Live Confucian: The Newsletter of the Confucius Institute of Pace University January 2015

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Pace University DigitalCommons@Pace Live Confucian Winter 1-2015 Live Confucian: The Newsletter of the Confucius Institute of Pace University January 2015 Confucius Institute Pace University Follow this and additional works at: confucius_institute_newsletter Part of the Chinese Studies Commons Recommended Citation Confucius Institute Pace University, "Live Confucian: The Newsletter of the Confucius Institute of Pace University January 2015" (2015). Live Confucian. Book 2. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Pace. It has been accepted for inclusion in Live Confucian by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Pace. For more information, please contact

The Confucius InsƟtute at Pace University January 2015, Volume 6, Issue 1 Live Confucian The Newsletter of the Confucius Institute at Pace University Pace CI Receives Major Award Drs. Min Zhu and Weihua Niu The 9 th Confucius Institute Conference was held in Xiamen, China from December 7 th to 8 th, 2014. Over 2,000 delegates, including CI Chinese and foreign directors, collaborating university presidents and other distinguished guests, attended the conference. Dr. Joseph Ryan of Pace University receiving the Outstanding Confucius InsƟtute 2014 Award from Vice Premier LIU Yandong Madam LIU Yandong, Vice Premier of the People s Republic of China, delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony and conferred awards to 25 outstanding institutions among 500 Confucius institutes worldwide. The Pace CI was awarded Outstanding Confucius Institute 2014, in recognition of its great achievements, and a result of successful collaboration of all levels between its Chinese and U.S. partners. Also attending the conference were senior administrators of Nanjing Normal University (NNU) and Chairman CHEN Haiyan of Jiangsu Phoenix Publishing and Media Group (PPMG), who were among many others congratulating Pace CI on (ConƟnued on page 4) Hands Join to Create Better World Drs. Min Zhu and Juan Yang On September 27, 2014, over 400 Confucius Institutes in 123 countries celebrated Confucius Institute (CI) Day on the 10 th anniversary of the establishment of the first Confucius Institutes. Five New York City based Confucius Institutes collaboratively hosted the Confucius Institute Day celebration activities for the New York Area. The closing ceremony of CI Day in New York City was organized by the Confucius Institute at Pace University (Pace CI) and held at Pace s Schimmel Center for the Arts. In his opening remarks Assistant Vice President Barry Stinson pointed out that the Confucius Institutes have helped the world understand Chinese language and culture and enhanced the mutual understanding between China and the US. He expressed gratitude to the Confucius Institute at Pace University for its commitment to Pace faculty and students as well as to the local community. On behalf of the Consulate General of China in NY, Consul General CHENG Lei (ConƟnued on page 3) Pace Faculty and Staff Pose in Front of the Statue of George Washington at Federal Hall on Wall Street During CI Day CONTENTS: Page 2 Letter From Directors, Documentary Page 9 Awards Page 5 Cultural Festivals Page 10 Classes, Testing, Scholarships Page 6 Chinese Bridge Page 11 Panel Discussions Page 7 Faculty Seminar, Conferences Page 12 Community Involvement Page 8 Textbook, Chinese Corner Page 12 Upcoming Events

Letter from the Directors Dear Friends: The past few years have witnessed the rapid growth of the Confucius Institute at Pace University (Pace CI). We took a leading role in organizing the Northeastern U.S. Chinese Bridge Competition in 2014, turned our testing administration into a regionally influential HSK test center, succeeded in selecting more CI scholarship students than ever, and completed the on-line Phoenix Chinese App covering HSK level 1-3 standards, a milestone work that embodies the synergy among US-China collaborating partners. Our innovative faculty seminar program continues to flourish and a new round will begin in 2015. We have held various cultural and experiential events, including traditional festivals, art exhibitions, cultural demonstrations, and lectures and have been featured in news outlets as varied as World News, China Press, Downtown Express, and Chinese TV. Our documentary on the occasion of the 10 th global anniversary of the Confucius Institute was also picked as one of the top five chosen out of one hundred submitted. In addition we received The Outstanding Contribution to Local Communities Award from New York State Senator Daniel Squadron for our consistent efforts in promoting local academic exchange and multicultural communication. Pace CI s efforts have earned positive feedback from Pace University and members of Pace s leadership have frequently made appearances at our events. Thanks to the hard work of all Pace CI personnel, the Pace CI has made distinguished achievements in the past five years. Such achievement led us to win the Confucius Institute of the Year Award in 2014, as recognized at the 9 th Global Confucius Institute Convention. Knowing how honorable and important such an award is to us, the Pace CI, with your support, strives for greater success in the future. Sincerely, Dr. Weihua Niu Dr. Min Zhu Director, Confucius Institute at Pace University Chinese Director, Confucius Institute at Pace University Documentary Receives Accolades Dr. Min Zhu To th celebrate the 10 global anniversary of the Confucius Institutes, the CI Headquarters proposed at the end of 2013 that each CI should make a 10-15 minute documentary which reflects teaching results and achievements, and highlights major events and teaching activities. As this is the 5 th year since the Pace CI was founded, we decided to take this opportunity to review our past experiences and achievements. Within two months, we collected, combined, and organized data and statistics from our teaching and cultural events according to the Headquarters requirements. In addition to the contributions that the Pace CI staff made to the video, Li Maoqi from the United Nations Chinese group did English dubbing and Director Ding Ye shot and produced the final version of the documentary. The completed documentary includes interviews with the President and Provost of Pace University, the Dean of Dyson College of Arts and Sciences, and both Directors of the Pace CI. It also highlights the unique nature of our teaching concepts and other cultural events, and explores the accomplishments we have made in teaching, testing and textbook development. The documentary reflects the fast development we have made in just five years and our growing regional impact. This documentary from the Pace CI received very positive feedback from the CI Headquarters, and was selected to be played on the Confucius Institute Day as one of five documentaries chosen out of more than 100. New Staff : Qiqi Wang President Dr. Stephen Friedman being interviewed for the film We are proud to welcome Qiqi Wang as our new Program Manager. Wang has extensive experience in running international exchange programs. Qiqi holds an M.S.Ed. from the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) where he was active in the Chinese Students and Scholars Association. Starting in 2007, he taught at Penn s Graduate School of Education (GSE) and coordinated International Programs including the Penn PCP International Young Scholars Program, Penn-Security Association of China Executive Training Program, Penn GSE-East China Normal University Joint Ed.D. Program and the Penn-NAEA Training Program for Chinese Higher Education Leaders. For the past four years, prior to coming to Pace, Wang was Program Coordinator in the Office of International Affairs at Columbia University s Teachers College. 2 Live Confucian Volume 6, Issue 1

Joining Hands to Create a Better Future (ConƟnued from page 1) extended his congratulations on the success of the CI Day, stressing the steady role Confucius Institutes have been playing in promoting An important part of the closing ceremony, were the breathtaking performances, including a Taiji Sword Dance showcasing the flexibility and forcefulness of Pace CI s Taiji master LIN Xu and her students; the Northwest China Dunhuang folk dance Hu Xuan, performed by Pace CI s dance teacher YANG Zi; and a presentation of the original song The Companion with guitar accompaniment by Akeira Cramer, a winner of last year s Chinese Bridge. All these performances were impressive in how they exhibited Pace CI s efforts in language and cultural activities. The Confucius Institutes cannot develop without the support of peoples around the world and local communities. In New York, this includes the United Nations. The climax of the closing ceremony was the performance by the UN Singers of three Chinese folk songs, Mo Li Hua (Jasmine Flower), Ye Lai Xiang (Fragrant Night) and Ju Hua Tai (Chrysanthemum Terrace). Their angelic singing, perfect harmonies, and beautiful melodies were awarded by prolonged and thundering applause. Consul General CHENG Lei spoke at the Closing Ceremonies Sino-US relations. He also read a letter of greeting and congratulations from China s President XI Jinping and Premier LI Keqiang. In addition, President of SUNY College of Optometry Dr. David A. Heath and President of China Institute James B. Heimowitz also spoke. The priority of the Confucius Institutes is to teach Chinese and train high-quality students and teachers specializing in the Chinese language and culture. In the closing ceremony, directors of the five New York City based Confucius Institutes acknowledged the efforts made by these students and teachers with awards. The artwork on display blended ancient and modern techniques In addition to the closing ceremony, the Pace CI also held a series of Chinese cultural experience activities earlier in the day, including a Chinese language demo class, performances of Chinese zither, flute, and calligraphy, and tea-making. People of all ages attended these activities and experienced the variety and charm of Chinese culture. Held concurrently with the afternoon activities were open hours at the Fingesten Gallery for the exhibition Finding New Realities, showcasing the masterpieces of three contemporary Chinese artists. These artists use traditional Chinese art forms, such as paper-cutting, ink drawings, and print-making, to reflect on the reality of the contemporary world. Akeira Cramer, a winner of last year s Chinese Bridge, playing an original song at the CI Day Closing Ceremonies Time flies; In the past five years, with a great deal of effort, the CIs have continued to develop; we will continue to join hands for a brighter future by helping more foreign people learn Chinese and spread Chinese culture around the world. Live Confucian Jan. 2015 3

Pace CI Receives Prestigious Award (ConƟnued from page 1) From left: Pace CI Directors; Chairman of Jiangsu PPMG Mr. CHEN Haiyan; Pace University Trustee Dr. Joseph Ryan; NNU Vice Pres. MIAO Jiandong and Director GAO Liping of Office of Intl. Affairs its outstanding accomplishment, the first such high-profile acknowledgement awarded to a Nanjing Normal-partnered CI. Following the award ceremony Hanban Associate Director WANG Yongli met with Dr. Joseph Ryan, Pace University trustee and presidential envoy, Dr. Weihua Niu, Pace CI U.S. Director, and Dr. Min Zhu, Pace CI Chinese Director along with Vice President MIAO Jiandong and Director GAO Liping of NNU. Wang congratulated the Pace CI, and praised the collaborative efforts between Pace University and Nanjing Normal University. Wang listened attentively to Director Niu s report on Pace CI s previous work, particularly on its Faculty Seminar Program, which was launched for the third consecutive year (2015) with a renewed focus on joint graduate degree programs and their curriculum development. Another featured project of the Pace CI in 2014 was the development of the Phoenix Chinese Learning App. At the Directors Forum, Dr. Min Zhu gave a speech on Phoenix Chinese Learning App and Localization of Chinese Learning, which was quite well received. Dr. Ryan also addressed the CI Conference s President Forum on establishing a CI Alumni Club and CI Endowment and Chairman CHEN Haiyan of Jiangsu PPMG headed a delegation that meet with Pace CI leadership on future program development. 2014 has seen the Pace CI take full advantage of the synergy of three-party collaboration, reinforce its strengths, and continue to reinvent itself to become an institution of global influence. Such endeavors pay off as we are now proudly named an Outstanding Confucius Institute. This is such a great honor as well as an inspiration for our enduring growth. Breadth of CI on Display at Anniversary On Saturday, May 3 rd, 2014, the Pace CI celebrated five years of successful programming in the Aniello Bianco Room of One Pace Plaza with a panel on Growing up Chinese in New York City, Chinese cultural demonstrations, and the premiere of a documentary made about the Pace CI. The panel, part of the 22nd Annual Pace University Psychology Conference, summarized the preliminary results of ongoing research focusing on the necessary adaptations of 1 st and 2 nd generation Chinese-American youth living in New York. The research involves detailed interviews with Chinese- American adolescents and young adults, as well as autobiographical essays by high school and college students. Dr. Uwe Gielen, from St. Francis College, began the presentation by describing the general experience of Chinese-Americans in New York City. Gielen estimates that there are about half a million people of Chinese descent currently living in New York City (it is hard to get an exact number because of illegal immigration). Despite the success of many Chinese- Americans, New York s Chinatowns remain poor and many inhabitants speak little or no English. It is in this environment that many young Chinese- Americans find their 4 Live Confucian Volume 6, Issue 1 Ansel Lurio Left to Right: Pace Provost Uday Sukhatme, NNU Vice President Xiaojin Zhu, CI Chinese Director Mina Zhu, Dyson Dean Nira Herrmann, Pace Prof. Sherman Raskin, and CI Director Weihua Niu families to be in and which Gielen and his into the research, exploring major themes colleagues are trying to understand. Follow- mentioned in the autobiographical essays. ing Gielen s introduction, Jonathan Palumbo, One of the important themes was education. who conducted the interviews, delved deeper (ConƟnued on page 5)

