目录 Table of Contents 01 总裁寄语 Message from the President 开拓新领域, 共赢新发展第十二届中国国际铝工业展上海盛大开幕 12 th Edition of Aluminium China Held in Shanghai, New Developm

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1 China Newsletter Reed Exhibitions Issue 05 第五期 集团亮点 Highlights 励展大中华区升级转变客户关系的绝佳计划 RXGC's Sensational Program That Transforms Customers Relationships 励展博览集团任命韩国区总经理 Reed Exhibitions Korea Appoints Country General Manager 励展博览集团收购四大重要贸易展, 扩展韩国业务 Reed Exhibitions Grows Korean Presence by Acquiring Four Key Trade Shows Linkedin Wechat

2 目录 Table of Contents 01 总裁寄语 Message from the President 开拓新领域, 共赢新发展第十二届中国国际铝工业展上海盛大开幕 12 th Edition of Aluminium China Held in Shanghai, New Development in New Areas 110 届百货会勇创多项纪录胜利闭幕 110th Edition of China Daily-Use Articles Trade Fair a Record-Breaking Success 创新平台引爆礼品采购季,2016 北京国际礼品展在京隆重开幕 Gifts Beijing Show 2016 Ushers in Gift Procurement Season, Launches Innovative New Platform 2016 韩国国际电子制造关连展 (Electronics Manufacturing Korea) 成功举办 Electronics Manufacturing Korea Enjoys Successful 2016 Edition 非洲 / Africa 第三届非洲旅游周 (Africa Travel Week) 在开普敦 (Cape Town) 完美落幕并创下令人瞩目的增长纪录 Third Edition of Africa Travel Week Closes in Cape Town, Records Impressive Growth 励展中国新闻 Reed in the News 2016 年高博会落下大幕主办方宣布 2017 年高博会将移师上海 Chin Golf Show 2016 Concludes, Organizers Announce 2017 Move to Shanghai 2016 瓦楞 彩盒 柔印 包装容器四展完美收官 'Four-In-One' Exhibition Hailed Great Success By Show Organizer, Reed Exhibitions 4 月聚焦 this 健康产业领袖峰会, 共话大健康产业黄金时代 Focus on this: Leading Health Industry Event Heralds New Golden Era for Health Industry NEPCON China 2016 在上海隆重召开, 开启电子制造 十三五 元年 NEPCON China 2016 Opens The Electronic Manufacturing "13 th Five-Year Plan" 2016 上海国际全触展 圆满谢幕, 参展记录再创新高 Success! Shanghai C-TOUCH & DISPLAY 2016 Welcomes Record Number of Visitors 第二十四届中国 ( 深圳 ) 国际礼品 工艺品 钟表及家庭用品展览会取得圆满成功 24 th China (Shenzhen) International Gift, Handicraft, Watch & Houseware Fair a Complete Success G2E Asia 2016 第十届亚洲国际博彩娱乐展会再次创下新纪录 Global Gaming Expo Asia Sets New Records in 10 th Year 励展博览集团收购四大重要贸易展, 扩展韩国业务 Reed Exhibitions Grows Korean Presence With Acquisition of Four Key Trade Shows 励展博览集团任命韩国区总经理 Reed Exhibitions Korea Appoints Country General Manager 北京漫控潮流博览会取得空前成功 Comic Con Debut in Beijing a Hit 第八届中国 ( 成都 ) 礼品及家居用品展览会携 嘉年华会 在蓉城隆重开幕 Great Fanfare Surrounds 8th Edition of Gifts and Home Chengdu 展会日程表 2016 年 月 Upcoming Reed Events: October-December, 集团亮点 Highlights 励展大中华区升级转变客户关系的绝佳计划 RXGC's Sensational Program That Transforms Customers Relationships 10 励展全球新闻 Reed Global News 亚太 / Asia-Pacific 2016 日本高功能金属展圆满落幕 Metal Japan 2016 a Rousing Success 2016 年韩国首尔国际特许经营展 (IFS) 完美落幕 International Franchise Seoul Concludes Successful 2016 Edition 2016 年南非百分百设计展 (100% Design South Africa 2016) 一场全新的非洲未来主义运动 Bright New Afro-Futuristic Campaign for 100% Design South Africa 2016 欧洲 / Europe 第 40 届 MCE 获盛赞 : 创新 高效 一体化 集中 优质 40th MCE Widely Acclaimed for Innovation, Efficiency, Integration, Centralization and High- Quality Aqua-Therm Moscow 顺利举行 Aqua-Therm Moscow takes place successfully 中东 / Middle East 励展博览集团将旅游餐饮博览会 (Travel Catering Expo) 品牌重塑为中东世界旅游餐饮及船上服务博览会 (World Travel Catering & Onboard Services Expo Middle East) Reed Exhibitions Rebrands Travel Catering Expo 为期三天的 ibtmarabia 为会奖旅游 (MICE) 行业供应商与买家精英架设联络桥梁 IBTM Arabia Connects Elite MICE Industry Suppliers and Buyers in Dynamic Three-Day Event 美洲 / The Americas INTERPHEX 2016: 制药与生物技术的发展及生产流程的创新 INTERPHEX 2016: Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Development and Production Process Innovation 巴西国际机械展按需呈现新技术, 为实现工业 4.0 指明方向 Brazil's M&T EXPO Showcases New Technology On Demand, Highlights Industry 4.0

