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CITIES! 城市 SLEEP! 住宿! Lima, Cuzco, Puno, La Paz, Uyuni 利马 库斯科 普诺 拉巴斯 乌尤尼 4 star hotel based on final confirmation or similar standard: 旅游住宿 4 星级以类似为标准 Lima (2N-Sheraton Lima) 里约热内卢 2 晚- 阿瑞纳柯巴卡巴纳 Cuzco (2N-Sonesta) 伊瓜苏 2 晚 维亚勒瀑布会议 Puno (1N-Casa Andina P.C) 布宜诺斯艾利斯 3 晚 欧洲 725 号 La Paz (2N-Ritz Apart) 蒙特维多 1 晚 丽晶路蒙得伟迪亚 Uyuni (1N-Luna Salada) EAT! Pisco 道地美食! Alpaca DRINK! 饮料! 皮斯可 羊驼肉 Local meals include 1 drink (choices: Coffee or Tea) 道地餐饮将包含一杯饮料 选择 咖啡或茶

01 Kuala Lumpur Amsterdam Lima, Peru Depart to Lima, the capital and largest city in Peru. 吉隆坡 阿姆斯特丹 利马, 秘鲁 从吉隆坡出发到利马, 秘鲁的首都以及最大的城市 02 Arrive Lima (Peruvian dinner) On arrival, transfer to hotel for overnight stay. 抵达利马 ( 秘鲁晚餐 ) 抵达后, 送往酒店休息 03 Lima (1:20 hours) Cuzco (Packed breakfast / Peruvian lunch & dinner) Cuzco: a city in the Peruvian Andes and birthplace of the Inca Empire. Sightseeing tour of Cuzco to visit the Sacred Valley; you will see the sacred Urubamba River, the village of Pisac & traditional market, the extensive ruins of Pisac and Ollantaytambo village. 利马 (1:20 小时 ) 库斯科 ( 早餐 / 秘鲁午餐 & 晚餐 ) 库斯科 : 一个在秘鲁的城市 - 安地斯, 同时也是印加帝国的出生地 库斯科市区游 : 参观神圣山谷, 您将看到圣乌鲁班巴河, 匹萨克村庄和传统市场, 匹萨克和 Ollantaytambo 村庄广泛的废墟 04 Cuzco (Full breakfast/peruvian lunch & dinner) Machu Picchu (2,460 meters above sea level) One of the Wonders of the World! Vistadome (approx. 4 hours one way): A train with panoramic windows that offers a unique connection with the scenery along the way to Machu Picchu, makes you feel that you are a part of nature. Machu Picchu known as the Lost City of the Incas nestles on top of a mountain saddle high above the Urubamba River in the middle of the cloud forest. It was both a center of worship and astronomic observatory as well as the private retreat of the family of Inca ruler Pachacutec. It is split into two major areas: the agriculture zone, made up of terracing and food storehouses; and the urban zone, featuring the sacred sector, with temples, squares and royal tombs which have been carved to an extraordinary degree of perfection. The stone staircases and canals are found throughout this unique archaeological site. 库斯科 ( 早餐 / 秘鲁午餐 & 晚餐 ) 马丘比丘 ( 海拔 2,460 米 ) - 世界奇迹之一! Vistadome( 单程约 4 小时 ): 一条拥有全景窗户的火车, 与马丘比丘沿途的风景有着独特的联系, 让您感觉自己是自然的一部分

