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To: Parents of G4-G6 Choir, Orchestra & Symphonic Band Members From: Dr Agnes Wai, Principal Date: 12 th December 2017 Bratislava International Youth Music Festival 2018 Based on the principle of all round education, the School encourages students to take active part in extra-curricular activities, with their musical development being most valued. In order to broaden the students horizon, at the same time to provide a chance for them to get exposed to the music cultures around the world, and an opportunity to learn and perform on different platforms, the School had organized music study tour to Vienna, the U.K., Germany, Finland, Poland, Australia, Beijing and Japan in the previous years, which were all well-received by the parents. In the upcoming summer, the School music teams will firstly participate in an international music competition at overseas. The School will collaborate with Musica Connection for a 11-day Music Tour to Vienna (Austria) and Bratislava (Slovakia) for all G4 to G6 Choir, Orchestra and Symphonic Band members. The tentative programme of the Tour will include: Participating in Bratislava International Youth Music Festival, one of Europe s most recognized festivals, with competitions, concert performances and exchanges with choirs and ensembles from all over the world; Possibility to give an open-to-public performance at Salzburg; Workshops, clinics and master classes hosted by world-renowned music experts before departure and along the tour; Attend concert at Vienna Musikverein (Golden Hall) or Schoenbrunn Palace and experience Mozart Dinner Concert at Salzburg; Sight-seeing at Bratislava Old Town and Castle, Hallstatt, Mozart s Birthplace, Mirabell Garden, Mondsee Lake Village, Salt Mine, Hofburg Palace, Johann Strass Monument, Haus der Musik etc. (Applicants should go through an audition, and students will be escorted by SSPCS teaching staff) Attached please find the information and the tentative itinerary of the Tour provided by Musica Connection for your reference. To learn more about the Tour, we would like to invite you to attend a seminar with representatives from Musica Connection on 6 th January 2018 (Saturday) at 10:30 am, Block G Auditorium. They will give you more information regarding the Tour. Please fill in the reply slip and have it returned to Mr Kelvin Lo by 20 th December 2017 (Wednesday). For enquiries, please contact Mr Lo on 2813 8410. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reply Slip I * would / would not like to attend the seminar of the Bratislava International Youth Music Festival on 6 th January 2018 (Saturday). Name of Student: Class:. Parents Signature: Number of people attending:. LKK * Please delete as appropriate

敬啟者 : 布拉提斯拉瓦國際青少年音樂節 2018 校方本著 全人教育 之宗旨, 一直積極鼓勵學生多參與課外活動, 對音樂活動之發展尤其重視 為了擴闊學生的眼界, 體驗世界各地的音樂文化及於不各的平台上學習和演出, 本校曾舉辦維也納 英國 德國 芬蘭 波蘭 澳洲 北京及日本音樂遊學團, 獲家長一致好評 今年暑假, 本校將首次遠赴海外參與國際音樂比賽, 並由美樂牽為四至六年級合唱團 管弦樂團及管樂團團員度身訂造一個為期十一天的維也納 ( 奧地利 ) 及布拉提斯拉瓦 ( 斯洛伐克 ) 音樂之旅, 暫定內容包括 : 參與歐洲著名音樂節之一 布拉提斯拉瓦國際青少年音樂節的比賽及音樂會演出, 並有機會與來自世界各地的合唱團及樂團交流 ; 有機會於薩爾斯堡作公開演出 ; 由世界知名音樂家於出發前及行程中主持工作坊 及大師班 ; 於維也納金色大廳或美泉宮欣賞音樂會, 及於薩爾斯堡體驗 莫扎特晚餐音樂會 ; 遊覽布拉提斯拉瓦舊城及城堡 哈爾施塔特 莫扎特出生地 米拉貝爾花園 蒙德湖 霍夫堡皇宮 約翰 史特勞斯像 維也納音樂博物館等景點 ( 參加者需通過甄選, 校方亦將安排老師隨團出發 ) 後附音樂之旅之簡介及暫定之日程表 ( 資料由美樂牽提供 ), 供家長參考 為了讓家長能充份了解遊學團的內容及安排, 校方現安排美樂牽代表為各家長作簡介 簡介會定於二 一八年一月六日 ( 星期六 ) 上午十時三十分, 假本校 G 座演講廳舉行 家長可於簡介會中得知音樂之旅更多的詳盡資料 請填妥下列回條, 於十二月二十日 ( 星期三 ) 或之前交回盧家其主任 如有任何疑問, 請致電 2813 8410 與盧主任聯絡 以上通告四至六年級合唱團 管弦樂團及管樂團團員家長 二 一七年十二月十二日 校長衞燕華博士 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 回條回條 本人將 * 會 / 不會出席 2018 年 1 月 6 日 ( 星期六 ) 舉行之 布拉提斯拉瓦國際青少年音樂節簡介會 學生姓名 : 家長簽署 : 班別 : 出席人數 : * 請刪去不適用者 LKK

