C. In the New Testament the overcomers are likened to Zion; in Revelation 14:1 the one hundred forty-four thousand overcomers are not just in Jerusale

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Winter Training 2011 Crystallization-Study of the Psalms (2) Message Nine The Preciousness of Zion and Jerusalem and the Situation of the Overcomers in Zion Scripture Reading: Psa. 122:1; 125:1-2; 127:1; 128:5; 131:2; 132 Outline 二 一一年冬季訓練詩篇結晶讀經 ( 二 ) 第九篇錫安和耶路撒冷的寶貴, 以及在錫安之得勝者的光景 讀經 : 詩一二二 1, 一二五 1 ~ 2, 一二七 1, 一二八 5, 一三一 2, 一三二綱目 Day 1 週 一 I. Among the Old Testament types, there is God's holy city, Jerusalem, and within this city there is a high peak called Zion, on which the temple was built (Psa. 2:6; 125:1): A. Although God is mysterious and invisible, there are two earthly signs of God's existence Zion and Jerusalem. B. Psalms 120 through 134 indicate that Zion, the center, and Jerusalem, the circumference, remained deeply in the consideration of the people of Israel; they were very concerned for Zion and Jerusalem (137:1, 5-6). C. On Mount Zion we have the church the Body of Christ and God's economy for God's testimony (Heb. 12:18-24). II. Jerusalem typifies the church, a n d M o u n t Z i o n t y p i f i e s t h e overcomers in the church (Psa. 2:6; 20:2; 48:11-12; 53:6a; 87:2): A. Zion is the highlight of Jerusalem, the beauty of the holy city (48:2; 50:2). B. The characteristics, the life, the blessing, and the establishment of Jerusalem come from Zion (51:18; 102:21; 128:5; 135:21; Isa. 41:27; Joel 3:17). Day 2 壹. 在舊約的豫表中, 有神的聖城耶路撒冷, 城內有一高峯, 稱為錫安, 聖殿建於其上 詩二 6, 一二五 1: 一. 雖然神是奧秘且看不見的, 然而, 神的存在有兩個地上的標記 錫安和耶路撒冷 二. 詩篇一百二十至一百三十四篇指明, 作中心的錫安和作圓周的耶路撒冷, 深深留在以色列人的思想中 ; 他們非常關切錫安和耶路撒冷 一三七 1,5 ~ 6 三. 在錫安山上我們有召會 基督的身體 以及神的經綸, 為着神的見證 來十二 18 ~ 24 貳. 耶路撒冷豫表召會, 錫安山豫表召會裏的得勝者 詩二 6, 二十 2, 四八 11 ~ 12, 五三 6 上, 八七 2: 一. 錫安乃是耶路撒冷顯著的部分, 就是聖城的美麗 四八 2, 五十 2 二. 耶路撒冷的特色 生命 祝福 建立, 都是從錫安得着 五一 18, 一〇二 21, 一二八 5, 一三五 21, 賽四一 27, 珥三 17 週 二 Winter Training 2011 - Message 9 Outline - Page 1 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇綱目 - 第 1 頁

C. In the New Testament the overcomers are likened to Zion; in Revelation 14:1 the one hundred forty-four thousand overcomers are not just in Jerusalem they are on the peak of Zion. D. In the church age the God-men who have been perfected and matured are Zion, the overcomers (v. 1): 1. The church is the heavenly Jerusalem, and the overcomers are Zion as the high peak and the highlight (Heb. 12:22; Rev. 14:1). 2. The church life is today's Jerusalem, and in the church there must be a group of overcomers; these overcomers are today's Zion. 3. The overcomers are for the building up of the Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem (Rom. 12:4-5; Eph. 4:16; Rev. 3:12). 4. The overcomers conquer the satanic chaos in the old creation and carry out the divine economy for the new creation (1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 1:10; 3:9-10; 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15). 5. The Lord needs the overcomers to carry out the economy of God to have a Body and to destroy His enemy (Eph. 1:10; 3:9-10; Rev. 12:11). Day 3 6. Without the overcomers the Body of Christ cannot be built up, and unless the Body of Christ is built up, Christ cannot come back for His bride (Eph. 4:16; 5:23, 27, 32; Rev. 19:7-9). E. The Lord's recovery is to build up Zion (14:1; Eph. 4:16; Rev. 21:2): 1. Z i o n i s t h e r e a l i t y o f t h e B o d y o f C h r i s t consummating in the New Jerusalem, and in the Lord's recovery today we must endeavor to reach this high peak (Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4-6, 16; Rev. 21:2). 2. The highest peak in God's economy is Zion, the reality of the Body of Christ, and in the church life we need to reach this high peak (Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 1:2; 12:12-13, 27). 3. The reality of the Body of Christ (Zion) is the corporate living of the perfected God-men, who are genuine men but live by the life of the processed 三. 新約中的得勝者被比喻為錫安 ; 在啓示錄十四章一節, 十四萬四千個得勝者不僅是在耶路撒冷, 乃是在錫安高峯 四. 在召會時代, 已經得成全並成熟的神人乃是錫安, 就是得勝者 1 節 : 1. 召會是屬天的耶路撒冷, 得勝者是錫安這高峯和顯著的部分 來十二 22, 啓十四 1 2. 召會生活是今天的耶路撒冷, 而在召會裏必須有一班得勝者 ; 這些得勝者就是今天的錫安 3. 得勝者是為着建造基督的身體, 以終極完成新耶路撒冷 羅十二 4 ~ 5, 弗四 16, 啓三 12 4. 得勝者征服在舊造裏撒但的混亂, 並且為着新造完成神聖的經綸 提前一 4, 弗一 10, 三 9 ~ 10, 林後五 17, 加六 15 5. 主需要得勝者, 好完成神的經綸, 使祂得着一個身體, 並毀壞祂的仇敵 弗一 10, 三 9 ~ 10, 啓十二 11 週 三 6. 沒有得勝者, 基督的身體就無法建造起來 ; 而基督的身體若沒有建造起來, 基督就無法回來迎娶新婦 弗四 16, 五 23,27,32, 啓十九 7 ~ 9 五. 主的恢復是要建造錫安 十四 1, 弗四 16, 啓二一 2: 1. 錫安就是基督身體的實際, 終極完成於新耶路撒冷, 而在今日主的恢復裏, 我們必須竭力達到這高峯 弗一 22 ~ 23, 四 4 ~ 6,16, 啓二一 2 2. 神經綸裏的最高峯乃是錫安, 就是基督身體的實際 ; 在召會生活中我們需要達到這高峯 羅十二 4 ~ 5, 林前一 2, 十二 12 ~ 13,27 3. 基督身體的實際 ( 錫安 ) 乃是被成全之神人所過的團體生活, 他們是真正的人, 但他們憑經過過程並終極 Winter Training 2011 - Message 9 Outline - Page 2 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇綱目 - 第 2 頁

