高等教育 十一五 规划教材 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) 张华志总主编李书翔主编房锦霞师锐敏赵永琴副主编刘晓虹主审 北京

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1 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

2 高等教育 十一五 规划教材 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) 张华志总主编李书翔主编房锦霞师锐敏赵永琴副主编刘晓虹主审 北京

3 内容简介本书是以中华人民共和国教育部发布的 大学英语课程教学要求 为指导, 以 实用为主, 够用为度 的原则编写的教材, 旨在培养学生的英语综合运用能力, 尤其是听说的交际能力, 实用性强 本书共有 10 个单元, 与读写教程各单元主题配套 每个单元分为 Warming-up,Listening Activities,Speaking Activities 和 Fun Listening 四部分内容 本书内容体现了 21 世纪高等院校英语教学与全国公共英语等级考试 英语应用能力考试等高等院校考试的特点, 注重对学生进行应试能力和应用能力的综合培养, 适合高等院校英语教师 学生及各级各类中高级英语学习者使用 图书在版编目 (CIP) 数据 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 )/ 张华志总主编. 北京 : 科学出版社,2010 ( 高等教育 十一五 规划教材 ) ISBN Ⅰ. 通 Ⅱ. 张 Ⅲ. 英语 - 听说教学 - 高等学校 : 术学校 - 教材 Ⅳ.H319.9 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2010) 第 号 责任编辑 : 王彦 / 责任校对 : 柏连海 责任印制 : 吕春珉 / 封面设计 : 东方人华平面设计部 出版 北京东黄城根北街 16 号邮政编码 : 印刷 科学出版社发行各地新华书店经销 * 2010 年 6 月第一版开本 : / 年 6 月第一次印刷印张 :10 3/4 印数 : 字数 : 定价 :26.00 元 ( 含光盘 ) ( 如有印装质量问题, 我社负责调换 ) 销售部电话 编辑部电话 版权所有, 侵权必究 举报电话 : ; ; 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

4 本书编写人员 总主编张华志 主编李书翔邵 荣 副主编房锦霞师锐敏赵永琴许敏主审刘晓虹编者 ( 以姓氏笔画为序 ) 师锐敏李书翔张华志房锦霞赵永琴烝潘洁

5 前 言 为了深入贯彻 中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定 的 精神, 落实 面向 21 世纪教育振兴行动计划 中提出的高等教育课程改革和教材建设 规划, 根据中华人民共和国教育部高等教育司颁布的 大学英语课程教学要求 和 高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求 ( 高教司 [2000]57 号 )( 试行 ), 针对当前英语教学的现状, 考虑学生入学后的英语水平和毕业后的就业需求, 我们编写了本套教材, 使学生经过两个学年的英语学习, 巩固 扩大基础知识 ; 拓展听 说 读 写 译的技能 ; 培养学生的英语交际能力 自学能力和继续学习的能力 ; 培养学生的爱国主义精神, 激发学习兴趣, 了解中外文化差异, 增强世界意识 本书为整套教材的第三册, 共有 10 个单元, 供一个学期使用, 建议每周 4 课时 各个学校可根据具体教学情况和学生的专业特点自行安排, 因材施教, 分类指导 本书配有教学参考书和录音光盘 一 主要内容 1.Warming-up 准备工作 : 听力学习前的 热身活动, 激发学生的学习兴趣 本册增加了精细听力能力的训练, 如数词 辨音 动词 副词等的专项听力训练, 重点是以句子和简短对话为主 2.Listening Activities 听力练习 : 设计与读写教程各单元题材相关的听力训练活动, 加深对于相关话题的理解 采用对话 (conversation ) 和篇章 (passage) 的形式, 分步训练听力技能, 同时增加新四六级考试题型, 使学生在提高英语听说能力的同时, 提高对更新中的考试形式的适应性 3.Speaking Activities 口语练习 : 提供口语表达范例, 学习相关表达句型 采用灵活多样的练习形式 : 合作练习 (practice with partners) 复述 (retelling) 讨论 (discussion) 情景会话及模拟 (contextual simulation) 等活动, 提高学生的英语口语交际能力 4.Fun Listening 快乐英语 : 选用电影片段 歌曲 名人演讲 诗歌等形式的内容, 增强学生学习 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

6 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) 英语的趣味性, 以及对英语国家文学艺术的欣赏能力 二 编写说明 1. 编写背景英语是世界性语言, 是学习知识 吸收人类文明成果 进行人际交往和开展国际交流合作的重要工具, 是高等教育中一门重要的基础课程 根据现有高等院校学生和师资的实际情况以及社会对学生英语水平的要求, 我们广泛听取了学生 教师和专家的意见, 研究 学习 借鉴了现行高等学院英语教材的设计体系, 编写了本套教材 2. 编写原则立足课程教学目标, 注重学生学习能力和学习策略的培养, 发展其听 说 读 写 译的基本技能, 体现现代高等学院教育的特色 3. 教材特色 1) 注重听力 口语能力训练, 内容贴近社会生活, 创设自然的语言环境, 培养学生用英语进行日常交际的能力 2) 选材严谨, 内容由浅入深, 有较多反映时代气息的语言材料, 强调对学生英语语言运用能力的培养 3) 题材丰富, 趣味性强 4) 弹性和可操作性较强 本书总主编为张华志, 本书主编为李书翔, 副主编为房锦霞 师锐敏 赵永琴 参加本书编写的人员主要有 : 师锐敏 (1 8 单元及附录 ) 赵永琴 (2 9 单元 ) 李书翔 (3 6 单元及附录 ) 房锦霞 (4 5 单元 ) 潘洁 (7 10 单元 ), 全书由张华志教授统稿, 刘晓虹教授主审 在本书编写过程中, 我们参阅了部分国内外出版物, 广泛听取了学生 教师和专家的意见, 吸取同类 同层次教材的长处, 在此谨对原作者表示衷心的感谢 由于时间 水平有限, 书中难免有不妥之处, 敬请广大师生和同行予以指正 ii

