Discovering your passion and purpose enables you to find your voice, take action and create a life you never dreamed possible. Jerrie Ueberle 探索激情和目标,

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GAP YEAR IN CHINA with the WORLD ACADEMY FOR THE FUTURE OF WOMEN At Sias International University through collaboration with Global Interactions, Inc. 1

Discovering your passion and purpose enables you to find your voice, take action and create a life you never dreamed possible. Jerrie Ueberle 探索激情和目标, 能让你发现自己的心声, 行动起来, 创造一个梦想不到的人生 杰瑞 尤伯利 2

DISCOVER YOURSELF IMAGINE.. Spending your Gap Year in China Embracing the opportunity you have as a Millennial to set a new course for global relationships and leadership. Recognizing that leadership is the single most important ingredient to creating sustainable change in the world. Accelerating your ability to take action and lead impactful projects on social issues as a member of an international team Knowing yourself as a global citizen who is responsible and capable of making a difference in the world. 3

DISCOVER CHINA AND A GLOBAL COMMUNITY SIAS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Xinzheng, Henan Province, CHINA Sias International University is an East Meets West campus in rural China. Sias has more than 27,000 Chinese students and 200-300 international students from 15-20 countries. Sias has the largest number of foreign faculty than any university in China. SIAS UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE AND CULTURAL CURRICULUM The World Academy Gap Year includes the opportunity for students to enroll in Sias courses for Chinese language, culture, history, geography and travel to historic and cultural sights to gain a deeper understanding and experience of the country and culture. Gap Year students Chinese language ability will be evaluated to determine the best placement in the program and will be assigned to classes based on their knowledge and performance level. 4

WORLD ACADEMY FOR THE FUTURE OF WOMEN The World Academy is a bold and daring leadership program focused on developing young women and men for leadership roles that will address and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The purpose of the World Academy is to advance and accelerate women s leadership worldwide. The World Academy classes are taught in English. THE WORLD ACADEMY ACTION LEADERSHIP PROGRAM World Academy action leadership curriculum involves seminars, interactive labs, coaching, open forum and projects designed by students to address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. World Academy projects include strategies for assisting children to stay in school, for parents to support their children in reading and learning, for promoting education and knowing about HIV-AIDS in the most impacted areas, connecting with Left Behind Children and being a Big Sister or Big Brother, supporting women to find their voices and choices in their lives, providing factory workers with opportunities to see a bigger brighter future, and to develop strategies and ideas for solving problems of poverty, education and health! Travel will include trips into urban communities to implement projects and to the countryside to engage with village women and children. Additional travel to cultural and historical sites in Beijing, Shanghai, and Xian will be available throughout the 10-month program. 5

BECOME A WORLD ACADEMY MEMBER WHO SHOULD APPLY Women and men who have completed high school, ages 18-23, and have a strong desire to be engaged in issues that impact world conditions. Students eager to take action and initiate change. Students who are committed to address hunger, poverty, education, health, environment, and global relationships. Students committed to learning Chinese and immersing themselves in accelerating their ability to communicate. University credit is available for Chinese Language and Cultural courses. 6

LIVING ACCOMODATIONS Gap Year students will reside and dine in the international student dorms with other international students and will have opportunities for home stays in villages, rural and urban communities with families. Students may choose either two or four person dorm rooms. 7

THE WAFW CHINA GAP YEAR PROGRAM LEARNING AND LEADERSHIP The World Academy Gap Year Program is designed to deliver content to the Gap Year students and to provide multiple opportunities for the students to move the content into action through activities that allow them to learn, follow, and lead. Paired with Chinese and other international students, they will design a personal plan and embark on a year of fulfilling the possibilities they see for themselves. World Academy facilitators, mentors, and other World Academy team members will support them in reaching and exceeding the outcomes they want to achieve. 8

