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LumiSpa 開箱影片指引影片拍攝提醒 1. 影片播放時間請控制在一分鐘以內 ( 理想時間為 30 秒左右 ) 2. 如有可能, 請他人幫您拍攝影片 您需要用雙手打開 LumiSpa 的盒子, 重點在於讓 觀眾看到您的反應 如果您以自拍方式拍攝影片, 請使用三腳架 3. 確保燈光良好 亦即您需要在採光良好 無背光的環境下打開盒子 4. 如果您沒有編輯軟件, 請嘗試以拍拍停停的方式自行剪接 比如說拿著盒子走入房 內或是努力拆開盒子的過程等無關緊要的時刻請停止拍攝, 之後在關鍵性時刻再啟 動攝影機繼續拍攝 5. 影片拍攝背景須保持乾淨整潔 此外, 請確保寵物 小孩或會令人分心的噪音遠離 拍攝現場 6. 拍攝影片時請避免讓其他競爭品牌產品入鏡, 包括具有競品商標的物品, 如 T-Shirt 上的商標圖案 ( 當然,NU SKIN 除外 ) 7. 跟其他夥伴一起開箱是不錯的選擇 但事前請務必確保他們瞭解您拍攝影片主要目 標是要表達對 LumiSpa 的興奮和熱情 8. 請將最好的您展現在鏡頭前 - 穿著打扮請以乾淨 整潔及柔和的方式並做適當地修 飾 9. 富有創意! 您可以舉辦一個 開箱派對, 跟您的夥伴們聚首一堂, 一起拆開您的 LumiSpa 或者將盒子藏起來與您的夥伴進行尋寶遊戲 也可以提早在八月舉辦聖誕 節派對, 體驗打開一個特別 禮物 的興奮 想一想如何以您自己風格的方式使打 開 LumiSpa 的過程是令人興奮的 10. 您可以使用快鏡或慢鏡效果拍攝或編輯, 這會使您的影片看起來更為有趣 提醒您, 您的目標是在社交媒體上發布這些訊息並且引起擴大傳播, 所以創意是關 鍵 11. 請避免使用濾光片或其他影片效果, 這會影響觀看者對產品的印象或降低影片的質 素 12. 表現出您真實的個人特質 談吐自然, 創造能夠感受到您的真實和正面積極的場 景 13. 當您打開盒子的時候, 同時自然地談論 LumiSpa 的獨特優勢, 簡潔有力並確保您所 說的符合已核准的產品聲明 例如, 您可以說 : 我已經迫不及待想感受微脈動嘅

感覺 - 我聽過好多有關佢嘅故事 或者說, 可以同時護膚同清潔 我好好奇佢使用喺我皮膚上係咩感覺, 我好期待! 14. 緊記 - 輕鬆有趣! 1. 從郵箱中取出您的盒子 拍攝場景建議 拍下您收到 Nu Skin 郵包興奮的一刻 您可以說 : 咦? 唔通係 ageloc LumiSpa- 我宜家要打開佢啦! 我迫不及待想體驗一下! 或 我每日都會檢查郵箱睇下有冇收到 LumiSpa! 2. 打開盒子 a. 鏡頭跳到您打開盒子, 或撕掉盒上的膠帶 b. 下一步, 滿腔熱情地將所有包裝物料從 LumiSpa 周圍移除 c. 在鏡頭拍攝同時, 您可發表評價例如, 我等唔切啦! 或者, 佢係邊呢? 我宜家就想要! 3. 從盒子取出並舉起 LumiSpa a. 當您看到 LumiSpa 在盒子裡面, 您可以先按暫停, 慢慢用雙手把它取出來, 如視珍寶 或者可說一些例如 Yeah! 或 啊! 當然, 您可以選擇以其他特別的方式將 LumiSpa 從盒子裡拿出來 b. 雙眼注視攝影機, 微笑著說一些熱情的話, 例如, 就係佢啦, 我喺幾個禮拜 / 幾個月前聽到 LumiSpa 嘅時候, 就已經想買啦佢! 或 呢個盒好靚, 我好想快啲睇下入面有啲咩呀! c. 盒子有一個可愛的磨砂包裝袋, 您可透過它看到裡面的儀器 如果您有時間, 可以拿著盒子對著鏡頭說一些話, 例如, 睇下佢幾靚呀 再次提醒, 用您自己的語言和個人風格如實地將您對 LumiSpa 的情感呈現出來 d. 如果您的儀器配備有可替換的護膚導頭和潔面乳, 把它們都拿出來並重點說明 LumiSpa 能夠對不同性質的皮膚 ( 油性, 敏感及其他 ) 提供解決方案 您可說明自己的皮膚類型及 LumiSpa 的個人化設計是如何適合您的皮膚 或許您可以把所有選擇都陳列在桌上 4. 取出 LumiSpa