7 Contents 目录 Unit 1 Insights of Life... 1 Warming-up... 2 Listening Activities... 4 Speaking Activities Fun Listening Unit 2 Stories Warming-up Listening Activities Speaking Activities Fun Listening Unit 3 Animals(1) Warming-up Listening Activities Speaking Activities Fun Listening Unit 4 Food Warming-up Listening Activities Speaking Activities Fun Listening Unit 5 Animals(2) Warming-up Listening Activities Speaking Activities 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

8 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) Fun Listening Unit 6 Current Affairs Warming-up Listening Activities Speaking Activities Fun Listening Unit 7 Science and Technology(1) Warming-up Listening Activities Speaking Activities Fun Listening Unit 8 Life Experience Warming-up Listening Activities Speaking Activities Fun Listening Unit 9 Science and Technology(2) Warming-up Listening Activities Speaking Activities Fun Listening Unit 10 Communicating With People Warming-up Listening Activities Speaking Activities Fun Listening Appendix References iv

9 Insights of Life Unit 1 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

10 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) Warming-up Waking Up Your Ears You will hear ten questions. After each question, there will be a break of ten seconds. The questions will be spoken once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1.A. You are absolutely right. B. Yes, I have. C. What a pity! D. Sorry, I don t know. 2.A. That s OK. B. Really? C. Never mind. My treat this time. D. What a pity! 3.A. Once a week. B. Very often. C. Every two weeks. D. With . 4.A. I have homework today. B. I have nothing to do this evening. C. Sorry, I don t know. D. Good idea, I will come on time. 5.A. I don t think so. B. I m sorry, we accept cash only. C. You are joking. D. You can go away. 6.A. They would take your advice. B. They want to smooth out their relations. C. Maybe it has some help.

11 Insights of Life Unit 1 D. It s a good idea. 7.A. Yes, I have. And how I wish to go there again! B. Yes, I haven t. And how I wish to go there again! C. No, I have. And how I wish to go there again! D. No, I haven t. And how I wish to go there again! 8.A. That s interesting. B. I m not sure. C. You are quite right. D. Yes, certainly. Testing Your Ears You will hear eight short conversations. After each conversation, there will be a question. After each question, there will be a break of ten seconds. The conversations and questions will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices given. 1.A. She wants to leave. B. She wants him to wait for her. C. She wants him to take some stuff. D. She wants to buy some material. 2.A. The man left the bag in his office. B. The girl can t find her bag. C. The girl is unhappy about her father s behavior. D. The man wondered why the girl asked for the bag. 3.A. To go with her friend. B. To spend weekend. C. To attend her friend s party. D. To have a good look at Paris. 4.A. $45. B. $55. C. $90. D. $100. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

12 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) 5.A. It is an enjoyable job. B. Jack is tired of doing the job. C. The man should help Jack get a job. D. The man would understand Jack if he did the job. 6.A. An exciting job with an average salary. B. A boring job with a high salary. C. An ordinary job with a low salary. D. Any jobs with a high salary. 7.A. Husband and wife. B. Teacher and student. C. Manager and secretary. D. They are dating each other. 8.A. At a restaurant. B. At a bank. C. At a store. D. At an airport. Listening Activities Theme-Related Listening Useful Expressions homesick 想家的, 害思乡病的

13 Insights of Life Unit 1 I Listen to the conversation for the first time and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true or F for false. ( ) 1.Wang Ping is far away from home. ( ) 2.She feels lonely because she has few friends. ( ) 3.People don t get together unless on weekends. ( ) 4.She used to spend time together with her friends and her family. ( ) 5.She gets used to staying abroad. II Listen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks. If you have difficulty understanding the words missing from the blanks, you may refer to the box of useful expressions. III Wang Ping: I m homesick now. I m usually very happy here, but sometimes I. When I think about my family, my friends and my home, I. Mary: But you have friends here, too. Wang Ping: I know. I am lonely here because people don t. They re always, so they don t talk to each other. Mary: Sure they do. We talked at the party last Saturday, and we all had a good time, didn t we? Wang Ping: Of course, but we only do those things. In China, as soon as my classes ended every day, I. Before I came here, I always used to talk to my family at home. We used to spend an hour at dinner every day, and the food was wonderful. Mary: I understand, but I think you will here soon. Wang Ping: Thank you. It was nice talking to you. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 Listen to the conversation for the third time, repeat it sentence by sentence, and then role-play it in pairs.

14 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) Conversations In this section, you will hear three conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then finish the following exercises. Conversation 1 Family Talking Listen to a conversation between the two speakers and choose the correct answer to each question. Useful Expressions occasion 场合, 特殊事件, 原因 dread 恐惧, 害怕 classy 上等的, 优雅的 have a nose for fashion 时尚嗅觉 1.A. She believes it s a happy thing to raise a child. B. She believes it s hard to raise a child. C. She has no idea about raising a child. D. She dislikes having a child. 2.A. She felt tired about raising a child. B. She would attend a meeting. C. She was afraid people would judge her style upon her attending the party. D. She was crazy about shopping. 3.A. Mother and daughter. B. Teacher and student. C. Doctor and patient. D. They are sisters.

15 Insights of Life Unit 1 Conversation 2 What s Eating You? Sue and Bob are having a talk about themselves and their friends. Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions that follow. Useful Expressions for ages ( 口 ) 很长时间 What s eating you? ( 口 ) 你遇到什么麻烦了? get on with ( 习 ) 与 和睦相处 leave someone in the cold ( 习 ) 冷落某人 have little in common with ( 习 ) 与 几乎没有共同之处 That s where the shoe pinches. ( 习 ) 那就是问题所在 1.What s the trouble with Bob? 2.Why can t Bob get on well with his classmates? 3.What suggestion does Sue give him? Conversation 3 You Should Do It Listen to the conversation and after the conversation there will be three questions. Choose the best answer to each question you hear. Useful Expressions plague 瘟疫, 灾难, 祸患 corporation 公司, 企业, 社团 the root cause 核心原因, 主要原因 adult 成年人 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

16 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) 1.A. Yes, she cleaned the room three days ago. B. No, she still hasn t cleaned her room. C. Yes, she decided to clean it. D. It wasn t mentioned in the dialogue. 2.A. Nancy herself. B. Her mother. C. Her father. D. Her roommates. 3.A. Because she is afraid her father will be angry with her. B. Because she thinks her daughter is too lazy. C. Because she doesn t like her daughter having an easy holiday. D. Because she thinks Nancy has been an adult and should learn to do things even if she dislikes. Passages Now you will hear two passages. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the information you hear. Useful Words cousin 堂兄弟, 表兄弟 relative 亲戚, 亲属 security 安全, 确信, 保证 nuclear 核心的 extend 延伸, 扩展