St Stephen s College Preparatory School Bratislava International Youth Music Festival 2018 (Tentative Date: 20-30 July 2018) 1. Bratislava International Youth Music Festival Bratislava International Youth Music Festival, Slovakia, is fully supported by the European Choral Association and is jointly presented by the government of Bratislava and Bratislava Music Agency. As one of Europe s most recognized festivals, participating groups will at once benefit from, and at the same time contribute to, the rich cultural atmosphere and the artistic heritage of the city of Bratislava. Each group, especially choirs, will have ample opportunities to perform in concert halls, beautifully ornate churches and outdoor settings in the historical city centre. This unique musical and cultural experience, which attracts talented musicians from around the world to an environment that proves to be mutually beneficial to all, will surely inspire musicians as they perform and learn together in Bratislava the city of dreams. Slovak Radio Hall (Orchestra competition venue) Mirror Hall of the Primate's Palace (Choir competition venue) St Martin s Cathedral (Opening Concert venue) Klarisky Music Hall (Festival concert venue) Hviezdoslav Square (Prize Giving Ceremony venue)

2. Artistic Advice and Master Classes The following world-renowned music experts will be hosting workshops and master classes for St Stephen s Choir and Orchestra before the departure at Hong Kong and before the competitions at Bratislava. They are world-leading music pedagogues and regularly adjudicate at top-tier international contests: Chief Advisor: Coaches: Prof. Leon Shiu-wai TONG (Hong Kong) President, World Youth and Children Choral Artists Association Former Music Director, Hong Kong Children s Choir Visiting Professor, Shanxi Normal University & Tianjin University Prof. Scott FERGUSON (U.S.A.) Professor & Director of Choral Activities, Illinois Wesleyan University Chief Adjudicator, Bratislava International Youth Music Festival Dr Milan KOLENA (Slovikia) Vice President, World Youth and Children Choral Artists Association Director, Bratislava Music Agency Ms Ursa LAH (Slovenia) Winner of The European Grand Prix 2008 Associate Professor, University in Trondheim Dr Zoltán PAD (Hungary) Visiting Choral Director, Vienna Philharmonic and Berlin Philharmonic Chief Conductor, Hungarian Radio Choir Associate Professor, Liszt Academy Prof. Ragnar RASMUSSEN (Norway) Conductor, World Youth Choir 2010 Professor of Choral Conducting, University of Tromso Prof. Leon Shiu-wai TONG (Hong Kong) Prof. Scott FERGUSON (U.S.A.) Dr Milan KOLENA (Slovakia) Ms Ursa LAH (Slovenia) Dr Zoltán PAD (Hungary) Prof. Ragnar RASMUSSEN (Norway)

