内容简介 实用高职公共英语 是专门为高职非英语专业的学生编写的, 由预备册 第一册 第二册 第三册构成, 供四个学期使用 本书是 实用高职公共英语 的预备册, 共 10 个单元 2 套测试题 每个单元围绕一个话题展开, 由 5 个部分构成 : 课堂英语 正课 句型 补充词汇 语音语调 本书侧重于最基

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1 高等教育 十二五 规划教材 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) 林夕宝总主编杨荣泉主审林夕宝郝宁主编王丛丛许京娜副主编 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 北京

2 内容简介 实用高职公共英语 是专门为高职非英语专业的学生编写的, 由预备册 第一册 第二册 第三册构成, 供四个学期使用 本书是 实用高职公共英语 的预备册, 共 10 个单元 2 套测试题 每个单元围绕一个话题展开, 由 5 个部分构成 : 课堂英语 正课 句型 补充词汇 语音语调 本书侧重于最基本的语音 句型和口语教学 本书的设计充分考虑高职高专英语专业的课程设置 课时 教学要求与高职高专英语专业人才培养要求与目标 通过本书的学习, 可以为学生进一步学习和应用英语打下坚实基础 本书可作为高职高专非英语专业学生英语课程的教材, 也可供英语自学者使用 图书在版编目 (CIP) 数据实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 )/ 林夕宝, 郝宁主编. 北京 : 科学出版社, 2012 ( 高等教育 十二五 规划教材 ) ISBN Ⅰ. 1 实 Ⅱ. 1 林 2 郝 Ⅲ. 1 英语 - 高等职业教育 - 教材 Ⅳ. 1H31 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2012) 第 号 责任编辑 : 王茜 / 责任校对 : 刘玉靖责任印制 : 吕春珉 / 封面设计 : 科地亚盟 出版北京东黄城根北街 16 号邮政编码 : 北京双清印刷厂印刷科学出版社发行各地新华书店经销 * 年 8 月第一版开本 : / 年 8 月第一次印刷印张 :12 1/4 字数 : 定价 :27.00 元 ( 如有印装质量问题, 我社负责调换 < 环伟 >) 销售部电话 编辑部电话 版权所有, 侵权必究举报电话 : ; ;

3 前 言 实用高职公共英语 是专门为高职非英语专业的学生编写的 本套书由预备册 第一册 第二册 第三册构成, 供四个学期使用 预备册重视最基本的语音 句型和口语教学 一 二册注重通用性, 强调语言共核, 力求为学生打好语言基础 第三册强调应用性, 主要内容为信函 申请 公文 合同 广告 说明书及简介等, 为学生就业及就业后的应用打好基础 本书是 实用高职公共英语 的预备册, 共 10 个单元 2 套测试题 每个单元围绕一个话题展开, 由 5 个部分构成 : 课堂英语 正课 句型 补充词汇 语音语调 各部分的编写原则如下 : 一 课堂英语每单元的英语会话都围绕本单元主题, 编写若干段对话, 供学生在教师指导下反复练习 练习应以学生对练或群练为主, 教师给予引导和纠正 所编会话, 反复强调某个主题的常用语句, 掌握了关键句型, 遇到恰当场合便会运用自如 会话后编有旨在巩固所学会话内容的练习, 以帮助学生进一步巩固所学内容 二 正课正课是每个单元的核心 : 由课文 词汇 短语 重点词语学习 课文注释 练习 6 部分组成 1. 课文 : 课文的选材突出经典与时尚相结合, 本着题材广泛 体裁多样 语言规范的原则选取, 同时遵循渐进性 趣味性 知识性及启发性的原则, 以激发学生学习英语的热情 每篇课文长约 300 词, 尽量选用原版材料, 但根据需要在保持原作精髓及神韵的基础上, 作了必要的修改和增删 2. 词汇 : 每课生词约 25 个, 生词的编写以 高考英语词汇 为参考范围 词汇编写的原则是 : 第一个词性及词义为该课中的词性及词义, 扩充词义及词性不超过两个 本书词汇的音标为十四版国际音标 词汇在课文的右面编排, 便于学生查找 3. 短语 : 每课选短语 8 个左右 短语往往是语言中最活跃的部分, 使用率高但较难把握, 应重视对短语的学习和运用 本书对每个短语都注出词义, 并配有例句, 旨在让学生理解并学会运用 4. 重点词语学习 : 每课选 4 个左右的单词进行重点讲解 讲解内容为基本词义 同根词 近义词辨析等 这部分以学生自学为主 5. 课文注释 : 这一部分不仅包括词汇和语法难点, 还增加了对一些文化现象的解释, 使学生在潜移默化中学习英语的语言与文化 6. 练习 : 练习包括阅读理解练习 词汇练习 翻译练习 短文完型填空练习及快速阅读练习 5 类 阅读理解练习有 3 种 : 多项选择 判断对错 回答问题, 目的是帮助学生正确理解文章的主旨大意 作者的意图及文章的细节内容 词汇练习有 4 种形式 :1 句子中给首字母补全单词, 旨在让学生能准确地写出课文出现的重点单词 ;2 句子中给 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

4 ii 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) 出汉语译成英语, 复习课文所学重要单词和短语 ;3 替代词汇, 使学生增加词汇量, 同时加强其同义词的辨析能力, 更加准确地把握词汇的用法 ;4 介词或冠词填空, 对课文中出现的介词及冠词进行复习与巩固 短文完型填空, 目的是提高学生综合运用语言的能力 翻译练习有两种 : 英译汉及汉译英, 目的是帮助学生巩固常用句型, 提高写和译的能力 快速阅读所选文章在题材及体裁上与课文相近, 目的是帮助学生提高速读的能力 三 句型句型部分旨在通过对英语常用句型的简单讲解和练习, 使学生熟练掌握并运用这些常用句型 四 补充词汇本部分是对每单元对话和课文单词的补充, 旨在扩大学生的词汇量, 增进学习兴趣, 以满足学生的求知欲 五 语音语调编写这部分内容的目的在于, 让学生了解并掌握基础的语音及语调知识 本书与其他同类教材的不同及自身特点 : 实用高职公共英语 是根据教育部颁布的 高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求 ( 试行 ) 的精神及 教育部关于以就业为导向, 深化高等职业教育改革的若干意见 中所提出的 高等职业教育应以服务为宗旨, 以就业为导向, 走产学研结合的发展道路 编写的 其特点是 : 听说领先, 充分体现高职实用性强的特点 改革开放以来我国大学生的英语水平特别是阅读水平有了明显提高, 但听说能力一直是薄弱环节, 为了弥补这一不足, 本书将听说摆在了每课的重要位置 高职学生不同于本科生, 在入学水平及求职方向上有明显差别, 高职教学强调理论够用为度, 动手能力及应用能力为主 本书的编写充分体现了这一精神, 其中第三册内容全部是应用文, 这也是本书全新的尝试 本书的编写人员由办学取得卓越成就的教育家 英语专家, 具有丰富教材编写经验的资深教授及工作在教学第一线的优秀高职英语教师组成, 确保了教材的科学性 针对性及实用性 本书由林夕宝统筹规划及部分课文的筛选, 杨荣泉参加了部分的课文筛选及全教程的统稿 本册其他编委分工如下 : 郝宁负责 1~4 单元的编写 ; 许京娜负责 5~7 单元 ( 包括自测题 1) 的编写 ; 王丛丛负责 8~10 单元 ( 包括自测题 2) 的编写 曹现青 马春龙 马璐 苗艺 李东蔚 李雪 李美霖 刘崇祥 柳晶晶 刘晓玲 刘妍平 潘孝兰 王献伟 文艳萍 夏环琪 张丽梅和张惠影分别对本书的编写提出了宝贵建议 我们在此向给予支持和协助的同事及朋友表示感谢 由于水平有限, 对书中不妥或错误之处, 恳请读者 专家及同行批评指正

5 Contents Unit 1 Our Campus Life... 1 Classroom English... 2 Text A Happy Class... 5 Sentence Patterns Supplement Phonetics and Intonations Unit 2 Learn From Lei Feng Classroom English Text Learn From Lei Feng Sentence Patterns Supplement Phonetics and Intonations Unit 3 Different Attitudes Towards Time Classroom English Text American Concept of Time Sentence Patterns Supplement Phonetics and Intonations Unit 4 Weather Here, Weather There Classroom English Text The Weather in England 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 Sentence Patterns Supplement Phonetics and Intonations Unit 5 Asking the Way Classroom English Text I Got Lost Sentence Patterns Supplement Phonetics and Intonations... 74

6 iv 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) Test Yourself Unit 6 Do Shopping Classroom English Text Edith s Lucky Day Sentence Patterns Supplement Phonetics and Intonations Unit 7 Making Telephone Calls Classroom English Text The Wrong Number Sentence Patterns Supplement Phonetics and Intonations Unit 8 Invitation Classroom English Text Invitation Sentence Patterns Supplement Phonetics and Intonations Unit 9 Work and Leisure Classroom English Text Work Sentence Patterns Supplement Phonetics and Intonations Unit 10 Internet Classroom English Text The Power of Blogs Sentence Patterns Supplement Phonetics and Intonations

7 Contents v Test Yourself References Appendix I Glossary Appendix II Phrases and Expressions 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

8 Unit 1 Our Campus Life You have to believe in yourself. That s the secret of success. 人必须相信自己, 这是成功的秘诀 Sweat is the lubricant of success. 汗水是成功的润滑剂

9 2 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) Classroom English Dialogue 1 (Tian Yu and Yang Mei meet for the first time. They re making self-introduction.) Tian: Good morning. Let me introduce myself. I m Tian Yu, from Shandong Province. Nice to meet you! Yang: Good morning. My name is Yang Mei and I m from Shandong Province, too. Tian: Really? So we are town fellows. That s great! Yang: By the way, what s your major? Tian: My major is Fashion Design. What are you studying? Yang: I m studying Computer Science. introduce /ˌɪntrə'dju:s/ vt. 介绍 province /'prɒvɪns/ n. 省 fellow /'feləʊ/ n. 人, 朋友, 同事 town fellow 老乡 major /'meɪdʒə/ n. 主修, 专业 fashion /'fæʃn/ n. 时装, 流行 design /dɪˈzaɪn/ n.;vt. 设计 Dialogue 2 (Tian Yu introduces his roommate, John to Yang Mei.) Tian: Yang Mei, I d like you to meet my roommate, John. Yang: Hello, John. Glad to know you! John: Hi, Yang Mei! Nice to meet you, too. Yang: Tian Yu told me you come from the United States, right? John: Yes. I arrived here just a few days ago. Tian: Would you please tell us something about your campus life? John: With pleasure. Dialogue 3 (John meets Yang Mei on the campus.) roommate /'ru:mˌmeɪt/ n. 室友 United States /ju:'naitɪd 'stetɪs/ 美国 arrive /ə'raɪv/ vi. 到达 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 pleasure /'pleʒə/ n. 高兴, 愉快 John: Hi, Yang Mei. Long time no see! What s up? Yang: Nothing special. I have to write a composition for composition /ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃn/ n. 作文 my English class, and I just can t come up with any come up with 想出 idea. But it s due tomorrow. due /dju:/ adj. 到期的, 应付的

10 UNIT 1 OurCampusLife 3 John: No wonder you don t look happy. That shouldn t be too difficult. Do you remember those pictures of your summer vacation you showed me last week? Why don t you write something about your summer vacation in London? Yang: That sounds a great idea. But I am not good at English writing. John: Maybe I can give you some help. Yang: Oh, it s very kind of you. Thank you! no wonder 难怪 vacation /vəˈkeɪʃn/ n. 假期, 休假 maybe /ˈmeɪbi:/ adv. 大概, 也许 Notes to the Dialogues 1. Let me introduce myself. 我来自我介绍一下 用于自我介绍的表达方式还有 : Hello!/ Hi! Allow me to introduce myself. I m 对别人自我介绍后的回应表达方式有 : (I m) glad/ pleased to meet/ know you. I ve heard a lot/ so much about you. 久仰大名 I m very glad to have the opportunity( 机会 )to meet you. 2. What s your major?/ What are you studying? 你学习什么专业? 3. I d like you to meet my roommate. 我想让你见见我的室友 用于介绍他人的表达方式还有 : I d like to introduce my friend./ I d like you to meet my friend. By the way, do you know?/ Have you met before? 介绍他人时用 this is, 例如 :Jacky, this is John. John, this is Jacky. 4. Long time no see! 好久不见! 类似表达方式有 :I haven t seen you for quite some time/ ages. It s nice to see you again! 如果与熟人偶遇, 可用如下表达方式 : Hello!/ Hello there!/ Hi!/ Hi there! Hello, there, what a surprise/ coincidence! 你好, 可真巧啊! It is a small world./ Small world, isn t it? 世界真小 5. What s up? 忙什么呢? 美国人常说的寒暄语, 是常用的打招呼方式, 问对方近来如何 如果没什么事就回答 Not much 或 Nothing 美国人见面时最常用的打招呼方式还有 : What re you up to these days? 你最近在忙什么?

