分 ) 黃豆渣 ( 外國食品店有售 ) 取自 ½ 個西瓜 50g 其他材料 : 粗鹽 3 湯匙 醃料 : 普寧豆醬蒜頭白醋糖辣椒 3 湯匙 2 瓣 2 湯匙 1 湯匙 1 隻 1. 西瓜皮切粒, 用粗鹽漬 2 小時, 用重物壓住脫水, 洗去粗鹽 2. 西瓜皮加所有醃料漬醃最少 4 小時 3. 豆渣不加油炒至香脆, 加在西瓜皮上即成

16 Pickled Watermelon Rind with Fermented Soybean Main Ingredients: Watermelon Skin (White Part Only) Soybean Residue (Available at shops where imported food is sold) 50g ½ pc Ingredient: Coarse Salt 3 tbsps Marinade: Puning Soybean Sauce Garlic White Vinegar Sugar Chili 3 tbsps 2 cloves 2 tbsps 1 tbsp 1 pc Method: 1. Chop white part of watermelon into cubes and marinate with coarse salt for 2 hours. Place a heavy object on top to squeeze out excessive liquid. Wash away the coarse salt afterwards. 2. Add the remaining marinade to the salted watermelons and marinate for another 4 hours. 3. Stir fry the soybean residue in a pan without oil until crispy, and then add on top of the watermelon. Serve.

17 阿嫲橙皮 主要材料 : 厚橙皮 約 4 個橙的份量 其他材料 : 麵豉 1 湯匙 紅乾蔥頭 ( 切粒 ) 2 個 蒜頭 ( 切蓉 ) 2 粒 半肥瘦豬肉或金華火腿 ( 切小塊 ) 乾瑤柱 ( 拆絲 ) 2 粒 清水 適量 2 兩 調味料 : 鹽糖冰糖蠔油老抽 生油雞粉 半茶匙 1 茶匙 1 塊 2 湯匙各 1 湯匙半茶匙 1. 將橙皮切塊並浸在清水 1 晚, 再用手搾走水份, 換水再浸, 每天重覆 3 至 4 次, 重覆兩天, 以除去苦澀味 2. 搾乾水份後, 將橙皮風乾 1 天或放入雪櫃 1 晚 3. 用生油爆香麵豉 乾蔥頭 蒜蓉和已切塊的半肥瘦豬肉 ( 或金華火腿 ) 4. 加入橙皮 鹽 糖 乾瑤柱絲及 1 湯匙蠔油, 炒 5 分鐘 5. 再加入水至蓋過橙皮, 用中至細火煮約 1 至 1.5 小時至橙皮變軟, 過程中適時加水, 不能煮乾 6. 再加 1 湯匙蠔油 老抽 冰糖及雞粉調味, 攪拌後再煮 10 分鐘, 煮好時仍需有汁, 不能全部乾水 7. 可以即時熱食, 或放涼後放入保鮮盒貯存, 翻熱後可為每餐的佐飯小食 以上調味料份量, 可按個人口味加減, 煮好及放涼後可在雪櫃中保鮮約兩個星期, 存放時間越長越入味

18 Grandma s Orange Peel Main Ingredient: Thick Orange Peel from 4 Oranges Other Ingredients: Yellow Bean Paste 1 tbsp Red Shallot (Chopped finely) 2 pcs Garlic (Chopped finely) 2 cloves Pork with Partial Fat or Smoked Dried Ham (Chopped finely) Dried Scallops (Shredded) 2 pcs Water Moderate amount 2 taels Seasonings: Salt Sugar Rock Sugar Oyster Sauce Dark Soy Sauce, Cooking Oil Chicken Powder ½ tsp 1 tsp 1 pc 2 tbsps 1 tbsp each ½ tsp Method: 1. Soak the chopped orange peel in water overnight. Squeeze out water from the orange peel, change the water and soak the orange peel again. Repeat this process 3-4 times a day for 2 days. 2. Squeeze out the excessive water of the orange peel, air-dry or place them in the fridge overnight. 3. Stir fry the yellow bean paste, red shallot, garlic and chopped pork/ham with hot oil. 4. Add the orange peel, salt, sugar, dried scallop shreds, 1 tbsp of oyster sauce and stir fry for 5 minutes. 5. Add adequate water to cover the orange peel completely. Simmer for around 1-1½ hours until the orange peel is softened. Check the water level regularly to avoid boiling away all the water. 6. Season the orange peel with 1 tbsp of oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, rock sugar and chicken powder. Cook for 10 more minutes. Make sure that there is still sauce left after cooking. 7. Serve hot, or store it in a container once cooled. Reheat as an appetizer before dinner. The ingredients above is based on personal preference, feel free to adapt. The cooked orange peel can be kept for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. The flavour will enhance over time.

19 炒金 銀絲 主要材料 : 西瓜皮 2 碗 其他材料 : 紅蘿蔔絲腰果油 1 碗 30 粒 1 茶匙 調味料 : 蠔油 鹽 1 茶匙 少量 1. 移除西瓜皮外層深綠色的部份 ( 只留白色部份 ), 切絲備用 2. 將油下鑊, 加入紅蘿蔔絲炒約 3 分鐘 3. 再加西瓜皮絲一起炒約 5 分鐘 4. 加入蠔油和鹽調味後炒勻即可上碟 5. 上碟後, 在餸面上放上腰果即成

20 Stir-fried Gold & Silver Threads Main Ingredient: Watermelon Skin 2 bowls Other Ingredients: Carrot Shreds Cashew Nuts Oil 1 bowl 30 pcs 1 tsp Seasonings: Oyster Sauce Salt 1 tsp Small amount Method: 1. Remove the green part of the watermelon skin, use the white part only. Cut into fine strips for later use. 2. Put oil into a heated wok then stir fry shredded carrots for 3 minutes. 3. Add chopped watermelon strips and stir fry for 5 more minutes. 4. Add oyster sauce with a pinch of salt for seasoning. 5. Serve with cashew nuts on top.