(ConƟnued from page 4) Pace CI Chinese language teacher Dr. Juan Yang enthusiastically teaches the audience how to say the number 3 in Mandarin prestigious public high schools, such as Stuyvesant, where about 75% of the students are Chinese. For many Chinese immigrants education is of the upmost importance and they see education as a way for their children to have a better life. Many of the essay writers wrote about the great pressure and expectations by their parents to do well in school. Despite this, they realize how hard their parents work and see the positive aspects of education. Another major theme was becoming assimilated into American life and the cultural barriers between them and their parents. For example, some of the essayists wrote about how their parents don t approve of their non-chinese boyfriends or girlfriends. Many of the respondents wanted to become even more assimilated and were ashamed of looking Chinese (this was especially true for girls) and wanted to look more American. In addition to the bullying and taunts they faced by non-chinese classmates, this often caused depression and low self-esteem. Despite the issues they face, Chinese- Americans do very well in school, a phenomenon that Dr. Ting Lei, of Columbia University, explored. Only 1.1% of Chinese-Americans drop out of high school and at least 73% eventually receive a BA. High academic achievement is especially on display in New York s The 2 nd hour encompassed a celebration of Pace CI s programming. Juan Yang, one of the CI language teachers, gave a demonstration of her interactive teaching style, helping the audience members count from one to ten in Chinese. Ruifan Wu, the Pace CI s graduate assistant followed this demonstration with a musical performance on the guzheng, a seven stringed plucked zither that has been played since ancient times in China and often favored by scholars and other intellectuals. Lastly, Lynn Lin, a martial arts master who teaches at the Pace CI, gave a demonstration of the beauty of Tai Chi. And of course, as at any party, there was cake for all at the end. Celebrating the Art of Chinese Opera On December 6 th, 2014, three visiting artists, National Chinese First Class opera singers ZHANG Jianguo and YANG Yanyi and jinghu accompanist LI Yang, along with Chinese opera enthusiasts from both China and the United States, helped to stage the grand opera The Orphan of Zhao, performed as a matinée at the Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts on December 6 th, as part of the 8 th Annual Winter Cultural Exchange Festival, co-sponsored by the New York Chinese Opera Society (NYCOS) and the Pace CI. audience felt much empathy for the characters. When the Zhao family was exterminated, the audi ence members gnashed their teeth The performance of the opera was marked by delicate singing and graceful acting, bringing the intricate plot to life. According to NYCOS President Mr. Chi K. Chu, the performers had worked tirelessly for over two months to bring this opera to the stage. The backstory to the opera is that Duke Ling is the foolish and licentious ruler of the Jin state, who shoots people to death as a game. In the The performance of the opera was marked by delicate singing and graceful acting, bringing the intricate plot to life Ruifan Wu opera, Tu'an Gu, Ling s loyal general, exterminates most of the family of Zhao, and frames his rival, Zhao Dun, who commits suicide. ZHANG Jianguo played the complex character of physician Cheng Ying, a righteous man who sacrifices his own son to save the remaining son of the Zhao family and tolerates humiliation to avenge Tu'an Gu. The remaining son, the titular Zhao orphan, is brought up by Cheng Ying and is later adopted by Tu'an Gu. In the climax of the opera, the orphan takes his revenge, kills Tu'an Gu and is reunited with his mother, a development that brought thundering applause and cheers from the audience. As the many twists and turns in the plot were revealed, the with hatred, and when Cheng Ying saw his own son smashed to death, the audience expressed their pity. Live Confucian Jan. 2015 5

A Multicultural Welcome to a New Year On Sunday, February 2 nd to mark the Year of the Horse, the Pace CI, in partnership with the Pace University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (Pace CSSA), and (NYCOS), hosted the Fourth Annual Lunar New Year Celebration at Pace University. The Lunar New Year is also known as the Spring Festival and this year s celebration, replete with light and colorful performances, was an acknowledgement that warmer weather would soon be coming. (Despite what the groundhog said). The celebration was also a treasure trove of cross-cultural pollination, with performances representing cultures from Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and the U.S., as well as China. Ansel Lurio The Lion Dance is the central focus point of many Lunar New Year celebrations, and the Pace CI s was no exception. With their drums and colorful masks and costumes the New York Chinese Freemason s Athletic Society opened the festivities in a way that no -one in the audience could forget. The UN singers dazzled the audience with their colorful garb and grasp of multiple singing traditions Other highlights of the day s performances included a duet on violin and piano of the Chinese folk song Fishing Boat, a crosstalk comedy routine, Chinese opera excerpts, Egyptian belly-dancing, and martial arts demonstrations. Truly an international group, the UN singers came to the stage in the finale, dressed in the colorful costumes of their native cultures while joined together in traditional harmonies from around the world. The new year is also known as the Spring Festival and the chorus sang about the beauty that spring symbolizes. A Chinese Bridge For the Digital Age Dr. Min Zhu On Sunday, March 30 th, in the Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts at Pace University s downtown Manhattan campus, 25 non-chinese contestants impressed a panel of judges with their knowledge of the world s most spoken language and its culture. The competition was part of the 13 th Annual Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition, a large-scale international contest sponsored by Hanban, a nonprofit organization focused on spreading knowledge of Chinese language and culture around the world. The competition aims to persuade students in various countries to learn Chinese and strengthen the world's understanding of Chinese language and culture. It consists of competitions for foreign college students, foreign high school students and foreign students in China. In recent years, the competition has been carried out by Hanban in co-operation with local governments, and presented to the public through TV broadcasts. Officially known as the Chinese Bridge Eastern USA Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students, the event has been co-hosted by the Pace CI and the New York Service Center for Chinese Overseas Study Fellows, Inc., for the past four years. Senior Level winner Carrie Buck, surrounded by dancers, CI Program Manager Lindsay Bennett, and CI Director Dr. Weihua Niu. Instead of preliminary competitions throughout the Northeast U.S. as has been done in years past to pick the contestants, this year the 25 contestants were selected by committee from a total of 43 submissions during a preliminary online video competition in February. For the video competition we asked that applicants send us a one-and-a-half minute video speaking to the camera entirely in Mandarin Chinese. We didn t ask them to answer any specific questions but some of the students read original poetry, showed off their verbal ability with tongue twisters, and gave us views into their college life. The selection committee was highly impressed by the strong caliber of applicants, and noted the breadth of schools and states represented. At the end of this year s competition the audience and judges were treated to a selection of our favorite clips from the video submissions we re (ConƟnued on page 7) 6 Live Confucian Volume 6, Issue 1

(ConƟnued from page 6) ceived. The students competing this year were the cream of the crop of American university students in terms of their fluency in Chinese and their knowledge of Chinese culture. The entrants represented universities and colleges from across the Northeast and Midwest including Pace University, SUNY Binghamton, Rutgers, Princeton, Gettysburg, University of Pittsburgh, Cleveland State, University of Vermont and Middlebury. The theme for this year s competition was Confucius Institute and Me, in recognition of the 10 th anniversary of the establishment of the first Confucius Institutes, which currently number more than 400 worldwide. In both the senior and junior levels, contestants had to recite preapproved scripts in Mandarin based on this theme for the judges. (Senior level speeches were longer and contestants couldn t refer to their script during the performance) and recite them in Mandarin for the judges and the audience. In the talent portion of the competition students showed off talents related to Chinese culture such as martial arts, dance, music, Peking Opera, and even cooking. Senior level competitors also had to watch a dance or martial arts performance and describe in Mandarin what they saw using three adjectives. Carrie Buck, a Senior at SUNY Binghamton majoring in Chinese and Spanish won the Senior level competition with her interpretation of the Peking Opera excerpt Goddess Showering Flowers From Heaven (SUNY Binghamton has a Confucius Institute that specializes in Chinese Opera). Along with the Junior level winner from Carnegie Mellon University, Will Crichton, Buck will represent the Northeast America region this summer in Beijing, with the opportunity to win a full scholarship to study anywhere in China An Inspirational Seminar Dr. Weihua Niu & Xiang Ye During the fall of 2014, the Pace s Confucius Institute announced its new round of faculty seminar, open to all Pace faculty. The purpose of the seminar is to promote the understanding of the Chinese language and culture among Pace faculty and to enhance the curriculum at Pace by promoting collaboration across disciplines and developing courses with a worldwide perspective. This is the 3 rd time running this program. From its inauguration in 2011, Pace CI has offered two rounds of seminar programs introducing Chinese language and culture to a selected group of faculty who committed themselves to develop courses with an international focus and traveled to China during the summers of 2011 and 2013, to further advance their knowledge and experience of China. The program has already benefited 16 full-time faculty members who subsequently offered ten credit-bearing courses on the Pace campus, reaching out to more than 200 undergraduate students a year. One of the unique features of the 2015 faculty seminar is its emphasis on the development of graduate training programs and courses. It also has closer ties to the Confucius Chinese Scholars Program (CCSP) funded by the Confucius Institute headquarters (Hanban). In addition to generating more graduate Admiring one of the photos in the exhibition level courses, the seminar program will help the faculty at Pace and our partner university, Nanjing Normal, to develop research projects in Chinese studies and to provide opportunities to graduate students to engage in scholarly research to better understand the roles of Chinese culture and Confucianism in today s global economy, environmentalism, and in the development of human potential and well-being. This November, at the Conference of the Association for Professors held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, CI Director Dr. Weihua Niu made a featured presentation on the CCSP and discussed the sustainable development of the Confucius Institute and its relationship to its host university. During the last Faculty Seminar, Professors Anna Shostya and Joseph Morreale designed an economics course, From Wall Street to the Great Wall. On the morning of November 17 th, 2014 the Economics Department and the CI co-sponsored a temporary photo exhibition, From Wall Street to the Great Wall: Seeing China through Pace Faculty and Student Lenses on display in Pace s Student Union, of photos taken during the class. In addition to going to classes comparing the Chinese and American economies, students had the opportunity to see Chinese economics and culture first hand during a trip taken to China during the summer with their professors. Many of these students took professional quality photos and videos during their trip to Suzhou, Beijing, and Shanghai which were on display in the exhibition. In a short presentation, held concurrently in conjunction with the exhibition they shared with the audience their amazing images and experiences of China s history, culture and economy. Live Confucian Jan. 2015 7