11 4 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) Not much./ Nothing special/ in particular. 没什么特别的 How are you?/ How are you doing?/ How is everything going? 回答可用 :Super. Fine. Not bad. Great. Pretty good. I can t complain. Very well, thank you. So-so.( 一般 )Same as ever.( 老样子 ) 等 How do you do? 是双方初次见面时的礼貌用语, 比较正式, 回答者一般也用 How do you do? 现在西方国家的人已经很少使用这种问候方式了 6. Oh, it s very kind of you. 你真是太好了 ( 用来表示对他人的感激 ) 类似的还有 :It s very kind of you to do so/ say so/ help me. 7. 校园场景常用英语表达方式 : Where did you go to high school? 你在哪里读的高中? What are you majoring in?/ What s your major? 你的专业是什么? What grade/ class are you in? 你读几年级 / 在几班? How many courses are you taking this semester? 这学期你选了几门课? Many students are working at part-time jobs. 许多学生都在做兼职 She s an easy-going teacher. 她是个随和的老师 Examinations are at hand. 考试在即 He is at the top of his class. 他在班里名列前茅 How did you get on in your exam? 你考得怎样? He won the first place in a speech contest. 他在演讲比赛中获得第一名 Exercises I. Match the sentences in Column A with those in Column B to make up a dialogue. Column A Column B 1. Hi, Jacky. Long time no see! a. Not too bad. 2. Oh, I m doing great, thanks. And you? b. Yes, I d love to. Thank you. 3. By the way, we have a party tonight. c. No problem. See you then! Are you coming? d. Hi, Mary! What a surprise! How are 4. Great! I ll call you at seven o clock, OK? you doing? 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 II. Complete the following dialogue and role-play it with your partner. Tom: John. ( 好久不见 ). What s up? John: ( 没什么特别的 ). By the way, ( 我想让你见见 )another town fellow of ours, Nancy. Come here. John: Hi, Nancy. ( 这是 )Tom. Nancy: Hi, Tom. I ve heard a lot about you from John. ( 很高兴认识你 ). Tom: Nice to meet you, too. ( 你也来自英国吗 )? Nancy: Yes, I m from Liverpool. And you? John: I m from London.

12 UNIT 1 OurCampusLife 5 Text A Happy Class 1 Ours is a happy class. 2 There are six classes in the Department of Arts. We are in Class Two, which is made up of twenty students. Our major is Chinese Painting. We are freshmen. Although we come from different places, we get along quite well. We work very hard and help each other. 3 Among us there is an overseas student named John. He comes from the United States of America. At first, he felt a little homesick, but now he has adapted himself to the new campus life. John often tells us something about the class in the U.S.. 4 In America, it s considered polite for students to call their teacher by his or her last name, and Mr., Miss, or Mrs. should be added before the last name (such as Mrs. Smith or Mr. Jones). And the teacher will tell the students his or her preferred title. 5 Americans think it s very rude to be late for class. Also, it bothers other students. If a student has to come in late, he or she will take the books out of the bag before entering the room and then walk to a seat quietly. 6 In class, instead of just listening and taking notes, students will ask questions, and even challenge their teachers. This is not considered as impolite, but as a sign of students healthy interest in the course. 7 If they have to leave during class, they do so quietly. There is no need to ask the teacher for permission. However, leaving class for something other than an emergency is not acceptable. (260 words) department /dɪˈpɑ:tmənt/ n. 系, 部门 freshman /ˈfreʃmən/ n. 新生 overseas /ˌəʊvəˈsi:z/ adj. 海外的 homesick /ˈhəʊmsɪk/ adj. 想家的, 思乡的 adapt /əˈdæpt/ vt. 使 适应 campus /ˈkæmpəs/ n. ( 大学 ) 校园 consider /kənˈsɪdə/ vt. 认为, 考虑 polite /pəˈlaɪt/ adj. 礼貌的 preferred /prɪˈfɜ:d/ adj. 首选的 title /ˈtaɪtl/ n. 称呼, 头衔, 标题 rude /ru:d/ adj. 粗鲁的 bother /ˈbɒðə/ vt. 打扰, 烦扰 enter /ˈentə/ vt. 进入 challenge /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ vt. 向 提出挑战, 提出异议 impolite /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt/ adj. 不礼貌的 course /kɔ:s/ n. 课程 permission /pəˈmɪʃn/ n. 允许 emergency /ɪˈmɜ:dʒənsɪ/ n. 紧急情况, 突发事件 acceptable /əkˈseptəbl/ adj. 可接受的 Phrases and Expressions be made up of 由 组成

13 6 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) This club is made up of 50 members. get along (well) with ( 与某人 ) 相处 ( 融洽 );( 某事 ) 进展 ( 顺利 ) I am sure you will get along very well with your new workmates. Are you getting along well with your new job? at first 起初 They didn t know each other at first. adapt (oneself) to ( 使自己 ) 适应或习惯于 ( 新环境等 ) We ve all learned to adapt ourselves to our new surroundings. instead of 代替 ; 而不是 Can I drink coffee instead of tea? I ll go to school by train instead of by bus next term. ask sb. for permission 向某人征求许可 You should ask your parents for permission on this matter. other than 除了 She has no close friend other than you. Word Study 1. adapt vt. 1 使适应, 使适合 adapt(oneself)to ( 使自己 ) 适应或习惯于 ( 新环境等 ) Animals have to adapt to the change of weather. 2 改编, 改写 This movie is adapted from a real story. 联 adaptable adj. 能适应的, 适应性强的 辨 adopt vt. 1 收养 The childless couple decided to adopt a child. 2 采纳, 采取, 采用 adopt an idea/ a method/ a new technique 2. consider vt. 1 认为, 把 看做 (consider as/ to be) I consider it as a great honor to be invited to dinner. 2 考虑, 细想 Mary is considering going abroad.(consider 之后应接动名词的形式 ) 3 考虑到, 体谅 We must consider the feelings of other people. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

14 UNIT 1 OurCampusLife 7 3. preferred adj. 首选的 ( 是 prefer 的过去分词做形容词用 ) Coffee is my preferred drink in the bar. 联 prefer vt. 宁可, 宁愿 ( 选择 );( 比较起来 ) 更喜欢表示 宁愿 而不愿 的意思时, 若使用 ( 动 ) 名词做宾语, 二者之间用介词 to, 若使用动词不定式做宾语, 二者之间用 rather than( 而不是 ) She prefers tea to juice. She prefers singing to dancing. They prefer to walk rather than (to) cycle. 4. bother vt.;vi. 1 打扰, 烦扰 I m sorry to bother you, but can you tell me the way to the zoo? 2 使不安 This problem has been bothering me for weeks. 惯 bother sb. about/ with sth. 因 ( 以 ) 打 ( 烦 ) 扰某人 I m very sorry to have bothered you with so many questions. Don t bother yourself with small matters. 3( 为做某事 ) 而费工夫, 添麻烦 Don t bother to knock on the door when you come in. 在口语中说 don t bother, 主要用于谢绝对方主动提出的善意帮助, 意为 不用费心了 不用麻烦了, 例如 : Shall I help you with the washing-up? Don t bother. I ll do it myself later. 5. challenge vt. 1 向 挑战 They challenged the best basketball team of the city and beat them. 2 提出异议 Nowadays no one will challenge the fact that the earth moves around the sun. 注 challenge 作动词用时, 本身含有 向, 对 的意义, 因此在表达 向 挑战 时, 后面不需要再加介词 to, 正确的表达方式是 to challenge sb. n. 1 挑战 Living abroad alone is really a big challenge for me. 惯 issue/ accept a challenge 发出 / 接受挑战 2 艰巨的 高难度的任务 She is a person who likes challenges. 联 challenging adj. 有挑战性的

15 8 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) Notes to the Text 1. We are in Class Two, which is made up of twenty students. 我们是二班, 有 20 名学生 此句中 which 引导的非限定性定语从句修饰 Class Two 非限定性定语从句与主 句之间用逗号分开 2. Among us there is an overseas student named John. 我们中有一个名叫约翰的留学生 此句中 named John 是过去分词短语作后置定语, 修饰 student, 译为 名叫约翰 3. In America, it s considered polite for students to call their teacher by his or her last name. 在美国, 学生直接称呼老师的姓氏是礼貌的 last name: 姓氏 ( 欧美人姓氏放在名字后面, 例如 :Bill Clinton) 此句中,it 为形式主语, 真正的主语是动词不定式短语 to call their teacher by his or her last name, 而 students 则是该不定式短语的逻辑主语 该结构可以表示为 :It s + adj. + (for/ of sb.) to do sth., 例如 : It s difficult for me to learn how to drive a tractor. It s kind of you to lend me the money. 4. If a student has to come in late, he or she will take the books out of the bag before entering the room and then walk to a seat quietly. 如果一个学生不得已而迟到, 他或她会在进教室之前掏出课本, 然后悄悄找个座位坐下 此句中 before 为介词,entering the room 为动名词短语, 也可将其转化为时间状语从句 :before he or she enters the room 5. There is no need to ask the teacher for permission. 没有必要经老师批准 6. However, leaving class for something other than an emergency is not acceptable. 然而, 不是因为紧急情况而离开教室是不可以的 此句中,leaving class for something other than an emergency 为动名词短语作主语, 介词 for 在此句中解释 leave 的原因 介词 for 可以表示原因, 例如 : Thank you for inviting us to dinner. Reading Comprehension I. Decide whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE according to the text. Write T for true and F for false before the statements. 1. In America, it s OK for students to be late for class. 2. John comes from the U.S. and he finds the campus life too difficult. 3. American students usually call their teachers by teacher. 4. American students can leave the classroom whenever they want to. 5. In American class, if students don t agree with their teacher, they will speak up. II.Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. How do American students call their teachers? 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

16 UNIT 1 OurCampusLife 9 2. What do Americans think of students questioning in class? 3. How does John feel about his new campus life? 4. In America, what will students do if they are late for class? 5. Are there any differences between your class and the American class? What are they? Vocabulary I. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word with the help of the first letter. 1. F are the first-year students in college or university. 2. It s the first time that he has left home, so he feels a little h. 3. The noise from next door really b me. 4. To e a key university, you must study hard in high school. 5. If there is no milk, we can drink water i. II. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or expressions from the text. 1. We ( 彼此相处得很好 ). 2. Americans it ( 认为 是不礼貌的 )to be late for class. 3. Emily didn t like English ( 起初 ). 4. The students ( 已经适应了 )their new life. 5. You have to ( 征得家人的同意 )if you really want to go abroad. III. Find the synonym of the underlined word or phrase. 1. Our class is composed of 23 girls and 10 boys. A. made up of B. made of C. made from D. made into 2. At the very beginning, I m fond of music. A. In the beginning B. At first C. To begin with D. Firstly 3. Shall I help you with the box? Don t bother. I can manage it myself. A. interrupt B. disturb C. worry D. fear 4. How are you doing these days? Not much. A. Nothing special B. I ve been studying English C. I m reading books D. I m fine 5. Nobody agrees with her except you. A. in addition B. besides C. beside D. other than Translation I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. At first, we didn t get along very well with each other.