21 炒飯 主要材料 : 隔夜米飯 2 碗 其他材料 : 蔥 雞蛋 1 碗 2 隻 調味料 : 鹽 半茶匙 1. 蔥洗淨切段備用 2. 雞蛋打至起泡備用 3. 微波爐加熱米飯 1 分鐘 4. 燒少許油, 先炒雞蛋舀起 5. 再加少許油炒蔥, 加鹽後略炒 6. 加入米飯略炒再加入雞蛋略炒即可

22 金煎薯餅 主要材料 : 煲湯剩餘薯仔 3-4 個 其他材料 : 粟粉 幼鹽 4 茶匙 少量 1. 把煲湯後的薯仔壓成薯蓉, 薯仔盡量瀝乾, 保持乾身 2. 加入粟粉拌勻 3. 把薯蓉搓成多塊薯餅狀 4. 用慢火煎至金黃色 5. 加上少許幼鹽即成

23 Classic Hash Browns Main Ingredient: Potatoes from Soup 3-4 pcs Other Ingredients: Corn Flour Table Salt 4 tsps Small amount Method: 1. Mash the potatoes, keep them dry. 2. Mix with corn flour. 3. Shape the mashed potatoes into small round shapes. 4. Deep fry the hash browns in low heat, until golden. 5. Sprinkle with table salt, then serve.

24 南瓜雞湯 主要材料 : 雞肉湯渣和雞骨 約一隻 其他材料 : 南瓜已切洋蔥已切蒜頭水牛奶 1 公斤 300 克 10 克 2 公升 250 毫升 調味料 : 鹽 胡椒 適量 適量 1. 把雞去皮起骨 2. 將雞骨放進兩公升水中, 大火煮滾後, 轉慢火煲約 1.5 小時, 然後移去雞骨 3. 南瓜去皮和籽, 切件 把南瓜 洋蔥 蒜和牛奶放入雞骨湯中, 大火煮滾後, 轉慢火將南瓜煲至熟透變 軟 4. 熄火, 用攪拌機把南瓜湯打至幼滑, 再加入雞肉 5. 加鹽及胡椒調味即成 ( 可隨個人喜好配以脆包或麵包 )

25 Chicken Pumpkin Soup Main Ingredient: Leftover Chicken and bones 1 pc Other Ingredients: Pumpkins Diced Onions Chopped Garlic Water Milk 1 kg 300g 10g 2 L 250ml Seasonings: Salt Pepper Moderate amount Moderate amount Method: 1. Remove chicken skin and bone. 2. Put chicken bone into 2 liters of water, bring to a boil. Simmer the fire and keep boiling for about 1.5 hours. Remove all bones. 3. Skin off, cut and remove seeds of the pumpkin. Put the chicken broth together with pumpkin, onion, garlic and milk, bring to a boil. Simmer the fire until the pumpkin is tender. 4. Turn heat off. Puree the pumpkin soup by blender till smooth. Add chicken meat. 5. Season with salt and pepper. (May serve with bread roll.)

26 南乳蓮藕 主要材料 : 煲湯剩餘蓮藕 1 枝 ( 約 克 ) 其他材料 : 南乳 2 磚 ( 壓成茸 ) 蔥少量 1. 將煲湯剩餘蓮藕隔水, 切段備用 2. 把蔥切段備用 3. 先用油爆香南乳 4. 加入蔥和蓮藕炒勻 5. 加水待煮滾 6. 轉小火, 並炆至軟熟即成

27 Fermented Red Bean Curd Lotus Roots Main Ingredient: Lotus Root Leftover from Soup 1 pc (around g) Other Ingredients Fermented Red Bean Curd Spring Onions 2 pcs (mashed) Little Method: 1. Drain lotus root, cut into sections. 2. Cut spring onions into sections. 3. Use hot oil to sauté fermented red bean curds. 4. Stir in spring onions and lotus roots. 5. Add enough water to fully cover the lotus roots and bring to a boil. 6. Simmer and stew until the lotus roots absorb all the preserved red bean curds paste and turn softened.

28 紅蘿蔔薯餅 主要材料 : 剩餘的紅蘿蔔渣 5 湯匙份量 其他材料 : 馬鈴薯 ( 連馬鈴薯皮 ) 1 個 ( 中等大小 ) 雞蛋 1 隻 調味料 : 鹽 黑胡椒 1/8 茶匙 1/8 茶匙 1. 將馬鈴薯煮熟後, 放涼 2. 將馬鈴薯連皮壓成泥狀後, 加入紅蘿蔔渣 鹽及黑胡椒拌勻 3. 用擀麵棍將薯蓉壓平 4. 用圓形模具將薯蓉定形成薯餅 5. 把薯餅蘸上蛋漿, 以慢火將薯餅煎至金黃色即成

29 Carrot Hash Browns Main Ingredient: Carrot Residue 5 tbsps Other Ingredients Potato Egg 1 medium size 1 pc Seasonings: Salt Black Pepper 1/8 tsp 1/8 tsp Method: 1. Boil potato with skin and let it cool. 2. Mash potato with skin. Add carrot residue, salt, black pepper and mix well. 3. Use rolling pin to flatten the mashed potato. 4. Mould the mashed potato with a round cookie cutter. 5. Dip the mashed potato cake into the beaten egg mixture, and pan fry over low heat until golden. Serve hot.

30 湯飯 材料 : 冷飯 剩湯 適量 適量 1. 剩湯煲滾 2. 加入弄散的冷飯即成

31 湯渣碗仔翅 材料煲湯後的瘦肉粉絲香菇木耳 隨意隨意隨意隨意 調味料..鹽胡椒粉雞湯馬蹄粉浙江醋 適量少許 1 盒適量少許 做法.. 1. 煲湯剩餘的瘦肉拆絲, 木耳 香菇切成絲狀, 粉絲浸軟備用 2. 雞湯煮滾後, 加入瘦肉 木耳和香菇 粉絲, 煮滾後, 再加適量馬蹄粉, 按各人口味加適量的鹽, 胡椒粉和浙江醋, 就成一碗地道的碗仔翅了 * 也可加入韭黃, 芫茜, 豐富味道

32 粉絲蝦米雜菜煲 (4-6 人份量 ) 家中常因聚餐或火鍋後, 產生剩餘的蔬菜, 可烹調一鍋雜菜煲 主要材料 : 白菜仔 150 克 西生菜 150 克 金菇 250 克 西蘭花 200 克 甘筍 100 克 其他材料 : 粉絲 50 克蝦米 25 克水適量 調味料 : 食油適量鹽適量糖適量 1. 粉絲及蝦米浸水至軟身, 備用 2. 將剩菜切件, 備用 3. 煲內注水, 煮沸後, 加入調味料拌勻 4. 水再次煮沸後, 加入全部剩菜煮至軟身 5. 加入粉絲及蝦米, 粉絲煮至軟身即成

33 Mixed Vegetables Hotpot with Rice Vermicelli and Dried Shrimps (4-6 Servings) Leftovers from family gatherings and hot pot dinners can be used to make a mixed vegetables hotpot. Main Ingredients: Pak Choi Lettuce Enoki Broccoli Carrots 150g 150g 250g 200g 100g Other Ingredients: Rice Vermicelli Dried Shrimps Water 50g 25g Moderate amount Seasonings: Cooking Oil Salt Sugar Moderate amount Moderate amount Moderate amount Method: 1. Soak rice vermicelli and dried shrimps until softened. 2. Cut all leftover vegetables into pieces for later use. 3. In a pot, boil water and then add the seasoning. 4. Boil the seasoned water with the vegetables. 5. Add the rice vermicelli and dried shrimps. Cook it until the rice vermicelli is softened, turn off heat and serve.

