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2 / SHINE / February 2011 3 / SHINE / February 2011

4 / SHINE / February 2011 5 / SHINE / February 2011

6 / SHINE / February 2011 7 / SHINE / February 2011

8 / SHINE / February 2011 9 / SHINE / February 2011

目 录 CONTENTS 目 录 CONTENTS ʼ๑ள ڍ ӯ ॶ 2011.2.22-24 W1-610 ฐ ࡘѢ$14 4$ጆѴЏ Ԫ٧Ὃ ᤀՉ ܢ ґज़ ฐ ࡘӜԟ ὀ Ҋ ٸۻ ѯ 25 ٷ ЌАचअ ՄअԄ Ոӳମ Inherit 25 years manufacturing experience of Chint in mass production Ո濮 х1.5kw-500kwұѧ ٸ ৡଣՋ Offer full product line from 1.5kW~500kW PV inverters ݖ Ֆவ濮 ਪ濮 ݽ चপ ઇӑ ࠅޑ Provide reliable, green and high efficiency power solutions Equip with a number of patented technologies and is certified for Golden Sun, VDE, DK, RD, G59 etc. THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV 10 / SHINE / February 2011 ฉ ॿ ୟ855 ኟ ᇻ4, 201614 Block 4, 855 Wenhe Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201614, China Tel: +86-021 - 3779 1222 Fax: +86-021 - 3779 1222-6003 Web: www.chintpower.com Mail: sales.cps@chint.com 11 / SHINE / February 2011

言论 VOICE 言目录论 CONTENTS VOICE 12 / SHINE / February 2011 13 / SHINE / February 2011

言论 VOICE 言目录论 CONTENTS VOICE Small market, capacity release, profit decline and polarization. Four features of 2011 photovoltaic market. Policy, rather than sunshine, will remain the U.S.'s greatest solar resource for the next few years. Milo Sjardin, Bloomberg New Energy Finance's U.S. head of research said the main drives of American market. Solar power plants laid aside under the sun. Since the domestic module manufacturers were not satisfied with the government ruled panel price, some solar power plant had to be laid aside under the sun as a result Despite a developing country, China's development in new energy can comparable of failure purchasing of panels. Liang Zhipeng, Deputy Director of New Energy and to the developed country, for example, about 40% of the solar panels are produced in Renewable Energy Department of National Energy Board said like this in the annual China. meeting of Renewable Energy Professional Committee. Ms. Phyllis from Pew Charitable Trusts said that they have been called on developed countries to transfer and share technology to developing countries, but China doesn't desire for that technology. BIPV has the capability to bring the PV market a whole new life. NanoMarkets does believe that there may be a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of BIPV. I think that by 2020, if this inconsistent policy goes on, France will not reach its goal of 23%. The Number of PV Enterprises will be Reduced to 30-50 within Ten Years. Yves Cochet, a French member of parliament and former environment minister, Jifan Gao, the chairman of Trina Solar. described the government's policy as "stop and go" citing austerity measures and a badly modulated tariff. China's photovoltaic technology is not low, France cannot be completely beyond the Chinese manufacturers in a short time, while majority of customers in Europe are also attractive to buy Chinese products with more cost-effective as the local costs in Europe are higher. Yao Feng, director of public relations in LDK, shows no worry about the France The German Federal Ministry (Bundesweltministirium) and the solar industry are united in suspending most solar-energy projects for three months to curb the import of Chinese the feeling that PV development must be curbed. However, no one has officially spoken solar panel. about the renewed solar tariff reductions. But, there is already overall party agreement even the Greens demanded that the PV tariffs should correlate to market growth. The SPD has compiled its own concept for the adjustment of the tariffs. A government representative of the FTD said. The high costs of solar tariffs have once again moved into the public sphere. The renewable energy sector is afraid that with a A market correction is necessary. further rapid rise in costs, the entire eco-electricity promotion system will end up in the Wolfgang Hummel, a solar industry expert at Berlin's University for Technology and dump. Economics. In 2010 about 80 per cent of the plants built in Germany came from other nations amid concerns of another drop in prices. 14 / SHINE / February 2011 15 / SHINE / February 2011

观点 VIEWPOINT THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV Chinese-English Bilingual PV Magazine Shine Magazine Chinese-English Bilingual PV Magazine Sponsor Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Published By Shinergy International Limited Supporting Units National Development and Reform Commission Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC Ministry of Environmental Protection of PRC Ministry of Information Technology of PRC China Social Academy Cirular Economy Research Institute Cooperating Media Solarbe( Solarbe.com Website Support: HongQi Hulian Expert Advisors Rongqiang Cui Anding Li Bencheng Li Yanlong Liu Diming Qiu Hui Shen Yi Tan Sicheng Wang Dacheng Wu Dingren Zha Yuwen Zhao Lang Zhou (Arranged in alphabetical order of surnames) Chief Editor Leo Cao Editors Sara Shen Qu Qiang Cao Yan Tasita Li Sunny Liu Spark Wang Designers Erin Xu Sophia Su Reporters Joanna Li Cherry Xia Kolly Zhang Gillian Sun 台虹 Beijing Office: Tel: 86.10.6802.7865 6.10.6800.0822 86.10.6800.0906 Fax: 86.10.8217.6083 E-mail: info@shinergy.org Web: www.shinergy.org Add: Room 2908, Building 1, Dongqu International, Ciyun Temple, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. Post Code:100026 16 / SHINE / February 2011 17 / SHINE / February 2011

言论 VOICE 言目录论 CONTENTS VOICE 18 / SHINE / February 2011 19 / SHINE / February 2011

目录 CONTENTS 15 24 Voice Editorial The Same World Focus 26 Who is Next? Spain Cut the Feed-in Tariff Again Market Global 30 32 PV Equipment Suppliers Post Record Backlogs in Q4 10 Guidance and Timing on 2011 Revenues at Risk from Industry Overcapacity PV Module Capacity Growing Faster Than Demand Could Spell Trouble for Tier-2 Suppliers Says IMS Research Market America 34 2011 Solar Outlook in North American Market Asia 39 42 India Tipped to Allow Foreign PV Cells, Despite Opposition Indian Solar Mission Launched with a Target of 20GWp by 2022 Market Europe 44 48 German Solar Industry at the Crossroads Status of Photovoltaic System Installation and Dealer Information in Italy Policy 58 Australia to Begin Phasing out Household Solar Credits Early 20 / SHINE / February 2011 21 / SHINE / February 2011

目录 CONTENTS 目录 CONTENTS 60 60 62 64 64 66 68 70 76 78 78 81 82 83 Germany Consider for 3000MW Cap of Solar Power Generation Solar Photovoltaic Development Plan in China Indian Government Lending for Renewables Stable Viewpoint Business Bussiness Cooperation Business Project Business Certification Finance COP-16: EPIA Calls for Support for Solar PV Italian Market Soaring, Says isuppli 132 Abound Solar Gets $ 400 Million for Capacity Boost SunEdison Receives Final 230 Million Milestone Payment for Rovigo Plant Germany s Solar Branch "Begging" for FIT Reductions 133 Technology France Calls for Curbing Chinese Solar-Panel Imports Where to Go? Let the Module Fly Taiwan Feed-in Tariff Could Drop in Line with Equipment Prices Trina Solar Jifan Gao: The Number of PV Enterprises Will Reduced to 30-50 within Ten Years New Solar Photovoltaic Record in Germany Top 3 States with Highest Solar Energy Potential Applied Materials Remains PV Revenue Leader for 2010, But Centrotherm Positioned for Number 1 Spot in 2011 118 124 130 131 Star Avenue 87 94 102 106 More Power Generation AFFIRMA Tracking System is Beneficial to PV Plants in China Success Will Come Jingyi Renewable Energy s Admission to Golden Sun A Curving Flight First Solar Cooperates with CGN for Ordos Project to Open up Chinese Market 22 / SHINE / February 2011 23 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 寄语 EDITORIAL 寄语 EDITORIAL Gradually after people have not focused on 301, Evergreen Solar, however, has declared recently to have to close its silicon wafer, cell and module plants and put all the capacity to China in the case of losing the competition with China mainland. Actually, since April 2009, the company has already transferred part of its module production to Wuhan plant which produces wafer and cells before, and now it just make a much thorough transfer. In fact, Evergreen Solar is not the only PV company, which choose China market, the former powerful solar cell producer Q-cells has also own OEM companies in Taiwan and China mainland; And even if as First Solar, which has the extreme low cost, still marginalized by China PV corps during financial crisis, foreign market therefore has been shock: Formidable China. It is estimated that this time s reducing staff from Evergreen might arouse a new round of voice to request the government to legislate to against competition from China, however, seldom people care of how long this situation will continue. Perhaps China will have nothing in cost advantage in the near future. China did develop its economy in an unprecedented speed, but after the financial crisis, the domestic economy is actually pushed forward mainly by real estate and public service. Basing on such situation, China stabilized its economy, and at the same time, however, it also brings inflation. For china s purchasing power has been underestimated for a long time, which showed an advantage in its export, this indeed brings a buffering result. To compare an America worker and a Chinese worker, their earnings gap is as much as nearly ten times, while the purchasing power in necessities (except those E-GM products) has not so big difference. According to the investigation from Swiss Bank in 2006, in terms of a purchasing power parity level, the average earnings by America Washington D.C. and Chinese Beijing are respectively USD 39,881 and USD 22,471, that s why Chinese worker can accept a lower earning. With the further expansion of the inflation, the actual purchasing power of RMB will gradually reduce, and at the same time the exchange rate of RMB is going up continuously, so the future cost of Chinese worker will increase much quicker than other countries. Presently, price of some fruit and food in Beijing and some other cities has been same with even higher than in U.S.A, this is really a dangerous signal. This is not an alarmist, not only Foxcon has transferred its plant to Henan which has the cheaper labor, more and more foreign companies have chose to build plant in Philippines, Malaysia and other surrounding countries. Though China has a clear advantage in industrial basis, staff quality and professionalism, while who knows how long it can last? To be a strong and powerful country, China can not rely on cheaper labor forever. Maybe in the future years, China has not achieved to be the Economy No. 1 Country, instead, its labor cost achieve to the same level with other countries, we wonder then whether China s PV companies have to search developing space in other countries like Evergreen Solar? 24 / SHINE / February 2011 25 / SHINE / February 2011

聚 焦 FOCUS 聚 焦 FOCUS 府仍在竭力摆脱国家目前面临的财政困境 所以政府削减 府开始打击太阳能产业开始 西班牙已经失去了其在光伏 太阳能发电项目补贴的做法也将是必然的 该国的补贴曾 市场的重要地位 组件制造商们纷纷离开了西班牙 转而 导致太阳能项目投资的热潮 使西班牙的光伏发电量达到 投向其他市场 西班牙市场或多或少已经是一潭死水 而 3200MW 超过政府预期的六倍之多 2009年政府为太阳 欧洲其他国家的市场却在不断发展壮大 能发电提供了26亿欧元的补贴 大多数的光伏制造商 包 事实上 西班牙光伏市场如果想要起死回生 唯一的 括First Solar和一些中国的光伏制造商注意到这个问题 已 方法就是电网平价 如果几年内 光伏成本稳步下降 西 经缩减了他们对西班牙市场的计划 班牙光伏市场也许可以不靠任何补贴发展起来 而伊比利 亚半岛有望成为第一个电网平价的光伏市场之一 西班牙 下一个会是谁 西班牙再次削减光伏补贴 西班牙会是最后一个吗 政府对光伏产业的打击表明欧洲脆弱的经济形势在2011年 从一方面来看 西班牙政府此举迈出了许多太阳能产 仍将持续 相对于西班牙的太阳能新政策 投资者们可能 业国家执政者想都不敢想的一步 毕竟 太阳能项目经济 是建立在FiT补贴长期保持不变的基础上的 太阳能项目的 投资回报率是可观的 但前提也取决于有一个较高的FiT补 贴 欧洲各个银行的项目融资代表已表示 如果西班牙继 续执行削减太阳能补贴的计划 他们将不会再为太阳能项 刘珊珊 THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 平安夜再生突变 商机构APPA Asociación de Productores de Energías 西班牙政府正式做出决定 在未来三年削减30 的FiT Renovables 也批评道 政府的此项行为将毁灭成千上 补贴 并限制光伏安装系统接受补贴的最大小时数 根据 万的私人投资者 太阳能企业家协会AEF Asociación 新的皇家法案 RD 14 2010 从2010年12月23日起 接受 Empresarial Fotovoltaica 担心这项对运营电站的追溯法案 补贴的小时数量取决于光伏的太阳辐射程度和所在的气候 将不利于西班牙在金融市场上吸引更多的投资 巴伦西亚 带 该法案根据RD 314 2006法案 将西班牙划分了五个不 的能源公司协会 AVAESEN 将代表约170个可再生能源 同的区域 因此 对于固定的光伏安装系统 接受FiT补贴 相关的公司和机构 针对这项新法案起诉西班牙政府 的最大小时数从每年1230小时到1750小时不等 取决于该 目提供贷款 因为没有人能保证其他国家不会效仿西班牙 政府的行为 然而从另一方面看 德国 法国和欧洲其他市场会发 生什么比西班牙目前的形势更为重要 从2008年西班牙政 会更担心光伏产业的整体政策走向 行业内供大于求以及 价格走低等问题 特别是德国 法国和意大利市场 Axiom 资本管理的Gordon Johnson认为 西班牙此次下调FiT的行 为 加上之前捷克向光伏电站征收太阳能税的做法 将使 得欧洲其他国家的投资者对政府承诺的二十年保证期产生 怀疑 此次削减行为 很可能给意大利 法国等市场在融 资方面带来不确定性 而现在留给我们最大的问题是 继捷克和西班牙相继 下调FiT补贴之后 会不会有新的追随者 下一个会是谁 Who is Next? Spain Cut the Feed-in Tariff Again 光伏系统所在的区域 这种地区的差异性补偿将于2014年 多米诺骨牌效应 开始生效 从现在起到2013年 在RD 661 2007法案下注 英国一家私人资本运营公司表示 新法案对投资者 册的所有光伏系统 也就是在2007年9月底之后安装的所有 的潜在伤害可能是灾难性的 他指出 兴建光伏电站的大 Mutation on Christmas Eve 光伏系统 将统一把补贴时间限制为1250小时 THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 部分资金来自养老基金 如果西班牙继续削减补贴的话 The government of Spain has officially cut its subsidies to 此外 安装了单轴跟踪器的系统的补贴时限将只有 对全球养老基金将会有非常不利的影响 不只是光 the solar power industries by 30% over the next three years, 1644小时 安装了双轴跟踪器的系统的补贴时限为1707小 伏产业 与其直接或间接相关的产业都将被马德里做出的 and introduced a new limit on the maximum number of hours 时 通过这项法案 政府期望在2011 2012 和2013年 每 决定所影响 上百万西班牙老人和退休人员以及世界各地 photovoltaic installations have the right to receive the feed-in tariff 年节省七亿四千万欧元的光伏补贴 作为补偿 这些电站 的基金投资人都将感受到这个决策引发的冲击 在过 (FIT). According to the new Royal Decreto (RD) 14/2010, from 将来将有权利多接受三年的FiT补贴 也 就是说 补贴年 去几年里 养老基金为西班牙的光伏基金投入了大量的资 December 23, the number of hours depends on the solar irradiation 限将从25年延长至28年 Sunny Liu 金 希望得到一个稳定的回报 该公司指出 西班牙政府 and climatic zone the PV system is located in. The law divides 西班牙工业副部长Pedro Marin表示 太阳能产业必 的决定是一种 违约 行为 将增加西班牙可再生能源产 Spain into five different zones, which are defined under another 须为更紧迫的经济问题让路 为消费者提供较低的能源价 业监管的不确定性 如果西班牙政府继续这么做 他们 law, RD 314/2006. Consequently, for fixed PV installations, the 格 但有分析人员认为 如果在该国的光伏产业埋下任何 危害的将不仅是我们的投资 将会对整个行业产生非常不 maximum number of hours for receiving the FIT differs from 不确定因素的种子 只会损害西班牙政府的财政前景并打 利的影响 约有200亿欧元已经投资于西班牙的光伏电 1,230 to 1,750 a year, depending on the zone. This differentiation 击投资者对西班牙的投资信心 当政府对可再生能源补贴 站 其中至少80亿欧元来自国际投资者 如银行和养老基 will come into effect from 2014. Until 2013, the number of hours million a year through 2011, 2012 and 2013. As compensation, 做出重大改变时 对投资者产生的影响可能是毁灭性的 3LFWXUH 6RODU SDUN /D 6RODQD LQ &DVWLOOD /D 0DQFKD 6SDLQ 金 其余来自西班牙的银行和私人投资者 补贴变化可能 is limited more strictly to 1,250 hours for all installations that these plants will have the right to receive the FITs for three more 最近澳大利亚新南威尔士将其太阳能奖励计划60美分每千 迫使许多太阳能投资者拖欠债务 这意味着原本已经在房 are registered under the RD 661/2007 and therefore for all PV years in the future an extension from 25 to 28 subsidized years. 瓦时的补贴降到了20美分每千瓦 在该州的家用光伏发电 地产行业背负了大量不良贷款的西班牙银行将面临更多麻 systems that were installed after the end of September 2007. Spain s Deputy Industry Minister, Pedro Marin said solar energy 烦 Additionally, systems mounted on single axis trackers will now must take a back seat to more pressing concerns in the economy, 产业引起了极大的恐慌 但投资者也许早就应该预见到西班牙政府的这项决 only be funded for the first 1,644 hours; systems with double such as keeping energy prices low for consumers. But analysts 考虑对太阳能发电削减补贴的计划 他们声称这将造成大 策 2009年西班牙政府叫停了对太阳能发电原有的补贴 axis trackers will see payments for the first 1,707 hours only. By believes that, if anything, breeding uncertainty in the nation s solar 量的违约和对欧洲银行更多的不良贷款 可再生能源生产 并对接受补贴的光伏电站设置了数额限制 由于西班牙政 this means, the government expects to save PV subsides of 740 industry will only harm Spain s fiscal prospects and represents a 一个由国际投资商组成的代表团呼吁西班牙政府重新 THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV 26 / SHINE / February 2011 27 / SHINE / February 2011

聚焦 FOCUS 聚焦 FOCUS breach of trust with investors. When governments make dramatic changes to subsidies of their renewable energy industries, the effects can be dire for investors. A recent slashing of the New South Wales Solar Bonus Scheme from 60 cents per KwH to 20 cents per KwH led to fears of a collapse of the home solar power industry in the state. A group of international investors has called on the Spanish government to reconsider plans to cut costly subsidies for solar power, saying they would cause a wave of defaults and more bad loans for Europe s banks. The government provokes the ruin of thousands of private investors, criticized the organization of renewable producers APPA (Asociación de Productores de Energías Renovables). The association of solar entrepreneurs AEF (Asociación Empresarial Fotovoltaica) fears that the retroactive measures for operating plants will damage Spain s position in the financial market to attract further investments. The Valencian Association of Energy Companies (AVAESEN), which represents approximately 170 companies and organizations linked to the region s renewable energy sector, is suing the Government over the new law. Domino Effect The potential hit to investors could be devastating according to a London money manager. The manager notes that much of the capital for constructing the plants came from pension funds and that it would be extremely detrimental for global pension fund money if Spain goes through with its planned subsidy cuts. "But not only the PV industry and its directly or indirectly related spin off industries will suffer from the decision made in Madrid - millions of Spanish senior citizens and pensioners, as well as fund investors all over the world will feel the impact of this decision." Over the last several years, countless pension funds invested significant amounts of money in Spanish solar funds, hoping for a stable return. Tom Murley, head of the renewable-energy team at U.K. private-equity firm HgCapital, said the changes represented a breach of trust that would increase regulatory uncertainty in the Spanish renewables industry. If they proceed on this path, they ll endanger not only our investment, but the whole sector. Mr. Murley said some 20 billion has been invested in the solar- PV plants in Spain, with at least 8 billion of that coming from international investors such as banks and pension funds, and the rest from Spanish banks and private investors. He said the tariff changes could force many solar producers into default on their debts, which would mean big write-downs for Spanish banks already saddled with bad loans in the real-estate sector. But investors should have seen this coming. Last year the Spanish government pulled back on its subsidies and placed a cap on the amount of solar power that would be subsidized. As Spain continues to try to get out of its financial predicament, it only makes sense that the government would try to cut subsidies on solar power projects. The country s subsidies caused a boom in solar construction that now gives the country some 3,200 megawatts of solar capacity, more than six times the amount the government had planned on by the end of 2010. Most solar PV makers, including First Solar Corp., as well as the Chinese makers already noted, had scaled back on their plans for Spain. Will Spain Be the Last One? From one perspective, the fact that Spain has taken a step that many solar industry executives thought impossible to even contemplate makes it hard to downplay. After all, solar project economics are founded on the idea that the FIT rates will be in place like a long-term bond, and investment rates of return on the solar projects are predicated on attractive returns being generated by the feed-in tariffs. The project finance desks across Europe that finance projects have said that if Spain went ahead with its plans to retroactively reduce solar FITs, it wouldn't be possible to finance solar projects anymore, because no one would trust any government to not follow Spain's lead. Yet on the other hand, what actually happens in German and France and other European markets is much more important than what happens in Spain as far as growth of the solar companies' businesses. When Spain pulled the plug on solar at the end of 2008, it died as a market of importance for solar companies. No module makers are filling their suitcases these days with modules and making off for Spain. It more or less has been a dead market, while the rest of Europe has grown. In fact, the only talk these days one hears about growth of Spanish solar is predicated on grid parity. If in a few years time, the cost of solar decreases steadily, the Spanish solar market might be a "go" even without subsidies. The Iberian peninsula is expected to be one of the first solar markets to grid parity. The Spanish antisolar grinch, in the least, shows how tenuous the European economic situation is, and will remain to be in 2011. Yet solar investors probably have plenty to worry about relative to political backlash, sector oversupply, and price crashes, without even getting into the issue of Spanish solar politics. Axiom Capital Management s Gordon Johnson this afternoon opines that cuts in the feed-in tariff in Spain, and the Czech republic previously, are a concern given that investors elsewhere in Europe may have invested with the assumption that tariffs would be in place for twenty years. The cuts, therefore, may inject uncertainty into financing in markets such as Italy, France and elsewhere. Now our biggest question is, after Czech and Spain cut their FiT, will there be new followers, and who will be the next? 28 / SHINE / February 2011 29 / SHINE / February 2011

聚 焦 FOCUS 聚 焦 FOCUS 2010年第四季度光伏设备供应商未结订单量创新高 产业产能过剩导致2011年营收预告和确认存在变数 PV Equipment Suppliers Post Record Backlogs in Q4 10 Guidance and Timing on 2011 Revenues at Risk from Industry Overcapacity 来源 Source Solarbuzz 2010年四季度全球光伏制造设备支出 包括晶硅电池从 Quarterly PV manufacturing equipment spending by c-si 铸锭到组件和薄膜电池面板制造设备支出 高达29亿美金 连 ingot-to-module and thin-film panel producers grew for 续第六个季度增长 而同期的光伏行业产能也有两位数的季度 the sixth consecutive quarter during Q4 10 to US$2.9B, as 增长 亚洲电池制造商的设备需求将在2011年继续推动设备营 double-digit Q/Q manufacturing capacity growth continued 收的增长 Solarbuzz预计2011年全年将达到117亿美金 超过 to grip the PV industry. Rising equipment demand from 2010年的107亿美金 Asian cell manufacturers will be the primary driver of global 根据Solarbuzz最新一期的季度光伏设备报告 由于中国 industry revenues during 2011, forecast to grow from $10.7B 一线晶硅电池厂商加强垂直整合和薄膜厂商增加投资 2010年 in 2010 to $11.7B. 第四季度的新增电池产能将达1 25GW 将2010年底晶硅与薄 Driven by vertical integration aspirations of tier 1 Chinese c-si 膜电池的总产能提高至11 5GW Solarbuzz资深分析师Finlay producers and strong investment into existing and emerging Colville说明道 随着一线客户的扩产和生产工艺的进步 thin-film technologies, a further 1.25 GW of quarterly 设备厂商公布了创纪录的季度营收数据 同时还累积了大量 manufacturing capacity came online during Q4 10, bringing 未结订单 总数超过12个月累积 ttm 的营收总和 全球领 annualized c-si cell and thin-film panel capacity added during 先的设备制造商Applied Materials Centrotherm GT Solar与 2010 to 11.5 GW, according to the latest Solarbuzz PV Meyer Burger目前的ttm光伏产品营收总和已超过5亿美金 同 Equipment Quarterly report. Equipment suppliers aligned 时新兴的设备厂商如Amtech Systems DEK Solar Despatch with tier 1 customer expansions and their process technology Industries 与Jusung Engineering预期年度光伏产品营收增长率 trends are posting record quarterly revenues, while at the 都在220 到360 之间 same time accumulating tool backlogs in excess of trailing 随着2011年所公布的超越60 年度增长率的产能的扩张 twelve month (ttm) revenues, noted Finlay Colville, Senior 首选设备供应商的订单使得未结订单总量创下新记录 超过了 Analyst at Solarbuzz. Leading equipment suppliers Applied 2008年由高价格交钥匙薄膜生产线业务推动的水平 2010年 Materials, Centrotherm, GT Solar and Meyer Burger are 第四季度末 有20家设备供应商的订单积累已经超过了1亿美 now trending with ttm PV revenues exceeding $500M, while 金 这些订单主要的出货时间集中在2011年上半年 目前的未 emerging process tool suppliers such as Amtech Systems, 结订单总量与2009年第四季度相比有26 的增长 导致2010年 DEK-Solar, Despatch Industries and Jusung Engineering 的订单出货比原高于上一年水平 1 24 其中2010年第二季 are projected to post Y/Y PV-specific revenue growth rates 度的更是创下了1 7的八季高点 between 220% and 360%. With strong capacity expansions in excess of 60% Y/Y also announced for 2011, bookings for preferred equipment suppliers are driving tool backlogs to levels that have not been seen since 2008, when high-value turn-key thin-film business was a key contributor. At end Q4 10, there are now 20 equipment suppliers with order backlogs in excess of $100M, with the majority of these orders scheduled for shipment during 1H 11. The total PV equipment backlog saw 26% Y/ Y growth vs. Q4 09, reflected in the PV Book-to-Bill ratio, which averaged well above parity (1.24) for 2010 and peaked at an eight-quarter-high of 1.7 during Q2 10. 㵝 䄜 ⴝ㪉 㸕ㆂⰊ 䐙 )LJXUH 39 (TXLSPHQW %DFNORJ 7HFKQRORJ\,QGLFDWRU THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV 30 / SHINE / February 2011 31 / SHINE / February 2011

