2016 年取得低碳製造計劃標籤的公司 COMPANIES ATTAINING LCMP LABELS IN 白金 PLATINUM Regent Garment Factory Ltd. 華宏達精密五金製造 ( 深圳 ) 有限公司 超捷織造 ( 深圳 ) 有限公司 中山益達服裝有限公

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WWF- HONG KONG 低碳製造計劃報告 2016 LOW-CARBON MANUFACTURING PROGRAMME (LCMP) REPORT 2016 低碳製造計劃乃世界自然基金會的項目, 旨在減少製造業的碳排放 A WWF initiative to reduce carbon emissions in manufacturing

2016 年取得低碳製造計劃標籤的公司 COMPANIES ATTAINING LCMP LABELS IN 2016 2 白金 PLATINUM Regent Garment Factory Ltd. 華宏達精密五金製造 ( 深圳 ) 有限公司 超捷織造 ( 深圳 ) 有限公司 中山益達服裝有限公司 黃金 GOLD 大鑫燈飾 ( 惠州 ) 有限公司 珠海市駿威製衣有限公司 K+K Fashion Company Limited Maxturn Apparel Company Limited 寧波禾隆新材料有限公司 寧波凱耀電器製造有限公司 中山市廣業五金電器製造有限公司 純銀 SILVER 佛山市亮雅建材有限公司 廣東奧特龍電器製造有限公司 低碳製造計劃目標 LOW CARBON MANUFACTURING PROGRAMME (LCMP) OBJECTIVES 世界自然基金會香港分會的低碳製造計劃 (LCMP), 旨在減少廠房的碳排放量, 並鼓勵企業提高供應鏈碳排放的透明度, 及找出資源運用效率不足的地方 WWF-Hong Kong s Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme (LCMP) aims to reduce carbon emissions generated by manufacturing facilities. The LCMP also encourages companies to increase the transparency of supply chain carbon emissions and uncover inefficiencies in overall resource use. 网頁 Website: wwf.org.hk/lcmp 電郵 Email: lcmp@wwf.org.hk 電話 Telephone: (852) 2161-9655 撰文 Contributor: 何美娟 Karen Ho 關逸明 Yat-ming Kwan 世界自然基金會香港分會 : 本會保留所有版權 WWF-Hong Kong. All rights reserved. Regent Garment Factory Ltd. Spintec Precision (Shenzhen) Ltd. Super Performance Textile (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Zhong Shan Yida Apparel Ltd. Dayssan Lighting Industrial Ltd. Jun Wei Apparel Co., Ltd. K+K Fashion Company Limited Maxturn Apparel Company Limited Ningbo Helong New Material Co., Ltd. Ningbo Klite Electric Manufacture Co., Ltd. Zhong Shan Guang Ye Hardware and Electric Production Co., Ltd. Foshan Longart Building Decoration Materials Co., Ltd. Guangdong Atlan Electronic Appliance Manufacture Co., Ltd. 獲認証 CERTIFIED 20 純銀 SILVER 40 黃金 GOLD 60 白金 PLATINUM 80 2010 建立盟友, 攜手應對氣候變化 DEVELOPING ALLIES TO HELP FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE 不管哪個行業或產品, 品牌公司的碳排放只佔整個供應鏈的 14%( 當中不包括消費者使用或棄置產品所引起的碳排放 ) 1 品牌公司正在與供應商進行更多的聯繫, 了解氣候變化對他們帶來的影響, 並提高碳排放的透明度, 務求把氣候變化相關的業務風險減到最低 過去幾年, 低碳製造計劃一直保持與品牌合作, 協助他們的供應商制定減排方案及減少碳排放 巴黎協定於 2016 年 11 月 4 日生效, 品牌及其供應商將進一步加強應對氣候變化的工作, 齊心協力建構具氣候彈性的供應鏈 低碳製造計劃自學教育平台 THE LCMP SELF-LEARNING EDUCATIONAL PLATFORM 一般公司對於 什麼是碳排放? 什麼是碳強度?碳排放來源是什麼? 及有關減排的問題可能不太了解 即使公司獲得減排資訊, 但如何實踐並最終達至減排仍須掌握各方面的市場技術及方案 有見及此, 低碳製造計劃設計了一個關於減排的簡易自學平台, 內容包括工廠的最佳守則 常見的溫室氣體排放源 低碳製造計劃工具的使用方法 市場減排資訊及碳排放的相關信息等等 如欲了解低碳製造計劃自學教育平台詳情, 請參閱 :https://apps.wwf.org.hk/lcmp/hk Across all industries, a brand s own emissions average only 14% of its supply chain emissions prior to consumer s use and disposal of products 1. Companies are increasingly engaging with their suppliers to understand the impact of climate change and to improve transparency of carbon emissions, with the aim of minimizing climate-related business risks. Over the past few years, the LCMP has helped many brands and their suppliers to implement low-carbon energy saving measures and reduce carbon emissions. With the Paris Agreement going into effect on 4 November 2016, brands and their suppliers are expected to increase mitigation and adaptation efforts, so they can collectively build a climate resilient supply chain. 