17 Insights of Life Unit 1 Passage 1 Family Family, the word has different meanings for different people. Some people think of a family as a mother, a father, and their children; others include grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. For some of us, family means living far away from home. For others, having a family simply means. No matter whether it is young or old, large or small, traditional or modern, every family what a family is. It is that, of love and security that comes from living together, helping and sharing. There are basically two types of families: and extended families. The nuclear family usually two parents and their children while the extended family is very large. There are often many nuclear families in one. The members of an extended family are called relatives. Passage 2 A Fresh Start Now Useful Words possess 拥有, 占有 incredible 难以置信的, 极妙的 The greatest power you possess for succeeding in life is your understanding that any moment you choose to start fresh. You ve only to of this fact about the newness of life to that waits for you just behind it. Nothing that before stands there now in the same way. It s all new, even if you can t as yet see it that way. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

18 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) Speaking Activities Training I Read aloud after the speaker, paying attention to the pronunciations of the vowels. 1.The fat man grabbed a black cat. 2.Mary married a handsome young man and had a happy family. 3.Better late than never. 4.East or west, home is best. 5.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 6.The tough bus conductor cut his thumb. 7.Bobby put the hot dog in the pot. 8.First come, first served. 9.The worker in a dirty shirt works in the first workshop. 10.Well begun is half done. II Read the following expressions several times so that you get very familiar with them. How to ask for an opinion 1.What do you think of/about? 你认为 2.What s your opinion/idea/ of? 你对 有何看法 / 想法? 3.What s your position on? 你对 有何立场? 4.How do you feel about? 你觉得 怎么样? 5.I d like to know something about 我想知道关于 How to give an opinion 1.I d like to say 我想说 2.From my point of view 从我的角度看 3.I think/believe/suppose 我认为 / 相信 / 猜想 4.To put it frankly 坦白地说 5.To tell you the truth 实话对你说 10

19 Insights of Life Unit 1 How to ask for an opinion 6.I have no idea about 我不知道 7.Excuse me, could you tell? 打扰一下, 您能告诉我? 8.Could you explain your opinion? 你能解释一下你对 的看法吗? 9.I wonder 我想知道 10.What about? 怎么样? How to give an opinion 6.As far as I m concerned 就我而言 7.I d like to point out 我想指出 8.In my opinion 在我看来 9.In my view 在我看来 10.It would seem to me that 这对我来说是 Conversations I Conversation 1 Listen to the conversation and practice it with your partner. M: I wonder how I can make a person happy. W: Who would you like to make happy? M: My wife, of course. W: Haha It s really hard for you. In my opinion, you can buy her a rose, and say love to her. M: I think my love can be expressed through wealth and riches. W: I don t agree with you. Many times, the small things in life, which we often ignore, are more important than the ones that we consider far more valuable. M: Really? My wife always complains about me. She said she was unhappy. W: Do you work hard all day and night and 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 11

20 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) not able to devote any of your time to your wife? M: Yes, I believe this is the best way of showing my love. W: But, it would seem to me that the way you show your love to her is not appropriate. All she wants for you is to show her more affection than by giving her more of your time, caring for her and by expressing your feelings for her. These are the things that she yearns for in her life and not the big, flashy things that you have given her. M: You are really a thoughtful person. W: So, buy her a rose and say love to her. These are all the things that can bring her happiness. M: Thank you so much. It s very nice to have a friend like you. II What method do you use to express your love to your parents or your friends? Share your opinions with your classmates. You may use the sentence patterns of asking for and giving opinions. Conversation 2 I Listen to the conversation. Please fill in the blanks and then practice it with your partner. Molly: Where is my bag? Father: What bag? Molly: You know, the one this morning. Father: I. Why? Molly: I. And, besides, those are my things, Daddy, the ones I really love I thought you might like to play with them, but now. You didn t love the bag, did you, Daddy? Father: Oh, no, I just forgot to bring it home. I ll tomorrow. II Have you ever sent your parents presents? How did they treat your gifts? Share your feelings with your classmates. 12

21 Insights of Life Unit 1 Retelling Listen to the following passage. Retell the passage in your own words and prepare a two-minute presentation. Big Rocks One day, an expert in time management speaking to a group of students, used an illustration those students will never forget to make them approach to a point. As he stood in front of the group of overachievers, he said, OK, time for a quiz. He pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouth jar and set it on the table in front of him. He also prepared about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one at a time, into the jar. When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would be fit inside, he asked, Is this jar full? Everyone in the class shouted, Yes. The expert asked, Really? He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel. He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar, causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the big rocks. He then asked again, Is this jar full? By this time the class was in silence. Probably not, one of them answered. Good! he replied. He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the question, Is this jar full? No! the class shouted. Once again he said, Good. Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim. Then he gave a glimpse of the class and asked, What is the point of this illustration? One lively student raised his hand and said, The point is, no matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard, you can always fit some more things in it! No, the speaker replied, that s not the point. The truth this illustration teaches us is if you don t put the big rocks in first, you ll never get them in at all. What are the big rocks in your life? Time with your loved ones, your education, your dreams, a worthy 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 13

22 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) cause, teaching or mentoring others? Remember to put these big rocks first or you ll never get them in at all. Thinking and Talking: What are the big rocks in your life? How can we find our big rocks? Fun Listening Enjoy the song The Giving Tree. The Giving Tree By Shel Silverstein Once there was a giving tree Who loved a little boy And everyday the boy would come to play Swinging from her branches Sleeping in her shades Laughing all the summer hours away And so they loved, and oh the tree was happy Oh, the tree was glad But soon the boy grew older And one day he came and said Can you give me some money, tree To buy some things I ve found I have no money, said the tree Just apples, twigs and leaves But you can take my apples, boy And sell them in the town And so he did, and oh the tree was happy 14

