Contents 3 How can you prepare yourself before the trade fair? 4 Which measures can you take during the trade fair to protect against product / brand

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit

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发行说明, 版


Product and Brand Piracy at Trade Fairs In order to ensure the success of your visit to the trade fair, you should be well prepared not only in terms of business issues, but also in a legal sense. Extensive, even surprising circumstances may arise that require immediate, precise decisions and initiation of the right measures. Take the time before the trade fair to also ensure that you are prepared for any legal challenges that may occur. We wish you happy reading. Questions? Please ask us! 为了在展会上获得预期的成功, 除需做好业务准备外, 还应在法律方面有充分准备 可以在必要时, 对大量 甚至是出乎意料的事件做出迅速和准确的决定, 并采取正确的措施 因此, 参展前您还应该腾出时间来准备法律上的各项挑战 祝您阅读愉快 您有问题吗? 我们很乐意为您解答! avocado rechtsanwälte schillerstraße 20 60313 frankfurt t +49 [0]69.9133010 f +49 [0]69.91330119

Contents 3 How can you prepare yourself before the trade fair? 4 Which measures can you take during the trade fair to protect against product / brand piracy or other legal infringements? 5 How can you defend yourself against third party accusations? 6 What should you consider overall in order to prevent product / brand piracy? 8 如何在参展前做好准备? 9 面对展会期间的产品侵权行为 商标侵权行为或其他侵权行为, 您可采取哪些措施? 10 如果面临第三方的指控, 如何才能够保护自己? 11 为了防止产品侵权行为 商标侵权行为, 您通常应注意什么? 12 Contact 13 Legal notice

How can you prepare yourself before the trade fair? At trade fairs, intellectual property rights (e.g. copyrights, trademarks, patents, utility models and other industrial property rights) are regularly infringed upon. If well prepared, you will be able to react appropriately and most importantly, quickly to each incident. Check in advance that you have registered all of your industrial property rights and that you hold copyrights to the goods or services you intend to present at the trade fair. When presenting your goods or services to third parties, make sure that you have the relevant licenses from the owners of the IP rights. Be particularly diligent when it comes to supporting documents that verify your IP rights. For example, keep your registration certificates or the confirmations of registration applications related to your trademarks, patents, utility models and registered designs readily available. Carry copies of license agreements with third parties or affidavits that document your right to present and sell the respective goods or services. With regard to copyrights, affidavits and development documents can also serve as evidence. Bring a camera or other recording device (e.g. a smart phone with appropriate functions) to the trade fair in order to be able to document any legal infringements by your competitors. Find an attorney specialized in IP law. Inform yourself before the start of the trade fair about the threat of any specific legal infringements as well as warnings already issued, cease and desist declarations subject to penalty, or court decisions issued against your competitors and send your attorney these documents as well as the abovementioned supporting documents verifying your IP rights. By doing so, your attorney is then in the position to react promptly to infringements of protective rights and if necessary, can even initiate necessary measures on your behalf before the start of the trade fair. 3 13

Which measures can you take during the trade fair to protect against product / brand piracy or other legal infringements? If you should become aware of an infringement of your rights, gather evidence, for example, take photos or videos on site, collect available advertising material or take screenshots of your competitor s website. In particular, find out your competitor s precise contact information (name of the company and address, which can be discovered, for example, via the trade fair catalogue or from advertising materials at the booth). Ensure that your attorney can be reached at any time during the trade fair; inform him/her of the incident and send him/her the evidence. In the event of a legal infringement, your attorney will file an application for interim injunction with the court against your competitor. If necessary, your attorney will issue a warning to your competitor beforehand. Because the courts are prepared for such cases, it is often possible to receive a decision during the trade fair. A court appointed bailiff can deliver an interim injunction to the competitor directly at the trade show. If your competitor continues to commit the legal infringement and thus violates its obligation to cease and desist, the court can impose fines of up to 250,000.00 or a term of imprisonment. Based on your right to claim reimbursement of attorney and court fees, you can have the goods presented at your competitor s trade fair booth seized as security by the court appointed bailiff. 4 13

