目錄 Table of Contents 給糖尿病患者的健康飲食 3 Healthy Eating for diabetes 4 碳水化合物食物 5 Carbohydrate foods 蛋白質食物 Protein foods 脂肪 6 Fats 高脂及高糖食物 8 High fat and hig

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1 Chinese I 中文 糖尿病 : 選擇健康的食物 Diabetes: Making healthy food choices.

2 目錄 Table of Contents 給糖尿病患者的健康飲食 3 Healthy Eating for diabetes 4 碳水化合物食物 5 Carbohydrate foods 蛋白質食物 Protein foods 脂肪 6 Fats 高脂及高糖食物 8 High fat and high sugar foods 其他食物 20 Other foods 酒精 23 Alcohol

3 給糖尿病患者的健康飲食 健康飲食是控制血液葡萄糖 ( 糖份 ) 水平的重要部份 健康飲食對所有人都是好的, 您無需購買特別的食物或為您自己和家人另外準備膳食 應往見一位可以為糖尿病患者提供有關健康飲食的個別建議的營養師, 這是很重要的 我應該吃甚麼呢? 為協助控制糖尿病, 您需要 : 每日三餐, 並在一天平均地分配進食時間 如果您服用一些糖尿病的藥片或胰島素, 您可能需要在正餐之間和睡前吃點心 您的醫生 糖尿病教育者或營養師可以告訴您, 您是否需要吃點心 您的膳食應以高纖維的碳水化合物食物為主, 例如全榖物麵包和穀物 食品 豆 扁豆 澱粉蔬菜 ( 例如 : 馬鈴薯 ) 及水果 碳水化合物食物是對您有益處的, 這些食物給您的血液提供 ( 糖 ) 葡萄糖, 您的身體會用作能量 營養師可以告訴您每餐應該進食多少碳水化合物 蛋白質食物對良好健康是很重要的 選擇含較低脂肪的蛋白質食物如瘦肉 去皮的雞肉 魚和低脂乳製品 選擇含較低脂肪的食物 ( 尤其是飽和脂肪 ), 飽和脂肪對心臟是不好的 限制進食含高飽和脂肪的食物, 如全脂奶 肥肉 黃油 乳酪 椰子汁 加工食物及外賣的食物 在飲食包括小量較健康的脂肪, 例如多元不飽和或單元不飽和的人造黃油, 食用像葵花油 大豆油 橄欖油和芥花籽油, 以及魚, 果仁, 種子和鱷梨 限制高糖及 / 或高脂肪的食物, 如汽水 糖果 巧克力 蛋糕 餅乾和酥皮點心 如果您喝酒, 向醫生查詢這對您是否安全及您可以喝多少 保持活躍可以有助您控制您的糖尿病, 詢問醫生哪類活動和多大的活動量適合您 有關更詳細的資料... 聯絡認可的執業營養師 有關您的區內的營養師的資料, 聯絡 : 澳洲營養師協會, 電話 澳洲糖尿病協會, 電話 您當地的醫院 3

4 Healthy eating for Diabetes Healthy eating is an important part of managing blood glucose (sugar) levels. Healthy eating is good for everybody, you do not need to buy special foods or prepare separate meals for you and your family. It is important to see a dietitian who can provide individual advice about healthy eating for diabetes. What should I eat? To help manage your diabetes, you need to: Eat three meals a day and spread these evenly throughout the day. If you are on some types of tablets for diabetes or insulin you may also need to eat a snack between meals and before bed. Your doctor, diabetes educator or dietitian can tell you whether you need to eat snacks. Base your meals on high fibre carbohydrate foods, such as wholegrain bread and cereals, beans, lentils, starchy vegetables (eg. potato) and fruits. Carbohydrate foods are good for you. These foods will put some (sugar) glucose in your blood, which your body uses as energy. A dietitian can tell you how much carbohydrate to eat at each meal. Protein foods are important for good health. Choose protein foods that are lower in fat like lean meat, skinless chicken, fish and low fat dairy foods. Choose foods lower in fat (especially saturated fat). Saturated fat is not good for your heart. Limit foods high in saturated fat like full cream milk, fatty meat, butter, cheese, coconut milk, processed foods and take away foods. Include small amounts of healthier fats in your diet such as polyunsaturated or monounsaturated margarines, oils such as sunflower, soybean, olive and canola, fish, nuts, seeds and avocado. Limit foods that are high in sugar and/or fat like soft drink, lollies, chocolate, cakes, biscuits and pastries If you drink alcohol ask your doctor if it is safe for you and how much you can drink. Being active can help manage your diabetes. Ask your doctor what type of activity and how much is good for you. For more information... Contact an Accredited Practicing Dietitian, to find one in your area contact: the Dietitians Association of Australia Diabetes Australia on your local hospital 4

