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OUR VISION Galaxy s vision is to be: Globally recognized as Asia s leading gaming and entertainment corporation. This vision will be achieved through


[For Immediate Release] Melco Launches 4 th Mocha Slot Club at Hotel Taipa Square * * * Further taps the Grind Gaming Market in Macau (Hong Kong, April 29, 2005) --- Melco International Development Limited ( Melco International or the Group, HKSE Code: 200) today announced the launch of its 4 th Mocha Slot Club at Hotel Taipa Square ( Mocha TPS ), a move to further tap the grind gaming market in Macau. The 6,156 sq. ft. Mocha Slot Club is an elegantly designed entertainment complex that promises customers a comfortable and relaxing environment that complements their leisure, entertainment and gaming pleasure. The Club houses a mini bar that serves light snacks and beverages, the latest electronic table games and slot machines from Australia, Europe and the USA, including Asia s first 3 card poker machine - the Shufflemaster, the latest jackpot linked slots, and [the standalone Zorro game], etc. It also adopts the worldrenowned acres slot and loyalty system to offer value-added services, such as redemptions, lucky draws, etc. to Mocha Club members. Additionally, a Mocha High-Roller corner which provides extra privacy and excitement has been specifically reserved for VIP patrons. Group Managing Director of Melco International, Mr Lawrence Ho, said, "Contribution from slot machines and electronic gaming only account for less than 5% of the gaming revenue in Macau, but in Las Vegas and Australia, it is over 50%. Thus, we believe slot machines are still underrepresented in the Macau gaming market and possess tremendous growth potential. The phenomenal results achieved since the first Mocha slot hall was opened in September 2003 are vivid proof of our observation and have further strengthened our confidence in this business. To better serve the ever increasing Chinese patrons who benefit from China s Individual Traveler s Scheme, we plan to open another 2 to 3 outlets in areas with high tourist flows, particularly within or near 2-star or 3-star hotels. The Group currently has four Mocha outlets with around 700 machines in operation, making up around 30% of the total number of slot machines in Macau. From June to December 2004, revenue contributed to Melco from Mocha has already reached HK$47.7 million and Mocha has achieved very encouraging average daily net win per machine at HK$1,871 in December 2004, which is among the highest in Macau. Besides forging ahead with our Park-Hyatt project which targets the high roller market and Mocha which targets the grind market, we are also actively exploring other suitable opportunities with Publishing and Broadcasting Limited ( PBL ), our exclusive Pan Asian joint venture partner, to diversify our products and develop new markets in Asia. With Macau s economy rapidly developing and investment streaming into its gaming and leisure industries, and the demand for gaming facilities rising across an increasingly affluent Asia, we are very optimistic of the prospects of our businesses. -End-

About Melco International Development Limited Melco International Development Limited is an actively managed conglomerate with 3 main lines of business, spearheaded by Leisure, Gaming & Entertainment. The Group s main gaming activities are conducted via an exclusive joint venture with one of Australia s largest conglomerates and gaming groups Publishing & Broadcasting Ltd. PBL. The Melco/PBL joint venture s major gaming assets include the development of the first ever 6-star hotel & casino project in Macau (the Park Hyatt Project which targets high rollers) and the highly successful chain of Mocha Slot Lounges an innovative spin by creating a café style setting in slot machine parlours. In Hong Kong, the Group carries on the tradition of operating the world famous floating landmark Jumbo Kingdom. The other two major supporting businesses include Technology and Investment Banking. The technology business is represented by Elixir Group (Macau), a leading gaming IT infrastructure and system integration group, and iasia the software developer that is also a leading provider of comprehensive financial products trading systems in Asia. The investment banking and financial services business was built upon the acquisition of the CEF Investment Banking subsidiaries from CIBC and the Cheung Kong Group and is conducted via the Group s Hong Kong listed subsidiary - Value Convergence Holdings Ltd. Within 2 years, Melco has expanded substantially and opened offices in Hong Kong, Macau, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Manila, employing over 800 staff. Media Enquiries: Melco International Development Limited Maggie Ma Tel: (852) 3151 3767 Email: Fax: (852) 3162 3579 Strategic Financial Relations Limited Esther Chan Tel: (852) 2864 4825 Email: Mandy Go Tel: (852) 2864 4812 Email: Cindy Lung Tel: (852) 2864 4867 Email: Fax: (852) 2804 2789