17 10 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) 2. In China, it s very rude of a student to enter or leave the classroom without asking for permission from the teacher. 3. It s considered acceptable for students to challenge their teachers in American class. 4. There is no need to ask the teacher for permission when you have to leave during class. 5. At first, he didn t agree with me on this matter. Later, he changed his mind. II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 祖国大家庭由 56 个民族 (nationality) 组成 (be made up of) 2. 新生很快就适应了大学生活 (adapt to) 3. 上课迟到是很不礼貌的 (It s to) 4. 我们认为他的条件 (terms) 可以接受 (consider as) 5. 教室里除了我没有别人 (other than) Cloze Fill in the blanks with the words given below in the proper form. although impolite overseas consider quietly make permission acceptable that enter In China, students usually (1) colleges or universities at the age of 18. In colleges, a class is usually (2) up of fewer students than (3) in high school. The students usually come from different places of the country or even (4). (5) colleges are freer than high school, there are still some rules for the students to follow. It s (6) impolite to be late for class. If a student comes in late, he or she will walk (7) to a seat. In class, it s (8) to eat, drink or talk while the teacher is lecturing. When one student is speaking, the others should listen attentively. It is (9) for a student to leave during class for an emergency. But he or she should ask the teacher for (10). 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

18 UNIT 1 OurCampusLife 11 Fast Reading Education in the U.S. 1 There is no national school policy in the United States. Each of the fifty states makes its own rules and regulations for its schools, but there are similarities among the fifty school systems. Public schools in all states are supported by taxes paid by the citizens of the individual states. 2 In the United States, most children go to public elementary and secondary schools. If a child attends a private school, his parents have to pay the school for the child s education. Boys and girls start school when they are five years old. After six years in elementary school, they go into junior high school and remain there for three years. In most states children are required to attend school until they reach the age of sixteen. The last three years of their public school education are spent in senior high school. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they graduate from secondary school. Another name for secondary school is high school. 3 A great number of high school graduates continue their education in colleges or universities in the country. A student at a state university does not have to pay very much if his parents live in that state. Private colleges and universities are expensive, however. Almost half of the college students in the United States work while they are studying. When a student s family is not rich, he has to earn money for part of his college expenses. After four years, they receive a bachelor s degree. Some continue studying for a master s degree and perhaps a doctor s degree. (261 words) Choose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the fast reading. 1. The word remain in Para. 2 is closest in meaning to. A. keep B. continue to be C. stay in the same place D. be left alone 2. According to the text, in America, secondary school means. A. high school B. junior high school C. senior high school D. elementary school 3. How long does the elementary and secondary education usually last? A. Twelve years. B. Ten years. C. Nine years. D. Sixteen years. 4. In the U.S., public schools in all states are. A. almost the same with the private schools B. free for everyone at any time C. much better than all the private schools

19 12 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) D. supported by taxes paid by the citizens of the individual states 5. What is NOT TRUE about the American education according to the passage? A. There is no national school policy in the United States. B. In most states the children are required to attend school until they reach the age of sixteen. C. A great number of high school graduates continue their education in colleges or universities in the country. D. American students needn t pay for their education if they attend the state university. Sentence Patterns 句型概述 I. 句子类型 ( 按结构分 ) (1) 简单句 : 只包含一个主谓结构 例如 : We are freshmen. John often tells us something about the class in the U.S.. (2) 并列句 : 由 and, but, or, so 等连词连接两个或两个以上的简单句 例如 : At first, he felt a little homesick, but now he has adapted himself to the new campus life. We work very hard and we often help each other. (3) 复合句 : 由一个主句和一个或多个从句构成 主句是句子的主体, 从句用作整个句子的一个成分 根据从句所起作用不同分为 : 名词性从句 定语从句和状语从句等 例如 : Americans think it s very rude to be late for class. We are in Class Two, which is made up of twenty students. Although we come from different places, we get along quite well. If we have to leave during class, we do so quietly. II. 英语简单句五大基本句型 1. S + V We work very hard. 2. S + V + O It bothers other students. 3. S + V + P Our major is Chinese Painting. 4. S + V + INO + DO The teacher will tell the students his or her preferred title. 5. S + V + O + OC We must keep our classroom clean. 注 S = Subject 主语 V = Verb 谓语动词 O = Object 宾语 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 P = Predicative 表语 INO = Indirect Object 间接宾语 ( 一般指人或动物 ) DO = Direct Object 直接宾语 ( 一般指物或事 ) OC = Object Complement 宾语补足语

20 UNIT 1 OurCampusLife 13 Analyze the structure of the following sentences according to the model. Model: They painted the wall blue. S V O OC 1. They are dancing. 2. Jacky loves Spanish. 3. The food looks delicious. 4. My father bought me a book as a birthday gift. 5. Mary s being late made her boss angry. There be 句型 There be 句型表示 某处 ( 某时间 ) 有 ( 存在 ) 某人或某物, 其结构为 There be (is, are, was, were) + 名词 + 地点状语 / 时间状语, 例如 : There are sixteen classes in the Department of Arts. Among us there is an overseas student named John. 其中 there 是引导词,be 是谓语动词,be 后面的名词是主语 谓语动词除 be 之外, 还可以是 stand, live, lie 等不及物动词, 例如 : On earth there lived many dinosaurs( 恐龙 )millions of years ago. 注 have 表示主语 拥有某人或某物, 作宾语的某人或某物属主语所有, 强调所有 拥有关系 若是部分与整体关系时, 有时用两种表达方式都可以, 例如 : A week has seven days. = There are seven days in a week. 一周有七天 谓语动词 be 的单复数形式要与后面的名词一致, 若 be 后是两个或多个并列的名词, be 则与靠得最近的那个名词的单复数一致, 例如 : There is a bed, two chairs and a TV set in the room. Translate the following sentences into English, using there be structure. 1. 后天有个会议 2. 杯子里有些水 3. 我的空调有点问题 4. 我家有四口人

21 14 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) 5. 桌上有一支钢笔 两本书和几支铅笔 Supplement Campus 校园 library 图书馆 office building 办公楼 playground 操场 reading room 阅览室 dormitory 宿舍 bathroom 公共浴室 laboratory 实验室 dining hall/ canteen 餐厅 swimming pool 游泳池 Classroom 教室 multimedia 多媒体 mouse 鼠标 blackboard 黑板 computer 电脑 monitor 显示器 chalk 粉笔 keyboard 键盘 LCD 液晶显示器 eraser 橡皮擦 Course 课程 mathematics 数学 geography 地理 economics 经济学 Chinese 语文 physics 物理 sociology 社会学 history 历史 chemistry 化学 psychology 心理学 Types of Students and Names of Academic Degrees 学生种类及学位名称 freshman 新生 degree 学位 doctor 博士 sophomore 大二学生 bachelor 学士 graduate 毕业生 junior 大三学生 master 硕士 undergraduate 在校大学生 senior 大四学生 postgraduate 研究生 diploma 文凭 Others 其他 university 大学 semester/ term 学期 professor 教授 college 学院 president 校长 associate professor 副教授 department 系部 dean 系主任 lecturer 讲师 major 专业 head teacher 班主任 assistant 助教 Phonetics and Intonations 语音基础 在认识英语发音之前, 了解一些语音的概念十分必要 现就语音中一些最基本的概 念介绍如下 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

22 UNIT 1 OurCampusLife 字母字母是书写的最小单位 英语中共有 26 个字母, 其中 a, e, i, o, u 为元音字母 ;b, s, c 等是辅音字母 2. 元音元音是指发音时声带振动, 气流不受阻碍的音, 共 20 个元音, 例如 :/e/ 为元音 3. 辅音辅音是指发音时气流受到阻碍而发的音, 共 28 个, 例如 /t/ 为辅音 其中, 声带振动的叫浊辅音, 例如 :/d/, /g/; 声带不振动的叫清辅音, 例如 :/p/, /k/ 4. 音标音标是指词的语音形式 国际音标常写在 / / 内, 以免和字母混淆, 例如 :face /feɪs/ 5. 音节音节既可由元音音素单独构成, 也可由元音音素加辅音音素构成, 还可由辅音音素中的响音 /m/, /n/, /l/ 和 /ŋ / 与其前面的辅音音素构成 (1) 开音节 : 以不发音的字母 e 结尾, 例如 :face, plane, like 以辅音 + 发音的元音字母结尾, 例如 :bee, she, tomato (2) 闭音节 : 以辅音字母结尾, 例如 :map, fool, net

23 Unit 2 Learn From Lei Feng One for all and all for one. 我为人人, 人人为我 Men eat to live, but not live to eat. 人吃饭是为了活着, 但活着不是为了吃饭 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

24 UNIT 2 LearnFromLeiFeng 17 Classroom English Dialogue 1 (Wang Yan and Chen Bing are talking about what to do on Sunday.) Wang: Hi, Chen Bing. What are you going to do this Sunday? Chen: I ll do some cleaning for the old people in the rest home. Are you coming, too? Wang: I d love to, but I ve made an appointment with my friend this weekend. Chen: Would it be all right next Sunday? Wang: That s OK. Chen: Do you often go to the bead house? Wang: Yes, almost every other week. Chen: It s so nice of you to do such a good thing. Wang: Thank you. I ve been following Lei Feng s example. Chen: I ll join you next time. Wang: Welcome. cleaning /ˈkli:nɪŋ/ n. 清扫 rest home 养老院, 敬老院 bead house 养老院 ; 养育院 follow one s example 以某人为榜样 Dialogue 2 (Zhang Xiao and Jiang Wei are talking about whether something is charged or not when helping the needy.) Zhang: Jiang Wei, What are you going to do next Saturday? Jiang: I haven t decided yet. Maybe I ll go to help the children in the orphanage with their English. Zhang: Are you a volunteer? Jiang: Yes. I won t charge anything for it. Zhang: Why? Jiang: Because I m willing to help others. Zhang: Oh, my God! Unbelievable! Are you doing it of your own free will? Jiang: I always feel happy whenever I help the needy. orphanage /ˈɔ:fənɪdʒ/ n. 孤儿院 of one s own free will 自愿 whenever /wenˈevə/ adv. 无论何时

25 18 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) Zhang: I admire you very much. I think I should learn from you. You are a modern Lei Feng. Notes to the Dialogues rest home 与 bead house 均是养老院 敬老院的意思 为老年人提供集体居住, 并具有相对完整的配套服务设施 饮食上各院大致相同, 每周饭簿上墙, 早中晚分别搭配营养, 基本上保证了老人们的健康需求 对个别有特殊饮食要求的老人, 还要单独配备饮食 对一些有老年疾病的不能自理的老人, 院方会指定专人护理, 也就是我们所说的特护, 从每天早晨到晚上 24 小时专护, 以保障老人不出意外 Exercises I. Match the sentences in Column A with those in Column B to make up a dialogue. Column A Column B 1. Hi, Wang Hai. We haven t seen you for a. My students and I have been busy setting weeks. up the group of learning from Lei Feng. 2. What have you been busy with recently? b. Yeah, I think so. 3. It s really nice of you. c. Nothing special. We just do what we 4. Can I join you? want to do. d. Great! Welcome. II. Complete the following dialogue and role-play it with your partner. 1. What s your plan for tomorrow? 2. What s the date today? 3. By the way, when and where shall we meet? Hao: Hi, Jiang Wei. Jiang: March 4. Is there anything special? Hao: No. Tomorrow is March, 5. How time flies! Jiang: Yeah, I remember it Lei Feng s Day. Hao: Jiang: Shall we go to Grandpa Li s home to help him with housework? Hao: That sounds great! Jiang: At 8 o clock sharp at the Zhong Shan Park s gate. Is that all right? Hao: OK. See you tomorrow. Jiang: See you. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

26 UNIT 2 LearnFromLeiFeng 19 Text Learn From Lei Feng 1 On December 18, 1940, Lei Feng was born in a poor peasant family which was cruelly exploited. When he was a little boy, his parents died of hunger and he was left an orphan. Only after his hometown was liberated in 1949, did he have a chance to go to school, where he studied very hard and made great progress. And later on, he became a League Member in He joined the PLA when he was In the army, Lei Feng worked earnestly and lived a simple life. He was always ready to help the needy, but never asked for any return. Just as a saying goes, Lei Feng travels thousands of miles and does good deeds all the way. One day, when on a business trip, he met a middle-aged woman carrying a child who had lost her train ticket and money, Lei Feng bought a ticket for the woman without telling her his name. He set a good example for all of us. His motto was Happiness lies in helping others. Unfortunately, Lei Feng died on duty in 1962 at the age of 22. A year later, Chairman Mao called on the entire nation to learn from Lei Feng, and March 5 of every year is designated Lei Feng s Day. 3 Lei Feng s spirit is a precious spiritual treasure for the country and the people. Now, the CPC issues a circular, urging people to draw motivation from Lei Feng, carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, act according to socialist morals and develop good social customs. On March 5, every year, many volunteers take part in various social commonweal activities in their spare time. 4 Lei Feng has left us for more than 50 years, but his spirit stays with the times, shining forever. (300 words) exploit /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ vt. 剥削 ; 开发 orphan /'ɔ:fn/ n. 孤儿 liberate /ˈlɪbəreɪt / vt. 解放, 释放 League Member 团员 PLA (People s Liberation Army) 人民解放军 earnestly /ˈɜ:nɪstlɪ/ adv. 认真地 needy /ˈni:dɪ:/ adj. 贫困的 ( 人们 ) middle-aged /ˌmɪdl'eɪdʒd/ adj. 中年的 motto /'mɒtəʊ/ n. 格言 on duty 值班 designate /ˈdezɪɡneɪt / vt. 指定, 委派 spiritual /ˈspɪrɪtʃʊəl/ adj. 精神的, 心灵的 issue /ˈɪsju:/ vt. 发布 circular /'sɜ:kjʊlə/ n. 通知, 通告 motivation /ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃn/ n. 动力, 动机 virtue /ˈvɜ:tʃu:/ n. 美德, 良好的习惯 volunteer /ˌvɒlənˈtɪə/ n. 志愿者 commonweal /'kɒmənwi:l/ n. 公益 spare /speə/ adj. 多余的, 备用的

