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The Re-establishing Government of Japan Empire Formed by UN NGO RCJE from 20 Feb 2014 in the Occupied Meiji Japanese territories Taiwan No.263, Sec. 6, Yanping N. Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111, Taiwan Meiji Japanese Imperial Diet - House of Peers Illegal Chinese elections held in the occupied Meiji Japanese territories URGENT / War Crimes No.151231 / 31 Dec 2015 Aggression Power, USA United States of America (USA), President Barack Hussein Obama USAF-CRAG (see annex 1; The aggression army is acting on behalf of USA, by General Order No.1 of Allied Powers leader General MacArthur who assigned by USA President. ) President of Republic of China (ROC) in exile, 馬英九 Central Election Commission of Republic of China (ROC) in exile, CC United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon United Nations General Assembly United Nations International Court of Justice United Nations International Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor Swiss Federal Council International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) States who ratified San Francisco Peace Treaty 1

Subject U.S. aggression force in the occupied territories of our State to hold ROC President election and ROC Legislative Yuan election have violated International Laws and violated Laws of War. Its relevant electoral affairs shall terminate immediately; and USA shall immediately return our Government all the courts and Civil Resources. Details 1. The USA s dispatching force, the U.S. Aggression Force-Chinese Refugees Armed Group ( USAF-GRAG, see annex 1) is occupying territories of our State, Taiwan and Penghu. And it is occupying all over our national courts, Civil authorities and Civil Resources; 2. USAF-GRAG is scheduling on 16 January 2016 to hold elections for the President of Republic of China( ROC ) and for the Legislative Yuan of ROC; 3. The events which mentioned in item 1, 2 above have seriously violated Hague Convention of 1907 and violated the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 provided in Article 47 and Article 147. It is the obvious evidence of War Crimes. 4. The events which mentioned in item 1, 2 also violate San Francisco Peace Treaty ( SFPT ) that China shall not be entitled to the benefits of Article 2 of SFPT like Korea. Any States who ratified SFPT shall immediately send troops to expel the Republic of China in Taiwan. 5. The events which mentioned in item 2 above have violated United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 that People's Republic of China is the only legitimate representative of China and the ROC had been replaced. The elections for ROC President is contempt for the UN General Assembly and China; 6. USAF-GRAG has been violating Laws of War from 25 Oct 1945 the day after the day that Charter of the United Nations came into force, occupying all our courts, Civil authorities, citizen public authorities and Civil Resources. USA shall return all those to our Government immediately. In summary, according to the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 provided in Article 27, USA is responsible for the treatment accorded to protected persons (the civilians of Japan Empire) by USA s agents. USAF-CRAG is an USA s agent that occupies Japan Empire s territories Taiwan. ( USAF-GRAG, see annex 1, and more details on ) For such offenses, the USA shall be responsible for and shall deal with USAF-CRAG s War Crimes. President of Imperial Diet - House of Peers of Japan Empire 2

大日本帝國重建政府由聯合國 NGO 大日本帝國人民救援委員會 RCJE 組成在平成 26 年 2 月 10 日世界社會公正日於被佔領的大日本帝國的領土台灣通訊地址 : 台北市士林區延平北路 6 段 263 號 大日本帝國 帝國議會貴族院 非法的中國選舉在被佔領的大日本帝國領土 急件 / War Crimes No.151231 / 2015 年 12 月 31 日 正本侵略國, 美利堅合眾國 USA United States of America (USA), President Barack Hussein Obama 美國侵略軍 - 中國難民武裝團體 ( 見附件 1; 該侵略軍由美國總統指派的盟軍統帥麥克阿瑟將軍的一般命令第一號為美國之代行 ) 流亡的中華民國總統馬英九流亡的中華民國中央選舉委員會 副本聯合國秘書長潘基文閣下聯合國大會聯合國國際法院聯合國國際刑事法院 Swiss Federal Council 紅十字國際委員會 (ICRC) 舊金山和平條約批准國 主旨 : 美國侵略軍於本國被佔領土, 舉辦中華民國總統及立委選舉已違反戰爭法及國際法 其相關選舉事務應立刻停止 ; 並且美國應即返還本國政府所有法院及民事資源 3

細節 : 一 美國派遣的侵略軍, 美國侵略軍 - 中國難民武裝團體 USAF-CRAG( 下稱美國侵略軍 - 中國難民武裝團體, 見附件 1) 正侵佔本國領土台灣澎湖, 並全面侵佔本國法院 民事機關及民事資源 ; 二 美國侵略軍 - 中國難民武裝團體預訂於 2016 年 1 月 16 日在本國被佔領領土台灣澎湖舉行中華民國的總統及立委選舉 ; 三 上述一 二點之事件已嚴重違反 1907 的海牙公約及 1949 的日內瓦第四公約第 47 條及第 147 條, 為戰爭罪之明顯事證 ; 四 上述一 二點之事件也違反舊金山和平條約, 中國並沒有像韓國享有該約第 2 條的權利 舊金山和平條約各締約國應立刻出兵驅逐在台灣的中華民國 ; 五 上述第二點之事件違反聯合國大會第 2758 號決議文, 即中華人民共和國是唯一合法的中國代表, 中華民國已被中華人民共和國取代 中華民國的總統選舉, 是對聯合國大會及中國的藐視 ; 六 美國侵略軍 - 中國難民武裝團體違反戰爭法, 自 1945 年 10 月 25 日聯合國憲章生效後之次日, 侵佔本國之所有的法院 民事機關 民意機關及民事資源 美國應立即返還給本國政府 綜上所述, 依據 1949 的日內瓦第四公約第 27 條規定, 美國需對其代行機構對待被保護人 ( 大日本帝國平民 ) 的行為負責 美國侵略軍 - 中國難民武裝團體是一隻代美國行佔領大日本帝國領土台灣的代行機構 ( 美國侵略軍 - 中國難民武裝團體, 見附件 1, 更多的細節在 對於這樣的違法行為, 美國應負責並應追究美國侵略軍 - 中國難民武裝團體之戰爭罪 大日本帝國重建政府貴族院 議長蔡佩勳 4

Annex 1(附件 1) 5