城市! SLEEP! 住宿! Cusco, Puno 里约热内卢, 伊瓜苏, 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 科洛尼亚德尔萨克拉门托, 蒙特维多, 利马, 库斯科, 普诺 4 star hotel based on final confirmation or similar standard: 旅游住宿 4 星级

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CITIES! Rio de Janeiro, Iguazu, Buenos Aires, Colonia del Sacramento, Montevideo, Lima,

城市! SLEEP! 住宿! Cusco, Puno 里约热内卢, 伊瓜苏, 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 科洛尼亚德尔萨克拉门托, 蒙特维多, 利马, 库斯科, 普诺 4 star hotel based on final confirmation or similar standard: 旅游住宿 4 星级以类似为标准 Rio de Janeiro (2N-Arena Copacabana) 里约热内卢 (2 晚 - 阿瑞纳柯巴卡巴纳酒店 ) Iguazu (2N-Viale Cataratas) 伊瓜苏 (2 晚 维亚勒瀑布会议酒店 ) Buenos Aires (3N-725 Continental) 布宜诺斯艾利斯 (3 晚 欧洲 725 号酒店 ) Montevideo (1N-Regency Way) 蒙特维多 (1 晚 丽晶路蒙得伟迪亚酒店 ) Lima (1N-Casa Andina Miraflores) 利马 (2 晚 - 卡萨安迪纳米拉弗洛雷斯酒店 ) Cuzco (2N-Casa Andina Valle Sagrado) 库斯科 (2 晚 - 维尔希格拉多卡萨安迪纳酒店 ) Puno (2N-Sonesta Posada) 普诺 (2 晚 - 普诺德尔印加圣淘沙酒店 ) EAT! Argentinian Steak 阿根廷牛排 道地美食! Pisco 皮斯可 Alpaca 羊驼肉 DRINK! Local meals include 1 drink (choices: Coffee or Tea) 饮料! 道地餐饮将包含一杯饮料 ( 选择 : 咖啡或茶 )

01 Kuala Lumpur Amsterdam Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Depart to Rio de Janeiro, one of Brazil s most popular tourist destination. 吉隆坡 迪拜 里约热内卢, 巴西 从吉隆坡出发到里约热内卢, 巴西最受欢迎的旅游城市之一 02 Arrive Rio de Janeiro Upon arrival, transfer to hotel for overnight stay. 抵达里约热内卢 抵达后, 送至酒店过夜 03 Rio de Janeiro (Full breakfast / Chinese lunch / Brazilian dinner) Sightseeing tour of Rio de Janeiro to see the Christ Redeemer Statue on top of Corcovado Hill (710 meters & include train ride) and the most beautiful panoramic point on top of Sugar Loaf (include cable car). Sightseeing tour of Rio de Janeiro to see the historical side of downtown Rio de Janeiro, the São Bento Monastery, the Praca XV (square), the Travessa do Mercado, the Imperial Palace, the Banco do Brasil, the Casa França-Brasil, the Ouvidor Street and the Gonçalves Dias Street, the traditional Colombo Coffee Shop, the Carioca Square and the Metropolitan Cathedral. Tonight entertain yourself with a show of Samba and Folklore music with Brazilian dancers. You will feel the energy and enchantment of the Carnival in Rio, the samba, the mulata dancers, a capoeira presentation and other traditional Brazilian dances. 里约热内卢 ( 早餐 / 中式午餐 / 巴西烧烤晚餐 ) 里约热内户市区游 : 科尔科瓦多山 ( 高 710 米 - 含电车票 ), 山顶上屹立了基督救世主的雕像 巨大的塑像在全市的每个角落均可看到, 是里约的象征之一 于 2007 年, 列为现代世界七大奇迹之一 舒格洛夫 ( 含缆车 ), 从山顶远眺, 可将里约全市及沿岸海滩美景尽收眼里 里约热内卢市区游 : 里约古城区, 圣本笃修道院, 15 广场, 巷市场, 皇家宫殿, 巴西银行, 巴西 - 法国文化中心, 欧鲁普雷图购物街, 公沙尔威兹街, 传统哥伦布咖啡馆, 克力欧卡广场和大都市大教堂 晚餐后, 欣赏巴西的桑巴舞蹈和民俗音乐舞蹈节目 你将会感受里约桑巴舞者穆拉塔的魅力 04 Rio de Janeiro (2:10 hours) Foz du Iguacu (Box breakfast / Brazilian lunch at National Park / Brazilian dinner) Depart to Iguazu, a waterfall bordered by three countries- Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Brazilian side of Iguassu falls: famous for the panoramas of the spectacular Iguassu. We will walk on the trail which is along the river with its many smaller falls to the base of the biggest falls where a catwalk extends out over the brink of a series of falls which make up Devil s Throat. At a vantage point you will have a panoramic and spectacular view of the 275 falls. 里约热内卢 (2:10 小时 ) 巴西福斯市 ( 早餐 / 巴西午餐 & 晚餐 ) 前往伊瓜苏 : 一个横跨巴西, 阿根廷和巴拉圭被称为世界上最大的瀑布