34 茶樹菇西瓜皮西施骨湯 主要材料 : 西瓜皮 粟米 ( 連衣和鬚 ) 5 塊 2 條 其他材料 : 茶樹菇甘筍陳皮西施骨生薑 1 両 2 條 2 塊 1 斤 3 片 調味料 : 鹽 適量 1. 茶樹菇浸軟, 洗淨備用 2. 粟米洗淨, 切段 3. 將粟米衣包裹粟米鬚打結備用 4. 甘筍連皮洗淨, 切成塊狀備用 5. 移除西瓜皮外層深綠色的部份 ( 只留白色部份 ), 切件備用 6. 陳皮浸軟, 洗淨備用 7. 西施骨, 斬件加薑片汆水後, 洗淨備用 8. 把全部材料放入鍋內, 加 12 碗水以大火煲滾後, 再以小火煲 2 小時 9. 加鹽調味, 即成

35 Watermelon Soup with Tea Tree Mushrooms Main Ingredients: Watermelon Skin (White Part) Corn on the Cobs 5 pcs 2 pcs Other Ingredients: Dried Tea Tree Mushrooms Carrots Dried Orange Peel Pork Ribs/Bones Ginger 1 tael 2 pcs 2 small pcs 1 catty 3 slices Seasonings: Salt Moderate amount Method: 1. Soak dried tea tree mushrooms until softened. Wash and clean for later use. 2. Remove the corn husk and silk, wash the corn and cut into pieces. 3. Wrap the corn silk with the husks and tie them in a knot for later use. 4. Wash carrots and cut into pieces for later use. 5. Remove the green part of the watermelon skin, just use the white part. Cut into pieces for later use. 6. Soak the dried orange peel until softened. Wash and clean for later use. 7. Chop the pork ribs/bones into pieces. Parboil them with ginger. Rinse for later use. 8. Place all prepared ingredients into a pot, add 12 bowls of water and bring to the boil at high heat. Turn heat to simmer and cook for 2 hours. 9. Season with salt for taste, then serve.

36 惜食叻沙滋味 材料 : 娘惹咖哩叻沙醬料 1/3 至 1 包 ( 按濃淡喜好 ) 清水 900 毫升 剩飯 / 剩面 / 剩河 / 剩米粉 隨意 自選菜頭菜尾 ( 西蘭花莖 紅蘿蔔皮 檸檬皮 瘦肉湯渣 ) 隨意 做法 1. 下油於鑊中燒熱 2. 將娘惹咖哩叻沙醬料倒入鑊中爆香, 加入 900 毫升清水, 煮至沸騰 3. 加入自選菜頭菜尾煨熟 4. 加入剩飯 / 剩面剩河 / 剩米粉 5. 所有材料煮熟後即成 * 提示 : 清潔食物時要徹底去除蔬果皮農藥殘留, 可利用天然清潔劑如小蘇打粉或甲殼質食物淨化粉

37 盛 菜薄餅 ( 六人份 ) 主要材料 : 家中的剩菜及肉 ( 例如蘑菇 翠玉瓜 肉碎等 ) 適量 其他材料 : 高根粉 ( 麵粉 ) 乾酵母特級初榨橄欖油蕃茄醬水 1 公斤 14 克 4 湯匙適量 650 毫升 調味料 : 幼海鹽幼沙糖胡椒羅勒葉 ( 如有 ) 1 茶匙 1 湯匙適量適量 1. 把麵粉 酵母 糖 油 溫水及鹽搓成麵團並發酵至兩倍大 2. 在灑滿麵粉的工作台上, 將其滾壓至約 0.5 厘米厚的圓形 3. 預熱焗爐至 250 C/500 F/gas 9 4. 將滾壓好的麵團放在塗了油的烤盤 5. 將蕃茄醬塗在薄餅上 將剩菜及肉撕成小塊, 連同羅勒葉 ( 如有 ) 一起灑在薄餅上 6. 加入少許特級初榨橄欖油 鹽及胡椒 7. 放入焗爐烤 7 至 10 分鐘, 待薄餅變成金黃色及變得鬆脆即可

38 Leftover Pizza (for 6 medium pizzas) Main Ingredients: Leftover Meat and Vegetables (such as mushroom, courgette and minced meat) Moderate amount Other Ingredients: White Bread Flour Dried Yeast Sachets Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tomato Sauce Water 1kg 14g 4 tbsps Moderate amount 650 ml Seasonings: Fine Sea Salt Golden Caster Sugar Ground Pepper Basil leaves (optional) 1 tsp 1 tbsp Moderate amount Moderate amount Method: 1. Mix and knead flour with salt, yeast, sugar and oil and lukewarm water. Left the dough until the size is doubled. 2. Dust your surface and the dough with a little flour, and roll it out into a circle of about 0.5cm thick. 3. Preheat your oven to 250 C/500 F/gas Lay dough onto oily baking sheets. 5. Spread the tomato sauce. Tear and spread the leftover meat and vegetables into small pieces and scatter basil leaves (optional). 6. Drizzle with a tiny bit of extra virgin olive oil and add a pinch of salt and pepper. 7. Bake the pizza for 7 to 10 minutes, until the pizzas are golden and crispy.

39 豬圓肉潤 主要材料 : 家中剩餘豬肉碎紅蘿蔔碎白蘿蔔碎芫荽碎蔥花碎 1 千克 100 克 100 克 30 克 30 克 其他材料 : 雞蛋 生粉 2 隻 少許 調味料 : 鹽糖胡椒粉 10 克 10 克 10 克 1. 將所有材料切碎及攪拌, 搓成肉餅 2. 把油加熱至 100 o C 放入肉餅炸 4 分鐘即成

40 Deep Fried Pork Patty Main Ingredients: Minced Pork Residue Finely Chopped Carrots Finely Chopped White Radish Chopped Coriander Chopped Spring Onion 1kg 100g 100g 30g 30g Other Ingredients: Eggs Corn Flour 2 pcs Small amount Seasonings: Salt Sugar Ground Pepper 10g 10g 10g Method: 1. Mix all the ingredients together, scoop and mould meat mixture into ball shaped, press to make flat. 2. Heat oil to 100 o C and deep fry for 4 minutes until golden brown.