3. Highlights of the Tour Bratislava: Participate in Bratislava International Youth Music Festival 2018 (With competitions, concert performances and exchanges with choirs and ensembles from all over the world), Bratislava Old Town and Castle Hallstatt: Salzburg: Salt Mine Possibility to give an open-to-public performance (to be confirmed), Mozart s Birthplace, Mirabell Garden, Mondsee Lake Village, Mozart Dinner Concert Vienna: Schonbrunn Palace, Hofburg Palace, Johann Strass Monument, Hundertwasserhaus, Haus der Musik, St Stephen s Cathedral, Old Town, Vienna State Opera House Guided Tour, Concert at Musikverein (Golden Hall) or Schonbrunn Palace * Please refer to the attached tentative itinerary for more details 4. Musica Connection (Co-organizer) Musica Connection is an overseas music tour planner and consultancy which delivers professional, personal and premium project management services. Together with its strategic NGO partner, the World Youth and Children Choral Artists Association, Musica Connection works with many internationally respected music institutions, festivals and competitions to deliver The Musica Experience. Musica Connection is highly experienced in organizing overseas music tours and is the first organization in Hong Kong that is authorized and endorsed for recommending choirs & orchestras to international festivals and competitions. The local schools that collaborated with Musica Connection in the past includes Marymount Secondary School, Heep Yunn School, Wah Yan College (Hong Kong & Kowloon), La Salle Primary School, St Mark s School, etc In addition, Musica Connection is also highly experienced in organizing large-scale musical events like Belt & Road World Choir Festival, World Youth & Children s Choir Festival Hong Kong, as well as concert tours for international artists, the China International Chorus Festival, IFCM World Choral Summit in 2012 etc 5. Travel and Accommodation Information Airline: Austrian Airlines Accommodations: Austria Trend Hotel or similar (Bratislava) Hotel Mercury Central or similar (Salzburg) Hilton Danube Waterfront or similar (Vienna) Tour Operator: Travel Expert

聖士提反書院附屬小學 布拉提斯拉瓦國際青少年音樂節 2018 暫定日期 2018 年 7 月 20 至 23 日 1. 布拉提斯拉瓦國際青少年音樂節 得到斯洛伐克政府和歐洲合唱協會大力支持的布拉提斯拉瓦國際青少年音樂節為一極具認受 性及教育性的樂壇盛事 而當中的比賽及其採用的評判均達世界級標準 其水平之高 規格之 公正 是獲得國際音樂界高度讚揚的原因之一 非常鄰近 音樂之都 維也納的布拉提斯拉瓦 擁有 夢想之都 之稱 其別樹一幟的小城風光聯同聲響極致的教堂和音樂廳為音樂節提供了 一個嘉年華式的藝術及文化慶典和交流平台 透過與世界頂級的音樂大師和團隊的友誼接觸和 切磋 各團員和指揮的藝術修養和視野定能大大提高及擴闊 Slovak Radio Hall 管弦樂團比賽場地 合唱團比賽場地 Mirror Hall of the Primate's Palace 開幕音樂會場地 St Martin s Cathedral Klarisky Music Hall 合唱節音樂會場地 頒獎典禮場地 Hviezdoslav Square Telephone: +852 3695 0624 Website:

2. 顧問及大師班 以下享譽國際的音樂專家將為聖士提反小學合唱團及管弦樂團於出發前在香港及比賽前在布拉提斯拉瓦主持工作坊及大師班 專家們除了是知名音樂教育工作者外, 亦經常獲邀於世界知名及首屈一指的國際音樂比賽中擔任評委 : 總顧問 : 唐少偉教授 ( 香港 ) 世界青少年合唱藝術家協會主席 香港兒童合唱團前音樂總監兼首席指揮 上海華東大學及山西師範大學客席教授 導師 : Scott FERGUSON 教授 ( 美國 ) 伊利諾伊衛斯理大學教授及合唱總監 布拉提斯拉瓦國際青少年音樂節首席評判 Milan KOLENA 博士 ( 斯洛伐克 ) 世界青少年合唱藝術家協會副主席 斯洛伐克布拉提斯拉瓦音樂統籌署總監 Ursa LAH 女士 ( 斯洛維尼亞 ) 2008 歐洲合唱總冠軍得主 特隆赫姆大學助理教授 Zoltán PAD 博士 ( 匈牙利 ) 維也納愛樂及柏林愛樂合唱團客席指揮 匈牙利廣播合唱團首席指揮 匈牙利李斯特音樂學院肋助理教授 Ragnar RASMUSSEN 教授 ( 挪威 ) 2010 世界青年合唱團指揮 特羅姆瑟大學合唱指揮教授 唐少偉教授 ( 香港 ) Scott FERGUSON 教授 ( 美國 ) Milan KOLENA 博士 ( 斯洛伐克 ) Ursa LAH 女士 ( 斯洛維尼亞 ) Zoltán PAD 博士 ( 匈牙利 ) Ragnar RASMUSSEN 教授 ( 挪威 )