3 President 总裁寄语 Message from the President 欢迎阅读新一期 励展中国快讯 通过本期, 我将自豪地向各位介绍励展博览集团大中华区在 2016 年前三个季度的主要活动和成果 今年, 励展大中华区通过创新驱动客户价值 为客户定制解决方案并积极追求增长, 在相关领域取得了令人瞩目的成绩 大家可以通过阅读本期快讯, 了解更多励展成功背后的故事 励展为继续扩大其在东北亚地区的业务版图, 大胆进军韩国关键市场, 不断强化公司业务 今年五月, 励展对外宣布, 成功收购由韩国享有盛誉的展会主办机构 K.Fairs 旗下的韩国国际电子制造关连展 (Electronics Manufacturing Korea) 以及另外三个韩国国际家居装饰艺术展 (Home Table Deco Fair) 励展与韩国 K.Fairs 公司的合作始于 2014 年, 当时双方合作举办了韩国大型的国际海事行业盛会 韩国国际海事展览会 (Kormarine) 今年六月, 励展宣布任命 JB Son 先生为韩国区总经理,Son 先生有着非常出色的职业经历, 他丰富的从业经验为励展管理团队带来了对于韩国市场的卓越洞察力和附加值 胡伟 励展博览集团大中华区总裁 今年, 励展制定了 提高韩国市场服务品质 全面进军亚洲市场 的双重目标, 通过收购韩国国内多项展会的运营权, 励展已经朝着既定目标大踏步前进 目前, 励展博览集团在韩国共计举办了六场展会, 分别是 : 韩国国际海事展览会 韩国国际电子制造关连展 韩国历史悠久的连锁加盟展览会 首尔国际特许经营展览会 (International Franchise Seoul), 以及引领整个家居装饰行业装修风格发展趋势的大邱 釜山 首尔家居装饰艺术展 (Home Table Deco Fair of Daegu, Busan and Seoul) 在 2016 年期间, 励展大中华区在部分展会中将 TAP 计划和线上配对计划有效结合, 获得了出色的效果 通过数据分析和相关技术, 展览团队不断改善着我们与客户的关系, 在提高客户参与度的同时, 进一步提升了客户们的投资回报率 在中国国际电子生产设备暨微电子工业展 (NEPCON China) 上, 我们的工作团队通过在线配对工具, 为买家和参展商成功安排了超过 2000 场会面, 数量与上届展会相比, 增长近 20 倍 励展博览集团成功将数字技术运用到展会中, 有效提升了参展商与客户面对面的交流价值, 参展商们对相关展会赞誉有加, 尤其是那些首次参展的客户和中小企业展商, 更是赞不绝口 可见, 客户价值始终是我们进行各项举措时考虑的首要问题 现在, 励展正计划进一步优化数字技术, 并将在线配对技术运用到更多的展会中 通过这种方式, 未来将会有更多的参展商和买家享受到励展展会带来的极致参展体验和更高的投资回报 除了展会之外, 人才培养依然是励展发展的重中之重 我们知道, 有效的培训可以帮助公司茁壮成长, 让员工们成为公司持续发展的真正驱动力 鉴于此, 我们今年在举办内部培训时, 推出了第二个励展博览集团大中华区市场营销认证计划 励展始终坚持做学习型企业, 以培训作为重要载体, 不断提升员工技能 培养员工自信, 帮助员工们更好地理解企业的使命, 并最大程度地发挥其才能 2016 年, 励展博览集团大中华区将在中国举办 60 多场展会, 涉及 12 个充满活力的行业, 比起往年, 今年的办展场数大大增加 截至目前,2016 年超过半数的展会已成功闭幕, 包括中国国际电子生产设备暨微电子工业展 (NEPCON) 瓦楞展 (SinoCorrugated) 全触展 (C-TOUCH & DISPLAY) 健康产业领袖峰会 (this) 礼品与家居用品展 (Gifts & Home) 百货展 (CDATF) 中国国际汽车后市场博览会 (CIAAF) 中国国际高尔夫球博览会 (CGS) 亚洲国际博彩娱乐展 (G2E Asia), 以及首届北京漫控潮流博览会 (Beijing ComicCon) 展望未来, 我们的目标是在同行业中保持领先地位, 并且保持公司的持续发展仍然是我们未来奋斗的主要方向 因此, 在即将到来的 2017 年和未来几年, 励展博览集团大中华区将推出更多展会, 也将并购更多新的展会 此致 胡伟励展博览集团大中华区总裁 1

4 总裁寄语 Message from the President Ree Welcome to the latest issue of the Reed Exhibitions Greater China newsletter. I'm proud to present this edition to you as we highlight the key achievements and activities which have taken place across the company during the first three quarters of Reed has made some major strides forward this year, by focusing on driving customer value through innovation, customized solutions and the active pursuit of growth. Find out more about the stories behind the achievements in this issue. Reed continues to expand its presence in Northeast Asia, strengthening the business through bold forays into the key South Korea market. In May, we announced the acquisition of the Electronics Manufacturing Korea show and three Home Table Deco Fairs. The events were acquired from K.Fairs, a highly regarded trade fair organizer in Korea, with whom Reed had already partnered in 2014 to organize Kormarine, Korea's largest international maritime industry event. In June, we were excited to welcome JB Son as Country General Manager of South Korea. JB brings with him an excellent track record and wealth of experience that has already brought outstanding insight and value to the management team. The acquisition of new events are driving Reed boldly towards its dual objective of enhancing service to the Korean market and extending its reach across Asia. In total, Reed Exhibitions now organizes six shows in South Korea: Kormarine, Korea's largest international maritime industry event; Electronics Manufacturing Korea, the country's biggest electronics manufacturing exhibition; International Franchise Seoul, Korea's longest-standing franchise show and Home Table Deco Fair of Daegu, Busan and Seoul, which profile new premium home styling trends from across the décor industry. During 2016, a number of Reed events have also taken the initiative of combining Targeted Attendee and online matchmaking programs, to excellent effect. By leveraging data and technology, the show teams are transforming our relationships with customers, enhancing their engagement and driving their ROI. Online matchmaking tools also helped the NEPCON China show team to schedule well over 2,000 meetings between buyers and exhibitors, almost 20 times more than at the previous edition of the show. Following the events' successful use of digital capabilities to boost the value of face-to-face engagement, exhibitors were unequivocal in their praise of the shows, particularly new exhibitors and SMEs. With customer value remaining at the forefront of each of our initiatives, the plan now is to further intensify improvements and implement online matchmaking across even more events. In this way, the enhanced ROI and improved show experience can be extended to a greater number of exhibitors and buyers at Reed events. Away from the show floor, talent development remains a key priority for Reed. We know that effective training helps the company to thrive and allow staff to become true drivers of sustained growth. That is why this year we held the second Reed Marketing Certification Program, together with other RXGC internal trainings. Reed continues to be a learning-focused company that views training as a vital vehicle through which staff can enhance their skillset, grow in confidence, build their understanding of the corporate mission and execute to the best of their ability. In 2016, Reed Exhibitions Greater China will organize over 60 events, the highest number ever, across 12 dynamic industry sectors in Greater China. At the time of writing, well over 50% of our shows for 2016 have come to a successful close, including NEPCON, SinoCorrugated, C-TOUCH & DISPLAY, the Health Industry Summit (this), Gifts & Home, the China Daily-Use Article Trade Fair, the China International Auto Aftermarket Fair, the China Golf Show, G2E Asia and the first ever edition of Beijing Comic Con. As we look ahead, our goal is to maintain a leading position in the industry. Growth remains at the forefront of our efforts, so expect the year 2017, and beyond, to be characterized by more launches and acquisitions of new shows. Sincerely, Hu Wei President Reed Exhibitions Greater China 2