27 20 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) Phrases and Expressions die of 死于 He died of a very bad cold. later on 后来 Later on, he became an influential figure in translation circle. ask for return 要求回报 He is always ready to help others without asking for any return. all the way 一路上 They are talking and laughing all the way. call on 召集 ; 拜访 The head teacher called on all the students to attend the lecture. Wang Ming will call on his grandparents on Sunday. set a good example for sb. 为某人树立榜样 Our monitor has set a good example for us. carry forward 继承, 发扬 We should carry forward the glorious tradition of the Chinese people. Word Study 1. exploit vt. 1 剥削 The workers were cruelly exploited by the mill owner. 2 开发, 利用 Our library has not been fully exploited yet. 联 exploitation n. 剥削 ; 开发, 开矿 Cruel exploitation was imposed on the child laborers in the past. Oil exploitation is a feast-or-famine industry. 2. liberate vt. 解放, 释放 Our army had liberated many occupied areas by then. All the political prisoners are to be liberated. 联 liberated adj. 解放的, 不受传统思想束缚的 liberation n. 解放, 释放 3. designate vt. 1 指定, 选派 She was designated sportswoman of the year. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

28 UNIT 2 LearnFromLeiFeng 21 2 清楚地标出 Please designate the borders between the two neighboring countries. adj. 已受委任的 ( 而未上任的 )( 用于被修饰的名词后 ) The minister designate is going to assume office. 惯 designate sb./ sth. as... 为某目的选择某人或某物 ( 此短语尤其适用于被动语态 ) The city has been designated (as) a developing area. 4. volunteer vt. 1 自愿地或无偿地给予或提供 He volunteered a statement to the police. 2 当志愿兵 He volunteered for the military service. n. 志愿者 Can I have a volunteer to wash the dishes? 惯 volunteer for sth./ volunteer to do sth. 志愿做某事 They volunteered to repair the house for the old lady. 辨 offer, present 与 volunteer offer: 最普通用词, 多指主动提出或提供意见或事物等, 但是否接受由对方自行决定 present: 既可指提出意见 建议等, 又可指拿出某物供人欣赏或赠送 volunteer: 与 offer 同义, 侧重出于自愿, 而不是奉命做某事 Notes to the Text 1. He was left an orphan. 结果他成为一名孤儿 left 在这里并不是 留下什么东西 的意思, 而是相当 cause to be, 意思是 使 处于 ( 某种状态 ), 所以, 在这里可以翻译成 使他成为一名孤儿 2. Only after his hometown was liberated in 1949, did he have a chance to go to school, where he studied very hard and made great progress 年家乡解放后, 他才有机会上学, 他在学校勤奋学习, 进步很快 only 后接状语 ( 副词 介词短语或状语从句 ) 置于句首时用倒装语序, 例如 : Only after class did he discover that he had lost his mobile phone. 3. Lei Feng worked earnestly and lived a simple life. 雷锋同志生活简朴, 工作认真 该句中,live 是一个同源动词, a simple life 作 live 的同源宾语 同源宾语在结构上与某些及物动词有关联, 以名词形式重复动词的全部或部分意义, 是一种特殊的直接宾语, 例如 : I dream a good dream. He will sing a song for us.

29 22 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) 4. The CPC issues a circular, urging people to draw motivation from Lei Feng, carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, act according to socialist morals and develop good social customs. 该句中,urge sb. to do sth. 是一个固定搭配, 意思是 敦促某人做某事, 后面的 draw motivation, carry forward, act, develop 均是并列成分, 作 urge sb. 的宾语补足语 5. But his spirit stays with the times, shining forever. 该句中,shining 是现在分词, 起状语作用 Reading Comprehension I. Decide whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE according to the text. Write T for true and F for false before the statements. 1. Lei Feng died of hunger. 2. Lei Feng had little chance to go to school before liberation. 3. Lei Feng finally joined the PLA in the year Lei Feng was always ready to help others, but never asked for any return. 5. Lei Feng has left us for more than 40 years. II. Answer the following questions according the text. 1. What happened to Lei Feng when he was on a business trip? 2. When did Lei Feng join the PLA? 3. What do you think of the motto Happiness lies in helping others.? 4. How does Lei Feng s spirit influence us? 5. Why should we learn from Lei Feng? Vocabulary I. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word with the help of the first letter. 1. He is accused of e child laborers. 2. The boy became an o at six. 3. Allied armies l France from the Nazis. 4. I ll tell you more about the use of tenses in English l on. 5. Think before you act is my m. II. Complete the following sentences with the phrases and expressions from the text. 1. I am usually from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m..( 值班 ) 2. I m going to one of my former classmates.( 拜访 ) 3. I bought him a drink for his help.( 作为回报 ) 4. Success mainly willpower.( 在于 ) 5. The soldier guard duty.( 愿意做 ) 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

30 UNIT 2 LearnFromLeiFeng 23 III. Find the synonym of the underlined word or phrase. 1. I m going to see my uncle this weekend. A. call in B. call up C. call on D. call off 2. Please liberate all the hostages at once. A. set free B. set off C. set for D. set in 3. The school has been designated as the meeting place. A. chosen B. called C. named D. thought 4. He volunteered to help the poor in the mountainous region. A. proposed B. offered C. gave D. presented 5. Wang Hai is willing to help the homeless children with their study. A. volunteers B. tries C. is likely D. hesitates Translation I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. The peasants were cruelly exploited at that time. 2. The children in the orphanage are taken good care of. 3. Happiness lies in helping the people who are in need. 4. Lei Feng s spirit is shining forever, staying with the times. 5. Millions of people died of hunger and illnesses during the war. II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 雷锋为他人树立了好榜样 (set a good example for sb.) 2. 我们应该传承中国的传统文化 (carry forward) 3. 王玲积极参加各种班级活动 (take part in ) 4. 我们应该遵从领导的指示 (follow instructions) 5. 雷锋的精神是宝贵的精神财富 (precious spiritual treasure)

31 24 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) Cloze Fill in the blanks with the words given below in the proper form. dismiss whisper honesty promise important feet responsible lean extra cheat We were having a final test. During the test, the girl sitting next to me (1) something, but I didn t understand. So I (2) over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me if I had an (3) pen. She showed me that hers was out of ink and would not write. I happened to have an extra one, so I took it out and put it on her desk. Later, after the text papers had been turned in, the teacher asked me to stay in the room when all the other students were (4). As soon as we were alone she began to talk to me about what it meant to grow up; how(5) it was to stand on your own two (6) and be (7) for your own acts. For a long time, she talked about (8) and emphasized the fact that when people do something dishonest, they are really cheating themselves. She made me (9) that I would think seriously about all the things she had said, and then she told me I could leave. I walked out of the room wondering why she had chosen to talk to me about all those things. Later on I came to see that she misunderstood me. She thought that I (10) on the test. Fast Reading Guo Mingyi a Modern Lei Feng 1 In December, 1958, Guo Mingyi was born in Anshan, Liaoning Province. He joined the army in 1977 and then was admitted into the CPC in When in the army he was always trying every means to help others and thus was named pace-setter in learning from Lei Feng. From 1982 on, he has worked in Anshan Iron and Steel Group. 2 He was elected model worker of Anshan and chosen as an excellent CPC member by the enterprise and in 2012 he was awarded the title of Modern Lei Feng. 3 As a CPC member he worked whole-heartedly all the time and has made great achievements wherever he has worked. He often works in his spare time and in the past 15 years he has devoted hours extra time to his work. His deed is said to have promoted the moral standard of the enterprise as a whole. 4 In the past 20 years, the amount of blood he has donated is equal to ten times of the total blood of his body. He has volunteered to donate his hematopoietic stem cell. He gives his salary to the Hope Project, the needy and the students who are too poor to pay their tuition fee. But he himself and his family members live a simple life. The whole family still lives in a small shabby flat with the floor space of less than 40 square meters. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

32 UNIT 2 LearnFromLeiFeng 25 5 When we cherish love in our heart, we have a broad road before us. Let us learn from Guo Mingyi to arouse our patriotism, refresh our national tradition, promote our moral standard and build our country into a strong and modern one. (279 words) Choose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the fast reading. 1. The word pace setter in the first paragraph, is closest in meaning to. A. a model worker B. a capable officer C. a very good soldier D. a hard-working peasant 2. Guo Mingyi has done all of the following except. A. having made great discoveries B. having donated blood C. having given money to help others D. having worked hard 3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the fast reading? A. Guo Mingyi was once a soldier. B. Guo Mingyi lived a simple life. C. Guo Mingyi was once a manager. D. Guo Mingyi planned to donate his hematopoietic stem cell. 4. Guo Mingyi has devoted extra time to his work. A. 15 years B hours C. 150 months D. 5 years 5. Guo Mingyi s deed is said. A. to have raised the standard of moral level of a school B. to have promoted the moral standard of the whole enterprise where he works C. to have increased the profit of his firm D. to have bettered the qualities of the products of his enterprise Sentence Patterns 主动语态和被动语态 Only after his hometown was liberated in 1949, did he have a chance to go to school, where he studied very hard and made great progress. 句中 was liberated 为被动语态, 意为 被解放 英语动词分为主动和被动语态两种, 当主语是动作的承受者时, 动词要用被动语态 只有及物动词才有被动语态

33 26 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) 结构语态 句子成分 主语 谓语 宾语 主动语态 动作的发出者 动词 动作的接受者 被动语态 动作的接受者 be + 动词过去分词 by + 动作的发出者 如果不需要说出原主动句的主语,by 则可省略, 例如 : The soldier was killed, but the train was saved. 这位战士牺牲了, 然而列车得救了 He was thought to be clever but dishonest. 他被认为很聪明但不诚实 ( 别人认为他很聪明但不诚实 ) Complete the following sentences. 1. The foreign guests ( 受到了孩子们热烈的欢迎 ). 2. The washing machine ( 不能再用了 ). 3. His mother ( 得到了很好的照顾 )in hospital. 4. The classroom ( 被学生们打扫 )every day. 5. The problem ( 被讨论 )just now. Supplement 1. There is a limit to one s life, but no limit to serving the people. I would devote my limited life to limitlessly serving the people. 人的生命是有限的, 可是, 为人民服务是无限的, 我要把有限的生命, 投入到无限的 为人民服务 之中去 2. If a person truly wants to study something, they can always find time. The key is whether they can budget their time in an efficient way. 要学习的时间是有的, 问题是我们善不善于挤, 愿不愿意钻 3. For our life, we should be diligent, create wealth with our own hands and devote ourselves to the liberation of human beings. That is the true happiness. 我觉得人生在世, 只有勤劳, 发奋图强, 用自己的双手创造财富, 为人类的解放事业 共产主义贡献自己的一切, 这才是幸福的 4. A person for the revolutionary cause is just like a screw for a machine. 一个人的作用, 对于革命事业来说, 就如一架机器上的一颗螺丝钉 5. We should treat comrades like the breeze in spring, work hard like summer s sunshine, conquer difficulties like the autumn s bise sweeping withered leaves, and treat the enemy as ruthless as the cold winter. 对待同志要像春天般的温暖, 对待工作要像夏天一样火热, 对待困难要像秋风扫落叶一样, 对待敌人要像严冬一样残酷无情 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

34 UNIT 2 LearnFromLeiFeng If you are a drop of water, do you moisten an inch of the land? If you are the first sunlight, do you illuminate the dark hours? If you are food, do you foster useful life? If you are one of the smallest screws, will you always stick to the status of your life? 如果你是一滴水, 你是否滋润了一寸土地? 如果你是一线阳光, 你是否照亮了一分黑暗? 如果你是一颗粮食, 你是否哺育了有用的生命? 如果你是一颗最小的螺丝钉, 你是否永远守在你生活的岗位上? Part One 1. 辅音 Ⅰ Phonetics and Intonations 辅音 Ⅰ 和单词重音 读音 字母 ( 组合 ) 说明 例词 提示 / p / p 词首 词中或词尾 put, accept, cup / b / b 词首 词中或词尾 but, baby, disturb / t / t 词首 词中或词尾 tape, forty, forest / d / d 词首 词中或词尾 day, Friday, find c 词首 clock, cake, cut k 词首 词中或词尾 kind, broken, ask / k / ck 词中或词尾 bucket, chick ch 词首或词中 chemist, headache 爆破音, 发音要简短有力, 不能拖音 q 后跟字母 u 时 question / g / g, gg 词首 词中或词尾 get, bag, struggle / l / l 词首 词中或词尾 like, glass, pencil al 词尾 total, hospital le 在辅音后 Trouble / r / r, rr 词首或词中 red, umbrella, arrive / j / y 词首 yes, year, yellow 半元音 2. 句子朗读 /p/ and /b/ /t/ and /d/ /k/ and /g/ /r/ and /l/ Please put peter s book in the bag. Tom and his dad bought a bed. The guest came to get a cap quickly. Robert rolled a round roll round.