PROGRAM CONTENT The World Academy content includes: Discovering Your Purpose and Passion Widening Your View of the World and What is Possible Creating a Personal Plan that Inspires and Engages You and Others Organizing and Balancing Your Life to Achieve Your Goals Designing a Plan that is Bigger than Yourself Producing and Engaging Others in a Team with a Specific Outcome Developing Presentation Skills to Express Your Purpose Measuring and Evaluating Your Success and Celebrating Your Achievements The Chinese Language and Culture content includes: Comprehensive Chinese Pinyin, vocabulary and grammar Oral Chinese Speaking Chinese Listening Understanding Chinese Characters Writing Chinese History Chinese Philosophy Chinese Geography/Travel Chinese Culture Including marital arts, music and art 9

GAP YEAR CALENDAR OF EVENTS You can count on a full 10-month program of extraordinary and amazing activities. The year is designed to provide new opportunities, introduce you to experiences and challenges that will allow you to know more, grow more, and discover new things about yourself and the world you live in! The calendar below is just a sample of the events planned for YOUR Gap Year! August 19-21 Orientation in Phoenix, Arizona, prior to departure August 22 International departure to Zhengzhou, August 23 Arrival and transfer to Sias International University August 24-26 Orientation on Sias campus August 27 Opening Ceremony and Welcome to the World Academy for the Future of Women August 28 First Day of classes. First Module of the World Academy for the Future of Women September 18 Candlelight Ceremony for Freshman September 25 Second Module of the World Academy for the Future of Women October 1 National Holiday One week for home stays and travel October 4 Moon Festival October 23 Third Module of the World Academy for the Future of Women November Sias Cultural Week November 20 Fourth Module of the World Academy for the Future of Women December 22 End of Fall Semester January 5 Final Week January 8 February 24 Semester Break, Spring Festival, home stays, travel and special projects February 25 Welcome Second Semester World Academy for the Future of Women February 26 Start of Second Semester and Sixth Module for the World Academy for the Future of Women April Spring Sports Meeting April 16 Seventh Module for the World Academy for the Future of Women May 11-13 Twelfth Annual Women s Symposium May 14 Eighth Module for World Academy for the Future of Women June 15 End of Second Semester June 25 Final Week CELEBRATE your COMPLETION of the World Academy for the Future of Women and BEGIN creating new possibilities for yourself as a GLOBAL CITIZEN! 10

DETERMINE YOUR ELIGIBILITY WHO SHOULD APPLY Students (female or male) who have completed high school, ages 18-23, and have a strong desire to be engaged in issues that impact world conditions. Students who are committed to taking action on social issues that impact the world and address gender equality, social justice and human rights. Students committed to learning Chinese and to immersing themselves in accelerating their ability to communicate. College credits are available. HOW TO APPLY Enrollment is an easy two-step process. Send the completed WORLD ACADEMY GAP YEAR INTENT TO ENROLL form by mail or email to: Global Interactions 14 W. Cheryl Drive Phoenix, AZ 85021 Deadline April 24, 2017 If accepted you will receive the World Academy Gap Year Application and information for obtaining our Chinese Visa. You must return these documents by May 1 with a deposit of US $1000 ($US 600.00 is non-refundable should you choose to withdraw). Pay by credit card online at or by check to Global Interactions 2017 Gap Year addressed to: Global Interactions 14 W. Cheryl Drive Phoenix, AZ 85021 You must obtain or hold a passport valid for 6 months following the last day of the Gap Year Program 11

GAP YEAR COSTS $15,000 all inclusive year includes: International airfare from Phoenix to Zhengzhou and return Chinese Visa World Academy for the Future of Women program expenses All Chinese Language and Cultural Classes (Gap Year students may select courses they wish to take for credit) Lodging and meals Free WIFI and internet services Medical clearance and coverage Residential fee for staying in China Books Student trips NOT INCLUDED: Obtaining your passport Domestic travel for US student to Phoenix, Arizona, orientation Extended travel over semester break (options available to students include remaining on Sias Campus) Personal items 12


