FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 2018 C2 Boeing has unveiled its secret plane - a new high-tech refuelling drone - following a cryptic build-up to its big reveal l

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If If you would like to share news or information with our readers, please send the unique stories, business news organization events, and school news to us includinig your name and phone number in case more information is needed. For news and information consideration, please send to or contact John Robbins 832-280-5815 Jun Gai 281-498-4310 UBS predicts lower oil prices in course of 2018 Southern Daily News is published by Southern News Group Daily Publisher: Wea H. Lee General Manager, Catherine Lee Editor John Robbins Jun Gai Business Manager Jennifer Lopez Address: 11122 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77072 E-mail: Inside C5 Friday, January 19, 2018 Southern News Group Amazon shortlists 20 cities, including Toronto, for second headquarters (Reuters) - Inc (AMZN.O) has short-listed 20 cities and regions, including Canada s Toronto, for the construction of a second headquarters that it says will generate 50,000 new, high-paying jobs in a $5 billion investment. Major U.S. centers including New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington D.C. also made it onto the list announced on Thursday, and smaller cities such as Raleigh, North Carolina, and Columbus, Ohio. Toronto is the lone non-u.s. location. The Seattle-based e-commerce giant s search for a location for a second North American headquarters set off a frenzy among city officials jostling for the economic boost such a project represents, with some of the 238 initial bidders promising billions of dollars in tax breaks. Amazon said on Thursday it expects to make a decision this year. Including Toronto in the shortlist means Amazon must now weigh whether Canada s advantages - a more open immigration policy focused on luring top global tech talent, and universal healthcare - outweigh potential blowback from U.S. President Donald Trump, who has leaned heavily on U.S. companies to invest more domestically. There could be consequences politically for making a decision to invest outside of the U.S., said Shauna Brail, director of the urban studies program at the University of Toronto. The question is how will a company the size of Amazon respond to that kind of a threat. In November, Amazon said it would open a second corporate office in Vancouver, across the border from Seattle, in an announcement unrelated to the second headquarter search. Toronto s bid shied away from financial incentives, while New Jersey proposed $7 billion in potential credits against state and city taxes if the company chooses Newark and sticks to hiring commitments. The Atlanta suburb of Stonecrest has offered 345 acres of industrial land to create a new city called Amazon and to make Chief Executive Jeff Bezos its mayor for life. The shortlist news follows Apple s announcement on Wednesday that it would build a new U.S. campus and create 20,000 new jobs as part of a $30 billion investment, with both underlining the growing power of U.S. technology companies over the economy.other locations on the Amazon shortlist were Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Dallas, Denver, Indianapolis, Miami, Montgomery County in Maryland, Nashville, Newark, Northern Virginia, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh. FILE PHOTO: Amazon boxes are seen stacked for delivery in Manhattan, New York, U.S., January 29, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar/File Photo Community Three Charged with Capital Murders of Bao and Jenny Lam Jan. 17, 2018 Harris County Sheriff s Office Homicide Unit investigators have arrested 3 men on capital murder charges in connection with the slayings of Spring residents Bao and Jenny Lam. The Lams were found bound and shot to death inside their home located at 16510 Glorietta Turn in the Northgate Forest subdivision on the evening of Saturday, Jan. 13. On Tuesday, Homicide Unit investigators released security surveillance video depicting persons of interest in the Lams murders. On Wednesday, investigators arrested the following suspects on capital murder charges: Khari Ty Kendrick, age 23 Aakiel Ricardo Kendrick, age 21 Erick Alfredo Peralta, age 20 All three suspects have been booked into the Harris County Jail. I want to thank the Harris County community for helping our dedicated investigators bring justice to the Lam family and get these dangerous criminals off our streets, Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said. We join the Lam family in grieving our entire community s loss. Harris County Sheriff's Office Address/Location 1200 Baker St Houston, TX 77002 Contact: Emergency: 9-1-1

FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 2018 C2 Boeing has unveiled its secret plane - a new high-tech refuelling drone - following a cryptic build-up to its big reveal last month. The company hopes to secure a contract from the US Navy that means this unmanned aircraft system (UAS) will serve its MQ-25 Stingray programme, and would refuel fighter jets that operate from aircraft carriers, in mid-air. The drones, operated remotely, would be ejected from war ships in the same manner as these fighter jets, the aim being for them to deliver the jets with 15,000 pounds of fuel, 500 nautical miles from the carrier. The Navy is accepting proposals from competing manufacturers until January 3 - with Boeing insisting that its design is best suited. The drone been equipped with refueling capabilities that would help expand the combat range of the US Navy s existing fighter jets, which include Boeing s F/A-18 Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler. The new plane is completing its engine tests on the ground and will be ready for flight testing and deck handling demonstrations early next year, the company states. It has yet to confirm a date for the drone s first flight test. Boeing s Phantom Swift: The design leverages two large fans buried in the aircraft s fuselage to provide vertical lift and a pair of swiveling wingtip fans for stability and control during hover and for propulsion during forward flight. Boeing has been delivering carrier aircraft to the Navy for almost 90 years, Don BD Gaddis, a retired admiral who leads the refueling system program for Phantom Works, said in a statement. Our expertise gives us confidence in our approach, the company added. Earlier this year Boeing bought Aurora Flight Sciences Corp, which is developing the autonomous, electric-powered and long-flight-duration aircraft for its commercial and military businesses. Last year, Aurora won a contract for more than $89 million for the vertical take off and landing X-plane, beating Boeing in the process. Aurora has designed, produced and flown more than 30 unmanned air vehicles since its inception and has collaborated with Boeing on the rapid prototyping of innovative aircraft and structural assemblies for both military and commercial applications during the last decade. The radical design combines fixed-wing technology from planes with rotary-wing technology from helicopters. It has two large rear wings and two smaller front canards, short wings mounted near the nose of the aircraft. Earlier this year, the first prototype of the LightningStrike, Darpa s vertical take-off and landing experimental aircraft project took to the air - and maybe of its capabilities could be in the new craft. BUSINESS Will Boeing s Secret Plane Change The Future Air Power? Compiled And Edited By John T. Robbins, Southern Daily Editor BOEING S SECtCEPLANE The mysterious X-37b spaceplane has captured the imagination of many, with some suggesting it is a spy plane and others who think it could be a space bomber. But now its big brother is one step closer to being built. The project, known as XS-1, is expected to debut in 2020, and military bosses claim it will bolster national security by providing short-notice, low-cost access to space. The engine would drive 24 ducted fans, nine integrated into each wing and three inside each canard. Aurora, the firm behind the radical craft, previously told Defence One there s quite a bit of interest in a laser-armed version of the drone, particularly for use in Marine Corps missions. Aurora Flight Sciences said the subscale version proved the radical theory