市场 全球 MARKET GLOBAL 市场 全球 MARKET GLOBAL IMS Research 光伏组件的产能增长大大超过需求 二级供应商处境维艰 PV Module Capacity Growing Faster Than Demand Could Spell Trouble for Tier-2 Suppliers Says IMS Research Source IMS Research PV Module production capacity increased by nearly 70% over the course of 2010, reaching nearly 30 GW by the end of the year according to IMS Research. It is forecast to continue increasing, despite the growth of PV installations being predicted to slow from THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 刘珊珊 Sunny Liu over 100% in 2010 to less than 20% in 2011. Demand for PV modules reached record levels in all regions in 2010, driven by the 据IMS Research发布的最新报告显示 光伏组件的产 个产业的产能扩张计划 因此IMS Research预测在2011 能在2010年增加了近70 在年底达到了近30GW 尽管 年 许多小型二级供应商将处境维艰 Wilinson继续说 在2011年 光伏设备安装量的增长幅度预计将由2010年的 道 去年 由于对组件产品的高额需求 许多大型供应 100 减少到20 但是光伏组件的产能预计将会继续增 商的产品被销售一空 从而使得这些二级供应商从中获 加 利 但在今年 这种情况不太可能会发生 由于需求增长 在2010年 由于补贴奖励政策带来的利益驱动 各地 大幅放缓 一级供应商仍将成为投资者的首选 区光伏组件的需求量都达到了创纪录的水平 特别是在德 from PV systems from the start of 2011; and as a result, whilst global PV installations are still set to increase in 2011, they will do so at a far slower rate. Regardless of slowing installations, most suppliers, many of which remained capacity- 2011, despite installations in the same period being predicted to reach no more than one 年伊始降低了他们对光伏系统提供的发电补贴 因此 尽 fifth of that amount. As a result, it is likely that there will be an oversupply of modules 管2011年全球的光伏设备安装量仍将增长 但增长速度将 this year, leading to tougher competition and decreasing prices from suppliers. 会非常缓慢 尽管光伏设备的安装量增幅放缓 但大部分供应商仍 Leading module suppliers with healthy gross margins, proven products, and large 维持2010年的速度大规模地进行产能扩张 IMS Research contracted sales for 2011 remain optimistic, and can perhaps afford to be, commented 预测 在2011年上半年 年均产能将达到35GW 而同期 Sam Wilkinson, Research Analyst at IMS Research. However, in the short term, there 的预计安装量还不足上述数字的五分之一 因此 今年的 is not sufficient demand to support the whole industry s planned capacity expansions 组件市场很可能会供过于求 从而导致竞争更加激烈 供 and IMS Research predicts that many smaller Tier-2 suppliers may face difficult times in 应商们不得不压低产品价格 2011. These suppliers experienced high demand for their products throughout much of 业内领先的组件供应商凭借其涨势良好的毛利 成 示 然而 短期内现有市场没有足够多的需求来满足整 many others, these countries have reduced the rates they offer for electricity generated Research forecasts that 35 GW of annual capacity will be reached within the first half of 大光伏市场 然而 像许多国家一样 这三个国家在2011 观的形势 IMS Research的研究分析师Sam Wilinson表 Germany, Italy and Czech Republic the three largest markets last year. However, like constrained throughout 2010, are proceeding with aggressive capacity expansions. IMS 国 意大利和捷克这样的欧洲国家 这三个国家是去年最 熟的产品和大规模的合同销售 在2011年仍有能力保持乐 attractive returns presented by incentive schemes, particularly in European countries like 㵝 㦌㤓 ⴝ䔊ミ 㚽ゑ ⴝ㪉 ➓䓑㑠 *OREDO 39 0RGXOH &DSDFLW\ DQG,QVWDOODWLRQ last year and were able to capitalize on many larger companies being sold out. This is not likely to be the be the case this year, with demand increasing at a far slower rate and Tier-1 suppliers, who are typically favored by investors, bringing significant new capacity online Wilkinson continued. THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV 32 / SHINE / February 2011 33 / SHINE / February 2011


市场 美洲 MARKET AMERICA 市场 美洲 MARKET AMERICA 2011 Solar Outlook in North American Source: Renewable Energy In 2011, the solar growth trend is expected to continue. In the U.S., solar power capacity is predicted to at least double in 2011, said Julia Hamm, CEO of SEPA. This growth will be caused in part by falling prices for everything from manufacturing costs to panel prices. Yet the main driver for U.S. solar development in this year will not be price, but policy. According to an October 25 report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, policy measures such as tax credits, capital expenditure grants, incentives and renewable electricity credits will be key drivers of U.S. solar for at least the following three years. Solar CEOs gathered at Solar Power International in October were resolute on one matter: the industry will thrive when a National Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard is in place, combined with an extension of the federal tax credit program and federal loan guarantees for the solar industry. "Policy, rather than sunshine, will remain the U.S.'s greatest solar resource for the following few years," said Milo Sjardin, Bloomberg New Energy Finance's U.S. head of research. He said that by the middle of the decade, the U.S. retail solar market will be driven by fundamental, unsubsidized competition, which could transform the U.S. into one of the world's most dynamic solar markets. Tom Fair, vice president of renewables for NV Energy, said the current solar environment has become stable as a result of Congress extending tax credits and creating a duty grant. "If those kinds of tax incentives are stable for a period of years, it really does make for a more certain investment environment." The Treasury Grant Program (TGP) is one of the primary incentives from which solar developers benefitted in 2009 and 2010. The TGP allows the owner of a commercial solar project to receive a 30 percent grant in lieu of taking the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC). Applicants are eligible for the grant only if they start construction on projects by Dec. 31, 2010 and complete construction by Dec. 31, 2016. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) has encouraged the White House and Congress to extend the TGP start date through Dec. 31, 2012, either as it currently exists or through a direct payment mechanism. Rhone Resch, president and CEO of SEIA, said the TGP has garnered bipartisan support and that the administration has stated it is a top priority. In addition, Resch said, there is a 40-50 percent chance that a tax bill will be created to address expiring Bush-era tax credits, which may also include the TGP. According to EuPD Research, extending the TGP by two years would add nearly 65,000 new solar and related jobs to the workforce by 2015 and more than 5,000 MW of solar energy by 2016. Resch said many of the jobs that would be added are in the states that have been hardest hit by the economic downtown: Ohio, Illinois and Pennsylvania. In Canada, where the Ontario Feed-In Tariff program has helped stimulate solar growth and is weaning the province off of coal, Elizabeth McDonald, president of the Canadian Solar Industries Association (CanSIA), said the tariff is a stimulus to foster growth. But it comes with the understanding that as costs come down it will no longer be needed. "While governments want to have feed-in tariffs, they also want to be assured that they're not in it forever," McDonald said. "You have to counterbalance your request for aggressive tariffs with a promise that with more uptake and a larger market, costs will go down." The cost of a typical PV module has dropped by more than half over the past two years, according to research by Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Still, the cost of photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) generation is just below $200/ MWh, nearly four times the equivalent cost of a coal-fired power plant at $56/MWh. It's also between two and four times the cost of onshore wind power. While solar may not be the cheapest option, Julia Hamm of SEPA said it is becoming increasingly appealing to the energy industry. "It's pretty much the only technology option that's coming down in price as everything else goes up," she said. "Most utility folks recognize at this point that while solar might not be their cheapest option today, it very soon could be." During 2009 and 2010, the solar market experienced an oversupply as demand slowed during the recession. Now supply and demand have come back more into sync, according to many solar leaders. If 2010 has been a year of construction due to the Treasury Grant Program and other incentives, 2011 is slated to be a year of completion. On October 25, the Department of the Interior approved the 1,000 MW Blythe Solar Power Project on federal land in southern California, the largest solar project to date planned on U.S. public lands. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar hailed the $6 billion project, to be built in the Mojave Desert near Blythe, Calif., as the start of a boom in solar power on federal lands. The Blythe project, which is being developed by Solar Trust of America, was the sixth solar development approved last fall by the Interior Department. A seventh was approved as this article went to press. All are anticipated to start producing electricity by the end of 2011 or early 2012. The seven projects represent more than 3,000 MW of installed capacity. Also driving solar projects is collaboration. For example, Public Service Electric and Gas in New Jersey and Petra Solar have collaborated to develop a smart-grid-enabled, 200 W panel with micro inverters and deploy them on 200,000 utility poles, totaling 40 MW of generating capacity. Petra provides the equipment, which is owned and installed by the utility. The project is one of hundreds of solar projects demonstrating utilities' growing adoption of renewable technology. The number of solar projects in the works has resulted in a ballooning of the U.S. solar jobs market. The National Solar Jobs Census 2010, conducted by The Solar Foundation and Green LMI Consulting with technical assistance from Cornell University, revealed that more than half of solar employers nationally plan to increase their workforce in this year. Andrea Luecke, executive director of The Solar Foundation, said, "Solar jobs are on the rise and expected to grow 26 percent in the coming year." The U.S. is quickly becoming the world's largest CSP market. Roughly 80 MW of CSP combined to grid by 2010 is 10 times more than 2009. In addition, the U.S. has over 23 GW of CSP under development. According to a report by ABS Energy Research, the U.S. and Spain will continue to be the major CSP producers in 2011. While large-scale CSP developments may compose the bulk of capacity installations, the number of PV projects continues to grow. PV producers are faced with falling costs, which are now below CSP costs, as well as simpler permitting and financing processes. The largest U.S. PV project to date is the 25 MW DeSoto Next Generation Solar Energy Center project owned by Florida Power 36 / SHINE / February 2011 37 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 市场 美洲 MARKET AMERICA 市场 亚洲 MARKET ASIA McDonald said building integrated PV (BIPV) is a growing trend in France and one that Canadian developers are watching closely. BIPV uses PV materials to replace conventional building materials in parts of a building such as roofs, skylights or facades. & Light (FP&L). Mike Taylor, director of research for SEPA, said many PV projects are shadowing the DeSoto model. Solar PV projects 5 to 25 MW are becoming increasingly mainstream, Taylor said. Many solar PV developers in California choose to keep projects under 20 MW because a transmission reservation is required for anything over 20 MW, which often takes several years to permit. For 2011, many 5 to 25 MW PV projects will be pursued in states not generally thought of as major solar markets: Florida, Ohio, Illinois and Texas. Another growing trend in PV is toward more distributed generation. "Solar can strengthen reliability, particularly if solar PV is distributed widely across a utility's service territory," said Resch of SEIA. Keating of Skyline Solar said that distributed generation is appealing to utilities because it holds the value of the power. For a power plant 100 miles away from its distribution source, 30 percent of the power could be lost in transmission. Keating said another benefit to distributed generation is easier permitting processes. And permits for smaller projects are easier to obtain. Systems under 1 MW AC can often be permitted in a few days, while 1 to 20 MW systems located on privately owned land or on rooftops can be permitted in one to six months. McDonald of CanSIA said she foresees distributed generation solar continuing to be a leading renewable in 2011 under Ontario's Feed-In Tariff program. "I think we'll see a significant number of distributed generation projects of 10 MW and over based on the contracts announced by the Ontario Power Authority." Rooftop projects are a distributed generation trend that is growing in both the U.S. and Canada. Much like the PV panels installed on rooftops of many Walmart, Costco, Kohl's and Staples stores in the U.S., Canada started integrating PV on the rooftops of some Loblaw's grocery stores in 2010. While solar has stood alone until now in terms of generation, FP&L plans to push technology boundaries in 2011 when its hybrid solar facility enters service. The Martin Next Generation Solar Energy Center, which is projected to be among the first hybrid facilities in the world to connect solar with an existing combined-cycle power plant, will start producing electricity by early 2011. "The Martin plant will be the first of its kind," said Buck Martinez, senior director of solar development for FP&L. "We will be displacing 35 MW of natural gas when the sun is out." With the creative exploration of hybrid solar plants, the continued growth of distributed generation PV, and the possibility of new innovation like BIPV, solar technology is aimed at widespread North American expansion in 2011. If developers are met with positive renewable incentives and policies, the stability and reliability of the industry will only be reinforced. While still at very small penetrations, solar is making incredible progress. Ten years ago, global solar PV installations were at 170 MW. Last year, due to solid policy support and rapid price declines, they were at 17,000 MW. And in 2010, the U.S. solar PV industry finally broke the 1 GW mark in installations. The Solar Energy Industries Association projects that the U.S. will be installing more than 20 GW of capacity each year beyond 2020. The Canadian province of Ontario represented a major growth market for solar PV as well. Helped out by a generous feed-in tariff program for roof and ground-mounted systems, the Ontario solar market became the third largest in North America, behind California and New Jersey. But pay attention to the program in 2011: The Ontario Power Authority may decide to reduce tariffs further if the market overheats. Last year also formed the foundation for solid growth in the concentrating solar power space in 2011 and 2012. More than 1 GW of projects were approved by the U.S. government, with a number them already under construction. If 2010 was the year of solar PV, 2011 will be the year of CSP in the U.S. 38 / SHINE / February 2011 39 / SHINE / February 2011

市场 亚洲 MARKET ASIA 市场 亚洲 MARKET ASIA India Tipped to Allow Foreign PV Cells, Despite Opposition Source: Recharge India is tipped to cave in to the demands of project developers and allow the use of foreign PV cells within its National Solar Mission after 2011, counter to the initiative's original guidelines, Recharge can reveal. The move would make it easier and cheaper for India to meet its goal of 10GW each of installed PV and solar-thermal capacity by 2022. But it will also set off a row with the country's leading PV manufacturers, many of which are part of politically powerful conglomerates that lobbied furiously to get local-content provisions into the solar mission to shield themselves from lowcost imports. Farooq Abdullah, the Minister for New and Renewable Energy, has made clear his intention to leverage the 3trn rupee ($66bn) market created by the mission to transform India into a solar manufacturing powerhouse capable of competing globally. A first phase of PV projects, totaling 500MW, will be allocated in two rounds. The first 150MW round is open to foreign cells and modules, but the next 350MW as well as future rounds is closed off. The mission will be installed in three phases. While the government is unlikely to formally amend the guidelines until after the first batch of projects has been awarded, officials have privately acknowledged the likelihood that they will allow the use of foreign-made cells, sources tell Recharge. The debate over local-content rules pits project developers against manufacturers such as Tata BP Solar and Moser Baer. Delhibased developer Azure Solar chose Suntech modules for the 2MW array it commissioned last December in Punjab, saying they were cheaper than anything available locally. the right ecosystem so that the solar industry can thrive in India not just over the next few years, but over the next few decades? "We need lots of players, lots of competition and lots of projects," Wadhwa says. Manufacturers counter that they need time before they can compete on cost with Chinese export giants such as Suntech and Yingli, but they insist they will close the gap rapidly if given a window of protection. "India has ample capacities to fulfil the objectives of the solar mission with [high] quality products, and therefore there is no need to allow the importation of PV products from outside," says Prakash Shrivastava, president of vertically integrated PV manufacturer Maharishi Solar. Yet while Delhi appears ready to capitulate on the local-content regulations, it shows no sign of budging on its 5MW cap for all PV projects in the first phase. This restriction is already scaring away prospective developers. Tata Power, India's largest non-state electricity developer, recently said it declined to bid due to the cap and the "aggressive" bids coming from other firms. The Indian government set a maximum feed-in tariff for PV projects at 17.91 rupees per kwh, but most bids were in the range of 11-13 rupees. Ironically, while the cap was designed to allow smaller companies and entrepreneurs a chance to participate in a new industry, it may make projects so economically unfavourable as to keep them out. The National Solar Mission is not solely intended to benefit a handful of Indian factory owners, says Azure chief executive Inderpreet Wadhwa. "The important question is: Are we building 40 / SHINE / February 2011 41 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 市场 亚洲 MARKET ASIA 市场 亚洲 MARKET ASIA profit. Indian Solar Mission Launched with a Target of 20GWp by 2022 compared to rate planed by government. Bharat Bhushan, an analyst from Bloomberg New Energy Finance believe that the lowest tender price is too low for the power plant to earn enough According to the website announcement of NTPC, Lanco Infratech, KVK Energy Ventures and Rajasthan Sun Technique Energy scored 100MW of solar projects, six smaller companies, Mahindra Solar One, Azure Power, SunEdison Energy India, Welspun Solar AP, Punj Lloyd Infrastructure and Indian Oil Corporation,scored 50MW of solar projects Indian Solar Mission will be used in hospitals, hotels, government buildings and other utility facilities and encourage countries which economy capacity is low to use. Once implemented, 1/8 of the national power will come from solar. This bidding completely use Indian local enterprises, but most of them lack of deep experience in the development of solar energy program. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that Indian government funded grants for these local companies, but it forbid to import solar equipment from abroad, which make the U.S. official and specific industry protest. However, besides professional solar company, construction companies, wool manufacturers, animation companies and pump manufacturers also participate in this tender. Secretary Deepak Gupta from New and Renewable Energy ministry said that in order to prevent irresponsible bidding, manufacturers must pay the bid bond. As part of its plan to increase production from near zero to 20GW by 2022, the government of India has selected 37 companies to construct solar power projects. According to the Solar Mission, Indian installed target is expected to reach 1,300MWp by 2013, an additional supply of up to 10GW by 2017 and the remaining by 2022 at an investment of about $70 billion. NTPC through its unit NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam will lead the solar plan s initial phase via long-term contracts to buy the first gigawatt of energy from developers at Rs 15.31 per kilowatthour for solar thermal at about eight times the cost of coal power. 1GWp power can supply for nearly 100 million households to use. But the Bloomberg reported thatthe lowest PV price in this tender is INR10.95 per kilowatt-hour, while the lowest price for the solar thermal is INR10.49 per kwh, which is equal to 30% off The government said that they will not cancel the ban, but foreignowned enterprises and local enerprises can set up joint ventures in order to enter the Indian solar market. It is reported that since India relies heavily on imported raw materials such as silicon wafers, First Solar, Suntech Power and Motech Industries are expected to share the "pie". 42 / SHINE / February 2011 43 / SHINE / February 2011


THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 市场 欧洲 MARKET EUROPE 市场 欧洲 MARKET EUROPE German Solar Industry at the Crossroads The sun power industry in Germany, the world's leader in solar energy, is facing a tough year amid the threat of growing competition from Asia and falling prices. Now, however, analysts say the industry could be hit by another shake up in the coming 12 months as Asian solar businesses step up their operations and as a consequence increase the pressure on their German competitors. ''A market correction is necessary,'' said Wolfgang Hummel, a solar industry expert at Berlin's University for Technology and Economics. In 2010, about 80 per cent of the plants built in Germany came from other nations amid concerns of another drop in prices. Long pampered by hefty government subsidies, the German solar business has more recently been facing an uncertain future as a result of moves by Chancellor Angela Merkel's government to wind back state support for the industry. But analysts believe that political leaders should not see it as a disaster if one or more solar businesses are taken over or disappear. The key problem threatening the industry is growing competition. ''This requires keeping the costs down,'' said Hummel. Frank Asbeck, who heads up one of Germany's top solar companies, SolarWord, believes that in the long-term only two or three of the nation's firms will survive. Berlin's push to reduce government support for solar power was a factor helping to fuel this year's boom in the sector. During the second quarter the industry witnessed unprecedented demand for new sun-powered installations. In June alone installations with a total of about 2 gigawatts were built compared with 3.8 gigawatts for the whole of 2009. In 2010, between 7 and 8 gigawatts of new solar energy were expected to have been connected to Germany's national electricity grid meaning that the country is now the world leader in sun power. But as the year comes to an end, the subsidy for power from small rooftop solar systems fell by a further 13 per cent. This is likely to further hit demand. At the same time, production by Asian manufacturers should increase, resulting in a new fall in prices, says Hummel. This could raise questions about how successful the restructuring of the struggling solar equipment maker Q-Cells has been. Already unable to produce enough and to generate enough profits in 2008, the east German-based Q-Cells company came under mounting pressure at the start of 2009 as demand slumped. Coinciding with this, new production lines, principally in China, came into operation. The result was a drop in price of about 30 per cent. This in turn plunged Q-Cells into losses totalling billions of euros and led to the departure of the company's board along with 500 employees at its headquarters. Q-Cells's new management moved quickly to try to pull the company back from the brink by expanding its product range. It also opened a new plant in Malaysia. As a consequence the group bounced back into the black, posting a 35-per-cent rise in third-quarter earnings from the second quarter and a 20 per cent jump in sales. In the meantime, however, Q-Cells's rivals in China have been enjoying double-digit returns. The German industry now hopes that their new foreign operations will help to make up for the fall in sales in their domestic German market. But with no large solar energy markets in the world apart from Germany, analysts are not convinced and see this as unrealistic. This means Germany is likely to remain the industry's focus during the coming 12 months. 46 / SHINE / February 2011 47 / SHINE / February 2011


市场 欧洲 MARKET EUROPE 市场 欧洲 MARKET EUROPE 聯相光電股 ithrè 電 VidurSolar, Yohkon Energía Conergy, Isofotón, LATITUDE SOLAR, 50 / SHINE / February 2011 51 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 市场 欧洲 MARKET EUROPE 市场 欧洲 MARKET EUROPE Status of Photovoltaic System Installation and Dealer Information in Italy Introduction to Various Regions in Italy 1.Puglie: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 320.87MW. Puglie is located in the southeast of Italy. It includes Bari, Brindisi, Foggia, Taranto and Lecce. It is with an area of 19,362 square kilometers, population of 4,023,957 and 865 km coastline. Its capital is Bari. 2.Lombardy: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 184.33MW. It is located in the northern of Italy. It includes Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Pavia, Sondrio, Varese, Mantua and Milan. It is with an area of 238,000 square kilometers, population of 8,894,000 (1982). Its capital is Milan. It is the most important economic area and one of the Europe richest areas. Per capita GDP is 30% higher than other parts of Italy. 3. Emilia Romagna: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 137.82MW. It is located in the northern of Italy and composed of two big areas Emilia and Romagna. It is with the population of 4,000,000 and it is also on of the richest areas in Italy. 4.Veneto: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 120.51MW. Area: 18 391 square kilometers. Population: 4 577 408 people. Capital: Venice 5. Pyrmont: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 116.40MW. It is a region in northwest of Italy with an area of 25,399 square kilometers and the population of 4,3000,000. Capital: Turin. 6. Latium: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 114.73MW. Qu Qiang It is a big region in Italy and its capital is in Rome. 7. Marche: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 114.73MW. Area: 9694 square kilometers. Population: 1 484 601. Capital: Ancona. 8. Trentino - the Adi Jie: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 85.04MW. It is an autonomous region, which combined with two areas. They are separately Trento, in which most people say Italian and South Tyrol, in which most people say German. 9. Sicily: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 75.11MW. Area: 25,000 square kilometers. Population: 5,000,000. Capital: Palermo. There are many social problems like, excessive population density, waste, corruption, environmental pollution, water shortages and illegal international organizations (Mafia). 10. Tuscany: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 71.69MW. Area: 22, 800 square kilometers. Population: 3,582,000. (1982) Climate characteristics: year-round spring. 11. Sardinia: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 54.30MW. It is the Island District of Italy and the second largest island after Island of Sicily among the islands of Western Mediterranean. Capital: Cagliari. 12. Umbria: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 50.73MW. It is located in the central of Italy. Area: 8,457 square kilometers. Population: 815,000. Capital: Perugia. 13. Retained profits - Venezia Giulia: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 40.15MW. Capital: Trieste. Area: 7.845 square kilometers. 14. Campania: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 39.90MW. Area: 136, 000 square kilometers. The area is rank at No. 12 but the population is at No. 2. Capital: Naples. 15. Basilicata: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 38.08MW. An autonomous region in the south of Italy with culture as its main economic source. Area: 9992 square kilometers. Capital: Potenza. 16. Calabria: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 35.87MW. Area: 15,080 square kilometers. Population: 2050,000. It is in the south of Italy. 17. Abruzzo: Up to October 2010, the total cumulative installation is 31.94MW. A region in central and southern of Italy. Area: 10,794 square kilometers. Capital: L'Aquila. The Status of Italy Photovoltaic Market From the distribution brand and status in Italian PV distributor in the following chart, we can see the main features of its PV market, that are: With low loyalty in distribution brand, which lies in the phenomenon that many distributors distribute several or even dozens of PV modules at the same time. In the 163 counted module distributors, there are only 45 do only one brand promotion. (Signed in yellow) Although the diverse situations could bring the new entering enterprises some conveniences in certain aspect, for example, the other 118 enterprises without exclusive agreement could be their potential customers, the low loyalty in brand is a double-edged sword, which would easily leading the following problems: one is that price battle will become the mainstream, and the other is that brand promotion will be damaged in some extent in disordered competition. Since Italy PV market was started relatively late, the author think that new entering module manufacturers should pay attention, especially those who has certain way in other industry before. I t a l y P V M o d u l e Distributors and Customers They Serviced Currently Wholesalers Aleo Solar, SCHOTT Solar, Showa Shell a+f GmbH Solar, Solarstocc asola, Ningbo Solar Electric Power Co., A.S.K Ltd. Sanyo, Changzhou Trina Solar, Yingli Green Energy Canadian Solar, DuPont, Evergreen Solar, InnovoSolar International, Kaneka Acritas Corporation,KYOCERA Corporation, Sanyo, Sharp Corporation, SILIKEN Hyundai Heav y, M itsubishi Heav y Albatech Industries Artha Experience Alfasolar, First Solar First Solar, Sanyo, SCHOTT Solar, AS Solar Solarwatt, olarworld, SOLON SE Conergy, Sharp Corporation, Wuxi Aton energia pulita Suntech Power BF Consulenze Energie Rinnovabili Conergy, Canadian Solar, Evergreen Solar, e Ambiente di Mitsubishi Electric, X GROUP Spiridione Porcella Hangzhou Tianyu solar, Moser Baer, Broosha Solar Sovello, Best Solar Q-cells, REC ASA, SCHOTT Solar, Sunfilm, Coenergia S.r.l. Trienergia, YOCASOL Wuxi Green Energy, Suntech Japan, Wuxi Cofraenergy Suntech Power, Uni-Solar, Weihai China Class Solar Consalt Network Srl Bluenergy Germany, Isofotón Cozzolino Istar Solar, Pramac, Wuxi Suntech Power M o s e r B a e r, C h a n g z h o u S u n r i s e Daniele Conti Solartech, Changzhou Trina Solar Dea Distribuzione energie alternative KYOCERA Corporation, Sanyo Srl DEVICES srl Kaneka Corporation, Silicon CPV Aleo Solar, ET Solar, Hei KD Solar, Jiangsu Di Salvo Progetti Srl Solarfun, SOLON SE, Vipiemme solar Donauer Evergreen Solar, KYOCERA Corporation, Solartechnik Nexpower Technology, S-ENERGY, Sanyo, Vertriebs GmbH Wuxi Suntech Power Kaneka Corporation, Solar-Fabrik, e+ energia positiva Solarday, Vipiemme solar Ibersolar Energia, KYOCERA Corporation, Easy Energy S.r.l. Mitsubishi Electric, Changzhou Trina Solar Conergy, Helios Technology, Sanyo, EBIO SRL SolarWorld, SunPower EcoField EOSOLARE, Sanyo, SOLON SE 52 / SHINE / February 2011 53 / SHINE / February 2011