5 d In the News 励展中国新闻 Reed in the News 2016 年高博会落下大幕主办方宣布 2017 年高博会将移师上海 China Golf Show 2016 Concludes, Organizers Announce 2017 Move to Shanghai 2016 年 3 月 4 日至 6 日, 为期三天的中国高博会在北京国家会议中心完美收官 高博会由励展光合携手中国高尔夫球协会联袂打造, 并获得了美国 PGA 美国高尔夫球场管理人协会等各大专业协会鼎力支持 三天展期内, 既有专为高尔夫行业人士组织的高峰论坛, 也有针对普通爱好者和球友准备的趣味活动, 不同人群不同主题, 吸引了大批热情的观众到场 值得注意的是, 经过深入调研分析, 主办方宣布 2017 年高博会将从北京移师上海, 借助华东地区蓬勃的高尔夫产业, 以期让高博会得到更良好发展 The three-day China Golf Show 2016 was a resounding success. Held at the Beijing National Convention Center, from 4 to 6 March, 2016, the event was jointly organized by Reed Guanghe and China Golf Association. It was also supported by the PGA, the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA), and other industry associations. The three-day event offered a range of complementary initiatives, including forums targeted at golf industry professionals and fun activities for golf enthusiasts. The activities were very popular, attracting large crowds. After in-depth analysis and extensive consultation, the organizers announced the decision to move the 2017 event from Beijing to Shanghai, in an effort to leverage the East China industry momentum and drive growth 瓦楞 彩盒 柔印 包装容器四展完美收官 'Four-In-One' Exhibition Hailed Great Success By Show Organizer, Reed Exhibitions 由励展博览集团主办的包装行业盛会于 2016 年 4 月 16 日在东莞厚街 广东现代国际展览中心圆满落幕 本届展会四展同期举办, 除了享誉亚太的 2016 华南国际瓦楞展 2016 中国国际彩盒展外, 还推出全新打造的 2016 中国柔印技术展以及 2016 中国包装容器展, 完善展会全方位产业链布局, 据统计, 此次展会面积达 平方米, 共汇聚 700 多家国内外口碑设备和耗材展商,200 多家包装容器 材料及服务设计供应商, 集中呈现 1400 余台瓦楞 彩盒 柔印 纸包装加工设备和 1000 多种相关耗材 展会现场人声鼎沸, 络绎不绝, 参观人数总计达 人, 展会获得了参展商和观展人员的一致好评, 展现励展博览集团优质的品牌实力和行业价值 SinoCorrugated South 2016, organised by Reed Exhibitions, was held at the GD Modern International Exhibition Center, Houjie Dongguan in April. The mega expo ran concurrent to SinoFoldingCarton, SinoFlexoGraphy and China Packaging Container Expo. Together, the four shows spanned 67,000 sqm and brought together more than 200 packaging containers, consumables and design suppliers with over 700 local and international equipment and consumables exhibitors who showcased over 1,400 pieces of corrugated, folding carton, flexo printing and paper packaging equipment and more than 1,000 consumables. A total of 33,539 visitors made it through the show doors. 4 月聚焦 this 健康产业领袖峰会, 共话大健康产业黄金时代 Focus on this: Leading Health Industry Event Heralds New Golden Era for Health Industry 作为全球规模出众的健康产业盛会 健康产业领袖峰会 (The Health Industry Summit, this) 去年强势登陆上海, 为中国健康产业和会展经济发展提供了新思维和新动力 今年 4 月 17 日至 20 日在上海的国家会展中心再次举办, 推动新一轮的健康产业大融合 本届展览规模达 33 万平米集中展示了来自全球近 6900 家展商的数万种高质量 创新性及高性价比的医疗设备 医药及营养健康产品 原料药 药用辅料及功能性食品配料 医药包装 制药设备及其他健康产业相关产品和服务 One of the largest trade events in the world, the Health Industry Summit (this) held its first ever edition in Shanghai in this shines a spotlight on new thinking and developments in the health industry and exhibition economy. The 2016 show ran from 17 to 20 April at the Shanghai International Convention & Exhibition Center, spanning an exhibition area of 330,000sqm. A total of 6,900 exhibitors presented high-quality, innovative and cost-effective products that included medical equipment, health products, pharmaceutical adjuvants and medical packing, as well as other products and services. NEPCON China 2016 在上海隆重召开, 开启电子制造 十三五 元年 NEPCON China 2016 Opens The Electronic Manufacturing "13 th Five-Year Plan" 2016 年 4 月 日, 第二十六届中国国际电子生产设备暨微电子工业展 (NEPCON China) 在上海世博展览馆隆重拉开帷幕 NEPCON China 是电子制造行业内集中展示 SMT 和 电子制造自动化 设备及技术且规模出众的展览会之一 展览会吸引了超过 位专业观众, 行业覆盖 EMS/OEM/ODM, 消费电子, 通信电子, 计算机, 汽车电子和医疗电子 NEPCON China 2016 held at Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center from April This must-attend event is one of China's largest, longest standing and most comprehensive SMT trade shows. The exhibition attracted more than 25,000 professional visitors, industry coverage of EMS/OEM/ODM, consumer electronics, communications electronics, computers, automotive electronics and medical electronics. 3

6 Ree 2016 上海国际全触展 圆满谢幕, 参展记录再创新高 Success! Shanghai C-TOUCH & DISPLAY 2016 Welcomes Record Number of Visitors 4 月 28 日, 2016 上海国际全触展在上海世博展览馆顺利落下帷幕 作为中国触控与显示产业久负盛誉的贸易和展示平台,2016 上海国际全触展吸引了来自全球多个国家和地区的上百家品牌供应商前来参展 三天展期约有 名高品质专业观众齐聚一堂, 比上届展会同比增长了 71% 展会现场贸易洽谈热烈, 观众数量 客户满意度 现场成交等多项指标均创下历史新高 On April 28, Shanghai C-TOUCH & DISPLAY 2016 came to a successful close at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center. C-TOUCH has long been renowned within China and internationally. The event attracted over 100 brand suppliers from all over the world. Approx. 19,569 high-quality trade visitors joined the event over three days, a 71% increase over last year's exhibition. The high number of visitors, high customer satisfaction ratings and number of trade deals concluded drove the show's success levels to an all-time high. 第二十四届中国 ( 深圳 ) 国际礼品 工艺品 钟表及家庭用品展览会取得圆满成功 24 th China (Shenzhen) International Gift, Handicraft, Watch & Houseware Fair a Complete Success 4 月 28 日, 第二十四届中国 ( 深圳 ) 国际礼品 工艺品 钟表及家庭用品展览会在深圳会展中心圆满闭幕 本届展会除了电子 陶瓷 文创 家饰等品牌龙头推出创意新品, 分类分馆展示, 更有几大特色展区精彩呈现 展会展出面积 10 万多平方米, 参展企业 2372 家, 接待来自世界各地的买家和观众高达 人次, 创了历史记录 On April 28, the 24 th China (Shenzhen) International Gift, Handicraft, Watch & Houseware Fair came to a successful close at the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. As well as leading brands that showcased electronics, ceramics, paper and furniture, there were a number of other new creations showcased across segmented pavilions and special areas showcasing unique goods. In total, 2,372 exhibitors took part in the event, across 101,500 sqm of exhibition space. The show also welcomed a record number of visitors: 150,612. G2E Asia 2016 第十届亚洲国际博彩娱乐展会再次创下新纪录 Global Gaming Expo Asia Sets New Records in 10 th Year 由美国博彩业协会 (AGA) 与励展博览集团共同主办的 2016 年第十届亚洲国际博彩娱乐展会 (G2E Asia 2016) 于 5 月 19 日在澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店成功落幕 本届展会观众数量再次创下佳绩, 并为参与展会的业内人士提供了丰富的交流活动 前沿资讯和教育机会 展会共吸引了来自 83 个国家和地区的 位观众, 比去年同期增长 11%, 其中优质买家和业内 VIP 观众超过了 950 人, 比 2015 年增长了 43% Global Gaming Expo (G2E) Asia 2016, co-organized by the American Gaming Association and Reed Exhibitions, saw record-breaking attendance and delivered popular networking and educational programs in its 10 th year. This year's G2E Asia was another record-breaking year. The show welcomed a total of 10,894 visitors from 83 countries and regions up 11 percent over last year. Among the attendees, were more than 950 buyers with purchasing intent and decision makers with buying power. This well-represented VIP participants were 43 percent more in number than in