23 Insights of Life Unit 1 Oh, the tree was glad Soon again the boy came back And he said to the tree, I m now a man And I must have a house that s all my own I can t give you a house, said the tree The forest is my home But you may cut my branches off And build yourself a home And so he did, and oh the tree was happy Oh, the tree was glad And time went by and the boy came back With sadness in his eyes My life has turned so cold, he said And I need sunny days I m nothing but my trunk, she said But you may cut it down And build yourself a boat and sail away And so he did, and oh the tree was happy Oh, the tree was glad And after years, the boy came back From both ends of the world I really cannot help you If you ask another gift I m nothing but an old stump now I m sorry, boy, she said I m sorry, but I ve nothing more to give I don t need very much now Just a quiet place to rest The boy, he whispered with a weary smile Well, said the tree, an old stump is still as good for that Come, boy, she said, sit down 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 15

24 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) Sit down and rest a while And so he did, and oh the tree was happy Oh, the tree was glad 背景知识 : 这首歌的词曲作者西尔弗斯坦 (Shel Silverstein) 堪称 20 世纪美国文艺界令人印象最为深刻的鬼才之一,1932 年出生于芝加哥 西尔弗斯坦多才多艺, 除了诗人 画家 词曲作家 唱片制作人和歌手等身份之外, 他令人印象最为深刻的, 却是他为儿童们所绘制与编写的儿童文学作品, 以及童诗与儿歌 出版於 1964 年的 奉献的树 是他最早的儿童文学作品之一, 也是最受推崇与喜爱的经典 这首歌的演唱者巴比贝尔是西尔弗斯坦的老友, 也是乡村歌坛最具特色的资深艺人之一 他来自俄亥俄州, 出身贫门, 青少年时代在农场和成衣厂打工 由于喜爱音乐 却又买不起乐器, 自己做了一把吉他开始练习, 进而在一支乡村乐队里面找到一份没有酬劳的工作 他最重要的作品, 是在 70 年代推出的一系列专辑, 这首 一棵奉献树 就是他跟鬼才大师西尔弗斯坦合作, 根据 奉献的树 这篇儿童作品改编的一首成功的歌曲 16

25 Unit 2 Stories 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

26 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) Warming-up Waking Up Your Ears You will hear eight statements.at the end of each statement, there will be a break of ten seconds.the statements will be read only once.when you hear a statement, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D A. The girl couldn t afford it. B. The girl didn t like it. C. The girl didn t care for it. D. The girl liked to buy it. 2.A. I think some real estate agents like money better than anything else. B. I think most real estate agents desire to make money. C. I think not all real estate agents want to make a profit. D. I think all people like to make money. 3.A. It isn t lovely to live near the seashore. B. The house near the seashore is lovely. C. Let s leave the seashore for a couple of days. D. I suggest we live near the seashore for several days. 4.A. David didn t sign the contract. B. David signed the contract first. C. David went to the apartment first. D. David didn t go to the apartment. 5.A. The man didn t pay his rent. B. The man paid his rent. C. The landlord didn t ask the man for his rent. D. The man was accused by the landlord. 6.A. It could be an excuse. B. It could be a belief. C. It could be an explanation.

27 Stories Unit 2 D. It could be an invitation. 7.A. We live in a flat in central Manhattan now. B. We don t live in a flat in central Manhattan now. C. We seldom live in a flat in central Manhattan. D. We like to live in a flat in central Manhattan. 8.A. Do you want to go to China? B. Do you want to live abroad? C. I wonder if you have lived abroad before. D. I wonder if you want to go abroad. Testing Your Ears You will hear eight short conversations.after each conversation, there will be a question. After each question, there will be a break of ten seconds.the conversations and questions will be spoken twice.when you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices given. 1.A. He ll take the guests home in a minute. B. He needs time to relax before the guests arrive. C. He thinks it s easy to clean the house. D. He wants the woman not to worry. 2.A. At a store. B. At home. C. At a restaurant. D. At an office. 3.A. $25. B. $60. C. $35. D. $85. 4.A. How to buy a house. B. How to save money. C. The housing problem. D. The economic problem. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 19

28 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) 5.A. Yes, he s planning to buy it. B. Yes, he s bought it on his holiday. C. No, he spent all his money on a vacation. D. No, he spent all his money on his car. 6.A. On Saturdays. B. On Sundays. C. On Thursdays. D. Every day. 7.A. $45. B. $150. C. $8. D. $90. 8.A. Selling a flat. B. Buying a flat. C. Renting a flat. D. Bargaining on a flat. Listening Activities Theme-Related Listening Useful Expressions due to 由于, 因为 apartment 公寓 share 分享, 共有 decorate 装饰 20

29 Stories Unit 2 I Listen to the conversation for the first time and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true or F for false. ( ) 1.The woman used to share a room with her sister. ( ) 2.The woman didn t like to live with her sister. ( ) 3.The woman was not very interested in her new room. ( ) 4.They thank the government for improving their housing. ( ) 5.The woman decorated her room to her own taste. II Listen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks.if you have difficulty understanding the words missing from the blanks, you may refer to the box of useful expressions. M: You look so happy. W: Yes, I m so happy that I have my own room now. M: Didn t you have your own room before? W: No, for the past years I. M: Didn t you want to live with your sister? W: I just. This is the first time in my life I had my own room. I felt very proud and I will. M: This is maybe the Chinese government. China has done. W: Yes. Many people now live in bigger and more comfortable apartments, just like my family. There are four people in our family. In the past, we lived in. I had to. Now, we have moved to a four-bedroom apartment. I have my own room.can you imagine how happy I am? M: Sure, I had the same feeling when I moved to my apartment last year. Did your parents to make the whole apartment nice and comfortable? W: Of course they did. They did a lot of decoration work. And I also decorated my room. We are really proud of our home after all the work. M: I believe you have created something that s your own. W: Yes. Would you like to visit my room? M: That s great. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 21

30 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) III Listen to the conversation for the third time, repeat it sentence by sentence, and then role-play it in pairs. Conversations In this section, you will hear three conversations.listen to the conversations carefully and then finish the following exercises. Conversation 1 Renting a House Listen to the conversation about Renting a House and choose the best answer to each question. Useful Expressions rent 租房 reasonable 合理的 22 1.A. He wants to buy a house. B. He wants to rent a house. C. He wants to sell a house. D. He wants to pay the bill. 2.A.$100. B. $180. C. $200. D. $90. 3.A. It is too high. B. It is rather cheap. C. It is moderate.

