第二章 影響中共與越南關係發展的主要原因

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3 : 121,, [1 ] (Stage Theory),,,,,,, 1 :, ;,,,,, 1 :11, 6,116 ; , 2003 ; 31 = Π ; 2, 1996 ;1996,,2000, Walt Rostow (1960, 1971), A. F. K. Organ

作 主 动 追 求 知 识 获 取 技 能, 在 心 理 和 生 理 上 都 非 常 积 极 的 个 体 (Zimmerman & Pons, 1986) 在 此 期 间, 自 我 效 能 感 (self-efficacy) 自 我 控 制 (self-control) 自 我 管 理 (self-

,,,???,,?,, 1, ( ),,, (),,, (),,:,,,,,, (),,,,,,,, 2,,, 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1, [] :,,1997,13 2 :, ,,, See Edward L. Glaeser and Andrei Shlei


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1 Randall Hansen and Patrick Weil, editors, Dual Nationality, Social Rights and Federal Citizenship in the U. S. and Europe, New York: Berghahn Books,

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1 2280 2 7868.58 2002 Kenneth 3 Waltz James Rosenau pre-theory idiosyncratic role governmental societal systemic 4 Joshua S. Goldstein International Relation 5 1950 1 1964 6 1 2 1998 1 421 3 Kenneth N. Waltz. Man, the Stste and War New York, N. Y. : Columbia University Press, 1959 4 James Rosenau, Pre-theory and Theories of Foreign Policy, in Approaches to comparative and Interational Politics, ed. R. Barry FarrelEvanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1966, 27-92. 5 Joshua S. Goldstein International Relations 2003 7 142 21

939 939 6 1885 1945 1949 10 1 1950 1 18 7 8 214 9 10 6 1998 5 1-8 7 2000 2001 3 5 8 1964 6 1 9 2000 2001 3 5 10 1964 6 1 22

112 679 939-944 11 968 975 1174 939 235 12 939 1885 900 13 968 1190 120 40 3 1261 1331 70 50 2 270 2 11 1998 5 2-4 12 1998 5 4-6 13 1992 5 2 23

14 15 1802 16 19 1885 67 17 2000 1900 1908 2 18 1924 20 10 19 1945 7 16 20 1946 2 28 15000 170000 21 14 1992 5 2 15 2001 5 375 16 2000 2001 3 6 17 1992 5 5-6 18 1992 5 8 19 1972 8 2 20 2002 3 76 21 1986 6 9-10 24

1950 22 50 19 George Simmel 23 Strategic Triangle Lowell Dittmer game 24 22 William Tow, China and the International Strategic System, in Chinese Foreign Policy: Theory and Practice, eds. Thomas W. robinson and David Shambaugh Oxford: Clarendon press, 1994, 124. 23 George Simmel, The Sociology of George Simmel, Translated by Kurt F. Wolf New York: The Free Press, 1950, 118-162. 24 Lowell Dittmer, The Strategic Triangle: An Elementary Game-Theoretical, in Klaus Knorr ed, 25

M enage a Trois A Positive B C Negative Romantic Triangle pivot player wing player A Positive B C Negative Stable Marriage A Positive B C Negative Unit-veto A Positive B C Negative 25 The Power, Stratigy, and Security, Princeton, N. J,: Princeton University Press, 1983, 37. 25 27 2 2001 2 41-49 26

2~1 1949-1956 1956-1971 1972-1979 1979-1982 1982-1986 1986-1988 1989-1991 1992-1996 1996-1949 15 1986 1996 1991 1991 50 70 50 60 70 1979 27

50 50 1964 70 70 1978 1978 1989 1967 8 8 70 80 26 1967-1976 1976-1978 1979-1989 27 1978 1979 26 Richard Sokolsky, The Role of Southeast Asia in U. S. Strategy Toward China2001, 44-46. 28 12 2002 12 46-55 27 1995 3 1995 3 43-45 28

1991 28 1975 1978 29 1979 2 17 30 1999 28 1984 12 33-45 29 31 9 1989 3 69-77 30 1996.3 1996 3 36-39 29

31 90 1995 1989-1995 1995 2002 11 103 32 31 1308 1999 3 24 27-35 32 2002 11 5 3 30

2000 10 1 33 John Locke Antonie Destutt de Tracy Science of ideas ideologues 34 Michael Freeden 35 Willeud A. Mullins 36 Isaac Kramnick Frederick M. Watkins 37 33 2001 4 2001 4 9-12 34 Isaac Kramnick Frederick M. Watkins 1750 The Age of IdeologyPolitical Thought, 1750 to the Present 1983 1-2 35 Michael Freeden, Ideologis and Political Theor, Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1996, 13. 36 Willeud A. Mullins, On the Concept of Ideology in Political Science, American Political Science Review, Vol. IXVI, June 1972 507-510. 37 Isaac Kramnick Frederick M. Watkins 1750 The Age of IdeologyPolitical Thought, 1750 to the Present 31

ideology aideology as Instilution 38 70 70 50 19 50 50 1983 2 38 13 1 1981 7 34-47 32

