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An overview of studies on health effects of traffic-related air pollution in China 中国交通相关大气污染对健康影响研究的概述 Xinbiao GUO 郭 新彪 Peking University School of Public Health 北京大学公共卫生学院

With the rapid economic growth and the development of transportation in China in the recent two decades, the number of motor vehicles in China continues to increase at an annual rate of approximately 13%.

The number of motor vehicles in China (!!!./0/-12+3456+789"! % : '!!! &!!! %!!! $!!! #!!! "!!!! #!!% #!!& #!!' #!!( #!!) *+,- From National Bureau of Statistics of China

The traffic-related air pollution has become the focus of attention, and it contributes a significant proportion of ambient air pollutants in large cities in China. The air pollution pattern in some large cities in China has been shifting from the coal-burning pollution to that mainly from the traffic.

Annual average concentration of nitrogen dioxide in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou from 2000 to 2005 City Concentration (mg/m 3 ) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Beijing 0.071 0.071 0.076 0.072 0.071 0.066 Shanghai 0.090 0.063 0.058 0.057 0.062 0.061 Guangzhou 0.061 0.071 0.068 0.072 0.073 0.068

The ambient particulate air pollution in Beijing during the 2008 Olympic Games (from August 8 to September 20) decreased markedly after a series of air quality control countermeasures implemented by the Beijing Municipal Government, including more than half of the motor vehicles in Beijing banned from the streets every day.

Traffic-related Air pollutant Measurement Diurnal patterns of BC in 2007 and 2008 in Beijing BC: black carbon; TC-II: Traffic control days period-ii ( from Jul 20 to Sep 20, 2008); NTC: Non traffic control days Wang, et al., 2009

Traffic-related Air pollutant Measurement BC concentrations at 20 m and 6 m levels Wang, et al., 2009

It was reported that the increases in the prevalence of respiratory disease and symptom among children were closely associated with the traffic-related air pollution in some cities in China.

Prevalence rates and estimated risk of respiratory symptoms or illnesses in children whose houses are near the main road in Beijing Symptoms or illnesses Prevalence rate (%) OR Cough 59.06 1.13* With a cold 58.59 1.13 Without a cold 4.73 1.29 Persistent cough 4.50 0.99 Phlegm 39.24 1.16* With a cold 38.80 1.15* Without a cold 4.01 1.15 Persistent phlegm 2.96 1.18 Cough and phlegm 21.37 1.12 Persistent Cough and 1.49 1.01 phlegm Wheeze 4.92 0.95 Tightness 3.38 1.04 Asthma 0.92 1.04 Bronchitis 21.19 1.16 Chronic bronchitis 0.58 0.81 * Significantly different from children whose houses are far from the main road. S Wang, et al., 2004

The studies on traffic police and professional drivers in some cities in China have showed that the traffic pollution may increase the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and illnesses. Long term exposure to traffic-related air pollution was found to be related with the high prevalence of hypertension and abnormal ECG in traffic police.

Taxi Driver Study Daily averages of exposure variables inside the taxicab Wu, et al., 2009

Taxi Driver Study Percent changes (95% CIs) in 5-minute SDNN for per IQR (69.5 µg/m 3 ) increase of the PM2.5 mass concentration moving averages (from 5 minutes to 4 hours) 细颗粒物浓度变化对心率变异的影响 SDNN: standard deviation of normal-to-normal intervals; IQR: interquartile range Wu, et al., 2009

Conclusion Efforts during the past decades have contributed greatly our understanding of traffic-related air pollution related health effects in China. Further studies are needed to identify the adverse impacts of traffic-related air pollution on older people and other vulnerable population and to characterize the personal exposure to trafficrelated air pollution. Based on the obtained scientific evidence, comprehensive measures could be taken in China to protect human health from traffic-related air pollution.

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