5 碳水化合物食物 Carbohydrate foods 碳水化合物食物是對您有益處的, 這些食物給您的血液提供一些糖份, 您的身體會用作能量 嘗試將碳水化合物食物分開在每日三餐的膳食, 膳食或點心含有太多碳水化合物食物會令您的血液有太多的糖份 有些患糖尿病的人士可能也要在正餐之間和睡前進食 食物之下會寫上相等於一份碳水化合物的份量 營養師會告訴您每餐應進食的碳水化合物份量和您是否也需要吃點心 Carbohydrate foods are good for you. These foods will put some sugar in your blood, which your body uses for energy. Try to spread carbohydrate foods over three meals a day. Too much carbohydrate food eaten at a meal or snack will put too much sugar in your blood. Some people with diabetes may also need to eat between meals and before bed.the amount equal to one serve of carbohydrate is written under the foods. A dietitian can tell you how many serves of carbohydrate to eat at each meal and whether you also need to eat snacks. 全穀麵包 片 wholegrain bread slice 水果麵包 片 fruit loaf slice 全麥麵包 片 wholemeal bread slice 烤餅 片 crumpets slice 鬆餅 /2 個鬆餅 muffins /2 muffin 粥 30 克 ( 乾 ) rice porridge 30g dry 木薯澱粉 / 西米 3/4 杯煮熟 tapioca/sago 3/4 cup cooked 早餐榖麥 /3-3/4 杯 2 塊餅乾 breakfast cereals /4-3/4 cup 2 biscuits 5

6 碳水化合物食物 Carbohydrate foods 2 麵食 /2 杯煮熟 pasta cup cooked 3 印度米 /3 杯煮熟 basmati rice cup cooked Doongara 米 /3 杯煮熟 doongara rice cup cooked 3 麵條 /3 杯煮熟 noodles cup cooked 3 米粉 /3 杯煮熟 rice noodles cup cooked 3 大麥 /2 杯煮熟 barley /2 cup cooked 2 分鐘麵條 ( 低脂 ) /2 包 2 minute noodles (low fat) packet 2 玉米粉 2 湯匙 corn flour tablespoons 2 純麵粉 2 湯匙 flour plain 2 tablespoons 小米 /3 杯煮熟 millet /3 cup cooked 6 玉米棒 個中型 corn cob medium 馬鈴薯 個中型 potatoes medium 番薯 個中型 sweet potato medium

7 碳水化合物食物 Carbohydrate foods 烤豆 /2 杯 baked beans cup 2 豆類 /2 杯 - 杯 legumes - cup 2 扁豆 杯 lentils cup 蘋果 個中型 apple medium 香蕉 只中型 banana medium 櫻桃 杯 cherries cup 葡萄 杯 grapes cup 奇異果 2 個中型 kiwi fruit 2 medium 橘子 2 個中型 mandarin 2 medium 芒果 個中型 mango medium 油桃 2 個中型 nectarine 2 medium 桃子 2 個中型 peach 2 medium 7

8 碳水化合物食物 Carbohydrate foods 鳳梨 2 片 pineapple 2 slices 洋李 4 個一般大小 plums 4 average 梨子 個中型 pear medium 橙 大個 orange large 皺皮瓜 /2 個 rock melon whole 2 西瓜 2 杯 watermelon 2 cups 番荔枝 /4 個 custard apple /4 whole 菠蘿蜜 /4 個 jack fruit /4 whole 杏果乾 5 顆 dried appricots 5 whole 葡萄乾 湯匙 2 sultanas tablespoons 2 8 荔枝 0 顆 lychees 0 whole 罐頭水果 /2 杯 tinned fruit cup 2 果汁 /2 杯 fruit juice cup 2

9 碳水化合物食物 Carbohydrate foods 豆奶 杯 低脂牛奶 杯 脫脂牛奶 杯 低脂蛋奶凍糕 /2 杯 soy drink cup low fat milk cup skim milk cup low fat custard cup 2 低糖酸乳酪 杯 (200 克 ) 減低脂肪的水果酸乳酪 小杯 (00 克 ) 減低脂肪的純酸乳酪 杯 (200 克 ) diet yoghurt tub (200g) reduced fat fruit yoghurt small tub (00g) reduced fat plain yoghurt tub (200g) 冰凍果子露 勺 sorbet scoop 低脂冰淇淋 2 勺 low fat ice cream 2 scoops 9