3. 行程亮點 布拉提斯拉瓦 : 參與布拉提斯拉瓦國際青少年音樂節 ( 包括比賽 音樂會演出及與來自世界各地的合唱團及樂團交流 ) 布拉提斯拉瓦舊城區及城堡 哈爾施塔特 : 鹽礦 薩爾斯堡 : 有機會作公開演出 ( 待定 ) 莫扎特出生地 米拉貝爾花園 蒙德湖 莫扎特晚餐音樂會 維也納 : * 詳情請參閱後附暫定行程表 美泉宮 霍夫堡皇宮 約翰 史特勞斯金像 百水公寓 維也納音樂博物館 聖斯德望主教座堂 舊域區 維也納國立歌劇院導賞團 於金色大廳或美泉宮欣賞音樂會 4. 美樂牽 ( 協辦 ) 美樂牽為學校團體提供專業的赴外音樂交流服務, 並與世界青少年合唱藝術家協會與及多個世界著名音樂機構成為了緊密的藝術交流夥伴 美樂牽擁有策劃赴外音樂比賽和遊學交流課程的豐富經驗, 是香港首個帶領音樂團隊參加國際比賽的機構, 過往曾合作過的本地學校包括瑪利曼中學 協恩中學 九龍及香港華仁書院 喇沙小學 聖馬可中學等 此外, 美樂牽亦擁有策劃大型藝術項目及交流活動的豐富經驗和能力 : 包括 一帶一路世界合唱節 世界青少年合唱節 香港 為各國專業團體籌辦巡迴音樂會 協助策劃 中國國際合唱節暨國際合唱聯盟世界合唱峰會 等 5. 交通安排及住宿資料 指定航空 : 奧地利航空 住宿 :Austria Trend Hotel 或同級 ( 布拉提斯拉瓦 ) Hotel Mercury Central 或同級 ( 薩爾斯堡 ) Hilton Danube Waterfront 或同級 ( 維也納 ) 旅遊安排 : 專業旅運

St Stephen s College Preparatory School Bratislava International Youth Music Festival 2018 Tentative 11-day Itinerary (Tentative Date: 20-30 July 2018) Day Day 1 Day 2 to Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Tentative Itinerary Hong Kong Vienna (OS68 1225 / 1825) Bratislava (~ 45 minutes drive) Lunch & Dinner: On Board Accommodation: Austria Trend Hotel (TBC) Master class / Rehearsal / Workshops by world-renowned music experts Spots: City walking tour at Bratislava Old Town and Castle Breakfast: Hotel / Lunch & Dinner: Local restaurants Accommodation: Austria Trend Hotel (TBC) Bratislava International Youth Music Festival Morning: Master class / Rehearsal / Workshops by world-renowned music experts Afternoon / Evening: Festival Opening Ceremony and Opening Concert Breakfast: Hotel / Lunch & Dinner: Local restaurants Accommodation: Austria Trend Hotel (TBC) Bratislava International Youth Music Festival Morning: Choir Competition @ Mirror Hall of the Primate's Palace Evening: Orchestra Performance @ Hviezdoslav Square (TBC) Breakfast: Hotel / Lunch & Dinner: Local restaurants Accommodation: Austria Trend Hotel (TBC) Bratislava International Youth Music Festival Morning: Orchestra Competition @ Slovak Radio Hall Afternoon: Choir Performance @ Klarisky Music Hall (TBC) Prize Giving Ceremony @ Hviezdoslav Square Breakfast: Hotel / Lunch & Dinner: Local restaurants Accommodation: Austria Trend Hotel (TBC) Bratislava Hallstatt (~ 4.5 hours drive) Salzburg (~ 1.5 hours drive) Spots: Hallstatt Salt Mine, Mozart s Birthplace Breakfast: Hotel / Lunch: Local restaurant / Dinner: Mozart Dinner Concert Accommodation: Hotel Mercury Central (TBC) Salzburg Vienna (~ 3 hours drive) Spots: Mirabell Garden, Mondsee Lake Village Morning: Choir &/or Orchestra Performance (TBC) Breakfast: Hotel / Lunch & Dinner: Local restaurant Accommodation: Hilton Danube Waterfront (TBC) Vienna Music Capital Tour Spots: Schonbrunn Palace, Hofburg Palace, Johann Strass Monument, Hundertwasserhaus, Haus der Musik Evening: Attend a concert at Musikverein (Golden Hall) or Schonbrunn Palace Breakfast: Hotel / Lunch & Dinner: Local restaurant Accommodation: Hilton Danube Waterfront (TBC) Vienna Music Capital Tour Hong Kong (OS67 1745 / 1110 +1) Spots: Vienna State Opera House (guided tour), St Stephen s Cathedral, Old Town Breakfast: Hotel / Lunch: Local restaurant / Dinner: On Board Accommodation: On Board Arrival at Hong Kong * Itinerary subject to change without prior notice