31 Stories Unit 2 D. It cannot be acceptable. 4.A.Today. B. Tomorrow. C. Tomorrow afternoon. D. The day after tomorrow. Conversation 2 Complaining About the House Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question. Useful Expressions sick 使人作呕的, 恶心的 sink ( 厨房的 ) 洗涤槽 ; 水槽, 水池 ; 阴沟 leak 漏 ; 漏水, 漏气, 漏出, 渗漏 ; 泄漏 fall apart 崩溃, 土崩瓦解 put up with 忍住, 熬住, 隐忍迁就 1.A. They are talking about the door bell. B. They are talking about the sink. C. They are complaining about lack of hot water. D. They are complaining about the bad condition of the house. 2.A. They are satisfied with the house. B. They are not quite satisfied with the house. C. They think the house is terrible. D. They think the house will fall down. 3.A. They have no house to live in. B. They are unwilling to afford a fine house. C. They don t want to buy a house. D. They are short of money. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 23

32 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) Conversation 3 Talking About Homes with a Realestate Agent Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true or F for false. Useful Expressions afford ( 财力 时间等 ) 足以承担 ( 损失 后果等 ), 花费得起, 经受得住 go up 上升 financial 财政 ( 上 ) 的, 财务 ( 上 ) 的, 金融 ( 上 ) 的 Spanish style architecture 西班牙风格的建筑 bargain 便宜货, 廉价品 ; 交易, 买卖 investment 投资 ; 投入 ; 投入资金的东西 ( ) 1.The woman said she was not sure if she could afford a house because the expense of housing had rapidly grown. ( ) 2.The woman visited a two-bedroom house. ( ) 3.The house of Spanish style is a two-bedroom house. ( ) 4.The house that the woman settled on has a kitchen, a living room but has no garage. ( ) 5.The price of the house is relatively much lower. Passages P assage 1 24

33 Stories Unit 2 Now you will hear a passage.listen carefully and then try to answer the following questions according to what you have heard. Useful Words storeroom 贮藏室 study 书房, 书斋 villa 别墅 1.How long have the family been living in the house in Manchester? 2.How many bedrooms do they have? 3.Which room in the house is going to be changed into a study? 4.What do they think of their garden? 5.What do they think of the villa? P assage 2 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 Now you will hear a passage.listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the information according to what you have heard. There is a wide of rental housing in the United States. In the cities, this mostly means. They usually have one, two or three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. Some are just one room apartments with a kitchen and a bathroom, these are called efficiencies. People also houses. When you rent a house, you pay its 25

34 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) owner to live there. Prices according to its location and the quality of the apartment or house. You usually have to pay three months rent in advance. Two months rent for, in case you do any damage to the apartment, and the first month s rent. Most owners,, will require you to agreeing to pay rent for a full year. At the end of the year, you re free to find another place, or with the landlord, as long as he still wants you as a tenant. Speaking Activities Training I Read aloud after the speaker, paying attention to the pronunciations of the consonants. 1.Mrs.Smith s sister sits in the sixth seat. 2.She sells seashells on the seashore. 3.We will wait for you at railway station. 4.The lad let the cats run around the lawn. 5.Judy will soon move to a new house with a flat roof. 6.Tom will soon finish the lesson and dance in the sunshine. 7.Don t cry over spilt milk. 8.Where there s a will, there is a way. 9.Mary reads poems to her child every night. 10.The robber broke into the bank, but was caught by the police. II Read the following words and pattern drills several times so that you get very familiar with them. 26

35 Stories Unit 2 Useful Words bedroom 卧室 sitting room / living room 客厅 kitchen 厨房 bathroom 洗手间 balcony 阳台 basement 地下室 hallway 门厅 storeroom 储藏室 garage 车库 two-bedroom 两居室 apartment ( 美 ) 公寓 flat ( 英 ) 公寓 split-level house 复式住宅 villa 别墅 affordable house 经济适用房 low-rent house 廉租房 Useful Sentence Patterns 1.This is my house/home. 这是我家 2.I bought a house/home. 我买了一所房子 3.This house/ two-bedroom apartment is for rent. 这个房子 / 两居室公寓要出租 4.We are looking for a house to rent. 我们正在寻找要出租的房子 5.How much is the rent? 租金是多少? 6.What s the rent for this apartment? 这个公寓的租金是多少? 7.Are you trying to find/buy a furnished house? 你要找 / 买有家具的房子吗? 8.This $400 rent includes all utilities. It s a bargain. 这 400 元的租金包括所有公用设施 价格很公道 9.The house needs repairing. It s in bad condition. 这房子需要修理 条件太糟糕了 10.Please show me your house/ bedroom. 请让我看看你的房子 / 卧室 11.I m looking for two other students to share this house. 我正在找另外两名同学和我一起合租这所房子 12.Let s sign a lease. 让我们签订租约 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 27

36 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) Conversations I Conversation 1 Looking for an Apartment Listen to the conversation and then practice it with your partner. W: I ve found a nice place in this district. Three bedrooms, a large kitchen, high ceilings, a tile bath and a big drawing room. M: It sounds nice, but don t forget this is a seedy, run-down neighborhood. W: What about the one on the Ping yang Road? It s a two-bedroom one, and renovated building with an eat-in kitchen. M: Are the plumbing all right? W: The plumbing seems OK, too. The toilet flushes and the shower has hot and cold water and the sinks don t seem to leak. M: Sounds good. W: Yes. It s a bit small but looks nice. What s more, it s only ten minutes walk to the company. M: Let s go there and have a look at it again. II I Try to describe your room to your classmates, using the words or sentence patterns above. Conversation 2 Renting a House Please fill in the blanks and then practice it with your partner. 28 W: Hi, I m Kitty Taylor. M: Hello,. John Smith. W: Nice to meet you Mr.Smith. M: Please call me John. W: O.K., John. Well,. M: Actually, there are several. Are you looking for? W: I m looking for a two-bed room apartment. M: I think I just have the place for you.