10 碳水化合物食物 Carbohydrate foods 水果餅乾 fruit biscuits (2-3 塊甜餅乾 ) (2-3 sweet biscuits) 減低脂肪的餅乾 reduced fat biscuits (2-4 塊 ) 餅乾或薄脆餅乾 (2-4) crackers or crispbreads 米糕 rice crackers 0 米糕 2-3 塊米糕 rice cakes 2-3 rice cakes 薄烤餅 小塊 pancakes small

11 蛋白質食物 protein foods 您每日只需要小量的蛋白質食物, 以維持良好的健康 這些食物不會在您的血液添加糖份 嘗試選擇較低脂肪的蛋白質食物 You only need small amounts of protein foods each day for good health. These foods do not put sugar in your blood. Try to choose protein foods that are lower in fat. 低脂蛋白質食物 Lower fat protein foods 瘦牛肉 lean beef 瘦豬肉 lean pork 瘦羊肉 lean lamb 瘦碎牛肉 lean mince meat 去皮雞肉 skinless chicken 瘦醃肉 lean bacon 瘦火腿 lean ham 瘦火雞胸肉 lean turkey breast

12 蛋白質食物 protein foods 低脂蛋白質食物 Lower fat protein foods 魚肉 fish 蝦 prawns 豆腐 tofu 章魚 octopus 蠔 oysters 淡菜 mussels 罐頭魚 canned fish 2

13 蛋白質食物 protein foods 低脂蛋白質食物 Lower fat protein foods 低脂乳酪片 low fat sliced cheese 低脂乳酪 low fat cheese Ricotta 乳酪 ricotta cheese 軟白 (cottage) 乳酪 cottage cheese 減低脂肪的乳酪 reduced fat cheese 雞蛋 eggs 3

14 高脂蛋白質食物 - 嘗試限制進食這些食物 High fat protein foods - try to limit these foods 蛋白質食物 protein foods 羊腰肉 lamb loin 鴨肉 duck 豬排 pork ribs 油膩的醃肉 fatty bacon 帶皮的雞肉 chicken with skin 4 豬腩肉 pork belly 薩拉米香腸 salami 雞肉卷 chicken loaf

15 蛋白質食物 protein foods 香腸 sausages 法蘭克福香腸 frankfurts 全脂乳酪 full fat cheese 乳脂酪 cream cheese 5

16 脂肪 Fats 脂肪不會在您的血液添加糖份, 但如果您吃太多任何類別的脂肪, 您的體重可能會增加 Fats do not put sugar in your blood but if you eat too much of any type of fat you may gain weight. 健康的脂肪 ( 多元不飽和或單元不飽和脂肪 ) 這些脂肪對您的心臟是有好處的, 進食小量 Healthy fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats) These fats are good for your heart, eat in small amounts. 鱷梨 avocado 人造黃油 margarine 葵花油 芥花籽油 芝麻油 花生油 噴裝油 sunflower oil canola oil sesame oil peanut oil spray oil 6 果仁 ( 不加鹽 ) nuts (unsalted) 花生醬 peanut butter

17 脂肪 Fats 飽和脂肪 這些脂肪對心臟是不好的, 嘗試限制進食這些食物 Saturated fats These fats are not good for your heart. Try to limit these foods. 黃油 butter 動物油脂 dripping 豬油 lard 煮食用人造黃油 cooking margarine 固體煮食油 solid cooking oils 奶油 cream 酸奶油 sour cream 蛋白醬 mayonnaise 7

18 高脂及高糖食物 high fat &sugar foods 這些食物含高量的脂肪或糖或兩者都高, 嘗試避免吃這些食物或只限在特別場合進食 These foods are high in fat or sugar or both. Try to avoid these foods or limit them to special occasions. 漢堡包 hamburger 馬鈴薯條 hot chips 肉餡餅 meat pie 鹹味包點 savoury buns 甜包點 sweet buns 布丁 puddings 豬油渣 pork crackling 糕點及酥皮點心巧克力馬鈴薯片 cakes and pastries chocolate crisps 奶油餅乾 鬆脆餅 巧克力餅乾 cream biscuits short bread chocolate biscuits 8