巴西国界伊瓜苏瀑布 : 您将可看到 275 个瀑布全景 其中, 魔鬼的咽喉 是最壮观的, 由 14 个瀑布合并在一起, 形成 100 米长的瀑布和地下的筑成池塘面 05 Iguacu (29km) Ciudad del Este, Paraguay (29km) Iguacu (Full breakfast / Paraguayan lunch / Brazilian dinner) Excursion to Paraguay to visit the Paraguayan city of Ciudad del Este. Sightseeing tour of Ciudad del Este to see the Historical Museum, the Friendship Bridge and the Triple Frontier. Itaipu Dam: a huge hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River between Brazil and Paraguay. During the visit Learn about this excellent example of modern architecture, as well as its environmental impact, its construction and its importance in the lives of the Paraguayan and Brazilian people. The tour also gives you a close view of the dam and offers great photo opportunities. 伊瓜苏 (29 公里 ) 埃斯特城, 巴拉圭 (29 公里 ) 伊瓜苏 ( 早餐 / 巴拉圭午餐 / 巴西晚餐 ) 走访巴拉圭第二大城市 - 埃斯特城 埃斯特城市区游 : 历史博物馆, 友谊之桥和三边疆区 伊泰普水坝 : 位于巴西与巴拉圭交界的巴拉那河上的一个巨大水力发电水坝 通过这个现代化建筑的优秀例子, 您可以了解水坝建造对环境的影响以及它巴拉圭和巴西人民的生活中的重要性 此外您还有机会近距离接触水坝与这宏伟的建筑合照 06 Iguacu (22km) Puerto Iguazu, Argentina (1:55 hours) Buenos Aires (Full breakfast / Argentinian lunch at National Park / Chinese dinner) Argentinean side of Iguazu falls (include train ride): you will find the most overwhelming falls in the world. The Iguazu River plunges into a gorge of over 275 falls along 4km completely surrounded by a dense tropical forest. We will enjoy the traditional circuits in the Iguazu National Park; the Upper Circuit and the Lower Circuit. The Upper Circuit guarantees spectacular panoramic views of the falls and the Lower Circuit will give you a close-up view. Depart to Buenos Aires, the capital and largest city of Argentina. 伊瓜苏 (29 公里 ) 伊瓜苏港, 阿根廷 (1:55 小时 ) 布宜诺斯艾利斯 ( 早餐 / 阿根廷午餐 / 中式晚餐 ) 阿根廷国界伊瓜苏瀑布 ( 包含火车乘搭 ): 路段共分为上下两环, 上环可自上而下感受瀑布翻滚而下的气势, 下环路线, 可自下而上亲近瀑布的宏伟 出发到阿根廷首都及最大的城市 - 布宜诺斯艾利斯 07 Buenos Aires (1:15 hours) Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay (181km) Montevideo (Full breakfast / Uruguayan lunch & dinner) On board an express ferry to Colonia del Sacramento. Colonia del Sacramento: an irresistibly picturesque town enshrined as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its Barrio Histórico, an irregular colonial-era nucleus of narrow cobbled streets, occupies a small