35 28 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) /l/ /r/ /j/ A beautiful lady loved a lawyer. Marry raised three grey rabbits. Your sister looked for the young man yesterday. Part Two 单词重音单词重读一般分为 3 个等级 : 重读 次重读 非重读 在双音节词或多音节词中, 都有一个读得响亮的音节, 叫做重读音节, 用 表示 有的多音节词除有重读音节外, 还有一个次要的重读音节, 用 表示 其他的则叫做非重读音节 一般来说, 若单词只有 1~3 个音节, 则在该单词首字母处重读, 例如 :study /'stʌdɪ/, good /ɡud /( 单音节本身是重读音节, 但不标重音符号 ) 若单词有 4 个或 4 个以上的音节, 则在倒数第三个音节处重读, 例如 :university /ˌju:nɪ'vɜ:sətɪ/, development /dɪ'veləpmənt/ 派生词的重音多数仍为词根原来的重音, 例如 :cover /'kʌvə/, discover /dɪs'kʌvə/ 提示 :1 英语中的重读很接近汉语中的四声 ; 2 重读主要是元音的重读 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

36 Unit 3 Different Attitudes Towards Time Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不待人 Time is, time was, and the time is past. 现在有时间, 过去有时间, 时间一去不复返

37 30 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) Classroom English Dialogue 1 (John is asking Mary for the time.) John: Excuse me, Mary. Do you have the time? Mary: It s ten five. Hey, you have your own wristwatch. Why do you ask me for the time? wristwatch /ˈrɪstwɒtʃ/ n. 手表 John: My watch is a little bit slow. It can t tell the correct time. And what s the date today? Mary: This is May now, so today is the tenth of May. John: May 10? Then what day is it? Mary: It s Thursday. Why? John: Oh, my God. I almost forgot. I have a part-time job interview at twenty past ten today. Mary: Oh, look how lucky you are! But you only have a quarter left. Hurry up! John: Yes, I ve got to go now. I don t want to be late. Mary: Wish you good luck, buddy! John: Thank you. Catch you later! Mary: See you! Dialogue 2 (Mary tells John about her activities on her day off.) Mary: What time is it now, John? John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Uh, it s 7:40. Aren t you going to finish your breakfast? I don t have much time. I ve got a lot to do downtown today. If you re coming downtown, we may as well have lunch together. OK. Let s say 12 o clock? I ll go to the gym. I have a yoga class till 12:40 p.m.. Oh, it will have to be some place quick. How come? part-time /ˌpɑ:t'taɪm/ adj. 兼职的 interview /'ɪntəvju:/ n.;vt. 面试, 采访 quarter /'kwɔ:tə/ n. 一刻钟 ; 四分 之一 buddy /ˈbʌdɪ:/ n.( 俚 ) 伙伴, 好朋友 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 on one s day off 休假, 休班 downtown /ˌdaʊn'taʊn/ adv. 在 / 到 市中心 may as well 还是 好, 还不如, 不妨 gym /dʒɪm/ n. 健身房, 体育馆 yoga /'jəʊgə/ n. 瑜珈

38 UNIT 3 DifferentAttitudesTowardsTime 31 Mary: I have a hairdressing appointment at 2:20 p.m.. John: OK. Well, what else are you going to do today? Mary: I m meeting Emily to do some shopping at 9:50. John: Tough day! Mary: Well, it s my day off, you know. John: All right. Enjoy your morning. I ll see you then. Mary: You d better get going, too. You are not dressed yet. John: Don t worry about me. I ll get to work on time. hairdressing /ˈheəˌdresɪŋ/ n. 理发 appointment /ə'pɔɪntmənt/ n. 约 会, 预约 tough /tʌf/ adj. 艰苦的 ; 棘手的 dress /dres/ vt.;vi. 给 穿衣服 Notes to the Dialogues 1. Do you have the time? 现在几点了? 相当于 :What time is it now, please? 注意区分 :Do you have time? 你现在有时间吗? 2. My watch is a little bit slow. 我的表有点慢 My watch is fast (slow) / gains (loses) a little. 我的表有点快 / 慢 3. Hurry up! 快点! ( 用于催促他人 ) 4. Catch you later! 待会见 / 回头见!( 用于道别的客套话 ) 5. Let s say 12 o clock? 我们定在十二点怎么样? 6. Oh, it will have to be some place quick. 哦, 那我们得找个吃饭比较快的地方 7. How come? 口语上经常被用来代替 why 但是两者用法不同 用 how come 时句子的构造如下 : How come you didn t call me last night? 你为什么昨晚没打电话给我呢? 8. Well, it s my day off, you know. 唉, 今天我休假嘛! 此处 well 表示无可奈何, 意为 唉 ;my day off 意为 我的休息日,off 为副词, 意为 休假, 不上班 ;you know 为美语口头禅, 无实际意义, 可译为 你知道吗, 我说 9. You d better get going. 你最好赶紧动身吧 get going 出发 ( 开始 ), 动身 Oh, it s getting dark. We d better get going. 天黑了, 我们快点走吧 10. 英语中表示时刻的方式如下 1 整点表示为 钟点数 + o clock (o clock 常省略 ), 例如 : 6 点 six o clock 8 点 eight o clock 2 非整点时刻可以表示为 钟点数 + 分钟数, 例如 : 10:15 ten fifteen 10:30 ten thirty 9:45 nine forty-five 分钟数不超过半小时, 可表示为 分钟数 + past + 钟点数 ( 几点过几分 ), 例如 : a quarter past six 六点一刻 half past eleven 十一点半 3 分钟数超过半小时, 可表示为 分钟数 + to + 钟点数 ( 差几分几点 ), 例如 : a quarter to nine 8 点 45 分 ( 差一刻 9 点 ) five to twelve 11 点 55 分 ( 差 5 分 12 点 )

39 32 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) 注意 : 表示 在某时刻, 用介词 at, 例如 :at a quarter past eleven 11. 常用表示时间的介词用法如下 1 早上 下午 晚上用 in, 例如 : in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ daytime 2 黎明 正午 黄昏 夜 午夜用 at, 例如 : at dawn (daybreak)/ noon/ dusk/ night/ midnight 3 年 月 年月 季节 周用 in, 例如 : in 1999/ April/ July l984/ spring/ the first week in 用在将来时态表示 以后, 例如 : They will come back in 9 days. 他们将 9 天以后回来 I ll come round in a week or two. 我一两周就回来 其他用 in 的表达 : in the eighteenth century/ 1960s in ancient/ old/ modern times 4 某月某日, 星期几, 具体某一天或某一天的早 午 晚用 on, 例如 : on October the first, 1959 on Saturday on Tuesday morning on New Year s Day/ my birthday on a sunny morning on the eve of their departure 5 表示一段时间用 for, 后接与数词连用的时间名词, 句子多用完成时, 例如 : I ve been a soldier for 6 years. She has been working hard for several weeks. 6 表示在某个具体的时间之前用 before, 例如 : Please come before ten o clock. 请十点以前来 7 表示在某个具体的时间之后用 after, 例如 : The meeting will end after 4:00 p.m.. 会议将在下午四点后结束 12. 常用表达时间的用语如下 What time is it?/ What s the time by your watch? It s one o clock. What day is it today? It s Tuesday today. What s the date today? Today/ It is May tenth, When were you/ was he/ she born? I/ He/ She was born in 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

40 UNIT 3 DifferentAttitudesTowardsTime 33 Exercises I. Read the following time in English. 1. What time is it? 7:00 8:15 7:30 9:45 7:59 8:00 11:10 9:20 10:30 6:40 2. What year is it? What s the date? 1876 年 7 月 4 日 1969 年 10 月 1 日 1996 年 6 月 1 日 2001 年 10 月 11 日 2008 年 3 月 12 日 2007 年 7 月 8 日 II. Complete the following dialogues and role-play them with your partner. 1. John: ( 今天周几 ), Jacky? I don t have a calendar on hand. Jacky: Today is Monday. John: Then ( 今天几号 )? Jacky: This is July now, so today is July 26, John: July 26? Oh, tomorrow is my girlfriend s birthday. Jacky: ( 你女朋友哪一年出生 )? John: She was born in I must go shopping right now. Jacky: To buy a gift for her? John: Yes. I ll see you later. Jacky: ( 待会儿见 ), John. 2. Mom: John, ( 现在七点半了 ). It s time to get up! John: Five more minutes, mom. Please! Mom: Come on. You re going to be late for school. John: What s the date today, mom? Mom: ( 今天是 9 月 30 号 ). Why do you ask? John: Because tomorrow will be National Day and we will have a 5-day break. I m going to climb Mt. Tai with my classmates, and Mom: Honey, it s too late. You d better ( 快点 )! Text American Concept of Time 1 Tell your class what your attitude is towards time? What is time? Is it something to be saved or spent or concept /'kɒnsept/ n. 观念

41 34 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) wasted, like money? Or is it something we have no control over, like weather? Is time the same all over the world? That s an easy question, you may say. Wherever you go, a minute has 60 seconds, an hour contains 60 minutes, and a day is composed of 24 hours. Well, maybe. But in America, time is more than that. Americans see time as a valuable resource. Maybe that s why they are fond of the expression time is money. 2 Because Americans believe time is a valuable resource, they try to save and manage it. People in the U.S. often attend lectures or read books on time management. It seems that they all want to organize their time better. 3 To Americans, punctuality is a way of showing respect for other people s time. Being more than 10 minutes late to an appointment usually calls for an apology, or maybe an explanation. People who are running late often call ahead to let others know why. 4 When people plan an event, they often set the time days or weeks in advance. Once the time is fixed, it must be kept. If people want to come to your house for a friendly visit, they will usually call first to make sure it is convenient. Only very close friends will just drop by unannounced. Also, people hesitate to call others early in the morning or late at night for fear that they might be in bed. (261 words) Phrases and Expressions have control over 控制 We have no control over time. be composed of 由 组成 This committee is composed of 20 members. see as 把 看作, 视 为 The students see their math teacher as their friend. be fond of 喜欢 Mary was fond of singing when she was a little girl. call for 需要, 要求 control /kən'trəʊl/ n.;vt. 控制 contain /kən'teɪn/ vt. 包含 compose /kəm'pəʊz/ vt. 组成 valuable /'væljʊəbl/ adj. 宝贵的 resource /rɪ'sɔ:s/ n. 资源 expression /ɪk'spreʃən/ n. 表达 manage /'mænɪdʒ/ vt. 管理 attend /ə'tend/ vt. 参加 lecture /ˈlektʃə/ n. 讲座 management /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ n. 管理 organize /'ɔ:gənaɪz/ vt. 组织 punctuality /ˌpʌŋktʃʊˈælətɪ/ n. 准时 respect /rɪs'pekt/ n.;vt. 尊敬 apology /əˈpɒlədʒɪ/ n. 道歉 explanation /ˌekspləˈneɪʃn/ n. 解释 ahead /ə'hed/ adv. 在前面 advance /əd'vɑ:ns/ n. 前进, 进步 convenient /kən'vi:njənt/ adj. 方便的 unannounced /ˌʌnə'naʊnst/ adj. 未经 宣布的, 未通知的 hesitate /'hezɪteɪt/ vt. 犹豫, 踌躇 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