and consummated Triune God, whose attributes are expressed through their virtues (Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:10; 1:19-21a). F. In the new heaven and new earth, the entire New Jerusalem will become Zion; the New Jerusalem, the eternal Mount Zion, will be the Holy of Holies, the place where God is (Rev. 21:1-2, 16, 22; cf. Ezek. 48:35). G. The only way to reach the high peak of Zion is by praying; in order to reach Zion by praying, we need to know the significance of prayer for the carrying out of God's economy (1 Tim. 1:4; 2:8): 1. Prayer is man breathing God, obtaining God, and being obtained by God; real prayer is an exhaling and inhaling before God, causing us and God to contact each other and to gain each other (1 Thes. 5:17). 2. Prayer is man cooperating and co-working with God, allowing God to express Himself and His desire from within him and through him and thus accomplish His purpose (Rom. 8:26-27; James 5:17; Eph. 1:16-23; 3:14-21). Day 4 III. In the Psalms of Ascents Psalms 120 through 134 we see the preciousness of Zion and Jerusalem to the saints; in all these psalms the house and the city are the center: A. In Psalm 122 we see the saints' love for the house of God in Jerusalem (v. 1). B. Psalm 125 speaks concerning Jehovah's surrounding of His people: 1. Those who trust in Jehovah are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever; they love Mount Zion and liken themselves to Mount Zion (v. 1). 2. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so Jehovah surrounds His people from now and to eternity (v. 2). C. Psalm 127 reveals Jehovah's care for and blessing to His people; instead of laboring in 完成之三一神的生命而活 ; 三一神的屬性藉着他們的美德彰顯出來 加二 20, 腓三 10, 一 19 ~ 21 上 六. 在新天新地裏, 整個新耶路撒冷要成為錫安 ; 新耶路撒冷, 永遠的錫安山, 將是至聖所, 就是神所在的地方 啓二一 1 ~ 2,16,22, 參結四八 35 七. 達到錫安高峯惟一的路乃是藉着禱告 ; 我們要藉着禱告達到錫安, 就需要認識禱告的意義, 以完成神的經綸 提前一 4, 二 8: 1. 禱告乃是人呼吸神, 得着神, 而給神得着 ; 真實的禱告乃是在神面前一呼一吸, 叫我們和神彼此接觸, 互相得着 帖前五 17 2. 禱告乃是人與神合作同工, 讓神從人裏面, 藉着人把神自己和神的心意發表出來, 而成功祂的旨意 羅八 26 ~ 27, 雅五 17, 弗一 16 ~ 23, 三 14 ~ 21 週 四 叁. 在上行之詩 詩篇一百二十至一百三十四篇裏, 我們看見錫安和耶路撒冷對於聖民是寶貴的 ; 在這一切詩篇中, 殿和城乃是中心 : 一. 在一百二十二篇我們看見聖民對耶路撒冷神的殿的愛 1 節 二. 一百二十五篇說到耶和華圍繞祂的百姓 : 1. 信靠耶和華的人, 好像錫安山, 永遠存在, 總不動搖 ; 他們愛錫安山, 並且將自己比喻為錫安山 1 節 2. 眾山怎樣圍繞耶路撒冷, 耶和華也照樣圍繞祂的百姓, 從今時直到永遠 2 節 三. 一百二十七篇啓示, 耶和華顧念並賜福給祂的百姓 ; 我們不該憑自己 Winter Training 2011 - Message 9 Outline - Page 3 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇綱目 - 第 3 頁

ourselves, we should trust in God, for He will take care of us and He will bless us. Day 5 D. Psalm 128 speaks of Jehovah's blessing to Israel from Zion; God always blesses people from Zion, that is, from the overcomers (v. 5; cf. Num. 6:23-27). E. In Psalm 131 a saint speaks about his humbled heart and quieted soul before Jehovah: 1. The psalmist has calmed and quieted his soul within him; he has been weaned, or stripped, of everything except the Lord (v. 2). 2. When our heart is humbled and our soul is quiet, we are in a condition that is suitable for God to come in to rest (132:14): a. In such a situation God can have a resting place, a dwelling (v. 14). b. Only when we are humble, calm, and quiet is the situation right for God to rise up, enter us, and take us as His resting place; this is Zion becoming God's habitation, His resting place, as revealed in Psalm 132. Day 6 IV. Psalm 132 speaks concerning Jehovah's habitation and rest in Zion through David (typifying Christ) His anointed: A. In verses 2 through 5 we see David's desire for the house of God. B. David wanted Jehovah to arise and enter with the Ark into His resting place in Zion; today this resting place is the overcomers in the churches (vv. 6-8). C. Verses 7 and 8 are figurative of the recovery of the church life: 1. The Ark was separated from the tabernacle; this signifies that Christ was with the church but that He has been separated from the church. 勞碌奮鬬, 乃該信靠神, 因為祂要眷顧我們, 也要賜福給我們 週 五 四. 一百二十八篇說到耶和華從錫安賜福給以色列 ; 神總是從錫安, 就是從得勝者祝福祂的子民 5 節, 參民六 23 ~ 27 五. 在詩篇一百三十一篇, 一位聖民說到他在耶和華面前心謙卑 魂安靜 : 1. 詩人裏面的魂平穩安靜, 他斷過奶, 就是被剝奪了主以外的一切 2 節 2. 我們的心謙卑, 魂安靜時, 我們就是在適合神進來安息的光景中 一三二 14: a. 在這樣的情況裏, 神就能有安息之所, 能有居所 14 節 b. 惟有我們謙卑 平穩 安靜時, 神纔能興起, 進入我們裏面, 以我們為祂的安息之所 ; 這就是錫安成了神的居所, 祂安息之所, 如一百三十二篇裏所啓示的 週 六 肆. 詩篇一百三十二篇說到耶和華藉着祂的受膏者大衞 ( 豫表基督 ), 在錫安得了居所和安息 : 一. 二至五節給我們看見大衞渴望神的居所 二. 大衞求耶和華興起, 和約櫃同入錫安的安息之所 ; 今天這安息之所就是眾召會中的得勝者 6 ~ 8 節 三. 七至八節是召會生活恢復的象徵 : 1. 約櫃與帳幕分開 ; 這表徵已往基督是同着召會, 但現今基督已經與召會分開 Winter Training 2011 - Message 9 Outline - Page 4 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇綱目 - 第 4 頁

2. Now is the time for us all to say, Arise, O Jehovah, unto Your resting place, / You and the Ark of Your strength (v. 8). D. Verses 14 through 18 are Jehovah's speaking concerning Zion; this is a picture of the top church life the situation of the overcomers in Zion, the highest peak of God's mountain: 1. Psalm 132 mentions seven items related to the overcomers: resting in God, dwelling with God (v. 14), food for satisfaction (v. 15), glorious clothing (v. 16), the horn of victory (v. 17), the enlightening lamp (v. 17), and the shining crown (v. 18). 2. These items portray the situation of the overcomers in Zion, the highest peak of God's mountain. 2. 現今我們都必須說, 耶和華阿, 求你興起, 和你有能力的約櫃同入你安息之所 8 節 四. 十四至十八節是耶和華論到錫安 ; 這是拔尖之召會生活的圖畫 在錫安 ( 神的山最高峯 ) 之得勝者的光景 : 1. 一百三十二篇題到七個與得勝者有關的項目 : 在神裏面安息 與神同住 (14 ) 飽得食物 (15 ) 榮耀的衣服 (16 ) 得勝的角 (17 ) 照亮的燈 (17 ) 和發光的冠冕 (18 ) 2. 這些項目描繪在錫安 ( 神的山最高峯 ) 之得勝者的光景 Winter Training 2011 - Message 9 Outline - Page 5 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇綱目 - 第 5 頁

Winter Training 2011 - Message 9 Outline - Page 6 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇綱目 - 第 6 頁