马丘比丘被称为 失落的印加人城市 坐落在乌鲁班巴河上方的一座山鞍上 位于云森林中间 它 是一个崇拜中心和天文台以及私人的印加统治者帕查库提家庭 它分为两个主要领域 农业区 由梯 田和食品仓库组成; 和城市区 以神圣的部分为特色 寺庙 广场和皇家坟茔被雕刻得非常完美的程 度 石头楼梯和运河遍布这个独特的考古遗址 05 Cuzco (0:55 hour) Juliaca (43km) Puno (Full breakfast / Peruvian lunch & dinner) Depart to Juliaca, a busy transit hub and gateway to Lake Titicaca. Puno: located on the shore of Lake Titicaca, the world s highest navigable lake, at 3,860m above sea level. It is also an important agricultural and livestock region of Peru. Sightseeing tour of Puno to see Puno s main square, the Pino Park, the Dreyer Museum and Tiahuanaco and stop at Mirador del Puma for a panoramic view of Puno. 库斯科 0:55 小时 胡利亚卡 43 公里 普诺 早餐 / 秘鲁午餐&晚餐 出发到胡利亚卡 一个到的的喀喀湖繁忙的运输出入口 普诺 位于的的喀喀湖的岸上 世界上可航行最高的湖 海拔 3860 米 它也是秘鲁的一个重要农业 和畜牧地区 普诺市区游 参观普诺的主要广场 皮诺公园 德雷尔博物馆和蒂亚瓦纳科并停在 Mirador del Puma 观赏普诺全景 06 Puno (256km) La Paz, Bolivia (Full breakfast / Peruvian lunch / Bolivian dinner) Boat excursion of Lake Titicaca to visit the famous Uros reed floating islands and Taquille island. You will observe the artificial reed platforms inhabited by the ancient ethnic groups and one of the most original ways of life on earth, get a chance to have a close encounter with the locals. These authentic cultures and history of life are fascinating! Continue journey crossing the border to Bolivia. La Paz: the highest administrative capital in the world! 普诺 256 公里 拉巴斯 玻利维亚 早餐 / 秘鲁午餐 / 玻利维亚晚餐 乘搭小船游览的的喀喀湖参观着名乌鲁斯人漂流岛和塔吉利海岛 你将有机会观察古民族居住的人工 芦苇平台和地球上最原始的生活方式之一 有机会与当地人亲密接触 这些真实的文化和生活的历史 是迷人的 越过边界到玻利维亚 拉巴斯 世界上海拔最高的行政首都 07 La Paz (0:50 hour) Uyuni (Full breakfast / Bolivian boxed lunch / Bolivian dinner) Depart to Uyuni, the number two tourist attraction in Bolivia. Salar de Uyuni: the world s largest salt desert offers spectacular views, unforgettable optical illusions, awesome salt hotels, and plenty of photo opportunities. During the rainy season (Nov-Mar), the salt flat could be flooded and it gives a different impression to visitors with all the reflections which make it famous for photography lovers. You will enjoy the 4WD experience for this excursion! 拉巴斯 0:50 小时 乌尤尼 早餐 / 玻利维亚盒装午餐 / 玻利维亚晚餐 出发到乌尤尼 是玻利维亚第二个著名的旅游胜地 乌尤尼盐沼 世界上最大以及最壮观景色的盐沙漠 令人难忘的视觉 盐酒店 和你将拥有充足的拍 照机会 在雨季 11 月 - 3 月 盐滩可能被淹没 这将会带给你不同的印象 所有的鉴证 使其经 常成为摄影爱好者前来的地方 您将体验四轮驱动车 4WD

08 Uyuni (0:50 hour) La Paz (Full breakfast / Bolivian lunch & dinner) Take a domestic flight to La Paz, the Bolivian capital. Sightseeing tour of La Paz to see the Plaza Murillo, the Cathedral, the Government Palace, the colonial Church of San Francisco, the viewer of Quilli Quilli and market of the witches. Enjoy some leisurely time with shopping on handicrafts and souvenirs. La Paz is the shopping heaven of Bolivia. 乌尤尼 (0:50 小时 ) 拉巴斯 ( 早餐 / 玻利维亚盒装午餐 / 玻利维亚晚餐 ) 乘搭国内航班前往玻利维亚首都拉巴斯 拉巴斯市区游 : 参观里约广场 大教堂 政府宫殿, 殖民地教会旧金山,Quilli Quilli 和巫术市场 享受一些悠闲的时光于购买手工艺品和纪念品 拉巴斯是玻利维亚的购物天堂 09 La Paz (2:00 hours) Lima, Peru (Full breakfast / Chinese lunch / Peruvian dinner) Take a flight to Lima, the Peruvian capital. Sightseeing of Lima to visit the Historical Centre to see the Main Square, the Government Palace, Torre Tagle Palace, Casa Aliaga, San Francisco Monastery, Barrios Altos and Chinatown. Continue the sightseeing to visit the Miraflores district to drive along the Pacific Ocean route and see Miraflores beach, Parque del Armor (the Lover s Park), Larcomar, Kennedy Park and Calle de las Pizzas (Pizza Street). 拉巴斯 (2:00 小时 ) 利马, 秘鲁 ( 早餐 / 中式午餐 / 秘鲁晚餐 ) 乘搭飞机前往秘鲁首都利马 利马市区游 : 参观历史中心的主要广场 政府宫殿 特瑞他哥宫 阿利亞嘉之家 旧金山修道院 贝尔兰加和唐人街 继续游览米拉弗洛雷斯地区, 沿着太平洋路线行驶, 可以看到米拉弗洛雷斯海滩, Parque del Armor( 爱心公园 ), 拉格玛, 肯尼迪公园和比萨拉弗洛雷斯的街道 ( 比萨街 ) 10 Lima Amsterdam Kuala Lumpur (Full breakfast) Free at leisure until you transfer to airport for your departure flight home. Time to bid farewell to these beautiful destinations and bring home wonderful memories of Latin America! 利马 阿姆斯特丹 吉隆坡 ( 早餐 ) 自由活动直到送往机场乘搭国际航班飞返回家 结束后, 送往机场乘搭国际航班飞返吉隆坡 把拉丁美洲美好的回忆带回家! 11 On Board 飞行途中, 越过换日线 12 Arrive Kuala Lumpur 抵达吉隆坡