41 豉漬蘿蔔皮 主要材料 : 白蘿蔔皮 取自 1 個白蘿蔔 其他材料 : 乾椒 2 隻 冰糖 2 粒 生抽 適量 1. 把白蘿蔔皮清淨及瀝乾水 2. 把蘿蔔皮切成條狀, 放入玻璃樽內 3. 加入生抽浸過蘿蔔皮 4. 加入乾椒及冰糖, 拌勻 5. 密封後放在陰涼處醃 7 天即可

42 魚寶添彩 材料 : 魚頭 魚尾 魚骨 1 條青椒半個紅椒半個黃椒半個一字排 1 支鹹菜適量香菜適量芹菜適量蒜適量糖適量鹽適量白胡椒粉適量山茶油適量薑適量 1. 燒熱鑊, 加薑和生茶油爆香 2. 加入已切條的鹹酸菜下鑊爆香 3. 加魚頭魚尾魚骨下鑊炒勻 4. 一字排分小段後加入鑊中 5. 沿鑊邊加一點水, 再加糖 鹽及白胡椒粉調味 6. 蓋上鑊蓋煮 5 至 7 分鐘 7. 把三色椒加入鑊中, 炒勻, 再蓋上鑊蓋煮半分鐘 8. 把香菜 芹菜和蒜加入鑊中, 再加白胡椒粉炒勻便可上碟

43 粟米菜甫葱花炒蛋 材料 : 煲湯剩餘粟米 1-2 條份量香葱適量菜甫數條雞蛋 2 隻 1. 粟米起粒備用 2. 菜甫浸洗後切粒備用 3. 香葱洗淨後切成葱花備用 4. 雞蛋打勻, 加入葱花 5. 先用油爆香菜甫和粟米 6. 最後把打勻的雞蛋加入鑊中快速炒勻

44 黃金蓑衣蛋 主要材料 : 湯渣豬肉 ( 切絲 ) 剩菜冬菇絲 2 兩 2 隻 其他材料 : 雞蛋五柳菜油生粉水 4 隻 4 兩 1 杯 1 茶匙 ½ 杯 調味料 : 白醋紅糖鹽 2 湯匙 2 湯匙 ½ 茶匙 1. 用大火將鑊加熱, 下油 轉中火炸雞蛋, 上碟備用 2. 把油盛起, 加入肉絲略炒 3. 加入冬菇絲 五柳菜 白醋 紅糖和鹽 4. 煮滾後加入生粉水煮成茨汁, 淋在炸雞蛋上即成

45 Sweet and Sour Golden Egg Main Ingredient: Pork from Soup (Shredded) Leftover Mushrooms (Shredded) 2 taels 2 pcs Other Ingredients: Eggs Preserved Vegetables Oil Corn Flour Water 4 pcs 4 taels 1 cup 1 tsp ½ cup Seasonings: White Vinegar Brown Sugar Salt 2 tbsps 2 tbsps ½ tsp Method: 1. Heat up wok, add in oil and deep fry the eggs in medium heat. Set aside for use later. 2. Pour away the oil. Pan fry shredded pork. 3. Add in shredded mushrooms, preserved vegetables, white vinegar, brown sugar and salt. Bring to a boil. 4. Add in corn flour to thicken the sauce. Drizzle it over fried eggs.

46 醃西瓜皮 主要其他材料 : 西瓜皮 1 公斤 其他其他材料 : 白醋水糖玉桂八角丁香檸檬鹽 250 毫升 250 毫升 400 克 1 條 2 粒 4 粒 1 片 50 克 步驟 : 1. 西瓜皮去外層深綠色的皮, 只留白色部分, 切成所需形狀 2. 將鹽灑在果皮上, 令其出水 之後把水分瀝乾 3. 同一時間在鍋內烹煮水 糖 白醋及香料, 直至糖融化 4. 放涼後加入檸檬皮 ( 僅用黃色部份 ), 並擠壓檸檬汁進去 5. 將西瓜皮及液體放在 1 個器皿內, 然後存放在陰涼乾爽的地方, 浸泡至少 24 小時 浸泡時間愈長愈入味

47 Watermelon Rind Pickle Ingredients: Watermelon Rind (Skin) 1 kg White Vinegar /Apple Cider Vinegar Water 250 ml Sugar 500 g Cinnamon 2 stick Cloves 5 pcs Allspice 1 tsp Lemon 1 pc 250 ml Method: 1. Use the leftover watermelon rind and peel the hard green layer out, cut it into shape needed. 2. Sprinkle salt on top and Let water release naturally, then drain it off. 3. At the same time boil water, sugar, white vinegar and spices in a pot till the sugar is melted. 4. Cool it off and peel the skin of a lemon (only the yellow part) and juice the rest of the lemon in the pot. 5. Place the watermelon rind in a jar together with the liquid, then store it in a cool dry place for at least 24hr. The longer it is soaked the stronger the flavor gets. Tips: 1. This recipe fits any leftover fruits, vegetables and melon skin. 2. Pickle juice can be re-used up to 3 times. Amount of sugar and vinegar can be adjusted to suit personal preference.

48 港式醃西瓜皮 主要材料 : 西瓜皮 1 公斤 其他材料 : 水白醋鹽糖玉桂 ( 香料 ) 八角 ( 香料 ) 丁香 ( 香料 ) 檸檬 250 毫升 250 毫升 50 克 400 克 1 條 2 粒 4 粒 1 隻 3. 移除西瓜皮外層深綠色的部份, 只留白色部份, 切成所需形狀 4. 將鹽灑在果皮上, 令其出水, 盡量瀝乾, 備用 5. 在鍋加入水煮沸, 加入糖 白醋及香料, 烹煮至糖融化後放涼 6. 加入檸檬皮 ( 僅用黃色部份 ) 及檸檬汁 7. 將西瓜皮及 (4) 入玻璃瓶, 然後存放在陰涼乾爽的地方, 浸泡至少 24 小時 浸泡時間越長越入味

49 Watermelon Rind Pickle (Hong Kong Style) Main Ingredient: Watermelon Skin (White Part) 1kg Other Ingredients: Water White Vinegar Salt Sugar Cinnamon (Spices) Star Anise (Spices) Cloves (Spices) Lemon 250ml 250ml 50g 400g 1 stick 2 pcs 4 pcs 1 pc Method: 1. Remove the green part of the watermelon skin, use the white part only. Cut it into any shape you want. 2. Sprinkle salt on top to drain out water from the watermelon, then dry it and set aside. 3. Boil water with sugar, white vinegar and spices in a pot till the sugar is melted. Cool it off. 4. Peel the skin of a lemon (only the yellow part). Add it with lemon juice to (3). 5. Place the watermelon skin in a jar together with (4), then store it in a cool and dry place for at least 24 hours. The longer soaking time, the stronger the flavour it becomes.