60 70 1960 80 39 90 50 1951 40 41 42 1956 39 1984 440 40 1951 8 2 41 1952 7 2 42 1984 12 5 33

60 1969 43 80 1991 43 1986 6 12 34

44 45 46 44 1991 12 67-69 45 1995 5 510-511 46 P. J. Honey Communism in North Vietnam 35

19 47 1955 48 1975 1975 8 1976 2 9 1977 1978 4 6 1977 49 27 1966 5 9 47 1986 6 7-8 48 1989 9 145 49 1991 5 247-248 36

1978 72 3 6 16 7 3 50 1982 11 10 54 1989 1991 51 50 1992 12 247-248 51 1995 1 1995 1 49-51 37

Hans J. Morgenthau 52 K. J. Holsti 53 Charles Beard 54 55 Alan J. Day 1975 56 1885 1887 1895 333 120 12 16 13 14 19 28 13 5 57 1975 52 Michael G. Roskin and Nicholas O. Berry, IR:The New World of International Relations, 2 nd edition Englewood CliffsPrentice Hall Inc., 1993, 33. 53 K. J. Holsti Internationaal Politics, A Framework for Analysis 1995 8 177-192 54 Sondermann, The Theory and Practice of International RelationsEnglewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall, 1974. 37. 55 1997 12 1-20 56 Alan J. Day, Border and Territorial Disputes Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1992, 465-472. 57 2001 5 379 38

58 60 19571958 1974 1974 100 1975 439 1976 986 1977 752 1978 1100 1974 1978 3500 59 1986 1974 1974 174 1975 294 1976 812 1977 873 1978 2175 60 1979 2 17 1979 1985 1 61 100 500 62 1986 7 1991 1999 12 30 63 58 1984 12 64 59 1989 9 147-148 60 31 7 1988 7 77-87 61 1986 2 12 62 31 7 1988 7 77-87 63 2000 2000 39

1887 64 2/3 30 130 65 1973-1974 2000 12 25 66 140-87 67 63 64 1980 1 93-94 65 2001 5 380 66 2001 2001 62 67 1991 5 9 40

1974 1956 6 10 1956 6 15 1965 9 9 68 1974 69 1974 1 20 1974 2 1975 4 1974 1975 1979 1982 1988 3 14 70 1997 30 1974 71 1974 1974 1979 1991 1999 2000 68 1984 12 62 69 1988 3 29 6 70 1999 7 385 71 1988 3 29 6 41

1990 72 2001 2 73 2002 11 103 74 75 1950-1978 1991-2003 76 72 2001 9 2001 9 106-108 73 1358 2001 3 7 27-34 74 2002 11 5 3 75 Frederick S.Pearson J. Martin Rochester Introduction to Internation Relations 2001 9 351 76 10 2 1978 10 80-112 42

77 John Franklin Copper 78 70 90 77 1963 12 2-4 2001 8 10 78 John Franklin Copper, China s Foreign Aid: An Instrument of Peking s Foreign Policy Massachusetts: Lexing Books, 1976, 5. 43

2~2 1953.08.25 1954.12.24 1955.02.27 1955.07.07 1955 1959 8 1955 1956.07.26 1956 1957.07.31 1957 1958.03.31 18 18 1961 1959.02.18 1960 1962 1959 3 1 2 8 1967 1 4 2 49 1961.01.31 1 4 7 50 1961 1967 28 1963.01.08 1963.06 1965.05.30 12 1965.07.13 1965.12.05 1966.08.29 1967.08.05 1968.03.22 1968.07.23 1969.09.26 1970 1970.05.25 1970 1970.10.06 1970.10.31 4 1971 1970.11.26 5 1971.02.15 1971 1971.02.22 1971 1971.07.04 1971 44

1971.09.27 1972 1971.12.05 9 27 1972 12 5 1972 1972.01.22 1972 1972.06.28 1972 1972.11.26 1973 1972.12.27 1973.06.08 1974 1973.07.19 1973 1973.11.20 1974 1973.11.27 5 1974.10.26 1975 1975 1974.12.28 1975 1975.09.25 1976 1978.07.03 1992.12.02 8 1994.08.20 1992 8 1997.10.25 2 1998.12.17 1000 1999.12.17 2000.06.12 2001.3.14 1000 2001.12.04 2002.03.01 1991-2003 1991-2003 1986 4 1999 575-580 339 1978 1992 1994 1994 1.7 1997 1 45

2000 6 1841.8 3683.6 2000 79 2001 12 4050 360 80 2 1950 1 18 1975 1975 1991 1978 1979 1991 79 109 2002 1 39-44 80 2002 1 68-70 46

50 60 70 1979-1982 82-89 90 70 50 70 70 1979 80 47

81 1991 82 90 1975 1975 1974 1974 1978 3500 81 1991 1994 1994 29-31 82 2001 9 2001 9 106-108 48

1978 1992 1978 1960 83 1991 1964 83 1992 5 81-85 49