市场 欧洲 MARKET EUROPE 市场 欧洲 MARKET EUROPE KYOCERA Corporation, Sanyo, SCHOTT Solar, Sharp Corporation, SILIKEN, Ekodom s.a.s. SolarWorld, SunPower, Wuxi Suntech Power, Changzhou Trina Solar, Yingli Green Energy CEEG Solar(Shanghai), ET Solar, KYOCERA En-eco energy for Corporation, Sanyo, Sharp Corporation, ecology srl Solarwatt, SunPower, Wuxi Suntech Power Mitsubishi Electric, Sharp Corporation, Enereco srl SunPower, Wuxi Suntech Power, Changzhou Trina Solar Pramac, Ningbo Qixing Photo-electric, ENERGIA E Changzhou Trina Solar, Jiangsu Zhengxin AMBIENTE New Energy KYOCERA Corporation, Sanyo, SCHOTT Energia Zero srl Solar, Sharp Corporation, Changzhou Trina Solar Energie Low Cost Day4 Energy, Helios Technology, Sharp S.a.s. Corporation Energiebau Bisol, BP Solar, KYOCERA Corporation, Solarstromsysteme SCHOT T Solar, Solarwatt, Sulfurcell GmbH Solartechnik, Wuxi Suntech Power Energy Island S.r.l. GE Energy, Isofotón Conergy, Isofotón, KYOCERA Corporation, Energy Point Srl Sanyo, Sharp Corporation, Solaria, Sunergy, Wuxi Suntech Power IBC Solar(OEM), KYOCERA Corporation, Energypoint di ing. M i t s u b i s h i E l e c t r i c, S a nyo, S h a r p Cerza Corporation, Changzhou Trina Solar, Uni- Solar Kaneka Corporation, REC ASA, SCHOTT Enerpoint S.p.A. Solar, Sharp Corporation Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy ENERRAY Industries, Wuxi Suntech Power, Uni-Solar Canadian Solar, Ningbo Solar Power FDcom Energy srl Energy, SCHOTT Solar, SunPower Fedi Impianti Mitsubishi Electric, Sharp Corporation Zhejiang Grand Solar, Shanghai Chaori FONTESOLARE di Solar Technology, KYOCERA Corporation, Quattrocchi Liboria REC ASA, Sanyo, Solyndra Fotovoltaico Conergy, First Solar, Mitsubishi Electric, EcoManagement Sharp Corporation, SunPower, Uni-Solar FV Sole Italia MAGE SOLAR, Solarwatt, SunPower Galeo Energy J i n k o S o l a r, P L G P o w e r, S h a r p Corporation, Solaria Conergy, EL. ITAL, First Solar, Mitsubishi GSS German Solar Electric, Sharp Corporation, Xintian System GmbH Photoelectric Technology Sanyo, SCHOTT Solar, Sharp Corporation, Giga World S.r.l. Wuxi Suntech Power, X GROUP AVANCIS, Day4 Energy, DuPont, Sharp Corporation, Solar Swiss(OEM), SOLON Green Economy SE, Wuxi Suntech Power, Changzhou Trina Solar, Changzhou US Solar Green Revolution Wuxi Shangpin Solar, Wuxi Jinnuo New S.r.l HaWi Energietechnik Ibersolar Energia Il Portale del Sole Innotecnos INTEC Srl ISCAT s.r.l. isme ithrè Jioti Solar Krannich Solar KWpower L.P. Impianti LA ECO ENERGIE Liberaenergie Link Energy MDM Solar Mdsolar MG Energy Energy LG Electronics, PVT Austria, Sanyo, SCHOTT Solar, Solarnova, Solarwatt, Solibro Solar, Sontor, Suntech Japan, Wuxi Suntech Power GE Energy, Ibersolar Energia, Nexpower Technology, Wuxi Suntech Power, Tenesol Conergy, FVG Energy, Helios Technology, PowerFilm, Sharp Corporation, Wuxi Suntech Power, Changzhou Trina Solar, Uni-Solar Alfasolar, Emmvee Photovoltaic, LATITUDE SOLAR, Sanyo, Zhangjiagang SunLink PV, Changzhou Trina Solar Aleo Solar, Jiangyin Jetion Solar, KYOCERA Corporation, Sanyo, Sharp Corporation, Wuxi Suntech Power Canadian Solar, Evergreen Solar, Sanyo, SunPower PVflex Solar, SolarWorld, SOLON SE Aleo Solar, SCHOTT Solar, SolarWorld Conergy, EOSOLARE, Sanyo, SunPower AXITEC(OEM), Bosch Solar Energy, BP Solar, Canadian Solar, Hyundai Heavy, Kaneka Corporation, LUXOR Solar, Mitsubishi Electric, PVT Austria, Sharp Corporation, Sulfurcell Solartechnik, Wuxi Suntech Power, Yingli Green Energy, YOCASOL VidurSolar, Yohkon Energía Conergy, Isofotón, LATITUDE SOLAR, Wuxi Suntech Power Wuxi Suntech Power, Changzhou Trina Solar Conergy, IBC Solar(OEM) Heckert Solar, Sharp Corporation, SILIKEN Canadian Solar, Mitsubishi Electric, Wuxi Suntech Power, Yingli Green Energy Inventux Technologies, Moser Baer, REC ASA, Sanyo, Changzhou Trina Solar Conergy, Sharp Corporation, Changzhou Trina Solar, Yuraku CEEG Solar(Shanghai), CNPV Power, Canadian Solar, Jiangxi LDK Solar, Montel SCHOTT Solar, Sharp Corporation, Wuxi Suntech Power, Changzhou Trina Solar Canadian Solar, Sanyo, Solyndra, Wuxi Morellato Energia Suntech Power, Changzhou Trina Solar Alfasolar, Centrosolar, Changzhou Eging Neferti Photovoltaic, Wuxi Suntech Power Canadian Solar, Hyundai Heavy, Jiangxi LDK Solar, Sanyo, SCHOTT Solar, Sharp Office Dealer Srl Corporation, Changzhou Trina Solar, Yingli Green Energy BP Solar, Evergreen Solar, GE Energy, OkSolar Sanyo, Sharp Corporation, Showa Shell Solar, SunWize Technologies, Uni-Solar Bosch Solar Energy, Canadian Solar, On Energy Isofotón, VHF-Technologies, Yingli Green Energy P.M.service ET Solar, Solsonica Power Premier Italia Canadian Solar, Wuxi Suntech Power s.p.a. Progetti Renewable asola, ET Solar Energy Isofotón, Mitsubishi Electric, PV Enterprise Progetto Solare Sweden Arinna, REC ASA, SolarWorld, Changzhou Proinso Trina Solar,YOCASOL Project Group Sanyo, SunPower SCHOTT Solar, Sharp Corporation, SunLink PV, Wuxi Suntech Power, Punto Fotovoltaico TegoSolar, Changzhou Trina Solar, V-energy PV5 Solarconcept Evergreen Solar, SCHOTT Solar, Sovello Centennial Solar, Chinaland Solar Energy, Quantum Energy PV Enterprise Sweden, Ningbo Qixin Photo-electric Shanghai ST Solar, Zhangjianggang Queens SunLink PV Ray Energy Mitsubishi Electric, Sharp Corporation REN ELECTRON Sharp Corporation, Wuxi Jiacheng Solar Canadian Solar, MAGE SOLAR, Yingli REplus Green Energy Jiangsu Aide Solar, KYOCERA Corporation, Rusol Sharp Corporation, Yingli Green Energy Helios Technology, KYOCERA SAEM SAL Corporation, Sharp Corporation, Changzhou Trina Solar Aleo Solar, Jiangyin Junxin Technology, SAILX K Y O C E R A C o r p o r a t i o n, S h a r p Corporation BP Solar, Evergreen Solar, Kaneka San Marino Energia Corporation, REC ASA, Sanyo, Sharp Solare Corporation, SolarWorld, Sovello E u r e n e r, H y u n d a i H e a v y, S h a r p Selectron Corporation, SolarWorld, Changzhou Trina Solar Ioli Impianti, MX Group, Renergies, SEM Solsonica SCHOTT Solar, Jiangxi Shunda, Seven 2007 SolarWorld KYOCERA Corporation, Scheuten Solar, SIEE SolarWorld Sisolar Energy Mitsubishi Electric, Wuxi Suntech Power Smile Energy AV Project, Istar Solar, Solarwatt Centrosolar, Conergy, First Solar, FVG Energy, Istar Solar, Zhejiang Ruifeng, So.ri.sun Energy Scenerg, Sharp Corporation, Wuxi Suntech Power, Changzhou Trina Solar, X GROUP SOLAR ENERGY SunPower, Wuxi Suntech Power, ITALIA WWMUSA (Amerisolar) Sanyo, Sharp Corporation, Jiangsu Solarcentury Linyang Solar fun, SunPower, Wuxi Suntech Power, Yingli Green Energy Centrosolar, MAGE SOLAR, Sanyo, Sharp SolarEnergia Corporation, Solar Power, Solar-Fabrik, Solarwatt Advent Solar, Sanyo, Sharp Corporation, Solarfotonica SolarWorld Heckert Solar, Romag, SCHOTT Solar, Solaria Sharp Corporation, Wuxi Suntech Power, Nanjing Universal Energy BP Solar, Canadian Solar, REC ASA, Sanyo, SCHOTT Solar, Wuxi Suntech Power, Solaria Energia Changzhou Trina Solar, Yingli Green Energy ATERSA, Day4 Energy, First Solar, SCHOTT Solar, Sharp Corporation, Signet Solar, Solarmarkt AG SolarWorld, Wuxi Suntech Power, Sunways(OEM), Changzhou Trina Solar KYOCERA Corporation, REC ASA, soleg SolarWorld, Sovello SOLESA S.r.l Scheuten Solar, SunPower Conergy, EcoPower, SunPower, Wuxi Solewatt Suntech Power, Changzhou Trina Solar, Yingli Green Energy Studio Pianese & Aleo Solar, AV Project, MX Group Associati Südtirol Solar Day4 Energy, Solarwatt 54 / SHINE / February 2011 55 / SHINE / February 2011

市场 欧洲 MARKET EUROPE 市场 全球 MARKET GLOBAL SunConnex Sunerg Solar Technoservice Tecno Impianti Tecno Spot Tecnosun Tenale Test Energia Tritec UFLEX Valsabbina Commodities Volpato Impianti Wirsol Solar VentoSole verdestile Tiemme Snc Tecnotin Tecno-Lario SOLON S.p.A. SonnenEnergie Sorgenia Solar Advent Solar, Mitsubishi Electric, REC ASA, Sanyo, SCHOTT Solar, Sharp Corporation, SolarWorld, Solyndra, SunPower Global Solar Energy, KYOCERA Corporation, Sanyo, Sharp Corporation, Wuxi Suntech Power, Uni-Solar Z h e j i a n g A s t r o n e r g y S o l a r, AV P r o j e c t, C a n a d i a n S o l a r, N i n g b o Qixin Photoelectric, Nantong Johnon Optoelectronics, REC ASA, Renergies, Zhejiang BLD Solar, Changzhou Trina Solar, Yingli Green Energy, Jiangsu Zhengxin New Energy Centrosolar, Canadian Solar, Sanyo, SCHOTT Solar, Sharp Corporation, SolarWorld, SunLink PV, Wuxi Suntech Power, Changzhou Trina Solar, WWMUSA (Amerisolar) First Solar, KYOCERA Corporation, Scheuten Solar, SolarWorld, Yingli Green Energy Bisol, Zhejiang BLD Soalr, JA Solar, LG Electronics Bangkok Solar Evergreen Solar, Kaneka Corporation, K Y O C E R A C o r p o r a t i o n, S h a r p Corporation, Solarwatt, Wuxi Suntech Power Changzhou Eging Photovoltaic Technology, KYOCERA Corporation, SCHOT T Solar, SolarWorld, SunWare Solartechnik ATERSA, Photowatt, SolarTec, SunWare Solartechnik, Uni-Solar, Würth Solar CEEG (Shanghai) Solar, Isofotón, Ning Solar Energy Power, Sharp Corporation, Wuxi Suntech Power, Yingli Green Energy Conergy, Sanyo, SCHOTT Solar, Wuxi Suntech Power GE Energy, REC ASA, Changzhou Trina Solar, Yingli Green Energy Inventux Technologies Azimut SolarWorld GermanSolar KYOCERA Corporation Sanyo Showa Shell Solar Sharp Corporation Solaria Energy WWMUSA (Amerisolar) Solarex Italia BP Solar Solar Brain ertex solar Solar Energy PV Power Tech Shunda Italia Jiangsu Shunda Sicilia Fotovoltaico Solarbau Süd powersolarsystem Istar Solar Primitech KD Solar Renergy Di Reale Solarday Ing.Flavio Paoletti Ferrero Sopray Solar PETRUCCI ENERGY GESOLAR OnetoOne First Solar New Import FVG Energy Nuova Thermosolar Helios Technology GlafiraTech Solimpeks Solar Globalitaly srl - ZnShine Solar Jiansu Zhengxin New Energy europe Hinergy Qimei electronics 3CE SunPower Impianti Fotovoltaici EL. ITAL ienergy commodities s.a.s Solaria Energía y Medio Ambiente FotoEnergy srl SILIKEN Fototherm S.r.l. Photowatt Gbserra Changzhou NESL New Energy Source Eurener Italia S.r.l. Eurener Energy Solutions di DG ENERGY Montereali Sisto Energy Nord Sovello Energia Alternativa IBC Solar(OEM) S.r.l. Elcosole Helios Technology Elettrosat S.n.c. SunPower Ecojoule s.r.l - Energia sostenibile infoecojoule.it Ecoware S.p.A. (Gruppo Kerself ) CEEG (Shanghai) Solar Ediltermica Snc di SunPower Castrianni V & C Eco Solare S.r.l. Sharp Corporation e-net s.r.l. BP Solar DSF Tecnologia s.r.l. Sunage Andromeda srl Yingli Green Energy Air System sas Yingli Green Energy accomandita Tecnologie Grammer Solar 56 / SHINE / February 2011 57 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 政策 POLICY 政策 POLICY As a result of the changes, householders will continue to receive Australia to Begin Phasing out Household Solar Credits Early The Australian Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency has announced support for household solar installations will begin to be phased out a year earlier than previously planned, in recognition of significant reductions in the cost of solar panels. Greg Combet said the amendments, which will come into effect on July 1 of 2011,will ensure households continue to contribute to the cost of installing solar systems, while pressure on electricity prices is eased. "The cost to install solar panels has reduced substantially since the Solar Credits mechanism was first announced in December 2008, driven by a strong economy, a high dollar and falling technology costs," explained Combet. "In this time, demand for solar installations has also increased rapidly, as the out-of-pocket cost to households has dropped and generous State and Territory feed-in tariffs have provided additional support to households." Consequently, the phase out of the Solar Credits multiplier will be brought forward by one year, from: 5 to 4 on July 1, 2011; 4 to 3 on July 1, 2012; 3 to 2 on July 1, 2013; and, 2 to 1 from July 1, 2014. This reflects the original intention to phase out the multiplier at a steady rate, as the cost of installing solar systems is expected to decline further over time, he added. support through Solar Credits, which equates to over half the upfront out-of-pocket costs for a typical 1.5 kw PV system. For systems installed after July 1, 2011 with the multiplier reduced from five to four, support for a 1.5 kilowatt (kw) system in Sydney, Brisbane, Perth or Adelaide, would be reduced from about AUD$6,200 to about AUD$5,000. Systems installed before July 1, 2011 will not be impacted by the changes. The new amendments mean the Government can reduce the proportion of renewable energy certificates electricity retailers are required to purchase from small-scale systems. The Government has said it intends to set this at 14.8 per cent for 2011: this is reportedly expected to save the average household around AUD$12 in electricity costs next year, compared to not reducing the multiplier. "The Government has always emphasized the importance of households bearing some of the cost of installing solar systems," continued Mr Combet. "For this reason, the Government moved amendments to the Renewable Energy Target (RET) legislation in June 2010 to enable these changes to the Solar Credits scheme. These amendments were supported by the Coalition and the Greens." He added: "Taking into account industry feedback, the AUD$40 small-scale certificate price will remain unchanged and the Regulator will not be given the power to further reduce Solar Credits support, providing greater certainty to the solar panel and solar hot water industry. The Solar Credits scheme provides support to households, businesses and community groups that install solar panels, wind and hydro electricity systems by multiplying the number of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) created by these systems. Solar Credits applies to the first 1.5 kilowatts (kw) of capacity installed for systems connected to a main electricity grid, and up to the first 20 kw of capacity for off-grid systems. 58 / SHINE / February 2011 59 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 政策 POLICY 政策 POLICY Germany Consider for 3000MW Cap of It was announced that 13 special areas have been recognized Solar Power Generation In order to reduce the burden on consumers, CDU consider limiting the scale of solar power generation from next year, and is working with industry to start negotiations. Germany's Fincial Times Deutschland reported that the recent boom in solar power lead to bear high cost that customers must pay, the German Government is negotiating with private industry to discuss how to prevent further expand the scale of solar power. Thomas Bareiss, spokesman from CDU said that there are still "a lot of excessive subsidies," and installed solar cells without moderation which will lead to funds and power technology loses control. Therefore Thomas Bareiss required limiting the increased capacity of each year, and FIT should be cut during the beginning and the middle of this year, at the same time, consider the capacity of new installations throughout the year which cannot exceed the cap of 3000MW. According to the German power industry estimates the German solar market will continue to boom in the next year which can reach 9500MW. This will be a half of the global market. Solar Photovoltaic Development Plan in China for the development of demonstration projects, with the aim to install at least 1,000 MW of solar power per year from 2012 to totaling 20,000 MW by 2020. The Chinese government has announced a new supporting strategy for the promotion of solar energy, aiming to achieve 1,000 MW of solar photovoltaic power per year since 2012. The goal is to reach a total installed capacity of 20,000 MW by 2020. According to statements from government officials quoted by the press, financial support will cover up to 50% of the costs of plant components. The remaining costs will be supported by subsidies ranging between 4 and 6 yuan (45 to 67 euro cents) for each installed watt. This way the government in Beijing plans to significantly reduce the cost of solar energy, which currently amount to about 7 times that of a coal-generated kwh. In order to support the plan, 13 special areas have been recognized as suitable for the development of innovative projects. One of these areas is the one of Beijing, where the plan foresees the installation of panels covering about 700,000 square feet of industrial and commercial roofs. The new measures are intended not only to support national targets for renewable energy development and emission reduction, but also to help the Chinese industry sector, which is going through a delicate moment. In fact, although the country is exporting 98% of its production and is the largest exporter of photovoltaic components in the world, it has suffered from the devaluation of the euro compared to the yuan and could collapse if Europe s market, currently the largest one, should reduce its demand following the expected subsidy cuts. Also the US market has difficulties, since Washington protests for Chinese excessively low prices, and it threatens to enforce duties. 60 / SHINE / February 2011 61 / SHINE / February 2011

政策 POLICY 政策 POLICY Indian Government Lending for Renewables Stable India s Renewable Energy Development Agency, which finances low-carbon energy projects in the country, said it has so far provided 121.8 billion Indian rupees ($2.6 billion) for renewable energy. In an update, the agency said that as of March 31, 2010, loans have been made for a total of 1,921 projects. Ireda said it offers loans to renewable energy projects at more favorable terms compared with commercial rates. From 1987 to 2009, Ireda has reportedly disbursed 66 billion rupees to renewable energy project in the form of loans. In 2008, loan commitments were over 14.9 billion rupees for 47 projects totaling 403 megawatts in terms of power generation, while 7.7 billion were actually disbursed. Financial support and the growing interest from Indian domestic banks in renewable energy is seen boosting renewable power generation capacity in India, which is expected to hit about 72,400 MW by 2022. At this rate, it will account for 15.9 percent of the country s total installed power. Currently, renewable energy-based power generation capacity is only up to 5 percent. The country is aiming for 10 percent of additional installed capacity to be set up by 2012. By the end of 2010, India has added more than 2,700 MW of renewable power, over 2,000 of which came from wind according to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. Other government agencies that actively fund renewable energy projects are the Power Finance Cooperation, the Rural Electrification Corporation and National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development. They are primarily concentrated on the large wind and hydropower projects, where captive power generation and the application of accelerated depreciation benefits play a significant role. Growing awareness and favorable government policies and regulatory mechanisms both at national and state levels have reportedly led to gradual increase in confidence of domestic commercial bank lending to renewable energy projects. A number of microfinance institutions also facilitate the purchase of renewable energy systems like solar cookers, solar lanterns or small biogas plants in offgrid areas of the country. The Self Employed Women s Association is such a microfinance program. Ireda was established in 1987 as a public limited government company under India s lead renewable energy ministry. It is a specialized developmental financial institution providing financial support to specific projects and plans for generating electricity or energy through new and renewable sources. 62 / SHINE / February 2011 63 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 观点 VIEWPOINT 观点 VIEWPOINT COP-16: 欧洲光伏工业呼吁支持太阳能光伏业 COP-16: EPIA Calls for Support for Solar PV Installations of German solar panel projects in October fell 48% from September, according to data provided by German s energy regulator, the Bundesnetzagentur, cited by Gordon Johnson of Axiom Capital, who believes the drop is significant. Johnson thinks the upshot of all that is that there was a rush to get things installed in September before feed-in-tariff cuts for solar projects came on in October. He also thinks there was a subsequent rush through December to get projects in under the wire before another January The European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) has presented evidence in support of an accelerated deployment of photovoltaic (PV) solar electricity across the globe to bring clean energy to both the developed and developing world at COP-16 in Cancun. According to EPIA s paradigm shift scenario, by 2020, solar PV could contribute as much as 12% of the electricity demand in Europe alone; reaching 390 GW of installed capacity and saving 220 Mt of CO2 per year. This is the equivalent to eliminating the carbon emissions from Thailand or taking 98 million cars off the road each year, EPIA says. Solar PV capacity in the Sunbelt region could range from 60 to 250 GW by 2020, and from 260 to 1100 GW by 2030, which according to EPIA s report Unlocking the Sunbelt Potential of Photovoltaics would represent 27-58% of the forecasted global installed solar PV capacity by then.based on EPIA s analysis, prices of solar PV systems in the Sunbelt are expected to decrease by up to 66% by 2030 compared to their current levels. Solar PV electricity, already competitive today with some peak generation technologies in a number of countries, would see its generation costs dropping to a range of 0.06-0.12/kWh by 2020 and as low as 0.04-0.08/kWh by 2030 becoming a highly competitive alternative for new generation capacity as well as a replacement for existing ones. Italian Market Soaring, Says isuppli Source: barrons.com cut to subsidies. As a result, installations in calendar Q1 2011 in Germany could be rather anemic, which poses risk to prices over the next 1-to-3 months. Even if October is revised up substantially, as September was, Johnson thinks it sets up the industry for a bigger comedown in the new year. Installations in Italy soared in Q4, doubling from Q3 to 975 megawatts of capacity. 2010 s total probably doubled to 1.9 gigawatts from 2009 s level, the projects. Given projected caps in solar subsidies in France, the Czech Republic, and Spain, investors are flocking to Italy, where the feed-in tariff offers extremely attractive internal rates of return for solar projects of 15% to 18%, isuppli s analysis suggests. Henning Wicht, isuppli s analyst on the case, says the market should be able to press on this year despite Italy s own cuts in subsidies: a decline early this year following subsidy cuts is set to last only weeks, rather than months, with the rate of new installations to rise rapidly again following this period. High rates of return on investment will probably continue in Italy, propelling installations to one gigawatt per quarter in 2011, Wicht argues. 64 / SHINE / February 2011 65 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 观点 VIEWPOINT 观点 VIEWPOINT Germany s Solar Branch "Begging" for FIT Reductions Germany has once again reduced its solar feed-in tariffs by 13 percent. Further reductions are likely to come into play soon. According to a report in the Financial Times Deutschland (Monday edition) Germany s solar branch has suggested the government should automatically reduce its financial incentives every three months. Another proposal by the solar branch recommends that if in spring, more photovoltaic (PV) installations have been built than were politically desired, the tariffs should be lowered this summer, and not on January 1, 2012, as is currently laid out in the law. The high costs of solar tariffs have once again moved into the public sphere. The renewable energy sector is afraid that with a further rapid rise in costs, the entire eco-electricity promotion system will end up in the dump. In addition, the fear is that Röttgen tariffs could become an issue during the regional elections. "The industry is almost begging for reductions," said a government representative of the FTD. The German Federal Ministry (Bundesweltministirium) and the solar industry are united in the feeling that PV development must be curbed. However, no one has officially spoken about the renewed solar tariff reductions. But, there is already overall party agreement even the Greens demanded that the PV tariffs should correlate to market growth. The SPD has compiled its own concept for the adjustment of the tariffs. "If Röttgen doesn t do anything stupid, we will watch his back," commented SPD vice chairman Ulrich Kelber, according to the report. 66 / SHINE / February 2011 67 / SHINE / February 2011

观点 VIEWPOINT 观点 VIEWPOINT France Calls for Curbing Chinese Solar-Panel Imports (Source ) : Bloomberg News France s decision to suspend most solar-energy projects for three months was done partly to curb cheaper imports of Chinese solar panels, Environment Minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet said today on France Info radio. Ninety percent of the solar panels installed in France come from China and our import criteria must be strengthened, Kosciusko- Morizet said. We are not here to subsidize the Chinese economy but to create green jobs in France. European governments are revising solar policies after realizing their subsidies were too generous and that developers bought a majority of the panels from Chinese suppliers including Yingli Green Energy Holding Co. rather than manufacturers such as Q-Cells SE of Germany or Spain s Solaria Energia & Medio Ambiente SA. France on Dec. 10 suspended projects for three months as it studies whether to limit construction and further cut subsidized rates paid to solar-power producers. The feed-in tariffs, among Europe s highest, sparked a boom in project applications and France, following similar moves in Spain and Germany, is seeking to limit the spiraling cost of clean energy for consumers. The French halt applies to projects with a capacity of more than 3 kilowatts. The rules will allow projects that agreed on earning the subsidized rates more than nine months ago with Electricite de France SA to go ahead as long as generation is started within 18 months. 68 / SHINE / February 2011 69 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 观点 VIEWPOINT 观点 VIEWPOINT Where to Go? France suspended some of the projects to curb Chinese imports, Chinese enterprises face barrier again By the end of 2010, in order to study whether should limit the construction of power stations and further reduce subsidies Energy Holding Co. rather than manufacturers such as Q-Cells SE of Germany or Spain's Solaria Energia & Medio Ambiente for solar industry, the France government announcement on SA. Environment Minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet said December 10th that it will freeze all new projects larger than 3kW for 3 months in order to prick the "speculative bubble" building up around the industry. "The growth of French PV capacity, which has happened much faster than we anticipated, has a cost for communities and the end consumer, says Prime Minister Francois Fillon. The government decided to impose the moratorium while it formulates "a new balance" in its approach to solar energy. The feed-in tariffs, among Europe s highest, sparked a boom in project today on France Info radio."ninety percent of the solar panels installed in France come from China and our import criteria must be strengthened," Kosciusko-Morizet said. "We are not here to subsidize the Chinese economy but to create green jobs in France." As 90% of the installed panels are from China, this movie may have an impact to Chinese PV companies. Insiders analyzed that Chinese PV enterprises would make appropriate adjustments in applications and France, following similar moves in Spain and time as more and more trade barriers are coming. Germany, is seeking to limit the spiraling cost of clean energy for Some PV industry insiders point out that in recent years a large consumers. France, which has already slashed the country's solar FIT twice this year, indicates that in addition to the likelihood of more number of Chinese solar companies enter into the European and American markets, which may force the United States and Europe introduced a number of relevant protection policies or improving FIT reductions, it will also slap a 500MW cap on annual PV market access. While this make me think the "301 Investigation". installations, as many in the industry feared. On September 9th, 2010, the United Steelworkers (USW) Though developers were expecting changes to the system, the submitted an application to the U.S. Trade Representative's office, four-month moratorium on top of all the other measures will have launched the so-called "301 investigation", claiming that the a chilling effect on the French market for years, says Christope Chinese government give heavily subsidized to new energy area Jurczak, head of PV at E.ON Climate & Renewables. "We'll have to improve their products price advantage, which impact the U.S. to slow down construction of our new projects in France", Jurczak employment. In America, the demand for solar energy increased said." My expectation is that interest in the French market is going 41% over the past two years, the solar panels which China to drop, at least for the next few years." exported to the U.S. double, while the U.S. increased by only 7%, According to a officer from France said that France's decision to four major U.S. manufacturers lost 580 jobs. In fact, whether the suspend most solar-energy projects for three months was done "301 Investigation" or "French curb imports", it all comes from partly to curb cheaper imports of Chinese solar panels.european one reason--- cheap labor and products made in China is quite governments are revising solar policies after realizing their competitive in world markets, which impact their own enterprises, subsidies were too generous and that developers bought a majority of the panels from Chinese suppliers including Yingli Green they want to adopt a "protectionist" measures to increase exports and domestic employment opportunities. 70 / SHINE / February 2011 71 / SHINE / February 2011