50 湯渣肉醬意粉 (2 人份量 ) 主要材料 : 豬肉湯渣 250 克 其他材料 : 意大利麵橄欖油蒜頭 ( 切碎 ) 洋蔥 ( 切碎 ) 甘旬 ( 切碎 ) 西芹 ( 切碎 ) 罐頭番茄番茄 ( 去皮切粒 ) 茄膏月桂葉百里香雞湯紅酒帕馬森芝士粉 200 克 20 毫升 2 粒 30 克 15 克 15 克半罐 1 個 10 克 1 片 1 支 150 毫升 50 毫升 20 克 調味料 : 鹽 黑胡椒 適量 適量 1. 沸水後下少許鹽, 放入意大利麵煮約 6 至 8 分鐘後盛起備用 2. 將豬肉湯渣放入攪拌機內攪碎備用 3. 鍋內加入橄欖油, 加入洋蔥用中火炒 1 分鐘, 然後加入攪碎後的豬肉湯渣炒至上色 4. 加入蒜頭 甘旬 西芹 罐頭番茄 番茄粒 茄膏 月桂葉及百里香炒勻後, 加入雞湯, 芝士粉及紅酒 以小火煮 30 分鐘 5. 加入調味及意大利麵拌勻即成

51 Spaghetti Bolognese (2 Servings) Main Ingredient: Pork from Soup 250g Other Ingredients: Italian Spaghetti Olive Oil Chopped Garlic Chopped Onions Chopped Carrots Chopped Celery Tinned Tomatoes Tomato (without skin and chopped into small pcs) Tomato Puree Bay Leaf Thyme Chicken Stock Red Wine Parmesan Cheese 200g 20ml 2 cloves 30g 15g 15g ½ tin 1 pc 10g 1 pc 1 sprig 150ml 50ml 20g Seasonings: Salt Pepper Moderate amount Moderate amount Method: 1. Boil water with small amount of salt, put spaghetti inside and cook for 6-8 minutes. Drain and put aside. 2. Blend the cooked pork for later use. 3. Add olive oil in a pan, stir fry onion over medium heat for 1 minute. Then add minced pork and stir them until brown. 4. Stir fry chopped garlics, carrots, celeries, tinned tomatoes, chopped tomatoes, tomato puree, bay leaf and thyme. Add chicken broth, parmesan cheese, red wine and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. 5. Season the mixture and add the spaghetti into the meat sauce. Serve hot.

52 黑糖白玉條 主要材料 : 西瓜皮 300 克 其他材料 : 黑糖 3 茶匙 1. 移除西瓜皮外層深綠色的部份, 只留白色部份 2. 把白色的西瓜皮切成 5 厘米長,1 厘米粗 3. 把切好的西瓜皮放進玻璃瓶內 4. 把黑糖碎加在西瓜皮上 5. 用瓶蓋蓋好, 放入雪櫃,6 小時後, 便可享用

53 Caramelised Watermelon Strips Main Ingredient: Watermelon Skin 300g Other Ingredient: Ground Brown Sugar 3 tsps Method: 1. Remove the green part of the watermelon skin, use the white part only. 2. Slice the white part into 5cm long and 1cm thick. 3. Place the watermelon strips into a glass jar. 4. Sprinkle ground brown sugar on to the watermelon strips. 5. Cover the glass jar. Leave in fridge for 6 hours before serving.

54 愛心 牛 扒 * 主要材料 : 冬菇蒂 西蘭花頭 200 克 少量 其他材料 : 麵粉 木薯粉 40 克 40 克 芡汁 : 生抽老抽生粉糖水 1 茶匙 ½ 茶匙 ½ 茶匙 ½ 茶匙 3 湯匙 調味料 : 糖鹽五香粉沙薑粉胡椒粉 1 ½ 茶匙 ¾ 茶匙 ¼ 茶匙 ½ 茶匙 ½ 茶匙 1. 冬菇蒂及西蘭花頭洗淨, 浸軟, 用攪拌機打爛成蓉 2. 加入調味料, 麵粉及木薯粉一同拌勻 3. 用手搓成薄塊形狀, 煎至金黃色 4. 準備芡汁, 澆上 牛 扒即成 * 此乃素食食譜, 不含牛肉

55 Loving Beef Steak * Main Ingredients: Mushroom Stalks Broccoli Stalks 200g Small amount Other Ingredients: Plain Flour Tapioca Flour 40g 40g Sauce: Soy Sauce Dark Soy Sauce Corn Flour Sugar Water 1 tsp ½ tsp ½ tsp ½ tsp 3 tbsps Seasonings: Sugar Salt 5-spice Powder Spice Ginger Powder Pepper 1½ tsp ¾ tsp ¼ tsp ½ tsp ½ tsp Method: 1. Wash mushroom stalks and broccoli stalks and soak until softened. Use a blender to mash the stalks into paste. 2. Add seasonings, plain flour and tapioca flour and mix with the paste. 3. Shape the seasoned paste with your hands and pan fry until golden. 4. Prepare sauce and drizzle on the steak. *It is a meat-free recipe.