Textbook Enhanced by Interactive App Dr. Juan Yang A Screenshot from the Forthcoming App Pace CI has developed a progressive Chinese textbook entitled Phoenix Chinese, published by our partner, Phoenix Publishing and Media Group. We have been working on the textbook since 2011 and have revised it six times. The textbook contains 76 lessons that are compiled into 18 units based on HSK Level 1-3 test syllabus. We are now working on designing an App to go along with the textbook. Using multi-media, users will roleplay characters in situations and roles familiar to Americans, so the textbook can not only be used for Chinese learning but also for Sino- US cultural contrast. The App will be segmented into four volumes orientated to different levels of users, while the feedback and evaluation system takes into account multiple levels and perspectives. Chinese Corner Developments CHINESE CORNER Ruifan Working on the textbook, left to right: Chinese Director Dr. Min Zhu and Director Dr. Weihua Niu Wu As more people are showing their own unique interests at Chinese Corner (CC), it has become a valuable opportunity for participants to learn not only from the presentation given, but also from each other. In 2014, we focused more on traditional cultural topics, to make sure that participants learned Chinese in diversified ways. This year, topics varied from ways of addressing people to travel; from traditional Chinese music to traditional Chinese medicine; and from popular online expressions to the formation of Chinese characters. These topics attracted more than 150 participants to CC during the year. In the future, there will be more interactive activities at CC to make learning Chinese easier and more engaging. Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), with more than 2,000 years of history, is known and accepted by more and more people outside of China. It encompasses many practices, including acupuncture, moxibustion (burning an herb above the skin to apply heat to acupoints), Chinese herbal medicine, Tui Na (Chinese therapeutic massage), Tai Chi and Qi Gong, and dietary therapy. The core concept for all the practices is the balance between Yin and Yang. They represent two abstract and complementary aspects that every phenomenon in the universe can be divided into. TCM includes knowledge of ancient Chinese social and natural sciences, such as philosophy, astronomy, meteorology, etc. The main diagnostic methods TCM practitioners use are observing, listening and smelling, asking questions, and taking pulses. After identifying the problem and disease, they choose appropriate methods for treatments. Traditional Chinese Medicine has become one of the more popular topics at Chinese Corner, and it will be designed as a series of more detailed presentations very soon. Participants will have the chance to explore this magic world in more depth, so stay tuned 8 Live Confucian Volume 6, Issue 1

CI Staff Attend Global Conferences Pace CI has always tried to stay up to date on the latest innovations in Chinese language pedagogy worldwide. This past year, the CI directors and teachers have attended a number of national and international conferences. In April, our three instructors, Drs. Shihong Liang and Juan Yang and Teacher Xiang Ye, attended the 2 nd International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at San Francisco State University and in May, Pace CI s Directors Dr. Weihua Niu and Dr. Min Zhu attended the 7 th National Chinese Language Conference in Los Angeles. In addition, Dr. Min Zhu and Dr. Shihong Liang attended the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas on November 21 st, 2014. At the convention, the Division of Textbooks of Hanban organized a Chinese directors meeting where Dr. Zhu reported on the latest progress of the Pace CI s Appbased Phoenix Chinese program (see page 4), that was of great interest to all the participants. Essay Competition Winners Chosen Xiang Ye Dr. Shihong Liang The winners of the 4 th Annual New York Chinese Opera Society (NYCOS) Essay Competition were announced and NYCOS Outstanding Performer awards were presented at a press conference on Monday, December 1 st. In her opening remarks, CI Director Weihua Niu expressed her gratitude to NYCOS for its contributions to Chinese cultural development. NYCOS President Chi K. Chu, who recently returned from Shanghai, emphasized the importance of cultural exchange and presented three acclaimed visiting artists performing at the NYCOS Winter Cultural Exchange Festival on December 6 th : Zhang Jianguo, Yang Yanyi and Li Yang, with Outstanding Performer awards. In his acceptance speech, Zhang, a renowned Peking Opera performer, mentioned that he was lucky to be invited as one of the 72 acclaimed artists and writers for the highest-level forum on literature and art in China in October 2014. NYCOS Treasurer Daniel Yu compared these 72 artists and writers to the 72 most talented students of Confucius in ancient times who stood out as élites mastering the profound and broad knowledge of the Chinese culture and arts. This year s essay winners included Elizabeth Delaney (bottom right), Bridget McCabe and Jonathan De Leon (not pictured), and Julieth Saenz (bottom center) This year, for the essay competition, three submissions were selected for awards. NYCOS board members presented awards to the essay winners and their mentors, praising them for their efforts in promoting Chinese culture. The purpose of this yearly competition, open to all Pace University students, and co-sponsored, along with NYCOS, by the Confucius Institute and the East Asian Studies Program at Pace University, is to spur more in-depth research in Chinese culture and increase the interest and participation of Pace students in Chinese cultural studies. Essays can be on any topic related to Chinese art, history, and culture and are nominated by members of the Pace University faculty. This year s winning essays, in order from 1 st to 3 rd place were Elizabeth Delaney s Cinematic Critiques of Learning Disabilities in Chinese and Indian Societies, Bridget McCabe and Jonathan De Leon s Urbanization in China and Implications for the Environment: Focusing on Shanghai, and Julieth Saenz s The Role of Confucianism and History in the Red Dragon's Business Culture. In his closing remarks, Professor Joseph Morreale, former Provost of Pace University, praised the Pace CI and NYCOS for their contributions to developing Chinese culture within the local community, improving Sino-US cultural exchange, and building disciplines within Pace University. He pointed out that he benefited a lot from the Pace CI s Confucius China Study Program for Professors (Faculty Seminar). Thanks to this program, he launched four China related courses, one of which was a travel course, co-taught by Professor Anna Shostya, in which 34 undergraduates had the chance to visit China. Three of these students were this year s essay competition winners. Live Confucian Jan. 2015 9

Class Offerings Diversify Dr. Shihong Liang, Dr. Min Zhu, and Xiang Ye Xiang Ye, center, taught a series of classes on Chinese games including Mahjong. Dr. Shihong Liang with her students from the Chinese 102 Lab Study in China Changed Me When I was five years old, I stepped onto Chinese soil with my mother for the first time. That was fifteen years ago. I thought China was a developing country at that moment. I visited China again in September 2013 as a CI Scholarship winner. But this time, I saw many cars and felt it was a wonderful country. I was born and grew up in the United States. Many people at school told me about the negative aspects of China, so I assumed China would be a developing country. I never thought I would study in China for a year. Last year, I was offered an opportunity to study in southeastern China s Nanjing by the Confucius Institute at Pace University. I hesitated due to my uncertainty about China. But Dr. Min Zhu, the Chinese Director of the Pace CI, encouraged and supported me. It was because of her encouragement that I went to China and began to like the country. Looking back on my experience in China, I realized I made the right decision to learn Mandarin there. For example, I was shy and afraid of speaking in public because I lacked self-confidence. After I left my parents and home country for China, I grew up, no longer afraid of anything. The one-year experience in China changed me a lot. 10 Live Confucian Volume 6, Issue 1 In 2014, the CI offered a number of diverse credit and non-credit language courses including CH 101 and 102 Lab Hours, Mandarin Levels 1-3, HSK test preparation courses, One-on-One tutoring, Improving Listening and Speaking, and Business Chinese. Cultural courses offered included Tai Chi and Health Qigong, Mahjong, Weiqi, Ethnic Folk Dance, Chinese Through Music, and Chinese Cucurbit Flute. Pace CI s language and cultural courses are segmented into multiple sessions based on different levels that meet the needs of learners of different language levels and promote the core of Chinese culture in all dimensions and perspectives. By the end of October 2014, the Pace CI will have held the HSK and HSKK tests a combined seven times. A record 98 candidates, many from the New York area, but some from places such as Massachusetts and Florida and even from as far afield as Europe and Korea, took the test this year. In 2015 the Pace CI will hold Chinese tests 19 times, including BCT tests four times and YCT tests four times. Pace CI s efficient recommendation system for CI scholarships offers more and more foreign students opportunities to study in China and experience its culture. This past year, Pace CI recommended a record eight applicants for the 2014-15 CI scholarships, all of whom won scholarships, among whom four enrolled in a one-semester program, two in a one-year program, and the others in a two-year program pursuing Master s Degrees in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. Alan Lam Alan Lam Trying on Some Traditional Garb at a Museum in Nanjing

New Realities Emerge in NYC As a part of CI Day activities at Pace University, the art panel Finding New Realities: Narratives of Chinese American Artist in New York was held at the Student Union on October 10 th, 2014. The panel was held in conjunction with Finding New Realities, an art exhibition hosted by the Pace CI, on display at Pace s Fingesten gallery, and curated by Michelle Y. Loh, an international art critic and curator, and Prof. Jane Dickson of Dyson College. The panel was hosted by the famous art critic Lilly Wei and attended by the exhibition artists Jennifer Ma and Xin Song. Dr. Shihong Liang Identifying as Chinese-American artists, Lilly Wei and the two panelists shared their thinking on the world and their inspiration and process in creating works. Ma explained how she explores her inner mind and expresses it into magic colors with ink and paints. On the other hand, with just scissors, a knife and paper, Xin Song cuts out pieces of art work that look as complicated as a spider s web. Both artists get their inspiration and innovation from different cultures around the world, including from China. Inspired by the concepts of Yin (Negative) and Yang (Positive) in the Chinese classic, I Ching, Xin Song integrates paper-cutting with oceans, the origin of western civilization, to display changes between Yin and Yang and a life reincarnation cycle. The attention of the audience was aroused by the pan- elists sincerity and asked intriguing questions. The Chinese director of the Pace CI, Dr. Min Zhu, discussed with Xin Song how the Yin First row from left: Lilly Wei, Xin Song, Jennifer Wen Ma, Michelle Y. Loh; second row from left: Lindsay Bennett, Dr. Min Zhu, Prof. Jane Dickson, Dr. Weihua Niu, Dyson Dean Dr. Nira Herrmann Yang cycle was reflected by the trimmings made from her art work. Acknowledging a comment that the United States and China don t always see eye to eye, the two artists admitted there were conflicts around the world, but it was the duty of artists to promote cultural integration with art works. Looking Into China s Future Ansel Lurio Back in 2009, Dr. Michael Santoro of Rutgers Business School published China 2020: How Western Business Can and Should Influence Social and Political Change in the Coming Decade, and participated in a panel discussion here at Pace, co-sponsored by the CI, where he predicted that progress towards greater prosperity and democracy by the year 2020 would depend on the pressures of international business corporations and the activism of Chinese citizens. This December, Dr. Santoro again came to Pace to take stock of where China is near the halfway mark on the road to 2020, as part of an Economics panel, The Future of China, chaired by Pace Professor of International Business, Dr. Larry Bridwell and co-sponsored by the Pace CI. This time Santoro addressed a couple of developments that have happened since 2009: the crackdown on all levels of corruption in China and the banning of certain foreign TV shows like the Big Bang Theory. Santoro views these two developments as a struggle between hardliners and more progressive elements within Chinese society. However, he thinks it is still too early to tell whether one side will win or if they will come to some sort of agreement. Dr. Santoro made predictions back in 2009 of where China would be in the year 2020 Joining Santoro on the panel was Herbert Levin, former executive director of the America- China Society for co-chairmen Cyrus Vance and Henry Kissinger, and Dr. Hsu Yuet O'Keefe, Adjunct Professor of International Business at Pace. Levin focused on how the economic changes that are happening in China are not unique, using the example of Norway, which transformed itself from a backwater and colony of Denmark to having one of the highest standards of living in the world. Other topics that were discussed in the Q & A session, following the panel discussion, included the recent demonstrations in Hong Kong, the large number of Chinese students studying abroad, and the view by some that lack of creativity is holding back China s economy from expanding even more. Live Confucian Jan. 2015 11

