Pablo PICASSO Le repos du sculpteur I. from «La Suite Vollard» Etching, hand signed, 1933 毕加索休息的雕塑家选自 «La Suite Vollard» 铜版畫原作, 毕加索水印, 1933 Minotaure,

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摘 要 張 捷 明 是 台 灣 當 代 重 要 的 客 語 兒 童 文 學 作 家, 他 的 作 品 記 錄 著 客 家 人 的 思 想 文 化 與 觀 念, 也 曾 榮 獲 多 項 文 學 大 獎 的 肯 定, 對 台 灣 這 塊 土 地 上 的 客 家 人 有 著 深 厚 的 情 感 張 氏 於

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神 奇, 那 毛 笔 是 洇 出 去 的 第 一 次 看 中 国 画, 感 觉 特 别 神 奇, 那 时 候 特 别 多 人 来 看 老 先 生 画 画, 非 常 尊 敬 他 我 就 感 觉 到, 哎, 这 个 职 业 不 错 ( 笑 ) 做 个 画 家 不 错 啊, 也 很 轻 松 啊, 就 是

162 方 忠 明 香 港 辦 理 以 大 眾 運 輸 導 向 之 開 發 與 我 國 辦 理 臺 北 都 會 區 捷 運 土 地 開 發 之 探 討 一 香 港 鐵 路 有 限 公 司 (MTR) 與 港 鐵 路 網 1975 年 香 港 政 府 鑑 於 都 市 交 通 的 日 益 繁 忙, 成

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Microsoft Word - 11月電子報1130.doc


Chali-Rosso Art Gallery Modern Masters Collection phone: +1 604 733-3594 2250 Granville Street Vancouver, BC V6H 4H7, Canada Chali-Rosso Art Gallery is located on the exclusive Gallery Row in Vancouver, Canada where we opened our doors to the public in May of 2005. Our collection is focused on original graphic works of the most well known European Modern Masters including Pablo PICASSO, Salvador DALÍ, Marc CHAGALL, Joan MIRÓ and Henri MATISSE. In addition, we also offer works by REMBRANDT van Rijn, Pierre-Auguste RENOIR, Edgar DEGAS, Édouard MANET, Andy WARHOL and a variety of others. These artists devoted their lives to art. Beside creating an impressive body of works including paintings and sculptures, they chose other graphic mediums as a form of expression. The art works presented by Chali-Rosso Art Gallery are also part of many great art collections in the world s finest museums, in New York, Madrid, London and Paris. By dealing directly with private collectors, we have successfully eliminated the excessive broker and auction house commissions thus offering excellent value for our clients. Each artwork is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity and meticulous documentation, assuring clients of the value of their investment. Investing in the Art Market In contrast to contemporary art, these legendary masters have already stood the test of time. They have earned their place in the history of art and their names are a solid guarantee for not just beautiful artwork, but also a wise and lucrative investment. After the dot-com meltdown and the recent financial crisis, many investors seeking alternative investments to diversify their portfolios, turned to art. Fine art has been recognized as an attractive investment for centuries. It has gained increased attention as it has outperformed most conservative investments in the last few decades. We are working together with more and more high profile businesses and prestigious collectors to assist with their art acquisitions and art investment portfolio. We advise our clients, treat art as a passion investment, besides creating an attractive return, primarily, it is an investment in your passion.

Pablo PICASSO Le repos du sculpteur I. from «La Suite Vollard» Etching, hand signed, 1933 毕加索休息的雕塑家选自 «La Suite Vollard» 铜版畫原作, 毕加索水印, 1933 Minotaure, une coupe à la main, et jeune femme from «La Suite Vollard» Etching, hand signed, 1933 毕加索牛头, 手中的杯子选自 «La Suite Vollard» 铜版畫原作, 毕加索水印, 1933 Tête de Bouffon Linocut, hand signed and numbered, 1965 毕加索狂欢节 - 头杰斯特原油毡切, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1965

Pablo PICASSO Henri MATISSE Portrait-charge d un personnage, en larmes Etching, hand signed and numbered, 1968 毕加索一个人的漫画, 以泪洗面铜版畫原作, 毕加索水印, 1968 Henri MATISSE, Visage de profil reposant sur un bras, paravent Louis XIV Lithograph, hand signed and numbered, 1924 馬蒂斯脸搁在手臂上, 路易十四石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1924 Les Saltimbanques Lithograph, hand signed and numbered, 1958 Tête de garçon Linocut, hand signed, 1962 Henri MATISSE, Danseuse au fauteuil en bois from «Dix Danseuses» suite Lithograph, hand signed and numbered, 1925-1926 Henri MATISSE, Tête de jeune fille Lithograph, hand signed and numbered, 1925 毕加索杂技演员石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1958 毕加索男孩子的头原油毡切, 墨水手签, 1962 馬蒂斯在木制扶手椅中的舞者出自于 十个舞者 系列石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1925-1926 馬蒂斯年轻女孩的头石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1925

Salvador DALÍ Salvador DALÍ, Down the Rabbit Hole Heliogravure with engraving, hand signed and numbered, 1969 达利兔子洞里用木头雕刻的原始照相作品, 1969 Salvador DALÍ, The Mystical Exaltation Lithograph, hand signed and numbered, 1974 达利神秘的提高石板原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1974 Salvador DALÍ, Eternity of Love Lithograph, hand signed and numbered, 1976 达利爱的永恒石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1976 Salvador DALÍ, Helen of Troy Lithograph, hand signed and numbered, 1977 达利特洛伊的海伦石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1977

Marc CHAGALL Marc CHAGALL, The Circus with Yellow Clown Lithograph, hand signed and numbered, 1967 夏加尔杂技团的黄色小丑石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1967 Marc CHAGALL, Concert in the Square Lithograph, hand signed and numbered, 1983 夏加尔广场音乐会石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1983 Marc CHAGALL, On the New Land Woodcut, hand signed and numbered, 1968 夏加尔新的土地上木刻原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1968 Marc CHAGALL, The Green Horse Lithograph, hand signed and numbered, 1973 夏加尔绿房子石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1973

Joan MIRÓ Joan MIRÓ, La guerre From «Suites pour Ubu Roi» Lithographs, hand signed and numbered, 1966 米罗这场战争出自于 «Ubu Roi 系列» 石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1966 Joan MIRÓ, Astrology II Lithograph, hand signed and numbered, 1953 米罗占星术石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1953 Joan MIRÓ, L éloge de la main Etching, hand signed and numbered, 1974 米罗手的赞美铜版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1974 Joan MIRÓ, Llibre dels sis sentits II Aquatint etching, hand signed and numbered, 1981 米罗第二册六感书凹版铜版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1981

Robert MOTHERWELL Wind 马瑟韦尔风石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1987 A Throw of the Dice 马瑟韦尔掷骰子石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1987 Red Wind 马瑟韦尔红色风石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1987 Red Samurai 马瑟韦尔红色武士石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1987 Nocturne VII 马瑟韦尔夜曲 VII 石版原作, 铅笔手签, 数字排号, 1987 phone: +1 604 733-3594 2250 Granville Street Vancouver, BC V6H 4H7, Canada