低碳製造計劃與品牌活動回顧 REVIEW ON LCMP ACTIVITIES WITH BRANDS AND THEIR SUPPLIERS: 2011 NEXT SOURCING LIMITED Next 供應商道德會議 Next Supplier Ethos Conference 香港利惠有限公司 LEVI STRAUSS (HONG KONG) LIMITED 利惠供應商工作坊 Levi s supplier workshops 溫室氣體排放計算 Greenhouse gas accounting 能源效益最佳守則 Energy efficiency best practices 參與低碳製造計劃供應商碳排放表現及分析 Performance review and analysis on carbon emissions of suppliers participating in the LCMP 2012 1. Matthews, H.S., Hendrickson, C.T., Weber, C.L. 2008. The importance of carbon footprint estimation boundaries. Environmental Science and Technology 42, 5839-5842 2012-2015 翠豐亞洲有限公司 KINGFISHER ASIA LIMITED 翠豐供應商會議及研討會 Kingfisher supplier conferences and seminars 制定供應商實行低碳製造計劃時間表 Establish LCMP implementation time table with suppliers 製作低碳製造計劃視頻紀錄成功案例 Produce documentary video for LCMP success stories 惠普亞太區 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 HEWLETT-PACKARD AP (HONG KONG) LIMITED 惠普及世界自然基金會合辦能源效益 低碳製造計劃供應商工作坊 HP & WWF Energy Efficiency Partnership LCMP supplier workshop 2014 2015 蓋璞採購 ( 控股 ) 有限公司 GAP INTERNATIONAL SOURCING (HOLDINGS) LIMITED 蓋璞供應商起始會議 Gap supplier kick off meeting 制定供應商實行低碳製造計劃時間表 Establish LCMP implementation time table with suppliers 定期監測供應商實施低碳製造計劃的進度 Periodic monitoring of suppliers progress with LCMP implementation Companies may still be unaware of their carbon footprint, carbon intensity, sources of carbon emissions and other related carbonreduction issues. Even though many companies receive information about carbon reduction measures, they still face difficulties achieving significant reductions in carbon emissions due to a lack of skills in mastering market technologies and solutions. In view of this, the LCMP has designed a simple self-learning platform on carbon reduction where companies can read about factories best practices, common GHG emissions sources, guidelines for using the LCMP tools, updates on market trends and other climate-related information. For more information about the LCMP Self-Learning Educational Platform, please visit: https://apps.wwf.org.hk/lcmp/en 低碳製造計劃報告 2016 Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme (LCMP) Report 2016 馬莎百貨 MARKS AND SPENCER 把低碳製造計劃列入 Plan A 的認可承諾指引 Included LCMP certification in its Plan A Attribute Guideline 3

減碳成效 CARBON REDUCTION ACHIEVEMENTS 減碳和業務增長 CARBON REDUCTION AND BUSINESS GROWTH 驗證年度 Year of verification 取得低碳製造計劃標籤的公司數目 Number of LCMP- Accredited Companies *(i) 業務的累計變動 ( 基準年與計算年間 ) Cumulative Change in Business Volume (Base year vs. Performance year) 碳績效 Carbon Emissions Performance 碳排放 Carbon Emissions 低碳制造計劃的減碳數量 Carbon Reduction by LCMP 碳排放范圍 Carbon Emissions by Scope *(iii) 范圍 3 Scope 3 范圍 2 Scope 2 范圍 1 Scope 1 平均每家企業的碳強度年度變化 Annual Change in Carbon Intensity *(iv) per Company INCLUDES 2015 AND 2016 ( 包括 2015 及 2016 年度 ) 26 這些企業的業務共增長了 These companies collectively grew by Tonnes 噸 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 626,615 基淮年 Base Year 基淮年 Base Year +96.5% 2015-16 年度 26 家取得低碳制造計劃標簽公司的碳績效 Carbon Emissions Performance of 26 LCMP- Accredited Companies in 2015-16 757,011 一切如常 Projected BAU -5.9% 142,282 614,729 Performance Year *(ii) 2015-16 年度 26 家取得低碳制造計劃標簽公司的碳排放範圍分布 Scope Distribution of Carbon Emissions of 26 LCMP-Accredited Companies in 2015-16 0.2% 0.1% 14.9% 22.6% 84.9% 77.3% Performance Year *(ii) *(i) 低碳製造計劃要求公司每兩年進行驗證一次 因此, 減碳成效按每兩年相應的數據整理和報告 The LCMP requires companies to conduct a verification every two years. Carbon reduction achievements are therefore calculated and reported according to the data available over the respective two-year period. *(ii) 基準年 : 訂立基準年是用以維持一致及有意義的比較 基準年一般是由有可核查數據記錄的最早一年開始, 可以是單年數據或多年數據的平均值 一切如常 BAU: BAU 是在目前發展模式下, 不採取減排措施造成的溫室氣體預測排放量 BAU 的計算方法以基準年的碳排放噸數除以基準年的業務量, 再乘以計算年的業務量 計算年 : 計算年一般是距離驗證日最近一年的可核查數據, 可以是單年數據或多年數據的平均值 Base Year: Setting a base year allows for meaningful and consistent comparisons of emissions over time. The base year is generally the earliest year that verifiable emissions data is available, and can be either a single year or a multi-year average. BAU: BAU (Business As Usual) refers to the estimated amount of greenhouse gas emissions that would be produced under a company s current business model, without employing any carbon reduction measures. BAU is calculated as the carbon emissions (in tonnes) produced in the base year divided by