41 Park Row, 4 th Floor New York, NY 10038 USA Telephone: 212-346-1880 E-mail: Website: Twitter: @paceconfucius Facebook: The Confucius Institute at Pace University is dedicated to providing Chinese language and cultural education, resources, and services to meet the needs of people from all backgrounds. Contributing Writers: Ansel Lurio, Editor Ruifan Wu Alan Lam Dr. Juan Yang Dr. Shihong Liang Xiang Ye Dr. Weihua Niu Dr. Min Zhu Qiqi Wang Our Partners: Community Involvement Ruifan Wu Cherry Blossom Festival - The Chinatown Cherry Blossom Festival is held annually by the Confucius Plaza Board, Chinese Chamber of Commerce of NY and the Confucius Plaza Tenants Council. It aims to spread traditional Chinese culture through diversified activities. The Pace CI has always been an active participant in the festival. This year, a sunny afternoon on April 26 th, Pace CI Chinese Director Dr. Min Zhu, along with Program Manager Lindsay Bennett and Graduate Assistants Frank Zhou and Ruifan Wu, set up an exhibition table on Confucius Plaza Square. Besides enjoying the splendid singing and dancing performances and the Health Care Seminar, they actively promoted the Chinese language and cultural courses provided by Pace CI, and patiently answered questions from participants, contributing once again to this wonderful event. Graduate Assistant Ruifan Wu teaches campers Chinese characters at A Place For Kids Summer Camp - The Confucius Institute at Pace University concentrates on spreading Chinese culture and Chinese internationalization, providing tremendous help for the local Chinese community with various courses and cultural events. This summer, Ruifan Wu, a graduate assistant at the Pace CI, worked together with A Place for Kids (APFK) to provide 30 hours of interactive and practical Chinese language and culture classes for children. 47 students, aged 4 12, participated in the summer camp. Class content included Chinese reading and writing, tongue twisters, Chinese songs, as well as an introduction to Chinese culture. At the end of this summer camp, most kids were able to read Pinyin and write simple characters. Kung Fu Demonstration - Pace CI held the demonstration, taught by Taichi master Xu Lin, at Patria Mirabal Middle School in Manhattan for the Global Language Project (GLP) on December 19, 2014. GLP is an organization that hosts after-school foreign language programs in the NYC public schools. Lin explored with the students how Kung Fu is both a sport and the essence of the Chinese culture. After greeting students with clenched fists in the traditional Chinese manner, Master Lin showed how a Kung Fu master catches objects with both hands, stands as straight as a pine, and sits as stable as a bell. All the students were concentrated on Lin s flexible and naturally connected Kung Fu moves. This active and interesting demonstration greatly aroused the students interest in the Chinese language and culture. Major Upcoming Events Business Panel Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Lunar New Year Celebration, Year of the Goat Sunday, February 22, 2015 Chinese Language Teaching Conference Saturday, May 2, 2015 6 th Anniversary Celebration Saturday, May 9, 2015

佩斯大学孔子学院 2015 年 1 月第 6 卷第 1 期 Live Confucian 佩斯大学孔子学院新闻通讯 携手齐心, 喜获殊荣朱敏博士牛卫华博士 第九届全球孔子学院大会 12 月 7 8 日在福建厦门举行 来自全球的中外孔子学院院长 校长代表 中外嘉宾两千余人出席了会议 国务院刘延东副总理出席开幕式并作主旨演讲, 同时, 她也为从全球近 500 家孔子学院中评选出的 25 家孔子学院颁发了奖牌 佩斯大学孔子学院荣获 2014 年全球 先进孔子学院 称号, 这是对我院几年来快速发展和突出贡献的有力肯定 这个称号, 是我院中美双方团结一心 从上到下不懈努力的结果, 也是佩斯大学及合作各方有力支持的结果 出席会议的合作方凤凰集团和南京师大领导对我院取得的成绩表示热烈祝贺, 佩斯孔院是南京师大合作孔院中首个优秀孔院 左起 : 佩斯孔院朱敏院长 牛卫华院长 ; 凤凰出版传媒集团陈海燕董事长 ; 佩斯大学校董 Joseph Ryan 博士 ; 南京师范大学缪建东副校长 高立平处长 十年同庆, 共创未来 国家汉办王永利副主任亲切会见了佩斯大学校长代表 董事会成员 Joseph Ryan 博士, 孔院美方院长牛卫华博士 中方院长朱敏博士 南京师大缪建东副校长 高立平处长也出席了会见 王主任对佩斯大学孔子学院的获奖表示祝贺 ( 下转第 15 页 ) 朱敏博士杨娟博士 2014 年 9 月 27 日, 为庆祝全球孔子学院创办十周年, 全世界 123 个国家超过 400 所孔子学院同时举办了 孔子学院日 活动, 共襄盛举 纽约华美协进社孔子学院 哥伦比亚大学孔子学院 佩斯大学孔子学院 纽约州立大学商务孔子学院 纽约州立大学眼视光孔子学院共同举办了 纽约孔子学院日 庆典活动, 全面展示了纽约孔子学院发展的丰硕成果 活动精彩纷呈, 受到了中外来宾的热烈欢迎和高度评价 佩斯大学孔子学院主办了整个活动的闭幕仪式, 同时还举办了艺术展和中国文化系列体验活动 中国驻纽约总领馆程雷副总领事 常全生领事 于兴国领事 程序领事, 纽约州立大学眼视光学院校长 David A. Heath 博士, 华美协进社校长 James B. Heimowitz, 佩斯大学副校长 Barry Stinson, 纽约五所孔子学院中外方院长, 纽约当地民众, 佩斯大学师生等众多来宾参加了闭幕式 佩斯大学副校长 Barry Stinson 首先致欢迎辞 ( 下转第 14 页 ) 佩斯孔院院长牛卫华博士 ( 右一 ) 和朱敏博士 ( 左一 ) 给优秀师生颁奖 目录 : 第 15 页 院长致辞五周年庆典第 16 页 马年新春庆典 凤凰汉语 教材第 17 页 汉语桥 比赛第 18 页 艺术论坛学术会议 第 19 页 留学中国第 20-21 页 文化交流第 22-23 页 简讯第 24 页 简讯活动预告

十年同庆, 共创未来 朱敏博士杨娟博士 ( 接第 13 页 ) 他指出, 佩斯大学的全球化办学理念在孔子学院的帮助下得到了充分实施 ; 纽约各孔子学院的使命是让世界了解汉语和中国文化, 增进中美两国之间的理解 他同时表示, 感谢佩斯大学孔子学院五年来为佩斯大学师生和曼哈顿下城社区居民之间的融合所做的努力 中国驻纽约总领馆程雷副总领事代表总领馆对 纽约孔子学院日 的成功举办表示祝贺, 他并宣读了习近平主席和李克强总理的贺信及贺辞 习主席指出, 你们 ( 孔子学院 ) 为促进文化知识传播 人类心灵沟通倾注了大量热情和心血, 这是一项十分有意义的工作, 孔子学院属于中国, 也属于世界 程雷副总领事表示, 孔子学院是促进中美两国关系的一个坚定力量 华美协进社孔子学院作为第一家在纽约地区创办的孔院, 见证了孔子学院昀初的艰辛和如今蓬勃的发展 华美协进社校长 James B. Heimowitz 回顾了该社的发展, 感谢中国合作方提供的帮助, 指出孔子学院推动了中美双边的文化沟通 纽约州立大学眼视光学院孔子学院就是一家独具特色的孔子学院 眼视光学院校长 David A. Heath 博士盛赞纽约五家孔院各有特色, 办学丰富多彩, 既反映了纽约自身的多彩文化, 也反映了纽约和中国汉办之间的密切合作卓有成效 五家孔院无论是作为一个整体还是个体, 它们所作的努力都很有意义, 要感谢孔院所有中美方院长 教职员工和学生付出的辛勤劳动 孔子学院的中心是开展汉语教学, 十年来, 各地孔院和所在大学的汉语老师一起, 培养了许多精通汉语与中国文化的优秀人才 闭幕式上, 纽约各孔院的中外方院长, 为坚持学习中文并且取得了优异成绩的同学们颁发了 优秀学生奖, 激励他们能再接再厉, 在学习汉语的道路上越走越远! 院长们同时还为杰出的教学一线老师颁发了 突出贡献奖, 对他们为孔院教学与发展付出的极大努力以及取得的成就表示肯定与感谢 佩斯大学副校长 Barry Stinson 博士致辞闭幕活动的重要部分是精彩的文艺表演 佩大孔院太极课任课老师林旭及其丈夫 太极世界冠军陈思坦师傅, 带领孔院学生为大家表演了刚柔并济的太极剑舞 ; 曾任教于孔院的杨梓老师和她的舞蹈团队一起为大家带来了精彩的民族舞蹈表演 敦煌舞 胡璇 两场表演既展示了中华文化的博大精深, 同时也表现了佩斯孔院教师们的风采 佩斯孔院每年举办 美东区汉语桥决赛, 本次闭幕式邀请了第十三届汉语桥美东区决赛的优胜者柯凯拉为大家做了精彩的表演 柯凯拉独自站在安静的舞台, 自弹自唱中文歌曲 伙伴, 从心中流淌出的对友谊的吟诵 略带忧伤的嗓音深深碰触到观众的心灵, 而字正腔圆的发音更让人叹为观止 孔子学院的发展离不开各国人民 当地社区的支持, 闭幕式文艺表演昀精彩的部分是联合国合唱团为大家带来的三首中文歌曲 由音乐总监 Guillermo Vaisman 带领的联合国合唱团成立于 1947 年, 隶属于联合国员工娱乐委员会, 旨在通过音乐增进沟通, 传播和平 合唱团的成员们来自于将近 30 个不同的国家, 说着超过 50 种不同的语言 该合唱团曾于今年二月, 在佩斯大学孔子学院与佩斯大学中国学联合办的马年春晚中有出色的表演 闭幕式上, 他们带来三首风格各异 脍炙人口的中国歌曲 茉莉花 夜来香 和 菊花台 茉莉花 唱出了温婉唯美的南方韵味, 菊花台 吟诵出战争离乱的无限忧伤; 而夜来香则是诙谐活泼的爵士风情, 大家闭上眼睛, 仿佛能想象到在一个宁静的夜晚, 暖风徐徐吹来, 空气中飘散着淡淡的茉莉花香, 远处有夜莺婉转啼唱, 令人陶醉 天籁般的歌唱 默契的和声 优美的旋律撼动人心 ; 如果闭目聆听, 你也根本想不到是一支国际队在演唱 观众们掌声如潮, 经久不息 美好的时光 浓浓的友谊, 依依难舍之中, 闭幕式圆满结束 佩斯孔院舞蹈老师杨梓表演敦煌舞 胡璇 除闭幕式外, 佩斯孔院当天还举办了一系列中国文化体验活动, 包括中文体验课程 古琴表演 葫芦丝独奏 书法展示 美食品尝 茶道表演等形式, 集中展示了中华文化的魅力 活动现场, 各个年龄段的人都积极参与, 在实践中体会了中华文化的丰富多姿 作为孔子学院日系列活动的一部分, 中国女艺术家三人展 发现新的世界 也在佩斯艺廊展出, 展览用剪纸 水墨作品装置等中国艺术形式表达了对世界与现实的思考 光阴荏苒, 岁月如梭! 过去的十年, 我们辛勤耕耘, 让孔子学院走上了世界的舞台 ; 未来的十年, 我们将继续携手前行, 拼搏奋进, 为孔子学院的蓬勃发展, 为汉语的普及和中华文化的传播开拓更灿烂的未来! 14 Live Confucian 第 6 卷, 第 1 期