7 d In the News 励展中国新闻 Reed in the News 励展博览集团收购四大重要贸易展, 扩展韩国业务 Reed Exhibitions Grows Korean Presence With Acquisition of Four Key Trade Shows 2016 年 5 月, 励展博览集团宣布收购韩国国际电子制造关连展, 以及三个在韩国不同城市举办的韩国国际家居装饰艺术展 这些展会原拥有者为在韩国享有盛誉的展会主办方 K.Fairs 励展与 K.Fairs 自 2014 年开始联合主办了韩国大型国际海事行业盛会 韩国国际海事展览会 作为全球领先的会展活动主办机构, 励展博览集团将继续扩大其在韩国的业务规模 Reed Exhibitions continues to expand its presence in South Korea. The world-leading events organizer recently announced its acquisition of the Electronics Manufacturing Korea show and three of the Home Table Deco Fairs held across multiple cities in the country. The events have been acquired from K.Fairs, a highly regarded trade fair organizer in Korea, with whom Reed had already partnered in 2014 to organize Kormarine, Korea's largest international maritime industry event. 励展博览集团任命韩国区总经理 Reed Exhibitions Korea Appoints Country General Manager 2016 年 6 月, 励展博览集团宣布 JB Son 将加入公司担任韩国区总经理 Son 先生的办公地点位于励展首尔, 且向励展博览集团大中华区总裁报告 Son 先生拥有韩国釜山国立大学通讯学士学位及 MBA 他在默沙东 (MSD) 和诺华 (Novartis) 积累了近二十年的韩国制药行业高层经验 励展正通过此次任命逐步推进战略, 加强面向韩国市场的服务 In June 2016, Reed Exhibitions announced the appointment of JB Son joined to the position of Country General Manager for South Korea. Mr. Son is based in the Reed Seoul office and reports to the President of Reed Exhibitions Greater China. Mr. Son holds a Bachelor of Communications degree from Busan National University, as well as an MBA from Seoul National University. He brings with him nearly two decades of high-level experience in Korea's pharmaceutical industry at high profile pharmaceutical firms MSD and Novartis. Mr. Son's appointment is strong progression of Reed's strategy to enhance its service to the Korean market. 北京漫控潮流博览会取得空前成功 Comic Con Debut in Beijing a Hit 由励德漫展所策划的 漫控潮流博览会, 继去年的上海站活动大获成功之后, 于今年端午节期间来到北京, 在中国国际展览中心 ( 新馆 ) 开办首届 Beijing Comic Convention 北京漫控展, 现场也吸引到无数慕名而来的粉丝 除了重量级的画师和影视嘉宾阵容外, 今年的展会中更有 Cosplay 大赛 艺术家廊和现场游戏等丰富多彩的活动, 同时还有会场限定的玩偶 漫画 手办和图书一同登场, 为当地动漫粉丝奉献一场 浸入式 的流行文化盛会 Photo: CRIENGLISH.com Following the success of the Shanghai edition in 2015, the Comic Con event, organized by ReedPOP came to Beijing during the Dragon Boat Festival. At the Beijing New China International Exhibition Center, the first edition of Beijing Comic Convention also large crowds. High profile illustrators and distinguished guests from the worlds of TV and film add to the buzz of the diverse range of activities made for an iconic pop culture event for local fans of comics and cosplay, who were treated to dynamic animation, a cosplay competition, the artists' gallery and exciting games. Among the exhibits were dolls, puppets, cartoon products, manga and books. 第八届中国 ( 成都 ) 礼品及家居用品展览会携 嘉年华会 在蓉城隆重开幕 Great Fanfare Surrounds 8 th Edition of Gifts and Home Chengdu 6 月 17 至 20 日, 第八届中国 ( 成都 ) 礼品及家居用品展览会在成都世纪城新国际会展中心隆重开幕, 三天时间, 海内外近 600 家知名品牌, 带来数万种新奇礼品摆下饕餮盛宴 作为展会的亮点, 全新 2016 成都深港澳嘉年华会 与 成都礼物 的登场, 让全球四万余名买家尽享其中 嘉年华会是主办方励展华博继在成都打造礼品家居展八年后于 2016 年倾情奉上的另一盛会 The 8 th Edition of Gifts and Home Chengdu took place at New International Convention & Exposition Center Chengdu Century City from 17 June to 20 June. Nearly 600 top brands were featured at the event, showcasing thousands of attractive new products. Among a number of new additions to the event, the Chengdu-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao Carnival and Chengdu Gifts were particular highlights for the 40,000 global buyers who joined the fun. The carnival was a new highlight offered by Reed Huabo at the Chengdu event following eight years' experience with Gifts and Home Chengdu. 5