SIAS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY WORLD ACADEMY PARTNERSHIP 西亚斯国际学院与世界女性未来发展学院合作伙伴关系 Sias International University in Xinzheng, Henan Province, hosts the World Academy for the Future of Women and serves as the global hub for World Academy activities and programs. The partnership with Sias began in 2009 when University founder and chairman, Shawn Chen, and Jerrie Ueberle, former Sias Foundation Board President and founder of Global Interactions, a U.S. 501(C)(3), non-profit corporation, created a partnership to house the World Academy on Sias campus. 西亚斯国际学院位于河南省新郑市, 是世界未来女性发展学院的根基地, 也是女性学院在全球范围开展活动及项目 的中心场所 西亚斯的合作始于 2009 年, 由西亚斯国际学院的创始人兼理事长陈肖纯先生, 与前西亚斯基金会主席 兼美国非盈利公司 -- 环球交流公司总裁杰瑞 尤伯利女士, 共同商议决定将世界女性未来发展学院设立于西亚斯校 园内 The generous in-kind support given by Sias in providing office space, classrooms, and accommodations for the World Academy facilitators, has provided the stability to develop and expand the Academy. The original one-year program for 100 women in 2009, has grown to a multi-level three year program for women, and a Men s Academy for the Future of Women, which replicates the women s program and prepares men to support the advancement of women. Over the past 7 years more than 780 Sias students have been selected for this bold and daring leadership program. In addition to their Sias academic coursework, Academy members are required to volunteer a minimum of 8-10 hours per week in seminars, labs, coaching, open forums, and to be a leader in a project aligned with one of the United Nations Sustainability Goals. This rigorous action leadership curriculum ensures that members can implement the skills they have learned and are able to be a leader on campus, in their community, their country, and the world. A World Academy in Action Alumni Association maintains the strong bounds developed in the Academy and extends the relationship following their completion of the Academy program to embrace post graduate studies, internships, and employment in careers that enable them to demonstrate their passion and purpose as global citizens. 西亚斯国际学院慷慨的为女性学院提供办公室 教室, 也承担了女性学院导师们在西亚斯的食宿, 这都为学院的发 展和壮大提供了极为稳定的保障 女性学院从 2009 年成立之初每年招收 100 名学员的一年制项目, 发展到如今共三个 不同年级的女性学院, 包括了男性学院在内的全方位 多层次培训组织 在过去的七年中, 共有超过 780 名的西亚斯 学生被录取到这个严谨大胆的领导力项目中 在西亚斯国际学院课程之外, 女院成员每周要志愿参与 8-10 个小时的 研讨课 实验课 公开课 辅导课的领导力学习, 同时也要求参与和领导一个或多个, 以联合国和持续发展目标为 核心的公益项目活动组 严格缜密实践性的领导力课程设置, 确保学员可以运用她们所学到的领导力技能, 成为校 园 社区 国家和世界的领袖 世界女性未来发展学院校友会, 保持了与女院的紧密联系, 并延续到完成女院课程 的后续阶段, 如研究生学习 实习和工作中, 继续承担全球化公民的责任, 展现他们的激情与目标 14

The East meets West philosophy of Sias aligns with the intent and outcomes of the World Academy to advance and accelerate women s leadership worldwide. Sias also supports the Annual Women s Symposium each May, engaging 5000 participants who connect, engage, and are inspired by speakers from China and around the world committed to gender equality, social justice, and human rights. Begun in 2006, the Symposium is open to those seeking to expand their global network and broaden their world vision. 西亚斯国际学院 中西结合 的办学理念, 与世界女性发展学院致力于 促进和提升全球女性领导力的目标与成果相一致 西亚斯也大力支持每年 五月份举办的女性成长论坛 论坛开始于 2006 年, 目的是帮助人们探索并 拓展她们的人际网以及全球化视野, 每年参与人数多达五千人 论坛演讲 嘉宾来自中国及世界各地不同领域, 普遍关注性别平等 社会公平以及人 权等社会话题 We are privileged to work with the administrative leadership at Sias International University as we expand the World Academy to campuses throughout China and around the world. Their confidence in the work of the World Academy and their support to young women and men exemplifies their vision for world peace and their generosity to building the next generation of leaders. 世界女性未来发展学院在中国及世界各地不断的发展, 我们也非常荣幸能 够与西亚斯国际学院的行政领导机构合作 他们对学院发展的信心以及对 年轻女性和男性学生的支持, 展现了西亚斯学院对于世界和平的展望, 以 及对培养下一代领导者的慷慨投入 15

For details contact the WAFW at: Phone: 602.505.7888 Email: 16