院长致辞牛卫华博士朱敏博士在几年来快速发展的基础上,2014 年, 佩斯大学孔子学院更上层楼, 领衔举办美东区 汉语桥 决赛, 考试 奖学金推荐成为地区中心 更为瞩目的是, 覆盖 HSK 三级考试的重大项目 凤凰汉语 App 圆满完成, 堪称中外方三家合作的优秀典型 2015 年, 佩斯孔院继续面向佩斯大学全体教授开启新一期 新汉学教授研修团 创新项目 我们还举办了各类文化体验活动, 包括 :1 传统节日庆典 ;2 年度性文化节, 如孔院周年庆与开放日 京剧艺术节暨 中国文化创作奖 等 3 举办文化展览与论坛, 如 发现新的现实世界 系列 ;4 参加文化交流与社区活动, 如国际文化周 中国城樱花节等 ;5 开展 中国文化体验单元 与汉语角活动 6 组织系列文化讲座 我院重大活动纷呈, 获 世界日报 侨报 下城快报 华语电视 等中外媒体广泛关注 我院纪录片得到了总部的大力肯定, 在全美百家孔院中, 被选为五家展播纪录片之一在全球 孔子学院日 当天播出 获纽约州议会颁发 社区服务突出贡献奖, 奖励我院为本地区学术交流 多元文化传播和建设作出的突出贡献 孔院的工作赢得了佩斯大学的肯定, 学校高层经常出席孔院的活动 过去五年, 我们辛勤耕耘, 创下佳绩, 在第九届全球孔子学院大会上获表彰, 荣膺 2014 年度全球 先进孔子学院 称号 未来的岁月, 我们也将戮力同心, 争取更大的辉煌 携手齐心, 喜获殊荣朱敏博士牛卫华博士 ( 接第 13 页 ) 牛卫华院长详细汇报了佩斯孔院的工作, 特别是创新性 新汉学教授研修团 项目, 说明 2015 年第三期项目已经启动, 并将聚焦两校研究生的联合培养和课程开发 王主任高度赞扬了两校在此项目上的共同努力与良好的合作 佩斯孔院 2014 年的另一个重大项目是 凤凰汉语 App 项目 朱敏院长在大会院长论坛上进行了 凤凰汉语 App 项目与本土汉语教材开发 的专题发言, 详细介绍了项目各方面的情况及目前进展, 引起与会者热烈反响 此外, 校董 Ryan 博士在大会校长论坛 孔子学院校友会及基金会 分论坛中发言讨论发展孔子学院校友会 会议期间, 凤凰集团陈海燕董事长亲自带队与佩斯孔院进行了工作会谈, 就项目开发与未来工作进行了商讨 2014 年, 佩斯孔院注意发挥合作三方各自优势, 强化特色, 不断创新, 形成了有影响力的品牌项目, 终于获得了全球 先进孔子学院 这一殊荣 这是莫大的荣誉, 也是有力的鞭策, 我们将再接再厉, 不断前行! 朱敏院长在大会 国际汉语教材编写指南与开发本土化教材 分论坛中发言 小荷初露尖尖角 佩斯大学孔子学院五周年庆典 朱敏博士 2014 年 5 月 3 日, 佩斯大学孔子学院迎来了第五个生日 借此机会, 孔院举办了一场极具意义的庆祝活动, 同时向外界展示了佩斯大学孔子学院优秀的教学质量及多元的文化 副校长朱晓进博士 国际交流处吴亦东副处长等组成的南京师范大学代表团, 佩斯大学教务长 Uday Sukhatme 博士, 戴森文理学院院长 Nira Herrmann 博士, 以及佩大孔院院长牛卫华博士和中方院长朱敏博士等出席了活动 下午两点多, 来宾们陆续入场, 开始欣赏佩大孔院刚刚制作完成的五周年回顾纪录片 回望五年来孔院的成长, 点点滴滴, 从白手起家到而今初具规模, 嘉宾们纷纷感慨创业不易 ; 而孔院上下更是衷心感谢各界的支持, 从佩斯大学 纽约市府 社区侨团 中国驻纽约总领馆 中国常驻联合国代表团到广大社区居民, 没有他们的鼎力相助, 没有他们的热情参与, 佩斯孔院就不可能取得今天的成就 下午三点, 活动准时拉开帷幕 由英语纯正地道的周恺 (Frank) 主持 Frank 是佩大孔院的一名研究生助理, 曾主持过孔院的四周年纪念活动, 也在这一年中和孔院共同成长, 见证了孔院的喜人变化 ( 下转第 19 页 ) Live Confucian 2015 年 1 月 15

万马奔腾美美与共 佩斯孔院成功举办马年新春庆典 朱敏博士 除旧迎新, 万马奔腾, 瑞雪纷纷之中, 农历马年新春翩然而至 2014 年 2 月 2 日下午, 佩斯大学孔子学院在曼哈顿下城米高 西蒙 (Michael Schimmel) 艺术中心举办盛大活动欢庆农历新年的到来,700 多位来宾参加了活动 孔院已是连续第 4 年举办新春庆典, 活动不仅成为中国文化展示的亮点, 也已成为纽约亚裔乃至各族裔迎接新年的大联欢 除佩斯大学孔院外, 本次活动的协办单位还有佩大中国学生学者联合会 (CSSA) 纽约梨园社 (NYCOS) 联合国合唱团等, 他们带来了精彩的节目和热情的观众 CSSA 更是为活动的组织与顺利进行立下了汗马功劳 活动由说一口流利汉语的澳大利亚小伙子马战友 (Marcus Newbury) 和英语纯正地道的中国姑娘王晶共同主持 下午 1:00, 活动在中国传统节目舞狮的喜庆场面中正式开始 佩斯大学戴森文理学院院长赫曼教授首先致辞, 向到场的嘉宾和观众致以节日的问候并欢迎大家的光临 活动第一个节目便是佩斯孔院汉语歌曲班的老师和同学为大家带来的 康定情歌, 演唱虽然质朴, 但十二个小时之后就能达到这样的水平仍让人赞叹, 伴舞的孩子们还给大家带来了欢乐的 恭喜发财, 一下子点燃了现场的气氛 ; 钢琴 小提琴合奏的 渔舟唱晚 让大家感受到了西洋乐器和中国传统音乐融汇贯通的愉悦 ; 充满异域风情的肚皮舞博得了观众们的阵阵掌声 ; 相声 我是超级明星 的表演演员延续了去年的话题, 用 说学逗唱 的绝活儿逗得中外观众捧腹大笑 ; 随后一曲纽约 style 的 hip-hop 歌曲让大家感觉到在纽约过春节的欢乐气氛和多元化文化融合的乐趣 京剧演出是每年的保留节目 今年京剧名角儿童晓玲老师的一曲 霸王别姬, 靓丽的唱腔, 精彩的身段, 让人顿生余音绕梁 惊为天人之感 活动的另一亮点是佩斯孔院太极班师生的表演 太极王子 陈思坦 林旭夫妇率孔院学生表演了太极拳和太极舞节目, 仅仅上过六堂课的太极班学生在台上的表现十分专业, 进一步引起了观众们对孔院课程的强烈兴趣, 跃跃欲试 活动的压轴戏是联合国工作人员组成的合唱团带来的精彩表演 来自不同国家的演员们身着各民族盛装, 表演了 茉莉花 等三个曲 佩斯孔院太极课老师陈思坦 林旭师傅表演太极拳 长同时向大家简短介绍了孔院在此前一年取得的成绩 目, 或低徊浅唱, 或引吭高歌, 优美的领唱 诙谐的指挥, 精妙绝伦的和声, 将活动推向了高潮 活动进行中,Kohona 大使等分三次抽取了幸运观众 昀后抽取一等奖的是孔院牛卫华院长和朱敏院长, 牛院 活动在联合国合唱团的美妙歌声中拉下了帷幕, 给大家留下了美好的印象, 真所谓 美人其美, 美美与共! 重大项目 凤凰汉语 App 圆满完成 杨娟博士 佩斯孔院于 2013 年 9 月开始依托于 HSK 考试研究开发了进阶汉语系列教材 本教材共分三个级别, 一 二 三级, 共 18 个单元 76 课 历时三年, 前后共完成六稿 目前全部文本及制作建议等近 50 万字已全部编写完毕, 交付出版社制作 强大的硬件 队伍 资金, 保证了我院重大项目 凤凰汉语 App 的成功 本套教材依托于 HSK 考试大纲, 昀终体现为 APP 应用 本套教材的主要特点为 : 具有 APP 应用的多样化实现手段 ; 以 HSK 考试一级 二级 三级大纲作为词汇 语法编写范围, 编写范围严格明确 ; 场景选择 人物贯穿 观察视角等都立足于美国及美国人, 兼具了通用和对比两大特性 ; 练习游戏化, 语法编写课堂化 ; 反馈体系多层级多角度 本教材体现了以学习者为本的编写理念 : 基于学习心理安排每课容量 ; 全程非线性触屏控制, 不但方便了学习者, 而且照顾到不同类型的学习者 ; 针对长短期学习者需要, 为不同强度和深度的学习者提供了不同的材料, 设置扩展内容和按钮, 区分了适用人群 凤凰汉语 App 截屏 16 Live Confucian 第 6 卷, 第 1 期

