China Construction Bank (Asia) ( the Bank ) Effective January 1, 2015 SERVICES INWARD BILLS Opening commission on L/C % for each validity period

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China Construction Bank (Asia) ( the Bank ) Effective January 1, 2015 SERVICES INWARD BILLS Opening commission on L/C - 0.25% for each validity period of 6 months or part thereof, min. HKD500 for each validity period of 6 months or part thereof Back-to-back L/C - Opening commission as in a. & b. above, min. HKD900 Revolving L/C, min. HKD500 Irrevocable L/C calling for usance drafts or stipulating deferred payment terms Commission on amendment to L/C a. Amendment not covering increase in amount or extension in validity b. Increase in amount (fee charged on the amount increased) c. Extension in validity < 6 months d. Extension in validity > 6 months (fee charged on outstanding balance) - Opening commission as in a. & b. above, and in addition, 0.0625% for each month or part of a month, for the usance of the bill drawn thereunder or for the deferred payment period, min. HKD400. This charge is to be collected when the bill is paid - HKD400 flat - 0.25%, min. HKD500-0.25%, min. HKD500 Commission on issuing Standby Guarantee/Standby L/C/Bond a. first USD50,000 b. any balance > USD50,000 per each month of duration, or part thereof, min. HKD500 - To be negotiated 1168A (1/15) Commission on amendment to Standby Guarantee/Standby L/C/Bond a. Amendment not covering increase in amount or extension in validity b. Increase in amount (fee charged on the amount increased) c. Extension in validity (fee charged on the outstanding amount) Commission on HKD bill paid under our L/C in favor of local or foreign domiciled beneficiaries a. first USD50,000 b. any balance > USD50,000 Commission on discrepant bill under our L/C per month or part thereof, min. HKD500 - To be negotiated per month or part thereof, min. HKD500 - To be negotiated - USD60 per item Direct Settlement of collection bills - HKD350 flat 1

SERVICES INWARD BILLS Import bills with L/C or without L/C remain unpaid/unaccepted 2 months after the date of presentation or remain unpaid 2 months after the date of maturity (excluding trust receipt financing) Other charges a. Excess L/C drawing under import bill for USD250 b. Excess L/C drawing under import bill for > USD250 Shipping guarantee a. Issuance b. Relative documents not received within 3 months c. Shipping guarantee outstanding for more than 3 months Handling Commission on Import Bill for collection - HKD200 per month starting from the 3 rd month onwards - Free - 0.25% on the excess amount drawn, min. HKD300 - HKD350 per guarantee - Additional charge of 0.25% on the invoice value, min. HKD350 - HKD200 per month from the 4 th months onwards, min. HKD350 SERVICES OUTWARD BILLS a. For L/Cs with deferred reimbursement b. For subsequent amendments on extension or increase in amount Documentary bill presented to local bank for negotiation/approval and payment a. With Recourse b. Without Recourse or Approval and Payment Negotiation of export L/C under Letter of Indemnity - 0.0625% additional per month or part thereof for the period from the expiry date of the L/C to the latest date on which deferred payment may be received, min. HKD400-0.0625% per month or part thereof, min. HKD500, min. HKD350 - HKD100 flat Commission on import Invoice Financing Commission in-lieu-of exchange Commission on HKD bill collection not under L/C - 0.25%, min. HKD450 Packing loan - related documents not received Export bill under L/C where documents are checked - HKD300 for each of document or multiple of HKD300 for more than 1 set of document Acceptance under other bank s L/C - for validity of the acceptance - 0.0625% per month or part thereof, min. HKD400 OUTWARD BILLS L/C advising charges For advising L/C and any subsequent amendments a. For customer b. For non-account customer - HKD300 per L/C or amendment - HKD400 per L/C or amendment Handling Commission on Export Bills for collection under L/C or not under L/C Commission on Export Invoice Financing, min. HKD350-0.25%, min. HKD400 2 Transfer of L/C a. Transfer the whole L/C without any alterations to the terms and conditions therein for local or foreign domiciled beneficiaries b. Transfer with alterations to the terms and conditions therein for local or foreign domiciled beneficiaries c. Amendment not covering increase in amount d. Amendment covering increase in amount (fee charged on the amount increased) - 0.25%, min. HKD700-0.25%, min. HKD700 Confirmation of L/C - 0.0625% per month or part thereof for the validity of the L/C, min. HKD500 Non-L/C bills purchased handling fee - HKD200 flat Transit Interest - Collect interest from date of purchase to date of receiving proceeds HKD Export bill purchased with or without L/C Commission in-lieu-of exchange Commission on HKD Export Bill for collection under L/C or not under L/C Small export bill handling with L/C or without L/C of < USD10,000 - HKD150 flat 3