42 UNIT 3 DifferentAttitudesTowardsTime 35 Being late for ten minutes calls for an apology. in advance 提前, 预先 Prepare in advance and you will do a good job. make sure 确定, 弄清楚 Make sure the door is locked when you leave the office. Word Study 1. contain vt. 包含, 容纳 Lemons contain vitamin C. The basket contains a variety of fruits. 辨 contain, hold 与 include contain 表示 盛有, 例如 : The cup contains water. hold 指 能容纳, 例如 : The house holds 20 people. include 指 包括, 包含, 强调 包括作为整体的一部分, 例如 : The list included Mary s name. 联 container /kən'teɪnə/ n. 容器, 集装箱 2. manage vt. 1 管理, 经营, 处理 Wang Hai managed the company when his father was away. 2 设法做到 We managed to get what we wanted. 惯 manage one s household 治家 ;manage the affairs of a nation 处理国家事务 辨 manage to do sth. 是 设法做成某事, 例如 : She managed not to get angry with her younger sister. try to do sth. 是 努力做某事, 但未必做成, 例如 : She tried not to get angry with her younger sister, but failed. 联 management n. 管理, 经营, 处理 The company closed down because of poor management. 3. apology n. 道歉, 认错 惯 make an apology to sb. for (doing) sth. 为 ( 做了 ) 某事向某人道歉 If I have made any mistake, I m ready to give my apologies. 联 apologize vi.(to, for) 道歉, 认错 惯 apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. 为 ( 做了 ) 某事向某人道歉

43 36 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) You must apologize to your father for being so rude. 4. hesitate vt.;vi. 犹豫, 踌躇, 迟疑不决 She s still hesitating about joining the English club. Don t hesitate to ask me for help when you are in trouble. 谚 He who hesitates is lost. 当断不断, 必受其患 Notes to the Text 1. Is it something to be saved or spent or wasted, like money?( 时间 ) 是一种像金钱一样可以节省 花用或浪费的东西吗? 此句中 to be saved or spent or wasted 为动词不定式, 作不定代词 something 的后置定语 2. Or is it something we have no control over, like weather? 或者 ( 时间 ) 像天气那样, 是我们无法掌握的东西? 此句中,we have no control over 为省略 that 的定语从句, 修饰 something 3. But in America, time is more than that. 但是在美国, 时间的意义远不止这些 4. Maybe that s why they are fond of the expression time is money. 或许这就是美国人喜欢 时间就是金钱 这句谚语的原因吧 That s + 疑问词 + 陈述句语序 表示 这就是, 例如 : That s how he became famous. 这就是他成名的途径 That s where I studied in my childhood. 这就是我童年学习的地方 5. People in the U.S. often attend lectures or read books on time management. It seems that they all want to organize their time better. 美国人经常参加有关时间管理的讲座或阅读这方面的书籍 他们似乎都希望能把自己的时间安排得更好 此句中,on time management 作为后置定语来修饰 lectures 与 books, 译为 关于时间管理的 It seems that 意为 好像, 似乎, 例如 : It seems that they don t like their new workmate. 好像大家不喜欢他们的新同事 6. Being more than 10 minutes late to an appointment usually calls for an apology, or maybe an explanation. 约会迟到十多分钟就需要道歉或者解释 此句中 Being more than 10 minutes late to an appointment 是动名词短语作主语 7. Only very close friends will just drop by unannounced. 只有很熟的朋友才会未经 通知就突然造访 drop by 意为 顺便来访 ( 非正式访问 ), 例如 : Drop by any time you are in town. 来城里的话就到我这儿来玩 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 8. Also, people hesitate to call others early in the morning or late at night for fear that they might be in bed. 同时, 人们也不太喜欢太早或太晚打电话给别人, 因为怕对方已经上床睡觉了 此句中,for fear that 意为 害怕 ; 唯恐, 例如 :

44 UNIT 3 DifferentAttitudesTowardsTime 37 Shut the window for fear (that) it may rain. 关好窗子以防下雨 Reading Comprehension I. Decide whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE according to the text. Write T for true and F for false before the statements. 1. Americans believe time is money because they see time as a valuable resource. 2. In America, there s no need for a person who is more than ten minutes late to make an apology or explanation. 3. American people respect others time by being punctual. 4. People in the U.S. often read books on time management. 5. It ll be all right to call people at midnight. II. Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. Why are Americans fond of the expression time is money? 2. What do people usually do when they are running late? 3. How do Americans treat time? 4. How do Americans respect other people s time? 5. What do Americans usually do if they want to visit their friends? Vocabulary I. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word with the help of the first letter. 1. An important role of the Three Gorges Dam( 三峡大坝 )is flood c. 2. Wise people know how to m their time and money. 3. I think you should make an a to him on this matter. 4. Living in the big city is very c. 5. Nothing is more v than time. II. Complete the following sentences with the phrases or expressions from the text. 1. Weather is something we ( 无法控制 ). 2. The United States of America ( 由 组成 )50 states. 3. Emily ( 喜爱 ) reading novels. 4. Women ( 要求 ) equal pay for equal work. 5. He should for being impolite.( 向他的老师道歉 ) III. Find the synonym of the underlined word or phrase. 1. Candy treats me as her elder brother. A. sees as B. sees to C. sees that D. sees of

45 38 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) 2. It seems that I made a stupid mistake. A. appears B. looks C. sees D. looks like 3. Make sure that the lights are turned off before you leave the room. A. Be sure B. Assure C. Insure D. Do sure 4. I called him in advance to see whether he was free on Sunday. A. ahead of time B. ahead C. early D. forward 5. Drop by any time if you come here. A. Drop in B. Drop out C. Drop on D. Call on IV. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions. 1. I haven t seen you almost two years. 2. May comes June. 3. You d better go home directly school. 4. Schools usually start September. 5. I have yoga class 6:30 p.m. every day. 6. My girlfriend was born December tenth, The Little Match Girl died a cold winter morning. 8. The flight to Liverpool will take off half an hour. Translation I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. Americans see time as a valuable resource. 2. We should show our respect for other people s time. 3. If you want to visit a friend, you d better call ahead to make sure it is convenient. 4. French is interesting and that s why I am fond of it. 5. She wrote my name down for fear that she might forget it. II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 柠檬汁含有维生素 (vitamin C) (contain) 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 2. 我们无法控制时间 (have control over) 3. 我们委员会有 50 人组成 (be composed of)

46 UNIT 3 DifferentAttitudesTowardsTime 好像玛丽有点生气 (It seems that ) 5. 西方人把时间看作金钱 (see as) Cloze Fill in the blanks with the words given below in the proper form. present as money wisely well-organized management ahead polite explain resource For Americans, time is (1). They say, You only get so much time in this life; you d better use it (2). For them, the future or the past will not be better than the (3). Time is seen (4) something almost real. They save it, waste it, steal it, and kill it. It is a limited (5). Thus, Americans admire (6) people. They attend lectures or read books on time (7) and respect other people s time. If they want to see a friend, or meet a business partner, they call (8) to make an appointment, and it s (9) to arrive a few minutes early. Of course, everyone is late occasionally. If you re late, just say sorry, and (10) what has happened. Fast Reading 1 People always think that time is unchangeable. A minute has 60 seconds, a day consists of 24 hours, a month is composed of 30 or 31days and a year is made up of 12 months. This seems true to anybody and anywhere. 2 However, strange thing happens to time when you travel. Because the earth is divided into twenty-four time zones one hour apart, you can have days with more or fewer than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days. 3 If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time changes the hour. Traveling west, you set your clock back; traveling east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours. 4 If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the international date line. By agreement, this is the point where a new day begins. When you cross the line, you change your calendar the full day, backward or forward. Traveling east, today becomes yesterday; traveling west, it is tomorrow! (185 words) Choose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the fast reading. 1. The best title for this selection is. A. Trip Across the Atlantic

47 40 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) B. How Time Changes Around the World C. Crossing the International Date Line D. How Time Zones Were Set Up 2. The difference in time between zones is. A. seven days B. twenty-four hours C. one hour D. more than seven days 3. From this selection it seems true that the Atlantic Ocean. A. is in one time zone B. is divided into twenty-four time zones C. is divided into five time zones D. cannot be crossed in five days 4. The international date line is the name for. A. the beginning of any new time zone B. the point where time changes by one hour C. the point where a new day begins D. any time zone in the Pacific Ocean 5. If you cross the Atlantic Ocean going east, you set your clock. A. ahead one hour in each new time zone B. ahead one time for the whole trip C. back one full day for each one full day D. ahead by twenty-three hours Sentence Patterns 句子类型 按句子的用途, 可分为四种 : 陈述句 疑问句 祈使句和感叹句 (1) 陈述句 : 说明一项事实, 包括肯定与否定 (S + V + 其他成分 ) Time is money. (S + V + P) John doesn t like shopping. (S + V + O) (2) 疑问句 : 提出问题, 包括 : 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 1 一般疑问句 Do you have the time? ( 助动词 + S + 其他成分 ) 2 特殊疑问句 What is the time? ( 疑问词 + 助动词 + S + 其他成分 ) 3 反义疑问句 You are a student, aren t you? ( 陈述句 + 助动词否定形式 + 代词主语 ) 4 选择疑问句 Are you a teacher or a student? ( 一般疑问句 + or + 选择部分 ) What would you like, tea or coffee? ( 特殊疑问句 + 选项 A + or + 选项 B)

48 UNIT 3 DifferentAttitudesTowardsTime 41 (3) 祈使句 : 发出命令 请求等 Be quiet, please! (V 原形 + 其他成分, please!) Don t open the door! (Don t + V 原形 + 其他成分!) Let me help you! (Let + O + V 原形 + 其他成分!) (4) 感叹句 : 表达惊讶 赞美 快乐或者愤怒等情感 How fast he runs! (How + adj./adv. + S + V!) What a beautiful girl she is! (What + a/an + adj. + 可数名词单数 + S + V!) What lovely weather we have today! (What + adj. + 可数名词复数 / 不可数名词 + S + V!) Rewrite the following sentences according to the requirements. 1. We have been to the Forbidden City. ( 变为否定句 ) 2. John comes from the United States of America. ( 变为 where 引导的特殊疑问句 ) 3. We have maths classes on Sunday. ( 变为一般疑问句 ) 4. The weather is shining today. ( 变为由 how 引导的感叹句 ) 5. She is a kind-hearted girl. ( 变为由 what 引导的感叹句 ) 6. You ve cooked very delicious dishes. ( 变为由 what 引导的感叹句 ) 7. You shouldn t speak so loudly. ( 变为祈使句 ) 8. She never goes to movies on weekend. ( 变为反义疑问句 ) 9. He can hardly speak French. ( 变为反义疑问句 ) 10. Let s go to church. ( 变为反义疑问句 ) Supplement Time second 秒 minute 分钟 quarter 一刻 half 半小时 hour 小时 dawn 破晓 morning 早上 noon 中午 afternoon 下午 a.m. 午前 dusk 黄昏 evening 傍晚 night 夜晚 midnight 午夜 p.m. 午后 Day 日 week 周 month 月 year 年 decade 十年 century 百年

49 42 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) Month January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月 Cardinal Numbers( 基数词 ) one 1 twenty-one 21 two 2 twelve 12 twenty 20 twenty-two 22 three 3 thirteen 13 thirty 30 twenty-three 23 four 4 fourteen 14 forty 40 twenty-four 24 five 5 fifteen 15 fifty 50 twenty-five 25 six 6 sixteen 16 sixty 60 twenty-six 26 seven 7 seventeen 17 seventy 70 twenty-seven 27 eight 8 eighteen 18 eighty 80 twenty-eight 28 nine 9 nineteen 19 ninety 90 twenty-nine 29 ten 10 hundred 100 thousand eleven 11 million billion Sunday 周日 Fourth 4th Eleventh 11th Eighteenth 18th Twenty- fifth 25th Monday 周一 Fifth 5th Twelfth 12th Nineteenth 19th Twenty- sixth 26th Tuesday 周二 Sixth 6th Thirteenth 13th Twentieth 20th Twenty- seventh 27th Calendar( 日历 ) October Wednesday 周三 Seventh 7th Fourteenth 14th Twenty- first 21st Twenty- eighth 28th Thursday 周四 First 1st Eighth 8th Fifteenth 15th Twenty- second 22nd Twenty- ninth 29th Friday 周五 Second 2nd Ninth 9th Sixteenth 16th Twenty- third 23rd Saturday 周六 Third 3rd Tenth 10th Seventeenth 17th 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 Thirtieth 30th Twenty- fourth 24th Thirty- first 31st