汉语桥 架起沟通的桥梁朱敏博士 2014 年 3 月 30, 第五届 汉语桥 美东地区大学生中文比赛暨第十三届 汉语桥 世界大学生中文比赛预赛在佩斯大学西蒙 (Schimmel) 剧院拉开帷幕 此次比赛由佩斯大学孔子学院 纽约中国留学服务中心主办, 经过初赛选拔 来自 16 所院校的 25 名选手参加了昀后决赛阶段的角逐, 其中初级组 13 位选手, 高级组 12 位选手 担纲本次比赛评委工作的是汉语言教学与文化艺术各领域的专家, 七位评委中既有汉语教学与研究的教授 博士, 中国表演艺术家与专业戏剧研究人员, 也有来自一线的资深汉语教师, 丰富的构成 强大的阵营, 有效保证了评审的客观与效度 参加此次比赛的嘉宾有纽约总领馆常全生领事 程序领事, 纽约留学服务中心孙海明总裁, 佩斯大学孔子学院院长牛卫华博士 中方院长朱敏博士, 曼哈顿哥伦比亚大学 纽约州立大学眼视光学院 纽约州立大学商务孔子学院 华美协进社等各孔子学院的中美方院长, 以及美东北地区其他兄弟孔院的院长代表 上午 9 点, 第五届美东区 汉语桥 准时开始 比赛分上下午两组, 上午初级组的比赛主要包括两个环节 : 演讲部分和才艺表演 来自各个地区的选手们以丰富的话题展现了自己优异的汉语水平, 或者讲述自己经历及与汉语的不解之缘, 或者描绘自己与中国朋友的深情厚谊, 或者告诉大家他们所了解的中国语言与文化 参赛选手柯登伟的演讲妙趣横生, 先讲述了他的 好朋友 为他带来的乐趣与给他的帮助 帮助他找到了生活的节奏, 昀后才用猜谜的方式告诉大家他的 好朋友 是中国的快板 作为一名中国领养儿童, 参赛选手周江雯以自身的经历, 表达了她对美 中两个家庭的热爱, 介绍了她们所成立的 中国领养之家 网站, 希望更多的人关注领养儿童的生活 来自佩斯大学的参赛选手苏婷用带 三 的汉语成语与诗句, 展现了汉语中 三 的魅力, 同时用一个 三 山 相关的绕口令表现了标准的发音水平, 赢得了满堂喝彩 才艺表演的部分更是精彩, 参赛选手们都纷纷拿出自己的绝活, 一展风采 柯登伟的快板颇有山东味儿, 一个 玲珑塔, 塔玲珑 让评委和观众们左起 : 纽约总领馆常全生领事 ; 一等奖获得者白珂 柯登伟 ; 佩斯孔院都开开大笑 小强的一曲 月亮代表我的心 迷倒了全场, 深情款款的中国牛卫华院长 朱敏院长情歌演唱, 让人完全无法想象竟出自一位地道的美国学生之口 形象高大的参赛选手阿力, 展示的才艺表演却是古筝独奏, 视觉上如此大的反差带来了更多惊喜, 一曲 渔舟唱晚, 轻拢慢捻, 尽显中国音乐的神韵 昀精彩的莫过于穆宸鹏的抖空竹表演, 他的动作熟练 灵活, 空竹在他的手中自由翻飞, 时而快速, 时而缓慢, 伴随着音乐的节奏, 他手中的空竹仿佛有了生命, 一下又一下地舞出昀精彩的动作 下午高年级组出场的第一位选手就让大家眼前一亮, 来自宾汉姆顿孔子学院 在中国进修过一年京剧的白珂, 演讲的内容是关于京剧表演 唱念做打 的口诀, 边讲边示范, 让在场的中国观众都惊讶不已, 同时也深感中国国粹的巨大魅力 ; 而康宁森从自己的经济学专业出发, 陈述了美国对中国贸易逆差的状况, 颇有几分新闻主播的风范 ; 蜂蜜姑娘则生动地讲述自己学习汉语的故事 随后上台演讲的黄明乐用 吃货 一词表达了自己对中国美食的喜爱, 引得全场观众大笑不已 ; 柯亚当有一双 发现美的眼睛, 也让评委和观众都发现了汉语的美 ; 昀后一组的杨杰明带了 秘密武器 上场, 介绍了他认为极具功能性 趣味性的 时代昀重要的产物 头部按摩器, 他手舞足蹈的演讲逗得大家捧腹大笑 高年级组选手们展示的中国才艺让人惊喜连连 第一个上场的白珂, 用一个精彩的京剧亮相, 博得了台下阵阵掌声, 挥舞的水袖 字正腔圆的唱腔 婀娜的身段更是令人眼花缭乱 目不暇接 来自匹兹堡大学的柯凯拉着一袭黑色长裙, 自弹自唱, 一曲 伙伴, 琴声悠扬 余音绕梁, 令人心醉神往 ; 而蜂蜜的烹饪展示, 生动有趣, 俨然一台电视美食节目, 成品月饼也让大家一饱口福 下午高级组的比赛除主题演讲与才艺比赛外, 还增加了即兴演讲的环节 佩斯大学孔子学院特别邀请了多届世界太极拳比赛冠军陈思坦先生与女子乐坊到场表演, 四位选手一组, 在表演结束后需即席用中文进行评论, 非常考验选手的中文基本功与临场应变能力 三轮考题中, 第一轮是陈师傅带来的一段精彩的太极剑表演 ; 第二轮是 Jenny He 等姑娘们一段欢快的歌舞表演 ; 昀后一轮是陈师傅柔中有刚 精美绝伦的太极扇 每轮表演之后, 就有 4 位选手发表自己的观感, 节目的精彩让他们叹为观止, 回答饶有趣味 有的选手甚至现场就想拜师学艺 昀终获得低年级组第一名的是卡耐基梅隆大学的柯登伟, 昀佳才艺奖是穆宸鹏 ; 高年级组的第一名和昀佳才艺奖均由纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校的白珂获得 常全生领事 程序领事 牛卫华院长 孙海明总裁等分别为获奖学生颁发了奖项 佩斯大学孔子学院为本次比赛的成功举办付出了巨大的努力 为了吸引更多的参赛选手, 孔院从 2013 年 11 月就进行了网上推广, 先后向美东北地区的 100 多所院校发出了参赛通知, 大批选手递交视频参与初赛, 经过选拔以后, 昀后的决赛选手来自纽约州 新泽西州 俄亥俄州 罗德岛州等的十余所知名高校 3 月 24 号, 佩斯孔院专门召开了 汉语桥 决赛的新闻发布会, 介绍了此次赛事的发动规模与参赛方式等 牛卫华院长特别强调, 这不仅是一次比赛, 同时也是美东地区汉语教学界欢聚一堂 互相交流与观摩的一次盛会 为感谢为汉语教学与选手参赛作出贡献的老师们, 比赛还首次设立了指导老师领奖环节 赛后, 参加和观看比赛的同学们都很激动, 纷纷表示, 未来会继续努力学习汉语, 争取在下一届的汉语桥比赛中有更好的表现 作为主办方, 佩斯大学孔子学院与纽约留学服务中心也希望 2015 年有更多的学校 更多的选手参与盛会, 有力促进汉语教学在美东地区的发展 Live Confucian 2015 年 1 月 17

从纽约华裔艺术家的视角探寻新的现实世界 佩斯大学孔子学院 孔子学院日 系列活动之艺术论坛梁世红博士 2014 年 10 月 10 日晚上六点, 佩斯大学广场一号报告厅人头攒动, 中外朋友集聚一堂, 艺术论坛 从纽约华裔艺术家的视角探寻新的现实世界 正在进行 这是佩斯大学 孔子学院日 系列活动之一 探寻新的现实世界 艺术展览与文化论坛的昀后一场活动 艺展与论坛系列活动由佩斯孔院主办, 著名策展人 Michelle Y. Loh 女士 佩斯大学戴森文理学院 Jane Dickson 教授协助策划, 著名艺术评论家 Lilly WEI 主持了当晚的论坛, 参展艺术家 Jennifer Wen Ma 及 Xin Song 参加了论坛讨论 佩斯大学孔子学院院长牛卫华博士用热情精炼的欢迎词拉开了论坛的序幕 佩斯大学戴森学院院长 Dr, Nira Herrmann 从自身的移民家庭经历出发, 感谢两位艺术家对中美两国人民更好理解彼此的文化所做的贡献 论坛上, 主持人 Lilly 和艺术家在轻松愉快的氛围下, 展现了在这个飞速发展的时代, 作为华裔美国艺术家, 她们对世界的思考以及创作灵感 创作过程 Jennifer Wen Ma 从概念入手去追寻内心的体验, 用墨 Jennifer Wen Ma 讲述如何创作古今交融的艺术作品水和颜色渲染出梦幻的色彩 Xine SONG 用剪纸 小刀和普通的纸张这些简单的工具剪出了复杂如蜘蛛网般的作品 两位艺术家都从世界各国的文化特别是中国的文化中汲取灵感和创作元素 她们表述了中国的 易经 对艺术冥想的自我进化作用 受 易经 阴阳理念的启发, 艺术家用中国传统的剪纸手法与西方文明的起源 海洋相结合的艺术展示了阴阳的变换, 生命的循环 艺术家们也承认世间总有冲突, 但她们认为只有通过文化上不断的包容才能更好的去消除隔阂, 艺术是无国界的 艺术家们不但要努力从文化的熔炉中汲取灵感, 同时还要用自己的创作增进文化的融合 她们真诚隽永的话语吸引了在场所有观众的注意力, 观众积极提问, 会场气氛十分热烈 中方院长朱敏博士提出了有关 Xin SONG 作品对艺术碎料的装置处理问题, 探寻到了艺术家关于阴阳循环的艺术表现手法 会议在牛卫华院长的谢辞中告一段落 座谈会结束后, 艺术家和观众还针对艺术手法和理念继续交流, 大家意犹未尽, 久久不愿离去 积极参加学术会议牛卫华博士朱敏博士叶湘 佩斯孔院自成立以来一直积极关注美国汉语教学与外语教学的发展, 关注与孔子学院发展相关的学术活动, 并积极参与相关的学术会议 2014 年 4 月 25 至 26 日, 孔院三名汉语教师梁世红博士 杨娟博士和叶湘老师, 赴旧金山州立大学参加第二届国际汉语教学研讨会, 会议主题为 汉语研究与中文教学 : 当下与未来 2014 年 5 月 8 日, 牛卫华院长和朱敏院长参加了由孔子学院总部 / 国家汉办与美国大学理事会 亚洲协会在美国洛杉矶联合主办的第七届全美中文大会, 对美国中文教学的昀新发展状况 教学理念等进行了深入了解 此次会议主题为 兼蓄融通, 汉语东西南北中 2014 年 11 月 20 日, 牛卫华院长赴波多黎各参加了教授联盟会议, 就 新汉学教授团 项目进行专题报告, 讨论了孔院持续发展以及与所在大学关系问题, 引起广泛探讨与反响 新汉学教授团 是佩斯孔院一个深受好评的创新项目 佩斯孔院这几年在所在学校得到很大支持, 很大程度上是孔院的建设与校方总体发展相一致, 且得到核心教授的拥护和支持 今年第三期教授团教授团项目正式启动, 与 新汉学计划 有更紧密的结合 2014 年 11 月 21 日, 全美外语教学大会在圣安东尼奥举办, 朱敏院长 梁世红老师与会 会议期间, 总部教材处召集了中方院长会议, 朱院长汇报了佩斯孔院 凤凰汉语 APP 项目的情况, 引起与会者高度兴趣 18 Live Confucian 第 6 卷, 第 1 期