How can you defend yourself against third party accusations? If a competitor has accused you of legal infringement before the trade fair, you should consult with your attorney regarding the necessary legal measures, in particular to prevent the threat of interim injunction being issued against you. Therefore, notify your attorney and send him/her all available information and documents related to your competitor s allegation. Your attorney can submit a protective letter to the competent court which will detail why no legal infringement exists or why an injunction should not be ordered against you. With this protective letter, the court is in the position to take your arguments into consideration while deliberating on the competitor s application for interim injunction against you. As a result, the court may dismiss the competitor s application or at least not issue a decision without a hearing. Your attorney can also provide you with information about other defense possibilities. For example, a settlement can be drafted and suggested to your competitor. Even if an evaluation of the accusation shows that a cease and desists declaration subject to penalty must be issued, the precise content and scope of such should be assessed. If an interim injunction brought against you by a competitor is issued directly during the trade fair, you are obliged to fulfil the requirements stipulated in the injunction. Unfair advertising, for example, or another behavior can be prohibited based on the alleged legal infringement (trademark infringement, patent infringement, etc.). If you do not comply with the court ordered injunction, you may be subject to a severe penalty fine or term of imprisonment imposed by the court. Inform your attorney without delay and send him/her the injunction. Your attorney will discuss the next steps with you and can file an objection against the injunction for you with the competent court. 5 13

Consult your attorney before issuing any press releases. With regard to public statements in response to a competitor s allegations, it is not only tactical considerations that must be taken into account, but especially legal requirements, for example pertaining to competition law. If you should publish an incorrect press release, you may be subject to further assertion of claims by the competitor. Ensure that you have the required amounts of money to cover attorney and court fees available at your trade fair booth. In this way, you can prevent the goods at your booth from being seized as security by your competitor to cover his/her claim for reimbursement of costs. What should you consider overall in order to prevent product / brand piracy? Develop strategies for protective rights. Review your individual protective rights (trademarks, patents, utility models, registered designs) and register them at the national, European or international level, as necessary. Resolutely pursue infringements of your protective rights. Monitor the internet and trade shows and work together with commercial, customer and law enforcement agencies and their attorneys. Secure your protective rights in your contractual relationships. Formulate your contracts clearly. Be aware of the contractual rights and obligations of your suppliers and license holders and conclude the necessary non-disclosure agreements to protect your know-how. 6 13

Inform your customers and contractual partners about your protective rights, the damages and dangers related to counterfeit goods as well as the legal consequences of trading or selling pirated goods. Develop internal company strategies as well as distribution strategies. Establish an inhouse point of contact for the protection of your IP rights and raise employee awareness in your company. Carefully select your suppliers. If possible, offer your customers productrelated services and maintenance services. Utilize modern security procedures and technologies to protect and monitor your IP rights and inform the customs authorities about such. Obtain information regarding the contact person for the trade show organizer, the state attorney and customs agencies as well as local specialized attorneys who can also be reached on weekends. Begin working together with these parties before the start of the trade fair in order to ensure prompt legal protection even on the weekends. 7 13

如何在参展前做好准备? 展会上经常会出现侵害诸如版权 商标 专利 实用新型 外观设计和其他工商业产权等知识产权的行为 通过充分的准备, 您就可以恰当并迅速地应对出现的情况 所以请事先确认, 您所有的知识产权已经登记注册, 并且您是展出产品和成果的合法使用权人 如果您展出的是第三方产品和成果, 需确保您持有相关知识产权所有人许可证 尤其应注意准备能证明您知识产权的相关凭证 例如 : 请准备好您的商标 专利 实用新型和外观设计登记注册证书或申请证明 此外, 还应携带第三方许可协议副本或声明书, 以此证明, 您可以展出并交易相应产品或成果 属于您的版权则以声明书和研发文件来证明 参展时, 请您带上照相机或摄像设备 ( 例如 : 有摄像功能的智能手机 ), 以便记录竞争对手可能有的侵权行为 请您联系一位知识产权法专业律师 在参展前告知律师, 具体的 具有威胁性质的侵权行为以及已针对竞争对手做出的警告 附有处罚条款的不作为制止声明或法律判决, 并向其出示能证明您知识产权的文件及上述凭证 这样, 您的律师就能在出现侵权行为时及时做出反应, 并能在需要时于参展前采取相应措施 8 13

面对展会期间的产品侵权行为 商标侵权行为或其他侵权行为, 您可采取哪些措施? 如果您发现侵权行为, 请您提交证据, 例如 : 当场拍摄的照片或影像 现有宣传材料 或您竞争对手的网站截图 尤其要确定竞争对手的联系方式 ( 公司名称 地址, 例 如 : 通过展台的展会目录或宣传材料确定 ) 请确保, 在展会期间可以随时联系上您的律师, 通知其具体事件并向他提供侵 权证据 当侵权行为出现时, 您的律师可以向法院申请针对竞争对手的临时禁令 如有必要, 他可以事先警告您的竞争对手 法院对这类案件是有准备的 因此, 通常在展会期间 就能做出决定 临时禁令将由法院执行人员直接通知展会上的竞争对手 如果您的竞争对手继续侵 权, 违反临时禁令, 法院可对其处以最高 250000 欧元的罚款或判处监禁 因为您有权要求赔偿诉讼费用, 所以可由执法人员没收竞争对手展台参展产品作 为抵押 9 13