37 Stories Unit 2 II W:? M: Sure. Come on it. We just finished rebuilding everything. W: Well. It s certainly nice. You ve done a great job. M: Thank you. By the way,? W: I m looking for another student to me. M: OK. W:? M: The rent is, including all utilities.. W: Well, I think I ll take it.can I write you a check for the now? M: That would be fine. Retelling Listen to the following passage.retell the passage in your own words and prepare a two-minute presentation. Housing Problem In recent years, housing problem has become a big issue in most cities of China. According to the report of Beijing Business Today, the housing price difference is largely the result of the income gap in China.From the results of investigation of people of different income groups, it can be seen that the salary of the high income group has increased fairly larger than that of the low income group.the middle and high income groups have a sustainable capability to pay for housing.on the other hand, the salary of the low income group has increased at a slower rate than the housing price growth.therefore people with low income can not afford to pay for a house.they think that the housing price problem is the result of the income gap among different people.improving the housing guarantee system and streamlining market competition environment have thus become the two indispensable ways to solve the issue. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 29

38 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) Fun Listening Enjoy the song Take Me Home, Country Roads. Take Me Home, Country Roads John Denver Almost heaven, West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River Life is old there, older than the trees Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads All my memories gathered round her Miner's lady, stranger to blue water Dark and dusty, painted on the sky Misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads I hear her voice in the mornin hour she calls me The radio reminds me of my home far away And drivin down the road I get a feelin That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday Country roads, take me home To the place I belong 30

39 Stories Unit 2 West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads Take me home, down country roads Take me home, down country roads 姓名 :John Denver 生辰 :1943 年 12 月 31 日祭日 :1997 年 10 月 12 日出生 : 美国新墨西哥州罗斯维尔城称号 : 行星诗人 自然母亲之子职业 : 创作歌手 环境保护人士 演员 诗人 乐器演奏家 激进主义者荣誉 :21 次金唱片奖和 4 次白金唱片奖网站 : 乡村歌曲 故乡的路 (Take Me Home, Country Roads) 是由比尔 丹诺夫 (Bill Danoff) 所作,John Denver 演唱, 描写西弗吉尼亚山区美丽风光 此曲成为丹佛的招牌曲目 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 31

40 Unit 3 Animals(1)

41 Animals(1) Unit 3 Warming-up Waking Up Your Ears You will hear eight statements. At the end of each statement, there will be a break of ten seconds. The statements will be read only once. When you hear a statement, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1.A. These students know their way. B. These students are asking for directions. C. These students probably have lost their way to the zoo. D. These students are sure they will find their way. 2.A. I can t raise an animal. B. I can t teach others to raise an animal. C. I can t find an animal. D. I haven t had an animal yet. 3.A. It could be an explanation. B. It could be a suggestion. C. It could be a requirement. D. It could be an argument. 4.A. I like cats rather than dogs. B. I like dogs rather than cats. C. I d rather have dogs than cats. D. I don t think I will keep cats. 5.A. You don t want to help the homeless cats and dogs. B. You want them to help the homeless cats and dogs. C. You are not prepared to help the homeless cats and dogs. D. I believe you are against helping the homeless cats and dogs. 6.A. We were too noisy. B. Jessie was too noisy. C. The dog was too noisy. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 33

42 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) D. The neighbors were too noisy. 7.A. I remembered the poor cat. B. I fed the poor cat. C. I didn t feed the poor cat. D. I remembered and took the poor cat home. 8.A. People keep pets for economic reasons. B. People keep pets for emotional reasons. C. People keep pets for both economic and emotional reasons. D. It s really hard to say. Testing Your Ears You will hear eight short conversations. After each conversation, there will be a question. After each question, there will be a break of ten seconds. The conversations and questions will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices given A. He left the park in a hurry. B. He couldn t run fast enough. C. He couldn t catch the animals. D. He didn t have enough film. 2.A. Because he went there last week. B. Because he doesn t want to go there. C. Because he doesn t like the woman. D. Because he doesn t prefer the idea. 3.A. A bus. B. A bar. C. A car. D. A bike. 4.A. They will attend a meeting with their teacher. B. They will visit the zoo with their teacher. C. They will visit the zoo without their teacher. D. They will not visit the zoo this afternoon. 5.A. He would like to get tickets for the circus performance very much. B. He has already got the ticket for the circus performance. C. He is not interested in the circus performance.

43 Animals(1) Unit 3 D. He feels sorry that the woman has misunderstood him. 6.A. The bookstore. B. The supermarket. C. The library. D. The post office. 7.A. He was caught in the rain. B. He went to the zoo. C. He did nothing. D. He played games. 8.A. He had a nightmare. B. He had a sound sleep. C. He didn t have a good sleep. D. He didn t sleep because of the dog. Listening Activities Theme-Related Listening Useful Expressions dinosaur 恐龙 lizard 蜥蜴 reptile 爬行动物 fossil 化石 vary 不同, 变化, 改变 plant-eater 食草类 flesh-eater 肉食类 diplodocus 梁龙 compsognathus 美颌龙 tyrannosaur 霸王龙 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 35

44 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) I Listen to the passage for the first time and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true or F for false. ( ) 1.The word dinosaur comes from English, meaning terrible animal. ( ) 2.All the knowledge that we have about dinosaurs comes from fossils. ( ) 3.Scientists can tell which were flesh-eaters by examining fossils of their teeth and claws. ( ) 4.Diplodocus is the biggest flesh-eater which measured over 23 meters from nose to tail. ( ) 5.Vegetarian dinosaurs were larger than the meat-eaters. II Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks. If you have difficulty understanding the words missing from the blanks, you may refer to the box of useful expressions. Dinosaur is a word, meaning terrible lizard. All the knowledge that we have about dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were the reptiles who for over 150 million years, from 230 to 65 million years ago. They, from less than a meter to almost 30 meters, and they lived all over the world. Some were peaceful ; others were terrifying. Scientists can tell which were which by examining fossils of their. Meat-eaters had long sharp teeth for tearing flesh, while plant-eaters had smaller teeth to chew leaves and branches. Some vegetarian dinosaurs were. The biggest plant-eater was the diplodocus, which over 23 meters from nose to tail. One of the smallest dinosaurs was the compsognathus which measured 60 cm from head to tail. The largest ever meat-eating creature was the tyrannosaurs, which lived some ago. It weighed over kg and measured some 15 meters from head to tail! III Listen to the passage again and talk with your classmates about dinosaurs. Conversations In this section, you will hear three conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and finish the following exercises. 36