the business volume in the base year, multiplied by the business volume in the performance year. Performance Year: The performance year is the latest year that verifiable emissions data is available from date of verification, and can be either a single year or a multi-year average. *(iii) 碳排放範圍 ( 依據國際標準 溫室氣體議定書 ) 範圍 1: 直接產生的溫室氣體排放公司持有或者控制排放源直接產生的溫室氣體排放, 例如鍋爐 熔爐的燃料使用量, 以及公司車輛運行產生的排放 範圍 2: 間接產生的溫室氣體排放購買回來的電力 蒸汽或熱力間接產生的溫室氣體排放 例如, 工廠來自電網的用電量 範圍 3: 其他間接排放其他間接排放, 例如乘搭非公司擁有的車輛出差 外判第三方舉辦的活動等 Carbon emissions by scope (According to the international standard Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol) Scope 1: Direct GHG emissions Direct emissions from stationary or mobile combustion sources in or belonging to the manufacturing factory. For example, fuel consumption by boilers or furnaces and emissions from company vehicles. Scope 2: Indirect GHG emissions Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam or heat. For example, electricity consumed by a factory that is supplied via a local power grid. Scope 3: Other indirect GHG emissions Other indirect emissions could include emissions resulting from business travel in non-company owned vehicles as well as third-party outsourced activities, for example. *(iv) 碳強度碳強度是碳排放量除以業務量 Carbon intensity is carbon emissions divided by business volume 右圖探討低碳製造計劃認證公司的業務增長和碳排放強度降低的關係 百分比的變動代表基準年和計算年之間的比較 74% 數據點位於左上方格, 即業務增長的同時, 碳排放強度也下降 碳排放強度減幅百份比越高, 代表電力或資源利用效率越能提升, 這種競爭優勢是有利於企業的業務增長 The scatter diagram on the right illustrates the relationship between business growth and a reduction in carbon intensity at LCMP-accredited companies. The percentage change represents a comparison between the base year and the performance year. As shown on the right, 74% of the data points lie in the upper left hand quadrant, which represents a scenario of business growth and a decrease in carbon intensity. A high percentage reduction in carbon intensity indicates efficiency improvements in electricity or resource usage. Increased efficiency is a source of competitive advantage, and could lead to further business growth. 業務增長 BUSINESS GROWTH 業務減少 BUSINESS DECLINE 企業實施低碳製造計劃後, 縱使業務增長了 96%, 與 一切如常 的情況相比, 碳排放減少了 142,282 噸, 相等於 6,186,000 棵樹整整一年的碳吸收量! These businesses collectively grew by 96%, and after implementing the LCMP, they successfully avoided 142,282 tonnes of carbon emissions, according to a comparison of performance year data with projected business-as-usual (BAU) scenarios. To put that in perspective, it would take 6,186,000 trees one whole year to absorb that amount of carbon emissions! -80% -60% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 600% 500% 400% 300% 200% 100% 0% -100% -200% 碳排放強度降減 DECREASE IN CARBON INTENSITY 低碳製造計劃使業務增長與溫室氣體排放脫鉤! LCMP: DECOUPLING BUSINESS GROWTH FROM GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS! 142,282 噸 TONNES 11,886 噸 TONNES 碳排放強度增加 INCREASE IN CARBON INTENSITY 在 96% 的業務增長情況下,26 家公司的總碳排放量從基準年的 626,615 噸, 減至計算年的 614,729 噸, 共減少了 11,886 噸, 為本年度計劃的另一亮點 這是由於其中六家公司在設備或系統提高了能效率或改用更清潔的燃料, 令總碳排放量顯著減少 Another LCMP highlight is the absolute reduction of 11,886 tonnes of carbon emissions from base year to performance year relative to the 96% business growth during the same period. Six companies either improved the efficiency of their facilities and systems or utilized cleaner fuels resulting in an absolute emissions reductions. 4 低碳製造計劃報告 2016 Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme (LCMP) Report 2016 5