SERVICES OUTWARD BILLS Export bills with L/C or without L/C - HKD200 per month starting from remain unpaid/unaccepted 2 months the 3 rd month onwards after the date of presentation or remain unpaid 2 months after the date of maturity MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (Applicable to both inwarded and outward bills) Fax charges a. for records 2 years b. for records > 2 years Overdue interest Inward bills financing (IB)/ Trust receipt financing (TR)/ Import invoice finance (PIF)/ Packing loan (P/L)/ Export invoice finance (PEXP) Advance under bill sent for collection Purchase/negotiate export sight bill with or without L/C Purchase/negotiate export usance bill with or without L/C - accepted bill - non-accepted bill - HKD30 per copy - HKD50 per copy, min. HKD200 than the *Base Rate from the due date of the loan to the date of our receipt of payment plus overdue commission of HKD300 per each time of repayment than the *Base Rate from the due date of the loan to the date of our receipt of payment than the *Base Rate after 60 days from the date of advance/negotiation to the date of our receipt of payment than the *Base Rate after 10 days from the due date to the date of our receipt of payment than the *Base Rate after 60 days from the date of advance/negotiation to the date of our receipt of payment 服務項目收費出口單據附有或沒有附有信用證之出口單 - 由第三個月起計每月 200 港元據於提示日兩個月後仍未付款或於提示日兩個月後仍未承兌或於到期日兩個月後仍未付款 其他雜項收費均適用於出口及進口單據 傳真費 - 客戶索取首兩年記錄 - 客戶索取超過兩年記錄 逾期利息進口單貸款 (IB)/ 信託收據貸款 (TR)/ 進口發票貼現 (PIF)/ 打包放款 (P/L)/ 出口發票貼現 (PEXP)/ - 每份 30 港元 - 每份 50 港元, 最低收費為 200 港元 - 收取由到期日至還款日之逾期利息, 計算方法為 * 基本利率加 2% 另外, 每次還款收取逾期手續費 300 港元 憑託收票據墊款 - 收取由到期日至還款日之逾期利息, 計算方法為 * 基本利率加 2% 附有或沒有信用證之出口即期票據墊款 / 議付 附有或沒有信用證之出口遠期票據墊款 / 議付 - 收取由墊款 / 議付日期六十天後起至還款日之逾期利息, 計算方法為 * 基本利率加 2% - 已承兌單據 - 收取由到期日十天後起至還款日之逾期利息, 計算方法為 * 基本利率加 2% - 未承兌單據 - 收取由墊款 / 議付日期六十天後起至還款日之逾期利息, 計算方法為 * 基本利率加 2% * Definition for Base Rate In respect of Hong Kong Dollar trade loan, Base Rate is calculated on a daily basis at the aggregate of the prevailing interest margin and the higher of (i) the prime rate for lending Hong Kong dollars as published and/or announced and/or applied by the Bank from time to time or (ii) 0.5% per annum plus one-month Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (quoted on Reuters monitor screen at or about 11:00 am on the relevant day), in each case as determined by us, subject to fluctuation at our discretion. In respect of Foreign Currency trade loan, Base Rate is calculated on a daily basis at the aggregate of the prevailing interest margin and the best rate for lending of the respective foreign currencies as published and/or announced and/or applied by the Bank from time to time subject to fluctuation at our discretion. * 基本利率之定義港元貿易貸款之基本利率計算方法 : 基本利率將會逐日計算並按息差加 (i) 本行不時公佈及 / 或應用之港元最優惠借貸利率或 (ii) 一個月香港同業拆息 ( 於有關日期上午十一時前後在路透社屏幕所報為準 ) 另加年息 0.5% 之總和計算 ( 以本行所釐訂為準 ), 以較高者為準 利率按本行酌情更改波動 外幣貿易貨款之基本利率計算方法 : 基本利率將會逐日計算並按息差加本行不時公佈及 / 或應用之各外幣最優惠借貸利率之總和計算 以上利率按本行酌情更改而波動 4 Note: L/C Letter of Credit The charges are correct at the time of printing (1/2015) but remain subject to change with notice. For charges not listed above, please contact our branches for details. All out-of-pocket expenses (i.e. cable and postage charges) will be charged back to the customer s account accordingly. In case there are any conflicts between English version and Chinese version, English version will prevail. For details, please contact Trade Finance Services Department at (852) 3718 3008 or visit 註 : 以上收費於付印時 (1/2015) 均為最新適用資料, 惟本行隨時修改其中內容, 但定必向外公告 收費未能盡錄, 詳情請向各分行查詢 一切代客支付之費用 ( 諸如電報費及郵費等 ) 將於客戶戶口內扣除 中英文本文義若有分岐, 須以英文為準 查詢詳情, 請致電貿易服務部 (852) 3718 3008 或 瀏覽 4