a. 從正上方將儀器從磨砂包裝袋中滑出, 儀器已有部分電量, 並配備標準的護膚導頭 取下保護帽 b. 啟動儀器 您可以展示指示儀器已啟動的指示燈和導頭 您也可以將它放在您的手上或臉上, 評論它在您臉上或手上按摩振動的優越體驗 c. 如果您有充足的時間, 請將盒子中的內部塑膠取出, 展示充電器和用戶手冊的位置 您甚至可以使儀器處於充電狀態中 5. 您的第一次使用與清潔體驗 ( 只要您有足夠的時間 ) a. 如果您有充足的時間, 您可以進行一場快速的產品示範 我們建議您在鏡頭外先做好所有的事前準備 ( 包括將儀器充滿電 ), 然後展示您前幾秒使用與清潔的鏡頭 您可以評價優異的產品體驗或者產品可愛清新的味道, 可以自然地說出您最喜歡的優點, 比如說 : 我感受到深層嘅清潔力量 或者 我已經迫不及待想親身見證我肌膚所煥發嘅光澤啦! b. 剪掉您清洗以及擦乾肌膚的鏡頭, 然後談論您在使用儀器後看起來有多好 評價它的速度有多快 (2 分鐘 ), 您已經可以感受到您的皮膚比以往更光滑柔軟 熱情 真實地表述您親眼見證與感受到的結果 c. 如果您夠勇敢, 您可以拍攝您在淋浴過程中使用 LumiSpa 的鏡頭以表達它具有良好的防水性能 如果您決定在淋浴過程中錄製, 請一定要小心 - 不要有裸露的鏡頭 為了安全起見, 如果您決定在淋浴中拍攝, 請在拍攝時穿著泳衣或包裹毛巾, 以確保不會露出任何可以被視為裸露鏡頭的部位 同時, 您還需要注意任何可能會反射的物面, 比如說 : 水面 鏡面等 6 呼籲大家積極行動 a. 在影片的尾聲, 鼓勵您的觀眾積極行動 鼓勵他們一經上市就自行購入一個屬於他們自己的 LumiSpa, 與他們的朋友分享影片, 報名參加活動或者在您的 Facebook 和 Instagram 繼續跟進 b. 分享您對 LumiSpa 的喜愛以及您的使用體驗, 比如說 : 我愛我新嘅 LumiSpa, 我知道您都會同我一樣愛上佢 或者, 用您自己的話自然地表達您對 LumiSpa 的喜愛之情 c. 在所有適當的社交媒體上分享您添加 #LumiSpa 的影片 注 : 附件是 ageloc LumiSpa 的產品資訊介紹, 您可以使用它來幫助您表達您最喜歡 的 LumiSpa 的優點

Unboxing Video Guidelines Tips Before You Start 1. Aim to keep your video to under minute (ideally, closer to 30 seconds). 2. If possible, have someone else film you. You ll need both hands free to open the box, and it s important that viewers see your reaction. If you re filming a selfie video, please use a tripod. 3. Make sure lighting is good. This means full light on you opening the box with no backlighting. 4. If you don t have editing software, try to self-edit as you go. Stop filming at boring moments, like walking the box into the house or struggling to open packaging, then turn the camera on again at key moments. 5. Make sure the background is clean, neat, and uncluttered. Also, make sure that any pets, kids, or distracting noises are out of the space. 6. Please eliminate competitor products from the shot, including items with visible branding like a graphic t-shirt (other than Nu Skin). 7. Having more than one person unboxing is fine. Just make sure that they know the main goals of your video are excitement and enthusiasm. 8. Look your best on camera dress in a clean, neat, modest way and groom appropriately. 9. Be creative! You could host an Opening Party in which several people gather around while you unbox your LumiSpa, or stage a treasure hunt where you have to find your hidden box, or have a Christmas in August experience with the excitement of opening a special gift. Think of your own way to make opening the LumiSpa exciting. 10. You could film or edit with fast-speed or slow-motion effects to make your videos fun to watch. Remember, the goal is to post this on social media and get a viral reach, so creativity is key. 11. Avoid filters or other video effects that would distort the experience for the viewer or cheapen the look of the product or video. 12. Show your personality and be authentic. Speak naturally and create scenes that feel real and positive to you. 13. Feel free to talk about LumiSpa s unique benefits as you open the box, just be brief and make sure to stick to the approved product claims. For example, you could say: I can t wait