观点 VIEWPOINT 观点 VIEWPOINT As Chinese enterprises, we have to do, first is to take effective measures to prevent trade friction, and strive to make produce orderly, price orderly, and competitive orderly. On the other hand, which author believe the most important is to strengthen technological innovation, improve core competitiveness, and take an independent research and development, turn "Made in China" to "Create in China". To build power plant in those countries which has barrier will probably be a major trend in the future since trade barriers will be more and more for China. However, domestic enterprises said that they have had no significant impact for the France move. That is why we have not seen more about that through the media.yao Feng, public relations director of LDK, said:"france local market is very small, such a policy will not be any real impact, and should not appear a chain reaction in a short time. This move can be said as "France case", and France will finally use Chinese productions. It seems that Chinese enterprises have optimistic attitude for that. "Chinese PV technology is not low, France can not be completely beyond the Chinese manufacturers in a short time, while the high local production costs in Europe also contributed to the majority of customers to buy cost-effective Chinese products. " However, this policy make many investors worried about the future market in France. Li Maosheng, senior researcher from CIConsulting, believes that, it is not sure for France to maintain the current high FIT, on the other side, the French government may also fear a new round of installation, which French government would not like to see. This will not only bring pressure on subsidies, but also some inferior products may also be followed into the French market. The government will consult with the industry before launching a new regulatory structure in March 2011. Would this "freeze" last? Will it not be any real impact, like Yao said, or we should worry about some other countries adopts similarity policy? The author believes that the new energy industry can not develop without cooperation. Energy-saving and emission reduction goals presented in Copenhagen shows the world attitudes to environmental issues. We have a common goal--how to reduce the cost of PV, and make solar be adopted widely. This "curbing Chinese imports" takes so much time, the author afraid that it is caused by benefit. 72 / SHINE / February 2011 73 / SHINE / February 2011

观点 VIEWPOINT 观点 VIEWPOINT 74 / SHINE / February 2011 75 / SHINE / February 2011

观 点 VIEWPOINT 观 点 VIEWPOINT of PV installations being predicted to slow from over 100% in 2010 to less than 20% in 2011. Let the Module Fly 李 默 Tasita Li THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA While, in a short time, wether the market demand can convey the planned expansion capacity? The hot market in 2010 was driven by the benefit of FiT and regions demand of PV modules reached the ever highest level. In Europe, German, Italy and Cezch are the largest market in2010. But at the beginning of 2011, there blowed a chill wind of cutting down the subsidies. The author think that PV demand of Europe market will increase, but the rate would not be very big. The increase rate will be much greater than that of market demands. In this sucomstance, global installation of PV modules will still increase. Although the increase rate would not be very large, most module manufacturers will keep on expansion in large scale. Last year, module manufacturers had ever sold out their products. But this year, it may present a situation of supply exceeding demand. IMS research forecasts that 35 GW of annual capacity will be reached within the first half of 2011 although installations in the same period are predicted to reach no more than 20% that amount. Thus, PV module face the problem of overcapacity, Increased competition and declining prices. In 2010, the shipment of modules was increased but the profit was on the other hand not increase with the same rate. It is no doubt that it is influenced by the declined module price. At the same time, PV subsidies is an important decision factor in the price. Currently, most of the world photovoltaic installed countries have gradually reduced subsidies, thus, enterprises would absolutely decrease module price. With the declined cost, the reduced subsidies will also cause the benefits of module manufacturers slipped. 风 笔者认为 欧洲市场的需求量会有所增长 但大部分市 场的增幅不大 可以说组件的增幅会远远超过市场需求 尽管在这种情况下 全球的光伏组件安装量仍将增长 但增长速度将会非常缓慢 尽管光伏组件的安装量增幅放 缓 但大部分供应商仍维持2010年的速度大规模地进行产 能扩张 光伏组件供应商去年呈现了 销售告罄 的情况 但今年的市场需求减缓以及各供应商大幅扩张 有可能呈现 供大于求的局面 不可能再次出现 销售告罄 的情况 据 估计 扩张产能将在2011年上半年内达到35GW的年均量 而同期的预期安装量却仅仅7GW左右 因此 光伏组件面 临着产能过剩 竞争加剧 价格下跌的局面 㛋䔊ミ㾈㔫㦻䓫 䎜䑚䓕㵝 去年 光伏组件企业出货量增长 但利润却没有保持 相同幅度的增长 其受光伏组件价格下降的影响是毋庸置疑 受益于全球光伏需求的回升 各大光伏企业纷纷于 2010年扩产 有数据预测 扩张幅度基本上可以达到 100 这些累积的产能 大部分将在2011年得到释放 与 大幅削减补贴政策的德国 捷克形成鲜明对比 似乎2011 年出现世界光伏电池片和组件产能过剩的局面不可避免 据 IMS Research的最新报告 光伏组件的产能在2010年增加 了近70 全年达到了30GW 尽管在2011年 光伏设备 安装量的增长幅度会由100 减少到20 但光伏组件的产 能预计也会增加 的 而光伏发电补贴是决定光伏组件价格的重要因素 如 今 全球大部分光伏系统安装国已经陆续下调光伏补贴 企 业必然会降低组件价格 尽管可成本不断下降 但补贴的大 幅下调仍然将使组件商利润下滑 然而在短期之内 市场需求是否能撑起整个产业的产 能扩张计划 2010年的火爆光伏市场是受到了补贴奖励政 策的利益驱动 各地区光伏组件的需求达到了前所未有的 水平 欧洲的德国 意大利和捷克可谓是去年最大的光伏 市场 但2011年伊始的欧洲刮起了一场削减发电补贴的寒 广州恒星 Due to the recovery of global PV demand, many PV enterprises expanded capacity in succession in 2010. There are statictics showed that the expandation rate was basically reached to 100%. Most of the accumulated capacity is expected to be released in 2011. In the background of German and Czech Republic reduced subsidies in great extent, it is inevitable that global PV cells and modules will be over capacity. According to IMS Research, Solar photovoltaic (PV) module production capacity increased almost 70% in 2010, reaching nearly 30 GW by year end and will continue to grow, but installations are to slow down. The growth THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV 76 / SHINE / February 2011 77 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 观点 VIEWPOINT 观点 VIEWPOINT Taiwan Feed-in Tariff Could Drop in Line with Equipment Prices Jifan Gao, the chairman of Trina Solar, said that there will be a short-term of over capacity for the global PV market this year, but The Taiwanese Government is expected to cut the feed-in tariff the demand for the leading brands will continue; during the 12th rate available to solar energy generators due to the falling cost five-year period, the demand growth of modules from European of installation equipment, reports Bloomberg. Su Jin-sheng, a market will drop, the North America and Asia-Pacific markets will director at the Bureau of Energy, said that the island may also rise; the large-scale of mergers will occur in PV industry in 2014, increase the payments to wind power producers, since these costs the number of PV enterprises will reduced to 30-50 within ten are rising. The government plans to announce the rates for 2011 years. before the end of the year. According to Chang Ping-heng, chief executive officer of Motech Trina Solar recently announced that it intends to invest Industries, solar cell prices could decline by 10% to 15% in 2011, approximately $800 million over three years, to implement Trina while global annual capacity to produce solar cells may amount Solar Limited 1.6 GW of solar cell modules and State Key PV to as much as 30GW in 2011. This estimate exceeds the 2011 Research Laboratory project. global demand projection from technology researcher isuppli by approximately 55%. Since the second half of 2010, the boom situation of Chinese Feed-in tariffs are at least NT$11.12 (37 cents) per kilowatt-hour PV market caused many enterprises launched PV products and (kwh) for photovoltaic solar panels and NT$2.38 for wind farms, projects, not only the existing PV enterprises such as Yingli, the energy bureau said in a statement on its website in December Suntech, JA Solar and Canadian Solar expand their production last year. This compares with an average cost of NT$2.06 per kwh capacity, but also many non-pv enterprises to rush up in a for fossil fuels such as coal and oil, which has been set purposely crowd. For example, Hengxing Science, TBEA, Qianjiang higher in order to spur production of renewable energy. Biochemical announced to launch solar wafers project, and President Ma Ying-jeou has pledged to cut emissions to 2000 CASIC announced to launch solar cell modules project. levels by 2025. Lawmakers approved the island's Renewable Energy Development Act in 2009. Trina Solar Jifan Gao: The Number of PV Enterprises Will Reduced to 30-50 within Ten Years Jifan Gao said that PV market demand will increase by 30% this year, but the rate of capacity expansion will be greater than the rate of demand growth, there will be shortterm over capacity occurs. But he believed that the demand for leading brands will continue, however, the second and third tier brands, especially the new enterprises which haven t received the certificate will be suppressed. At the same time, he said that as market competition intensifies, PV enterprises will face the situation of integration, the situation of 1,000 PV manufactures will not be longterm existed, and the industry resources will be integrated during the next decade. Between 2011 and 2013, small-scale of mergers and acquisitions will be occurred locally; in 2014, large-scale of mergers and acquisitions will happened. In 2020, it is expected that include all fields of the industry, the number of global influential PV enterprises will be reduced to 30-50, of which the manufacturer of the core product segment will be about 10. From the demand side, he believed the global PV market will change this year. The absolute demand for European market will increase, but the growth rate will decline. Overall, by 2015, Europe will continue to remain its position of the world s largest PV market. Meanwhile, the PV market shift from Europe to the United States has become a trend, the North American market will increase the proportion of 20-25% in the next five years; due to a large population and high energy demand, the market proportion of Asia-Pacific market will expand to 25-30%, and will further expand after 2015, possibly to 30-50% after 2020. 78 / SHINE / February 2011 79 / SHINE / February 2011

观点 VIEWPOINT 观点 VIEWPOINT New Solar Photovoltaic Record in Germany 80 / SHINE / February 2011 81 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 观点 VIEWPOINT 观点 VIEWPOINT Top 3 States with Highest Solar Energy Potential Applied Materials Remains PV Revenue Leader for 2010, But Centrotherm Positioned for Number 1 Spot in 2011 After researching states all across the country and compiling the information into one report, Arizona State University s School of Business named the top three states that would benefit the most from solar energy: Arizona, Colorado, and Georgia. While the conclusion was based on many factors, it was mostly determined according to how much sunlight the state receives and how much electricity is currently costing the state s residents. Because electricity is more expensive in some states than others, cash-strapped residents are more likely to be interested in alternate energy sources. Colorado s number-two slot is a clear indication that the solar initiatives that Governor Bill Ritter has backed in the past year are helping. The progress comes mostly from the Colorado Industrial Energy Challenge, which has encouraged state companies with high energy bills to turn to solar energy to cut costs. Individual consumers have also been able to catch a break with state- and utility-sponsored rebates for new solar installations. Major players in the solar energy game include Denver public schools, Colorado State University at Boulder, and Denver International Airport. And with 300+ days of sunshine a year, it s only a short time before these installations will be making a mark on the local energy grid. Georgia residents, on the other hand, aren t quite as willing to take advantage of their prime solar-generating conditions. This is in large part due to the state s already low energy costs a factor that will undoubtedly slow progress for now. 82 / SHINE / February 2011 83 / SHINE / February 2011

观点 VIEWPOINT 观点 VIEWPOINT Q4 10 equipment spending patterns were again characterized by themes having a dramatic effect on the market-share and performance of PV equipment suppliers. Tier 1 c-si manufacturers remain committed to capacity expansion by placing high-volume orders on preferred process tool suppliers. CIGS and CdTe expansions provided strong bookings for a variety of thin-film deposition tool suppliers, often based on customized product offerings. Asian based turn-key equipment suppliers continued to dominate a-si/uc-si bookings and shipments, analogous to Applied Materials, Oerlikon and ULVAC s market entry several years ago. However, it was the geographic shift in PV manufacturing to China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia that represented the greatest opportunity for the equipment supply-chain, with 85% of c-si cell revenues and 60% of thin-film revenues during 2010 attributed to PV manufacturers across these regions. Revenues available for tool suppliers from European PV manufacturers continue to decline. Collectively, Centrotherm and Roth-&-Rau generated only 12% of PV revenues from European customers in 2010, compared to 33% back in 2008. The leading equipment beneficiary during 2010 was Applied Materials with strong process tool supply to tier 1 cell manufacturers, supplemented by deferred revenue recognition from legacy turn-key thin-film shipments. Full year PV-specific revenue estimates of US$1.3-1.5B are more than US$500M greater than any other PV equipment supplier for 2010. In 2011, equipment spending for the c-si ingot-to-module and thin-film panel segment is forecast to grow to $11.7B, but remains subject to a number of uncertainties. This includes the precise phasing of expansions enacted by all thin-film manufacturers (with the exception of First Solar) and the effects of possible c-si module over-supply during 1H 11. Leading equipment suppliers will be those with both strong market-share and a broad range of products spread across the various served addressable markets for PV equipment suppliers today. With a flexible product portfolio spanning the entire c-si valuechain and the option of supplying either single process tools or turn-key c-si lines, Centrotherm has emerged as the equipment supplier to watch during 2011. Revenues in 2010 increased each quarter with over 75% coming from single process c-si tools, heavily weighted towards end-users across Asia. In addition, the capability to offer standard or high-efficiency c-si lines and upgrade packages completes a balanced portfolio which can readily adapt to changes in customer profile or demand. Understanding that the total addressable market for PV equipment suppliers is comprised of different served market segments remains an essential part of equipment suppliers growth strategies, adds Colville. Each equipment segment has unique commercial challenges including: competitive landscape, revenue growth rates, technology roadmaps, and supply-chain preferences. The Solarbuzz PV Equipment Quarterly report provides the tools to enable PV equipment suppliers to navigate around these challenges by identifying target customers or competitors, equipment revenues on offer down to the key process tool level, and the precise timing of each PV manufacturer s announced fab expansion plans by quarter out to 2014. The Solarbuzz PV Equipment Quarterly features a comprehensive capacity and production database incorporating Solarbuzz s proprietary industry knowledge across over 300 c-si cell and thin-film panel producers, and a PowerPoint report with extensive analysis on technology and equipment spending trends. All data and analysis is updated on a quarterly basis and includes expansion and spending activity from the immediate quarter closed for over 1000 capacity expansion phases out to 2014. The performance of leading PV equipment suppliers is analyzed, including PV-specific revenues, bookings, and backlogs each updated on a quarterly basis. To order the Solarbuzz PV Equipment Quarterly, contact Solarbuzz at 1.888.436.7673 or 1.516.625.2452, or e-mail contact@solarbuzz.com. About Solarbuzz Solarbuzz, part of The NPD Group, is a globally recognized market research-based business focused on the solar energy and photovoltaic industries since 2001. Solarbuzz clients include many of the largest global PV manufacturers, together with major investment banks, equipment manufacturers, materials suppliers, hedge fund companies, a wide range of other multinationals considering participation in this industry, and the largest PV system integrators. Solarbuzz offers a wide-array of reports, including Marketbuzz, an annual global PV industry report, and Solarbuzz Quarterly, which provides historical and forecast data on the global PV supply chain. The company s research also provides annual Downstream PV Market Reports by region for the European, Asia Pacific and US markets. In addition, Solarbuzz.com is a recognized and respected online resource for the solar industry. For more information, visit www. solarbuzz.com 84 / SHINE / February 2011 85 / SHINE / February 2011

观 点 VIEWPOINT 星光大道 STAR AVENUE 更多发电量 埃菲玛跟踪系统为中国的光伏电站带来更多效益 曹宇 THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 㻷㧈㆒ ⴝⷛ䓺㻖㵔㬨ⴒⶤ ⳛ 䇤 㦵㦜㬨䄜 䇱䎚䅊 㳃᱄䐈 䎀㦰㸋 䇦 㪉ェ ⷛ䓺㻖㵔 㚽㬚ⳃ 㑠㳂ⷀ 䎃 㭞䓷ⰵ䇻㵗䓫䎀 㯖㬨 㬶䅇᱄ 䊻䐱 䇪䇻 )L7 㳚 ゝ㭖 ⶥ ⷛ䓺㻖㵔 㵗䓫 䄵䊻 ェ㰄䐱 ネ䂊᱄䅓 䇤㬣䄖 㸜 㯞䇋 㯟 㑬 㔨ⷛ䓺ゝ㭖 㬝㵗䓫䐏㶃 䄋 㔨㰝 䊗 䅇᱄㬖カ㩰 䊻 ⴝ 䍟 ㅉ㪉Ⳟ㘇 ➓䓑 ⷛ䓺㻖㵔䄲 䑑ㅆ 㸋 㾮 䍟 䑘㒘᱄㦜ⱙ 䔏䐹䄋 㸫㳃㬨㧈 ⷝ 䁂䋒 䇤 ⴝⷛ䓺㻖㵔᱄䊻䎃䄜 㩰 㸳㗨㤌 ➄ 㕋㚽䊕 ⷛ コ 㼎㡅 䈌ㅉ㪉 䇪 㾎尯 㿍䐾 㵗䓫 䐱 䔏 䍸㶀㲌䂕㚽 䍟 䂊᱄ⶤ 䍟 ㅉ 㵗 㛋 䊣 䄲 㸋Ⰼ 䐱 㶙 㭅㑬䄜㣈㧞 㶓Ⱙ 㑇᱄ 问题1 你们是从什么时候开始在中国开展业务的 您 怎么定位埃菲玛集团的太阳能业务 答 与在中国市场的其他西班牙公司相比 埃菲玛集 团早已深深扎根中国市场 早在1992年 埃菲玛就开始在 西班牙为中国公司提供咨询服务 2005年 埃菲玛开始了 在中国的业务 并在2007年开始制造和批量生阿波罗太阳 能双轴跟踪器 除了阿波罗系列产品之外 埃菲玛能源还 致力于光伏地面安装系统 屋顶安装系统和离网太阳能工 程的咨询 开发 建设和运营 我们秉承 品质 创新 环保和诚信 的品牌理念 把太阳能相关业务作为埃菲玛 集团的旗舰性业务 最近 埃菲玛能源并购了伊索菲通 Isofoton 80 的 $QJHO /XLV 6HUUDQR ➄ 㕋ゐ㵦ゑ䄢㰘 㵉Ⰾ㬣 股份 伊索菲通是西班牙最大的光伏组件制造商和高聚光 HCPV 解决方案供应商 拥有约700名员工 同时 伊索 Shine 光能 杂志与埃菲玛集团及伊索菲通董事长安琪 菲通也全球最早进入光伏领域的公司之一 客户遍及世界 儿 路易斯 塞拉诺就中国光伏市场 对投资者的建议和技术 60多个国家 通过此次并购 埃菲玛扩大了公司的业务范 解决方案等话题进行了对话 围 并通过与国际知名的商业合作伙伴间的合作 增强了 THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV 86 / SHINE / February 2011 87 / SHINE / February 2011

星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE 图片 1 埃菲玛能源工程技术 ( 北京 ) 分公司销售和技术团队掠影 图片 3 2004 巴塞罗那国际博览会新能源建筑一体化展示 图片 2 埃菲玛能源自主开发建设的西班牙 Campos 电站 图片 4 埃菲玛能源自主开发建设的西班牙 Inca 电站 88 / SHINE / February 2011 89 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE More Power Generation AFFIRMA Tracking System is Beneficial to PV Plants in China Nowadays, they are still debating whether PV tracking systems should be widely adopted. Those in favor hold the opinion that tracking systems with optimal design could increase the efficiency by 40%, which is a significant figure for the final investor. In China, due to the low FIT figures and the improvement of technology, the return of tracking systems can be tested in cost calculations. Thus, utilities and private corporations are considering the long-term benefits that the tracking technology brings, in spite of the higher initial investment. From the current perspective of PV plant construction, tracking systems have gradually become the main trend in large scale power plants. The most important issue, however, is how to choose and utilize PV tracking systems in a better way. On this point, AFFIRMA Energy can share its experience of installation in the largest solar plant in China, a 20MW PV project funded by GCL-Poly (Xuzhou). Since its completion to August 2010, it has transmitted 13,000,000kWh of electricity to the East China Power Grid. Photo 1. José Miguel Nieto (2nd from left), GM of AFFIRMA Energy, with his team in Madrid Apolo 125, after all the improvements. So far, the trackers are obtaining excellent production results and they are being tested in our R&D centers and other reputable centers constantly, to let the numbers talk. To avoid system errors caused by clouds and shadows, there is some important site engineering work to be done before the installation. A careful and prudent distribution of inverters and cables will also help reduce the loss of power generation capacity. In the end, a correct orientation and a regular maintenance plan of the installation will guarantee a 30%-40% higher output than a fixed system. 4th question : I know one of AFFIRMA Energy s strong points is the solar tracker technology. Why are you making such a strong bet on that technology? Angel Luis Serrano, President of AFFIRMA Group and Isofoton own Spanish design in 2007. Apart from its portfolio products, AFFIRMA Energy is also engaged in consulting, development, construction and operation of PV ground, rooftop and off-grid solar projects. Always staying true to its reputation: quality, innovation, respect for the environment and commitment to its clients, the solar energy related business is now the flagship of the AFFIRMA Group. Recently, AFFIRMA Energy took an 80% ownership stake in Isofotón, S.A., which is the largest PV module and HCPV solutions manufacturer in Spain, with around 700 employees and one of the most important in Europe. Isofotón was one of the first companies to enter the Spanish and even the world s PV sector, with sales in over 60 countries. With this acquisition, AFFIRMA has enlarged its service scope and strengthened its ability of operate solar turnkey projects in Europe, Africa, Asia and America through agreements with prestigious international around the world to collect performance data. The added value of AFFIRMA Energy is that we brings to the solar industry experience, reliability and tailored solutions in engineering, implementation, maintenance and integrated renewable energy management. With the most innovate production facilities both in Spain and China, AFFIRMA Energy is constantly working in Solar Technology design through agreements and technological projects with universities and institutions in Europe, Asia and the rest of the continents. Isofotón s track record of 29 years has brought us a broader commercial presence and better technology reliability. 3rd question : Formerly, some Chinese power plant projects were not well marketed and most of the plants were fixed systems. Original tracking systems had issues with software hardware interface. Moreover, there were many system errors Answer: In a global environment of rate reductions, we have focused our activity on increasing the production/price ratio with some of the best products we have. The current target of trackers is maximizing production, which brings extra benefits to the investor. For China, a country situated North of the Tropic of Cancer, the best option is using dual-axis trackers. In an installation at low latitude, however, near the Equator line, it will be more recommendable to use single-trackers, since the sun s track from East to West will have little deviation. AFFIRMA Energy has both single-axis and dualaxis tracking solutions to avoid the problems. Furthermore, to avoid any more worries, AFFIRMA offers a 20- year warranty for the structure and a 5-year warranty for the mechanism. Considering the long working life of an installation, amortizing your additional investment in five years is a pretty good deal. Shine magazine wants to talk with Angel Luis Serrano, president of Affirma group and Isofoton about this company, the Chinese PV market, proposals for investors and technology solutions. partners. Thus, the solar division has a wide range of projects in PV and HCPV (high concentration PV technology) markets all around the world. At the end of 2009, AFFIRMA Energy participated in China s caused by clouds and shadows. The significant shifts from sunrise and sunset caused power over consumptions. All of these had created the illusion of tracking systems doing more harm than good. How can you explain and solve this kind of largest photovoltaic solar park to date in Xuzhou with a 20MW incidences? 1st question: When did you begin doing business in China? capacity. The company is among the pioneer Spanish companies How can you define the solar business of AFFIRMA Group? which have developed a solar project in China. Answer: These hardware problems have been solved by AFFIRMA Answer: 2nd question: What s the competitive advantage of AFFIRMA Energy from our installation experience in both Europe and Compared to other Spanish corporations in the Chinese Energy, as one of the world s most important solar players? Asia. In 2006, AFFIRMA started research in PV tracking market, the AFFIRMA Group has been deeply rooted in the systems and then started production of Apolo 112 in China and Chinese market for a long time. In early 1992, AFFIRMA Answer: sales in Spain. In the following two years, AFFIRMA Energy started consulting services for Chinese companies in Spain. AFFIRMA Energy focuses its strategy on vertical integration, signed agreements with Chinese utilities and supplied equipment In 2005, AFFIRMA initiated its business in China and started manufacturing and marketing Apolo dual-axis trackers with its from the production of a cell to large turnkey projects. The company also has R&D centers in the largest solar markets all to improve performance. GCL-Poly s 20MW project is a good example, since we launched the new dual-axis tracking system, Photo 2. EPC project of PV Rooftop for OPEL in Mallorca, Spain 90 / SHINE / February 2011 91 / SHINE / February 2011

星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE 7th question: What can AFFIRMA Energy offer Chinese investors? Answer: AFFIRMA Energy is the best option for Chinese investors who want to find a perfect business opportunity outside their own country. Nowadays, AFFIRMA has a series of customers and projects in different markets with favorable legislation for investment. We can advise our customers about the best option according to their needs. We also offer Photo 3. EPC project of PV Greenhouse in Marche, Italy solutions covering all project stages for PV and 5th question: After the acquision of Isofotón, has AFFIRMA HCPV technology. Energy found strong synergies? AFFIRMA Energy is one of the first Spanish companies which have developed a solar project in China. Thanks to our Chinese Answer: team, we know all the legislation and legal terms required AFFIRMA Energy is now working hard and trying to make full to run a solar park in your country. In addition, we have our use of the marketing and production synergies with Isofotón. own factories to supply all the components required in a PV So, apart from our single-axis and dual-axis trackers, we have installation; that is why we have never had delays in any single enlarged our product portfolio with crystalline photovoltaic project. A 24-48h after-sales commitment will make our clients modules, solar thermal collectors and HCPV solutions. We are feel more comfortable purchasing our products. In our Beijing proud that AFFIRMA is the only company in the world that can office, we have an experienced international technical and sales manufacture all the HCPV components by itself at this moment team that knows perfectly the market needs and is ready to in time. support the solar projects all over the world. 6th question: You have been talking about your R&D Department. Could you give me an example of how you work in this area, and what kind of results you have achieved? Answer: AFFIRMA has its own R&D center in Avila (Spain), where we are working on the trackers improvement constantly. The R&D center has monitoring systems for the Apolo 125 tracking system. We have detected that the performance of the tracker increases above 40% especially on the summer time because the thermal radiation is higher. Everybody can visit that center and learn more about us; all you need to do is arrange an appointment through the AFFIRMA sales manager in China. Photo 4. Apolo 125 Dual-axis Tracker in Xuzhou GCL PV power plant, China 92 / SHINE / February 2011 93 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE 2010 年 4 月, 英利的 CEO 苗连生宣布英利海南项目开工, 并宣布英利将于 2011 年底前把产能提高到 1.8GW;9 月, 赛维 LDK5000MW 硅片项目奠基, 同期天合宣布到 2012 年把电池和组件总产能提高到 3.5GW;12 月中旬, 保利协鑫硅片产能达 3.5GW, 全球第一 本刊参观走访了这 4 家企业后, 发现在他们背后, 是同一个企业在推动 : 在这四家工厂里, 不约而同的选择了 GT Solar 的多晶铸锭炉进行生产和扩建, 这家美国的公司在中国市场奠定了它的领袖地位 它占据着中国铸锭炉 90% 的市场份额 这个行业从来不缺惊才绝艳 耀眼夺目的天才企业, 但什么样的企业才能称为行业领袖? 让 GT Solar 自己给出答案 94 / SHINE / February 2011 95 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE Who Can Challenge? GT Solar, Showes Its Leadership In April 2010, Miao Liansheng, CEO of Yingli Solar declared the start of Hainan Project and informed that the production capacity will achieve to 1.8GW till end of 2011; In September, the 500MW wafer project of LDK was founded, and at the same time, Trina Solar declared to increase its producing capacity of cells and modules to 3.5GW; in middle of December, GCL Poly wafer capacity achieved 3.5GW, ranked No.1 in the world. After visited these four enterprises, we have found that they are all promoted by the same enterprise behind them: these four plants have all chosen GT Solar Polycrystalline ingot furnace to realize their further production and extension. This American company has laid its leadership position in China market it takes 90% of market shares of China ingot furnace. PV industry is never lack of those outstanding talent enterprises; however, what kind of enterprise can be called an industry leader? Let GT Solar to give us an answer. 黑木 Trust Comes from reliable quality A leader is always been trusted. Miao Liansheng has such a appraise towards GT Solar: YingLi solar trust such an important partner, its polycrystalline ingot furnace has stably produced high quality silicon ingot which help us to supply our clients high quality and reliable products, in that case we strengthen Yingli s credit standing. In fact, GT Solar s development has always closely linked with China. Built in 1994, with registered capital of USD1000, GT Solar has developed stably but not so fast, In 2002, Yingli Solar purchased GT Solar s first generation HEM furnace for the use of producing silicon ingot, and the followed year purchased DSS240 polycrystalline ingot furnace ( 240 and 440, 450, 650 hereinafter means the weight of produced silicon ingot). While depending on GT Solar s inner statistical data of shipment, this is just a beginning. Till 2005, GT Solar arouse attention by America government with its scientific and technological power and win USD 1, 000, 000 support, just in that time, after Suntech s listing, China PV industry enter into a period of rapid growth. LDK, which is famous for Growth speed faster than light, has started its silicon wafer project, and Peng Xiaofeng finally chose GT Solar as the partner. He has appraised its supplier like this: GT Solar has supplied us the reputed equipment with a high grade and reliable level. In different time, two PV leaders have all use such a word reliable to describe GT Solar s equipment, is of course having certain reasons. At that time, domestic ingot casting industry is just starting. Unskilled technology and worker s low performing level are the main problem. Even some powerful plant in Germany, could not assure the quality of the produced polycrystalline silicon. While GT Solar nearly take the market share immediately with its products advantages: simple, durable, stable and efficient. After check and accept GT Solar s products, LDK immediately purchased 100 sets DSS(Directional Solidification System) polycrystalline ingot growth furnace, which has made GT Solar s business in China exceed USD80,000,000. While, Kedar Gupta, retired (2006) GT founder member, said that he was always shocked by Peng s resolute action: I am really scared by Peng, for he wants to buy all our equipment when we just meeting and he can sign the contract on the spot. Soon, its 96 / SHINE / February 2011 97 / SHINE / February 2011