45 Animals(1) Unit 3 Conversation 1 Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question. Useful Expressions awful 可怕的 play tricks on 捉弄 1.A. She lost a black hat. B. She lost her bicycle. C. Her black cat was missing. D. She couldn t find her bag. 2.A. She can talk. B. She is smart. C. She is playing tricks on her. D. She can live for days in the snow. 3.A. The policeman was making a joke. B. The policeman wanted to look for the cat. C. The policeman wanted to give her more help. D. The policeman knew that the cat was calling soon. Conversation 2 Talking About Animals Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 37

46 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) Useful Expressions wander 徘徊, 漫走 ASPCA 美国预防虐待动物协会 ( 或美国动物保护协会 ) cuddle with 抚爱地拥抱, 搂抱 pal 伙伴, 好朋友 responsible 负责任的, 可信赖的 Background Information ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) 美国虐待动物预防协会 : 非盈利组织, 致力于制止虐待动物 该组织于 1866 年 4 月 10 日由 Henry Bergh 创建, 这是西半球第一个动物福利小组, 也是美国最古老的仁爱机构, 他们的宗旨是 : 为制止全美虐待动物行为提供有效的方式 1. A. Yes, he has. B. No, he hasn t. C. Maybe he has. D. It isn t mentioned in the conversation. 2.A. Dad. B. Friends. C. ASPCA. D. Policeman. 3.A. Cat. B. Dog. C. Pet. D. Animal. 38

47 Animals(1) Unit 3 Conversation 3 Talking About Animal Cruelty Listen to the conversation about Talking about Animal Cruelty and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true or F for false. Useful Expressions cruelty 虐待 accuse 指责 slay 杀死 disgust 厌恶 punishment 处罚 guilty 有罪 dominate 支配, 统治 superior 优越的 abuse 滥用 commit 犯 ( 罪 ) prosecute 起诉 violent 暴力的 defenseless 手无寸铁 ( ) 1.The kid was accused of killing more than 13 cats. ( ) 2.The way of dominating any other animals makes us superior. ( ) 3.According to statistics, people who kill or abuse animals in their youth tend to commit violent crimes against people. ( ) 4.The speakers think crimes against animals should be punished. ( ) 5.The speaker believes that killing the animal is the same as killing a defenseless baby. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 39

48 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) Passages Passage 1 Homeless Cats and Dogs Now you will hear a passage. Listen carefully and choose the correct answer you hear. Useful Words resident 居民 estimate 估计 capture 捕获 wander 漫步 40 1.A. There are too many cats and dogs in the cities. B. Too much money is spent on homeless cats and dogs. C. Too many people keep cats and dogs as pets. D. Too many homeless cats and dogs are running wild in the cities. 2.A. Over 30 million. B. Over 13 million. C. Over 15 million. D. Over 50 million. 3.A. A survey done by Friends of Animals Incorporation. B. A study done by the U.S. government. C. A report issued in Chicago. D. A survey done by the city government of New York. 4.A. In Chicago. B. In a fifth of the cities in the U.S.. C. In New York. D. In 41 cities in the U.S..

49 Animals(1) Unit 3 5. A. A Survey of Cats and Dogs in the U.S.. B. Homeless Cats and Dogs in the U.S.. C. Population of Pets in the U.S.. D. Animal Population Control Program. P assage 2 Now you will hear a passage. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the information you hear. Most Americans treat their like a member of the family. This means that Americans love their pets, and they home, food, exercise, and medical care. The most in the U.S. are dogs, cats, birds, and fish. Pets, such as dogs and cats, make good. But in addition to providing good companionship, pets are, too. For example, dogs, herd cattle and sheep, and. Monkeys, such unusual pets in the U.S., will soon become useful pets for to have. Scientists are now to help paralyzed persons do simple tasks, such as eating, cleaning the house, and even changing the channel on the TV set! Speaking Activities I Training Read aloud after the speaker, paying attention to the vowels of the sentences. 1.as busy as a bee 2.as slippery as an eel 3.as merry as a cricket 4.lead a dog s life 5.cast sheep s eyes 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 忙碌至极油滑 ; 不可靠非常高兴 ; 非常快活过者悲惨的生活送秋波 ; 抛媚眼 ; 以目传情 41

50 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) 6.give someone the bird 喝倒彩 7.Even a worm will turn. 人急造反, 狗急跳墙 8.bell the cat 猫脖子拴铃铛 ; 为了大家的 利益承担风险 9.break a butterfly on a wheel 小题大做 ; 杀鸡用牛刀 10.Don t count one s chickens before they are hatched. 不要过早乐观 II Useful words used to describe animals. smart intelligent clever lovely cute affectionate common special colorful independent III Read the following expressions several times so that you get very familiar with them. Useful Expressions Starters Do you like cats? 你喜欢猫吗? Don t you like cats? 难道你不喜欢猫吗? Which animal do you like? 你喜欢什么动物? Which is your favorite animal? 你最喜欢的动物是什么? Responses I like dog the best. 我最喜欢狗 I like all kinds of animals, especially dogs. 我喜欢各种动物, 尤其是狗 I don t like cats very much. 我不太喜欢猫 I don t care for /dislike cats. 我不喜欢猫 I prefer cats to dogs. 比起狗来, 我更喜欢猫. My favorite animal is dog. 我最喜欢的动物是狗. 42

51 Animals(1) Conversation Unit 3 I Conversation 1 Talking About Animals Listen to the dialogue and practice it with your partner. II I A: Look! There are many animals. B: Yes, how lovely! A: Which animal do you like? B: I like cats. A: Why? B: It is a companion that makes us feel happy. I have a white cat. She s fat. She has two big eyes and a long tail. And it s very lovely and cute. How about you? A: I prefer dogs. I keep a little dog. It s black. It s very loyal. He is so smart that he can even communicate with me. He is quick to sense my anger and sorrow. Do you have a pet? Try to describe your favorite animals to your classmates. Conversation 2 Let s Get a Cat for Our New Home Listen to the conversation. Fill in the blanks and practice it with your partner. M: Let s get a cat for our new home. W: I d. I like cats, but they re not as friendly as dogs. M: Cats are more than dogs, and 科学出版社 they re quieter. Dogs are noisy. They bark a lot. W: But cats aren t dogs. M: Well, most dogs are than cats. W: Maybe... but cats aren t as. M: What? Everyone knows cats are more intelligent than dogs. W: You want an intelligent pet? Well, how about a turtle? Turtles are, and they re 职教技术出版中心 43