50 UNIT 3 DifferentAttitudesTowardsTime 43 Phonetics and Intonations 辅音 Ⅱ 和浊化 Part One 1. 辅音 Ⅱ 读音 字母 ( 组合 ) 说明 例词 提示 f, ff five, friend, different /f/ ph photo, phone, nephew gh 在字母组合 au 或 ou 后 laugh, cough /v/ v very, love c city, force /s/ s, ss sad, person, business sc 在字母 e, ie 前 scene, science z, zz zoo, dozen, puzzle /z/ s always, cousin se 在元音字母后 raise, refuse /θ/ th thank, thing, truth 舌端轻触上 /ð/ th than, the, this, smooth 齿背 sh sheep, ashamed, push /ʃ/ c 在字母组合 ia, ious 前 special, delicious s, ss 在字母组合 ion 或 ure 前 expression, sure /ʒ/ s 在字母组合 ual 或 ure 前 usually, treasure /h/ h 在词首时 how, hair, hot wh 在字母 o 前 whose, who w 在词首或词中时 wear, away /w/ wh 在字母 a, e, i 或 y 前 what, wheat, white, why 半元音 u 在字母 q 后 quit, quite 2. 句子朗读 /f/ and /v/ /s/ and /z/ /θ/ and /ð/ /ʃ/ and /ʒ/ /h/ /w/ I have five knives. The puzzling person is always sad. I think the three men should thank that author. She usually pushes the television. He helped his friend hide in the hall. Walter was worrying and watching the wet weather.

51 44 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) 3. 分组对比练习 /v/ and /w/ /s/ and /ʃ/ Mr. White plays the violin very well. She said she should sit. Part Two 浊化浊化也就是 /t/, /p/, /k/ 这三个具有爆破特征的清辅音, 处于 s 之后 同时又在元音之前, 要发成相对应的浊辅音 /d/, /b/, /g/ 的语音现象, 例如 :student, sky 提示 :1 浊化的目的是为了省劲 ; 2 浊化发生在同一个音节, 且浊化通常发生在重读音节 ; 3 这些辅音组合在音节或单词末尾时并不需要浊化, 例如 :best, grasp, ask 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

52 Unit 4 Weather Here, Weather There Rain before seven, fine before eleven. 早雨不过午 Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning. Red sky at night, sailor s delight. 朝霞不出门, 晚霞行千里

53 46 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) Classroom English Dialogue 1 (Tom and John are talking about weather and their weekend plan.) Tom: Hi, John. Nice day, isn t it? John: Yes, it s sunny and bright. bright /braɪt/ adj. 晴朗的 Tom: What s your plan for this coming Saturday? John: Well, if it is fine, I ll go fishing. Are you coming, too? Tom: Sounds great! But this morning the weather forecast said that it was going to rain this Saturday. forecast /'fɔ:kɑ:st/ n. 预报 John: Will it be a drizzle or a heavy rain? drizzle /ˈdrɪzl/ n. 毛毛雨 Tom: It will be a heavy rain. John: Oh, that s too bad. I hope for a change in the weather on Sunday. What s the weather like on Sunday? Tom: It will clear up early in the morning. clear up 放晴 John: Will it be windy? Tom: Not really, there will be a cool breeze. John: Then what about the temperature? Tom: It will be 23 degrees centigrade. John: Great, it ll be a perfect day for fishing. I ll see you on Sunday. Dialogue 2 (Emily asks Wang about the weather in his hometown.) Emily: Wang: Emily: Wang: Wang, how s the weather in summer in your hometown? As my hometown is in the south of China, it gets very hot in summer and the temperature usually reaches about 38 or even 40 degrees Celsius. Does it often rain there? Of course. In midsummer there are thunderstorms almost every day. breeze /bri:z/ n. 微风 temperature /ˈtemprətʃə/ n. 温度 degree /dɪˈɡri:/ n. 度 centigrade /ˈsentɪɡreɪd/ adj. 摄氏的 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 Celsius /'selsɪəs/ adj. 摄氏的 midsummer /ˌmɪdˈsʌmə/ n. 仲夏 thunderstorm /ˈθʌndəstɔ:m/ n. 雷阵雨

54 UNIT 4 WeatherHere,WeatherThere 47 Emily: Wang: Emily: Wang: Emily: Wang: Emily: Wang: Is it cold in winter? Well, I don t think it is as cold as in North China, but occasionally the temperature falls below zero at night. Have you ever seen snow in your hometown? I have never seen snow since I was born, but my mother said there was snow when she was a child. Oh, what a pity! So I m expecting the first snowfall in my life in Qingdao. Does it often snow in winter? As a seaside city, its winter is mild. January is the coldest month, and we do have several snowfalls. That s wonderful! occasionally /əˈkeɪʒənəli/ adv. 偶尔 below /bɪ'ləʊ/ prep. 在 下 pity /ˈpɪtɪ/ n. 遗憾 expect /ɪkˈspekt/ vt. 期待 snowfall /'snəʊfɔ:l/ n. 降雪 mild /maɪld/ adj. 温和的 several /'sevrəl/ adj. 若干 Notes to the Dialogues 1. Nice day, isn t it? 天气真好, 不是吗? 英国人见面喜欢谈论天气, 对天气的简短评论成了熟人之间相互问候的客套话 例如 : It s a nice day today, isn t it? Yes, it s fine and we don t have many fine days, do we? 2. the weather forecast said that it was going to rain this Saturday. 天气预报说这个周六有雨 3. What s the weather like on Sunday? = How s the weather on Sunday? 周日天气怎么样? 4. Then, what about the temperature? 那么周日的气温是多少度? 询问气温常用的表达方式有 : What s the temperature today? The temperature/ It is about 30 degrees centigrade/ 10 degrees below zero. Today s highest temperature will be 40 and the lowest will be 25. 今天最高气温四十摄氏度, 最低气温二十五摄氏度 5. 量度温度有两种制式 : 摄氏 ( )(Celsius/ centigrade) 和华氏 ( )(Fahrenheit) Celsius 即摄氏温标, 是一种使用广泛的温标,C 必须大写, 还可以用 centigrade 来表示 在美国使用华氏 (Fahrenheit) 温标测量温度, 用符号 F 表示 摄氏及华氏度转换公式 : 1 = ( - 32) 5/9 零摄氏度相当于 32 华氏度, 而 100 摄氏度相当于 212 华氏度 6. In midsummer there are thunderstorms almost every day. 仲夏几乎每天有雷阵雨 7. I don t think it is as cold as in North China. 我觉得 ( 我家乡 ) 肯定不像中国北方这么冷

55 48 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) 表同级比较 as as( 和 一样 ):It is as hot as yesterday. not so/ as as( 不像 那样 ):She doesn t look so/ as beautiful as her sister (does). 8. but occasionally the temperature falls below zero at night. 但是夜间温度偶尔会降 到零度以下 表达气温时, 零度以下用介词 below, 表示 低于, 与之相对的是 above, 在 以上 同时, 这两个词均可用来表示位置,below 意为 在 下方,above 意为 在 上方, 例如 : There are many flowers below the window. 窗下有很多花 A plane is flying above our heads. 一架飞机在我们头上飞 9. we do have several snowfalls. 这里确实会下几场雪 此句中,do 加强语气, 意为 确实, 例如 : I do like English movies. 我确实喜欢英文电影 10. 相关天气表达方式 : What s the weather like in Jinan/ Liverpool/ your hometown? It s sunny. It rains a lot. It is rather freezing in winter. It gets very hot in summer. What awful/ terrible/ beautiful/ pleasant weather we are having! It seems that there s going to be a thundershower/ it s going to clear up. It s warmer/ colder than yesterday. I hope such good weather will last. It s raining cats and dogs outside. = It s raining heavily outside. You d better put on your sweater/ wooly hat/ mittens/ scarf because it s freezing outside. You d better take your umbrella/ raincoat in case of rain. Exercises I. Match the sentences in Column A with those in Column B to make up a dialogue. Column A Column B 1. What a cold day it is! a. It s about 5 degrees centigrade below zero. 2. Me, too. By the way, is winter always b. Well, you d better go to buy some warmer so cold in Jinan? clothes for the winter. 3. No. I m from Zhuhai. This is my first c. Not really. It is usually warmer. You don t real winter. like cold weather? 4. What s the temperature today anyway? d. Yes, it is. I hope it will be fine soon. II. Complete the following dialogue and role-play it with your partner. 1. What s the weather like in Jinan? 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

56 UNIT 4 WeatherHere,WeatherThere I hope the good weather will come back soon. 3. By the way, what s your favorite season? 4. The temperature will be 6 to Certainly. Mary: Could you please read me the weather report in the newspaper? Jacky: What do you want to know? Mary: Jacky: In Jinan it will be fine. The lowest temperature will be 4 and the highest will be 13. Mary: What about the weather in Qingdao? Jacky: It will be cloudy and rainy later in the day. Mary: Oh, I don t like wet weather. Jacky: Me, either. Mary: Jacky: My favorite season is fall because it is a harvest season and the weather is pleasant. Text The Weather in England 1 In no country other than England, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in a single day! Day may break as a warm spring morning; about an hour later black clouds may have appeared from nowhere and the rain may be pouring down. At noon conditions may be really cold and the temperature may fall down by about eight or more degrees centigrade. And then, in the late afternoon the sky will clear up, the sun will begin to shine, and for an hour or two before darkness falls, it will be summer. People always take umbrellas with them even when it is fine at the moment. 2 The English people may not only have several different kinds of weather in one day, but may very well get a period of winter in summer or a period of summer in winter. Besides, they can never be sure when the weather will change. This uncertainty about the weather has had a deep effect on the character of English people, which makes them careful. A foreigner may laugh when he sees experience /ɪkˈspɪərɪəns/ vt.; n. 经历 single /ˈsɪŋɡl/ adj. 单独 ( 一 ) 的 pour /pɔ:/ vi.( 雨 ) 倾盆而降 ; 倒, 倾泻 condition /kənˈdɪʃən/ n. 情况 shine /ʃaɪn/ vi. 照耀, 发光, 发亮 darkness /ˈdɑ:knɪs/ n. 黑暗 period /ˈpɪərɪəd/ n. 一段时间 besides /bɪ'saɪdz/ adv. 此外 uncertainty /ʌnˈsɜ:tntɪ/ n. 不确定性 effect /ɪˈfekt/ n. 影响, 效果 character /ˈkærɪktə/ n. 性格

57 50 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) an Englishman walking on a sunny morning wearing a raincoat or carrying an umbrella, but he is likely to regret later in the day! The English weather has also helped to make the English people adaptable. 3 And, of course, the uncertainty of the weather provides a good topic of talk for the English people. Almost every Englishman is always ready to talk about weather. And, though they sometimes complain about the changeable weather, they would not, even if they could, exchange it for a more unchangeable climate of other lands. (269 words) regret /rɪˈɡret/ vt. 为 遗憾, 后悔 adaptable /əˈdæptəbl/ adj. 适应性强的 provide /prəˈvaɪd/ vt. 提供 topic /ˈtɒpɪk/ n. 话题 complain /kəmˈpleɪn/ vi. 抱怨 changeable /ˈtʃeɪndʒəbl/ adj. 变化无常的 exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ vt.; vi. 交换 unchangeable /ʌnˈtʃeɪndʒəbl/ adj. 不变的 climate /ˈklaɪmɪt/ n. 气候 Phrases and Expressions fall down 下降 ; 跌倒 ; 倒塌 The bird feather is falling down. You must watch your step so as not to fall down. It seems that this house is going to fall down. may very well 很可能 We may very well pass all the exams if we study hard. have an effect on 对 产生影响 Drinking has a very bad effect on our health. be likely to 有可能 They re likely to lose the game. be ready to 准备好做某事 ; 乐于做某事 Are you ready to order, sir? He s always ready to help the needy. complain about 抱怨 They are always complaining about the poor service of the hotel. even if 即使 Don t forget your old friends, even if you no longer need them. Word Study 1. experience n. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