19 高脂及高糖食物 high fat &sugar foods 這些食物含高量的脂肪或糖或兩者都高, 嘗試避免吃這些食物或只限在特別場合進食 Limit foods that contain mainly sugar. These foods put sugar in your blood but do not contain anything else that is good for you. Sugar, jam and honey can be eaten in small amounts. 金黃糖漿 Golden Syrup 蜜糖 honey 果醬 jam 果凍 jelly 紅糖 brown sugar 白糖 white sugar 水果果汁 cordial 汽水 soft drink 糖果 lollies 9

20 其他食物 other foods 這些食物不會在您的血液添加糖份 These food don t put sugar in your blood. 吃大量這些食物 Eat plenty of these foods 佛手瓜 choko 蘆筍 西蘭花 asparagus brocolli 豆芽菜 bean sprouts 燈籠椒 capsicum 紅蘿蔔 carrot 白菜 bok choy 20 青豆 green beans 萵苣 lettuce 椰菜 cabbage

21 其他食物 other foods 吃大量這些食物 Eat plenty of these foods 綠豆 mung beans 蘑菇 mushrooms 瑞典蕪菁 swede 洋蔥 onion 豌豆苗 薑 ginger snow peas sprouts 香草 herbs 小蘿蔔 radish 檸檬及檸檬類 lemon and lime 南瓜 pumpkin 蔥 shallots 馬蹄 water chestnuts 草莓 strawberries 番茄 tomatoes 香料 spices 2

22 其他食物 other foods 只使用小量 Use only in small amounts 茶 tea 低鹽量的湯粉 salt reduced stock powder 蠔油 oyster sauce 番茄醬 ( 沒有加鹽 ) tomato sauce (no added salt) 醬油 ( 低鹽份 ) soy-sauce (salt reduced) 醋 vinegar 低脂沙拉醬汁 low fat salad dressings 甜辣椒醬 sweet chilli sauce 低糖果汁 diet cordial 低糖汽水 diet soft drink 22 人造增甜劑 artificial sweeteners 咖啡 coffee 醃漬食品 pickles 澳洲菜醬 vegemite

23 酒精 alcohol 酒精可以影響您的血糖水平和您的體重, 如果您喝酒, 諮詢醫生您可以喝多少才不會影響您的健康 建議的一般喝酒量是男性每日不超過兩杯標準量, 女性每日不超過一杯標準量 嘗試每週最少有兩天不喝酒 下文會展示一杯標準量有多少 Alcohol can affect your blood sugar levels and your weight. If you drink, ask your doctor how much alcohol is safe for you. It is recommended that in general, men drink no more than two standard drinks each day and women drink no more than one. Try to have at least two alcohol free days per week. The amount equal to one standard drink is illustrated below. 啤酒 285 毫升 ( 標準啤酒 ) 425 毫升 ( 低酒精啤酒 ) beer 285mL (regular beer) 425mL (low alcohol beer) 葡萄酒一杯 00 毫升 wine 00mL glass 砵酒一杯 60 毫升利口酒一杯 30 毫升 port 60mL glass liquers 30mL glass 烈酒一口份量 (30 毫升 ) spirits one nip (30mL) 23

24 本資料也具備其他語言的版本 查詢進一步詳情, 瀏覽 或 有關糖尿病的進一步資料, 請聯絡澳洲糖尿病協會, 電話 網址 : 電郵 Giugno 2005 Veste grafica:

目 錄 Table of Contents 給 糖 尿 病 患 者 的 健 康 飲 食 3 Healthy Eating for diabetes 4 碳 水 化 合 物 食 物 5 Carbohydrate foods 蛋 白 質 食 物 Protein foods 脂 肪 6 Fats 高 脂

目 錄 Table of Contents 給 糖 尿 病 患 者 的 健 康 飲 食 3 Healthy Eating for diabetes 4 碳 水 化 合 物 食 物 5 Carbohydrate foods 蛋 白 質 食 物 Protein foods 脂 肪 6 Fats 高 脂 Chinese I 中文 糖尿病 選擇健康的食物 Diabetes: Making healthy food choices. 目 錄 Table of Contents 給 糖 尿 病 患 者 的 健 康 飲 食 3 Healthy Eating for diabetes 4 碳 水 化 合 物 食 物 5 Carbohydrate foods 蛋 白 質 食 物 Protein foods 脂

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