星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE the roller. GT Solar, who also has the America spirit, adopt bottom charging and modular installation, has greatly reduced production cycle and also simplify the operation, operator can learn much easier, these are all deeply attract the clients. Meanwhile, it can also upgrade former type, that is to say, even the first set DSS240 produced in 7 years ago can be now upgraded to be the newest DSS450 type, means that the client could double their production capacity. Soon in 2007, GT launch the most popular DSS450 series, GT Solar first improve the output of poly silicon ingot, and the actual capacity of DSS450 is 420KG, greatly standing out in same industry. Till July 2010, GT Solar delivered No. 1000 sets DSS450 furnace, and declared its delivery quantity of ingot casting furnace system to the whole world has over 1300 sets, among which including the 300 sets are HEM furnaces produced during 1994 to 2003, and DSS240 produces since 2003; and more than 100 sets DSS240 furnaces sold to LDK in 2005. These data clearly reflect that DSS450 series has brought GT Solar an explosion growth in business. In 2007, GT Solar s business growth rate is 128%, far exceed the industry standards. At the same time, the risk capital plans the listing road. Till 2008, GT Solar listing in NASDAQ, double extend its capacity the same year. At present, GT Solar own 450 ingot casting order is over 300, which has made great challenge to GT s production capacity and made GT grow rapidly. Years later, the scary LDK and the scared GT Solar lay the industry dominant position respectively. Mature Thinking refer to Apple In 2006, GT Solar has done four great events: 1. Purchase the Polycrystalline silicon reduction technology and start to supply Polycrystalline silicon reduction furnace; 2. GFI Energy Ventures has purchased most stocks of GT Solar, and get investment from Angeleno group; 3. Purchase patent of high level crucible coating technology, make the separation of poly silicon ingot from crucible much simple; 4. Built office in Beijing and Shanghai, strengthen the sales and service in China, and in 2007 built components plant in Shanghai, realize the local service. Some people review why iphone could be such successful, they mention that Apple produces the only mobile phone which can use a single finger to finish all the operations, make users no need to agonize whether to use keyboard, touch pen or employees in the world, sales volume in 2010 fiscal year (since April 1st 2010) achieve to USD 540, 000, 000. Efficient DSS450HP brings surprise In April 2010, GT Solar launch the DSS450HP ingot casting furnace, that is to say, HP is the short form of high performance. This new ingot casting furnace not only increase the required weight, but reduce the producing time, so that the efficiency of the whole system is increased 15% but the energy consumption is lower than original type. The launch of this new type not only arouses the trend of upgrade, but also attracts more and more potential clients. Only during the following 4 months after Yingli purchased its No. 1000 DSS450 equipment, GT Solar declared to sell out No. 2000 set DSS casting furnace series. Take the 5 months delivery period in account, GT Solar has delivered over 800 sets DSS450HP within only 9 months. In the situation of ingot casting furnace take the overwhelmed advantage in market, GT Solar also has a great growth in its other business. The new CVD (Chemical vapor deposition) reactor SDR400 has further reduces 20% power consumption but increase 33% annual output, this has helped OCI, the poly silicon producer to rush into the top three. The first business grade poly silicon plant in India has also chosen GT Solar for related services. At present, the newly DSS650 has been delivered to Yingli and other partners for further test, it is estimated to be launched in beginning of 2011, GT Solar promise that this newly type will bring clients much higher gaining. At the time of each equipment supplier push over 800kg poly silicon ingot equipment, GT Solar s action seems a little bit conservative, Shine magazine has visit GT Solar marketing director Mr. Jeff at this point, he said: At least up till now we still not see the furnace which can stably produce 800kg poly silicon ingot, if want to achieve that level, the most important problem need to be solve is to assure the poly silicon ingot more uniform and to eliminate the inner stress Commitment The importance of DSS650 In the end of 2010, GT Solar has sent their latest generation of ingot furnace to Yingli and other enterprises which have a long-term cooperation to have a test, now, the company officially launched the DSS650 to the market, and received extensive attention from the customers and competitors, South Korean company Nexolon soon becomes the first customer of DSS650. The president of Nexolon also mentioned that, to select equipment and technology, We need proven, low-risk technology that produces high quality wafers and a high return on investment. Let the exclusive South Korean enterprise to make this choice, also demonstrate the advantage of DSS650. From the introduction by GT Solar market director, Jeff, we know that compared with classic DSS450, DSS650 is even superior. On one hand, it improved production capacity by 25%. On the other hand, it reduced unit material consumption in good production by 20% and the silica crucible by 15%. The meaning of these in PV industry can be understood without further explanation. Actually, Shine Magazine was told by GT Solar that the tech in 800kg product is skilled. But considering the sizes need to be adjusted yet and couldn t provide upgrade services to those customers, who bought over 2000 DSS240 and DSS450, GT 98 / SHINE / February 2011 99 / SHINE / February 2011

星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE Solar put its production position at 600-650 kg with more simple, better cost-effective. Upgrade, it is the promise that GT Solar kept to its customers. Who can be the competitor Challenge from the Chinese suppliers By habit, many clients are not willing to change after fixing a kind of operation mode, for accepting other brands also need to afford certain risks. Therefore author thought that it is difficult to change GT Solar s monopolized position in short period. However, once in the meeting hold by Trina Solar, author has discussed this topic with GT Solar sales manager, she just showed an unexpected modest attitude and great attention towards Chinese competitors. At present, GT Solar still not satisfy the client s requirements with the most rapid speed according to present capacity, this has brought chances for the equipment suppliers as JINGGONG SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD., JYT Corporation and so on. At the meeting hold in Beijing, a domestic equipment supplier CEO frankly show that there is still gap compared with GT Solar, but it has gradually decreased. Meanwhile the inexpensive but high quality domestic equipment could reduce the extension pressure from enterprise, greatly attract those enterprises with fast extension requests but capital chain tension like LDK. In January journals, Shine has reported that LDK newly extension will adopt JYT equipment and both parties have signed the Exclusive agreement. And JINGGONG SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY has also sold 72 sets of casting furnaces with total sales of RMB 148, 000, 000 to ReneSola in Dec. 2010. This shows the ice-breaking trip for domestic ingot casting equipment is starting. It is promising to get more chances under the situation of 90% market shares taken by GT Solar. Anyway, GT Solar will keep its leadership in domestic ingot casting market in future years. They are confident when facing competitor who win with low-price strategy. GT also developed Sapphire Wafer business and acquired a factory in this aspect. Then it sold the equipments to its old partner, OCI, so as to develop LED business. GT believes that customers will realize GT is the best in value assessment. Those the dearest are the cheapest, said Jeff. 100 / SHINE / February 2011 101 / SHINE / February 2011

星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE 崇明岛项目每瓦年发电能力相同 这就是电站建设 维护 水到渠成 金太阳 入场券 的疏漏造成的后果 虽然决定电站收益的最主要原因在于 组件质量 但逆变器却是关系着整个电站系统能否平稳高 效运行的最关键因素 光伏逆变器的两大标准 稳定 高 效 光伏电站的回报率一般在8 10 左右 提高1 的 转换效率意味着给业主带来超过10 的额外利润 而更重 要的稳定运行能力也是逆变器厂商难以回避的难点 李英 龙介绍说 京仪集团从事光伏领域的技术始于2000年 水到渠成 2002年就在北京自动化研究院建设了国内第一个20KW光伏 示范电站 京仪绿能的光伏逆变器是京仪集团持续推进 技术进步的结晶 已经有9年的并网运行记录的数据足以证 明了京仪绿能逆变器的稳定性 金太阳示范工程是我国促进光伏发电产业技术进步和 规模化发展 培育战略性新兴产业 支持光伏发电技术在 各类领域的示范应用及关键技术产业化的具体行动 计划 在2 3年时间内实施完成 纳入金太阳示范工程的项目原 则上按光伏发电系统及其配套输配电工程总投资的50 给予补助 偏远无电地区的独立光伏发电系统按总投资的 70 给予补助 采用集中招标的方式确定金太阳示范工程 和太阳能光电建筑的关键设备 是为了确保设备质量 降 低造价并加强政府部门的有效监管 防止项目实施中可能 出现的为降低成本而牺牲质量的情况 在金太阳设备招标中 全国29家逆变器企业齐聚一 堂 比拼质量 成本和实力 不仅对厂商产品技术有要 京仪绿能的金太阳 入场券 求 还对出货量有要求 要求投标人2010年1 6月晶体硅 光伏组件的实际发货量须不低于50MWp 企业必须在价 格 技术 质量 产能等各方面都技压群雄的8家企业才能 入围 在综合评分中 京仪绿能分数是最高的 在技术方 面 他们自主研发的JYNB 500KHE大功率逆变器已经通过 曹 宇 国家 金太阳 认证 包括环境测试 EMC测试 性能测 THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 试等 经检测最高转换效率为98 8 是中国光伏太阳能 㛋 䊣 ベ 㦰䐅䐱㾥 㑬 㲌䂕㬟ⳗ 㲌䂕㚽 ㅉ䑟䇇䇤㬟ⳗ 㧌㸈䍱 䄲 㶋 㡅䐱 䄨 行业第一名 高于世界平均水平 京仪绿能入围 水到渠 㔭㚽 㘜䓷䅞㡑㑬䄖㚻 ⳛ 䓃 䄨䔗㸋 㚻㒍㻩 ⴝ㪉 㩭 㼁㾦 コ 㚑㪛 ⰵ䇻㡍㻣 䄨㔭㚽 成 㤊 㦵㦜 㕛 㡇᱄䊻 ⳤ㑬 䄨㔭㚽䓽 䇃㒛䐏 㼁㾦㚽㦤ⷘ㸜Ⱒ䎀ⰵ 䄨㔭㚽䇱ⷝ㪏㧌 㑬ㆃ᱄ 李英龙介绍说 未来我们将依靠在延庆建立的庞大 的生产基地 使京仪绿能尽快拥有庞大的生产能力 这使 得我们的产品价格更其有竞争力 巨人的肩膀 京仪绿能除对产品不断地更新调整之外 也从深化服 日益恶化的气候和国际舆论的指责 让中国这个碳排 务方面做足了功夫 他们在前期参与了很多的投标 这 放总量最大的国家倍感压力 近年来对于节能减排的关注 些投标并不是为了中标 而是希望更好的了解客户的需 也提到了前所未有的高度 在中国各地都在兴建新能源产 求 李英龙说 在国网等项目的投标中 京仪绿能的产 业园时 做为政治中心的北京当然不甘落后 品技术性能是最高的 给评标的专家留下了非常深刻的印 但北京不适于发展劳动密集型行业 同时也缺乏具 象 也为京仪绿能进入光伏工程领域奠定了基础 Success Will Come Jingyi Renewable Energy s Admission to Golden Sun 有代表性的组件厂商 因此最后北京市选择的定位是 高 京仪绿能的发展方向很明确 在不断强化产品质量同 端的示范中心和高端的装备制造基地 京仪集团做为中国 时 以独有的优势资源为客户挖掘更多产品附加值 目前 领先的光伏设备厂商承载了北京市发展高端装备制造的任 京仪是国内唯一提供EPC服务的逆变器厂商 EPC模式也是 At the end of 2010, China general certification center announced 务 因此由国资委牵头 北京京仪集团 北京能源投资集 目前电站项目的主流 为赢得客户 京仪绿能通过商业模 that Golden Solar Project and the demonstration project of 团和英利合资组建了京仪绿能 在整合了北京自动化技术 式和合作模式的调整 积极与产业链的上下游开展战略合 Photo-electricity building had finished the bidding, in which the 研究院和北京京仪椿树整流器的人才 技术优势后 去芜 作 为客户提供了竞争对手很难效仿的附加值 赢得了客 name of Jingyi has caused great attention in PV industry. As one 存菁的京仪绿能已经成为中国逆变器企业的佼佼者 户的青睐 of the leader in domestic PV manufacturer, Beijing Instrument THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 京仪绿能在组建之时就明确了未来的市场方向 成为 李英龙说 其实京仪绿能为客户做的远不止如此 Industry Group (BIIC) is not alien to people. But they are still 优秀的设备供应商和为行业内提供高效 稳定 清洁的具 我们在这个过程中不只是施工方和设备的供应商 同样为 full of curiosity to Jingyi Renewable Energy. After reading the 有竞争力的可在生能源解决方案 产品以3 500kW逆变器 客户提供咨询服务 帮客户分析资本构架 资金比例 如 draft interview of Li Yinglong, the general manager f Jingyi 为主 并迅速通过了国内金太阳认证和国外的CE TUV等 何获取更多的电力以及帮助客户实现创新等等 Renewable Energy, the author thinks that you will know more about Jingyi Renewable Energy. 认证 并且均超认证指标 为2011年进军国内和国外两个 市场奠定了基础 1 的提升 10 的效益 国内光伏电站已为数不少 但电站质量良莠不齐 EPC 让客户利润最大化 发改委发布的数据表明 光照良好的内蒙某电站和上海的 On the Shoulder of Giants The deterioration climate and international public opinion put Leo Cao great pressure to China, which is the largest carbon emission country. Recently, China concerns the energy saving and pollutant reduction unprecedentedly. At the time of construction new energy industry parks everywhere, Beijing, as the politic center will with no doubt be far behind. Beijing is not suitable for the development of labor-intensive industries. Moreover, Beijing is lack of representative module manufacturers. Thus, the positioning of Beijing is an exclusive demonstration center and equipment manufacture base. As one of the leading PV equipment manufacturers, BIIC bears the task of producing high-end equipment. Leading by the SASAC, BIIC, Beijing Energy Investment and Yingli together built Jingyi Renewable Energy. After integrating the HR source and THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV 102 / SHINE / February 2011 103 / SHINE / February 2011

星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE technology of Beijing Automation Technology Research Institute and Beijign Chunshu Rectifier, it has become the one of the leaders in inverter business. Jingyi has already made clear about its future market direction at the beginning of construction, that is try to be an outstanding equipment supplier and to provide efficient, stable, clean and competitive solutions in renewable energy. 3-500kw inverters are its main products. The products were got the certification of domestic Golden Sun and foreign CE, TUV and so on. The certifications have laid the foundation for entering in 2011 market at home and abroad. EPC: Maximize Customers Profits In addition to update and adjust the products, Jingyi also made a great effort on providing service. Jingyi had participated in many biddings at previous time. We don t aims to successful in the bidding, but to know about the customers better, Said Li Yinglong. In State Grid project bidding, the properties of Jingyi product are the best, which left a very deep impression on many experts, which laid the foundation for Jingyi to enter the photovoltaic industry. With the clear development direction, Jingyi keeps strengthen products quality and by means of the unique advantage of source, it created more added values of products for customers. At the present, Jingyi is the only inverter manufacturer that provides EPC service. At present, the EPC model is the mainstream of plant projects. In order to win the customers, Jingyi adjusted its business and cooperation models and developed the cooperation with upstream companies. It provided the added value that its competitors cannot made, which gained the favor of customers. Li Yinglong said, What Jingyi done was not limited to these. In the cooperation, we are not only the constructing side and equipment provider. We also provide our customer the consulting services. Help them analyze capital frame and its proportion and how to generate more power. At the same time, help them realize innovation. 1% Promotion and 10% Profits The domestic plants are in a great number, but the qualities are uneven. The statistics of National Development and Reform Commission shows that the generation capacity of a plant in Inner Mongolia and the Chongming Island project are the same. It is all thanks to the careless in construction and maintenance. Although the profits of plant is mainly relies on module quality, inverter is the key matter that concerns to the efficient and stable operation of the whole plant system. There are two standards of PV inverter: efficient and stable. The return rate of solar plant is generally 8%-10%. 1% conversion rate means 10% extra profit. It is an inevitable difficulty of firming operation capacity for inverter manufacturers. Li Yinglong expressed that PV technology of BIIC was started in 2000 and in 2002 BIIC constructed the first 20kw domestic demonstration solar power plant in Beijing Automation Technology Research Institute. The PV inverter of Jingyi is a result of BIIC continuous promotion of technology. The past 9 years statistics of grid operation is a good proof to the stability of Jingyi inverter. Success Will Come Jingyi Renewable Energy s Admission to Golden Sun Golden Sun projects are the specific movement in promoting PV industry technology and its scale development and in supporting the demonstrate role of solar power technology in various fields. The projects were expected to completed in 2 to 3 years. In principle, the projects that taken into Golden Sun will receive 50% subsidies of the total investment in PV system and its supporting transmission and distribution projects and 70% subsidies of total investment in the independent system in remote areas. It is by means of centralized bidding to fix the key equipments in Golden Sun and photo-electric building. In that way, to ensure equipment quality and decrease cost and enhance government supervision. Thus, avoid the sacrifice of quality caused by the attempt ion of reducing cost. In the equipment bidding of Golden Sun, nationwide 29 inverter manufacturers gathered together to show their quality, cost and strength advantages. Golden Sun projects not only have the demand on enterprises production technology but also on the shipment. It asks bidders with not less than 50MWp shipment of crystal silicon in January to June 2010 and the enterprises must be superior to other 8 in price, technology, quality and product capacity. In the comprehensive evaluation, Jingyi got the highest mark. In the aspect of technology, their big power inverter by independent research and development JYNB-500KHE had got national Golden Sun certification and had passed environment test, EMC test, performance test. The testaments showed that the highest conversion is 98.8%, which is the number one in Chinese PV industry and higher than global average level. Jingyi had made its effort and become successful at last. Li Yinglong said, in the future, we will depend on the large production base in Yanqing to enlarge Jingyi product capacity and further to make our products price be more competitive. 104 / SHINE / February 2011 105 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE 宋博思 : 摘要 :First Solar 改变了合作方式, 转型提供组件, 由中广核负责 EPC 工作, 借助中广核在中国的资源将使其工 作进展更加顺利 ;First Solar 未来在中国的业务方式可能将以销售组件为主 ; 项目三方都在期待上网电价出台 ; 未来 并网问题仍待在内蒙古政府协调下解决 ; 近期 First Solar 成本将降到 66 美分 / 瓦以下 ;First Solar 总裁宋博思在结尾时 用了 一如既往 和 灵活机动 这两个词来对鄂尔多斯和中国业务做了定位, 他们选择了一种更聪明的方式来进采访人 :Shine( 光能 ) 杂志 入中国市场 受采访人 : First Solar 总裁宋博思 (Bruce Sohn) 宋博思 : First Solar 营销和产品管理执行副总裁 TK. 卡伦巴赫 (TK Kallenbach) First Solar 战略及市场运营部中国区代表白凯文 (Kevin J. Berkemeyer) First Solar 总裁宋博思 : 宋博思 : 右侧国家名称对应的颜色块代表 First Solar 在此国家所 设立工厂的光伏模块产能 下面是年份, 从 2005 年至 2012 年 ( 预估 ) 2011 年虚线标出的两个色块代表在对应的两 个国家 ( 马来西亚和德国 ) 即将扩大的产能 按目前进展 预计, 马来西亚的两家新建工厂将于 2011 年第一 二季度投 产 德国的工厂扩建也进展顺利, 预计将于 2011 年三季度投 产 106 / SHINE / February 2011 107 / SHINE / February 2011

星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE 宋博思 : 宋博思 : 白凯文 : TK 卡伦巴赫 : 108 / SHINE / February 2011 109 / SHINE / February 2011

星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE TK 卡伦巴赫 : 宋博思 : TK 卡伦巴赫 : 110 / SHINE / February 2011 111 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALL Y ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE film s low-light power system and less effect by temperature difference and also the present situation of First Solar production: it is reported by German Energy Group JUWI2009 that with same power rate, the generating capacity by cadmium telluride thin-film modules is 3-5.7% higher than by crystalline silicon module; In 2012, First Solar capacity will achieve to a surprising number 2.742GW. Interviewer: Shine Magazine Interviewees: Bruce Sohn, First Solar CEO TK Kallenbach, First Solar Executive Vice President of Marketing and Product Management Kevin J. Berkemeyer, First Solar Strategy and Market Operation Department, China Representative A Curving Flight First Solar Cooperates with CGN for Ordos Project to Open up Chinese Market Abstract: First Solar has changed cooperation mode to start to supply solar modules, EPC is charged by CGN, with whose recourses in China, First Solar can develop more smoothly; First Solar may take solar module supply as the main business in China; All the three parties are looking forward to the policy for on-grid price; The problem for connect to the grid in future still need to be coordinated by government of Inner Mongolia; Within years, First Solar will cut down the cost to less than $66 cents/w; Bruce Sohn, CEO of First Solar, fixed the position for First Solar business in Ordos and other parts of China by two words: Consistent and Flexible, They have chosen a much wiser way to enter Chinese market. Year 2010 is mingled hope and fear towards First Solar: the PV EPC and start to sell modules in accordance with German market market is flourishing while thin film solar cell market drop down strategy rather than building power station in America. Choosing affected by the descent price of polysilicon, however, various CGN as its partner has efficiently opened up the situation, but unfavorable policies appeared in end of year will still make First who will pay the bill for Ordos project is still unknown, Bruce Solar the winner again; In recent investigation that electrical Sohn hopes that the Chinese subsidized policy could come into material and equipment is forbidden to contain six hazardous being as early as possible. materials including cadmium, First Solar was recognized by the Involving in 301 topic, so First Solar refused to make any EU with its qualified module recovery mechanism, and through reviews, and they do not give a clear answer towards the the voting on 24th Nov, First Solar get the sales permission following cooperation with CGN, while author believe that after once again, European Parliament announced that PV modules changing strategy, First Solar will have a smooth development is excluded of the scope of the prohibition; First Solar changed in China, with CGN s power and resources and its super lower strategy to cooperated with CGN to speed up to develop the first cost will make First Solar share more China market. First Solar, phase of the project in Ordos, meanwhile, they have purchased curving flight, It s ShowTime! RayTracker which is focusing on tracking system so to improve Shine Magazine has done the exclusive interview towards Bruce the ability of system installation even strengthen the future Sohn (CEO of First Solar), TK Kallenbach (Executive Vice global system installation including America. President of Marketing and Product Management) and Kevin First Solar has gradually adapted to such a market strategy J. Berkemeyer (China Representative, Supervisor of Ordos change and will see a much brighter prospect. In addition, First project), and make follow-up investigation towards how much Solar start to focus on the module supplier rather than project extra power could be brought to clients with the specialty of thin On the right side, different color shows First Solar local plant solar module capacity in different countries; Period in the bottom: since 2005 to 2010(E). The dashed line marked in 2011 shows the planning expanded capacity (in Malaysia and German). It is planned that two new plants in Malaysia will put into production in the first two seasons of 2011; and German plant will put into production in the third season in 2011. Interview Record as below: Bruce Sohn: Thank you for this chance and I would like to introduce the lately news of First Solar. We officially announce today that First Solar will cooperate with CGN to develop the first phase of Ordos 30MW demonstrate project. First Solar has been committed to low down the cost of solar power generation to the competitive level of conventional energy price. We also committed to bring the most advanced technology to China. We aim to have a long term development in China and make the cost of solar power generation in China market to the competitive level of conventional fossil energy price. We have signed the Memo with CGN today, to combine both sides advantages and to achieve win-win progress. First Solar owns the global top technology for solar module production, the professional skills and the experience and strength in developing solar power plant in global; while, CGN owns rich experience with China market and China power grid. The cooperation between both sides will make efficient promotion to Ordos project. To cooperate with CGN is a very important step to First Solar in the whole developing strategy in China. One and a half years ago, The Chairman Wu Bangguo visited First Solar, and he witnessed the signed the understanding memo between Ordos government and us which shows in future ten years to realize 2GW solar project in Ordos. So this times cooperation with CGN can been taken as the natural extension for that understanding memo, also the natural extension of the approval by Chinese government in 2010 towards the 30MW project feasibility report. It has laid a solid foundation for the open up of this project. Q: Does this memo mean that First Solar has changed from the operator of Ordos project to the supplier of technology and equipment? Why dose this change appear? Bruce Sohn: Actually, we sign this understanding memo is just an extension of similar case in other place in the world. First Solar has 112 / SHINE / February 2011 113 / SHINE / February 2011