最佳守則表現 PERFORMANCE IN BEST PRACTICES 低碳製造計劃的最佳守則手冊涵蓋三大範疇 : 溫室氣體管理 工廠設備 包括壓縮空氣系統 電力系統 HVAC( 暖氣 通風系統及空調 ) 照明以及蒸汽系統 的能源效益, 和製造過程的能源效益 The LCMP handbook lists the best practices for three industrial aspects: greenhouse gas management, energy efficiency of general utilities [such as compressed air systems; electrical systems; heating, ventilation and airconditioning (HVAC) systems; lighting systems and steam systems], and energy efficiency of manufacturing processes. 以下是一些低碳製造計劃認證公司的減碳措施實例分享 : The below tables outline many practical cases of carbon reduction measures found at LCMP accredited-companies: 省電機 Energy saver 電力系統 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 安裝省電機, 平衡三相電壓及穩定電壓, 減少諧波及啟動電流, 從而降低不必要的損耗及減少耗電量, 設備壽命也得以延長 Installing an energy saver, which balances the 3-phase voltage and stabilizes voltage while also decreases harmonic wave and cranking current, hence reducing unnecessary energy loss and electricity consumption, the lifetime of equipment can also be extended. Spintec Precision (Shenzhen) Ltd. 車床中央空調 Central airconditioning from lathes 暖通空調系統 HVAC SYSTEM 以中央空調替代車床獨立冷卻系統, 減少用電量, 降低車間溫度及延長機器及刀具壽命 Transforming the individual cooling systems of lathes into a central air-conditioning unit, thereby reducing electricity consumption and workshop temperatures, and extending the lifetime of machines and tools. Spintec Precision (Shenzhen) Ltd. 取得低碳製造計劃標籤的公司, 每隔兩年需經第三方驗證, 以確定公司是否緊遵指引清單, 評估公司目前的做法與最佳守則的差異, 找出公司採納的良好守則及判斷公司有否持續作出改善 如認證公司在最新一次驗證中希望提升或保持以往的標籤水平, 根據低碳製造計劃的評分標準, 公司必須在管理和能源效益方面作出改善 下面是 18 家在 2015-16 年度進行低碳製造計劃驗證的公司數據分析, 這些公司已完成了兩次或以上的驗證, 數據將每家公司最近一次驗證的整體得分 溫室氣體管理 能源效益 ( 包括工廠設備及製造過程 ) 及標籤水平範疇的表現, 和第一次驗證時進行比較 A 組包括 18 家認證公司第一次驗證的數據 B 組包括 18 家認證公司在 2015-16 年度進行驗證的數據 下列圖表的 B 組數據顯示, 認證公司無論在整體驗證得分 溫室氣體管理或能源效益範疇的最高 最低和平均值, 全部均高於 A 組數據, 其中 B 組的平均值分別高於 A 組 6%,20% 及 12% 此外,B 組有 15 家認證公司所獲得的標籤水平得以提升或保持, 佔整體公司數目的 83%, 其中兩家更能提升兩級 在 2016 年度的驗證中, 更有公司在驗證總分超過 90 分, 是低碳製造計劃的首例 這說明了低碳製造計劃實能有效地提升公司在能源效益及溫室氣體管理方面的表現 驗證總分 Overall Verification Score 溫室氣體管理守則分數 Score in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Management Practices 能源效益守則分數 Score in Energy Efficiency Practices To identify corporate best practices and determine whether companies have made continuous improvement, the performances of LCMP-accredited companies are evaluated by third party verifiers on a biennial basis, using a set of best practice checklists. If accredited companies want to upgrade or maintain the previous LCMP label level then they must improve in the areas of GHG management practices and energy efficiency. Below is an analysis of the 18 LCMP-accredited companies that underwent LCMP verification in 2015-16. These companies have completed a minimum of two verifications over the past 7 years. Thus the analysis compares each company s performance, according to the overall verification score, GHG management practices, energy efficiency (including general utilities and manufacturing processes) practices and LCMP label level, from first-time verification to the most recent rating. Group A includes data from first-time verifications of the 18 LCMPaccredited companies. Group B includes data from the 2015-16 verifications of the 18 LCMPaccredited companies. According to the below diagrams, all of the performance scores maximum, minimum and average scores in Overall Verification Score, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Management Practices, Energy Efficiency Practices are higher in Group B than in Group A. Across the three LCMP measurements, the average scores from the Group B dataset are higher than the Group A dataset by 6%, 20% and 12% respectively. Moreover, 15 companies in Group B, about 83% of the overall Group B companies, were able to maintain or upgrade their LCMP label levels. In the 2016 verification, one company even exceeded its overall verification score of 90, which is the first such improvement in the history of LCMP. This illustrates that the LCMP can effectively improve a company s energy efficiency and greenhouse gas management. 