Winter Training 2011 Crystallization-Study of the Psalms (2) Message Nine (Day 1) The Preciousness of Zion and Jerusalem and the Situation of the Overcomers in Zion Morning Nourishment Psa. 2:6 "But I have installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain." Psa. 125:1-2 "Those who trust in Jehovah are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever. Jerusalem mountains surround her; and Jehovah surrounds His people from now and to eternity." Among the Old Testament types there is God's holy city, Jerusalem, which is common and general. Within this city there is a high peak called Zion (Psa. 2:6; 125:1). Zion is the highlight of Jerusalem. Today the church is the heavenly Jerusalem (Heb. 12:22), and the overcomers are Zion as the high peak, the highlight. If all the believers are common and general, the church will be merely Jerusalem without a high peak, without Zion. Such a situation is not beautiful. Jerusalem's beauty is with Zion. Zion is the beauty of the holy city (Psa. 48:2; 50:2). (The Organic Union in God's Relationship with Man, p. 53) Today's Reading Whereas Psalm 119 talks about the law, in [Psalms 120 through 134] the law is not mentioned. Instead...these psalms refer to the matter of captivity. The people of Israel loved the law, but they did not live according to the law. After they received the law, their sins, offenses, and transgressions increased. They even went so far as to turn from God and worship idols. For instance, Judges 17 tells us of a man who set up idols in his home, who appointed one of his sons to be his priest, and who later hired a Levite to be a priest in his house. Since the people of Israel wanted to worship idols, God caused them to go into captivity in a land of idols. As the people were suffering in captivity, they forgot many things, but they could not forget Zion and Jerusalem. At that time, Mount Zion and Jerusalem, which was built on Zion, were the only signs left on earth 二 一一年冬季訓練 詩篇結晶讀經 ( 二 ) 第九篇 ( 週一 ) 錫安和耶路撒冷的寶貴, 以及在錫安之得勝者的光景 晨興餧養 詩二 6 耶和華 說, 我已經立我的王在錫安我的聖山上了 詩一二五 1 ~ 2 信靠耶和華的人, 好像錫安山, 永遠存在, 總不動搖 眾山怎樣圍繞耶路撒冷, 耶和華也照樣圍繞祂的百姓, 從今時直到永遠 在舊約的豫表裏, 有神的聖城耶路撒冷, 是普通的 一般的 ; 但在這座城裏面, 有一個高峯, 稱為錫安 ( 詩二 6, 一二五 1 ) 錫安乃是耶路撒冷的最高點 今天, 召會是屬天的耶路撒冷,( 來十二 22,) 而得勝者就是錫安這高峯 頂點 如果所有的信徒都是普通的 一般的, 召會就只是耶路撒冷, 而沒有高峯, 沒有錫安 這樣的光景就不美 耶路撒冷之美, 乃在於錫安 ; 錫安乃是聖城的華美 ( 詩四八 2, 五十 2)( 在神與人關係裏生機的聯結, 五七頁 ) 信息選讀 詩篇一百一十九篇說到律法, 但 一百二十至一百三十四篇 這十五篇裏沒有題起律法, 乃是與被擄的事有關 以色列人喜愛律法, 但他們沒有照律法而活 他們領受律法以後, 他們的罪 過犯 罪愆反而增加, 甚至到轉離神 拜偶像的地步 例如, 士師記十七章告訴我們, 有一個人在他家裏設立偶像 ; 他分派他的一個兒子作祭司, 後來又雇了一個利未人在家裏作祭司 因着以色列人拜偶像, 神就使他們被擄到偶像之地 百姓在被擄中受苦時, 他們忘記許多事物, 卻無法忘記錫安和耶路撒冷 那時, 錫安山和建造在錫安之上的耶路撒冷, 是神留在地上惟一 Winter Training 2011- Message 9- Page 7 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇 - 第 7 頁

of God. Zion was the place where Abraham offered his son Isaac; it was also the place chosen by David. God is invisible, mysterious, and very deep. No one has seen Him. Nevertheless, Zion and Jerusalem were earthly signs of God's existence...zion, the center, and Jerusalem, the circumference, remained deeply in the consideration of the people of Israel...Because of their experiences, the saints could not forget Zion and Jerusalem, and in their praises they did not neglect them. The saints were concerned not for godliness or comfort but for the fate of Zion and Jerusalem. (Life-study of the Psalms, pp. 465-466) Jerusalem typifies the church. Within Jerusalem, there was Mount Zion. One typifies the whole body of the church, while the other typifies the overcomers of the church...whenever there is something that has to do with God's heart desire, Zion is mentioned. Whenever there is something that has to do with the failures and sins of the Jews, Jerusalem is mentioned. God always allowed Jerusalem to be trodden down, but He always protected Zion. There is a New Jerusalem, but there never will be a new Zion, because Zion can never become old. Every time the Old Testament speaks of the relationship between Zion and Jerusalem, it shows us that the characteristics, the life, the blessing, and the establishment of Jerusalem come from Zion. In 1 Kings 8:1, the elders were in Jerusalem, and the Ark of the Covenant was in Zion. Psalm 51:18 says that God did good to Zion and built the walls of Jerusalem. Psalm 102:21 says that the name of the Lord was in Zion and that His praise was in Jerusalem. Psalm 128:5 says that the Lord blessed out of Zion and that the good was seen in Jerusalem. Psalm 135:21 says that the Lord dwelt at Jerusalem but that the Lord was to be blessed out of Zion. In Isaiah 41:27 the word was first announced to Zion and then preached to Jerusalem. Joel 3:17 says that when God dwelt in Zion, Jerusalem would be holy. Today God is looking for the one hundred and forty-four thousand amidst the defeated church, who will stand on Mount Zion (Rev. 14). God always uses a small number of believers to pass on the flow of life to the church and to revive the church. (The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, vol. 11, pp. 762-763) Further Reading: The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, vol. 11, pp. 755-781 的標記 錫安是亞伯拉罕獻上他兒子以撒的地方, 也是大衞所揀選的地方 神是看不見 奧秘且非常深奧的, 沒有人見過祂 然而, 錫安和耶路撒冷是神存在的地上標記 作中心的錫安和作圓周的耶路撒冷, 深深留在以色列人的思想中 因着聖民的經歷, 他們無法忘記錫安和耶路撒冷, 在他們的讚美裏也沒有忽畧 聖民不再關切敬虔或安慰, 乃關切錫安和耶路撒冷的命運 ( 詩篇生命讀經, 五六五至五六六頁 ) 耶路撒冷是豫表召會的, 其中有一座錫安山 一是豫表全體的召會, 一是豫表召會中的得勝者 論合乎神的心意的, 就稱為錫安 論猶太人的失敗和罪惡, 就稱為耶路撒冷 神從來都是讓耶路撒冷被踐踏, 卻保守錫安 耶路撒冷有新的, 錫安卻沒有新的 因為錫安從來不會舊 舊約每次說到錫安和耶路撒冷的關係, 都叫我們看見, 耶路撒冷的特色 生命 祝福 建立, 都是從錫安得着 王上八章一節 : 長老是在耶路撒冷, 約櫃是在錫安 詩篇五十一篇十八節 : 神善待的是 錫安, 建造的是耶路撒冷 一百零二篇二十一節 : 神的名是在錫安, 讚美神的話是在耶路撒冷 一百二十八篇五節 : 神賜福是從錫安, 美福是見於耶路撒冷 一百三十五篇二十一節 : 耶和華是住在耶路撒冷, 受頌讚是從錫安 以賽亞四十一章二十七節 : 先對錫安說, 後報到耶路撒冷 約珥書三章十七節 : 神住在錫安, 耶路撒冷就成為聖 神今日在失敗的召會中, 找人作那十四萬四千人, 站立在錫安山上 ( 啓十四 ) 神每次都是藉少數的信徒, 把生命流到召會裏, 以復興召會 ( 倪柝聲文集第一輯第十一冊, 一二五至一二六頁 ) 參讀 : 倪柝聲文集第一輯第十一冊, 一一六至一四八頁 Winter Training 2011- Message 9- Page 8 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇 - 第 8 頁

Winter Training 2011 Crystallization-Study of the Psalms (2) Message Nine (Day 2) The Preciousness of Zion and Jerusalem and the Situation of the Overcomers in Zion Morning Nourishment Rev. 14:1 "And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him a hundred and forty-four thousand, having His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads." Rev. 12:11 "And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they loved not their soul-life even unto death." The overcomers are the beauty of a local church. In each local church there must be a group of believers who ripen earlier to be the firstfruits. These believers are Zion in that church. Although it is wonderful to have the church in many localities, we like to see the beauty, the highlight, the high peak, the body of overcomers, in all the churches. Overcomers are what the Lord is after today. The Lord is after the overcomers to stand up, to ripen early. (The Organic Union in God's Relationship with Man, p. 53) Today's Reading The good situation in the recovery today is just like Jerusalem. However, there is no Zion. In the New Testament the overcomers are likened to Zion. In Revelation 14:1 the 144,000 overcomers are not just in Jerusalem; they are on the peak of Zion. The overcomers, the vital groups, are today's Zion. My burden today is to help you reach the peak of the vital groups, that is, the overcomers' Zion. Although we may have a good church life, among us there is almost no realization, no practicality, no actuality, and no reality of the Body life. This is the need in the recovery today. The many believers who were not perfected and matured in the church age will be perfected and matured in the kingdom age by God's disciplinary dealing...not one believer can participate in the New Jerusalem without being perfected and matured. So in the thousand years of the kingdom age, God exercises His sovereignty to discipline these dear 二 一一年冬季訓練 詩篇結晶讀經 ( 二 ) 第九篇 ( 週二 ) 錫安和耶路撒冷的寶貴, 以及在錫安之得勝者的光景 晨興餧養 啓十四 1 我又觀看, 看哪, 羔羊站在錫安山上, 同祂還有十四萬四千人, 額上都寫着祂的名, 和祂父的名 啓十二 11 弟兄們勝過他, 是因羔羊的血, 並因自己所見證的話, 他們雖至於死, 也不愛自己的魂生命 得勝者就是地方召會的華美 每個地方召會中, 必須有一班信徒是較早成熟的初熟果子 這些信徒就是那個召會的錫安 雖然許多地方都有召會, 這是很美妙的, 但我們喜歡看見眾召會中的華美 頂點 高峯, 就是那一班得勝者 今天主所要得着的, 就是得勝者 主要得着得勝者, 起來早早成熟 ( 在神與人關係裏生機的聯結, 五七頁 ) 信息選讀 今天這恢復美好的光景就像耶路撒冷 ; 然而, 沒有錫安 新約中的得勝者好比錫安 在啓示錄十四章一節, 十四萬四千個得勝者不僅是在耶路撒冷, 乃是在錫安高峯 得勝者, 活力排, 就是今天的錫安 今天我的負擔是要幫助你們達到活力排的高峯, 就是得勝者的錫安 我們雖然可能有很好的召會生活, 但在我們中間幾乎沒有身體生活的實化 實行 實現和實際 這就是今日這恢復中的需要 許多信徒在召會時代未受成全 未得成熟, 他們要在國度時代藉着神管教的對付而受成全 得成熟 沒有一個信徒未受成全 未得成熟, 而能有分於新耶路撒冷 所以在國度時代的一千年中, 神要運用祂的主宰, 管教這些親愛的信徒, 多方 Winter Training 2011- Message 9- Page 9 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇 - 第 9 頁

ones, to deal with them in many ways, in order that He could perfect them to make them mature. At the end of the thousand years, they will be ready to join the ones who were matured earlier in participating in the New Jerusalem. Today in the church age, the God-men who are perfected and matured are Zion, the overcomers, the vital groups within the churches. (The Practical Points concerning Blending, pp. 17, 45) The stage of incarnation produced a group of redeemed people, and the stage of inclusion produced the church. The stage of intensification will build up the Body to consummate the New Jerusalem. [The overcomers are for this.] (Incarnation, Inclusion, and Intensification, p. 20) In order to be the overcomers, we must conquer all the destructive chaos and triumph in the unique constructive economy...the overcomers are those who suffer the chaos, but they are not disappointed or discouraged. Instead, they are strengthened and enabled to stand for and live out the divine economy. We have to conquer the satanic chaos by the processed and consummated Triune God as the all-sufficient grace...paul said that the grace of the Lord was with him,...that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is with our spirit, and...that the Lord is with our spirit (1 Cor. 15:10; Gal. 6:18; 2 Tim. 4:22). The Lord as the all-sufficient grace is with our spirit, and we can conquer all the satanic chaos and carry out the unique divine economy by Him as our all-sufficient grace. (The Satanic Chaos in the Old Creation and the Divine Economy for the New Creation, pp. 75-76) We need to be the overcomers, the ones who overcome all the negative things. The Lord has been delayed because He still needs some who will pay the price to be His overcomers. He told us clearly that He would come quickly. Of course, to Him one thousand years is like one day (2 Pet. 3:8). But still the Lord has not come back, because we have delayed Him. He needs the overcomers to carry out the economy of God to have a Body and to destroy His unique enemy. This is exactly why the book of Revelation was written. (The Problems Causing the Turmoils in the Church Life, pp. 27-28) Further Reading: The Satanic Chaos in the Old Creation and the Divine Economy for the New Creation, chs. 1-2 對付他們, 為要成全他們, 使他們成熟 到了這一千年末了, 他們就要準備好, 與那些較早成熟的信徒, 一同有分於新耶路撒冷 今天在召會時代, 被成全並得成熟的神人乃是錫安, 就是得勝者, 也就是召會中的活力排 ( 關於相調的實行, 一二至一三 四七頁 ) 成肉體的時期產生一班蒙救贖的人, 總括的時期產生召會, 加強的時期要建造基督的身體, 以完成新耶路撒冷 得勝者乃是為此 ( 基督的三個時期 成肉體 總括與加強, 一六頁 ) 為了要作得勝者, 我們必須征服一切毀壞的混亂, 並在獨一建造的經綸裏得勝 得勝者乃是那些忍受混亂, 卻不失望也不沮喪的人 他們反而得了加強, 能彀為着神聖的經綸站住, 且活出神聖的經綸 我們必須藉着經過過程並終極完成之三一神作全足的恩典, 征服撒但的混亂 保羅說, 主的恩與他同在 ; 主耶穌基督的恩與我們的靈同在 ; 主與我們的靈同在 ( 林前十五 10, 加六 18, 提後四 22 ) 主這全足的恩典與我們的靈同在 我們藉着祂作我們全足的恩典, 就能征服一切撒但的混亂, 並完成獨一的神聖經綸 ( 在舊造裏撒但的混亂以及為着新造的神聖經綸, 八七 八九頁 ) 我們必須作得勝者, 勝過一切消極的東西 主一直被躭延, 因為祂仍然需要得着一些人, 付代價來作祂的得勝者 祂清楚的告訴我們, 祂必快來 當然, 對祂來說千年如一日 ( 彼後三 8 ) 但主仍然沒有回來, 因為我們使祂躭延了 祂需要得勝者, 好完成神的經綸, 使祂得着一個身體, 並毀壞祂那獨一的仇敵 這正是啓示錄這卷書寫出來的原因 ( 召會生活中引起風波的難處, 二四至二五頁 ) 參讀 : 在舊造裏撒但的混亂以及為着新造的神聖經綸, 第一至二章 Winter Training 2011- Message 9- Page 10 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇 - 第 10 頁

Winter Training 2011 Crystallization-Study of the Psalms (2) Message Nine (Day 3) The Preciousness of Zion and Jerusalem and the Situation of the Overcomers in Zion Morning Nourishment Rev. 19:7 "Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready." 1 Tim. 2:8 "I desire therefore that men pray in every place, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and reasoning." [God's organic] salvation is for producing the overcomers to build up the Body of Christ for the initial consummation of the New Jerusalem in the kingdom age (Rev. 2:7) and the full consummation of the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth (21:2). As we look at the situation of today's Christians, we may wonder who will build up the Body of Christ. Without the overcomers the Body of Christ cannot be built up, and unless the Body of Christ is built up, Christ cannot come back for His bride. Christ will come back not only as the Savior but also as the Bridegroom to marry His bride, who will be the totality of the overcomers. (The Secret of God's Organic Salvation, The Spirit Himself with Our Spirit, pp. 87-88) Today's Reading We need to check whether or not we are doing everything in the Spirit and having our being according to such a Spirit...The reality of the Body of Christ is the aggregate, the totality, of such a living by a group of God-men. This kind of a living, which is the reality of the Body of Christ, will close this age, the age of the church, and will bring Christ back to take, possess, and rule over this earth with these God-men in the kingdom age. They were perfected, completed, and consummated in the church age. So in the next age, the kingdom age, they will reign with Christ for a thousand years (Rev. 20:4-6)...We all have to endeavor to reach this high peak. Such a life was there originally just in an individual man, Jesus Christ. But this life has now been repeated, reproduced, in many men who have been 二 一一年冬季訓練 詩篇結晶讀經 ( 二 ) 第九篇 ( 週三 ) 錫安和耶路撒冷的寶貴, 以及在錫安之得勝者的光景 晨興餧養 啓十九 7 我們要喜樂歡騰, 將榮耀歸與祂 ; 因為羔羊婚娶的時候到了, 新婦也自己豫備好了 提前二 8 所以, 我願男人無忿怒, 無爭論, 舉起虔聖的手, 隨處禱告 神生機的 救恩是為着產生得勝者, 建造基督的身體, 為着在國度時代裏新耶路撒冷初步的完成,( 啓二 7,) 以及在新天新地裏新耶路撒冷完滿的完成 ( 二一 2 ) 我們看今天基督徒的光景, 可能不知道誰會建造基督的身體 沒有得勝者, 基督的身體就無法建造起來 ; 而基督的身體若沒有建造起來, 基督就無法回來迎娶新婦 基督不僅是作為救主回來, 也是作為新郎回來迎娶新婦, 新婦乃是得勝者的總和 ( 神生機救恩的秘訣 那靈自己同我們的靈, 一 頁 ) 信息選讀 我們需要核對自己是否在那靈裏作一切事, 並照着這樣一位靈行事為人 基督身體的實際, 就是一班神人所過這樣生活的集合 總和 這種生活, 就是基督身體的實際, 要結束這時代, 就是召會時代, 且要把基督帶回來, 在國度時代與這些神人一同取得 佔有並治理這地 這些神人在召會時代被成全, 並得着終極完成 所以在下一個時代, 就是國度時代, 他們要與基督一同作王一千年 ( 啓二十 4 ~ 6 ) 我們都必須努力達到這高峯 這樣的生命起初只是在個人的耶穌基督裏 然而, 這生命現今已經在許多人身上被重複 複製出來, 這 Winter Training 2011- Message 9- Page 11 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇 - 第 11 頁

redeemed and regenerated and who now possess the divine life within them. All of them have been nourished, sanctified, transformed, and perfected not just to be matured Christians, but to be Godmen. The reality of the Body of Christ is the corporate living by the perfected God-men, who are genuine men but are not living by their life, but by the life of the processed God, whose attributes have been expressed through their virtues. In the new heaven and new earth, there will be no more Zion, only Jerusalem, because all the unqualified saints will have been qualified to be Zion. In other words, the entire New Jerusalem will become Zion. What is Zion? Zion is the very spot where God is, that is, the Holy of Holies. There is no other way to reach this high peak except by praying. It is more than evident that Jerusalem is here as a big realm of Christians, but where is Zion, the overcomers?...the overcomers are the very Zion, where God is. This is the intrinsic reality of the spiritual revelation in the holy Word of God. We have to realize what the Lord's recovery is. The Lord's recovery is to build up Zion. (The Practical Points concerning Blending, pp. 44-46, 35, 45-46) Prayer is man breathing God, obtaining God, and being obtained by God. A real prayer is...man breathing in God just as he breathes in air. While you are thus breathing in God, spontaneously you are obtaining God, just as when you breathe in air you receive air. Consequently, not only is God obtained by you and becomes your enjoyment, but also your whole being surrenders to God, turns unto God, and is wholly gained by God. The more you pray, the more you will be filled with God, and the more you will surrender yourself to God and be gained by Him. Real prayer...is an exhaling and inhaling before God, causing us and God, God and us, to contact one another and to obtain one another. Consequently, we wholly cooperate and work with God, and God expresses Himself and His desire through us, ultimately accomplishing His purpose. This is a fundamental meaning of prayer in the Bible. Prayer is man cooperating and co-working with God, allowing God to express Himself and His desire through man, and thus accomplish His purpose. (Lessons on Prayer, pp. 15, 19, 17) Further Reading: The Practical Points concerning Blending, chs. 4-5 些人蒙了救贖 重生, 如今在他們裏面有神的生命 他們都得着滋養 聖別 變化 成全, 不僅成為成熟的基督徒, 更是成為神人 基督身體的實際乃是被成全之神人所過的團體生活, 他們是真正的人, 但他們不憑自己的生命, 乃憑經過過程之神的生命而活 ; 經過過程之神的屬性藉着他們的美德彰顯出來 在新天新地, 就不再有錫安, 只有新耶路撒冷, 因為一切原來不彀格的聖徒, 那時都已彀格成為錫安 換句話說, 整個新耶路撒冷都要成為錫安 甚麼是錫安? 錫安就是神所在之處, 也就是至聖所 要達到這高峯, 除了禱告以外, 別無他路 耶路撒冷在此是一個大的範圍, 包括所有的基督徒, 這是非常明顯的 ; 然而, 錫安, 就是得勝者, 在那裏? 得勝者就是錫安, 就是神所在之處 這是神聖言中屬靈啓示的內在實際 我們必須領悟甚麼是主的恢復 ; 主的恢復就是要建造錫安 ( 關於相調的實行, 四六至四八 三五 四九頁 ) 禱告乃是人呼吸神, 得着神, 而給神得着 一個真實的禱告, 乃 是人來呼吸神, 如同呼吸空氣一樣 當你這樣呼吸神的時候, 自然的就得着神, 如同呼吸空氣, 得着空氣一樣 ; 結果不光神作了你的享受, 給你得着, 並且你的全人也都降服神, 歸向神, 讓神完全得着 你禱告越多, 你充滿神就越多 ; 同時你降服神, 歸向神, 給神得着也就越多 真實的禱告乃是 在神面前一呼一吸, 叫我們和神, 神和我們彼此接觸, 互相得着, 結果我們和神就得以完全合作, 完全同工, 神就藉着我們發表祂的自己, 和祂的心意, 最終成功祂的旨意 這就是聖經裏所說禱告簡要的定義 禱告乃是人與神合作同工, 讓神藉着人發表祂自己和祂的心意, 而成功祂的旨意 ( 禱告, 一一 一七 一四頁 ) 參讀 : 關於相調的實行, 第四至五章 Winter Training 2011- Message 9- Page 12 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇 - 第 12 頁

Winter Training 2011 Crystallization-Study of the Psalms (2) Message Nine (Day 4) The Preciousness of Zion and Jerusalem and the Situation of the Overcomers in Zion Morning Nourishment Psa. 127:1-2 "Unless Jehovah builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless Jehovah keeps the city, the guard watches in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to stay up late, to eat the bread of toil; all the same, He gives to His beloved while they sleep." Psalms 120 134 are a particular group known as the Songs of Ascents. Instead of speaking concerning the law, these psalms are related to the matter of captivity. The people of Israel loved the law, but because they transgressed the law, even going so far as to turn from God and worship idols (Jer. 2:13), God sent them into captivity in a land of idols. As the people were suffering in captivity, they could not forget Zion and Jerusalem, which were signs, symbols, of the very God whom they worshipped. When the people of Israel were captured, they were in a downward situation. To return to Jerusalem and to Zion was to be in an upward situation, to go up (Psa. 122:4). Jerusalem was built on Mount Zion. Therefore, when the people journeyed to Jerusalem, they had to ascend, and as they were ascending they sang a song of ascents. (Psa. 120:1, footnote 1) Today's Reading Psalm 122 is the praise of the saint in his going up to Zion concerning his love of the house of God in Jerusalem. This is a sweet psalm concerning the psalmist's love of the house of God. This psalmist cared not for the law but for Zion and Jerusalem...The psalmist rejoiced when others said to him, Let us go to the house of Jehovah (v. 1). Today we who love the church should rejoice when someone says, Let us go to the meeting....in verses 2 through 4 we have the psalmist's praise of Jerusalem, to which the tribes of Jehovah go up. Psalm 125 is the praise of the saints in their going up to Zion concerning Jehovah's surrounding of 二 一一年冬季訓練 詩篇結晶讀經 ( 二 ) 第九篇 ( 週四 ) 錫安和耶路撒冷的寶貴, 以及在錫安之得勝者的光景 晨興餧養 詩一二七 1 ~ 2 若不是耶和華建造房屋, 建造的人就枉然勞力 ; 若不是耶和華看守城池, 看守的人就枉然儆醒 你們清晨早起, 夜晚歇臥, 喫勞碌得來的飯, 本是枉然 ; 耶和華在祂所親愛的人睡覺時, 必仍然賜給他們食物 詩篇一百二十至一百三十四篇是特別的一組, 通稱為上行之歌 這些詩篇不是說到律法, 乃是與被擄的事有關 以色列人喜愛律法, 但因他們干犯律法, 甚至到轉離神 拜偶像的地步,( 耶二 13,) 神就使他們被擄到偶像之地 百姓在被擄中受苦時, 無法忘記錫安和耶路撒冷, 就是他們所敬拜之神的標記 象徵 以色列人被擄時, 是在走下坡的光景裏 回到耶路撒冷和錫安, 是在走上坡的光景裏, 就是 上 去 ( 詩一二二 4 ) 耶路撒冷建造在錫安山上 ; 因此, 當百姓去耶路撒冷, 他們必須登山 ; 他們登山的時候, 就唱上行之歌 ( 聖經恢復本, 詩一二 1 第一註 ) 信息選讀 詩篇一百二十二篇是一位聖民上錫安時, 因他對耶路撒冷神的殿之愛而有的讚美 這是關於詩人喜愛神殿的甜美詩篇 這詩人不在意律法, 乃在意錫安和耶路撒冷 人對詩人說, 我們往耶和華的殿去, 他就歡喜 (1 ) 今天有人說, 我們去聚會, 我們這些愛召會的人也該歡喜 二至四節是詩人對耶路撒冷的讚美 ; 耶和華的眾支派上那裏去 一百二十五篇是聖民上錫安時, 因耶和華圍繞祂的百姓而有的讚 Winter Training 2011- Message 9- Page 13 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇 - 第 13 頁

His people...in verse 1 the psalmist says that those who trust in Jehovah are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever. They loved Mount Zion and they likened themselves to Mount Zion...Verse 2 tells us that as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so Jehovah surrounds His people from now to eternity. Psalm 127 is the praise of the saints in their going up to Zion concerning Jehovah's care for and blessing to His people. This Song of Ascents was written by Solomon...In verses 1 and 2 we see Jehovah's care for His people... Unless Jehovah builds the house, / Those who build it labor in vain. / Unless Jehovah keeps the city, / The guard watches in vain (v. 1). This is a comforting word, especially for the elders and for those who consider themselves guards protecting the church. Unless the Lord builds the church, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord keeps the city that is, keeps the church as the kingdom those who guard the church watch in vain... It is vain for you to rise up early, / To stay up late, / To eat the bread of toil; / All the same, He gives to His beloved while they sleep (v. 2). This indicates that if the Lord does not do anything for us, whatever we do will be in vain. Instead of toiling and striving in ourselves, we need to trust in Him, for He gives to His beloved even while they sleep. Do you believe that what you do means something? We need to realize that whatever we do without trusting in the Lord means nothing. If we realize this, we will rest in the Lord. Psalm 127 is a psalm of release, a psalm that releases us from labor. This psalm teaches us that God takes care of us and blesses us. Whether we labor or do not labor, the situation is the same. All the same, He gives to us while we sleep. In addition to caring for us, He blesses us with increase, with children. We all need to believe this. Even though I am a laboring person, I believe that the result depends not on my labor but on God's care and blessing. Solomon's word in this psalm is directed at those who labor and endeavor to do things but do not trust in God. Instead of laboring in yourself, you should trust in God. He will take care of you, and He will bless you. (Life-study of the Psalms, pp. 469, 471-475) Further Reading: Life-study of the Psalms, msg. 41; The Vision of God's Building, ch. 10 美 在一節詩人說, 信靠耶和華的人, 好像錫安山, 永遠存在, 總不動搖 他們愛錫安山, 並且將自己比喻為錫安山 二節告訴我們, 眾山怎樣圍繞耶路撒冷, 耶和華也照樣圍繞祂的百姓, 從今時直到永遠 一百二十七篇是聖民上錫安時, 因耶和華顧念並賜福給祂的百姓而有的讚美 這首上行之歌是所羅門寫的 在一至二節我們看見, 耶和華顧念祂的百姓 若不是耶和華建造房屋, 建造的人就枉然勞力 ; 若不是耶和華看守城池, 看守的人就枉然儆醒 (1 ) 這是安慰的話, 尤其是對長老和那些認為自己是保護召會的看守者 若不是主建造召會, 建造的人就枉然勞力 若不是主看守城池, 即看守作國度的召會, 看守召會的人就枉然儆醒 你們清晨早起, 夜晚歇臥, 喫勞碌得來的飯, 本是枉然 ; 耶和華在祂所親愛的人睡覺時, 必仍然賜給他們食物 (2 ) 這指明主若不為我們作甚麼, 凡我們所作的, 就全是枉然 我們不該憑自己勞碌奮鬬, 乃該信靠祂, 因為祂甚至在所親愛的人睡覺時, 仍對他們有所賜給 你相信你所作的算得甚麼麼? 我們需要領悟, 我們所作的, 若不是信靠主而作的, 就都算不得甚麼 我們若領悟這點, 就會安息在主裏面 一百二十七篇是釋放的詩篇, 釋放我們脫離勞苦 這篇詩教導我們, 神眷顧我們, 並賜福給我們 我們勞苦與否, 情形都是一樣的 祂在我們睡覺時, 必仍然 對我們有所賜給 祂除了顧念我們以外, 還以擴增 以兒女賜福給我們 我們都需要相信這點 即使我是勞苦的人, 我也相信結果不在於我的勞苦, 乃在於神的眷顧和祝福 所羅門在本詩裏的話, 是針對那些勞苦 竭力作事, 卻不信靠神的人 你不該在自己裏面勞苦, 乃該信靠神 祂要眷顧你, 也要賜福給你 ( 詩篇生命讀經, 五七 至五七一 五七四至五七五 五七七至五七九頁 ) 參讀 : 詩篇生命讀經, 第四十一篇 ; 神建造的異象, 第十章 Winter Training 2011- Message 9- Page 14 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇 - 第 14 頁

Winter Training 2011 Crystallization-Study of the Psalms (2) Message Nine (Day 5) The Preciousness of Zion and Jerusalem and the Situation of the Overcomers in Zion Morning Nourishment Psa. 128:5 "Jehovah bless you from Zion; and may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life." Psa. 131:1-2 "O Jehovah, my heart is not proud, nor are my eyes haughty; nor do I go about in things too great or too wondrous for me. Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me." The sequence of Psalms 128 through 134 is logical and reasonable. We enjoy God's blessing from Zion and the prosperity of Jerusalem, and then God deals with those who persecute us and hate us. Nevertheless, we are sinful and need God's forgiveness. When we receive His forgiveness, we become humble, calm, and quiet, and God comes in to rest, to dwell, in us. Then we come up to Him to dwell in unity. As a result, we become Mount Zion; that is, we become the highest people, those who are even higher than the priests. Psalm 128 is the praise of a saint in his going up to Zion concerning Jehovah's blessing to Israel from Zion (signifying the overcomers in the churches) and the prosperity of Jerusalem (signifying the church as God's kingdom) in their enjoyment. This indicates once again how precious are Zion and Jerusalem in the experiences and praises of the saints. (Life-study of the Psalms, pp. 478-479) God always blesses His people from Zion, that is, from the overcomers (cf. Num. 6:23-27...). (Psa. 128:5, footnote 2) Today's Reading Blessed is everyone who fears Jehovah, / Who walks in His ways. / You will indeed eat the labor of your hands; / You will be blessed, and it will go well with you (Psa. 128:1-2)...Food and peace are two basic elements for our daily life. If we lack food, we will not 二 一一年冬季訓練 詩篇結晶讀經 ( 二 ) 第九篇 ( 週五 ) 錫安和耶路撒冷的寶貴, 以及在錫安之得勝者的光景 晨興餧養 詩一二八 5 願耶和華從錫安賜福給你 ; 願你一生的日子, 看見耶路撒冷的美福 一三一 1 ~ 2 耶和華阿, 我的心不狂傲, 我的眼不高大 ; 過於重大和希奇的事, 我也不去行 我使我的魂平穩安靜, 好像斷過奶的孩子在他母親懷中 ; 我的魂在我裏面真像斷過奶的孩子 詩篇一百二十八至一百三十四篇的順序是合邏輯的, 也是合理的 我們享受神從錫安的賜福, 以及耶路撒冷的美福, 然後神對付那些逼迫我們 恨惡我們的人 然而, 我們是有罪的, 需要神的赦免 我們得着祂的赦免, 就謙卑 平穩並安靜, 神也進來安息 居住在我們裏面 然後我們上到祂那裏和睦同居 結果, 我們就成為錫安山 ; 那就是說, 我們成為最高的百姓, 甚至高於祭司 一百二十八篇是聖民上錫安時, 因耶和華從錫安 ( 表徵眾召會中的得勝者 ) 賜福給以色列, 並因耶路撒冷 ( 表徵召會作神的國 ) 的美福作了以色列的享受而有的讚美 這再次指明在聖民的經歷和讚美裏, 錫安和耶路撒冷是何等的寶貴 ( 詩篇生命讀經, 五八三至五八四頁 ) 神總是從錫安, 就是從得勝者祝福祂的子民 ( 參民六 23 ~ 27 )( 聖經恢復本, 詩一二八 5 第一註 ) 信息選讀 凡敬畏耶和華 遵行祂道路的人, 便為有福 你要喫親手勞碌得來的 ; 你要蒙福, 並且順利 ( 詩一二八 1 ~ 2 ) 食物和平安是我們日常生活兩個基本元素 我們若缺少食 Winter Training 2011- Message 9- Page 15 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇 - 第 15 頁

have peace...according to verse 3, their wives will be like fruitful vines in the innermost parts of their houses, and their children will be like olive shoots round about their tables. In this way will the man be blessed who fears Jehovah (v. 4)...Jehovah will bless them from Zion, and they will see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of their life. They will also see the children of their children under the peace of God upon Israel (vv. 5-6). Psalm 131 is the praise of the saint in his going up to Zion concerning his humbled heart and quieted soul before Jehovah...In verse 1 the psalmist says that his heart is not proud, nor are his eyes haughty. He also says that he does not go about in things too great or too wondrous for him. Certain things are too great and wondrous for us, and we should not go about in these things...the psalmist continues by saying that he has calmed and quieted his soul within him...(v. 2). He had been weaned, or stripped, of everything except the Lord...The psalmist then advises Israel, God's chosen people, to hope in Jehovah from now to eternity (v. 3). When we have become like the psalmist, humble, calm, quiet, and weaned, we can advise others to hope in God. The sequence of these seven psalms is significant. Psalm 128 speaks of Jehovah's blessing to Israel from Zion and the prosperity of Jerusalem in Israel's enjoyment...psalm 131 indicates that after we experience God's forgiveness, we become humble. Formerly, we were proud and even haughty, thinking that we alone were right and that others were wrong. But after we are enlightened concerning our real situation, make a thorough confession, and receive God's forgiveness, we become humble...i have had this experience many times, realizing that I am nothing, that I have nothing, and that I can do nothing. When our heart is humbled and our soul is quiet, we are in a condition that is suitable for God to come in to rest...however, when we are proud and our eyes are haughty, God has no rest, no dwelling place, in us. Only when we are humble, calm, and quiet is the situation right for God to rise up, enter into us, and take us as His resting place. This is Zion becoming God's habitation, His resting place, as revealed in Psalm 132. (Life-study of the Psalms, pp. 479, 481-482, 477-478) Further Reading: Life-study of the Psalms, msg. 42; The Problems Causing Turmoils in the Lord's Recovery, chs. 3-4 物, 就不會有平安 照着三節, 他們的妻子在他們的內室, 好像多結果子的葡萄樹 ; 他們的兒女圍繞他們的桌子, 好像橄欖栽子 敬畏耶和華的人, 必要這樣蒙福 (4 ) 耶和華必從錫安賜福給他們, 他們一生的日子, 必看見耶路撒冷的美福 在神歸於以色列的平安之下, 他們也必看見他們兒女的兒女 (5 ~ 6 ) 一百三十一篇是一位聖民上錫安時, 因他在耶和華面前心謙卑 魂安靜而有的讚美 在一節詩人說, 他的心不狂傲, 他的眼不高大 他也說, 過於重大和希奇的事, 他也不去行 有些事對我們過於重大和希奇, 這些事我們不該去行 詩人繼續說, 他的魂在他裏面平穩安靜 (2 ) 他斷過奶, 就是被剝奪了主以外的一切 然後詩人勸勉神的選民以色列仰望耶和華, 從今時直到永遠 (3 ) 當我們和詩人一樣謙卑 平穩 安靜 並斷過奶, 我們就能勸勉別人仰望神 這七篇詩的順序很有意義 一百二十八篇說到耶和華從錫安賜福給以色列, 以及耶路撒冷的美福作了以色列的享受 一百三十一篇指明, 我們經歷神的赦免以後, 就成了謙卑的 從前我們是驕傲的, 甚至是狂傲的, 以為只有自己是對的, 別人都是錯的 但我們在自己真實的情況上蒙了光照, 徹底認罪, 並得着神的赦免以後, 我們就謙卑下來 我多次有過這樣的經歷, 領悟我一無所是, 一無所有, 也一無所能 我們的心謙卑, 魂安靜時, 我們就是在適合神進來安息的光景中 然而, 當我們狂傲, 我們的眼高大時, 神在我們裏面就沒有安息, 沒有居所 惟有我們謙卑 平穩 安靜時, 神纔能興起, 進入我們裏面, 以我們為祂的安息之所 這就是錫安, 成了神的居所, 祂安息之所, 如一百三十二篇裏所啓示的 ( 詩篇生命讀經, 五八四 五八七至五八八 五八一至五八二頁 ) 參讀 : 詩篇生命讀經, 第四十二篇 ; 召會生活中引起風波的難處, 第三至四章 Winter Training 2011- Message 9- Page 16 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇 - 第 16 頁

Winter Training 2011 Crystallization-Study of the Psalms (2) Message Nine (Day 6) The Preciousness of Zion and Jerusalem and the Situation of the Overcomers in Zion Morning Nourishment Psa. 132:8-9 "Arise, O Jehovah, unto Your resting place, You and the Ark of Your strength. Let Your priests be clothed with righteousness, and let Your faithful ones give a ringing shout." Psalm 132 is the praise of the saint in his going up to Zion concerning Jehovah's habitation and rest in Zion through David (typifying Christ) His anointed...in verse 1 the psalmist asks Jehovah to remember all of David's afflictions, which typify all the afflictions of Christ...Verses 2 through 5 show us David's desire for the habitation of God (cf. 69:9a). David swore to Jehovah and vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob that he would not go into the tent of his house, go up onto the couch of his bed, or give sleep to his eyes or slumber to his eyelids until he found a place for Jehovah, / A tabernacle for the Mighty One of Jacob (132:5). Here tabernacle means a habitation...david sought for the Ark, and he found it in Jaar. He then wanted Jehovah to arise and enter with the Ark into His resting place in Zion (vv. 5-9,13). Today this resting place is the overcomers in the churches. (Life-study of the Psalms, pp. 482-483) Today's Reading In Psalm 129 we have the haters of Zion, but in Psalm 132 we see the lovers of God's dwelling place. David is the representative...the Ark had been removed from the tabernacle and captured by the enemy, and even when the Ark was returned to the children of Israel, it was not yet put into its proper place, the tabernacle. A full recovery was needed. David was one who loved God so deeply, one who was devoted to God's resting place, to God's habitation. He said that he would not enter his house until the Lord could find a habitation; he would not take sleep until the Lord should find rest. 二 一一年冬季訓練 詩篇結晶讀經 ( 二 ) 第九篇 ( 週六 ) 錫安和耶路撒冷的寶貴, 以及在錫安之得勝者的光景 晨興餧養 詩一三二 8 ~ 9 耶和華阿, 求你興起, 和你有能力的約櫃同入你安息之所 願你的祭司披上公義, 願你的虔誠人歡呼 詩篇一百三十二篇是一位聖民上錫安時, 因耶和華藉着祂的受膏者大衞 ( 豫表基督 ), 在錫安得了居所和安息而有的讚美 在一節, 詩人求耶和華記念大衞所受的一切苦難, 這豫表基督所受的一切苦難 二至五節給我們看見大衞渴望神的居所 ( 參六九 9 上 ) 大衞向耶和華起誓, 向雅各的大能者許願, 他必不進他的帳幕, 不上他的床榻 ; 不容他的眼睛睡覺, 也不容他的眼皮打盹 ; 直等他 為耶和華尋得所在, 為雅各的大能者尋得居所 ( 一三二 5 ) 這裏的 居所 或作 帳幕 大衞尋找約櫃, 在雅珥就尋見了 於是他求耶和華興起, 和約櫃同入錫安的安息之所 (6 ~ 9,13 ) 今天這安息之所就是眾召會中的得勝者 ( 詩篇生命讀經, 五八八至五八九頁 ) 信息選讀 在一百二十九篇, 有恨惡錫安的人, 但在一百三十二篇, 我們看見喜愛神居所的人 大衞就是代表 約櫃已經從帳幕挪開, 被仇敵擄去 ; 甚至約櫃歸還以色列人時, 也沒有放在正確的地方, 就是帳幕裏, 所以需要完全的恢復 大衞是深切愛神的人, 祂全心全意為着神的安息之所, 神的居所 他說他必不進他的帳幕, 直等主尋得居所 ; 他必不睡覺, 直等主尋得安息 Winter Training 2011- Message 9- Page 17 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇 - 第 17 頁

Verses 7 and 8 say, We will go into His tabernacle; / We will worship at His footstool. / Arise, O Jehovah, unto Your resting place, / You and the Ark of Your strength. This is figurative of the recovery of the church life. The Ark was separated from the tabernacle, which signifies Christ separated from the church life...this is the time when we must all say, Lord, arise; return unto Your resting place, the local churches. Verse 13 says, Jehovah has chosen Zion; / He has desired it for His habitation. Zion, which represents the local churches, is the choice of God, the desire of God. This word in verse 13 is the word of the psalmist, but when we continue into verse 14, we see that it is also the word of the Lord Himself. (Christ and the Church Revealed and Typified in the Psalms, pp. 206-207) Verses 14 through 18 are Jehovah's speaking concerning Zion. This is My resting place forever; / Here will I dwell, for I have desired it (v. 14). I hope that one day God will say such a word to you. Jehovah continues by saying that He will abundantly bless Zion's provision and satisfy its poor with bread, that He will clothe its priests with salvation, that its saints will shout with a ringing shout, that there He will cause the horn of David to shoot forth, that He has prepared a lamp for His Anointed One, and that He will clothe with shame the enemies of His Anointed One but that on Him His crown will shine. In this psalm we have seven items related to the overcomer resting, dwelling, food, clothing, the victorious horn, the enlightening lamp, and the shining crown. These items are at the top of the church life. When we are at the top of the church life, we have the resting with God, the dwelling, and the food. However, when God is homeless, we also are homeless. When He does not have satisfaction, we also do not have satisfaction. But when God is resting and dwelling in Zion, we have plenty of food. Furthermore, we have the proper clothing, a horn, a lamp, and a crown. This is the top church life. This is the situation of the overcomers in Zion, the highest peak of God's mountain. (Life-study of the Psalms, p. 483) Further Reading: Christ and the Church Revealed and Typified in the Psalms, ch. 21; The Satanic Chaos in the Old Creation and the Divine Economy in the New Creation, chs. 3-4 七至八節 : 我們要進祂的居所, 在祂腳凳前下拜 耶和華阿, 求你興起, 和你有能力的約櫃同入你安息之所 這是召會生活恢復的象徵 約櫃與帳幕分開, 表徵基督與召會生活分開 已往基督是同着召會, 但現今基督已經與召會分開 這時我們都必須說, 主阿, 求你興起, 回到你的安息之所, 就是地方召會 十三節 : 因為耶和華揀選了錫安, 願意當作自己的居所 代表地方召會的錫安, 乃是神的揀選, 神的願望 十三節的話是詩人的話, 但當我們繼續來到十四節, 我們就看見, 這也是主自己的話 ( 詩篇中所啓示並豫表的基督與召會, 二三三至二三四頁 ) 十四至十八節是耶和華論到錫安 這是我永遠安息之所; 我要住在這裏, 因為是我所願意的 (14 ) 我盼望有一天, 神對你說同樣的話 耶和華繼續說, 祂要豐厚的賜福與錫安的糧, 使其中的窮人飽得食物 祂要使其中的祭司披上救恩, 使其中的虔誠人大聲歡呼 祂要叫大衞的角在那裏長出 ; 祂為祂的受膏者豫備明燈 祂要使祂受膏者的仇敵披上羞恥, 但祂受膏者的冠冕要在頭上發光 在這篇詩裏, 有七個與得勝者有關的項目 : 安息 居所 糧食 衣服 得勝的角 照亮的燈和發光的冠冕 這些項目是召會生活的高峯 當我們在召會生活的高峯, 我們就與神同有安息 居所和糧食 然而, 神若無家可歸, 我們也就無家可歸 ; 當祂沒有滿足時, 我們也就沒有滿足 當神安息並居住在錫安時, 我們就有充足的糧食 不僅如此, 我們還有合式的衣服 角 燈和冠冕 這是拔尖的召會生活 這是在錫安 ( 神的山最高峯 ) 之得勝者的光景 ( 詩篇生命讀經, 五八九至五九 頁 ) 參讀 : 詩篇中所啓示並豫表的基督與召會, 第二十一章 ; 在舊造裏撒但的混亂以及為着新造的神聖經綸, 第三至四章 Winter Training 2011- Message 9- Page 18 二〇一一年冬季訓練 - 第九篇 - 第 18 頁