星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE developed many similar projects in North America and Europe. During the operation, what we aim is to bring our advanced and special technology into the project, and the actual construction and operation will be taken by other companies. So today our announcement for this memo is also an extension of traditional mode, better combined the advanced professionalism and business ability of two companies. Q: It seems a very different view compared with our last interview in November 2009. Why does this happen? I remember at that time, the plan is to build two committees, one is in charge of project construction and the other is for the production and operation of the technology plant. I d like to know the present status of these two committees. Bruce Sohn: I really appreciate that you still clearly remember the content in the last meeting. The first committee represents those partners with very good relationships, like our company, Ordos government, and Hangjinqi Government (project location) and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government. We have very close cooperation with each other, to make our technology and project well understand by all which can play an important role in edit the feasibility report. It is just a concept and under the cooperation of all parties it has come into true report and finally gets approval which shows the fruit from the first committee. The second committee will be a much higher stage, which mainly discuss the possibility to set up potential manufacturer in China in the future. Today we can say, we have had such discuss. While the more important thing is to discuss the developing trend of Chinese future market, we need to confirm that the market development to a certain degree should be feasible in economy level and the market should be big enough. It can digest China s solar module capacity, but to some extent can also accept those international companies like First Solar. So we need to investigate and make decisions. Our experiences are global, but may not be suitable for local. So we need to find a good partner to realize and finish this project. For this reason, we invite CGN to this committee to develop this project together, combine advantages from both sides and reach win-win progress, aim to achieve a higher quality project development. Q: Some people say that the development of the First Solar is slow, and there is a reason that the Chinese government plans to meddle equipment procurement. I wonder if it is true. Another question, the participation of the CGN means the both sides have reached a compromise? Do you think there is the idea of the First Solar to make a little convenient for the linkage of the electricity grid by the aid of the wide influence of the CGN in China? Because the CGN is one of the major electric powers, so if the project is completed, is there an appropriate power grid to make the First solar connect on state grid successfully? Kevin J. Berkemeyer: Thank you! First of all, for the question of the development of the project, in the process of the project implementation, we haven't changed our aim till now. That is, we will make all the efforts to build a high quality world-class solar power station project in China. In the implementation process, the next crucial and natural step is to introduce the strategic partners like CGN. This is our project planning. At present, we have finished this step. So it is a very natural process, I think this can be the answer to above two questions. With regard to the third question, we have reached an agreement with the government of Ordos. It will build the solar energy project by two auspicious watts in next ten years. The goal will be realized by 2020. The municipal government leadership of Ordos showed us their ambition, far-sight and vision. They wanted to build a new energy zone in Ordos city including not only solar, but also wind, biomass energy etc. The local government leadership also expressed to us that they will provide appropriate and proper infrastructure for project. And also there will be some related services, for instance, making these new energy merge into the grid and on the net in ways that are necessary. This is the plan for the next decade, also is the goal. We have got some support, and I believe that on-grid problem can be solved. TK Kallenbach: I want to introduce some background for the previous several questions, so that we can understand the situation more clearly. We establish strategic partner relationship with CGN, and we both have the clear role positioning. First Solar is always the manufacturer to produce high technology PV modules, and it is a high-tech company, specialized to produce solar equipment. This is our core missions and tasks. We adopt different business models in different markets. Although the project of module sale, we also need to have the actual project to accept, adopt and purchase our modules. So our activity is not the same. Such as in Germany, we just sell and provide modules, and other companies will develop projects and purchase the projects, and also they take charge of design, construction, and operation of the project. We will not participate in these activities, but only sell modules. In Italy, we ourselves make the project development, but other engineering design and construction will be accomplished by the other professional companies. Of course we'll sell modules and provide equipments. In the US, we will also do some development work, and sometimes do the engineering design, while also we provide modules. So business model is not only one pattern, it should make some adjustment by the local situations, so as to get the better effect and accord with our desire and expectation. In China, we decided to build the cooperative partnership with CGN after the investigation. We may also establish a joint venture to develop projects together. Of course, we will provide solar energy modules. Meanwhile, we also provide skills. They will do the main development and construction of the project. But we will provide them with the global experience and relevant engineering design experience so as to help them accomplish project better. The establishment of cooperative partnership with CGN is a natural and logical step for the Chinese strategy, but not the compromise, and also we are not required to do so. This is only for our consistent desire and habits to find such a good partner, and this is surely a natural step. Q: It will be difficult for the photovoltaic power stations without the subsidies in China. At present, it still cannot reach parity on grid. Which kind of subsidy form will be adopted by the Chinese government to the project? If no subsidies, how to determine the plan in the next decade? How to ensure the interests of the owners? Bruce Sohn: First I want to confirm that, without government subsidies, there is no one large-scale solar power project can be in operation without loss in the world until now. First Solar of course is a technology company. We hope that we will become the First competitive company having the Solar technology without subsidies compared to the traditional fossil energy power technology. But now we haven't realized this. We have a future blueprint and will realize the superiority of the solar technology to the traditional energy power generation technology, in the next 3 to 4 years, and realize on-grid parity. This is our prospect for the future. About the economy, we cannot say if it is economically feasible, because we haven t got the final result for the project. For the government subsidies, we believe that it is necessary, because it can give a period of time to the enterprise for the sustainable development in order to achieve the economic feasibility. So the cost will be reduced step by step. The goal to do the pilot project in China is to construct and strengthen the market in economy and then develop and cultivate the market. During the cooperation with the Ordos municipal government, we hope to obtain a good demonstration value by the construction of this kind of solar power project. The participation of the CGN make the project to be a typical example cooperated by an American company, Chinese company and local government. It will be benefit for us to enhance our strength, so as to make solar projects more financially viable for a long term. Q: This is the first thin film solar project in China. The cost of thin film is much lower than that of polysilicon. And in this project, what is the specific investment of per Watt? We know the conversion rate of thin film is lower, and what s the specific number? Will the cost be the greater challenge? Bruce Sohn: Thank you for your question! We are glad to have the chance to share our unique technology advantages with you all. There are many advantages of our technology. First of all is that the process is very fast and it is very simple and convenient. The whole production process is enclosed, in which only need to put into the class. Two and a half hours later, these two pieces of glass will be coated with semiconductor material and be packaged. After put into the production boxes, they can be transport to the customers, it is so fast. The raw silicon material used in the whole production process is only very small part of that in polysilicon technology, which is much less than semiconductor materials. Thus it will certainly reduce the cost. The photoelectric conversion efficiency is rather high. It can in different circumstance convert light to power and the total 114 / SHINE / February 2011 115 / SHINE / February 2011

星光大道 STAR AVENUE 星光大道 STAR AVENUE cost can be said the lowest in the world. Till Q3 last year, we published the production cost statistics that is 77cents per watt and the conversion rate is 11.2%. We are expected to reduce it in 3 to 4 years based on our technology to below 60 cents. Of course, per watt module cost is only one aspect of advantages of technology. There are also some other matters, such as, the production rate is relatively high, it means, power generate rate is high. For our thin film solar module has the property, which is different from the tradition polysiliocn tech. It is with higher generation efficiency with lower cost in the poor sunlight and high temperature situations. partners. And we will cooperate with them to develop the potential in renewable energy. We will not only think about the economic power when choosing partner. That is not the only matter. We will take into account the following aspects: whether it can promote the renewable energy and the long-term and sustainable development of new energy? Whether it can make the price of green energy easy to accept? That is the most important standards we choose partners in the future five years. We will cooperate with CGN for a long time. We won t leave in the near future. On the other hand, we have the advantage that when consider the cost, we also take into the consideration the whole project life line cycle. That is to say, the other tech property is it can generate more modules with smaller consumption of energy, which we usually called short energy payback period. What s more, we also have the advantage in environment protection. Q: Currently, the biggest PV market is Europe, but Europe now is having a trend that the governments cut the subsidies year by year, so that Europe will face a shrinking situation. In this case, in First Solar s opinion, where is the future direction of the global PV market? Which countries or regions will focus on? First solar is the first company that implement for pre-paid recycling mechanism after the expiration of the production cycle. That is to say, after the expiration of the production cycle, class and semiconductor materials can be recycle. We will make them purified and re-product and the recycle cost has been paid previously. So we created a circular economy mode recycling, environment protection and cost reducing. So we are very glad to answer your question. We have answered why we come to China and why we chose China Guangdong Nuclear (CGN). What we brought to China and our partner is the advantages in unique technology and professional ability. That is unique in the world and we hope to bring that to Chinese market. Q: What are the reasons for choosing CGN as your cooperation partner? In the future projects, do you have think about develop other partner? If so, do you have some standards for them? TK Kallenbach: What you just said is correct, indeed, some European countries are discussing about take back or cancel the FiT, other countries have similar discussions. But we believe that cutting or canceling the FiT policy may not be a bad thing for our industry. Our CEO Bruce Sohn just said that also, the subsidies cannot be permanent; it will be canceled sooner or later. The purpose of subsidies is only to help the industry matured gradually, foster a better market. The subsidies cannot be existed forever. The subsidies are to make the sustainable development of the industry, and make it work at economic aspect in short-term. Therefore, our company do not mind about the subsidies are being reduced gradually. We think this situation is inevitable, sooner or later. The solar power generation technology will integrate other power generation technology, and make the industry more competitive. meet the demand. Solar energy can serve as a good supplement. Or in some places, there are strong alternative for the traditional energy power plant, or in some places, using the expensive traditional energy sources, such as diesel fuel, in those places which the energy prices are expensive, the solar energy will have a place. Q: Last year, some companies have stopped the thin film business, what s your opinion about the future of thin film technology? for the technical specifications, and have a good cost structure, continue to lower costs, and enable to sustainable development. Therefore, we believe that thin film technology will continue to be a superior technology in solar PV market, due to the cost is relatively low, and the output of power generation and energy efficiency are high, and advantages in environmental protection aspect. A few comments in the end, during the whole 2010 year, First Solar sales 1.4 GW of high-tech PV modules, and constructed TK Kallenbach: Of course we have some standards in choosing cooperate partner in Ordos project. Actually, we have communicated with many power and electric companies, including some stateowned enterprises in June and July last year. We had to know what they think of us and our project. Finally, we choose CGN, for we think CGN is the best and the most appropriate one according to our select standards. It is not limited at economic aspect. We need to choose one who will help us realize that project. There are also other matters, such as, whether they have such experience? The 10MW solar project in Dun Huang has provided CNG some successful experience. About the future, we ll also keep to cooperate with other But in many regions of the world, due to the different light radiation and natural conditions, the subsidy model is not the same, too. Such as the southwestern of United States is currently developing rapidly, mainly due to the subsidies are not only in the electricity price aspect, and also have the policies of tax cuts or tax-free for the investment or the loan guarantees, and such policies are enough to drive the market started or even blooming. Therefore, in our opinion, for the next five years, the North American market will be developed gradually, as well as India, Australia and China, those regions have strong light radiation, the natural conditions are much better than Europe. In some places, in case of large demand for the electricity or the existing traditional fossil energy sources, such as coal, cannot Bruce Sohn: Thin film technology requires highly specialization, strong engineering strength and profound basic science come together, is a very complex technology. Cannot be tested only in the laboratory, need industrialization and large-scale production, especially if it needs high-quality and low-cost production, then need to solve more difficult problems about the engineering aspect, this is a high-end technology. The engineering team of First Solar has spent many years to improve the technical strength and refine our technology constantly before we get today s results. We think that the technology has many advantages, not only meet the relevant targets and requirements 150 MW of solar power plant. In 2011, we expect to sale 2 GW, and construct over 300 MW of solar power plant. Each power plant, we are not developed independently, there are a partner, and usually, the partners are large, well-known, respected and strong power generation companies, such as NRG, EDF, etc. Now CGN become one of our partners, and CGN is a large, well-known and respected power generation company, we look forward to complete the Ordos project together, and obtain success in Chinese market. For the Ordos project, we will implement it in a flexible way as always, thank you. 116 / SHINE / February 2011 117 / SHINE / February 2011

商 业 BUSINESS 商业 合作 商 业 BUSINESS BUSINESS COOPERATION CNPV成为Donauer在中国的主要供应商 CNPV Becomes the Major Chinese Supplier for Donauer Solartechnik 来源 索比太阳能网 Source Solarbe com GT Solar获得天合光 能2380万美元订单 GT Solar Receives $23.8 Million Order from Trina Solar 来源 美国商业资讯 Source BUSINESS WIRE GT Solar International Inc 纳斯达克股票代码 SOLR 是面向太阳能 LED和其他专业市场提供多晶硅生 产技术以及蓝宝石和硅晶体生长系统的全球供应商 该公 司宣布 其已经获得了来自天合光能有限公司总价值达到 2380万美元的两份DSS450HPTM晶体铸锭生长系统订单 䔔䐢䇳 )URP OHIW WR ULJKW 8OI +HUPHQDX &139 㬣 㼛㬼 % 9HHUUDMX &KDXGDU\ &139㬸㻐䊬䇋 ᱃㬸㻐ゝ㭖 デⰎ㬣 䊒 5XGROI 'RQDXHU 'RQDXHU 6RODUWHFKQLN㬸㻐䐕㾱 &DUO )UHXGKRHIHU 'RQDXHU 6RODUWHFKQLN㬸㻐 CNPV光伏集团 业界领先的太阳能光伏产品综合制造 商 与Donauer 太阳能科技公司建立长期战略合作伙伴关 系 Donauer是一家业界领先的工程开发商及太阳能光伏组 件 太阳能产品的供应商 在可再生能源行业拥有15年的 丰富经验 根据合作协议 CNPV 将于2011年至2013年向 Donauer提供总数达200MWp 的高性能光伏组件 按计划 2011年交付40MWp 剩余的60MWp 和 100MWp 组件分 别于2012年和2013年交付 这些订单将被纳入GT Solar当前的2011财年第三季度的未结 订单中 GT Solar总裁兼首席执行官Tom Gutierrez说 天合光 能是最顶尖的10大光伏电池和组件制造商之一 我们很高 兴他们选择了我们的DSS450HP系统来满足他们的铸锭生长 生产需求 凭借经过验证的性能和可靠性 我们的晶体铸 锭生长系统可以为客户提供价值 并帮助光伏制造商降低 他们的制造成本 GT Solar International, Inc. (NASDAQ: SOLR), a global provider of polysilicon production technology, and sapphire and silicon crystalline growth systems and materials for the solar, LED and other specialty markets, announced that it has received CNPV Solar Power SA, a public limited liability company two orders totaling $23.8 million order from Trina Solar for organized under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg its DSS450HP crystalline ingot growth systems. The orders and a leading integrated manufacturer of solar photovoltaic will be included in GT Solar s backlog for its current Q3 FY11, products, announced that it has entered into a long-term strategic which ends on January 1, 2011. partnership agreement with Donauer Solartechnik Vertriebs GmbH, a leading project developer and supplier of solar Trina Solar is one of the top ten PV cell and module photovoltaic and solar thermal products, with over 15 years' manufacturers and we are pleased that they have selected our experience in the renewable energy sector. DSS450HP systems to meet their ingot growth production Under the terms of this strategic agreement, CNPV will supply needs, said Tom Gutierrez, GT Solar s president and CEO. Our Donauer with a total of 200MWp of high performance PV crystalline ingot growth systems provide value to customers Modules from 2011 to 2013. Scheduled deliveries within the because of their proven performance and reliability and help PV agreement include 40MWp during 2011 as well as 60MWp and manufacturers lower their cost of manufacturing. 100MWp in 2012 and 2013 respectively. THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV 118 / SHINE / February 2011 119 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 商业 BUSINESS 商业 BUSINESS JA Solar to Provide Technical Support to tenksolar SECP Partners with POSCO Power to Build the World's Largest Solar Power Plant JinkoSolar Holdings has signed an agreement with Innovalight granting JinkoSolar the right to purchase Innovalight s silicon ink and license its processing technology for the manufacturing of solar cells. Innovalight's silicon ink provides a unique, cost-effective solution that is able to significantly improve the efficiency of our solar cells with a simple one-step JinkoSolar Signed Agreement with Innovalight upgrade to our existing cell production Manufacturing of Solar Cells lines. JinkoSolar is looking at this contract with Innovalight s technology to yield efficiencies over 18.6% in its monocrystalline solar cells during the first half of 2011. In addition to its agreement with JinkoSolar, Innovalight has been making a series of deals with cell makers such as Solarfun, Yingli Green and JA Solar. JA Solar Holdings Co Ltd, one of the world's largest solar product makers, said it has entered an agreement with U.S.-based photovoltaic systems development firm tenksolar Inc to provide technological support. Pursuant to the agreement, JA Solar will supply high-efficiency "SECIUM" solar cell technology for use in tenksolar's RAIS rooftop array. Sustainable Energy Capital Partners (SECP), a California-based developer of renewable energy projects, announced a joint venture partnership with POSCO Power to develop and build a 300-megawatt (MW) photovoltaic solar power plant in Boulder City, Nevada. The Boulder City power plant adds to SECP's growing portfolio of more than 400MW of solar projects in the Southwestern United States. For POSCO Power, the largest independent power producer in South Korea, this opportunity represents the first overseas renewable energy project developed without the involvement of their parent company, POSCO. It is anticipated that the 19% power generating efficiency of SECTUM solar cells when utilized in the RAIS array of tenksolar deploying static reflection as its patented celloptimizing construction will deliver a peak power efficiency of over 25%. Its leading-edge solar cells will help tenksolar to have a PV system with higher energy density output for commercial flat rooftop and space-constrained ground-mount projects, thus reducing the cost of delivered energy. The combined technology is expected to provide increased rooftop energy generation at a reduced installation cost. GCL-Poly Signed a Long-term Contract with Canadian Solar to Supply 5,200MW of Wafer and Polysilicon Products GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited is pleased to announce that it as signed a long-term supplementary contract with Canadian Solar Inc., the largest and world leading vertically-integrated manufacturer of PV modules, to supply wafer and polysilicon products. The Company will provide Canadian Solar with a total of 5,200MW of wafer and polysilicon products from January 2011 to December 2015. Canadian Solar had a dispute with LDK about the wafer supply before, so they switch to GCL-Poly, and a price adjustment mechanism is included in the contract. 120 / SHINE / February 2011 121 / SHINE / February 2011

商业 BUSINESS 商业 BUSINESS LDK Solar Agrees to Acquire 70% of Solar Power, Inc. for $33 Million LDK Solar Co., Ltd. ("LDK Solar") (NYSE: LDK), a leading manufacturer of multicrystalline solar wafers, high purity polysilicon and PV products, and Solar Power, Inc. ("SPI") (OTC Bulletin Board: SOPW), announced today that LDK Solar agreed to acquire a 70% interest in SPI for approximately $33 million. LDK Solar's investment provides strategic benefits to both parties. The transaction significantly strengthens SPI's balance sheet, which will enable the acceleration of the development of its project pipeline, which primarily consists of utility-scale power plants and commercial/industrial distributed generation systems. SPI's growing development portfolio and pipeline, in turn, should provide LDK Solar with enhanced downstream benefit to its vertical integration model through module supply for large scale projects. In addition, LDK Solar will purchase certain components of SPI's manufacturing equipment and assume total manufacturing control of SPI's former module manufacturing facility in Shenzhen, China. SPI will maintain a separate logistical team in Shenzhen to enhance project development, design and related project management functions at a new location in Shenzhen. The transition in manufacturing is strategic; allowing SPI to focus on development and construction of large scale and utility scale U.S. solar projects, while maintaining product quality and enhancing its competitive position. As a vertically integrated manufacturer and supplier of photovoltaic (PV) products, LDK Solar has more than 20,000 employees worldwide. 122 / SHINE / February 2011 123 / SHINE / February 2011

THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 商业 BUSINESS 商业 BUSINESS 商业项目 BUSINESS PROJECT First Solar Enters Indian Market First Solar, said in the annual report in 2009 that they would enter the Indian market, and finally succeeded by the end of 2010. First Solar will import 15 million watts (MWp) of cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar panels to power India ACME Tele Power. ACME is expected to install solar panels in India's Gujarat province in northwest. Since the Indian government said its target of 20GWp to install solar panels by 2020 and set FIT policy in 2010, First Solar does have the idea to enter the Indian market, but it didn't have any effect in 2009. This cooperation with ACME isn't the first agreement for First Solar cooperating with Indian enterprises. Recently, First Solar talked about entering to Indian market again, Rob Gillette, CEO of First Solar said in last October that First Solar's panels will be erected in India in 2011. With as a vast land of India, large population and pro-active policy, many commentators think India is on an equal footing with the mainland on the clean energy market. However, India still need to solve issues about lack of electricity transmission. According to the statistics conducted by the Pew Charitable, India ranking tenth on private investment in clean energy in 2009, and it would like to reach to the third with 10 years if India obeys the agreement in Copenhagen. The amount of investment could reach $125 billion and is expected to reach $169 billion if if India adopted a more active policy. FIT is mainly set by government, usually the price will be higher than coal and natural gas, in this way can German and Europe become the most active countries using solar energy. But FIT in India has some differences, however, the price set by government is just a guideline, developers are still need to bid and the lowest can get the bid. SunPower Finalizes Sale of 13 MW Italian Plant SunPower Corp. has completed the sale of its 13 megawatt (MW) Italian Solare Roma solar power plant, for an undisclosed amount, to Allianz Renewable Energy Partners IV Ltd. SunPower designed and built the solar power plant, located in the municipality of Anguillara, Province of Rome, and will provide ongoing operations and maintenance services for the new owner. "The finalized sale of the Solare Roma power plant, along with our recently announced Montalto di Castro 44 MW solar park, completes our 2010 plan to develop, construct and monetize 85 MWs of projects in Italy," commented Dennis Arriola, SunPower chief financial officer. "We're pleased with our accomplishments in 2010 and are well positioned to continue our success in 2011." Construction Kicks off on Bulgaria s 45MW Solar Project 124 / SHINE / February 2011 125 / SHINE / February 2011

商业 BUSINESS 商业 BUSINESS NEOptions, the Bulgarian Development Collaborative and SDN spent three years working together to produce what they claim as the largest solar PV project in Bulgaria and one of the largest in the EU: a 45MW solar PV project made up of one 20MW installation and another 25MW solar PV installation in the towns of Samovodene and Zlataritsa, Bulgaria. Construction has started on the solar PV project, with 5MW already completed. Although Bulgaria s Economy and Energy Minister Traicho Traikov recently revealed that the country s renewable energy legislation will begin to complement that of laws in the European Union, NEOptions admitted that the project took much planning and diligence as Bulgaria is fairly new to the solar PV arena. "Large scale renewable energy development projects especially in new EU countries where there is no track record and experience in the construction and operation of such facilities is especially challenging, and it takes a great deal of work to put the right partnerships and structures together to ensure the success," said President of NEOptions, Angelina Galiteva. NEOptions brought past experience with PV projects as well as the preparation for solicitation materials, project descriptions and preliminary engineering so that the project could gain a practical investor. Borislav Sarandev lead the Bulgarian Development Collaborative during the three years of preparation for the projects, including the site selection, land acquisition and securing the numerous, but necessary, permits, licenses and interconnection documents needed to get the turnkey project off the ground. "Professionalism and understanding of local policies, regulations and relationships is what guaranteed this development team's fast track permit approval and rapid start on construction of this solar park," concluded Galiteva. Bosideng Group Enters the Solar Silicon Industry The famous garment enterprises Bosideng Group has entered PV industry. Bosideng Holding Group Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Kangbo Technology Co., Ltd. jointly invested 60 billion to build a high purity silicon project with annual output of 6000 tons. This new PV project invest 3 billion yuan for first-stage project and with annual output of 3000 tons after production. After all put into operation, it can form an annual output of 6,000 tons of high purity silicon, and annual production value is expected to achieve 10 billion yuan. In recent years, with the booming of PV industry, prospect of photovoltaic applications market is wide around the world, high-purity silicon material is highly demanded. Gao Dekang, president of Bosideng International Holdings Limited, said that beside doing well in traditional clothing industry, they also actively seize the strategic development of new opportunities in emerging industries, solar photovoltaic project is a useful attempt in its development of high-tech and new materials. 126 / SHINE / February 2011 127 / SHINE / February 2011

商业 BUSINESS 商业 BUSINESS Kyocera Solar Receives 204 MW Module The Domestic Largest Amorphous Order from Thailand Silicon Power Plant Located in Wuhai The 2MW amorphous silicon photovoltaic power station of Golden Sun projects which declare by Wuhai Blue Star Glass Group Holding Co., Ltd in 2009, got strong support from Wuhai government, started construction from July 2010. The 2MW amorphous silicon power station located in the Qianlishan Industrial Park, covers an area of 131,500 m², installed power of 2MW, the amorphous silicon cell modules which used in the power station are from Weihai Blue Star Zhong Bo Photovoltaic Co., Ltd, the advanced inverter equipments are from Germany KACO new energy, Inc, the power station also used the domestic quality distribution boxes, cables, etc. Weihai Blue Star Zhong Bo Photovoltaic Co., Ltd. as a technical support unit, the first phase of 500 KW has been completed, the second phase of 1500KW is expected to be completed in August 2011. Then, it will become the domestic largest amorphous silicon plant. Annual energy output of the project could reach 3,606,790 kwh, annual savings of 1,363.67 tons of standard coal, emission reduction of carbon dioxide 3894.44 tons, sulfur dioxide 102 tons, and nitrogen oxides 51.14 tons, in the operating cycle of the project of 25 years, a total saving of 34,019.75 tons of standard coal, emission reduction of carbon dioxide 97,361 tons, sulfur dioxide 2,550 tons, and nitrogen oxides 1278.5 tons. Produce good economic, social and ecological benefits. The design, installation and operation of Wuhai 2MW power plant will be the first project which is able to generate electricity, effectively improve the desert environment, and recover the desert vegetation, provide new experiences for the governance of desert region in future. Kyocera has agreed to supply roughly one million solar modules equivalent to 204-megawatts for Thailand's largest solar power project, which is being implemented by Solar Power Co., Ltd. Under the project, 6MW "Solar Farms" are to be constructed at 34 sites concentrated in northeastern Thailand. In total, the Solar Farm project will provide electricity for the local area with an annual power output sufficient for roughly 170,000 average Thai households. "We chose Kyocera modules for this project due to their high quality and reliability, and the company's 35 years of experience in the industry. With these we plan to deliver the benefits of the sun's energy to the people of Thailand," stated the president of Solar Power Co., Ltd., Ms. Wandee Khunchornyakong. The Solar Farm Project is being planned, constructed and managed by Solar Power Co., Ltd., and the power generated from the project will be routed to the Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand (PEA) and then supplied to homes and businesses. The project plans to build 34 individual 6MW Solar Farms for a total output of 204MW. In order to reduce its energy dependency, Thailand has been aggressively pursuing the adoption of energysaving products and alternative energies. The Thai Government has announced a plan to install 500MW of solar power by 2022. "Kyocera is honored to be able to contribute to meeting the renewable energy targets of Thailand," stated Kyocera Corporation vice president and general manager of the Corporate Solar Energy Group, Mr. Tatsumi Maeda. "We have a proven track record of supplying modules for large-scale solar power plants across the globe, including projects in Spain, Germany and the U.S., and we will deliver a stable supply of high-quality products for the completion of this project." 128 / SHINE / February 2011 129 / SHINE / February 2011

商业 BUSINESS 财经 FINANCE 商业认证 BUSINESS CERTIFICATION TÜV Tianwei New Energy (Yangzhou) Awarded Certificate by TÜV Abengoa Solar Closes $1.45 Billion Financing TÜV for the World s Largest Solar Generation Plant Sungrow Power's Three-phase PV Inverter Got TÜV Certification Abengoa Solar announced that it has finalized $1.45 billion financing to build Solana, the world s largest parabolic trough concentrating solar plant. This plant, with a total investment of TÜV SG10KTL/12KTL/15KTL TÜV around $2 Billion, will generate 250 net megawatts (MW). The Solana project is the first large-scale solar plant in the United States capable of storing the energy it generates. Solana will include six hours of molten salt thermal energy storage TÜV capability, which will allow energy to be dispatched as needed during cloudy periods and after sunset. With this capability, Solana will be able to generate electricity well into the evening to help meet the summer peak demand for air conditioning. TÜV The plant s construction and operation will produce muchneeded tax income for local communities and the state of Arizona, and support the nation s goals for energy independence and developing a clean energy economy. Good news from Tianwei New Energy (Yangzhou), awarded Abengoa Solar estimates that the Solana project will create the TÜV Rheinland certificate from TÜV Rheinland (Shanghai) between 1,600 to 1,700 new construction jobs and over 85 Co.,Ltd, marks the company as the added plant of Tianwei New Three-phase SG10KTL/12KTL/15KTL produced by Sungrow permanent jobs. Approximately 98 percent of the jobs created Energy (Chengdu), parts of the products obtain the permit to Power successfully got TÜV certification. This is the first time by the project will be American jobs, primarily in Arizona, in enter European market. for Sungrow Power's 10 ~ 15kW three-phase grid-connected addition to neighboring states. solar power inverter to get TÜV certification after SG3KTL/ Additionally a mirror manufacturing factory will be built in The TÜV certificate is only the start for Tianwei New Energy SG4KTL/5KTL low power single-phase grid-connected inverter Surprise, Arizona to supply the mirrors needed for the Solana (Yangzhou) Co., Ltd to authenticate their products. The got certification. project. The mirror factory will employ almost 180 people, leaders of the company pay a lot of attention to the certificate adding to the number of direct jobs created by Solana. This new work, the company also got lots of support from brothersister This is the first certification for Sungrow Power's three-phase, facility will provide Arizona with the foundation upon which to corporations, technical department to do their best, other and it is also in China. With this certification, it further validate expand its solar energy technology manufacturing capabilities departments work together. From formulate the rigorous work its superior PV inverter reliability and security, and make it and to support future CSP projects. plan to closely follow and actively coordinate, to promote the more abundant for the product model type which has passed Abengoa Solar is currently building 930 MW of solar plants work forward. The successful passing of the TÜV certificate, international certification products, and meet overseas market worldwide and, with an additional 193 MW already operating, further expand the market for the company s products. access requirements, and supply a strong support for medium it is the only company worldwide building and operating both power solar inverters to enter Europe market which is said to be trough and power tower CSP plants. The Solana plant will be the hottest, it also lay a solid foundation for them to accelerate Abengoa Solar s fourteenth CSP plant worldwide. the expansion of its international PV market. 130 / SHINE / February 2011 131 / SHINE / February 2011