peninsula jutting into the river. Pretty rows of sycamores offer protection from the summer heat, and the riverfront provides a venue for spectacular sunsets. Montevideo: the capital city of Uruguay. 布宜诺斯艾利斯 (1:15 小时 ) 科洛尼亚德尔萨克拉门托, 乌拉圭 (181 公里 ) 蒙特维多 ( 早餐 / 乌拉圭午餐 & 晚餐 ) 乘快速渡轮到科洛尼亚德尔萨克拉门托 科洛尼亚 德尔萨克拉门托城 : 一个让你不可抗拒风景如画的城镇, 也被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产 其殖民时代的旧城区伴随着狭窄的鹅卵石街道, 占据了一个小半岛延伸至河里 此外这里也种满了梧桐树免受夏天的热气感染, 河边更提供了壮观的日落让你欣赏 蒙特维多 : 乌拉圭的首都 08 Montevideo (2:00 hours) Buenos Aires, Argentina (Full breakfast / Chinese lunch / Argentinian dinner) Sightseeing tour of Montevideo to see the Plaza de la Independencia, the Old Town, the Palacio Salvo, the Solis Theatre and Mercado del Puerto. On board an express ferry back to Buenos Aires. 蒙特维多 (2:00 小时 ) 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷 ( 早餐 / 中式午餐 / 阿根廷晚餐 ) 蒙得维的亚市区游 : 独立广场 老城区 萨尔沃宫 Solis 剧院和港口市场 乘搭快艇回到布宜诺斯艾利斯 09 Buenos Aires (Full breakfast / Chinese lunch / Argentinian dinner with Tango show) Sightseeing tour of Buenos Aires to see the May Square, the Pink House, Presidential Palace, the Cabildo, Primitive town hall, the Metropolitan Cathedral, the San Telmo neighborhood, the Avenida de Mayo, the La Boca district, the Puerto Madero and the splendid Plaza San Martin. Recoleta Cemetery (include entrance): Lose yourself for hours in this labyrinthine city of the dead! Over 6,400 statues, sarcophagi, coffins and crypts commemorate some of Argentina s most celebrated sons and daughters, not least Eva Peron, in this labyrinthine city of the dead. It is an eerily beautiful and tranquil place, with shadowed walkways and towering marble mausoleums rich in art deco, art nouveau, baroque and neo-gothic architectural styles, masonic symbols and powerful religious iconography. Over 90 of its tombs are listed as national historical monuments. 布宜诺斯艾利斯 ( 早餐 / 中式午餐 / 阿根廷晚餐与探戈表演 ) 布宜诺斯艾利斯市区游 : 五月广场, 粉红楼, 总统府, 卡比尔多, 市政厅, 天主教座堂, 圣特尔莫, 五月大道, 拉博卡, 波多黎各马德罗及圣马丁 雷科莱塔公墓 ( 含门票 ): 迷失在这迷宫般的城市! 超过 6,400 个雕像 石棺 棺材和纪念一些阿根廷著名的儿子与女儿, 尤其是艾薇塔 贝隆, 在这个迷宫般的死亡城市 它是一个极其美丽和宁静的地方, 人行道和高耸的大理石陵墓丰富的装饰艺术, 新艺术风格, 巴洛克式和新哥特式建筑风格, 共济会的符号和强大的宗教图像 它拥有 90 多个坟茔被列为国家历史纪念碑

10 Buenos Aires (5:00 hours) Lima, Peru (Box breakfast / Peruvian lunch & dinner) Take a flight to Lima, the Peruvian capital. Sightseeing of Lima to visit the Historical Centre to see the Main Square, the Government Palace, Torre Tagle Palace, Casa Aliaga, San Francisco Monastery, Barrios Altos and Chinatown. Continue the sightseeing to visit the Miraflores district to drive along the Pacific Ocean route and see Miraflores beach, Parque del Armor (the Lover s Park), Larcomar, Kennedy Park and Calle de las Pizzas (Pizza Street). 布宜诺斯艾利斯 (5:00 小时 ) 利马, 秘鲁 ( 早餐 / 秘鲁午餐 & 晚餐 ) 乘搭飞机前往秘鲁首都利马 利马市区游 : 参观历史中心的主要广场 政府宫殿 特瑞他哥宫 阿利亞嘉之家 旧金山修道院 贝尔兰加和唐人街 继续游览米拉弗洛雷斯地区, 沿着太平洋路线行驶, 可以看到米拉弗洛雷斯海滩, Parque del Armor( 爱心公园 ), 拉格玛, 肯尼迪公园和比萨拉弗洛雷斯的街道 ( 比萨街 ) 11 Lima (1:20 hours) Cuzco (Packed breakfast / Peruvian lunch & dinner) Cuzco: a city in the Peruvian Andes and birthplace of the Inca Empire. Sightseeing tour of Cuzco to visit the Sacred Valley; you will see the sacred Urubamba River, the village of Pisac & traditional market, the extensive ruins of Pisac and Ollantaytambo village. 利马 (1:20 小时 ) 库斯科 ( 早餐 / 秘鲁午餐 & 晚餐 ) 库斯科 : 一个在秘鲁的城市 - 安地斯, 同时也是印加帝国的出生地 库斯科市区游 : 参观神圣山谷, 您将看到圣乌鲁班巴河, 匹萨克村庄和传统市场, 匹萨克和 Ollantaytambo 村庄广泛的废墟 12 Cuzco (Full breakfast/peruvian lunch & dinner) Machu Picchu (2,460 meters above sea level) One of the Wonders of the World! Vistadome (approx. 4 hours one way): A train with panoramic windows that offers a unique connection with the scenery along the way to Machu Picchu, makes you feel that you are a part of nature. Machu Picchu known as the Lost City of the Incas nestles on top of a mountain saddle high above the Urubamba River in the middle of the cloud forest. It was both a center of worship and astronomic observatory as well as the private retreat of the family of Inca ruler Pachacutec. It is split into two major areas: the agriculture zone, made up of terracing and food storehouses; and the urban zone, featuring the sacred sector, with temples, squares and royal tombs which have been carved to an extraordinary degree of perfection. The stone staircases and canals are found throughout this unique archaeological site. 库斯科 ( 早餐 / 秘鲁午餐 & 晚餐 ) 马丘比丘 ( 海拔 2,460 米 ) - 世界奇迹之一! Vistadome( 单程约 4 小时 ): 一条拥有全景窗户的火车, 与马丘比丘沿途的风景有着独特的联系, 让您感觉自己是自然的一部分 马丘比丘被称为 失落的印加人城市, 坐落在乌鲁班巴河上方的一座山鞍上, 位于云森林中间 它