to see how Micropulse Oscillation feels I ve heard a lot about it. Or, It s supposed to treat and cleanse at the same time I wonder how that will feel on my skin! 14. Have FUN! SUGGESTED SCENES TO FILM 1. Receiving your box in the mail. Film your excitement about finding your Nu Skin package in the mail. You could say something like, Oh, I think it s the new ageloc LumiSpa I ve got to open this right now! I can t wait to try it! Or, I ve been checking my mail every day for this! 2. Opening the box. a. Jump to a shot of you opening the box with a box cutter or knife (please be careful!), or ripping off the tape. b. Next, enthusiastically move any packing materials out of the way of the LumiSpa. c. During this shot, you could make comments like, Oh, I can t wait! Or, Where is it? I want it! 3. Lifting the LumiSpa out of the box. a. Once you see the LumiSpa in the box, you could pause and then slowly take it out with both hands like it s something precious. Perhaps say something like ooo or ahh! However you choose to take it out of the box, make it seem special. b. Look up at the camera, smile, and say something enthusiastic like, This is it. I ve been wanting this since I heard about it weeks/months ago, or, The box is beautiful. I can t wait to see what s inside. c. The box has a lovely frosted outer-wrap through which you can see the device. If you have time, hold the box up to the camera and say something like, Look how beautiful it is. Again, make this authentic to your own language and personality. d. If your device comes with replacement heads and cleansers, take those out and highlight that LumiSpa offers solutions for all types of skin (oily, sensitive, and so on). You could comment on your own skin type and how the LumiSpa is designed to be personalized to your skin. Perhaps display all the choices on a table top. 4. Taking out the device. a. Slide the device out of the frosted sleeve it will be right on top, partially charged, and wearing the normal treatment head. Remove the protective cap.

b. Turn on the device. You could show the light that indicates the device is on, and the oscillating head. You can also place it on your hand or your face and comment on the massaging oscillation and how good it feels. c. If you have time, lift the inner plastic out and show where both the charger and the user s manual are in the box. You can even set the device in the charger. 5. Your first treat and cleanse (ONLY IF YOU HAVE TIME). a. Show a quick demo with the device, if you have time. We recommend that you do all the prep off-camera (including fully charging the device as it comes only partially charged), then show your first few seconds of the treat and cleanse. Comment on how great it feels or on the lovely scent of the product. Maybe say something about your favorite benefit in a way that feels natural (like, I can feel the deep cleansing, or, I can t wait to see how radiant my skin looks! ). b. Cut to rinsing and drying your face and talk about how great you look. Comment on how fast it was (2 minutes), and that you can already feel that your skin is smoother and softer. Be enthusiastic and honest about the results you see and feel. c. If you are brave, you could film this in in the shower as LumiSpa is waterproof. Be very careful if you decide to record in the shower NO NUDITY PLEASE. To be safe, if you decide to film in the shower, please wear a full bathing suit or towel during the filming to be sure not to expose anything that can be considered nudity. Also be careful of any reflective surfaces. 6. Call to action. a. At the end of your video, encourage your viewers to take action. Ask them to get their own once it launches, share the video with a friend, sign up for an event, or follow you on Facebook and Instagram. b. Express how you feel about the LumiSpa and how you think it will make them feel. Say something like, I love my new LumiSpa, and I know you will too. Again, keep it natural and in your own words. c. Post your video with #LumiSpa on all appropriate social pages. NOTE: Attached is the product information page for ageloc LumiSpa, which you can use to help point out the benefits that you like most.