8 开拓新领域, 共赢新发展第十二届中国国际铝工业展上海盛大开幕 12 th Edition of Aluminium China Held in Shanghai, New Development in New Areas 7 月 12 日, 第十二届中国国际铝工业暨上海国际工业材料展览会在上海新国际博览中心盛大开幕 来自全球 30 多个国家及地区的 400 余家铝材生产企业 加工设备供应企业 材料工艺加工企业等齐聚一堂, 共同见证 2016 年中国铝行业大型规模的盛会 与此同时, 展会吸引了 多位来自世界各国的铝产业链及相关应用领域企业的专业观众出席此次盛会 The 12 th edition of Aluminium China took place at Shanghai New International Expo Center on 12 July. Over 400 aluminum makers, processing equipment suppliers, and materials processers from over 30 countries and regions came to the event. The show attracted over 18,000 trade visitors from across the aluminum industry chain and from diverse application segments around the world. 110 届百货会勇创多项纪录胜利闭幕 110 th Edition of China Daily-Use Articles Trade Fair a Record- Breaking Success 2016 年第 110 届百货会于 8 月 4 日至 6 日在上海新国际博览中心顺利举行 本届展会规模达到创纪录的 15 万平米, 展会汇聚日用家居行业 2000 余家国内外领先采购商, 吸引了来自 40 个国家和地区 以及国内大中城市和三四级市县的 余名专业买家, 国际阵营的实力再度加强, 现场还展示了面向未来的各种创新业务发展方式和产品趋势, 为生产商和供应商不断提供新的销售动力 The 110 th China Daily-Use Articles Trade Fair took place at SNIEC during from August 4 to August 6. The event spanned a record exhibition area of 150,000 sqm and brought together over 2,000 leading local and international buyers with more than 60,000 trade visitors from 40 countries and regions. Local Chinese visitors from major cities, as well as from third and fourth-tier towns/counties were also in high attendance. International participants even more so. The event shone a spotlight on innovative business development formats and product trends, thereby effectively driving business for manufacturers and suppliers. 创新平台引爆礼品采购季,2016 北京国际礼品展在京隆重开幕 Gifts Beijing Show 2016 Ushers in Gift Procurement Season, Launches Innovative New Platform 8 月 11 日, 第 34 届北京国际礼品 赠品及家庭用品展览会坐镇北京中国国际展览中心, 拉开了一年一度的秋季礼品采购大幕 据介绍, 本届展会共计邀请了 1000 多家海内外礼品制造企业和展商, 首次策划的动漫授权展区和超过 1000 平米的国际展区均创新高 在展会现场, 重新布局的福利商务礼品区, 广告促销 会议礼品区, 零售经销产品区, 动漫授权及国际展区全新亮相, 吸引了众多专业买家和观众慕名而来, 仅开幕式首日, 就有超过 名观众到场参观或采购, 展会现场掀起活力风暴 The 34 th annual Gifts Beijing Show opened at the China International Exhibition Center in Beijing on 11 August. The event again marked the start of gift procurement season. Over 1,000 local and international gift makers and exhibitors attended, which featured a pioneering authorized cartoon zone and a large international exhibition zone over 1,000 sqm. The exhibition featured revamped zones with business gifts, promotions, event gifts and retail products. The authorized cartoon zone and the international zone were new additions, attracting numerous trade and general visitors. The first day of the event registered over 20,000 visitors who came to the show. The lively scene offered great business prospects. 6

9 励展当前展会 2016 年 10 月至 12 月 Upcoming Reed Events: October-December, 2016 励展在未来的几个月又将迎来一个很充实的会展季 在此期间举办的 15 场展会覆盖了 6 个行业集群, 包括电子 制造和装配 包装 生命科学与医药 美容与化妆品 礼品与家居 生活方式 地产 出版 海洋 能源 石油与天然气 The upcoming months promise to be another event filled one as Reed exhibition Greater China hosts 15 shows in another 6 industry cluster, including Electronics; manufacturing & Assembly; Converting; Life Sciences & Pharmaceutical, Beauty & Cosmetics; Gifts &Homeware; Lifestyle; Property, Publishing; Marine, Energy, Oil & Gas. 十月 October The 24th China (Shenzhen) International Gift and Home Product Fair 第二十四届中国 ( 深圳 ) 国际礼品及家居用品展览会 China West Mining Exhibition 2016 西部国际矿业展览会 ( 暨昆明国际金属采选矿设备及技术展 ) CMEF Autumn 第 76 届中国国际医疗器械 ( 秋季 ) 博览会 Reed Huabo 励展华博 Reed Exhibitions China 励展中国 Reed Sinopharm 国药励展 /10/20-23 Shenzhen 深圳 2016/10/27-29 Kunming 昆明 2016/10/29-11/01 Shenzhen 深圳 十一月 November Shanghai Comic Convention 上海漫控潮流博览会 Oceanology International China 上海国际海洋技术与工程设备展览会 API China Autumn 第 77 届中国国际医药原料药 中间体 包装 设备交易会 ( 秋季 ) SINOPHEX 2016 Autumn 国际制药工程中国展 ( 秋季 ) PHARMPACK 2016 Autumn 医药包装展 ( 秋季 ) China Shanghai International Children's Book Fair (CCBF) 中国上海国际童书展 C-TOUCH & DISPLAY SHENZHEN 深圳国际全触与显示展 MIPIM Asia 亚太区房地产领袖高峰会 Reed Exhibitions China 励展中国 Reed Exhibitions China 励展中国 Reed Sinopharm 国药励展 Reed Sinopharm 国药励展 Reed Sinopharm 国药励展 Reed Exhibitions China 励展中国 Reed Exhibitions Kuozhan 上海励扩 Reed MIDEM 励展法国 /11/05-06 Shanghai 上海 2016/11/09-11 Shanghai 上海 2016/11/16-18 Wuhan 武汉 2016/11/16-18 Wuhan 武汉 2016/11/16-18 Wuhan 武汉 2016/11/18-20 Shanghai 上海 2016/11/24-26 Shenzhen 深圳 2016/11/29-30 HongKong 香港 十二月 December China International Healthcare Exposition 2016 Autumn 中国国际保健博览会 (CIHE) PHARMCHINA 2016 Autumn 第 76 届全国药品交易会 ( 秋季 ) Natural Health Nutrition Expo (Autumn) 中国健康营养博览会 ( 秋季 ) Reed Sinopharm 国药励展 Reed Sinopharm 国药励展 Reed Sinopharm 国药励展 /12/02-04 Kunming 昆明 2016/12/02-04 Kunming 昆明 2016/12/02-04 Kunming 昆明 7