behind the craft. The subscale aircraft weighs 325 pounds and is a 20% scale flight model of the full scale demonstrator Aurora will build for Darpa in the next 24 months. Boeing, meanwhile, was developing its own VTOL, known as Phantom swift - and the new craft could be a hybrid of them both. BOEING S PHANTOM SWIFT Boeing s Phantom Swift was a Boeing Phantom Works program that was being developed for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under the VTOL X-Plane competition - but was ultimately beaten by Aurora s entry. The design leverages two large fans buried in the aircraft s fuselage to provide vertical lift and a pair of swiveling wingtip fans for stability and control during hover and for propulsion during forward flight. The idea is to have one or two General Electric CT7-8 turbines produce power to drive all these fans electrically, although an early prototype might not include a full hybrid electric drive system. Boeing says this configuration is far more efficient than a normal helicopter and DAR- PA s original design goals included hitting speeds beyond 300 knots and carry 4,000lbs. The design leverages two large fans buried in the aircraft s fuselage to provide vertical lift The aerospace industry is going to be changing and the acquisition positions Boeing strategically for whatever that future may be, Boeing Chief Technology Officer Greg Hyslop said on a conference call with reporters. The deal could face regulatory obstacles, but the company hopes to complete the purchase this year, Hyslop said. THE AURORA HAIRDRYER SPECS Aurora, the firm recently bought by Boeing, was developing a radical hairdryer VTOL that could form the basis of the new craft. Boeing s drone prototype for the US Navy s MQ-25 program. The new aircraft can: Achieve a top sustained flight speed of 300 knots (556 km/h) to 400 knots (741km/h). Raise aircraft hover efficiency from 60 per cent to at least 75 per cent. Present a more favourable cruise lift-todrag ratio of at least 10, up from 5-6. Carry a useful load of at least 40 per cent of the vehicle s projected gross weight of 10,000-12,000 pounds (4,500-5,444kg). Perform flight tests in 2018 Boeing s move could help Zunum Aero, a Seattle-area company aiming to bring a hybrid-electric regional airliner to market in 2022. Boeing and JetBlue Airways Corp have both made venture capital investments in Zunum. Boeing will maintain Manassas, Virginia-based Aurora as a separate unit reporting through Boeing s engineering, test and technology division, which is headed by Hyslop. (Courtesy and

Friday, January 19, 2018 C3 A Snapshot Of The World FILE PHOTO: Protestors chant slogans during a demonstration near the Israeli embassy in Amman Riverside County District Attorney Mike Hestrin announces charges against David Turpin and Louise Turpin in Riverside Blackberry CEO Chen speaks at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit House Minority Leader Pelosi holds weekly news conference at the U.S. Capitol in Washington Victim Jessica Smith speaks at the sentencing hearing for Larry Nassar, a former team USA Gymnastics doctor who pleaded guilty in November 2017 to sexual assault charges, in Lansing Pope Francis comes to aid of a police officer who was thrown off his horse during the papal parade in Iquique Larry Nassar, a former team USA Gymnastics doctor who pleaded guilty in November 2017 to sexual assault charges, is escorted into the courtroom during his sentencing hearing in Lansing Man dips in icy waters of a lake on the eve of Orthodox Epiphany in Minsk Figure Skating - ISU European Championships 2018 - Pairs Victory Ceremony

FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 2018 C4 COMMUNITY Everybody in the U.S. seems to have come down with a nasty case of the flu, and Texas is partly to blame. The Center for Disease Control s influenza activity map shows how Lousiana and Mississipi are patient zero, quickly spreading the flu to other states in the south and eventually Texas. After reaching the Lone Star State in early December, the virus makes its way to Oklahoma, Arkansas and New Mexico. Sorry neighbors. By January, the majority of the U.S. is battling moderate to high levels of flu activity. Time-Lapse Map Shows How Texas Helped Get Everyone Sick Compiled And Edited By John T. Robbins, Southern Daily Editor 2017-18 Influenza Season Week 41 ending Oct. 14, 2017 Fast Forward to January 2018 Rules to reduce the spread of Spanish flu posting by the US Public Health Service. Cough or sneeze into your mouth with a handkerchief, avoid crowded places, do not spit, do not share the use of cups and napkins. Avoid excessive fatigue. Just contracted the disease into bed and tell your doctor. Typographic poster; United States, Washington, DC 1918. 2017-18 Influenza Season Week 1 ending Jan. 6, 2018 Dan Jernigan, director of the influenza division at the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, recently told reporters in a press briefing that this is the first year we have had the entire continental U.S. be the same color on the graph, meaning there is widespread activity in all of the continental U.S. at this point. This year s flu outbreak is the most widespread since public health authorities began keeping track more than a dozen years ago, according to the influenza expert. Part of the reason is the strain of flu, H3N2, which is difficult to prevent with a shot. We are always expecting there to be an unusual season, Jernigan said. We are rather humbled by this virus. We are always preparing for a severe season and welcome a less severe season, but it s difficult to predict what will happen. (Courtesy http://www. Related The great worldwide flu epidemic of 1918 - A Photo Essay Women wear cloth surgical-style masks to protect against influenza. A worldwide influenza epidemic killed 20 million people between 1918 and 1920. Nurses care for victims of a Spanish influenza epidemic outdoors amidst canvas tents during an outdoor fresh air cure, Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1918. 1918-Chicago, Illinois- Inspecting Chicago street cleaners for Spanish influenza. Officials are wearing gauze masks. Two Red Cross nurses with a person on a stretcher during a demonstration at the Red Cross Emergency Ambulance Station during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1920, Washington DC, 1918. The Oakland Municipal Auditorium is being used as a temporary hospital with volunteer nurses from the American Red Cross tending the sick there during the influenza pandemic of 1918, Oakland, California, 1918. (Courtesy nation-world)

Friday, January 19, 2018 C5 Local News UBS predicts lower oil prices in course of 2018 What does a boil order mean? It means that the water that comes out of the tap should not be used for drinking, brushing your teeth, cooking or washing fruits and vegetables. Oil prices could sink later this year as U.S. oil production climbs in response to $60-a-barrel oil, pushing global output higher than demand, Swiss bank UBS said in a recent report. A surge in U.S. production to record levels this year could slow the realignment of global oil supply and demand after inventory levels fell at the fastest rate since 2002 last year, the bank said. UBS believes global oil production will increase by 1.9 million barrels a day this year, up from growth of 400,000 barrels a day in 2017, while demand grows at 1.4 million barrels, down from 1.6 million barrels last year. In the United States alone, shale drillers could boost output by 1 million barrels a day this year. That could mean the oil market will move from a market deficit to a balanced market this year, and prices could sink to $53 a barrel by the end of the year. Supply growth overshadowing demand growth should be the main topic for the energy market in 2018, the bank said. We think this sets a backdrop of lower prices over the course of the year. He was later caught and pleaded guilty in exchange for a six-month sentence in state jail. By Meagan Flynn A boil-water notice remains for Pearland water customers after two of the city s water treatment facilities malfunctioned Wednesday. Sparkle Anderson, city spokeswoman, said the notice is expected to remain in place likely until Friday morning as officials continue investigating what went wrong and wait on test results that may reveal any contaminants. Residents affected include all those who live in Pearland neighborhoods