56 蝦子炆柚皮 主要材料 : 柚皮 4 片 其他材料 : 蝦子蒜頭蔥薑魚湯 4 茶匙 2 粒 2 條 2 片 500 毫升 醬汁 : 油生抽老抽糖 3 湯匙 1 湯匙 1 湯匙 1 茶匙 1. 刨走柚皮的青色部份, 只留白色部份, 沖洗後汆水 2. 用清水浸並擠壓柚皮, 浸泡 1 夜至柔軟, 期間換水 3. 起鍋, 爆香薑 蒜蓉和蔥段 4. 加入魚湯 醬汁, 煮滾, 加入柚皮炆至軟熟 5. 上碟, 灑上蝦子即成

57 Pomelo Skin with Shrimp Roe Main Ingredient: Pomelo Skin 4 pcs Other Ingredients: Shrimp Roe Garlic Spring Onions Ginger Fish Broth 4 tsps 2 cloves 2 pcs 2 slices 500ml Sauce: Oil Soy Sauce Dark Soy Sauce Sugar 3 tbsps 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tsp Method: 1. Remove the green rind from the white pulp of the pomelo. Wash and parboil the white pulp. 2. Drain and soak the white pulp in water overnight until tender. Change water in between. 3. Stir fry the ginger, minced garlics and spring onions. 4. Add fish broth and sauce ingredients and boil it. Add the white pulp and stew until it has fully absorbed the liquid and softened. 5. Serve with shrimp roe sprinkled on top.

58 潮式炆春菜 春菜具有利五臟, 通經脈, 清胃熱, 清熱利尿的功效, 很多人因它的莖部太多而丟去 現在跟大家分享 如何利用春菜莖煮出美味菜餚 主要材料 : 春菜莖 1 斤 其他材料 : 少肥的腩肉 鹽 半斤 1. 春菜莖洗淨切段, 瀝乾水備用 2. 腩肉加水煮半小時, 備用 3. 燒 1 湯匙油, 戈加入春菜莖炒至軟身, 加入腩肉, 加少許水煮 10 分鐘 4. 煮滾後加入鹽再煮 5 分鐘即可

59 蝦湯炒米粉 主要材料 : 蝦頭和蝦殻 ( 去殼前先洗淨 ) 取自一斤至斤半蝦 其他材料 : 米粉 ( 先浸軟 ) 蒜頭 ( 切蓉 ) 紅蔥頭 ( 切碎 ) 水 3-4 人份 4-5 粒 1 粒 3 碗 調味料 : 鹽 魚露 適量 適量 1. 先燒熱油, 爆香蒜蓉和紅蔥頭粒 2. 加入蝦頭 蝦殻 鹽及魚露炒勻, 見蝦殻轉红後加水, 蓋上鍋蓋, 煮滾後收慢火再煮 5 分鐘 3. 撈起蝦頭和蝦殻, 放入已浸軟的米粉, 調至中火, 將米粉於湯中慢慢兜勻至蝦湯收乾即可 ( 可按個人喜好加入不同的剩菜或肉作配料 )

60 Fried Rice Noodles in Prawn Stock Main Ingredient: Prawn Heads and Shells (Washed and Cleaned) 1-1½ Catty Other Ingredients: Rice Noodles (Soaked until soft) Garlics (Minced) Red Shallots (Minced) Water 3-4 servings 4-5 cloves 1 pc 3 bowls Seasonings: Salt Fish Sauce Moderate amount Moderate amount Method: 1. Heat oil in pan, stir fry minced garlics and shallots. 2. Add prawn heads and shells with salt and fish sauce. Lightly stir fry them until the prawn heads and shells turn red. Add water and cover them until boiled. Turn to low heat and cook for another 5 minutes. 3. Remove the prawn heads and shells. Add the rice noodles and turn to medium heat. Slowly stir the rice noodles into the soup until the prawn stock has been absorbed. (Can add leftover vegetables or meat according to personal preference)

61 蔬菜脆餅 主要材料 : 蔬菜 ( 包括菜莖, 甚至根部 ) 500 克 其他材料 : 香蕉 一小塊 調味料 : 檸檬汁鹽胡椒辣椒粉 1 湯匙適量適量適量 1. 清洗蔬菜, 切碎 2. 用攪拌機稍微攪拌後加入香蕉, 繼續攪拌 3. 加入檸檬汁及少量鹽作調味, 亦可加上適量胡椒及辣椒粉 4. 烘盤上鋪上焗爐紙, 把上述材料放上 5. 把烘盤放在食物烘乾機內, 選擇中等設定 (48 o C), 以盡量保存營養 將脆餅放在食物烘乾機內 10 小時, 直到變脆為止

62 Raw Vegetable Crackers Main Ingredient: Vegetables (any parts) 500g Other Ingredient: Banana a small piece Seasonings: Lemon Juice Salt Pepper Paprika 1 tbsp Small amount Small amount Small amount Method: 1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly and chop it. 2. Blend the vegetable lightly. Blend in the banana. 3. Season with lemon juice and small amount of salt. Add pepper and/or paprika (optional). 4. Lay on dehydrator s tray with non-stick sheets. 5. Place trays into a dehydrator in medium setting (48 o C) to preserve nutritious values. Allow the cracker to dehydrate for 10 hours until crispy.

63 醃蘿蔔 ( 醬油 ) 利用家中將過保鮮期的剩餘蘿蔔烹調此菜式, 不但美味, 更可延長蘿蔔的保存期限 主要材料 : 將過保鮮期的白蘿蔔 400 克 調味料 : 日式醬油醋白糖鹽老抽 100 毫升 50 毫升 60 克少量少量 1. 把蘿蔔去皮, 切片 ( 每片 2-3 毫米厚 ) 2. 烹煮醬油, 並將白糖煮至融化, 熄火待涼 再加入醋 鹽 老抽拌勻後再放入蘿蔔 3. 6 小時後從醬油中取出蘿蔔, 並放進玻璃器皿內

64 Preserved Radish (Soy Sauce) If you have leftover radish which may spoil soon, you can extend the shelf life through this recipe. Main Ingredient: Leftover White Radish 400g Seasonings: Japanese Soy Sauce Vinegar White Sugar Salt Dark Soy Sauce 100ml 50ml 60g Small amount Small amount Method: 1. Peel radish, cut into slices (around 2-3mm thickness). 2. Melt sugar with Japanese soy sauce. Cool it down, then add vinegar, salt, dark soy sauce and radish. 3. Remove radish from the soy sauce after 6 hours and store it in a glass container.