财 经 FINANCE Abound Solar获 4亿美元扩张产能 Abound Solar Gets $ 400 Million for Capacity Boost 来源 ecoseed org SunEdison获罗维戈电 厂2 3亿欧元重要付款 SunEdison Receives Final 230 Million Milestone Payment for Rovigo Plant Source ecoseed org 美国能源部为Abound solar提供4亿美元贷款担保 以 扩大公司在科罗拉多州和印第安纳州厂房的薄膜太阳能电 池板产能 这笔资金将有助Abound Solar提高科罗拉多州朗蒙特 和印第安纳州蒂普顿两电厂的镉碲薄膜太阳能电池板的产 量 朗蒙特的第二条生产线将于今年投产 两个电厂将采用新的制造技术 将镉碲化薄膜沉积到 玻璃面板 这项技术是首次应用于商业生产 Abound solar 表示 与晶体硅板相比 该技术将降低总生产成本 显著 较少温室气体的排放量 如果全线生产 该项目每年会生产840兆瓦的太阳能电 池板 创造1200个绿色的制造运营就业机会 其中1000个 在科罗拉多州 其余200个在印第安纳州 为中西部地区 包括威斯康星州 明尼苏达州 田纳西州和俄亥俄州的供 应链提供1600个工作岗位 科 技 TECHNOLOGY THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV MAGAZINE IN CHINA 李 默 Tasita Li First Reserve完成了对SunEdison位于意大利东北部 电源优化 模拟及电源管理解决方案为太 阳能光伏产业带来更高的能源效率 䔘䎀 /HVOLH %DQH 㗡 コ 㳆㲌䂕㚽ゐ 㔘䄖㹒 㪛㲍㻖㵔䍞㔵ⷀ.HYLQ.D\VHU 㗡 コ 㳆㲌䂕㚽ゐ 㔘䄖㹒 ⷀ 㬱 䇋㼛 罗维戈镇附近的70MW罗维戈电站的最后一笔2 3亿欧元的 里程碑付款 在与SunEdison 合资的罗维戈电站中 First 作为人类主力开发的下一代重要能源 太阳能光伏 PV 成 这些光伏组件光伏组件将阳光转化为直流电能 并由 Reserve拥有2 76亿欧元的资产 第一笔4600万欧元的重要 市场以高达30 以上的年增长率 在过去10年来不断吸引了 集中式逆变器将直流电转为交流电 然后才输往电网 整 付款在去年十月份交付于SunEdison 最后一笔款项已于12 众多投资者 事实上 开发太阳能光伏的基本技术早在50 个业界虽然一直致力于提高发电量 但这方面的技术研发 月23号付清 年前便已面世 但这方面的技术一直没有很大的进展 正 工作却一直以提高太阳能光伏组件光伏组件的效率为主 SunEdison总裁Carlos Domenech表示 罗维戈电站的 因如此 目前市场上的太阳能组件及逆变器技术似乎在成 或集中开发有助于提高发电量的先进生产工艺 但若要将 发展是SunEdison的一项重大成就 这是2010年中具有决定 本效益及回报上还未能达到用户的要求 使这种能源技术 太阳能的发电成本降低至与传统电网相当的水平 上述的 性意义的时刻 在过去的十个月中 设计和开发了欧洲最 被广泛使用 并成为一个无需依靠政府补贴而可持续发展的 研发方向预计不会取得理想的成果 因为其中涉及的成本 大的单一运营的光伏电站之一 并且与项目投资人一起拟 产业 但自从业界成功引进直流 直流电源优化器以及直流 往往很高 而且效率较低 例如 晶体硅光伏组件虽然在 定了必要的融资结构 与地方政府机构一起实现了政府的 交流微逆变器等分布式集成电路技术之后 太阳能产业便 效率方面有一定幅度的提升 升幅约为每年0 5 但其他方 可再生能源目标并创造了工作岗位 结合了最合适的人才 开始了新一轮翻天覆地的技术变革 面的性能基本上与20年前无异 过去10年来 薄膜光伏组 和技术来实现这个太阳能发电站的建设 罗维戈电站是对 件的单位发电成本虽然有明显的下跌 但目前尚未证明这 SunEdison提供的实力 经验以及人才的最好证明 种技术具有长期的稳定性 与此同时 由于美国政府为光 伏太阳能用户提供了可观的补贴 因此10年来太阳能系统 SunEdison表示会继续对项目的运营管理和电厂维护负 The United States Department of Energy made a $400 million loan guarantee for Abound Solar Manufacturing L.L.C. to expand the manufacturing capacity of thin-film solar panels in the latter s Colorado and Indiana facilities. The funding will help Abound Solar ramp up production of cadmium-telluride thin-film solar panels in its manufacturing plants in Longmont, Colorado and Tipton, Indiana. A second production line will be added in Longmont in 2011. Both facilities will use a new manufacturing technology that deposits thin films of cadmium-telluride onto glass panels a process that has never been deployed at the commercial level. Abound Solar said the technology will shrink overall production costs and release a significantly smaller amount of greenhouse gas emissions compared with crystalline silicon panels. At full capacity, the project will produce 840 megawatts of solar panels annually. It will also create 1,200 green jobs for manufacturing and operations, with Indiana accounting for 1,000 jobs and Colorado the remaining 200. The project will support 1,600 ongoing supply chain jobs across the Midwest region, including Wisconsin, Minnesota, Tennessee and Ohio, the company said. 的市场渗透率大幅飙升 新建系统的总发电量高达十亿瓦 责 GW 以上 预计2010年全新安装的太阳能光伏系统的总发 First Reserve gave SunEdison the final milestone payment of 230 million for the 70MW Rovigo solar power plant located in the northeast region of Italy and near the town of Rovigo. First Reserve obtained the Rovigo plant for 276 million through a joint venture with SunEdison. The first milestone payment of 46 million was paid to SunEdison in October 2010, with the final payment produced on December 23. "The development and sale of the Rovigo power plant was a major achievement and defining moment for SunEdison in 2010," stated Carlos Domenech, president of SunEdison. "In less than ten months, we designed and developed one of the largest single operating solar power plants in Europe. In addition, we worked with project investors to develop the finance structures needed, reached out to local government agencies to understand their renewable energy goals and job creation needs, and brought the right people and technologies together to make this project a reality. The Rovigo project is a testament to the strength, experience and the talent that SunEdison offers." SunEdison has agreed to continue managing the operations and maintenance of the power plant. 电容高达15至17GW 部分国家如德国更长期为太阳能用户 提供高额的政府电力回购制度 Feed in Tariff FIT 极大地 拉动了太阳能光伏的市场需求 太阳能光伏产业面对的挑 战是如何深入了解现有太阳能系统的实际市场环境以及相 关的技术问题 以确保一旦政府停止提供补贴 这个市场 仍然可以继续高速发展 㵝 䇤ゐ䐱㬞0337ゝ㭖 㶙㲌䂕㚽 ⴝ㻖㵔 我们若仔细比较太阳能光伏系统及集成电路的发展历 史 便会发现两者都大约在50年前开始发展 期间 同业 之间的竞争令集成电路无论在工艺还是专利技术方面都不 断有新的突破 成本也大幅下降 但相比之下 太阳能技 术的改进则极为有限 例如仅在效率及稳定性方面有所提 升 太阳能发电厂仍然由太阳能光伏组件光伏组件阵列组 㵝 䅖䇑ゑ㬈㞅㸫㳃 THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV 132 / SHINE / February 2011 133 / SHINE / February 2011

科技 TECHNOLOGY 科技 TECHNOLOGY 图 3: 太阳能系统组件采用美国国家半导体的集成电路 134 / SHINE / February 2011 135 / SHINE / February 2011

科技 TECHNOLOGY 科技 TECHNOLOGY Power Optimization Analog and Power Management Solutions Deliver Energy Efficiency to the Photovoltaic (PV) Industry Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy, the next big frontier in energy generation, has been drawing big investors over the past 10 years as solar continues to deliver 30%+ year on year growth. The basics of solar PV started over 50 years ago, and it has remained largely unchanged technology wise since the beginning. As such, the current technology suite of modules and inverters does not seem to be meeting all of the financial needs and returns to drive the industry towards the widespread adoption necessary to create a sustainable industry without relying on government subsidies. With the advent of distributed electronics, ranging from DC-DC power optimizers to DC-AC micro-inverters, the solar industry is undergoing a complete revolution in technology. Figure 1. Grid-tied PV system with centralized MPPT Let s compare the history of solar PV and integrated circuits (ICs). Both started roughly 50 years ago. While ICs have seen continual new process technologies, intellectual property breakthroughs, and extreme cost reductions (all driven from the electronics industry), solar PV has seen only modest changes through incremental gains of efficiency and reliability. A solar PV power plant still consists of arrays of solar modules, which convert sunlight to DC energy, and centralized inverters which By Leslie Bane, Sr. Manager, Ecosystem Strategy Kevin Kayser, Senior Marketing Manager National Semiconductor s Solar IC Business Unit convert DC to AC energy for the electric grid. Historically, research and development efforts aimed at increasing energy output have been directed towards increasing solar cell efficiency, or in developing streamlined manufacturing processes for higher energy yields. However, these are almost always expensive avenues and consequently inefficient routes to grid parity. For example, solar crystalline modules have incrementally improved via efficiency gains (typically 0.5% annually), but otherwise remain effectively the same as twenty years ago. Thin film modules have had better $/W metrics over the past 10 years, but have yet to prove long term reliability. Solar has grown dramatically over the past 10 years with gigawatts of new installations due to lucrative government incentives. For example, solar PV is expected to install roughly 15 to 17GW in new solar installations in 2010. Countries like Germany with their consistent and lucrative Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) have largely driven this demand. The challenge for the industry is how to fully understand and deal with the real world and technology problems that exist with the solutions available on the market to ensure this high growth continues unabated even as the incentives are eliminated. Figure 2 Shading and Mismatch It is these problems (or impairments) that have led a couple of well-known companies (and a slew of start-ups) to work towards developing new technologies to address PV s issues in the field. The problem with PV arrays is that they are like a string of Christmas lights in that a problem with one module affects all of the modules in the string, and each string can ultimately affect the other strings in the array. More accurately, PV system mismatches occur when voltage and current combinations do not match up, and can be caused by a number of reasons, such as partial shade, moving clouds, reflections from nearby objects, varying module tilt angles and orientations, soiling, differential aging, microcracks and temperature variations across a solar array (see Figure 2). These mismatches exist to some degree in all PV systems, but the losses created by these mismatches are often overlooked or underestimated. Many independent studies have shown that as little as 10% shade can mean up to 50% power loss for the array. Solar systems today try to overcome this problem through central inverter special algorithms, called Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), which works to adjust the array DC link voltage to capture as much power as possible. The limitation of this approach is that the inverter cannot see into the strings and modules of the array and can only make limited, slow adjustments. Power optimization technology, or power optimizers, were first introduced into the market in 2008 by National Semiconductor, leveraging core analog and power management electronics to increase efficiency across PV installations by optimizing output at the most granular level...the module. Collaboration between those providing the electronics and those providing the module has grown closer over the past 12-18 months. For example, National Semiconductor, the leader in distributed electronics and power optimization for solar, recently announced their collaboration with Suntech, the world s largest crystalline module manufacturer. (Figure 3). Figure 3 National Semiconductor ICs into Modules The integration of electronics within the system is a valueadd since the main purpose of a power optimizer is to recover lost energy on any given module due to impairments, and also boost energy of every module in order to achieve the utmost in energy efficiency despite the time of day or the month of the year. Power optimizers, whose main function is to provide DC-DC optimization through MPPT, have reported up to 25% in additional energy harvest over the life of a system (usually 25 years). This has gotten the attention of many financiers that are leery of their initial 25 year return on investment (ROI) projections or those that are years into monitoring their system and find the actual performance is far from initial ROI projections. There are a few DC-DC power optimizer solutions on the market today and the key is to investigate further the different architectures, as each brings different results. For example, when you adjust the MPPT of the modules within an impaired string, some modules need to buck (lower) the voltage and some need to boost (increase) the voltage. This buck-boost architecture has advantages in increasing energy harvest and providing the most efficient design approach. Some optimizers offer a buck only solution, which is highly efficient from a power conversion point of view, but not from an energy harvest point of view. Similarly, some optimizers offer a boost only solution, which boosts a modules voltage to a DC link voltage but the high current and narrow input voltage range is limited in its tolerance to handle shaded situations. While all new technologies take time to gain acceptance and time to optimize their design, power optimizers are already gaining momentum in the industry due to their high reliability and warranty that matches that of the module manufacturer. Module manufacturers have realized that in order to sell their product, they not only need to offer a workmanship warranty but they need to offer a performance warranty as well. Adding DC-DC power optimization technology that can increase energy harvest over the life of the installation and provides a 25 year warranty on the electronics helps to convince large installers and engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractors to use their products. And from a technical standpoint, higher peak efficiencies (up to 99.5%), safety and security features, and the ability to work with all inverter types is helping to drive the installers and EPC contractor base to move towards recommending and installing power optimization on their residential and commercial projects. Balance of system (BOS) costs are also a hot button for installers and EPC contractors. Oftentimes, they are providing a quotation upfront on total costs of a system and are in turn guaranteeing 136 / SHINE / February 2011 137 / SHINE / February 2011

科技 TECHNOLOGY 科技 TECHNOLOGY performance over time. Initially, adding power optimization may seem like a cost adder, but in actuality the costs saved in other parts of the system outweigh the upfront outlay. With module based optimization, a system owner can install a central inverter versus a string inverter, thus moving the smarts of the system out to the module and into a more reliable piece of hardware. Engineering costs are abated as modules can be installed on a complete rooftop or area, without having to design around obstructions, shade, etc. This savings also extends to savings on racking, wiring, cabling as more modules can fit within a given area and string sizing is less of an issue. Finally, the increased energy efficiency that comes from adding power optimizations gives the EPC contractors a level of comfort that their system will in fact meet the minimum performance guarantees and they will not have to pay out on any claims. Another solution on the market, called a micro-inverter, was developed to correct installation and performance problems mentioned earlier. A micro-inverter solution does away with the need of a central inverter in the system, as it converts the energy output of each module directly from DC to AC. Microinverters have been introduced mainly into the residential PV market and adoption has been steady, largely because of the ease of installation and flexibility of installation (e.g. no string sizing is required, arrays can be as small as the system owner desires). Another advantage is that it micro-inverters do away with the need for a central or string inverter, which is oftentimes one of the weakest points within an installation. Another advantage of the micro-inverter approach is that an installer can avoid high voltage DC wires, which often are the source of arcing. Based on the price point of both micro-inverters and power optimizers, it remains to be seen how quickly these new solutions will become mainstream. Some reports project that power optimization will be used on 10-15% of installations over the next three years and could potentially reach 25% of the market within five years. When introduced to the market in 2008, both solutions were around $0.80 - $1.00/W, and this year they have started to come down in price enough to provide a real cost benefit to the market. A side by side comparison of the technology: Micro-Inverter Power Optimizer Sales of up to 500Ku to date, Small volumes to date, but may move residential market sell thru beyond residential into commercial markets Warranties range from 15 years Almost all offering 25 year warranty to 25 years Standalone product largely due Standalone products and module to size and thermals of solution, integrated products announced starting to see signs of module integration Up to 25% additional energy Up to 25% additional energy harvest, harvest,~ $150 price point $25 75 price point The bottom line on distributed electronics in PV is that it seems to be a better option for system owners than waiting for the module manufacturers to dramatically increase their cell or module efficiency since system efficiency is the most important figure of merit. Power optimizers and micro-inverters can both be utilized as they each have strong selling points to the end market. Adding electronics allows each module to operate independently of the others and achieve the maximum efficiency possible. Solutions on the market today can be used across various markets and installations, from residential to commercial, and from brand new installations to retrofit installations (to address lower performing systems). In order to drive a new technology to mainstream market adoption, it needs to meet the quality and reliability expectations in the industry. Introducing solutions with the least risk and points of failure is paramount, so the market is starting to move towards module integrated technologies, or what we might call smart panels, to bring the electronics directly into the panel and add the efficiency to the installation from day one. No fuss no muss just more energy. 138 / SHINE / February 2011 139 / SHINE / February 2011

科 技 TECHNOLOGY 科 技 TECHNOLOGY 浅析有机太阳能电池 高扬 䇱 㲌䂕㚽 㾱㞅Ⳟ> @ 苏州柔印光电科技有限公司 苏州 江苏 蔡双双 美格能源科技有限公司 武汉 湖北 桂裕鹏 美国Konarka公司 马萨诸塞州 美国 作用 中文名 施主材料 共轭聚合物 受主材料 富勒烯衍生 物 溶剂1 摘要 随着新能源特别是太阳能得到社会舆论和资本市场的广泛关注 各种新颖的太阳能电池研究开发方向正在 32 能够通过有限的篇幅为读者介绍有机柔性太阳能电池基本的运作机理 可行的材料配方 成熟的工艺流程和广阔的商 业应用 邻二氯苯 均三甲苯 聚乙撑二氧 ITO缓冲层 噻 吩 聚 苯 乙烯磺酸盐 聚对苯乙烯 F G 备选施主材 料 1 机理 空穴分离 但是电子 空穴对仍然通过静电的库仑力互相吸 早在1986年 美籍华人科学家柯达公司的邓青云博士 引 由于库仑束缚而不能彻底分离 形成激子 有机太阳 首先成功制备了有机太阳能电池 1 邓博士充分发挥了柯 达公司对有机感光材料的独特优势 用双层膜异质结的电 池结构 实现了1 转换效率的有机太阳能电池 2 一年 后 邓博士的团队又报道了蒸镀制备 亮度大于1000cd m2 发光效率超过1 5lm W 而驱动电压小于10V的发光 器 这就是我们现在知道的OLED 邓博士也因此被称为 OLED之父 由于双层膜异质结100nm的吸收长度远大于激子10nm 的扩散长度 激子在被接触电极收集之前就发生复合 这 种结构有机太阳能电池的转换效率难以提高 但是 上世 纪90年代初提出的体异质结概念使施主材料和受主材料的 界面混合在一起 形成了复杂的界面 3 如图1所示 这 样 激子在扩散长度内 就能到达施主材料和受主材料的 四氢化萘 溶剂2 快速地发展 有机太阳能电池的工艺材料与OLED有着紧密的联系 并且成本低廉 性能独特 应用广泛 本文希望 关键词 有机太阳能电池 柔性太阳能电池 体异质结 激子 卷对卷工艺 BIPV 68 聚烷基噻吩 能电池异质结的载流子分离机理为 英文简称 英文名 regioregular poly(3rr-p3ht hexylthiophene) [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric PCBM acid methyl ester 1,2,3,4tetralene tetrahydronaphthalene odbc ortho-dichlorobenzene mesitylene 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene poly(3,4pedot-pss ethylenedioxythiophene)poly(styrene sulfonate) PPV poly(p-phenylenevinylene) poly[2-methoxy-5meh-ppv (20-ethylhexoxy)-1,4phenylenevinylene] poly[2-methoxy-5-(30,70oc1c10-ppv dimethyloctyloxy)-pphenylenevinylene] PAT poly(alkyl-thiophene) P3HT poly(3-hexylthiophene) 施主材料吸收入射光子 产生激子 如图2 a 所示 激子从施主材料扩散到施主材料和受主材料界面 如图2 在喷墨打印过程中 选择合适的环境温度和溶剂配 b 所示 方 控制墨滴在衬底上的扩散 聚合 脱水和退火 喷墨 激子被分离为电子和空穴之前有μm ms的寿命 如图2 滚筒的温度为40 可以形成均匀的薄膜 通过AFM扫 c 所示 描 得到喷墨印刷的P3HT PCBM薄膜形貌 如图3所示 电子被受主材料吸收 空穴留在施主材料中 如图2 d 所示 电子和空穴分别被铝阴极和透明阳极收集 如图2 e 所 示 如果激子离开施主 受主界面的距离大于扩散长度 那么 会在载流子分离之前发生复合 释放荧光 如图2 f 所 H I 四氢化萘溶剂比oDBC和均三甲苯混合溶剂脱水和固化更 㵝 䇱 㲌䂕㚽 㳆䅍䐫ㆂ䐱䊹㒘䓴 膜表面 平均粗糙度达到21nm 而oDBC和均三甲苯混合 D 㹝㬶 䓴 E ゅ䓴 㩃 F ゅ䓴 㣑 慢 所以晶粒更大 表面更粗糙 四氢化萘溶剂制备的薄 溶剂仅为2 6nm G ゅ䓴 H 䊹㒘䓴 㬶ゐ I ゅ䓴 ⶕ 示 2 可行配方 界面 实现了快速的激子分离 而足够厚的体异质结可以 施主材料可以用共轭聚合物RR P3HT 受主材料用富 更加充分地吸收入射光 勒烯衍生物PCBM 溶剂用四氢化萘或oDBC和均三甲苯的 混合溶剂 ITO缓冲层用PEDOT PSS 如表1所示 溶剂 配方决定了聚合物和富勒烯体异质结的形貌和特性 把两 种沸点不同的溶剂进行混合 即68 的oDBC和32 的均 三甲苯 转换效率可以达到3 4 odbc可以防止喷嘴堵 塞 保证墨滴喷射通畅 均三甲苯的沸点为165 odbc 的沸点为180 相比oDBC或四氢化萘 均三甲苯沸点更 D E 低 20 的蒸气压1 86mm汞高 表面张力也更低 均三甲 D E 㵝 㞈㚌䇂㯃ゝ㭖䐧 3 +7 3&%0 㚅$)0㾯㗓> @ D 㯥㤃 䥢㦽ア E R'%& ㉚㧞ジ 㦽ア 㵝 㯌 㚅䅍䐫ㆂ 㳆䅍䐫ㆂ ㅰ 苯使墨滴在衬底上更容易扩散并聚合 使脱水和固化更快 D 㯌 㚅䅍䐫ㆂ E 㳆䅍䐫ㆂ 5 ITO缓冲层PEDOT PSS是一种导电率很高的高分子聚 较低的表面形貌粗糙度可以获得较高的电池性能 合物水溶液 ITO PEDOT PSS双层复合膜 可以增加电流 odbc和均三甲苯混合溶剂电池的伏安特性比四氢化萘溶剂 密度 PEDOT是EDOT 3 4 乙撑二氧噻吩单体 的聚合物 电池好 短路电流密度Jsc为8 4 ma cm2 开路电压Voc为 PSS是聚苯乙烯磺酸盐 这两种物质在一起可以极大地提高 0 54V 填充因子FF为64 转换效率η为2 9 如图4所 PEDOT的溶解性 示 在体异质结中 以共轭聚合物为代表的施主材料善于 给出电子具有正电性 而以富勒烯为代表的受主材料善于 吸收电子具有负电性 体异质结吸收入射光子后 电子和 D E THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV 140 / SHINE / February 2011 141 / SHINE / February 2011

科技 TECHNOLOGY 科技 TECHNOLOGY (a) 没有光照的暗电流 (b) 光照下的光伏作用 图 4 P3HT-PCBM 电池的伏安特性曲线 [4] (c) 太阳能电子书 ; (d) 太阳能公交车站 ; e) 太阳能玻璃幕墙 ; (f) 半透明玻璃幕墙 图 7 有机柔性太阳能电池 Power Plastic 的应用 图 6 有机柔性太阳能电池的发展历程 [6] (a) 制备电池 ; (b) 层压封装图 5 有机柔性太阳能电池的卷对卷工艺, 类似于报纸印刷技术 (a) 卷轴型便携式充电器 ; (b) 太阳能背包 ; 142 / SHINE / February 2011 143 / SHINE / February 2011

科 技 TECHNOLOGY 科 技 TECHNOLOGY 2 Feasible recipes Introduction to Organic Solar Cells Feasible recipes take RR-P3HT as donor polymer, PCBM as acceptor fullerene, tetralene or odbc/mesitylene mixture as solvent, aluminium as cathode, ITO, indium tin oxide, as transparent anode and PEDOT-PSS as ITO buffer layer, Andrew Gaoa, Suzhou Flextech Inc., Suzhou, Jiangsu Province llie Caib, Meige Enertech Inc., Wuhan, Hubei Province John Guic, Konarka Technologies, Inc., MA, US as is shown in Table 1. The morphology and property of heterojunction depend on the solvent formulation. If the solvent is mixture of 68% odbc and 32% mesitylene with different boiling points, efficiency can reach 3% [4]. The using of odbc could prevent the blocking of nozzle orifice and ensure smooth Abstract inkjet printing. The boiling points of mesitylene and odbc As new energy and especially solar technology become hot topics for the public and capital market, all kinds of cutting edge solar technologies are under intensive R&D and advance rapidly. With similar configuration and processing with OLED, D E are 165 and 180. Compared with odbc or tetralene, mesitylene has lower boiling point with vapor pressure of 1.86 organic solar cells have enough potential in cost-effectiveness, unique performance and wide application. Here, we would like mmhg and less surface tension. On the substrate, droplets of to discuss the basic mechanism, feasible recipes, processing key points and commercial application for organic solar cells. mesitylene are easier to diffuse and aggregate, so that they Keywords: organic solar cells, flexible solar cells, bulk heterojunction, exciton, roll-to-roll processing, BIPV dehydrate and solidificate quite soon [5]. PEDOT-PSS is a kind of highly conductive polymer solution for ITO buffer layer and ITO/PEDOT-PSS bilayer membrane could effectively enhance current density. For PEDOT is polymer of EDOT, 3,4-1 Mechanism In bulk heterojunction, conjugated polymer serves as ethylenedioxythiophene, and PSS is poly(styrene sulfonate), In 1986, Dr. Ching W. Tang, a Chinese American scientist in Eastman donor to give out electrons and then become positive, PEDOT/PSS could effectively improve the solubility of PEDOT. Kodak Company, invented organic solar cell or OPV, Organic while buckminsterfullerene serves as acceptor to Photovoltaics [1]. With Kodak s advantage in organic photosensitive give out holes and then become negative. After materials, Dr. Tang used bilayer heterojunction morphology to realize the bulk heterojunction absorbs incident photon, a piece of organic solar cell with 1% efficiency [2]. One year later, Dr. electron and hole are only slightly separated in the Tang s team fabricated the first OLED, organic light emitting diode. adhesive polymer. The Coulomb force between Deposited by sputtering, this device has luminance of 1000cd/m2, electron-hole pair is so strong that they cannot be luminous efficacy of 1.51lm/W and drive voltage of below 10V. Dr. Tang separated completely and is regarded as exciton. The is later honored as the Father of OLED. mechanism of carrier separation in organic solar cells For the absorption length of 100nm is much longer than the diffusion could be outlined as following: length of 10nm for bilayer heterojunction, excitons intend to recombine Donor polymer absorbs the incident photon and before being effectively collected by the contact. As a result, the organic generates an exciton, as shown in Figure 2 (a); solar cell with this morphology is difficult to improve in efficiency. The exciton diffuse from donor polymer to the However, bulk heterojunction is proposed in 1990s [3]. As the interface of interface to acceptor fullerene, as shown in Figure 2 donor and acceptor materials becomes more complicated, the excitons can (b); reach the interface within diffusion length to rapidly separate, while the The lifetime is in the range of μm ms before the active layer becomes thick enough to absorb most of the incident light, as exciton is separated into electron and hole, as shown is illustrated in Figure 1. in Figure 2 (c); Function Donor F G H I The electron is absorbed by acceptor fullerene, while hole stays in the donor polymer, as shown in Figure 2 (d); The electron and hole are collected by Aluminium cathode and transparent anode respectively, as shown in Figure 2 (e); D E If the exciton is within diffusion length from the donor-acceptor interface, photoluminescence takes Abbreviation Full name RR-P3HT regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl PCBM Acceptor ester tetralene 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene Solvent 1 68% odbc ortho-dichlorobenzene Solvent 2 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 32% mesitylene poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)pedot-pss ITO Buffer poly(styrene sulfonate) PPV poly(p-phenylenevinylene) poly[2-methoxy-5-(20-ethylhexoxy)meh-ppv 1,4-phenylenevinylene] poly[2-methoxy-5-(30,70alternative OC1C10-PPV dimethyloctyloxy)-pacceptor phenylenevinylene] PAT poly(alkyl-thiophene) P3HT poly(3-hexylthiophene) During inkjet printing, it is necessary to ensure proper temperature and solvent formula to maneuver the diffusion, Figure 2 Carrier separation mechanism for bulk heterojunction in organic solar cells (a) photon absorption; (b) exciton diffusion; (c) lifetime before exciton separation; (d) after exciton separation; (e) carrier collection; (f) carrier recombination aggregation, dehydration and solidification of ink droplets on substrate. For the uniformity of film, the roll temperature should be in the range of 40. Through the scanning of AFM, atomic force microscopy, we could get the morphology of inkjet printed P3HT-PCBM film, as shown in Figure 3. Compared with odbc/mesitylene, tetralene dehydrates and solidificates more slowly with bigger grain size and higher surface roughness. As Figure 1 Heterojunction morphologies place in the recombination of exciton before carrier illustrated by AFM image, the mean roughness of tetralene and (a) bilayer heterojunction; separation, as shown in Figure 2 (f). odbc/mesitylene is 21nm and 2.6nm respectively. (b) bulk heterojunction THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV 144 / SHINE / February 2011 145 / SHINE / February 2011