如果面临第三方的指控, 如何才能够保护自己? 如果在参展前, 竞争对手控告您侵权, 您应当和您的律师协商议应该采取怎样的法律 措施, 尤其是如何避免临时禁令对您的威胁 请告知您的律师并附上您手上的竞争对手指控的所有信息和文件 您的律师可向所管辖法院递交一份保护书, 陈述您没有侵权或不应颁布临时禁令的原因 这份保护书可以作为法院在处理您的竞争对手申请临时禁令时要考虑的论证理由 这样做是为了使法院拒绝竞争对手的申请或者至少不会在没有听证的情况下作出不利于您的裁决 此外, 您还可以和您的律师商量其他的应对策略 例如 : 向竞争对手提出和解建议 即使指控的内容属实, 您有义务签署附有处罚条款的不作为声明, 也该详细审查其具 体内容和范围 如果展会期间, 您的竞争对手申请的临时禁令已经直接下达给您, 您应当按规定执 行 相关指控行为, 如虚假不正当广告等其他行为 ( 商标侵权, 专利侵权 ) 都可能被 禁止 如果您违反法院颁布的临时禁令, 就会面临规定的罚款或监禁 请您尽快告知您的律师并附上临时禁令 您的律师可以和您商讨下一步的措施并且负 责向所管辖法院递交异议书来抗告临时禁令 如果需要, 您可以和您的律师起草一份媒体声明 针对竞争对手指控的公开表态, 不 仅需要考虑策略, 而且还必须注意法律规定, 例如竞争法方面的规定 如果发布一份 错误的媒体声明, 您的竞争对手可能会向您提出新的指控 10 13

请确保, 您参展时有足够支付律师费和诉讼费所必要的款项金额 如此可以防止您的 竞争对手将您展台的产品作为诉讼赔偿进行抵押 为了防止产品侵权行为 商标侵权行为, 您通常应注意什么? 请您制定专利权对策 审查您的个别专利权 ( 商标 专利 实用新型 外观设计 ) 并根据需要在国内 欧洲或国际注册登记 坚决追究侵犯您专利权的行为 同经济部门 海关 执法机构和您的律师合作, 监视互联网和博览会 在条约中确保您的专利权 请您制定明确的合同 注意您的供应商和专利权使用者的合同权利和义务, 并协商必要的保密条款来保护您的知识产权 向您的客户和合同当事人说明有关您的权利 伪冒品的赔偿和危险以及交易或盗版的法律后果 请您制定公司内部经营策略和销售策略 在公司内部为保护您的知识产权设立一个联络处, 并对员工做宣传说明 谨慎选择您的供货商 尽可能地为客户提供产品相关的服务和维护 请您使用现代安全技术和科技来保护并监视您的知识产权, 与海关当局保持联系 准备好展会主办单位 检察单位 海关, 以及周末也可联系上的当地专业律师的联系方式 请在展前就和这些人 部门及所管辖法院进行合作, 以确保即使在周末也能快速获得法律保护 11 13

Contact Pey-Fen Fuh Contact Pey-Fen Fuh, LL.M., Counsel t +49 [0]69.913301131 f +49 [0]69.91330119 Jörg Michael Voß Contact Dr. Jörg Michael Voß, LL.M., Partner t +49 [0]69.913301139 f +49 [0]69.91330119 Christian Berger Contact Dr. Christian Berger, Partner t +49 [0]69.913301131 f +49 [0]69.91330119 12 13

Legal notice avocado rechtsanwälte schillerstraße 20 60313 frankfurt t +49 [0]69.9133010 f +49 [0]69.91330119 ust-id-nr. de 814 17 29 76 steuer nr. 13/225/62722 fa berlin-charlottenburg avocado rechtsanwälte is the registered trademark of berger, bornemann, figgen, gerhold, kaminski, voß rechtsanwälte mbb (partnership). The partnership is registered with the partnership register of the local court (Amtsgericht) Berlin-Charlottenburg under pr 331 b nr. 1. This publication is distributed to our clients and contacts from time to time updating them on legal developments and/or services offered by the firm which we believe may be of interest to them. If you do not wish to receive such communications, please inform us by sending an e-mail to or by telephoning our marketing department (Ms Julia Walter) on +49 [0]69.913301-132 to be removed from our mailing list. 13 13