日數 第一天 第二天至第三天 第四天 第五天 第六天 第七天 第八天 第九天 第十天 第十一天 聖士提反書院附屬小學布拉提斯拉瓦國際青少年音樂節 2018 十一天暫定行程 ( 暫定日期 :2018 年 7 月 20 至 30 日 ) 暫定行程香港 維也納 (OS68 1225 / 1825) 布拉提斯拉瓦 ( 約 45 分鐘車程 ) 午餐 晚餐 : 航機上 住宿 :Austria Trend Hotel( 待定 ) 大師班 綵排及工作坊 ( 由世界知名音樂家主持 ) 景點 : 布拉提斯拉瓦舊城區及城堡 住宿 :Austria Trend Hotel( 待定 ) 布拉提斯拉瓦國際青少年音樂節上午 : 大師班 綵排及工作坊 ( 由世界知名音樂家主持 ) 下午 / 晚間 : 音樂節開幕禮及音樂會 住宿 :Austria Trend Hotel( 待定 ) 布拉提斯拉瓦國際青少年音樂節上午 : 合唱團比賽 @ Mirror Hall of the Primate's Palace 下午 : 管絃樂團表演 @ Hviezdoslav Square( 待定 ) 住宿 :Austria Trend Hotel( 待定 ) 布拉提斯拉瓦國際青少年音樂節上午 : 管絃樂團比賽 @ Slovak Radio Hall 下午 : 合唱團表演 @ Klarisky Music Hall( 待定 ) 頒獎禮 @ Hviezdoslav Square 住宿 :Austria Trend Hotel( 待定 ) 布拉提斯拉瓦 哈爾施塔特 ( 約 4.5 小時車程 ) 薩爾斯堡 ( 約 1.5 小時車程 ) 景點 : 哈爾施塔特鹽礦 莫扎特出生地 早餐 : 酒店 / 午餐 : 當地餐廳 / 晚餐 : 莫扎特晚餐音樂會 住宿 :Hotel Mercury Central( 待定 ) 薩爾斯堡 維也納 ( 約 3 小時車程 ) 景點 : 米拉貝爾花園 蒙德湖早上 : 合唱團及 / 或管絃樂團表演 ( 待定 ) 住宿 :Hilton Danube Waterfront( 待定 ) 維也納音樂之旅景點 : 美泉宮 霍夫堡皇宮 約翰 史特勞斯金像 百水公寓 維也納音樂博物館晚間 : 於金色大廳或美泉宮欣賞音樂會 住宿 :Hilton Danube Waterfront( 待定 ) 維也納音樂之旅 香港 (OS67 1745 / 1110 +1) 景點 : 維也納國立歌劇院 聖斯德望主教座堂 舊域區 早餐 : 酒店 / 午餐 : 當地餐廳 / 晚餐 : 航機上 住宿 : 航機上香港 * 行程如有變動, 美樂牽保留有關更改之權利