科 技 TECHNOLOGY 科 技 TECHNOLOGY within an otherwise amorphous polymer. This annealing process Notably, Dr. Alan J. Heeger, Chief Scientist, Co-founder of As the globally leading innovator for organic solar cells, to get the right nanostructure is carried out at about 110 and Konarka and Professor at University of California, Santa Konarka works closely with partners all over the world and takes just a few seconds. In roll-to-roll processing, the choice Barbara is 2000 Nobel Chemistry Prize Laureate for discovery especially the ones in Asia. In September 2007, Konarka start of slot direction can be horizontal, downward or upward. The and development of conductive polymers. R&D cooperation with Toppan Forms, the Japanese leader in horizontal direction leads to the best performance, while the The esthetic outlook of Power Plastic is good for a variety digital printing. In December 2008, Total from France, the fourth upward one the most average. of portable charger application. Once the needs for cost and largest petroleum company in the world, invested $45 million rated power are met, flexible solar cells can be integrated into for 20% of stock share and became Konarka s biggest holder. different innovative products, as illustrated in Figure 7. Portable In March 2010, Konica Minolta, the well-known Japanese charger and solar bag is ready to charge mobile, MP3 player, manufacturer for camera, printer and photocopier invested $20 laptop, digital camera etc., while BIPV, building integrated million into Konarka and started full-scale collaboration in the photovoltaics, opens wide market for semi-transparent organic joint development and distribution of organic solar cells. D E Figure 3 AFM morphology for P3HT-PCBM film deposited by solar cells. inkjet printing [4] (a) tetralene as solvent; (b) odbc/mesitylene as solvent Lower surface roughness can lead to higher cell performance. odbc/mesitylene cell has better J-V characteristics than that of tetralene cell and reaches short circuit current density of 8.4 ma/cm2, open circuit voltage of 0.54V, fill factor of 64% and efficiency of 2.9%, as illustrated in Figure 4. Reference Figure 4 J-V curves for P3HT-PCBM cell (a) dark current without illumination; (b) characteristics under illumination the development of organic and polymeric photovoltaics. Figure 5 Roll-to-roll processing for Power Plastic, similar to Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2004, 83: 125. newspaper printing (a) fabrication of cell; (b) lamination/encapsulation D E [1] Spanggaard, H. and Krebs, F. C. A brief history of D E [2] Tang, C. W. Two-layer organic photovoltaic cell. D E Applied Physics Letters, 1986, 48: 183. Throughout the past ten years, the laboratory efficiency record [3] Yu, G., Gao, J., Hummelen, J. C., Wudl, F. and for organic solar cell improves from time to time, but is still Heeger, A. J. Polymer Photovoltaic Cells: Enhanced much lower than the efficiency of commercial Si-based modules, Efficiencies via a Network of Internal Donor-Acceptor as shown in Figure 6. During 1992~2007, new donor or acceptor Heterojunctions. Science, 1995, 270: 1789. materials are introduced: PPV-PCBM, Polymer-Polymer, [4] Hoth, C.N., Choulis, S.A., Schilinsky, P. and Brabec, Polymer-CdSe, Polymer-Oxide, Low Eg Polymer-PCBM and C.J. (2007) High photovoltaic performance of inkjet P3HT-PCBM. In November, 2010, NREL, National Renewable printed polymer: fullerene blends. Advanced Materials, Energy Laboratory, certified Konarka single junction organic 19, 3973. solar cells at 8.3% efficiency. F G [5] Hoppe, H., Niggemann, M., Winder, C., Kraut, J., Hiesgen, R., Hinsch, A., Meissner, D. and Sariciftci, N.S. 3 Processing and commercialization (2004) Nanoscale morphology of conjugated polymer/ After years of intensive research, Konarka located in Lowell, fullerene-based bulkheterojunction solar cells. Advanced MA, US has developed high speed automated processing for Functional Materials, 14, 1005. mass production of Power Plastic flexible organic solar cells. [6] Mayer, A.C., Scully, S.R., Hardina, B.E., Rowell, M.W. The independently synthesized conjugated polymer powder is and McGehea, M.D. (2007) Polymer-based solar cells. dissolved in solvent to be ejected as ink on flexible substrate. Materials Today, 10, 28. The roll-to-roll processing is analogous to that of slot coating H or extrusion coating, as illustrated in Figure 5. As ink is pressed out of the storage container through slot, it is sprayed onto the Figure 7 Application of Power Plastic flexible substrate, which runs in the direction perpendicular to (a) portable charger with pull out panel; the slot. Cleanliness during deposition is important but rather (b) solar bag; than encase the whole production line in a clean room to keep (c) solar ebook; out dust, only the coating stations are sealed off. This lets the (d) solar bus station; entire line reside in an ordinary factory environment. In-situ monitoring system includes not only scanning sensor, but also feedback control circuit and software. Another strategic step in fabrication consists of heating that creates islands of crystals I (e) solar curtain wall; Figure 6 Reported efficiencies of various bulk heterojunction (f) looking through semi-transparent curtain wall technologies [6] THE FIRST GLOBALLY ISSUED CHINESE-ENGLISH BILINGUAL PV 146 / SHINE / February 2011 147 / SHINE / February 2011

科技 TECHNOLOGY 科技 TECHNOLOGY water that flows through an aluminum pipe behind the solar cells. The glycol solution is fed into a heat Solar Arrays Do Double Duty A startup called Cogenra Solar recently installed a bank of solar arrays with a difference at a Northern California winery. The arrays combine conventional photovoltaic solar cells with a system for collecting waste heat. This produces electricity for lighting and bottling equipment, and it heats water that can be used for washing tanks and barrels. Cogenra plans to install these "hybrid" solar arrays at businesses that use large quantities of electricity and water, and then charge them for supplying both. The company has not released an estimate for the cost per watt of its electricity, but it says that the cost of heated water will be considerably less than the norm. At the winery, owned by Sonoma Wine Company, several parabolic dishes, each 10 meters long and three meters wide and lined with mirrors, concentrate sunlight onto two strips of monocrystalline-silicon solar cells suspended above. The parabolic dishes sit on top of mechanical arms that move them to follow the sun. Heat is collected with a mixture of glycol and exchanger, where it heats up water. The water is then pumped to a storage tank, and the cooled glycol solution is fed back to the solar arrays. Similar hybrid solar systems have failed in the past because the solar cells have overheated. Cogenra uses sensors to monitor the temperature of its solar cells and an automated control system to draw fluid away more quickly if they need cooling down. Overheating impairs the performance of a solar cell and is a big problem for hybrid solar systems, says Tim Merrigan, a senior program manager at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado. Merrigan notes that more sophisticated equipment for monitoring the buildup of heat and adjusting the flow of liquid away from the cells can help prevent this, but "it is certainly not an easy thing to do correctly." With Cogenra's technology, there is also a trade-off between the amount of heat that can be produced and the efficiency of the solar cells. The winery installation will serve as an important test bed for Cogenra's technology and for hybrid solar technology in general. The system will generate data showing how efficiently it can produce electricity and heated water under different weather conditions and how well it can meet the fluctuating needs of the winery's operation. The solar arrays will be able to produce 50 kilowatts of electricity, and the equivalent of 222 kilowatts of thermal energy. Gilad Almogy, the CEO of Cogenra, says this will cut the winery's use of natural gas for water heating by 45 to 50 percent and meet about 10 percent of its electricity needs. Making the technology cost effective will be another challenge for Cogenra. But a growing number of government programs that dole out rebates for installing solar water heaters could help. One such program was launched in California in October. Lasting through 2017, it will provide $350.8 million in rebates for installing solar water heaters. Most water heaters in the state currently run on natural gas. Chinese And Israeli Companies Jointly to Develop Solar Window Technology China Sunergy Co. Ltd and Israeli Pythagoras Solar announced on December 14th, 2010 that they will jointly develop solar window technology, and marketed the BIPV production within 5 years. The BIPV production will produce in China. According to the contract, China Sunergy Co. Ltd will provide 75MW of high efficiency CPV cells within 5 years. PVGU production produced by Pythagoras Solar combine IGU moudles and adiabatic efficiency with BIPV. According to NanoMarkets' estimates, BIPV Asia market's operating incomes are more than $600 million in 2009, and global BIPV market is expected to be more than $8 billion by 2015. 148 / SHINE / February 2011 149 / SHINE / February 2011

科技 TECHNOLOGY 科技 TECHNOLOGY 地址 : 中国江苏省常熟市高新技术开发区虞山工业园柳州路 8 号电话 :86 512-51538298 51538277 51538278 传真 :86 512-51538297 邮箱 :tlh@honglincable.com 网址 : www.honglincable.com 主营产品 : 太阳能光伏线缆 changshu Honglin Wire&Cable Co.Ltd Address: No.8 LiuZhou Road,Yu Shan industrial Park, High & New Technique Development Area, ChangShu City,JiangSu Province, China Tel: 86 512-51538298/51538277/51538278 Fax:86 512-51538297 E-mail: tlh@honglincable.com Wed: www.honglincable.com Main Products: Solar Photovoltaic 地址 : 中国上海浦东南路 360 号新上海国际大厦 19 楼 D 座电话 :86 21-50543357/50543367 传真 :86 21-68862686 邮箱 :bdssales@bonfiglioli.com.cn 网址 :www.bonfiglioli.com.cn 主营产品 : 并网型逆变器 BONFIGLIOLI DRIVES (Shanghai)CO.,LTD Address: 19D,No.360 Pudong Road(S)New Shanghai Internarion Tower,Shanghai,P.R.China Tel: 86 21-50543357/50543367 Fax: 86 21-68862686 E-mail: bdssales@bonfiglioli.com.cn Wed: www.bonfiglioli.com.cn Main Products:on-grid Inverters 地址 : 大连市甘井子区营城子工业园营日路 29 号电话 :0411-62638856/62638895/15940896890 传真 :0411-62638955 网址 :www.lintonmachine.com.cn 主要产品 : 光伏与半导体产业机械制造, 晶硅体多线切割机 - 切方机 / 切片机 Dalian Linton NC machine Co.,Ltd Address: No.29 of Ying Ri Road Yingchengzi Lndustrial Park.Ganjinzi District dalian.p.r.china Tel: 0411-62638856/62638895/15940896890 Web: WWW.Lintonmachine.com.cn Main Products:PV&SEMI Machine Manufacture Multi-wire Square/ Wire saw 150 / SHINE / February 2011 地址 : 无锡市新区南站经济发展园 A 区 39 号电话 :86 510-81016379/82132806 传真 :86 510-82132805 邮箱 :sales@xhycable.com 网址 :www.xhycable.com 主营产品 : 光伏线缆 Wuxi Xinhongye & Cable CO.Ltd Address: SectionA NO.39,Nanzhan Economic Development Zone Wuxi,Jiangsu Tel: 86 510-81016379/82132806 Fax: 86 510-82132805 E-mail: sales@xhycable.com Wed: www.xhycable.com Main Products: Solar cable 地址 : 浙江省永康市五金工业园四期群升科技园电话 :86 579-87158158/87153912/87153633 传真 :86 579-87153560 邮箱 : sales@chinaqunsheng.com 网址 :www.qsjpsolar.com 主营产品 : 拉棒 切片 电池片 组件 系统 Chinsun Address: Shilipai Qunsheng industrial park, Yongkang city, Zhejiang Tel: 86 579-87158158/87153912/87153633 Fax: 86 579-87153560 Email: sales@chinaqunsheng.com Web:www.qsjpsolar.com Main Products: Silicon, Ingot, Solar Cell, Solar Projects, Solar Applicatios 地址 : 新疆乌鲁木齐市高新区长春南路 399 号电话 :86 991-3672501/3685282 传真 :86 991-3672600 销售热线 :400 669 8866 邮箱 :tbeasolar@126.com 网址 :http://www.tbeasolar.com 主营产品 : 光伏系统集成 光伏并网逆变器 组件 太阳能级单多晶硅片 TBEA XINJIANG SUNOASIS CO.,LTD ADD: No.399 South Changchun Road,Hi-tech Development District, Urumqi, China Tel: +86 991-3672501/3685282 Fax: + 86 991-3672600 Sales hotline: 400 669 8866 E-mail: tbeasolar@126.com Wed: http://www.tbeasolar.com Main Products: PV system integration,pv inverter, solar module,solar grade mono&poly silicon wafer 地址 : 浙江宁波余姚市新建北路 192-4 号电话 :86 575-89806088/18957856878 邮箱 :svpv3@soenenpv.com 网址 :http://soenenpv.com 主营产品 : 国内最新型三段 四段型全自动层压机制造商! Ningbo SoenenPV Automation Equipment Co.,Ltd Address: Headquarter:YuyaoCity,Zhejiang,China Tel: 86 575-89806088/18957856878 E-mail: svpv3@soenenpv.com Wed: http://soenenpv.com Main Products: The professional Manufacturer in China for the latest 3-stage,4-stage auto solar laminator 浙江省绍兴市柯桥经济开发区鉴湖路 1809 号电话 :057584886707 fax:057584886726 email:pvsalesgroup@jgtec.com.cn 主营产品 : 多晶硅铸锭炉 多晶硅线剖锭机以及多晶硅片是浙江精功科技股份有限公司的主打产品, 其中多晶硅铸锭炉最大铸锭硅锭重量为 500kg, 多晶硅线剖锭机最大工作速度为 12m/s, 多晶硅片最大产能为 100MW zhejiang jinggong science&technology co,.ltd. Address: #1809 jianhu road,keqiao,shaoxing,zhejiang,china Tel: 057584886707 Fax: 057584886726 E-mail: pvsalesgroup@jgtec.com.cn Main Products: Polycrystalline ingot furnace, polycrystalline ingot linear shearing machine and polycrystalline wafer is main products of Zhejiang Jinggong Science and Technology co,.ltd. The maximum capacity for furnace is 500Kg, the maximum shearing speed for linear shearing machine is 3.5m/m 2 and the producing capacity for polycrystalline wafer is 100MW. 地址 : 中国河北省秦皇岛市经济技术开发区永定河道日本静岡県志田郡沖側町胸高 1482-1 电话 :86 335-8595550 86 335-8595552 传真 :86 335-8595551 主营产品 : 太阳能电池组件封装设备 ( 层压机 ) 太阳能电池组件生产线风光互补供电系统 Qinghuangdao HaiMeng New Energy Science & Technology Development Co.,Ltd Address: Yongdinghe developing zone Qinhuangdao Heibei China SHIZUOKA KEN SHIDA GUN OIGAWACHO MUNADAKA 1482-1 Tel: 86 335-8595550 86 335-8595552 Fax: 86 335-8595551 Main Products: Laminator Solar cell produce line Wind & solar power supply system 地址 : 江苏省无锡市新区新华路 5 号创新创意产业园 H 栋 113 室电话 :86 510-83593131 传真 :86 510-81819678 邮箱 :info@samilpower.com / service@samilpower.com 网址 :http://www.samilpower.com/ 主营产品 : 组串型逆变器 集中型逆变器 Samil Power Co., Ltd. Address: Rm 113, H Building, ipark, No.5 Xinhua Road, New District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China Tel: 86 510-83593131 Fax: 86 510-81819678 E-mail: info@samilpower.com Wed: http://www.samilpower.com/ Main Products: SolarRiver String Inverter,olarLake Central Inverter 地址 : 江苏省江阴市周庄镇砂山路 66 号电话 :86 510-86979900-806 传真 :86 510-86979903 邮箱 :wenna229@yahoo.cn 网址 :www.guanglisolar.com 主营产品 : 光伏接线盒, 汇流箱, 光伏连接器 Jiangyin Great Power Solar Technology Co.,Ltd Address: No.66 Shashan Road,Zhouzhuang Town,Jiangyin city,jiangsu Province,China Tel: 86 510-86979900-806 Fax: 86 510-86979903 E-mail: wenna229@yahoo.cn Wed: www.guanglisolar.com Main Products: PV Junction Box,PV Distibution Box,PV Connecto 地址 : 江苏省镇江市新区通港路 1 号 电话 :86 511-85587888 传真 :86 511-8558771 邮箱 :info@cecepsolar.com 网址 :www.cecepsolar.com 主营产品 : 电池片 组件 系统 CECEP Solar Energy Technology(Zhenjiang) Co.,Ltd. Address: No.1,Tonggang Road,Xin Qu,Zhenjiang City,Jiangsu Province,China Tel: 86 511-85587888 Fax: 86 511-8558771 E-mail: info@cecepsolar.com Wed: www.cecepsolar.com Main Products: Solar Cells, PV modules, PV system 151 / SHINE / February 2011

科技 TECHNOLOGY 科技 TECHNOLOGY 地址 : 江苏省苏州市高新区向阳路 198 号 9 幢电话 :+86 512 6937 0998 传真 :+86 512 6937 0630 网址 :http://www.ever-solar.com 邮箱 :sales@ever-solar.com 主营产品 : 光伏系统集成 光伏并网逆变器 组件 JIANGSU EVER-SOLAR NEW ENERGY CO., LTD ADD: Building 9 No. 198 Xiangyang Road, Suzhou, China TEL: +86 512 6937 0998 FAX: +86 512 6937 0630 WebSite: http://www.ever-solar.com Email: sales@ever-solar.com Main Products: PV System Integration, PV Gird-connect Inverter, PV Module 地址 : 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥东路 1 号邮编 :100015 电话 :010-84572690/64361831 ext:8416 8417 传真 :010-64331336 客服电话 :010-64330988 网址 :http://www.sevenstar.com.cn 邮箱 :wdzsb@sevenstar.com.cn 主营产品 : 太阳能电池片生产设备 BEIJING SEVENSTAR ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Address: No1 Jiuxianqiao East Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing, P.R. China Tel:010-8457269064361831 ext:8416, 8417 Fax:010-64331336 Call Center: 010-64330988 Wed: http://www.sevenstar.com.cn E-mail: wdzsb@sevenstar.com.cn Main Products: Solar cell equipment 地址 : 广州经济技术开发区东区北片果园四路 1 号电话 :86 020-62266755 传真 :86 020-82266081 网址 :http://www.hstars.net 邮箱 :hstars@hstars.net 主营产品 : 宏星 牌水冷螺杆冷水机组 螺杆式低温冷水机组 螺杆式超低温冷水机组 恒温恒湿机组 洁净空调机组等工业制冷设备, 广泛应用于太阳能光伏行业的加工工艺与生产环境控制等场合, 为客户解决工艺用冷冻水与洁净环境空气要求 Stars (Guangzhou) Refrigerating Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ADD: No.1 Guoyuan 4th Road, the Northern Part of the Eastern Section of Guangzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone, Guangzhou, China Tel: +86 020-62266755 Fax: + 86 020-82266081 E-mail: stanley_yuen@hstars.net Web: http://www.hstars.net Main Products: Hstars chiller series are widely applied in the field of processing technique of solar power and environment control, including water cooled screw chiller, low/ultra low temperature water cooled screw chiller, constant temperature and humidity chiller, clean A/C unit, offering customers industrial use chilled water and required clean IAQ. 地址 : 浙江温州市鹿城轻工业园盛通路 20 号电话 :0086-577-56572222/0086 577 88952798 传真 :86 577-85956865/0086-577-88952908 销售热线 :0086-577-88952708 网址 :http://www.cp-solar.com;http://www.oracle-solar.com http://www.cp-invest.com 邮箱 :info@cp-solar.com 主营产品 : 光伏系统集成 组件 太阳能级硅片, 电池片 ADD: 20 Shengtong Road,Lucheng light Industry Zone,Wenzhou,Zhejiang Tel: 0086 577-56572222/0086 577 88952798 Fax: 0086 577-85956865/0086-577-88952908 Hotline: 0086-577-88952708 E-mail: info@cp-solar.com Wed: http://www.cp-solar.com; http://www.oracle-solar.com http://www.cp-invest.com Main Products: PV System Integration, PV Gird-connect Inverter, PV Module,Silicon Wafer 地址 : 广东省佛山市南海区简平路桂城科技园 A3 号电话 :86 757-86256888/86256833/8625718 传真 :86 757-86256792/86256796 网址 :http://www.eaglerise.com 邮箱 :sales@eaglerise.com 主营产品 : 商用太阳能逆变器配套用干式变压器 电抗器 ; 户用太阳能逆变器配套用环形变压器 非晶电感 ; 太阳能电站并网用分裂变压器 EAGLERISE ELECTRIC&ELECTRONIC (FOSHAN) CO.,LTD ADD:Guicheng Science&TechnologyPark,JianpingRoad,Nanhai,Fos han,guangdong,china Tel: 86 757-86256888/86256833/8625718 Fax: 86 757-86256792/86256796 E-mail:sales@eaglerise.com Wed: http://www.eaglerise.com Web: WWW.Lintonmachine.com.cn Main Products:PV: SEMI Machine Manufacture Multi-wire Square/ Wire saw 地址 : 上海市松江区文合路 855 号 4 号楼电话 :021-37791222 传真 :021-37791222-6003 销售热线 :021-37791222-6800 网址 :www.chintpower.com 邮箱 :sales.cps@chint.com 主营产品 : 光伏并网逆变器 光伏系统解决方案及集成 光伏系统配套产品 SHANGHAI CHINT POWER SYSTEMS CO., LTD. ADD: Block 4, 855Wenhe Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201614, China Tel: +86 021-37791222 P.C.:201614 Fax: + 86 021-37791222-6003 Hotline: 021-37791222-6800 E-mail: sales.cps@chint.com Web: www.chintpower.com Main Products: Gird-tie PV Inverter, PV System Solution, PV System Accessories 地址 : 北京市海淀区王庄路 1 号清华同方科技广场 B 座 19 层电话 :86 10-82378899 传真 :86 10-82379399 邮箱 :wangww@bjcorona.com 网址 :www.bjcorona.com 主营产品 : 光伏并网逆变器 独立逆变器 光伏控制器 控制逆变一体机 Beijing Corona Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. Address: 19F, Block B, Tsinghua Tongfang Hi-tech Plaza, NO.1, Wangzhuang Road, Haidian District, Beijing 10083, China Tel: 86 10-82378899 Fax:86 10-82379399 E-mail: wangww@bjcorona.com Wed: www.bjcorona.com Main Products: PV grid-connected Inverter, Off-grid Inverter, PV Controller, Integrated Photovoltaic Control Inverter 地址 : 湖州市吴兴区创业园 ( 八里店镇标准厂房 )27 号电话 :86 572-2550235 传真 :86 572-2758591 邮箱 :info@trunsunsolar.com 网址 :WWW.TRUNSUNSOLAR.COM 主营产品 : 太阳能电池板 ZHEJIANG TRUNSUN SOLAR CO.,LTD Address: No.27 Scientific Plant (Balidian Town Standard Workshop), Wuxing District,HUZHOU CITY Tel: 86 572-2550235 Fax: 86 572-2758591 E-mail: info@trunsunsolar.com Wed: WWW.TRUNSUNSOLAR.COM Main Products: SOLAR PANEL / SOLAR MODULE 地址 : 陕西省西安市火炬路东新世纪广场 10618 电话 :86 29-82682948 传真 :86 29-82682946-604 邮箱 :sales@gsolar.cn 网址 :www.gsolar.cn 主要产品 : 超 A 级太阳模拟器 太阳电池光致发光缺陷检测仪 太阳能组件电池线 Gsolar Power Co., Ltd. Address: 7 Huoju Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710043 China Tel: 86 29-82682948 Fax:86 29-82682946-604 E-mail: sales@gsolar.cn Web: www.gsolar.cn Main Products: Super A-Class Solar Simulator/ PL Detector/ Solar Module Production Line 地址 : 江苏省张家港市水塘市经济开发区中区大道电话 :86 512-82553666 传真 :86 512-82553607 邮箱 :chengli@alcom.net.cn 网址 :www.alcom.com.cn 主营产品 : 公司专业研发 生产 销售太阳能安装系统及相关配件, 产品主要包括屋顶安装系统 地面固定安装系统及单轴双轴追踪系统 同时承揽光伏电站项目的设计与安装业务 公司拥有 5 大系列, 数十款适用于各种复杂环境且拥有自主知识产权的安装支架 suzhou AKcome pv mounting system co.,ltd Address: zhongqu road economic development zone, Tangshi, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu, China Tel: 86 512-82553666 Fax: 86 512-82553607 E-mail: chengli@alcom.net.cn Wed: www.alcom.com.cn Main Products: AKcome is committed to the designing, manufacturing and supplying of solar mounting system and components. Our mounting system consists of Roof system, Ground system and One-axis/two axis tracking system. AKcome also take part in the design and construction of solar PV power station projects. Now we have 5 series systems with 10 types achieving independent intellectual property rights. 152 / SHINE / February 2011 153 / SHINE / February 2011

Seeking overseas regional agents 中国秦皇岛海盟新能源科技 开发有限公司联系方式 :13703351271 销售总监 销售主管销售内勤兼电子口岸操作员外贸经理生产工艺员光伏销售精英 ( 英语 ) 技术品质经理质检员 光伏销售精英 ( 精通法语 ) 实验员 采购主管 人事主管电工生产工人 联系方式 : 电话 :010-81504780 人力资源部 邮箱 :hr@bomexsolar.com 地址 : 北京市通州区次渠光机电产业 基地兴光四街五号 网址 :http://www.bomexsolar.com 单晶工艺工程师 制造部 常州 硅片设备工程师 西区制造部 中国 IE 工程师 工业工程部 常州 MPC 工程师 制造部 常州 制造工程工程师制造部常州 联系人 : 李小姐 联系电话 : +86 519 8517 6624 Fax: +86 519 8517 6025 Web: www.trinasolar.com 国内销售专员 (2 名 ) 国际销售专员 (2 名 ) 业务跟单 (1 名 ) 联系人 : 张小姐 电话 :15102175570 邮箱 :joanna@smtenergy.com 电气设计工程师热流工程师控制软件工程师上位机软件工程师 结构工程师销售经理外贸经理市场部经理 154 / SHINE / February 2011 155 / SHINE / February 2011

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