10 集团亮点 Highlights 励展大中华区升级转变客户关系的绝佳计划 李雅仪 Josephine Lee 执行副总裁 Executive Vice President 励展博览集团大中华区 Reed Exhibitions Greater China 作为励展博览集团独有的创新项目, 特邀目标买家计划 (TAP) 于 2011 年引入励展大中华区, 以实现为客户创造显著增值和转变客户关系为目标, 通过励展 TAP 团队邀请具有采购权限和大额采购预算的高质量且专业的观众买家到励展的展会上 TAP 团队是一支专注于买家关系的识别 建立及维护的精英团队, 为整个展会周期提供了独特的销售主张 TAP 团队邀请整个行业的核心采购决策者 采购需求制定者和具有影响力的人士, 并核实他们在未来 个月的采购计划, 从而在展前和展中为展商和买家提供精准的业务配对 在 TAP 的基础上, 励展大中华区推出的在线配对服务, 利用我们的行业专知缔结数据驱动的配对, 并通过积极介绍 推荐将需求契合的客户链接起来, 进一步实现为客户创造价值 本期, 励展博览集团大中华区执行副总裁李雅仪分享了她对以上计划的看法 我们知道励展大中华区有一支精英 TAP 团队, 专注于目标买家的识别 邀请和促进他们与展商的面对面交流 这一举措在今年有什么新的变化吗? 李雅仪 : 随着市场的发展变化, 买家和展商的预期也以前所未有的速度发生变化 为此, 我们需要为他们提供更加个性化的业务开展方案 以往我们通过邀请买家参展, 让他们随机建立联系, 而这样的传统方法已经不能创造足够价值, 满足他们的预期 于是, 我们推出了 TAP 计划,2015 年, 我们在励展大中华区的逾 10 场专业展览会上开展了 TAP 计划, 参与的展会包括 : 中国国际瓦楞展 中国 国际铝工业展览会 亚洲国际博彩娱乐展会和中国国际电子生产设备暨微电子工业展 结果, 我们的 TAP 团队邀请到了超过 5000 名目标买家到场, 并促成了他们与展商的上千场商务配对会议, 缔结了高达 2.4 亿美元的交易额 今年, 我们在更多的励展展会上推出了这项服务, 并获得了买家和展商的一致好评 TAP 是励展的专有计划 为了确保配对质量, 团队需要对买家进行极为严格的筛选, 包括收集详细的信息, 比如他们的采购动机 采购时间表 预算 价格范围, 特定的产品型号, 甚至是买家公司的采购决策流程和利益相关人详细信息 今年, 励展大中华区首次推出了在线商务配对工具, 进一步提升配对计划 这一服务是通过在线配对平台汇聚预登记观众的详细信息, 让观众和展商在展前数月通过平台进行互动 这一平台还支持展中预约安排 此外, 在线配对平台还能根据观众登记的产品兴趣和采购需求, 自动推荐精确匹配并智能排序, 大大提升了客户的投资回报 体验和效率 到目前为止, 这一在线商务配对平台的实际效果怎么样? 李雅仪 : 效果非常好 我们的 NEPCON China 全球专业的电子展, 通过推出在线商务配对服务, 现场实现了 2087 场买家与匹配展商的商务配对会议, 配对会议的数量几乎是上届的 20 倍 展商满意度也显著提升了 6 个百分点 展商认为, 这一体验非常有特色, 细致严谨的安排和在线配对系统的精准定位能力为他们留下了深刻印象 我们可以看到, 励展大中华区的在线商务配对是对 TAP 目标买家商务配对服务的完美补充 TAP 将继续着重于大额成交, 在线商务配对则在数量和自动化方面有显著优势, 可以服务于更多买家和展商 听上去励展的在线商务配对平台确实为展商和行业专业人士带来了重大利益 未来励展大中华区计划在更多展会推出在线商务配对吗? 李雅仪 : 是的, 当然 未来我们将通过这一计划帮助展商和买家实现更加显著的成果, 确保取得更大成功 我们会在数据分析和技术进步方面加大投入, 实现更加精准复杂的配对和更好的客户体验 有关励展博览集团大中华区 TAP 计划详情, 请访问官网 : 8

11 RXGC's Sensational Program That Transforms Customers Relationships introducing digital matchmaking tools, whereby an digital matchmaking platform gathers details from pre-registered visitors to facilitate interaction between visitors and exhibitors months before the show. It also supports scheduling of appointments during the show. In addition, the digital matchmaking platform automatically recommends highly precise match and sorts them according to the interests and purchasing needs. This has greatly improved the return of investment of our customers, enhance experience and efficiency. What can you tell us about the actual results generated by the digital matchmaking system so far? The Targeted Attendee Program (TAP), aim to be an innovative program that offers high level of customers value and transform relationships with customers. The program secures the most highly sought-after attendees with highest buying authority and large purchasing budget, to our events. The dedicated TAP team identifies, builds, and sustains buyer's relationships is a unique selling proposition across the entire show cycle. Together with digital matchmaking capabilities, Reed Exhibitions Greater China leverages on extensive industry expertise to create value for customers through data-driven matches. The TAP team engages core procurement decision makers, specifiers and influencers from across the industry and secures buyers' procurement information for the next months. This information allows the show teams to arrange precise pre-show and in-show matchmaking. Here, Josephine Lee, RXGC Executive Vice President shares her view on the program. It is well known that RXGC has an elite TAP team that focuses on identifying and recruiting targeted buyers. This team also facilitates face-to-face communication with exhibitors. What differences will we see in the initiative this year? Josephine Lee: As the market evolves, buyers and exhibitors expectations are changing faster than ever. We need to provide them with more personalized options to conduct business. By utilizing traditional methods by inviting buyers to the exhibitions and leave them to connect to by chance will no longer create enough value to meet their expectations. In 2015, the TAP team invited over 5,000 targeted buyers to RXGC top events such as Sino Corrugated, Aluminum China, G2E Asia and NEPCON China. They also facilitated about 1,000 business meetings with concluded business deals at USD 240 million. This year, this service cover more shows with excellent feedbacks from buyers and exhibitors alike. The TAP is a proprietary RX initiative. In order to ensure the quality of the match, the team need to go through a very strict screening of buyers' profile, that include gathering details related to procurement motivation, schedules, budgets, price ranges and specific product models, as well as the decision-making procurement processes and details of the buyer company's stakeholders. This year, RXGC had further enhanced the match-making program by Josephine Lee: The results have been great. Through digital matchmaking, NEPCON China, one of the largest electronics manufacturing show in the world, scheduled 2,087 meetings between buyers and exhibitors, almost 20 times more than at the previous edition of the show. The degree of satisfaction recorded among exhibitors also rose by 6%. Exhibitors found that this experience was really unique and impressed with the meticulousness of the planning and the precise targeting capabilities of the digital matchmaking system. We see that RXGC's digital matchmaking is a perfect supplement to matchmaking services offered by the TAP team. The TAP will continue to focus on the large-sum deals, while digital matchmaking has obvious advantages in terms of volume and automation that service more buyers and exhibitors. It seems that RXGC's digital matchmaking platform has brought about considerable benefits to exhibitors and trade professionals. Going forward, does RXGC plan to integrate digital matchmaking into more events? Josephine Lee: Yes and Absolutely! We will continue to help both exhibitors and buyers to achieve better results via this program to ensure more successes in the future. There will be more investment in data analytics and technical advancement to provide more sophisticated matches and better customer experience. To learn more about the TAP visit the Reed Exhibitions Greater China website: 9