最高分 Maximum Score 平均分 Average score 最低分 Minimum score GroupA 組 84.28 63.99 37.71 GroupB 組 90.41 68.14 44.33 GroupA 組 93.88 65.35 28.57 GroupB 組 96.94 78.34 53.06 GroupA 組 76.98 59.30 42.86 GroupB 組 83.52 66.29 51.92 變頻空壓機及余熱回收 Variable-frequency air compressor and waste heat recovery 燈光開關感應器及 LED 燈 Occupancy sensor and LED lamp 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 壓縮空氣系統 COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM 空壓機進行變頻改造及余熱回收, 為員工宿舍生活用水提供熱能, 每年可節省 210,000 度電或超過 38% 用電量 Installing a variable-frequency air compressor. In this example, the recovered waste heat from the compressor is rerouted to the hot water supply in factory dormitories, saving the company 210,000 kwh or more than 38% of its annual electricity usage. 照明系統 LIGHTING SYSTEM 走廊安裝燈光自動開關感應器及 LED 燈, 提升燈光系統能源效益 Installing occupancy sensors and LED lamps in corridors to improve the energy efficiency of company lighting systems. 10 0 Group A 組 Group B 組 Group A 組 Group B 組 Group A 組 Group B 組 驗證總分 Overall Verification Score 溫室氣體管理守則分數 Scores in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Management Practices Spintec Precision (Shenzhen) Ltd. Guangdong Atlan Electronic Appliance Manufacture Co., Ltd. 能源效益守則分數 Scores in Energy Efficiency Practices 最高 Maximum 平均 Average 最低 Minimum 鍋爐 Boiler 蒸汽系統 STEAM SYSTEM 回收高溫冷凝水, 利用余熱把保溫軟水缸預先加溫, 軟水加溫後才進入鍋爐, 從而減少鍋爐的能耗及達致節能減排的成效 措施每年節省耗油量約 60 噸並降低能耗達 14% Recovering energy from water condensate to preheat water in boilers, thus reducing the amount of energy consumed during the preheating process and lowering carbon emissions. The recovery system has cut annual oil consumption by 60 tonnes and lowered energy consumption by 14%. 洗衣機變頻器 VFD in washing machine 脫水機變頻器 VFD in dehydrator 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 7 6 標籤升級工廠數目 with label upgrade 製造過程 MANUFACTURING PROCESSES 洗衣機及脫水機加裝變頻器, 減少平均功率, 令每台機器每年分別節省用電 1,500 及 6,000 度, 降低能耗分別達 25% 及 63% Installing variable-frequency drivers (VFDs) in washing machines and dehydrators, reducing the overall average power output. The VFDs have cut annual electricity consumption per machine by 1,500 and 6,000 kwh respectively, and lowered energy consumption by 25% and 63% respectively. 2015-16 年度 18 家取得低碳制造計劃標簽公司標簽升跌情況 LCMP label level change of 18 LCMP-Accredited Companies in 2015-16 標籤保持工廠數目 with label maintain Jun Wei Apparel Co., Ltd. Jun Wei Apparel Co., Ltd. 標簽提升兩級工廠數目 with two-level label upgrade 3 標籤降級工廠數目 with label downgrade 6 低碳製造計劃報告 2016 Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme (LCMP) Report 2016 7

湄公河三角洲 Mekong Delta 長三角地區 Yangtze River Delta 珠三角地區 Pearl River Delta 氣候變化的影響 CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS 長三角 YRD 珠三角 PRD 海平面上升 Sea level rise 氣候變化已成了國際間關注的議題, 對素有世界工廠見稱的中國影響固然深遠, 隨著經濟轉型及工廠的遷移, 越南也成了其中一個受影響最大的國家, 湄公河亦成了全球三個受海平面上升影響最嚴重的區域之一 應對氣候變化, 除了製定政策, 有效的減排項目亦非常重要, 低碳製造計劃致力協助工廠減少碳排放, 計劃的工具及最佳守則能廣泛地應用於不同地域的工廠, 其成效亦不會因地理的差異而有所影響 越南已成了服裝和鞋類的生產基地多年, 近年更有不少電子產品製造商進駐 可持續發展在越南正逐步形成, 低碳製造計劃於本年度正式推展至越南, 將幫助工廠減少碳排放, 並為相關行業建立最佳實踐守則的基準 目前已有三間紡織廠參與了此計劃並進行了認證, 它們的總部均設於香港, 越南工廠在母公司的管理下, 無論在基礎建設 生產技術 節能設備 系統管理及對待員工等等方面, 都可以媲美其位於中國及東南亞的附屬工廠 Regent Garment Factory Ltd. 位於越南海陽 低碳製造計劃擴展至越南 LAUNCH OF THE LCMP IN VIETNAM 2015 年比常年 1 2015 vs norm 1 預計未來 30 年 in coming 30 years 長三角 ( 東海 ) YRD (East China Sea) 96mm 70-160mm 珠三角及湄公河 ( 南海 ) PRD & MKD (South China Sea) 82mm 75-165mm 在 1957-2013 年間, 每十年的平均溫度上升速率為 : Average temperature rising rate per ten years between 1957 and 2013: 龐大城市 Huge cities 0.483 C 0.3 C 人口稠密城市 Megalopolises 0.314 C 每十年的平均溫度上升速率為 0.3 Average temperature rising rate is 0.3 per ten years 大型城市 Large cities 0.282 C 湄公河 MKD 中型城市 Mediumsized cities 0.225 C 0.5-0.7 C 小型城市 Small cities 0.179 C 在過去五十年間, 平均溫度上升了 0.5-0.7 Average temperatures have risen 0.5-0.7 over the past 50 years 巴黎協定國家自主貢獻 NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT 60%-65% 20% CO 2 2030 2030 2005 2010 單位國內生產總值二氧化碳排放 CO2 per GDP 