Factsheet About Mocha TPS Address G/F & 1/F of Hotel Taipa square, Baixa da Taipa Quarterirao 23, Macau Total Area 6,156 square feet Total No. of electronic gaming machines ( EGM ) 137 Types of EGM Asia's first 3 card poker machine Shufflemaster Latest in jackpot linked slots promising more varieties, more ways to win, and to win big, Latest Zorro slots which is Australia s most popular game Many varieties of 10c games with jackpots of over $40,000 Multi-Player EGMs, including Baccarat, Roulette, Blackjack, Sic Bo, and Three Card Poker Latest linked and standalone slot machines Brand Range IGT, Aristocrat, Bally, Interblock, Shufflemaster, Alfrastreet, Novomatic, and Stargames Game Selection Facilities Specialties Over 30 different types of games Mini Bar serving light snacks and a variety of beverages The latest Electronic Gaming Machines and innovative games which can be seen at Mocha TPS only High-Roller Area providing more privacy and excitement to our patrons Theme-designed slot club Phenomenon across the globe, latest figures: - America Just over 600,000 electronic gaming machines (EGM) in entire US 435,000 in 9 states (Nevada, California, Mississippi, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Washington) 175,000 in Nevada alone Russia 240,000 already Estimate growth to 500,000 in the next 2 years Australia 200,000 throughout entire Australia 100,000 in NSW alone Asia Macau 2,254 Mocha 700

THREE key elements to Electronic Gaming Phenomenon in the World 1) Multiplayer Gaming Machines o Where several customers play at their own gaming terminal and play against the machine on a common game i.e. no real person as dealer o Mainly electronic poker, blackjack, roulette, sic-bo, baccarat, and big wheel o Games are mostly based on real game and fair play as per real table games o Benefits: - Players can bet at own pace and strategy Players do not get intimidated from casino dealer, staff or other patrons Players get privacy, where no one will comment or laugh if players play at their choice of bet or if wrong bets are made Pace of each game is faster than table, especially on roulette where there will be no manual payment and sorting of casino chips Players can cash in or out at their own discretion No human error on dealer s end as there are no real person dealer Every game is accounted for to the exact cent and second No tips o Casinos around the world have started to use these machines extensively o Some casinos are utilizing hybrid multiplayer gaming machines, where the real person dealer remains to process the game (throw the sic-bo dice or roll the roulette ball) but players sit and bet at their individual gaming terminals o Mocha houses the latest multiplayer gaming machines with a wide variety of traditional and new games

2) Slot Machines o More and more games on the gaming floor are being linked to a jackpot or prize pool o Prize monies are getting bigger o On 21 March 2003, the largest-ever slots prize was awarded in Las Vegas when a 25- year-old man who prefers to remain anonymous hit a $39,710,826.36 Megabucks jackpot at the Excalibur casino o More jackpots are linked across more venues over even wider variety of machines o There will be many jackpots that could be won on a single machine, example is a game could have one standalone jackpot, which is linked to a four-level jackpot, which participates in a property wide jackpot, that is the player could win 6 different jackpots playing a single slot machine on the gaming floor o More jackpots, over more games, thus more opportunities to win and to win more, making gaming more fun o New games are designed to have more winning features and bonuses, making the games more fun, enjoyable, exciting, entertaining, and more ways to win o Benefits Playing slots requires no gaming rituals, for example whether to have an extra card in blackjack, or where and what to bet on roulette Quick results and outcomes from playing slots Chance to win many times bigger than what was wagered The more you bet, the bigger the chance to win Private, play at own pace and strategy Wide choice of game types (linked, standalone, wide-area, feature rich game, free games rich games, multiple bonus feature games, etc.), game and themes (Zorro, Spiderman, etc, price (denominations, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1, $5, $10, etc.) o Mocha will link every single slot machine to jackpots of various varieties, examples are Mocha Mega-Million Jackpot, or Mocha Hourly Jackpot o Mocha will also keep abreast to house world s latest games, providing the best choice of games and machines

3) Club Loyalty Systems o Technology used to improve overall service level o By understanding and knowing customers more intimately o So that more products and services could be tailor made to customers specific needs, wants, style, and preferences o Also used to get message across directly to customers o To create customer loyalty o Reward patronage o Clubs are growing in size, as technology improves, loyalty programs improve, rewards and offerings increase o Mocha has the latest club loyalty system in the world and Mocha Club will continuously innovate and improve its loyalty programs, providing more rewards and offerings to its members