west of State Highway 288. Anderson said the city s Public Works Department completed the required sample testing on the water late last night and expects to receive the results sometime Thursday. Pearland officials discovered a malfunction at its water production facility at 3100 Kirby around 6 p.m. Wednesday: The water pressure had fallen below what s required by state and federal law. Any time the water drops below a certain pressure level, there is the potential for contamination, Anderson said. By 7:42 p.m., a notice went out to residents informing them they need to boil water before drinking it, using it to brush their teeth, or wash their face and hands. Anderson made clear that the boil-water notice is not meant to indicate that bacteria is present, but that it s possible. During the investigation, Anderson said officials discovered that the root of the malfunction originated at Pearland s other water treatment facility, on FM 521. Officials said they believe equipment there malfunctioned some time late afternoon -- but the system s alarm had failed to notify Public Works officials about the problem. For multiple hours, the problem went undetected, and the treatment facility on Kirby was left to compensate for all of Pearland s water for longer than it s supposed to in a situation like this, Anderson said. By 6 p.m., the Kirby treatment plant went down, too, and that s when Public Works finally discovered the issue. Anderson said it s unclear exactly how long the water pressure was lower than state and federal requirements and that this is part of the investigation -- as well as why the FM 521 treatment facility s fail-safe alarm failed. The safety of our water is paramount to us, and we will do a full investigation at the completion of this incident to make sure we put in additional measures to prevent this from happening again, Anderson said.the rest has been Houston music history.

台灣影視 星期五 2018 年 1 月 19 日 Friday, January 19, 2018 C6 老男孩 曝照 劉燁林依晨共乘單車粉紅無限 由劉俊傑導 劉燁 林依晨 雷佳音 胡先煦 等擔綱主演的 老男孩 近 日公布了 知愛 版人物劇 照 進壹步激發了網友對 於該劇的期待 想看 最 萌身高差同框 大頭 界的兩位扛把子對戲 的 呼聲與日俱增 目前 該 劇仍在有條不紊的拍攝 中 老男孩 定會不負 眾望 為觀眾呈現壹部高 品質佳作 桀驁機長+海歸甜心 甜 鹹 搭配 CP 感十 足 此前公布的先導片 海報等影像體現了該劇精 良的制作和上乘的質感 而 知愛 版人物劇照則 將角色形象更加生動的呈 現在了觀眾面前 其中機 長吳爭 劉燁飾 身著機 長制服散發出的熟男魅 力 與 麻辣海歸 女教 師林小歐 林依晨飾 的 知性氣質相得益彰 不久 前在 我的前半生 飾演 前夫哥 的雷佳音 此 次化身文化商人 又會給 觀眾帶來怎麽樣的驚喜呢 而胡先煦飾演的蕭晗 流 浪少年 的形象令人好奇 他在劇中的遭遇 另外 劇照中透露著的人物關系 也同樣吸引人眼球 特別 是吳爭與林小歐同乘單車 的浪漫瞬間 為整部戲增 添了粉紅氛圍 折射生活回歸初心 桀 驁老男孩感動成長 該劇采用 老男孩 視角描繪現實生活 將 老男孩 的成長之路緊 扣真實日常 劇中既有人 至不惑之年的吳爭在生活 發生翻天覆地的變化後 通過職場 情感上的種種 歷練實現自我蛻變的故事 也有看似事業有成但感 情上長期空窗的史非追尋 真愛的過程 同時二人的 兄弟情陰差陽錯的成為了 雙方追愛路上最大的阻撓 內心仍有少年情懷的 老 男孩 們 在仁義與愛情 之中做出抉擇時的心理變 化 透露著 年少不知愛 知愛不少年 的理想情懷 而該劇貫穿始終的 老男 孩 生活狀態及處世態度 也折射了外表成熟實則內 心拒絕 長大 的壹類都 市人群心理 勢必引發濃 烈的情感共鳴 桀驁老男 孩人至不惑之年經歷的 愛之初體驗 將帶給觀 眾最真實的感動 電視劇 老男孩 由 華策克頓旗下上海好劇影 視發行有限公司 中南文 化北京千易時代文化傳媒 有限公司聯合出品 其紮 實的劇本與新鮮的題材 將用品質和誠意為觀眾帶 來壹場浪漫盛宴 22 年情誼深 阿雅聲援小 S 我們會壹直閨蜜到老 楊丞琳豪宅曝光 竟有這麽大的空間任寵物奔跑 壹段小 S 在某節目裏和 阿雅吐露真心的片段被網友 熱議 視頻中小 S 因年輕時 經常將阿雅當做開玩笑對 象 不顧對方感受而誠摯道 歉 而這壹舉止也引來了網 友褒貶不壹的討論 而後阿雅也在微博上發 布了壹段文字 似在聲援小 S 想想多美好 我們會壹 直閨蜜到老 壹頭白發壹臉 幸福 繼續姐妹們的聚會 回味生命中的美好 我們就 是彼此的日記 妳最懂我 就這樣 每個女孩都有幾個 好閨蜜 短短幾句話將兩 人 22 年的情誼娓娓道來 節目中阿雅也透露自己 早已不在意此事 能有小 S 這樣的朋友真的很幸運 但我也知道 她有我這樣的 朋友她很幸運 深埋於心 底的心結終於解開 姐妹倆 感慨對方都已經長大成熟 網友也為這段友誼打 call 據 悉阿雅新書寫了長達幾千字 篇幅的文章來記錄她與小 S 的友情 閨蜜友誼之深可見 壹斑 楊丞琳臺風夜時 開直播與粉絲互動 難得以全素顏居家模樣入鏡 其中 她是為了拍攝愛犬 Yumi 意外曝光家中內部擺設 狗狗在超大客廳任意奔走 豪宅裝潢也令粉絲不禁驚呼好美 楊丞琳晚間直播 在鏡頭前以全素顏亮相 戴眼鏡上鏡 穿著條紋 T 恤 壹開始還用鯊魚夾夾起頭發 打扮相當居家 她還難得介紹嘴角 上方壹顆 隱藏痣 坦言臉上的痣其實不只壹顆 平時工作會用妝蓋 掉 唯有素顏時才能看見 雖然曾試圖點掉 無奈後來又在同個位置上長 出來 當晚直播壹共分成 3 段 在第 3 次直播的過程中 楊丞琳也分享 與家中寵物的日常互動 為妳們示範 怎麽叫都不會來的狗 她頻 頻大喊 Yumi 來 她原以為愛犬不會理自己 結果沒想到對方竟然 乖乖走過來 為此又好氣又好笑地說 奇怪了 我覺得牠不給我面子 他平時真的不會來 為什麽妳知道有鏡頭在拍 妳就會裝乖咧 引人註意的是 楊丞琳在拍攝愛犬 Yumi 走來的過程中 將鏡頭反轉 意外拍到家中客廳的樣貌 除了有白色沙發床 木質桌子及大電視墻之 外 寬敞地板上還鋪上十分有質感的地毯 超大空間引來不少網友驚呼 房間好大 好美喔 此外 因臺風影響 楊丞琳家中頻頻出現巨大風聲 讓壹向理性的 她忍不住害怕尖叫 也令粉絲十分擔心 為此 她 結 束 直 播 後 也 曬 出 壹 張 與 Yumi 的 合 照 向眾人報告 我帶著女兒到母親家了 我今 天必須跟她壹起睡 怕怕 安以軒蜜月歸來遇臺風 二十年來第壹次這樣擔心 安以軒和澳門富商陳榮煉在大溪地度完蜜月 後 二人返回臺灣時竟然遇上臺風 飛機在空中盤旋了很長時間才降落 驚險的 過程讓壹向膽大的她都捏了把冷汗 甚至不知道 如何用文字描述 她在微博說 坐了近二十年飛機 壹向膽 子算大的我 第壹次這樣擔心 今日晚班機返臺 遇上 中臺強風 襲臺 先是空中盤旋了好久 才決定降落 過程驚險已經不知道該如何用文字 形容 只能說幸運的成功降落後 機上響起了壹 片掌聲 雖然成功降落但因為強風導致空橋 接駁橋 無法正常和飛機接軌 所以先在機上 等候中 這個臺風令交通大受影響

廣告 星期五 2018 年 1 月 19 日 Friday, January 19, 2018 C7

廣 告 星期五 2018 年 1 月 19 日 Friday, January 19, 2018 C8