65 燒三文魚頭湯 (8 碗份量 ) 主要材料 : 半邊三文魚頭 2 份 ( 可選用其他種類的魚頭或魚骨, 一個三文魚頭大約重 800 克至 1 公斤 ) 其他材料 : 紅蘿蔔 半個 洋蔥 茴香 各 1 個 西芹 1 條 蒜頭 3 瓣 乾百里香 1 茶匙 辣椒粉 茴香籽 各 1 湯匙 月桂葉 2 片 白胡椒 5 粒 卡宴辣椒 ¼ 茶匙 糖 1 茶匙 植物油 50 毫升 白酒 100 毫升 鹽 適量 蕃茄醬 3 湯匙 水 蓋過魚頭的份量 忌廉 酸忌廉 無鹽牛油或橄欖油 按喜好決定 ( 可在湯內加入剩菜, 增加層次及風味 ) 1. 將三文魚頭用清水沖洗 15 分鐘, 瀝乾後備用 2. 所有蔬菜去皮後切成約拇指般大小 3. 將所有蔬菜及調味料拌勻, 並均勻塗抹在三文魚頭裡面及外皮 4. 將魚頭放在鑊內用猛火煎, 再用火稍微燒烤魚頭 5. 將白酒倒進大鍋內煮至 2/3 分量, 加入蕃茄醬, 再燉煮數分鐘 6. 將三文魚頭及蔬菜加進鍋內後注水, 直至覆蓋所有材料 7. 以大火煮滾後, 改中火煮 1 小時 8. 將湯及所有材料倒進攪拌機攪拌至細滑 9. 將湯過濾兩次, 隔去殘留物後加鹽調味 10. 加入忌廉 酸忌廉 無鹽牛油或橄欖油後即成

66 Roasted Salmon Head Soup (8 servings) Main Ingredient: Salmon head-half 2 pcs (Can use any kind of fish head or fish bone, one salmon head is about 800g-1kg) Other Ingredients: Carrot ½ pc Onion, Fennel 1 pc each Celery 1 stick Garlic 3 gloves Thyme, dry 1 tsp Paprika (Powder), Fennel Seeds 1 tbsp each Bay Leaf 2 pcs White Peppercorn 5 pcs Cayenne Pepper ¼ tsp Sugar 1 tsp Vegetable Oil 50ml White Wine 100ml Salt Moderate amount Tomato Paste 3 tbsps Water enough to cover fish heads Cream, sour cream, unsalted butter or olive oil according to personal preference (Leftover vegetables can be added to the soup to enrich the recipe.) Method: 1. Clean and rinse salmon heads under cold running water for 15 minutes. Pat dry and set aside. 2. Peel and cut all vegetables to thumb-sized pieces. 3. Mix all vegetables and seasonings, and rub the mixture all over the cavity inside and outside the salmon head. 4. Roast the salmon head in a wok in high heat. Allow fire to roast part of the head directly. 5. Pour white wine into a big pot and reduce to 2/3. Add tomato paste and simmer for a few minutes. 6. Add salmon heads and vegetables, and add water until all ingredients are covered. 7. Cook in high heat until boiled, then cook over medium heat for an hour. 8. Blend the soup and all ingredients until smooth. 9. Pour the soup through a strainer twice and remove the residue. Add salt if necessary. 10. Finish with cream, sour cream, unsalted butter or olive oil.

67 薑米蛋炒飯 主要材料 : 冷飯 2 碗 其他材料 : 雞蛋薑蔥花生油 3 隻適量適量少量 調味料 : 鹽 少量 1. 把薑切成米粒般大小 2. 在雪櫃取出冷飯後, 將冷飯弄散 3. 先把薑米炒香 4. 再加入冷飯和鹽, 炒香後盛起備用 5. 將生油燒熱, 加入打勻的鷄蛋下鑊炒 6. 最後加入備用的薑米飯及蔥花一起炒勻

68 Fried Rice with Minced Ginger Main Ingredient: Leftover Rice 2 bowls Other Ingredients: Eggs Ginger Spring Onions Cooking Oil 3 pcs Moderate amount Moderate amount Small amount Seasonings: Salt Small amount Method: 1. Mince ginger to a size of rice. 2. Loosen the cold rice after taking it out from the fridge. 3. Stir fry the ginger over low heat 4. Add in rice and salt, stir fry and set aside for later use. 5. Heat up small amount of cooking oil then add beaten egg mixture. 6. Add pre-fried rice and chopped spring onions, mix well, turn heat off and serve.

69 韓式辣醬炒豬肉 主要材料 : 剩餘豬肉 蔬菜及豆腐 適量 其他材料 : 蒜頭 洋蔥 2 瓣 半個 調味料 : 韓式辣醬芝麻油生抽生油 1 湯匙 1 湯匙 ½ 湯匙 1 湯匙 1. 把洋蔥及蒜頭洗淨後切粒 2. 將生油倒進平底鍋加熱 3. 加入洋蔥及蒜頭, 炒至金黃色 4. 加入切碎的豆腐及韓式辣醬 芝麻油及生抽 5. 將豬肉及蔬菜放入後拌勻, 便可享用

70 Korean Style Pork Main Ingredients: Leftover Pork, Vegetables and Tofu Moderate amount Other Ingredients: Garlic Onion 2 cloves Half pc Seasonings: Korean Chili Paste Sesame Oil Light Soy Sauce Cooking Oil 1 tbsp 1 tbsp ½ tbsp 1 tbsp Method: 1. Wash and chop onion and garlic finely. 2. Add cooking oil into frying pan. 3. Add onion and garlic, stir well until golden. 4. Add diced tofu, Korean chili paste, sesame oil and light soy sauce. 5. Finish with pork and vegetables, stir well and serve.

71 鮮味脆香酥粒 主要材料 : 麥包皮 約 24 條麵包邊 ( 按實際情況調整 ) 番茄皮 4 個份量 蘑菇蒂 約 10 隻 其他材料 : 蒜頭 1 瓣 任何香草 適量 橄欖油 ½ 湯匙 芝士粉 ½ 湯匙 調味料 : 胡椒 鹽 適量 適量 1. 預熱焗爐至攝氏 180 度 2. 烤盤以烤箱紙墊好, 把麵包皮 番茄皮及蘑菇蒂盡量攤平在烤箱紙上, 烤乾後放涼 3. 把已烤的食材混以蒜頭及香草後, 放入攪拌機攪碎即成 應用 : 拌麵吃 : 平底鍋燒熱橄欖油, 加入脆酥粒, 慢火炒香 加入芝士粉 鹽及胡椒粉調味, 灑在已熟的意大利麵上享用 作烤羊架的脆皮 炸雞的裹料 烤焗菜式的脆面等 釀入蘑菇中, 澆上橄欖油再烤至蘑菇熟透

72 Fresh Crispy Pangritata Main Ingredients: Wheat Bread Crusts Tomato Skin Mushroom Stalks around 24 pcs of bread crust (can be adjusted according to preference) from 4 tomatoes around 10 pcs Other Ingredients: Garlic Any Herbs Olive Oil Parmesan Cheese 1 clove Moderate amount ½ tbsp ½ tbsp Seasonings: Ground Pepper Salt Moderate amount Moderate amount Method: 1. Preheat oven to 180 C. 2. Place a piece of greaseproof paper into the baking tray. Spread the crusts, tomato skin and mushroom stalks evenly. Bake it and cool down afterwards. 3. Add garlic and herbs, and blend them into powder, and serve. Usage: Serve with spaghetti: Heat up a frying pan, with olive oil, add crusts and stir fry over low heat. Add parmesan cheese, salt and ground pepper for seasoning. Sprinkle them on top of the spaghetti. Use for roasting crispy rack of lambs, stuffing roast chicken and crispy baked vegetables. Use for stuffing mushrooms, sprinkle a dash of olive oil for baking.