是一个崇拜中心和天文台以及私人的印加统治者帕查库提家庭 它分为两个主要领域 : 农业区, 由梯田和食品仓库组成 ; 和城市区, 以神圣的部分为特色, 寺庙, 广场和皇家坟茔被雕刻得非常完美的程度 石头楼梯和运河遍布这个独特的考古遗址 13 Cuzco (0:55 hour) Juliaca (43km) Puno (Full breakfast / Peruvian lunch & dinner) Depart to Juliaca, a busy transit hub and gateway to Lake Titicaca. Puno: located on the shore of Lake Titicaca, the world s highest navigable lake, at 3,860m above sea level. It is also an important agricultural and livestock region of Peru. Sightseeing tour of Puno to see the Mirador del Puma, Puno s main square, the Pino Park, the Dreyer Museum and Tiahuanaco. 库斯科 (0:55 小时 ) 胡利亚卡 (43 公里 ) 普诺 ( 早餐 / 秘鲁午餐 & 晚餐 ) 出发到胡利亚卡, 一个到的的喀喀湖繁忙的运输出入口 普诺 : 位于的的喀喀湖的岸上, 世界上可航行最高的湖, 海拔 3860 米 它也是秘鲁的一个重要农业和畜牧地区 普诺市区游 : 参观 Mirador del Puma, 普诺的主要广场 皮诺公园 德雷尔博物馆和蒂亚瓦纳科 14 Puno (Full breakfast / Peruvian lunch & dinner) Boat excursion of Lake Titicaca to visit the famous Uros reed floating islands and Taquille island. You will observe the artificial reed platforms inhabited by the ancient ethnic groups and one of the most original ways of life on earth, get a chance to have a close encounter with the locals. These authentic cultures and history of life are fascinating! 普诺 ( 早餐 / 秘鲁午餐 / 玻利维亚晚餐 ) 乘搭小船游览的的喀喀湖参观着名乌鲁斯人漂流岛和塔吉利海岛 你将有机会观察古民族居住的人工芦苇平台和地球上最原始的生活方式之一, 有机会与当地人亲密接触 这些真实的文化和生活的历史是迷人的! 15 Puno (43km) Juliaca (1:35 hours) Lima Amsterdam Kuala Lumpur (Full breakfast) Drive to Juliaca for your flight to Lima with connecting to Kuala Lumpur via Dubai. Time to bid farewell to these beautiful destinations and bring home wonderful memories of Latin America! 普诺 (43 公里 ) 胡利亚卡 (1:35 小时 ) 利马 阿姆斯特丹 吉隆坡 ( 早餐 ) 开车前往胡利亚卡飞往利马, 通过迪拜转机飞往吉隆坡 是时候告别这些令人兴奋的目的地, 把拉丁美洲最美好的回忆带回家! 16 On Board 飞行途中, 越过换日线 17 Arrive Kuala Lumpur 抵达吉隆坡