2015 社會經濟指標 SOCIO-ECONOMIC INDICATOR 2015 人口 ( 百萬 ) 1,371 91.7 Population (million) 人均碳排放量 ( 公噸 ) CO2 7.551 emissions per capita 1.7 (2013) (metric tonnes) 國內生產總值 ( 十億美元 ) 10,866 GDP (current US$Bn) 193.5 7,820 國民總指數 ( 美元 ) GNI per capita (US$) 1,980 6.895% 年度國內生產總值增長 Annual GDP growth % 6.735% Climate change is a growing problem for every country on Earth. China, known as the world s factory, is currently dealing with economic transition and factory relocation while its neighbour, Vietnam, is also heavily impacted by climate change. The Mekong Delta the lifeblood of Vietnam is considered one of the world s top three deltas most vulnerable to sea level rises. To combat climate change, countries require not only comprehensive policies but also effective carbon reduction programmes. The Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme aims to help factories to reduce carbon emissions. The programme tools and best practice guidelines can be implemented wherever factories are located, and geographical differences will not constrain the programme s effectiveness. For many years now, Vietnam has been a major production base for the clothing and footwear industries. More recently, the country has encouraged electronic manufacturers to set up factories around the country. Sustainable development in Vietnam is evolving. The LCMP s timely arrival in Vietnam will help factories reduce their carbon emissions and establish best practice benchmarks for similar industries. So far this year, three apparel factories in Vietnam have joined the LCMP and completed the verification process. With headquarters located in Hong Kong, these factories are managed in a well-organized and standardized way, from production technologies, factory infrastructure and energy saving facilities to management practices and treatment of workers. 司, 產品主要出口歐美和日本 秉承母公司的環保理念,Regent 不僅致力生產高質量的產品, 還確保所有活動對社會有正面的影響 公司於 2016 年參加低碳製造計劃, 同年進行 LCMP 審核並獲得最高級別的白金標籤 K+K Fashion Company Limited 及 Maxturn Apparel Company Limited 分別位於越南的河內市及北寧省, 均是香港羅氏集團旗下的附屬公司 K+K 及 Maxturn 分別成立於 2008 年及 2007 年, 主要生產針織成衣, 產品主要外銷到歐美國家 兩家公司一直非常重視環保節能生產及社會責任, 於 2016 年參加低碳製造計劃並於同年進行 LCMP 審核, 無獨有偶, 兩家公司同時獲得黃金標籤 REGENT GARMENT FACTORY LTD. 減碳措施 CARBON REDUCTION MEASURES AT REGENT: 生物質鍋爐 BIOFUEL BOILER 鍋爐採用再生能源的生物質燃料, 取代柴油鍋爐, 節省成本及減排接近 100%, 每年減少超過 1,100 噸碳排放 Replacing their diesel-driven boilers with biofuel boilers, reducing costs and lowering carbon emissions by almost 100%, or more than 1,100 tonnes annually. K+K FASHION COMPANY LIMITED 減碳措施 CARBON REDUCTION MEASURES AT K+K: 吊掛系統 HANGING SYSTEM 引進吊掛系統, 實現半自動化生產, 節省貨物轉運時間, 同時提高生產效率 Installing a hanging system to achieve semi-automatic production, saving time and improving energy efficiency. MAXTURN APPAREL COMPANY LIMITED 減碳措施 CARBON REDUCTION MEASURES AT MAXTURN: 自動裁床設備 AUTOMATIC CUTTING MACHINE 使用先進化自動裁床設備, 提高裁剪的精準性, 大大降低生產過程中的次品率, 並節省人力資源 Using automatic cutting machines to improve accuracy, which reduces defect rates and saves labour costs. Regent Garment Factory Ltd. is one of the subsidiary factories of Hong Kong-based Crystal Group, whose clients are based mainly in the U.S., Europe and Japan. Located in Hai Duong Province, Vietnam, the factory specializes in the manufacture of sweaters and cut-and-sewn knitwear. In accordance with its parent company s environmental philosophy, Regent is committed to producing high quality products while also ensuring that all of its activities impact the community in a positive way. Regent joined the LCMP in 2016 and received a Platinum Label the same year. K+K Fashion Company Limited and Maxturn Apparel Company Limited are subsidiary factories of the Hong Kong-based Lawsgroup and they are located in Hanoi and Bac Ninh, Vietnam, respectively. K+K and Maxturn were established in 2008 and 2007 respectively, and both factories specialize in the manufacture of knitted garments for clients located mainly in Europe and the U.S. In their business practices the factories have always paid attention to both environmental protection and social responsibility. K+K and Maxturn joined the LCMP in 2016, and both factories received Gold Labels the same year. 