58 UNIT 4 WeatherHere,WeatherThere 51 1 [U] 经验, 感受, 体验 She has rich experience in singing. 2 [C] 经历 His experiences in Africa are really terrible. vt. 经历, 阅历, 体验 He experienced much difficulty in getting the visa( 签证 )to Canada. 联 experienced adj. 有经验的, 有见识的 She is experienced in looking after gardens. 2. besides prep.; adv. 除 以外还有, 此外 Besides tennis, I play soccer and basketball. 辨 besides, except 与 beside besides 指 除 外, 另外还有, 着重 另外还有, 例如 : I have six other books besides this. except 意为 从整体里减去一部分, 着重 排除在外, 例如 : We all went there except Tom. beside 意为 在 旁边, 例如 : Could you get me that magazine? It s beside the lamp. 3. regret vt. 后悔, 遗憾, 抱歉 She regretted her decision immediately. I regret to tell you that you failed in the exam. n. 懊悔, 遗憾, 抱歉 Mary had no regrets for her actions. Much to my regret, I am unable to accept your invitation. 惯 regret doing 为做过某事而感到后悔 I regret not working hard enough. regret (to tell you/ say) that 为做某事感到抱歉 遗憾 I regret to say that I am unable to help you. 4. provide vt. 供给, 提供 惯 provide sb. with sth./ provide sth. for sb. 给某人提供某物 They provided us with all the reference books we need. The hotel provides good service for every customer. 辨 provide, supply 与 offer provide 强调有预见, 为应付意外 紧急情况等做好充分准备而 供给 提供, 例如 : The school provided food for the students. 学校为学生提供伙食

59 52 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) supply 通常指定期 供应, 强调替代或补充所需物品 通常用 supply sb. with sth./ supply sth. to sb. 结构, 例如 : In Britain milk is supplied to each house in bottles. offer 侧重表示 愿意给予 通常用 offer sb. sth. / offer to do sth. 结构, 后不能接宾语从句, 例如 : Mary offered me a cup of tea. 玛丽给我端了杯茶 She offered to go instead of me. 她主动提出代替我去 Notes to the Text 1. In no country other than England, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in a single day! 据说除了英格兰, 没有任何一个国家能够在一天内经历四种季节的变幻! 此句中 it has been said 可理解为插入成分, 翻译为 据说, 类似的表达方式还有 : It has been reported/ recorded that 据报道 / 记载 It s said/ reported/ recorded/ believed that 据说 / 报道 / 记载 / 人们认为 本句中, 情态助动词 can 置于主语 one 之前, 构成部分倒装 2. the temperature may fall down by about eight or more degrees centigrade. 气温可能会下降八摄氏度或者还多 此句中介词 by 表示下降幅度, 例如 : The output( 产量 )of the factory has increased by 20% this year. 3. The English people may not only have several different kinds of weather in one day, but may very well get a period of winter in summer and a period of summer in winter. 英国人不仅仅在一天中会经历几种不同的天气, 而且很可能在夏天遇到一阵冬天的天气, 或者反过来, 在冬天遇见夏天的天气 not only but (also) : 不仅 而且, 在句中常用来连接两个并列成分, also 可以省略, 例如 : We re learning not only English but (also) Spanish. 4. This uncertainty about the weather has had a deep effect on the character of English people, which makes them careful. 天气的不确定性对英国人的性格有深刻的影 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 响, 使他们小心谨慎 此句中 which makes them careful 为非限定性定语从句, 起补充说明的作用, 修饰先行词 uncertainty 5. A foreigner may laugh when he sees an Englishman walking on a sunny morning wearing a raincoat or carrying an umbrella, but he is likely to regret later in the day! 一个外国人看到英国人在一个阳光灿烂的早晨穿着雨衣 带着雨伞走时, 很可能 会觉得可笑 但这天晚些时候, 他又很可能为他的笑而后悔 该句中, 现在分词短语 walking on a sunny morning 作 an Englishman 的后置定语 在 see sb. do/ doing sth. 结构中, 省去 to 的不定式或现在分词作宾语补足语 此句中现在

60 UNIT 4 WeatherHere,WeatherThere 53 分词短语 wearing a raincoat or carrying an umbrella 作 an Englishman 的宾语补足语 6. And, though they sometimes complain about the changeable weather, they would not, even if they could, exchange it for a more unchangeable climate of other lands. 而且, 尽管他们有时会抱怨天气的变化无常, 但是他们也不愿 ( 即使可以 ) 跟其他地区更加稳定的气候交换 该句中,though 与 even if 各自引出一个让步状语从句 even if 表示 即使, 纵使 之意, 在该句中引出的状语从句是虚拟语气 exchange A for B 把 A 换成 B, 例如 : We can exchange our old car for a new one. Reading Comprehension I. Decide whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE according to the text. Write T for true and F for false before the statements. 1. English people know exactly when the different kinds of weather will come. 2. The changeable weather has a deep effect on the character of the English people. 3. English people usually wear raincoats or carry umbrellas when they go out. 4. English people always start a conversation by talking about weather with each other. 5. English people don t like the changeable weather in England and would like to have an unchangeable climate instead. II. Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. Why has it been said one can experience four seasons in a single day in England? 2. What changes may the weather in England have during one single day? 3. What effects has the uncertainty of the weather had on the character on the English people? 4. What do the English people do to deal with the uncertainty of the weather? 5. How do the English people feel about the changeable weather in England? Vocabulary I. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word with the help of the first letter. 1. Our country has e great changes in the past fifty years. 2. She turned off all the lights, and the room was in complete d. 3. B French, we have to learn maths, physics and so on. 4. I am a person easily a to new surroundings( 环境 ). 5. It seems that Mary is always c about everything. II. Complete the following sentences with the phrases and expressions from the text. 1. The radio says it will ( 放晴 )quite quickly. 2. The story he told us ( 很可能 )be true. 3. Stop ( 抱怨 )everything around you.

61 54 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) 4. There ( 有可能有 )a snowfall tomorrow. 5. The autumn leaves ( 降落 ). III. Find the synonym of the underlined word or phrase. 1. The temperature is going to decline by 10 degrees centigrade tomorrow. A. fall off B.fall down C. decrease D. increase 2. We can not only learn English, but also make friends in the English Club. A. as well as B. neither nor C. either or D. both and 3. This movie has great influence on me. A. has something B. has importance C. has matter D. has effect 4. I will buy this pair of Nike shoes, even though they are very expensive. A. while B. though C. even if D. as if 5. The shabby house is going to fall down. A. break down B. break up C. break in D. break out IV. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions. 1. English people usually start a conversation by talking weather. 2. The temperature stays zero all the year round in North Pole. 3. The price of the mutton falls down 10% this year. 4. Mary usually goes to work bus. 5. It s no use complaining the bad weather. 6. Cows provide us milk. 7. English people usually take umbrellas them when they go out. 8. Mount Everest is 8848 meters sea level. Translation I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. Wang Yan may very well have passed forty. 2. The changeable weather of England has a deep effect on the character of the English people. 3. You must not only do general cleaning but also do some cooking for the old couple. 4. Mary seems to be always adaptable to new surroundings. 5. Even if he were busy, he would go to see his parents. 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

62 UNIT 4 WeatherHere,WeatherThere 55 II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 除了法语, 我还喜欢音乐 (besides) 2. 这部小说对我影响很深 (have a deep effect on) 3. 昨天下午我看见她在操场锻炼身体 (see doing) 4. 他们没有什么好抱怨的 (complain about) 5. 即使明天下雨, 他们也要去逛街 (even if) Cloze Fill in the blanks with the words given below in the proper form. weather umbrella laugh heavily shine regret warm changeable like swim English people often talk about (1) because it is (2). In the morning the weather is warm just (3) in spring. An hour later clouds come, and then it rains (4). In the afternoon, the sky will be clear and the sun will begin to (5). In England, you can have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter you can (6) sometimes, and in summer sometimes you should take (7) clothes with you. When you come to England, you ll see that some English people usually take an (8) or a raincoat with them on a sunny morning. But you should not (9) at them. If you don t take an umbrella or a raincoat, you ll (10) later in the day. Fast Reading Weather Forecast 1 No man can change or control the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us we can tell what changes in the weather will take place. This way of telling what the weather will be like is called weather forecast. For many centuries and in all countries people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecast. 2 Sometimes distant objects such as hills and tall trees seem to be very clear and near. This is a sign of much water vapor( 蒸汽 )in the air and therefore rain will probably come. 3 Rings round the sun are a sign of coming rain. Many people feel in their bones the coming of wet weather. Their joints( 关节 )ache. Some birds fly high as fine weather is

63 56 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) coming but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way. It is probably because the insects which they are hunting fly low. 4 If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows always come in the evening. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come. 5 If a fog appears in the morning just about sunrise, then the day will be warm. Instead, if a fog appears in the evening, the next day will be wet weather. 6 If the sunset is mostly red in color, then the following day will be fine. If the stars clearly twinkle at night, then fair weather will continue. 7 Most of the above sayings have been made by people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecast. (279 words) Choose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the fast reading. 1. People s joints ache. A. as a sign of coming rain B. without any reason C. because they are ill D. because of the insects 2. If the birds fly high and the stars twinkle clearly,. A. the weather will be warm B. the weather will be rainy C. the weather will become clear and fine D. the weather will be cold 3. A rainbow during rainy weather is a sign of weather. A. bad B. rainy C. fine D. windy 4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about weather forecast according to the text? A. No man can change or control the weather. B. People in all countries have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecast. C. If distant hills and tall trees seem to be very clear and near, it is a sign of sunny and clear day. D. A fog in the morning is a sign of warm day. 5. We must to make weather forecast. A. use our eyes and brains B. study the weather hard C. read the signs correctly D. do all of the above Sentence Patterns It 的用法 科学出版社职教技术出版中心 (1) It 用作人称代词, 指代事物 动物 婴儿或未知的人, 例如 :

64 UNIT 4 WeatherHere,WeatherThere 57 Oh, it s an interesting book. It s a lovely baby. Is it a boy or a girl? Someone is knocking on the door. Who is it? It s me. (2) It 除了做人称代词之外, 还具有 非指代性, 常用来表示气候 天气 温度 自然现象 时间 地点 距离 环境情况等, 例如 : What time is it? It s ten fifty. It is a lovely day, isn t it? It s five minutes walk. It s very quiet here. (3) It 也常见于以下结构, 表示一般的笼统的情况 : It seems that she is angry. 看来她生气了 It s my turn. 轮到我了 It s up to you. 由你决定 Translate the following sentences into English, using it where necessary. 1. 夏天, 天黑得很晚 2. 这儿离学校很远 3. 夏天广州经常下雨 4. 这里太乱了 5. 看来你很了解我 Supplement Nouns 名词 weather 天气 climate 气候 temperature 气温 shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 lightning 闪电 breeze 微风 dew 露水 season 季节 spring 春 summer 夏 autumn 秋 ( 美 fall) winter 冬 Adjectives 形容词 sunny 阳光充足的 windy 有风的 snowy 有雪的 foggy 有雾的 wet 湿的 humid/damp 潮湿 dry 干的 hot 热的 warm 暖的 cool 凉爽的 cold 冷的 freezing 极冷的

65 58 实用高职公共英语 ( 预备册 ) clear cloudy overcast hail fog frost 晴 多云 阴 冰雹 雾 霜冻 light snow moderate snow heavy snow rain and snow snowflake 小雪 中雪 大雪 雨夹雪 雪花 light rain moderate rain heavy rain downpour thundershower 小雨 中雨 大雨 暴雨 雷阵雨 typhoon rainbow raincoat umbrella sunglasses 台风彩虹雨衣伞太阳镜 mittens boots wooly hat scarf 连指手套靴子毛绒帽围巾 Part One 1. 辅音 Ⅲ Phonetics and Intonations 辅音 Ⅲ 和失去爆破 读音字母 ( 组合 ) 说明例词 /tʃ/ /dʒ/ ch tch t chair, lunch, chief fetch, catch, kitchen question, lecture, mixture g 后跟字母 i, e, y apologize, change, energy j 后跟字母 a, e, o, u Japan, jeep, job, jump d 后跟字母组合 ual, ure 或 ie gradual, procedure, soldier /ts/ ts its, boots, students 科学出版社职教技术出版中心

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