服務項目 出口單據 收費 信用證保兌 - 信用證有效期內每月或不足一個月收費 0.0625%, 最低收費為 500 港元 a. 付有延期索匯之信用證 - 由信用證有效期至延期索匯期間每個月或不足一個月加收 0.0625%, 最低收費為 400 港元 b. 展期或增額之修改 - 每月或不足一個月收費 0.0625%, 最低收費為 500 港元 提交本地銀行議付 / 核准及支付之出口跟單信用證 a. 附追索權 - 超過 50,000 美元之任何餘額 b. 無追索權 或 核准及支付, 最低收費為 350 港元 憑擔保賠償書議付出口信用證 - 一律 100 港元打包放款 - 有關文件欠奉 出口跟單信用證審單 - 每套收 300 港元 如多於一套, 則按 300 港元倍數遞增收費 承兌其他銀行信用證 - 於承兌有效期內 - 每月或不足一個月 0.0625%, 最低收費為 400 港元 附有或沒有信用證之出口託收票據手續費 出口發票貼現手續費 買入沒有附有出口信用證單據手續費, 最低收費為 350 港元 - 0.25%, 最低收費為 400 港元 - 一律 200 港元 中轉利息 - 收取由買入日期起至收款日期止之利息 買入附有或沒有信用證之港元出口單據 無兌換佣金 附有或沒有附有信用證之出口託收港元票據手續費 服務項目進口單據 附有或沒有附有信用證之進口單據 ( 不計信託收據 ) - 於提示日兩個月後仍未付款或於提示日兩個月後仍未承兌或於到期日兩個月後仍未付款 其他收費 a. 超額信用證提取 250 美元之進口單據或以下 b. 超額信用證提取多於 250 美元之進口單據 收費 - 由第三個月起計每月 200 港元 - 免費 - 按超額提取之金額計 0.25%, 最低收費為 300 港元 擔保提貨 a. 發出擔保 - 每次擔保提貨收費 350 港元 b. 如三個月內未收到有關文件 - 按發票面值加收 0.25% 額外費用, 最低收費為 350 港元 c. 如發出擔保提貨超過三個月 - 由第四個月起計, 每月收費為 200 港元 託收進口單據手續費, 最低收費為 350 港元 進口發票貼現手續費 - 0.25%, 最低收費為 450 港元 無兌換佣金 託收港元進口單據手續費 出口單據 信用證通知費通知信用證及其後任何修正 a. 本行客戶 - 每份信用證或每次修正收費 300 港元 b. 非本行客戶 - 每份信用證或每次修正收費 400 港元 信用證轉讓 a. 轉讓整份信用證予本地或海外 - 一律 500 港元 受益人而毋須更改其中條件及條款 b. 轉讓信用證予本地或海外受益人並更改其中條件及條款 - 0.25%, 最低收費為 700 港元 - 超過 50,000 美元之任何餘額 c. 非增額之修改 - 一律 500 港元 d. 增額之修改 - 附有或沒有附有信用證之少於 - 一律 150 港元首 50,000 美元 - 0.25%, 最低收費為 700 港元 - 超過 50,000 美元之任何餘額 3 10,000 美元小額出口單據手續費 2

中國建設銀行 ( 亞洲 )( 銀行 ) 服務項目 進口單據 收費 二零一五年一月一日生效 信用證開證費 - 每六個月或不足六個月有效期收費 0.25%, 最低收費為 500 港元 - 每六月或不足六個月有效期收費 0.125% 背對背信用證 - 開證費與上述 a. 及 b. 項相同, 最低收費為 900 港元循環信用證, 最低收費為 500 港元 信用證要求遠期匯票或附有延期索匯條款 修改信用證手續費 a. 非增額或展期之修改 - 一律 400 港元 b. 增額 ( 按增加金額收取費用 ) - 超過 50,000 美元之任何餘額 - 開證費與上述 a. 及 b. 項相同, 並按遠期票據或延期索匯期間每月或不足一個月加收費 0.0625%, 最低收費為 400 港元 此項收費將於付款時收取 - 0.25%, 最低收費為 500 港元 c. 首六個月展期 - 一律 500 港元 d. 多於六個月展期 ( 按未提取餘額收取費用 ) - 超過 50,000 美元之任何餘額 - 0.25%, 最低收費為 500 港元 發出備用擔保 / 備用信用證 / 擔保書手續費 - 期內每月收費或不足一個月收費 0.125%, 最低收費為 500 港元 - 手續費另議 修改備用擔保 / 備用信用證 / 擔 保書手續費 a. 非增額或展期之修改 - 一律 500 港元 b. 增額 ( 按增加金額收取費用 ) - 每月收費或不足一個月收費 0.125%, 最低收費為 500 港元 - 超過 50,000 美元之任何餘額 - 手續費另議 c. 展期 ( 按未提取餘額收取費用 ) - 每月收費或不足一個月收費 0.125%, 最低收費為 500 港元 - 超過 50,000 美元之任何餘額 - 手續費另議 支付本行信用證項下港元票據予本地或海外受益人之手續費 本行進口信用證單據之不符點手續費 - 每項 60 美元 1 買方直接付款予賣方的託收單據 - 一律 350 港元