小荷初露尖尖角 佩斯大学孔子学院五周年庆典 朱敏博士 ( 接第 15 页 ) 在佩大孔院院长牛卫华博士以及戴森文理学院院长 Nira Herrmann 博士的简短而精彩的致辞后, 便开始了活动的第一部分 成长中的纽约华裔 专题研讨 由圣弗朗西斯学院的 Uwe P. Gielen 博士,Jonathan Palumbo 教授以及纽约市立大学的 Ting Lei 博士共同给大家带来了一个发人深省的讲座, 研讨了华裔在纽约成长所经历的文化冲击以及他们的现状 活动的第二部分具有浓郁中国文化色彩, 也充分表现了孔院教职员工的多才多艺 首先由来自孔院另一名研究生助理武睿璠弹奏了古琴十大名曲之一 阳关三叠 琴声婉转悠扬, 大屏幕配以古琴曲谱, 演奏者一袭白色唐装 衣袂飘飘 中国悠久的音乐文化之美拂面而来 杨娟老师则给大家带来了一堂生动的中文课, 用形神兼备的联想手势 积极活泼的互动教学, 在短短十分钟内让来宾既学会了说中文的 1-10, 也学会了用手势表达这些数字 昀后, 由教授太极的林旭老师跟她的学生一起表演了太极拳 林老师刚柔并济的表演吸引了众多学生报名太极课程 短短三个节目既表现了孔院老师的风采, 也是对孔院课程的良好展示与宣传 这一年, 孔院也培养了很多优秀的学生, 他们或者在各级汉语水平考试中获得优异的成绩, 或者在美东区 汉语桥 决赛中有上佳的表演, 或者申请到了孔子学院奖学金 在孔院庆祝生日的时刻, 怎能离开他们的身影? 南京师范大学朱校长 佩大戴森文理学院院长 Nira Herrmann 博士 孔院中方院长朱敏博士 项目主管白玲珊女士 (Lindsay), 共同给孔院的学生们颁发了证书, 对他们过去一年的努力学习给予了认可和鼓励 随后, 朱晓进校长发表了热情洋溢的讲话, 盛赞孔院取得的成绩, 也代表南京师大向合作伙伴佩斯大学 江苏凤凰传媒集团多年来的有力支持表示感谢, 并表达了对佩大孔院的祝福之情 之后, 轻快悠扬的 生日快乐 歌响起, 宾主共同切下了孔院五岁生日蛋糕的第一刀, 记录下了这重要的一刻 圣弗朗西斯学院的 Uwe P. Gielen 博士做主题讲座 活动在一片掌声及祝福中落下了帷幕, 这是佩大孔院一个重要的里程碑 五年耕耘, 筚路蓝缕, 而今, 从名流政要到普通百姓 从垂髫稚子到耄耋老者, 佩斯孔院已然成为他们亲近中国语言与文化的一方园地 小荷初露尖尖角, 一路走来, 我们戮力同心, 梦想的路上, 我们将继续前行 中国改变了我 孔院奖学金生留学中国 林恩 2013 年 9 月, 我第二次去中国 上次去的时候是 15 年前, 那时我 5 岁, 跟着我妈妈一起去的 我一直觉得中国不是很发达的国家 这次我到中国, 发现中国有很多车, 是一个非常好的国家 我在美国出生和长大的 我小的时候很多人一直告诉我中国哪个地方不好, 在上学的时候也没听过中国有什么地方是很好的, 所以我一直觉得中国不是很发达的国家, 而且一直没想过我会在中国生活一年 去年, 佩斯孔子学院给我机会去南京的时候, 我不知道想不想去, 担心很多事情 但是孔院的中方院长朱老师支持我去 正是因为她影响了我, 我才喜欢上了中国 现在发现, 我决定去中国学汉语是对的 比方, 我以前很害羞, 想说或做的时候, 我害怕说不好, 做不好 现在我什么都不怕了 因为我离开美国的父母, 在中国生活了一年, 我长大了 林恩 ( 后排左一 ) 游览南京中山陵 Live Confucian 2015 年 1 月 19

文化交流, 国粹流芳 冬季文化节新闻发布会及颁奖仪式 梁世红博士 2014 年 12 月 1 日上午 10 点, 冬季文化节新闻发布会及颁奖仪式在佩斯大学孔子学院会议厅隆重召开 佩斯大学孔子学院院长牛卫华教授及项目主管王祺琦老师, 纽约梨园社总裁朱齐克 Chi Chu 以及梨园社主要成员还有佩斯大学的教授 Dr. Joseph Morreale Dr. Joseph Lee, Dr. Anna Shostya 和获奖学生 Elizabeth Delaney Julieth Saenz 与众多媒体记者欢聚一堂共庆由佩斯大学孔子学院和纽约梨园社共同主办的一年一度的文化盛事 牛院长以简洁热情的欢迎词拉开了活动的序幕, 她回顾了过去五年佩斯孔院和纽约梨园社精诚合作所举办的历届冬季文化节活动, 并且对纽约梨园社致力于推广中国文化精粹的壮举表示感谢 纽约梨园社社长 Chi Chu 讲诉了昀近两年他在上海的亲身经历, 再次阐明了文化交流的重要性 他隆重介绍了今年冬季文化节表演艺术家代表张建国和李扬 张建国是著名京剧表演艺术家, 国家一级演员, 他发表了简短的讲话 在讲话中, 他提到 2014 年 10 月自己有幸作为 72 位杰出代表之一参加了中国艺术界昀高规格的文艺座谈会, 一起探讨了文艺工作人员在经济飞速发展的中国的重要作用 之后, 纽约梨园社的虞文辉先生也高度评价了参会的 72 位艺家, 认为他们既映证了孔子 72 贤弟子, 又代表了博大精深的中国文化艺术 作为文化交流节的一部分, 第四届纽约梨园社论文颁奖仪式随后进行 征文比赛共有三个获奖篇目 牛院长精炼独到, 一语中的地评价了三篇获奖文章, 然后邀请纽约梨园社的各位成员为获奖学生及其导师颁奖 整个过程庄重而热烈, 参会者对获奖师生为推广中国文化的热情和行动报以热烈的掌声 佩斯前教务长 Joseph Morreale 教授高度评价了佩斯孔院与社区合作为推广中国文化以及推动佩斯校内的中美文化交流和学科建设所做的突出贡献 他指出自己也得益于孔院提供的教授团项目, 通过参加这一项目, 他不但学到了中国的语言和文化, 还和教授们一起访问了中国, 回国后还开设了四门和中国相关的课程, 其中的旅游 孔院牛卫华院长 ( 左二 ) 项目主管王祺琦老师( 左一 ) 梨园社总裁朱齐克 ( 右一 ) 与论文赛指导老师及获奖学生 课程使他有机会带领佩斯 34 位本科生再次访问中国, 这些学生中有三位今天得到了纽约梨园社的优秀论文奖 颁奖仪式结束后是问答环节 中国日报 的记者详细询问了三位征文获奖学生的创作动机 三位学生都在孔子学院学过很长时间的汉语, 对中国语言和文化有极大的热情 他们的创作都是从自身的经历出发, 有感而发, 言之有物 他们的回答获得了听众的一致理解和赞赏 2020 年的中国 学术论坛 Ansel Lurio ( 罗安贵 ) 2014 年 12 月 8 日, 佩斯大学孔子学院与鲁宾商学院在佩斯 Aniello Bianco 厅联合举办 2020 年的中国 学术论坛, 邀请 Michael Santoro 博士 Herbert Levin 博士和 Hus O'Keefe 教授参加研讨, 会议由 Larry Bridwell 教授主持 2009 年 Rutgers 大学商学院的 Michael Santoro 博士出版了 2020 年的中国 未来十年西方企业会如何和应如何影响社会和政治变革, 并参加了由佩斯大学孔子学院与鲁宾商学院联合举办的研讨会 会上, 他预言 2020 年的中国是否会更加繁荣 更为民主, 取决于各国企业之间如何合作以及中国民众的活跃程度 Santoro 分析了中国自 2009 年来发生的两重变化 : 一个是举国上下反腐运动, 另一个是禁播部分外国电视剧, 比如 生活大爆炸 与会专家 Herbert Levin 博士曾在由美国前国务卿 Cyrus Vance 和亨利基辛格任主席的美中协会任执行董事 Levin 强调, 中国正在进行的经济变革并不是没有先例可循, 他举了挪威转型的例子 研讨会结尾的问答环节涉及了香港的 占中 运动 数量众多的中国留学生问题, 以及中国缺乏创造力阻碍其经济扩张等问题 左起 :Michael Santoro 博士 Herbert Levin 博士 Hus O'Keefe 教授和 Larry Bridwell 教授 20 Live Confucian 第 6 卷, 第 1 期

第八届冬季文化节圆满落幕 第八届 纽约梨园社冬季文化节 在 2014 年 12 月 6 日完美收官 此届冬季文化节为大家带来了一系列的文化交流活动, 包括 京剧与昆曲 的文化讲座 纽约梨园社论文比赛以及传统的京剧表演 而与往年一样, 佩斯大学孔子学院与纽约梨园社紧密合作, 积极准备为传播中华文化及推动中国戏剧艺术的发展做出了贡献 作为冬季文化节的一部分, 佩斯大学孔子学院为此次应邀来美演出的三位大师 : 中国国家一级演员张建国 杨燕毅以及著名京胡琴师李杨颁发了 中美文化交流使者 奖杯与证书 而三位艺术家, 协同纽约梨园社优秀的演员们, 为大家献上了本届文化节的重头戏 京剧全本 赵氏孤儿 武睿璠 12 月 6 日下午两点, 年度大戏 赵氏孤儿 在佩斯大学米高施美尔艺术中心闪亮开场 演员们细腻的唱腔 优雅的身段 紧凑的剧情, 让 500 多位观众看得过瘾, 满堂喝彩 本出戏从昏庸的晋灵公荒淫无道, 以弹射人取乐开始, 因奸人屠岸贾从中作祟, 致使三朝元老赵盾一家惨遭灭门之祸 故事在此背景下徐徐展开, 义士 节妇 孝子 忠臣, 都被诠释的淋漓尽致 饰演主角程婴的张建国老师, 用他深厚的京剧功底及精湛的演技诠释了一个义士为了保全忠烈之后, 宁愿牺牲自我 受辱隐忍 委屈求全, 但终成大事 将传统的东方文化中的忠孝仁义, 隐忍牺牲表现的栩栩如生, 征服了所有的观众 张建国 ( 左 ) 饰演的程婴和杨燕毅 ( 右 ) 饰演的魏绛 随着剧情的跌宕起伏, 观众们也一同经历了戏中人物的喜怒哀乐 爱恨情仇 当忠烈之士惨遭灭门, 大家都恨得咬牙切齿 ; 当主角程婴眼睁睁看着自己的亲生儿子被摔死, 全场观众都一阵揪心 哀叹连连 ; 当程婴将孤儿托养于仇人膝下, 忍辱负重, 大家都感到忿忿不平 ; 而当昀终孤儿替父报仇, 杀了奸臣屠岸贾并与母亲团聚时, 大家都不由自主的起身鼓掌喝彩! 梨园社总裁朱齐克先生表示, 该社成员为了此次演出练习了两个多月, 而三位艺术家更是在抵达纽约后马不停蹄地赶往排练现场, 这种为了艺术不辞辛劳的精神也正是中华文化中昀璀璨的一部分 朱先生还说, 该社青年团的成员除了喜爱京剧的中国留学生外, 还有不少从小就对中华文化感兴趣的华裔青年, 也于此次表演中挑大梁演出, 正是中西方文化交流的完美体现 精彩的演出为第八届纽约梨园社冬季文化节画下了一个完美的句号, 但佩大孔院, 将会同纽约梨园社一起, 继续为传播弘扬中华文化尽一份绵薄之力! 新汉学计划 和教授研修 Ansel Lurio ( 罗安贵 ) 2014 年秋, 佩斯孔院面向佩斯大学全体教授开启新一期 新汉学教授研修团 项目, 旨在帮助佩斯教师增进对汉语和中国文化的了解, 通过促进跨学科合作和以全球视野开发课程来提升佩斯课程品质 今年启动的是三期项目 自 2011 年启动本项目以来, 前两期项目遴选了部分教授, 进行汉语学习和文化学研 项目成员分别于 2011 年和 2013 年夏季赴中国学习调研, 利用已有学识和中国的体验从国际视野开发新课程 截止目前, 总共有 16 位全职教授面向佩斯开设了 10 门学分课程, 每年受益的本科生人数超过 200 人 获 新汉学教授研修团 项目资助赴中国学习调研的佩斯大学师生 2015 年 新汉学教授研修团 项目的特色是更加强调与中国有关的研究生培养和课程开发, 更符合孔子学院总部 ( 汉办 ) 新汉学计划 的培养宗旨, 注重开发研究生培训项目和课程 除新增研究生课程以外, 本项目将帮助佩斯及其合作院校南师大的教授开展中文研究课题, 为研究生提供学术研究机会, 更深入了解中国文化和儒学在当今经济 环境 开发人类潜力和生存能力方面的作用 Live Confucian 2015 年 1 月 21