[ 新聞稿 ] 新濠於澳門氹仔駿景酒店開設第四間摩卡角子娛樂場 * * * * 進一步滲透澳門的低注碼博彩市場 ( 二零零五年四月二十九日, 香港訊 ) 新濠國際發展有限公司 ( 新濠 或 集團 ; 香港交易所股份編號 : 200) 今日宣佈於澳門氹仔駿景酒店開設第四間摩卡角子娛樂場 ( 摩卡駿景 ), 進一步滲透澳門的低注碼博彩市場 摩卡駿景佔地 6,156 平方呎, 為一間悉心設計的娛樂場, 為客戶提供舒適及輕鬆的環境作消閒 娛樂及博彩活動 娛樂場內設有迷你酒吧提供各式小食及飲品, 並備有澳洲 歐洲及美國最新穎的電子賭檯及角子機, 包括亞洲首台 3 卡話事啤機 Shufflemaster, 嶄新連接累積獎金的角子機, 以及獨立 索羅 Zorro 博彩機等 此娛樂場亦採用了世界知名的 acres 角子系統及會員獎賞計劃, 為摩卡會會員提供如兌換 幸運大抽獎等增值服務 此外, 摩卡駿景更設有高注碼貴賓專區, 讓貴賓享受份外的私人空間及樂趣 新濠集團董事總經理何猷龍先生表示 : 來自角子機及電子博彩的收益僅佔整個澳門博彩業少於 5% 的收益貢獻, 而其於拉斯維加斯及澳洲博彩市場的貢獻則超過 50% 因此, 我們一直相信角子娛樂於澳門博彩市場將有很大的發展潛力 集團自 2003 年 9 月開設了第一間摩卡角子娛樂場以來, 成績驕人, 充分確認我們對角子娛樂事業的遠見及策略, 進一步加強我們對此業務的信心 放寬自由行政策令中國旅客不斷增加, 為能提供更佳服務, 集團於本年內將計劃於人流暢旺的旅遊熱點 ( 尤其是在 2 3 星級酒店內或鄰近區域 ), 再開設 2 至 3 家角子娛樂場 集團旗下已有 4 間摩卡角子娛樂場, 共設有 700 台角子機, 佔澳門角子機總數約 30% 在 2004 年 6 月至 12 月份, 摩卡角子娛樂場業務對新濠之盈利貢獻已達港幣 4,770 萬元, 而每台角子機的 平均日贏額 於 2004 年 12 月更達港幣 1,871 元的理想水平, 為澳門最高 繼有針對高注碼市場的澳門柏悅酒店, 以及針對低端市場的摩卡角子娛樂場, 集團正積極與亞洲獨家聯營企業夥伴 Publishing & Broadcasting Limited ( PBL) 尋求其他合適的發展項目, 於亞洲開拓更多元化的博彩業務 有見澳門經濟發展蓬勃, 相關的博彩及娛樂投資不斷湧現, 加上亞洲國家對博彩設施的需求不斷增加, 集團對這業務的前景充滿信心 - 完 -

有關新濠國際發展有限公司新濠國際發展有限公司經營三項主要業務, 乃一家以消閒 博彩及娛樂業務為首的綜合企業 集團之博彩業務主要透過與澳洲 Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd ( PBL 澳洲最大的綜合博彩集團之一 ) 共同成立的亞洲獨家聯營企業經營 新濠與 PBL 的聯營企業之主要博彩資產包括發展澳門首家六星級酒店及賭場, 以及揉合咖啡室及海外角子娛樂於一身的摩卡角子娛樂場 另外, 集團亦在香港經營世界知名的海鮮舫 - 珍寶王國 新濠其他主要業務包括資訊科技業務及投資銀行服務 資訊科技業務由專營博彩科技及系統整合之 御想集團 ( 澳門 ) 及著名香港金融產品交易系統及相關服務供應商 iasia 兩家公司進行提供 投資銀行和金融業務則透過集團旗下之上市附屬公司 滙盈控股有限公司 進行, 此乃從長江實業 ( 集團 ) 有限公司和加拿大帝國商業銀行購入的 CEF 投資銀行附屬公司所組成 在短短兩年間, 新濠已把業務擴展至香港 澳門 北京 上海 深圳及馬尼拉, 並於各地設有辦公室, 僱員超過 800 人 新聞垂詢 : 新濠國際發展有限公司 馬寶明 電話 : (852) 3151 3767 電郵 : 傳真 : (852) 3162 3579 縱橫財經公關顧問有限公司 陳曼菁 電話 : (852) 2864 4825 電郵 : 吳燕霞 電話 : (852) 2864 4812 電郵 : 龍肇怡 電話 : (852) 2864 4867 電郵 : 徐逸樺 電話 : (852) 2864 4857 電郵 : 傳真 : (852) 2804 2789