52 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) smaller than other pets. M: A turtle?. Are they clean? W: Very clean. And quieter than both dogs and cats. M: Well, a turtle does seem interesting. W: How about a cute little bird? M: They are beautiful. But my mother. W: So what pet is beautiful, clean and quiet? M: I know fish! II Do you like to keep pets? What kind of animal do you like to keep? Choose one of the following pictures to talk about. Retelling Listen carefully to the following passage about a special dog and retell the passage in your own words. 44

53 Animals(1) Unit 3 Part One Sammy the dog is a hero. And Tommy is a lucky three-year old boy! Tommy lives with his parents, Laura and Jerry Eyler. Sammy is their pet dog. One day in August, Mr. Eyler was in the backyard with Tommy and Sammy. Mrs. Eyler was in the house. Suddenly, she heard Sammy barking. Mr. Eyler heard a hissing sound. Then, he saw the snake. It was a long, fat rattlesnake. It was coming toward Tommy. Mr. Eyler ran over to help his son, but Sammy was faster. She jumped between Tommy and the snake. The rattlesnake bit Sammy on the neck. Jerry Eyler killed the snake. Then, the Eylers took Sammy to the animal hospital. The veterinarians were worried. Sammy was very sick. Every day the family went to the hospital to visit their pet. Finally, Sammy was able to leave the hospital. There was a big party that night at the Eylers house. Soon, Sammy was a famous dog. She was on television and her picture was in the newspaper. Laura and Jerry Eyler are proud of their brave dog. Little Tommy doesn t say much about his pet. Only that Sammy is his very best friend. Part Two Have you ever had the chance to see a large flock of birds in flight? The sight of a flock of these birds traveling is an interesting one. You will notice that the birds often travel in a V formation. Why do birds fly this way? There is a very important reason for the birds choice of the letter V for their flight pattern. No other letter of the alphabet would do. As the leader flaps its wings, a strong current of air is created. This air flows backward in much the same manner as water waves spread out behind a rapidly moving speedboat. Therefore, flying in the shape of V would make it much easier for the birds. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 45

54 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) Discussion Are Pets Good for Mankind? Arguments 1.A pet is kept as a companion that makes us feel happy. 2.Besides providing mere companionship, pets invite us to love and be loved. 3.A pet in a family keeps people in touch with the more natural, animal world. 4.Learning to care for a pet helps a child to grow up into a loving adult who feels responsible towards those who depend on him. 5.Animals can communicate with human beings in a particular way. Counter-arguments 1.Keeping pets is just a waste of time and resources. 2.People nowadays are so crazy about pets that they even neglect caring for their relatives. 3.The growing number of pets has caused serious hygiene problems that cannot be solved. 4.A campaign should be launched against the overpopulation of pets. 5.It s really against nature to cage birds, chain dogs and keep cats within the house. Fun Listening Enjoy the song Barking at the Moon, and fill in the blanks with the missing words you hear. Barking at the Moon Jenny Lewis 46 I have got so much to give I swear I do I may not have nine lives This one feels brand new

55 Animals(1) Unit 3 Yes I ve lived a good one I have tried There are some things I never realized Till I met you How the wind feels on my cheeks When There is no home like the one you ve got Cuz that home belongs to you Woo Woo, Here I come Woo Woo, Back to you There is no home like the one you ve got Cuz that home you Well I was, bad I was so confused I may not see in color babe But I sure can I have been a lot of things They may not all be true My experience was so mysterious Till I met you Now the sun will But I m barking at the moon There is no home like the one you ve got Cuz that home belongs to you 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 Woo Woo, Here I come Woo Woo, Back to you 47

56 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) There is no home like the one you ve got Cuz that home belongs to you There is no home like the one you ve got Cuz that home belongs to you There is no home like the one you ve got Cuz that home belongs to you 48

57 Unit 4 Food 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

58 通用型大学英语听说教程 ( 第三册 ) Warming-up Waking Up Your Ears You will hear eight sentences. After each sentence, there will be a break of ten seconds. The sentence will be read only once. When you hear a sentence, you should fill in the blanks. 1.Would you like to see a? 2.Almost everyone now had a more. 3.Before the mid-nineteenth century, people in the United States ate most foods only. 4.Drying, smoking, and salting could meat for a short time. 5.Gail Borden developed a means of. 6.Other trends and inventions had also helped make it possible for Americans to. 7.Many families could previously unavailable fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to achieve more. 8. became more common during the 1860s. Testing Your Ears You will hear eight short conversations. After each conversation, there will be a question. After each question, there will be a break of ten seconds. The conversations and questions will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices given A. Milk and sugar. B. Sugar. C. Milk. D. Nothing. 2.A. At the store. B. At the restaurant. C. At the airport. D. At the supermarket. 3.A. Lend him a book.

59 Food Unit 4 B. Buy him some books. C. Take back some food. D. Go with him. 4.A. The man was complaining about the food. B. The man ordered the undercooked meat. C. The meat was not what he ordered. D. The meat was served late. 5.A. He has no money to pay the meal. B. He has the problem of forgetting his card number. C. He is relunctant to pay the meal. D. He doesn t know how to pay the meal. 6.A. She is interested in Jessie s cooking. B. She enjoys Jessie s cooking. C. She dislikes Jessie s cooking. D. She has some questions about Jessie s cooking. 7.A. 7:00. B. 8:00. C. 9:00. D. 10:00. 8.A. In a park. B. In a restaurant. C. In a cinema. D. In a bank. Listening Activities Theme-Related Listening Useful Expressions fitness craze 健美热 World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 globally 全球地 eliminate 消除, 排除 obesity 肥胖 That makes sense 有道理, 说得通 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 51

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