简讯 汉语角 : 文化的桥梁武睿璠 随着越来越多的人对汉语角感兴趣, 并参加到其中, 学员不仅能从 神奇的中医 汉语角活动 武睿璠 有着两千多年历史的传统中医, 正在被越来越多的人认识和接受 而这也成为了 2014 年度昀受欢迎的汉语角主题之一 中医包含了针灸 中草药 推拿 太极和气功 以及食疗 其核心的理论是建立人体阴阳的平衡 阴和阳是两个相对又互补的两个抽象概念, 人们认为宇宙中的万物都能被分为阴阳两面 在核心理论外, 中医同时包括了很多古中国文化的自然及人文科学知识, 例如哲学 天文学 气象学等等 知识渊博的中医通常通过望闻问切四种方式为病人诊断病症, 并根据情况对症下药 在接来下的汉语角中, 会有一系列的中医话题, 让大家能更深入的探索神奇的中医世界 准备好的课程和演讲当中获取新的知识, 彼此的交流和分享更让大家相互借鉴, 取长补短 2014, 我们的话题更多的着重于传播中国传统文化, 让学员们在其中更有趣, 也更轻松地学中文 在这里, 学员们从古至今, 谈天说地, 从东西方对人称呼的差异, 聊到旅游方式的差异 ; 从传统音乐聊到中医 ; 从网络流行语聊到汉字的组成 各种各样有趣的主题吸引了超过 150 人参与到活动中, 深受好评 将来, 汉语角还会增加更多互动环节, 让大家学得容易, 学得开心! 新成员 : 王祺琦 佩斯孔院热烈欢迎新任项目主管王祺琦先生 王祺琦就读于宾夕法尼亚大学, 获教育学硕士学位 曾任宾夕法尼亚大学中国学生与学 者联合会副主席和教育研究生院中国学生与学者联合会主席, 积极组 参加汉语角的学员聚精会神地聆听中国文化专题 织学生社团活动 他在国际交流项目方面, 有着丰富的管理经验 先后在宾大与电讯盈科国际青年学者项目 宾大与中国证券业协会高管培训项目 宾大与华东师大联合教育学博士项目及宾大与美国艺术教育协会联合举办的中国高等教育领袖项目中从事教学和项目统筹工作 加入佩斯大学前, 在哥伦比亚大学教育学院国际事务部, 任项目联络主管一职四年多 佩斯孔院新任项目主管王祺琦先生 从华尔街到长城 摄影展叶湘 2014 年 11 月 17 日周一上午 10 点至中午 12 点, 佩斯孔院与佩斯经济系和戴森文理学院在佩斯大学纽约校区学生活动中心联合举办了主题为 从华尔街到长城 : 从佩斯师生视角看中国 的摄影展 影展精彩纷呈, 吸引了 100 多名师生积极参与 影展中的照片全部由受 新汉学教授团研修计划 资助赴中国访学的佩斯师生拍摄 通过绚丽的照片, 观众分享了佩斯师生中国行的经历, 以及中国五千年历史 独具特色的文化和飞速发展的经济 佩斯孔院牛卫华院长作了简短的演讲, 介绍了 新汉学教授研修团 项目, 谈到了中美学术交流的益处 22 Live Confucian 第 6 卷, 第 1 期

孔院五周年纪录片 朱敏博士 为迎接全球孔子学院成立 10 周年, 孔子学院总部于 2013 年底倡议制作各孔子学院纪录片, 要求在 10-15 分钟时间内, 反映本院办学情况和取得的成就, 并提出了从揭牌仪式到教学活动等 30 项具体内容要求 正值佩斯孔院成立五周年之际, 我院决定充分利用这一契机, 全面检阅建院历史与办学成果 在两个多月内, 首先根据总部要求, 统计 归集了历年教学 文化活动的详细数据, 整理了大量文字档案 上百小时的影像资料, 并专门拍摄了十多小时的素材 在此基础上, 梳理 制定了纪录片内与重点 中方朱敏院长 美方牛卫华院长亲自撰写了脚本, 第一稿七千多字, 多易其稿, 昀后定稿两千字 ; 孔院项目主管白玲珊女士负责英文审稿 领导采访与拍摄协调 ; 联合国中文组李茂奇英文配音, 丁晔拍摄制作 纪录片成片约 15 分钟, 资料丰富 数据详实, 并分别采访了佩斯大学校长 教务长 戴森文理学院院长 孔院中美双方院长等, 突出了我院的办学理念 文化活动的特点, 说明了在教学 考试 教材编写等方面的快速发展, 充分反映了佩斯孔院建院五年来的成长 发展与地区性影响力的增长 简讯 多层次 多样化的语言文化课程 朱敏博士梁世红博士 2014 年佩斯孔院开设了学分及非学分两大类 7 个系列课程, 包括 : 1 学分汉语, 101 102 汉语听说强化课程 ;2 零起点以及 1-6 级汉语 ; 3HSK 辅导 ;4 太极 麻将 中文歌曲等文化课程 ;5 旅行汉语等应用课程 ;6 私人定制课程 ;7 夏令营中国语言与文化课 这些课程具有较强的层次性和多样性, 既满足了不同级别不同类型的语言学习者的需要, 又全方位 多角度推广了中国语言文化的精华 我院纪录片得到了总部的大力肯定, 在全美百家孔院中, 被选为五 家展播纪录片之一在全球 孔子学院日 当天播出 牵手全球语言项目 杨娟博士 2014 年 12 月 19 日下午, 佩斯大学孔子学院与全球语言项目 (Global Language Project) 合作开设了一门中华文化展示课程 课程由佩斯大学孔子学院的林旭老师开设 林老师把功夫和艺术交融于一体, 让 Patria Mirabal 中学的师生们领略了中华功夫与文化的博大精深, 水乳 交融 林老师既将中华传统礼仪, 如抱拳行礼, 双手接物等带进课堂, 又展示了功夫人的行为风范 立如松, 坐如钟, 体现了中华功夫的精髓 中华文化与运动的结合 林老师行云流水的功夫动作征服了在场的每一个人, 学生们全情投入, 积极参与, 课堂气氛活泼有序 这一展示课程大大提高了学生们对中文课和中华文化的兴趣 佩斯孔院马杉杉老师在中文歌曲课上利用乐器现场伴唱 汉语考试与孔院奖学金叶湘 截止 10 月底, 佩斯大学孔子学院 2014 年共举办 HSK 和 HSKK 网络考试 7 次, 报考人数达 98 人次, 创下历史新高 除纽约本地考生以外, 还有来自康州 波士顿 佛罗里达, 甚至是德国 意大利 荷兰 韩国和黑山的考生 2015 年佩斯孔院将组织 19 次网考, 含 4 次 YCT 考试和 4 次 BCT 考试 2014 年佩斯孔院成功推荐 8 名申请人获得孔子学院奖学金, 赴华留学, 总人数创历史新高 其中一学期研修生 4 名, 一学年研修生 2 名, 汉语国际教育专业硕士 2 名 佩斯孔院高效的奖学金推荐机制向越来越多的海外学子提供了亲 佩斯孔院林旭老师 ( 右一 ) 和 Patria Mirabal 中学的师生操练功夫 身体验中国文化的机会 Live Confucian 2015 年 1 月 23

简讯 41 Park Row, 4 th Floor New York, NY 10038 USA Telephone: 212-346-1880 E-mail: Website: Twitter: @paceconfucius Facebook: 佩斯大学孔子学院致力于汉语教学 学术交 流和职业培训, 积极推广汉语和中华文化, 服务当地社区, 促进中美跨文化交际 编辑 :Ansel Lurio 叶湘 稿件作者 : 牛卫华博士 朱敏博士 王祺琦 梁世红博士 杨娟博士 Ansel Lurio 武睿璠 叶湘 林恩 佩斯大学孔子学院合作方 : 成功举办 2014 年夏令营 武睿璠 佩斯大学孔子学院一直致力于发展中文及中国文化教育, 为纽约的华人社区发展提供了大量的帮助 通过举办和参与各类活动, 为当地中文水平的提高和文化知识的普及做出了很大的贡献 今年暑假, 佩大孔院一如既往地参与到了当地的公益活动当中, 派出了年轻的武睿璠老师, 与位于纽约曼哈顿唐人街社区的教育机构 A Place for Kids (APFK) 合作, 为学生们提供了丰富有趣的中文佩斯孔院暑期夏令营的孩子们正饶有兴味地听中华传统故事及中国文化课程 本期暑期夏令营包括了 47 个学生, 年龄范围从 4 岁到 12 岁不等 共 30 课时的课程内容非常丰富, 包括了汉字的读和写 拼音的乐趣 绕口令 中文舞台剧以及学唱中文歌, 也包括了很多传统中华文化 而武老师的游戏教学方式既吸引了大家的注意也增加了互动性和趣味性 整期课程结束后, 大部分同学都能用拼音正确地拼出文字的读音, 也能写一些简单的汉字了 在昀后一堂课中, 孩子们还一起给嘉宾们表演了歌曲 爸爸去哪儿 和 小苹果 参加纽约华埠樱花节 武睿璠 每年春暖花开的时候, 纽约华埠都会举办一年一度的樱花节 活动由孔子大厦董事局, 纽约中华总商会及孔子大厦联谊会主办, 通过丰富的活动内容传播中华文化 而每一年佩大孔院都积极参与到其中 今年 4 月 26 日, 阳光明媚的下午, 孔院中方院长朱敏博士带领项目主管白玲珊及研究生助理 Frank 武睿璠于纽约华埠孔子大厦外设立展台, 在欣赏精彩的歌舞表演之余, 积极推广孔院语言及文化的课程, 耐心地为来往的群众解答各类问题, 为当天的活动锦上添花 活动预告 商务论坛 2015 年 2 月 18 日星期三农历羊年新春庆典 2015 年 2 月 22 日星期日汉语教学大会 2015 年 5 月 2 日星期六佩斯孔院成立六周年庆典 2015 年 5 月 9 日星期六