蒸汽回收 HEAT RECOVERY FROM STEAM 安裝儲水箱和管道, 回收干衣機的蒸汽及冷凝水並用於洗水流程, 每月節省 14,700 噸蒸汽 Installing a hot water tank and pipeline to utilize return steam and condensate water from garment dryers for heating water in washing machines, saving 14,700 tonnes of steam monthly. 衣車吸風咀及軟管 SUCTION DUCT IN SEWING MACHINE 衣車吸風使用壓縮空氣, 替代獨立小型馬達抽取剩餘線頭, 節省電量達 35%, 預計每年可減少約 70 噸碳排放 Using compressed air instead of electric motors to extract thread ends from sewing machines. This change is expected to reduce annual electricity consumption by 35% and lower annual carbon emissions by more than 70 tonnes. 太陽能熱水器 SOLAR WATER HEATER 員工宿舍使用太陽能熱水器, 提供熱水予員工洗澡, 節約運行成本並提升能源效益 Installing a solar water heater for employee showers in the dormitory, saving operating costs and improving energy efficiency. 省, 是香港晶苑集團旗下生產毛衫及針織成衣的公 (1) 常年 /Norm: 中國海平面公報將 1975-1993 年的平均海平面定為常年平均海平面, 簡稱常年 According to the China Sea Level Disclosure, norm is defined as the average sea level between 1975 and 1993. 8 低碳製造計劃報告 2016 Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme (LCMP) Report 2016 9 Crystal Group K+K Fashion Company Limited Maxturn Apparel Company Limited

再下一城, 寧波凱耀 2016 全面啟動太陽能發電 START UP SOLAR POWER IN 2016 NINGBO KLITE Ningbo Klite Electric Manufacture Co., Ltd. Ningbo Klite Electric Manufacture Co., Ltd. 凱耀 LCMP 宣傳報 Klite LCMP newsletter 生產線自動化 Production lines automation 電量均用於內部生產使用 此項目佔用的屋頂面積約 10,000 平方米, 裝機容量為 600 千瓦 凱耀負責提供屋頂安裝場地, 優先使用其所發電量, 按公司向電力局採購電價的 85% 支付其使用部分的電費 在項目開展初期, 根據實際發電量的估算, 太陽能光伏發電預計年發電量約 66 萬度, 占公司每年用電量約 8.8%, 為公司減少每年約 460 噸碳排放 善用天然資源, 不僅為公司節省成本, 更能應對國家的環保政策, 為可持續發展奠下 approximately 10,000 square metres, and the system has a capacity of around 0.6MW. Klite provides the rooftop space and is given priority usage of the electricity generated by the facility at a discount of 15% off local electricity charges. According to the amount of electricity produced in the project s initial stage, the solar panel system will generate an estimated total of around 660,000 kwh annually, which amounts to about 8.8% of Klites total consumption and helps the company to reduce its carbon emissions by 460 tonnes. Making good use of natural resources, the project not only reduces operating costs but also aligns with national environmental policy. The Klite solar panel system is now part of a firm foundation for future sustainable development. 了穩妥紮實的基石 寧波凱耀電器製造有限公司位於浙江省寧波市, 主要生產 LED 燈 節能燈 LED 驅動器 電子鎮流器及變壓器 公司本著人人參與及人人有責的方針, 除了滿足市場的需求外, 還大力支持綠色環保, 積極落實國家節能減排的產業政策 凱耀在 2012 年參加低碳製造計劃, 繼而開展及推動節能減排項目, 尤其註重節能燈及太陽能的使用, 在 2014 年及 2016 年的 LCMP 審核中獲得黃金標籤 太陽能光伏發電系統項目簡述及成效 近年, 中國政府大力推動節能減排, 倡議企業使用再生能源, 促使凱耀與投資方的能源開發公司合作, 開發廠房屋頂太陽能光伏發電項目 項目於 2015 年尾動工, 在廠房屋頂安裝 2,200 片太陽能板, 每片電池板功率 270 瓦,2016 年中經調試合格後並網發電, 所有發 Ningbo Klite Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in Ningbo city, Zhejiang Province and specializes in the manufacture of LED and energy-saving lamps, LED drivers, electronic ballasts and transformers. Adhering to the principle of active participation and environmental responsibility, the company not only fulfills its market mandate but also strongly supports green activities and actively implements national policies aimed at energy-saving and carbon emissions reduction. The company joined the LCMP in 2012 and received a Gold Label in its 2014 and 2016 verifications. Over the years, the factory has adopted numerous carbon reduction measures, most notably by using energy saving lamps and solar energy. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND OUTCOMES In recent years, the Chinese government has actively promoted carbon reduction and advocated the use of renewable energy. This led to a collaboration between Klite and an energy company to develop a rooftop solar PV project. Beginning in late 2015, the company installed 2,200 solar panels, with each panel s capacity of 270W. After a thorough set of tests, the solar PV system began to generate electricity for production in mid-2016. The project covers Ningbo Klite Electric Manufacture Co., Ltd. 擁抱可持續發展 企業要成功推行節能減排, 管理層的參與是不可或缺的 集團副總張益軍一直非常重視環保, 他憑著對環保的那份執著及永不放棄的精神, 帶領凱耀於年間實施了一系列的節能減排措施, 如廣泛採用 LED 燈及生產線自動化等等 在培養員工環保意識方面, 企管部從 2014 年 7 月開始, 每季定期出版 LCMP 宣傳報, 宣傳低碳理念及良好守則, 讓員工在推行改善措施時添加低碳元素, 從而達至節能減排 在社會責任方面, 凱耀協助倡導和製定關於教室健康照明標準, 舉辦相關研討會並邀請省市政府節能負責人 教育部及學校代表 照明領域專家出席, 讓他們了解實際情況並提出對策, 期望孩子們最終能在健康的照明環境下學習 此外, 凱耀亦推出健康照明樣板教室, 並自行研發及生產沒有頻閃 眩光及藍光的教室燈, 以實際行動回饋社會 EMBRACING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Management participation is indispensable in successfully implementing carbon reduction programmes. Mr. Zhang Yijun, the Group Vice President of Klite, consistently focuses on environmental protection. In recent years, his persistence and never give-up spirit regarding sustainable development lead the company to implement a series of carbon reduction measures, such as adopting LED lamps and automating production lines. To cultivate the staff s environmental awareness, the Corporate Administration Department has published a quarterly LCMP newsletter since July 2014 to promote low carbon concepts and best practices. Employees can then incorporate low carbon practices into their own innovations, resulting in effective energy saving and carbon reduction. In the area of social responsibility, Klite has advocated for and helped to establish classroom lighting and lighting health standards. The company has sponsored various seminars and invited a range of people to attend, including provincial and municipal officials in charge of energy saving, representatives from the Ministry of Education and various schools, and professional lighting experts. Seminars helped participants to understand the practical aspects of classroom lightings and to consider countermeasures aimed at providing a healthy learning environment for children. The company also designed and built a demonstration classroom in compliance with national lighting health standards and produced their own classroom lighting system that had no strobe, glare or blue light. 10 低碳製造計劃報告 2016 Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme (LCMP) Report 2016 11

有關低碳制造計劃 (LCMP) ABOUT THE LCMP 74 已參與低碳製造計劃工廠數目 * Number of factories in the LCMP* 110,200 142,282 26 家低碳製造計劃標籤認證公司減少的碳排放噸數 ( 與 一切如常 比較 )* Tonnes of carbon emissions that were avoided by 26 LCMPaccredited companies* versus the business-as-usual scenario * 截至 2016 年 10 月 31 日 As of 31 Oct 2016 低碳製造計劃報告 2016 LOW-CARBON MANUFACTURING PROGRAMME (LCMP) REPORT 2016 參與低碳製造計劃企業的員工數目 * Total number of employees in companies participating in the LCMP* -6.7% 2016 年 13 家取得低碳製造計劃標籤公司的年均碳強度變化 Annual Change in Carbon Intensity of 13 LCMP-accredited companies through 2016 為人類及野生生物延續大自然 Working to sustain the natural world for people and wildlife together possible TM wwf.org.hk 1986 熊貓標誌 W WF, W W F 是世界自然基金會的註冊商標 1986 Panda symbol WWF WWF is a WWF Registered Trademark 香港新界葵涌葵昌路 8 號萬泰中心 15 樓世界自然基金會香港分會電話 :(852) 2526 1011, 傳真 :(852) 2845 2734, 電郵 :wwf@wwf.org.hk WWF-Hong Kong, 15/F, Manhattan Centre, 8 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories. Tel: (852) 2526 1011, Fax: (852) 2845 2734, Email:wwf@wwf.org.hk 註冊名稱 Registered Name: 世界自然 ( 香港 ) 基金會 World Wide Fund For Nature Hong Kong ( 於香港註冊成立的擔保有限公司 Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee) WWF.ORG.HK