Day 2 Guilin (51km) Guanyan (60km) Yangshuo (Breakfast/ Local cuisine lunch/ Yangshuo Beer Fish dinner) Daxu Ancient Town: This ancient town was built

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6D5N Guilin/Yangshuo 6 天 5 晚桂林 / 阳朔 Tour Code 团号 : S6CKL- AK *Valid Jun Dec 2017* * 有效期只限于 2017 年 6 月至 2017 年 12 月 * SLEEP! Hotel based on 5 star (Final confirmation on similar standard) 住宿! 当地 5 星住宿星级酒店 ( 最后确认于同等级酒店为准 ) Guilin (4N Manhatton Hotel ) 桂林 (4 晚曼哈顿大酒店 ) Yangshuo (1N Days Hotel Frontier) 阳朔 (1 晚阳朔辅特戴斯酒店 ) Exclude hotel porter services 不含酒店行李搬运服务 EAT! Guilin Rice Noodle Cuisine 桂林米粉宴 道地美食! Yangshuo Beer Fish 阳朔啤酒鱼 Yam Cuisine 芋头宴 Osmanthus Feast 桂花宴 NO SHOPPING STOP! 无购物站! FREE Bamboo rafting + Osprey fishing performance, Guilin Night Tour, One Citrulli Preparatum for each 赠送竹筏漂流 鱼鹰捉鱼 桂林夜景 每人一份西瓜霜 Day 1 Kuala Lumpur Guilin (Chinese lunch/guilin Rice Noodle Cuisine dinner) Depart to Guilin, the best landscape with natural beauty and historic treasures. Lu Jia folk custom village:for a short walk and see what a new Chinese village looks like. The village is famous for its tofu. Many Guilinese go to the village for local food and creative food. Zizhou Park: Is the best place to view the Elephant Trunk Hill, the shape look like elephant which is extends the nose to drinks the Lijiang River. 吉隆坡 桂林 ( 午 : 中式合菜 / 晚 : 桂林米粉宴 ) 出发飞往享有 山水甲天下 之美誉的桂林 鲁家民俗文化村 : 广西壮族自治区首批特色旅游名村, 全村 111 户, 占地 58 畝, 鲁家村民不姓鲁, 村太祖複姓欧阳 村前桃花江, 亦称阳江 电视剧西游记剧组曾此拍摄, 相传百年来家家户户擅长磨豆腐, 做豆腐脑, 也是远近闻名的豆腐村 訾洲公园 ( 含象鼻山观景台 ) 和象山隔江相望, 是桂林最年轻, 又是最古老的公园 象鼻山是桂林山水的代表, 桂林城的象徵, 因整個山形酷似一头驻足漓江边临流饮水的大象而得名, 简称象山

Day 2 Guilin (51km) Guanyan (60km) Yangshuo (Breakfast/ Local cuisine lunch/ Yangshuo Beer Fish dinner) Daxu Ancient Town: This ancient town was built 200 years ago and was once one of Four Main Towns in Guangxi. Points of interest around the town are She Gong Mountain, Jing Hill, Mo Pan Hill and Mao Zhou Island. Further to south, there is a single-arched bridge in the town named Longevity Bridge. Crown Cave (include one way tram): It is an exit of an underground river which is connected with Li River. As the origin of the water is different from that of Li River, the water from crown cave is greener than that from Li River. And also been set with a sightseeing elevator, small trains, sampans and sightseeing roller coasters. So it received the honor of Guinness world record fir the most numerous way of touring a cave. Li River (return boat ride): to enjoy the breathtaking sceneries offers along the Li River. West Street: You will see both eastern and western culture and the biggest foreign language center in China. It is greatly admired for its simple style and courtyard-likes setting, you will be surrounded by array of traditional folk and amazing international elements. 桂林 (51 公里 ) 冠岩 (60 公里 ) 阳朔 ( 早 : 酒店 / 午 : 冠岩风味 / 阳朔啤酒鱼 ) 大圩古镇 ( 登万寿桥 万寿延绵 + 刘三姐最古老的拍摄地 ): 是广西古代 四大圩鎮 之一 大圩古鎮始建于公元 200 年 古老的大圩老街顺着漓江綿延 2 公里长, 不宽的街道上铺着青石板, 石板路两边是保存完好的老房子 到大圩, 万寿桥是必去的地方, 建于明代, 是一座石块砌起的石拱桥, 桥面的石头已被磨得溜光发亮, 间杂些许小草, 古朴自然 桥的西面是漓江, 是欣赏漓江及对岸螺蛳山的极佳位置 冠岩景区 ( 含单程滑道 ): 世界岩洞之冠, 洞内有岩洞小火车, 船游地下暗河, 岩洞观光电梯费誉为吉尼斯景点 船游漓江精华段 ( 冠岩上下船 ): 冠岩船游观赏漓江的奇美景色, 而后顺江而下于船上可观赏到漓江百里画廊之中最精华的一段景色 冠岩 - 杨堤 风光, 可观赏到漓江之上的各处胜景奇观, 移步换景, 借以领略 江似青箩带, 山如碧玉簪 的漓江秀丽风光 阳朔西街 : 西街又被称为洋人街, 已有 1400 多年历史, 至今乃是小家碧玉型的南方村镇建筑规模, 但却显现着国际情调的人文景观