資料 有關摩卡駿景 地址 總面績 澳門氹仔沙維斯街駿景酒店地下及一樓 6,156 平方呎 電子博彩機 ( EGM ) 總數 137 台 電子博彩機種類 亞洲首次引進第一台迷你加勒比 (3 card poker) 博彩機 - Shufflemaster 最新款的角子機, 直接連線累積奬金, 增加遊戲變化及更多機會贏取更大獎金 於澳洲最受歡迎 索羅 Zorro 角子機 多種 10c 角子機, 更有機會贏取總值超過 $40,000 的累積奬金 電子博彩遊戲, 包括百家樂 輪盤 21 點 骰寶及迷你加勒比等遊戲 包含特色遊戲之獨立角子機 博彩機品牌 IGT, Aristocrat, Bally, Interblock, Shufflemaster, Alfastreet, Novomatic and Stargames 遊戲種類 設施 摩卡駿景獨有之特色 超過 30 款博彩遊戲迷你酒吧, 提供小食及各種飲品 摩卡駿景獨有的最新電子博彩遊戲 特設高注碼貴賓區令顧客享有更多的私人空間及樂趣 角子機主題式設計 環球走勢及最新市場數據 : - 美國 全美國約超過 600,000 台電子博彩機 美國九個州 ( 包括內華達州 加利福尼亞州 密西西比州 新澤西州 奧克拉荷馬州 路易斯安那州 密西根州 明尼蘇達州及華盛頓州 ) 共有 435,000 台電子博彩機 僅於內華達州內已有 175,000 台電子博彩機 俄羅斯 已有 240,000 台電子博彩機 預計在未來兩年將會增加至 500,000 台 澳洲 全澳洲共有 200,000 台電子博彩機 亞洲 澳門 2,254 台 僅於新南威爾斯內已有 100,000 台電子博彩機 摩卡 700 台

導致全球電子博彩業迅速增長之三個重要元素 1) 電子博彩機 o 可供多位顧客於獨立的博彩機同時互相與莊家對牌 ( 虛擬莊家 ) o 電子遊戲包括 : 撲克 廿一點 輪盤 骰寶 百家樂及幸運輪 o 遊戲由真實賭檯博彩玩意衍生而成, 如正式賭檯般公平及公正 o 優點 : - 玩家可依照個人喜好控制下注局數及注碼 玩家不會被莊家 服務員或其他顧客所影響 玩家擁有高度自主性及私隱, 不會因投注選擇或投注失誤被批評或取笑 遊戲速度較賭檯為快, 尤其是電子輪盤, 因不須人手付款及整理籌碼 玩家可依照個人需要於任何時間領取現金 由於沒有真實莊家, 致能確保沒有人為錯誤 所有遊戲均以仙為單位及逐秒準確計算 不須小費 o 世界各地之賭場已開始大量採用電子博彩機 o 某些賭場利用混合式博彩機, 由真實莊家處理遊戲 ( 如拋骰寶或轉動輪盤 ), 但玩家可於個人博彩機前投注 o 摩卡提供最新電子博彩遊戲, 包括多種傳統及嶄新設計的博彩遊戲

2) 角子機 o 愈來愈多遊戲是與累積奬金或彩池掛鉤 o 更高的獎金金額 o 於 2003 年 3 月 21 日, 一位 25 歲的匿名男士於拉斯維加斯 Excalibur 賭場贏取史上最高 的角子累積獎金達 39,710,826,.36 美元 o 流行更多種類連線遊戲於不同場內, 使累積獎金更多及更吸引 o 玩家將可於同一部角子機贏取多項累積獎金 例如一部角子機擁有獨立累積獎金的同時, 更可連接上 4 個不同層次的累積獎金, 及再延伸至一個為全場總累積獎金 在這情況下玩 家可於同一部角子機贏取多達 6 項累積獎金 o 更多累積獎金, 更多遊戲選擇, 更多贏取豐富獎金的機會, 令博彩遊戲更具吸引力 o 新遊戲具備更多贏取獎金的方式, 令遊戲更有趣 刺激及富娛樂性, 同時增加中獎機會 o 好處 : 玩角子遊戲不需大量思考及計算, 如廿一點及輪盤均需玩家決定應否再提牌及怎樣 下注等 角子遊戲能提供即時之贏輸結果 中獎賠率極高 注額越大, 中獎機會越大 不受干擾, 可按自己的速度及戰術下注 多項遊戲種類 ( 包括連線機 單獨機頭 場內連線機 特式博彩遊戲 自由博彩遊 戲 多項獎金特式遊戲等 ) 主題遊戲 ( 索羅 蜘蛛俠等, 金額由 10 仙 20 仙 50 仙 1 元 5 元至 10 元不等 ) o 摩卡將把每一部角子機連接到多項累積獎金, 如摩卡重量級百元累積獎金或摩卡每小時累 積獎金等 o 摩卡亦會不斷引進全球最新穎 最好玩及最刺激的角子機及電子博彩遊戲

3) 會員獎賞系統 o 以最新科技提供最好之服務質素 o 進一步了解會員的個別需要 o 以提供更多配套服務, 滿足各會員需求 風格及喜好之產品及服務 o 直接把訊息傳達給會員 o 營造歸屬感 o 會員獎賞計劃 o 隨著科技及會員制度日益改善, 獎賞及優惠增加, 會員數目亦逐步擴大 o 摩卡正實行全球最新穎的會員制度, 而摩卡會將繼續創新及改善此制度, 提供更多獎賞及 服務予各會員