73 簡易剩食碗仔翅 主要材料 : 煲湯剩餘豬肉 / 雞肉 半碗 其他材料紅蘿蔔絲木耳絲粉絲上湯水 半碗半碗半碗 1 碗 3 碗 調味料 : 生抽浙醋胡椒粉麻油生粉 2 湯匙少量少量少量少量 1. 把煲湯剩餘豬肉 / 雞肉切成幼絲 2. 把紅蘿蔔絲 木耳絲和粉絲浸水約 5-8 分鐘 3. 粉絲浸軟後切成約 2 寸長 4. 把水和上湯加入鍋中煮滾 5. 加入生抽和胡椒粉調味 6. 把肉絲 紅蘿蔔絲 木耳絲和粉絲加入煲中煮 5 分鐘 7. 加少許生粉打芡 8. 加入浙醋 胡椒粉和麻油調味, 即成

74 Easy Imitation Shark s Fin Soup Main Ingredient: Pork/Chicken from Soup ½ bowl Other Ingredients: Shredded Carrots Shredded Black Fungus Rice Vermicelli Chicken Broth Water ½ bowl ½ bowl ½ bowl 1 bowl 3 bowls Seasonings: Soy Sauce Red Vinegar Pepper Sesame Oil Corn Flour 2 tbsps Small amount Small amount Small amount Small amount Method: 1. Shred the meat. 2. Soak carrots, black fungus and rice vermicelli for 5-8 minutes. 3. Cut the rice vermicelli into 2 inches long. 4. Boil water and chicken broth in a saucepan. 5. Season the soup with soy sauce and pepper. 6. Add shredded meat, carrots, black fungus and rice vermicelli, cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. 7. Mix corn flour with a bit of water. Pour into soup to thicken it. Turn heat off. 8. Season with red vinegar, pepper and sesame oil, serve hot.

75 雜菜魚湯 焗魚餅 (4 人份量 ) I. 雜菜魚湯主要材料 : 魚骨西蘭花莖 200 克 20 克 其他材料 : 白菜生菜忌廉 50 克 50 克 50 毫升 1. 清洗魚骨, 加入凍水, 以慢火煲大約 20 分鐘, 撈起魚骨, 魚湯備用 2. 將生菜 白菜 西蘭花莖切成條狀, 加入魚湯 3. 加入忌廉, 以慢火煲至雜菜軟身, 然後調味 II. 焗魚餅主要材料 : 麵包皮洋蔥頭芫茜頭青蔥頭甜椒頭 30 克 50 克 2 克 2 克 30 克 其他材料 : 魚肉蛋黃醬甘筍西蘭花莖 20 克 10 克 20 克適量 1. 將魚肉及洋蔥頭 甜椒頭 麵包皮切粒 2. 加入芫茜頭 青蔥頭 蛋黃醬攪拌 3. 放入攝氏 190 度焗爐焗大約 20 分鐘即成 4. 可加上熟甘筍及西蘭花莖作裝飾

76 Vegetable Fish Soup and Baked Fish Cake (4 Servings) I. Vegetable Fish Soup Main Ingredients: Fish Bones 200g Broccoli Stalks 20g Other Ingredients: Cabbage 50g Lettuce 50g Fresh Cream 50ml Method: 1. Clean the fish bone. Put it into cold water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Take out the fish bone. 2. Cut the broccoli stalks, cabbage and lettuce into strips. Put them into the fish soup. 3. Add cream, cook over low heat until the vegetables are softened. Season the soup with salt. II. Baked Fish Cake Main Ingredients: Bread Crust Onion Parsley Green Onion Sweet Pepper 30g 50g 2g 2g 30g Others Ingredients: Fish Meat Mayonnaise Carrot Broccoli Stalk 20g 10g 20g Moderate amount Method: 1. Chop the fish meat, onion, sweet pepper and bread crust into pieces. 2. Add parsley, green onion, mayonnaise and mix well. 3. Bake the fish cake at 190 C for about 20 minutes. 4. Add carrot and broccoli stalks for decoration. (Optional)

77 鹹豆角 主要材料 : 將過保鮮期的豆角 1 斤 其他材料 : 鹽 凍滾水 1.5 兩 3 碗 1. 把豆角曬 6-7 小時至軟身 2. 用水洗乾淨豆角 3. 把鹽及冷開水加到玻璃罐內 4. 待鹽完全溶解後, 把豆角放入玻璃罐中 5. 用乾淨的重物壓住豆角, 確保鹽水蓋過所有豆角 6. 浸泡一星期後便可食用 註 : 豆角可以浸在鹽水裡存放大約數個月, 鹹豆角切粒後可伴飯或伴粥, 十分美味

78 鹹瘦肉皮蛋粥 材料 : 煲湯瘦肉皮蛋米鹽薑絲 200 克 2 隻 150 克 3 茶匙適量 1. 提前 1 日把煲湯瘦肉撕成肉絲 2. 把 3 茶匙鹽撒在肉上, 放入雪櫃醃 1 晚備用 3. 用大火把水煮滾後, 放入醃好的鹹瘦肉 4. 水再滾時加入洗淨的米, 切碎的皮蛋及適量的薑絲 5. 大火煮 20 分鐘再轉細火煮 1.5 小時令粥綿軟入味

79 Strawberry jam Ingredients: Leftover Strawberry Sugar Lemon 400g g (depends on personal preference) 1/2 pc Method: 1. Wash the strawberries and remove the green stems. 2. Add strawberries and sugar in a pot. Mix well. 3. Wait for about 1 hour until sugar is melted. Turn to low heat. 4. Once it boils, squeeze lemon juice into the pot. 5. Cook over low heat for half an hour until the mixture becomes sticky. 6. Sterilise a glass bottle with boiling water. 7. Pour mixture into warm bottle for use.


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