Day 3 Yang Shuo(81km) Guilin (Breakfast/ Yam Cuisine lunch/ Guilin cuisine dinner) Silver cave: Scenic tourist resort set of natural, cultural landscape in one,acres of peach,scattered meantime, vivacious people rural scenery speed. Silver Cave belong to floor type cave, including the next hole, the hall, the three holes, painted gathered from different years of growth and development of various types of stalactite cave. Shilihualang: Is origin of the name is because along the picturesque, fields, villages, hillsides, like a movie in slow motion, as in your eyes glide eleven, like the general nature of the gallery, gorgeous scenery. Moon Mountain: Is located in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin YangShuo County Shilihualang resort ends. Here scenery ancient simple elegance, quiet comfort. Mirage Guilin Show: A ground theatrical show describing the rural life along the bank of Li River. The show is directed be the members of the acclaimed team, who was responsible for the opening ceremonies of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. 阳朔 (81 公里 ) 桂林 ( 早 : 酒店 / 午 : 芋头宴 / 晚 : 中式合菜 ) 银子岩 : 洞内特色景点, 其中最为著名的景观有三宝 ; 佛祖论经 混元珍珠伞 独柱擎天 ; 三绝 : 雪山飞瀑 音乐石屏 瑶池仙境 大自然的鬼斧神工在这里被展示的淋漓尽致, 故被誉为 世界溶洞奇观 车游十里画廊 : 位于阳朔月亮山, 因沿路风景秀丽, 如诗如画, 被称为阳朔十里画廊 主要景观有海豚出水 火焰山 龙角山 青厄风光和古榕美景等 途径月亮山和大榕树 : 月亮山头顶有一个天然形成的石洞将山体从两面贯通开来, 远看酷似一轮明月悬于此处, 因此得名 明月峰, 俗称月亮山 山水间秀 ( 独家升等 VIP 席 ): 经 2008 年北京奥运会开闭幕式执行导演 2010 年广州亚运会开幕式创意团队的重要成员们倾力打造的大型会景桂林风情歌舞秀 山水间 Day 4 Guilin (78km) Longsheng (78km) Guilin (Breakfast/ Tea Fragrance cuisine lunch/ Korean BQQ buffet dinner) Longji Terraced Rice Fields (Dragon s Backbone): The rice terraces resemble a dragon s scales, whole the summit of the mountain range looks like the dragon s backbone. See minority Zhuong women working the fields in colorful costumes and studded with Yao Villages. Rongshan Lake Scenic: Nine Twist Bridge, Bridge carved ingenious, imaginative with wonderful workmanship. The Two River and Four Lakes nowadays connect rivers and lakes with various attractions. Shan Lake is famous for its Twin Pagodas, to distance view the Sun and Moon Pagodas. And the northern part of Rong Lake with the famous Great Banyan Tree and Ancient South Gate. 桂林 (78 公里 ) 龙胜 (78 公里 ) 桂林 ( 早 : 酒店 / 午 : 油茶风味 / 晚 : 韩式烧烤自助餐 ) 龙胜梯田 : 龙脊 ( 龙的脊梁 ) 梯田参观, 远看梯田, 一层层从山脚盘绕到山顶, 层层叠叠, 高低错落, 像龙的脊梁蜿蜓在山脉之间, 非常壮观 还可见当地壮族妇人身着多彩的民族服饰, 在梯田劳作, 与梯田的曲线构成了一副壮美的图画, 还有一座最古老的白面瑶寨

榕杉湖景区 : 位于桂林城中央, 是一个水体相连的连心湖 东为杉湖, 西名榕湖, 因湖岸生的榕树, 杉树而得名日月 景区内还有九曲桥, 位于榕湖北岸的古南门及大榕树 双塔 ; 是桂林市中心地标性景点, 其名来源于 日, 月 合壁即为 明 之意, 寓意桂林的明天更美好. Day 5 Guilin (Breakfast/ Osmanthus Feast lunch/ Guilin cuisine dinner ) Yaoshan Scenic Area (include return cable car ride): It lies in the east of Guilin. The highest peak is 903 meters and it the highest hill in Guilin. Jingjiang King Mausoleum Museum: This is an imperial mausoleum site where eleven princes of the Jingjiang Family during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) are buried. The Jingjiang Family is comprised of the descents of King Jingjiang, the nephew of a Ming emperor. Wood Dragon Lake:magnificent scenery of the Tang and Song Dynasties, beautiful Wood Dragon Lake scenery, rich humanities and cultural relics make the area become the most bright and beautiful scenic area at Guilin. Free shopping at East and West Lane & Xiaoyao Tower. 桂林 ( 早 : 酒店 / 午 : 桂花宴 / 晚 : 第一食间 ) 尧山风景区 ( 含双程电瓶车 ) : 朱峰海拔 909.3 米, 相对高度 760 米, 是桂林市最高山峰因周唐时在山上建有尧帝庙而得名, 它也是国家首批 AAAA 级旅游景区 靖江王陵 : 是历代靖江王的王陵, 整个陵园规模庞大 气势磅礴, 北有十三皇陵, 南有靖江皇陵 之称. 木龙湖景区 + 东盟歌舞秀 : 景区依托得天独厚的漓江 叠彩山优美的自然生态环境, 气势恢宏的唐宋建筑, 秀美的木龙湖风光, 丰富的人文古迹使木龙湖景区成为桂林市区最为璀璨亮丽的景区 自由购物于东西巷风情街 登逍遥楼

Day 6 Guilin Kuala Lumpur (Breakfast) Time to bid farewell to these exciting destinations and bring home wonderful memories! 桂林 吉隆玻 ( 早 : 酒店 ) 送往机场搭乘国际航班返回家园, 结束愉快的旅程, 带着美丽的回忆与纪念品, 与家人和朋友共同分享