12 励展全球新闻 Reed Global News Ree 亚太 / Asia-Pacific 2016 年韩国首尔国际特许经营展 (IFS) 完美落幕由主办方韩国汉城世界贸易展览中心 (COEX) 携手励展博览集团 (Reed Exhibitions) 在该中心举行的 2016 年韩国首尔国际特许经营展览会 (IFS) 获得圆满成功 在 3 月 3-5 日, 这场展览会迎来了 131 家参展商以及 名观众的庞大阵容 除主要国际品牌以外,Ogada dal.komm 和 ChorocMaeulwere 等具有潜力的本地特许经营授权商也都闪亮登场 此外, 观展者还有来自中国 台湾 新加坡 日本 香港 泰国 西班牙 澳大利亚 新西兰 捷克共和国 沙特阿拉伯 马来西亚 摩洛哥和美国的潜在投资商和特许经营授权商等专业观众 International Franchise Seoul Concludes Successful 2016 Edition International Franchise Seoul 2016 (IFS), organized by COEX and Reed Exhibitions, and held at COEX Seoul, was a major success. From 3-5 March, the event hosted 131 exhibitors and saw a substantial attendance of 17,079 visitors. Apart from major international brands, promising local franchisors like Ogada, dal.komm and Choroc Maeulwere were well represented at the show. Trade visitors, including potential investors and franchisors, came from China, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, the Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Morocco and the US 韩国国际电子制造关连展 (Electronics Manufacturing Korea) 成功举办 2016 韩国国际电子制造关连展 (EMK) 是韩国大规模 业内专业的电子制造行业的展会, 于 2016 年 4 月 6-8 日在首尔成功举办, 展出面积 平方米, 共有来自 21 个国家的 339 个参展商 三天展会吸引了来自 26 个国家的 位专业访客, 其中 41.5% 的访客来自电子行业,11.7% 来自半导体行业,12.2% 的访客来自汽车制造行业, 其余 34.6% 分别有来自 LED/OLED 手机 电脑 及 IT 触摸屏 显示屏 太阳能 军需品及国防 医疗器械等 Electronics Manufacturing Korea Enjoys Successful 2016 Edition Electronics Manufacturing Korea (EMK) is a large-scale electronics manufacturing trade show in South Korea. The 2016 edition was held in Seoul from April 6 to April 8, covering an exhibition area of 12,445sqm and attracting 339 exhibitors from 21 countries. The three-day event drew 13,482 trade visitors from 26 countries, of which 41.5% were from the electronics manufacturing industry; 11.7% from the semiconductor industry, 12.2% from the automotive manufacturing industry, and the remaining 34.6% from the LED/OLED, mobile phone, computer, IT, touch screen, display, solar, military supplies & national defense, and medical equipment sectors 日本高功能金属展圆满落幕 2016 年 4 月 19 日, 日本专业的贸易展览会主办单位励展日本公司于 2016 年 4 月 6 至 8 日在日本东京有明国际展览中心举办了 2016 日本高功能金属展 日本高功能金属展 是世界最先进材料的 展览圣地, 该展会包含四大专业展览会 : 第 7 届高功能薄膜展 (FilmTech JAPAN) 第 5 届高性能塑料展 (PLASTIC JAPAN) 第 3 届高功能金属展 (METAL JAPAN) 以及新推出的第 1 届高功能陶瓷展 (CERAMICS JAPAN) 展会共迎来了 680 家参展商和 59745* 位观众 (* 包括同期展会 ) Metal Japan 2016 a Rousing Success Metal Japan 2016, organized by Reed Japan, a large trade show organizer, was held from April 6 to April 8 at Tokyo Big Sight. As a hub for global professionals in the advanced materials industry, this year's event combined four major events: the 7th edition of FilmTech JAPAN, the 5 th edition of PLASTICS JAPAN, the 3 rd edition of METAL JAPAN and the first ever edition of CERAMICS JAPAN. The event attracted 680 Exhibitors and 59,745 Visitors. 10

13 d Global News 非洲 / Africa 欧洲 / Europe 第 40 届 MCE 获盛赞 : 创新 高效 一体化 集中 优质 第三届非洲旅游周 (Africa Travel Week) 在开普敦 (Cape Town) 完美落幕并创下令人瞩目的增长纪录 非洲旅游周包括在一周之内 在同一地点举行的三场活动 作为连接南非 美洲大陆及全球旅游专业人士的纽带, 今年的活动超出了所有预期 三场备受瞩目的行业展会 ILTM Africa WTM Africa 和 ibtm africa 由 Thebe Reed Exhibitions 和 Reed Travel Exhibitions 主办, 且从 2016 年 4 月 4 日直至 8 日持续一周的时间 这三场展会在开普敦国际会议中心 (CTICC) 的同一个屋檐下为出入境旅游行业的顶级企业提供了一个展开业务往来的综合型多元化平台 Third Edition of Africa Travel Week Closes in Cape Town, Records Impressive Growth Three events. One week. One venue. That was Africa Travel Week. A nexus for travel professionals across South Africa, the continent and the globe, this year's events exceeded all expectations. Organized by Thebe Reed Exhibitions and Reed Travel Exhibitions from April 4 to April 8, three highly sought after industry shows, ILTM Africa, WTM Africa and IBMT Africa, provided a comprehensive and diverse platform for leading businesses in the inbound and outbound travel sectors to do business under one roof at the Cape Town International Convention Center 年南非百分百设计展 (100% Design South Africa 2016) 一场全新的非洲未来主义运动 大胆的图案 生动的色彩 精美的几何形状, 同时借鉴非洲传统面具元素, 赋予 2016 年南非百分百设计展以微妙的非洲未来主义精神 这场引人瞩目的 2016 年度第三届展会活动是展览会与顶级品牌代理商 Deep Design 其负责构思全新的图形标识并制定展会的具体实施方案 共同协作的结晶, 于 2016 年 8 月 5-9 日在南非约翰内斯堡加拉格尔会展中心 (Gallagher Convention Centre) 举行 Bright New Afro-Futuristic Campaign for 100% Design South Africa 2016 Bold patterns, vivid colors and geometric shapes, evoking elements of traditional African masks, infused 100% Design South Africa 2016 with a sophisticated Afro-optimistic spirit. The eye-catching 2016 campaign was the result of an exciting collaboration between the show and top branding agency, Deep Design, who conceptualized a new graphic identity and execution for the show's third annual edition, the show was held at Gallagher Convention Centre in Johannesburg from 5-9 August 年 3 月 15 日 -18 日, 第 40 届意大利米兰供暖 空调 制冷 再生能源及太阳能展 (MCE), 于意大利米兰国际展览中心圆满落幕, 本届展会共吸引了 2100 多家展商, 其中 40% 的展商来自海外 ; 同时, 有 位来自世界各地的观众参观了展会, 海外观众的数量增加了 5.5%, 凸显了 MCE 的国际化优势 展会获得的骄人成绩证明了该展会在各领域中的主导地位, 包括住宅和工业设施 空调及可再生能源 40 th MCE Widely Acclaimed for Innovation, Efficiency, Integration, Centralization and High-Quality The 40th Mostra Convegno Expocomfort (MCE), which ran from March 15 to 18, 2016, came to a successful close at the Milan International Exhibition Center in Italy. This year's exhibition attracted over 2,100 exhibitors, of which 40% came from abroad. A further 155,000 international visitors joined. The number of international visitors rose 5.5%, highlighting the MCE's advantage of internationalization. The exhibition's impressive results have reinforced its leading position in multiple areas, including residential and industrial facilities, air conditioning and renewable energy. Aqua-Therm Moscow 顺利举行 俄罗斯和独联体地区知名的暖通空调和水池行业国际展览会 俄罗斯暖通 制冷 空调 卫浴及水池设备展览会 (Aqua-Therm Moscow) 于 2 月 2~5 日在俄罗斯首都顺利举行 该展是一场规模盛大的专业展览会, 是彰显俄罗斯暖通空调和水池行业巨大潜力和活力的标志 : 展会为期四天, 共迎来了 26,413 位独立观众, 他们在展会上近距离接触和了解展品, 并与来自 30 个国家的 651 家参展公司洽谈业务 11