Extension to Chile (6D5N) == S17SLS 延续行程至智利 (6 天 5 晚 )== S17SLS Hotel: Santiago (3N-Plaza El Bosque) 圣地亚哥 (3 晚 埃尔博斯克广场 ) Easter Island (2N-Otai) 复活节岛 (2 晚 奥泰 ) 10 Lima (3:20 hours) Santiago, Chile (Full breakfast / Chilean dinner) Depart to Santiago, the capital and largest city in Chile. Upon arrival, transfer to hotel. 利马 (3:20 小时 ) 圣地亚哥, 智利 ( 早餐 / 智利晚餐 ) 出发到圣地亚哥, 智利最大的首都和城市 抵达后, 送往酒店休息 11 Santiago (Full breakfast / Chilean lunch & dinner) Excursion to Valparaiso, one of the first cities founded by the Spanish, it is now a UNESCO World Heritage site, a striking tangle of colorful houses crammed onto the hillside that surround the wide bay and port that once made the city its fortune. Head to the southern side of the city to see the old funiculars and experience wonderful views of the vast bay, the downtown district and its adjoining 42 hills. Sightseeing tour of Santiago to experience Chile s rich cultural heritage through the city s monuments such as the Plaza de Armas, Santa Lucia Hill (include return cable car), La Moneda Palace, the Post Office and the Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral. Continue to San Cristobal Hill to see the 72-foot Statue of the Virgin Mary (if weather permits & subject to sudden closure due to event). 圣地亚哥 ( 早餐 / 智利午餐 & 晚餐 ) 游览瓦尔帕莱索, 是西班牙所建立的第一个城市之一, 它现在是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产, 然而惊人的是山坡上色彩缤纷的房子都围绕着广泛的海湾和港口, 显得富有 再前往城市南部参观旧缆车, 欣赏壮丽的海湾 市中心以及毗邻的 42 个山丘的壮丽景色 圣地亚哥市区游 : 游览纪念碑, 阿玛斯广场, 圣卢西亚山 ( 包括回程缆车 ), 拉莫内达宫, 邮局和圣地亚哥大都会大教堂体验智利的丰富文化遗产 继续前往圣母山, 看看圣母玛利亚的 72 英尺雕像 ( 视天气允许, 及情况而定 )

12 Santiago (5:55 hours) Easter Island (Full breakfast / Chilean lunch & dinner) Depart to Easter Island, a Chilean Island in the Southeastern Pacific Ocean, at the southeastern most point of the Polynesian Triangle. Upon arrival, transfer to hotel. 圣地亚哥 (5:55 小时 ) 伊斯特島 ( 早餐 / 智利午餐 & 晚餐 ) 前往复活节岛, 位于智利南太平洋中的一个岛屿, 岛形状近似呈三角形 抵达后, 送往酒店 13 Easter Island (Full breakfast / Chilean lunch & dinner) Full day excursion to the ruins of the Temple of Akahanga, where you ll see the moai s topknots lying tumbled on the ground. Visit the Rano Raraku volcano, whose rock was used to carve the Island s moai statues. If you climb to the edge of the crater and peer within, you ll see the volcano s lake and see moai in various stage of construction scattered around. Continuing to Ahu Tongariki, you ll see where many moai were toppled by a large sea quake in 1960. En-route, stop at the town of Hanga Roa. 伊斯特島 ( 早餐 / 智利午餐 & 晚餐 ) 全天游览伊斯特島 参观拉诺拉拉库火山, 大大小小的摩艾石像遍布全岛 如果走到火山口的边缘, 将看到火山湖以及摩艾石建放在每个脚落 继续到亚虎达喜, 你会看到一些摩艾石因在 1960 年大地震而倒塌 途中停留在安加罗阿村 14 Easter Island (4:30 hours) Santiago (Full breakfast) Depart to Santiago for overnight stay. 伊斯特島 (4:30 小时 ) 圣地亚哥 ( 早餐 ) 出发到圣地亚哥住个晚上 15 Santiago Amsterdam Kuala Lumpur (Full breakfast) Time to bid farewell to these beautiful destinations and bring home wonderful memories of Latin America! 圣地亚哥 阿姆斯特丹 吉隆坡 ( 早餐 ) 是时候告别这些令人兴奋的目的地, 把拉丁美洲最美好的回忆带回家! 16 On Board 飞行途中, 越过换日线 17 Arrive Kuala Lumpur 抵达吉隆坡