14 励展全球新闻 Reed Global News Ree Aqua-Therm Moscow takes place successfully Aqua-Therm Moscow, a renowned international exhibition for heating, ventilation, cooling, air conditioning, sanitary and pool equipment in Russia and the CIS region, took place in Moscow from February 2-5, The major trade show is a hallmark of the great potential and vitality of Russia's HVAC and pool industry. The fourday event attracted 26,413 visitors, all of whom managed to interact with, and deeply understand the exhibits. They also held business talks with 651 exhibitors from 30 countries. 中东 / Middle East 励展博览集团将旅游餐饮博览会 (Travel Catering Expo) 品牌重塑为中东世界旅游餐饮及船上服务博览会 (World Travel Catering & Onboard Services Expo Middle East) 励展博览集团日前宣布正着手将集团的迪拜旅游餐饮博览会品牌重新塑造成中东世界旅游餐饮及船上服务博览会 这场博览会于 2016 年 5 月 9-11 日期间在迪拜国际会展中心 (DICEC) 举行, 且将成为圆满成功的 WTCE 系列展览会的一部分 该博览会将继续由励展博览集团中东公司 (Reed Exhibitions Middle East) 运营, 并由迪拜民航局 (Dubai Civil Aviation Authority) 局长 迪拜机场主席 阿联酋航空公司及集团 (Emirates Airline and Group) 主席兼首席执行官 H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum 提供赞助 Reed Exhibitions Rebrands Travel Catering Expo Reed Exhibitions has announced that it is rebranding its Dubai-based Travel Catering Expo to the World Travel Catering & Onboard Services Expo Middle East. The event, held at the Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre (DICEC) on 9-11 May 2016, will become part of the highly successful WTCE portfolio of events. It will continue to be operated by Reed Exhibitions Middle East under the Patronage of H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, Chairman of Dubai Airports and Chairman/CEO of the Emirates Airline and Group. 为期三天的 ibtm arabia 为会奖旅游 (MICE) 行业供应商与买家精英架设联络桥梁 2016 年 ibtmarabia 于 2 月 9-11 日在位于著名的迪拜散步道的卓美亚阿提哈德塔酒店 (Jumeirah at Etihad Towers) 隆重举行, 从这里你可以欣赏阿拉伯湾 (Arabian Gulf) 美景并参观 Cityscape 房产展 地标性的卓美亚酒店集中展示了一些迪拜最佳的会议设施 这家五星级豪华酒店独具特色, 提供精致的酒店房间 精美美食 健身俱乐部 泰丽丝水疗 (Talise Spa) 和裙楼的两层精 品购物中心体验 这家酒店是来自全球各地的业内专业人士聚会的完美场所 IBTM Arabia Connects Elite MICE Industry Suppliers and Buyers in Dynamic Three-Day Event IBTM Arabia 2016 ran from 9-11 February at the Jumeirah at Etihad Towers on the famous Abu Dhabi promenade with views of the Arabian Gulf and cityscape. The Jumeirah is an iconic development and home to some of the best meeting facilities in Abu Dhabi. The luxurious 5-star hotel offers state-of-theart hotel rooms, fine dining, a health club, the Talise Spa and two levels of boutique shopping at the podium. The property is the perfect setting for bringing together meetings industry professionals from across the globe. 12

15 d Global News 励展全球新闻 Reed Global News 美洲 / The Americas 巴西国际机械展按需呈现新技术, 为实现工业 4.0 指明方向 2016 巴西国际机械展将 2016 年 5 月 17 日至 21 日在巴西圣保罗安年比展览中心 (Anhembi) 举办 展会由励展巴西公司及多家协办单位举办, 颇受广大观众欢迎, 本届展会仍旧秉承一贯传统, 帮助参与者在此特殊平台顺利达成交易, 并努力打造巴西最现代化的工业中心 至今, 展会已拥有来自 33 个国家的两千多家参展商以及 44 个国家的十万余名专业买家, 成为拉丁美洲业内地位重要的展会, 也是世界范围内传统展会之一 INTERPHEX 2016: 制药与生物技术的发展及生产流程的创新 美国国际制药工业展览会 (International Pharmaceutical Expo,INTERPHEX) 是业内领先的制药 生物科技及医疗设备研发与制造展览会 出席 2016 年展会的制药工程师和观众数量相较于上届分别增加了 18% 和 4.5%, 创下新高 来自美国 48 个州和全球 52 个国家的观众及展商齐聚 2016 年美国国际制药工业展览会, 了解最新的技术并参加一流的培训项目 600 多家顶级供应商通过展会展示了各自的产品和服务 INTERPHEX 2016: Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Development and Production Process Innovation INTERPHEX is a professional pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device R&D and manufacturing exhibition for the US's international pharmaceutical industry. This year's exhibition recorded a year-on-year rise of 18% in participating pharmaceutical engineers and 4.5% in number of visitors. The event brought together participants from 48 US states and 52 countries to learn about new technologies and join first-class educational programs. Over 600 well-known suppliers showcased their products and services during the exhibition. Brazil's M&T EXPO Showcases New Technology On Demand, Highlights Industry 4.0 The M&T EXPO 2016 was held from May 17-21, 2016 at Anhembi, Sao Paulo by Reed Brazil and multiple co-organizers. The event was highly rated by visitors and helped participants to make deals and drove Brazil's progress to becoming an iconic modern industrial center. The M&T EXPO, which has so far attracted over 2,000 exhibitors from 33 countries and over 100,000 trade buyers from 44 countries, has become an important event in Latin American industry, as well as across the world. 欲获取更多励展全球展会新闻, 请访问 : For more Reed global exhibition news, please visit: ( 励展中国国际销售部 Reed ISG China) ( 励展博览集团 Reed Exhibitions) 13

16 励展博览集团大中华区运营单元及合资企业 Reed Exhibitions Greater China Operating Units & JVs

Chinese oil import policies and reforms 随 着 经 济 的 发 展, 目 前 中 国 石 油 消 费 总 量 已 经 跃 居 世 界 第 二 作 为 一 个 负 责 任 的 大 国, 中 国 正 在 积 极 推 进 能 源 进 口 多 元 化, 鼓 励 替 代

Chinese oil import policies and reforms 随 着 经 济 的 发 展, 目 前 中 国 石 油 消 费 总 量 已 经 跃 居 世 界 第 二 作 为 一 个 负 责 任 的 大 国, 中 国 正 在 积 极 推 进 能 源 进 口 多 元 化, 鼓 励 替 代 Chinese oil import policies and reforms SINOPEC EDRI 2014.8 Chinese oil import policies and reforms 随 着 经 济 的 发 展, 目 前 中 国 石 油 消 费 总 量 已 经 跃 居 世 界 第 二 作 为 一 个 负 责 任 的 大 国, 中 国 正 在 积 极 推 进 能 源 进 口 多 元 化,

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